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Text File | 1989-01-18 | 72.5 KB | 1,451 lines |
- _____________________________________________________________________
- B I M O D E M
- Version 1.00
- December 7, 1988
- _____________________________________________________________________
- Program Reference Manual
- (C) Copyright 1988 by ERIK LABS
- Erik Labs
- 3431 W. Thunderbird Rd.
- Suite 13-311
- Phoenix, AZ 85023
- Bimodem v1.00 COPYRIGHT ii
- (C) Copyright 1988 Erik Labs. All rights reserved.
- No part of this manual may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed,
- stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language
- (natural or computer), in any form or by any means, except as
- described in the following license without the prior written
- permission of ERIK LABS.
- You are granted a limited license to use the software described in
- this manual. The software may be used or copied only in accordance
- with the terms of that license, which is described beginning on the
- next page.
- Information in this manual is subject to change without notice and
- does not represent a commitment on the part of ERIK LABS.
- ERIK LABS may make improvements and/or changes in this manual
- and/or in BiModem at any time.
- Bimodem v1.00 License iii
- ____________________________
- mailing address is at 3431 W. Thunderbird Rd., Suite 13-311,
- Phoenix Arizona 85023. BiModem is licensed to you as the end user.
- BiModem is copyrighted material. You may use it on a trial basis
- provided you do not violate the copyright and if you follow these
- simple rules.
- Use of BiModem on a regular basis requires purchase as
- described later.
- You may not make any changes or modifications to BiModem,
- and you may not decompile, disassemble, or otherwise
- reverse-engineer it. You may not rent or lease it to
- others.
- You may make copies of BiModem only under the terms of the
- following section entitled "Limited License to Copy".
- This Software is Commercial Computer Software under Federal
- Government Acquisition Regulations and agency supplements
- to them. The Software is provided to the Federal
- Government and its agencies only under the Restricted
- Rights Provisions of the Federal Acquisition Regulations
- applicable to commercial computer software developed at
- private expense and NOT in the public domain. The use,
- duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to
- restrictions as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the
- Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at
- 252.227-7013.
- Bimodem v1.00 License Continued iv
- LIMITED WARRANTY. Erik Labs makes no warranty of any kind, either
- expressed or implied. This includes, but is not limited to, implied
- warranties of merchantiblity, and fitness for any particular
- purpose with respect to both the software and the documentation
- included in this package.
- Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability
- for consequential or incidental damages, so the above limitation
- may not apply to you.
- The warranties set forth above are in lieu of all other express and
- implied warranties, whether oral, written, or implied, and the
- remedies set forth above are your sole and exclusive remedies.
- LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. In no case shall Erik Lab's liability
- exceed the license fees paid for the right to use BiModem or five
- dollars ($5.00), whichever is greater.
- INTEGRATION. This License constitutes the entire agreement and
- understanding between the parties and supersedes any prior
- agreement or understanding whether oral or written, relating to the
- subject of this License. This Agreement may only be modified by a
- written agreement signed by Erik Labs.
- Bimodem v1.00 License Continued v
- _______________________
- You are granted a limited license to copy BiModem only for the
- trial use of others subject to the software license described
- above, and also the following:
- BiModem must be distributed in absolutely unmodified form,
- including ALL program, documentation, and other files.
- BiModem may not be included with any other product for any
- reason whatsoever without a license from ERIK LABS.
- BiModem may not be offered through Public Domain,
- Shareware, Freeware, or other offers of mass media
- distributions unless prior permission has been granted in
- writing by Erik Labs. This includes disk vendors.
- Operators of electronic bulletin board systems (Sysops) may
- post BiModem for downloading by their users without written
- permission only as long as the above conditions are met. A
- fee may be charged for access to the BBS as long as no
- specific fee is charged for access to the BiModem files.
- Bimodem v1.00 Registration vi
- Registration will allow use of BiModem on a regular basis. It also
- insures that you will have access to all of the features
- incorporated into BiModem. We at Erik Labs would like to hear from
- anyone that uses BiModem. The registration process is a good time
- to let us know how you feel about the product and what you would
- like to see included in future releases. Registration also helps
- to insure the continuing support and upgrading of BiModem and
- future PC Based products.
- BiModem's registration fee is $25.00 U.S. currency. Product
- inclusion rates are available by contacting Erik Labs for further
- details.
- Erik Labs
- 3431 W. Thunderbird Rd.
- Suite 13-311
- Phoenix, AZ 85023
- (602)942-5403 Voice
- (602)979-5720 Data
- Bimodem v1.00 Order Form vii
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Item Quantity Unit Base Price
- BiModem basic registration........... ___ x $25 = $________
- (Includes Registration, Program &
- manual on diskette)
- BiModem Deluxe registration.......... ___ x $30 = $________
- (Includes Registration, Program on
- diskette and Laser printed version
- of manual)
- Subtotal $________
- - Discount $(______)
- Arizona residents please add 6 1/4% Sales Tax $________
- Total $________
- Diskette Format 5 1/4" 360k____ 1.2Meg____ 3 1/2" 720k____
- Checks or Money Orders accepted.
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Payment by: ( ) Check ( ) Money Order # _______________
- Name _______________________________________________________
- Company _______________________________________________________
- Address _______________________________________________________
- _______________________________________________________
- Phone (______)_________________ Bus.(______)________________
- Where did you obtain BiModem?
- _______________________________________________________
- Comments _______________________________________________________
- _______________________________________________________
- _______________________________________________________
- _______________________________________________________
- Please include additional comments if you desire. They are all
- read, and taken under advisement.
- BiModem v1.00 Discount rate schedule viii
- All commercial uses of BiModem must be registered. Anyone using
- BiModem in a profit oriented, or governmentally established
- environment must register BiModem prior to its use.
- The order form on the previous page may be used to purchase
- multiple copies of BiModem, with discounts as follows:
- 1 - 9: copies no discount
- 10 - 24: copies 10% discount
- 25 - 49: copies 20% discount
- 50 - 99: copies 30% discount
- 100 - 249: copies 40% discount
- 250 - 999: copies 50% discount
- 1000 - 4999: copies 60% discount
- 5000+ : 70% discount
- Purchases of up to 49 copies are considered quantity purchases and
- will be compiled as multiple copies including individual disks and
- for deluxe version individual printed manuals. All orders over 49
- copies will be considered site licenses and will include only a
- master copy of both the disk and the manual with express
- authorization to make copies not to exceed the purchase amount.
- Backup copies can be made in accordance with your company's normal
- backup procedures. However you may not make available for use more
- copies of BiModem than you have purchased at any time.
- The name on the order form is considered the contact and is the
- person with whom all correspondence will take place.
- Note: All prices and discounts are subject to change without
- notice. Discounts apply only to separate orders; they are not
- cumulative.
- * Sysop special for qualified sysops inquire in the BiModem section
- of our BBS.
- BiModem v1.00 Service and Policies ix
- As you would expect from a data communications related company we
- feel that effective communications (which in no way is intentended
- to imply grammatically correct communications...) is the key to
- creating both superior products and satisfied customers. In order
- to help facilitate direct communications with our customers, we
- have established a special message area, and file area on a 24 hour
- Bulletin Board System.
- Valley of the Sun at (602)979-5720
- This Bulletin Board is accessable directly, or for those
- subscribing to PC Pursuit servies, it can be reached through the
- AZPHO city code. The BBS operates best at 2400 baud, 8N1,
- communications settings, however it will change baud rates and
- configurations to match yours up to 2400 baud. Please feel free to
- call at any time if you:
- 1. Have any questions about BiModem.
- 2. Would like to get the latest enhancement, and release
- information.
- 3. Would like to peruse the message base for useful tips
- and information that would help you to better utilize
- BiModem.
- 4. Would like to check the latest list of BiModem support
- products to see if it has any new communications
- software support programs.
- Remember, communications is our mainstay, and we take it seriously.
- If you have any complaints, feel free to air them on this BBS. All
- information is reviewed and taken into consideration. We want to
- hear the bad comments as well as the good. These comments help us
- to provide State-of-the-Art products at rock bottom prices.
- BiModem v1.00 Contents x
- C O N T E N T S
- 1 Introduction..........................................1
- 1.1 Program Description...................................1
- 1.2 Machine Requirements..................................2
- 1.3 BiModem Files.........................................2
- 1.4 Start-Up Directory....................................4
- 2 Getting a Quick Start.................................5
- 3 Detailed Installation.................................7
- 3.1 Configuring BiModem...................................9
- 3.2 Building your Paths File.............................13
- 3.3 BiModems Transfer Panel..............................16
- 4 BiModems Command Line Format.........................18
- Appendix A - Record Layouts..............................A1
- A.1 Configuration File Record Layout.....................A1
- A.2 Paths File Record Layout.............................A2
- Appendix B - Sample Script files.........................B1
- B.1 Sample Telix Script..................................B1
- B.2 Sample Procomm Plus Aspect file......................B1
- Appendix C - Performance.................................C1
- Appendix D - Control Keys and screen control.............D1
- BiModem v1.00 Introduction 1
- 1.1 Program Description
- BiModem is a new communications protocol which allows simultaneous
- bidirectional file transfers. Yes, BiModem can upload while
- downloading. Imagine the time savings if you could upload with
- Zmodem (tm) and YmodemG efficiencies while downloading at the same
- efficiency at the same time. The applications for such a protocal
- are many, and I will not try to cover them here. Everyone from
- occasional BBS users to fulltime network managers will appreciate
- the advantages of exploiting full duplex operations. Even for those
- with small and moderate volumes of data to transfer the time
- savings can be very significant. Please do not expect a 50%
- decrease in your overall modem transfer time. This can only be
- achieved when the same amount of information is transmitted in both
- directions, and does not account for the overhead of specifying the
- lists of files to download and upload.
- If that feature is not enough to get you really excited, how about
- the ability to chat while the transfer is going on? Chatting, of
- course, will impact your throughput, but since most of us are slow
- typists, when compared to the speed of even a 1200 baud modem, the
- impact is usually minimal.
- Automatic recovery looks in your download directory for a file with
- the same name and date, and upon finding it verifies the contents
- for accuracy with the original file. This takes about 20 seconds
- per 200k at 2400 baud. It then continues the download at the point
- where it left off.
- Refresh mode uploading is similar to automatic recovery, but the
- date does not need to be the same. This is perfect for large
- transaction files where the only thing that ever changes is at the
- end of the file where transactions are added. Imagine refreshing a
- 10 meg file in a few minutes that only had 20k modified at the end.
- Auto Verification insures that the entire file was accurately
- transmited can be switched on at the users discretion. While this
- is normally not nessessary (BiModem already uses 32bit CRC's to
- insure accuracy), it is a nice feature to have available for those
- critical transmissions and is efficient enough that you may want to
- use it routinely.
- BiModem has more than just * name handling. You can create a large
- list of upload and download request before you even sign on. Create
- an entire evening's worth of requests and let your computer do the
- rest.
- BiModem v1.00 Introduction 2
- BiModem is fully configurable to allow as much or as little access
- to your system as you desire. You can allow full path
- specifications on both ends. If a file already exists you can
- replace the file directly, or simply run a verify to revise only
- the parts that have changed. You may request that the source file
- be deleted on a successful transmission or you can disable
- this feature so others can not delete files from your system.
- Surely by now you are wondering if this is all BiModem does. The
- answer unfortunately for today is yes, but the future holds even
- more exciting things for BiModem. There just wasn't time to add
- all the features for this release. We are offering an earlybird
- special to the first 1000 users who have taken the time to read
- about BiModem. Simply write earlybird on your completed
- registration form. This entitles you to a free upgrade when the
- next version is released.
- The future will offer additional features such as:
- Sub-Directory inclusion: Tell BiModem you want
- sub-directories included, and it will copy all files
- matching the * name from the specified directory on down
- the tree and create a similar tree on the receiving end (if
- allowed and the tree doesn't already exist).
- Dialing lists and scripts: Build a list of phone #'s to
- call, tell us which script to use, what transmission
- request file to use, and go to bed (let your computer do
- the walking).
- File Compression: for even faster transfer rates.
- 1.2 Machine Requirements
- BiModem requires a PC/XT,AT,386 with at least 128k of memory
- available to it. It will work on MicroSoft DOS 2.0 and up.
- Unbuffered communications boards work best. The buffered
- communications boards will work but they will have a negative
- impact on the BiDirectional file transmissions and when chatting.
- BiModem v1.00 Introduction 3
- 1.3 BiModem Files
- BiModem is comprised of the following files:
- BiModem.Com - The file transfer Program
- BiPath.Com - The Paths File Maintenance Program
- BiModem.Cfg - BiModem's configuration file
- BiModem.Pth - Paths File - specifies files to be
- transferred.
- BiMod.Bat - A simple Batch file to allow callers to set
- and control a bimodem file transfer.
- Binstall.Bat - This helps to install BiModem and should be
- run from a directory other than the one
- your Terminal Program (I.E. Telix or
- Procomm) resides in.
- BiMod?.Cfg - A series of sample config files used to
- simplify the installation process.
- BiMod.Slt - Simple script example for Telix.
- BiMod.Asp - Simple script example for Procomm Plus.
- BiMod.Scr - Simple script example for Qmodem.
- BiMod.Bat - Batch file for running BiModem from Dos.
- Note: The script files are renamed bimodem.??? when the install is
- run so that is what you will want to execute from your terminal
- program.
- BiModem v1.00 Introduction 4
- BiModem will create a BiModem.Cfg file if none exists at the time
- it is run.
- BiPath.Com will likewise create a BiModem.Pth.
- BiModem transfers the files, and BiPath maintains the list of files
- to be transferred.
- 1.4 Start-Up Directory
- BiModem must reside somewhere, and this directory is referred to as
- its startup directory. The easiest method of placing files is to
- simply place them all in the same directory. The default
- configuration specifications require this. BiModem, however has
- been designed to be flexible, so you may place them in any
- directory on any disk you like. To do this, install BiModem and
- specify the full paths to these files, or provide command line
- overrides to specify these paths. For more detailed information on
- these options, please refer to the detailed BiModem Installation
- section and the Command Line syntax section.
- BiModem v1.00 Quick Start 5
- 2 BiModem Getting a Quick Start
- The easiest way to get BiModem up and running is to run Binstall.
- It will let you select the communications program that best
- describes your program (Other for most), and which directory it
- it resides in. You will also be asked which communications port
- your modem uses. The appropriate files will then be copied to your
- communications directory. Before running this you should unarc the
- BiModxxx.Arc file into a work directory from which the files may be
- copied to your communications directory.
- ╔══════════════[BiSetup - (C) Copyright Erik Labs 1988]══════════════╗
- ║ What Communications Program will you be running on your Computer?_ ║
- ║ 1 - Telix ║
- ║ 2 - Qmodem ║
- ║ 3 - Procomm Plus ║
- ║ 4 - Other ║
- ║ 5 - Running a BBS ║
- ║ ║
- ║ What is the path to your communications Directory? ie C:\Telix ║
- ║ _:________________________________________________________________ ║
- ║ ║
- ║ What communications port will you use from this communications ║
- ║ Program? _ 1-COM1 2-COM2 3-COM3 4-COM4 5-COM5 6-COM6 7-COM7 8-COM8 ║
- ╠════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╣
- ║ This batch file cannot configure bimodem for everyone nor does it ║
- ║ attempt to. What it does do is give you a good place from which ║
- ║ to start. It will generally set up acceptable parameter values ║
- ║ for general use, however it simply installs the suggested ║
- ║ configurations for BBS Sysops. Your particular software and ║
- ║ hardware configurations may make it necessary to make changes to ║
- ║ these setting for optimal use. See documentation for assistance. ║
- ╚════════════════════[Esc-Undo,Alt-X Exit,>,<,^,v]═══════════════════╝
- Fill in the blanks on the screen and the batch file will do the
- rest. If you use Telix, and you don't have CS.EXE in your Telix
- directory, you should move a copy there prior to running the batch
- file, and you may delete it and move the bimodem.slc file into your
- designated script directory after the install is complete. We
- recommend you use this setup a few times to get familiar with
- Bimodem, and then change only the upload and download directories
- on the BiModem Installation screen, and try it a few more times
- before experimenting with the other parameters.
- BiModem v1.00 Quick Start 6
- BiModem v1.00 Quick Start 6
- The other method is manual, takes more time, and is described below:
- 1. Pick a directory where BiModem and BiPath may be easily executed
- from your communications program. I use Telix, and so I simply
- placed BiModem and BiPath in my Telix directory.
- 2. Unarc the BiMod100.Arc file into a work directory. Copy
- BiModem.Com, BiPath.Com, BiBat.Com, BiMod.Bat, and BiModem.Cfg
- from the work directory to your communications directory. If you
- do not use Com1, you will need to run Bimodem /I to switch the
- port. See item 6 below on configuration files first.
- 3. Now before transfering files with BiModem one side or the other
- must specify the files to be transfered. To do this enter BiPath,
- which will give you a transfer specification screen. All you must
- specify is (U)pload or (D)ownload, and the source file (may be full
- pathname). Be sure the specification is entered by pressing PGDN
- which will display the transfer request in the scroll area above.
- If you are uploading most sysops prefer descriptions, so you should
- probably give the files descriptions too.
- 4. If you have not already established a connection (IE Logging
- onto your favorite BBS). You should do this now.
- 5. Finally select a Bimodem transfer and execute bimodem on your
- end. (This can be a script file or a Batch file (the ones included
- normally require you to be on the BBS at the prompt from which
- BiModem is executed), or you may simply execute BiModem directly.
- 6. Note, there are two bimodem configuration files included int
- the bmodnnn.arc file. BiModem.Cfg is set up for most people,
- BiModem.Cf1 is set up for most BBS's if you are installing bimodem
- for use on a BBS you should copy bimodem.cf1 to bimodem.cfg.
- Otherwise you should be all set.
- BiModem v1.00 BiModem Installation 7
- 3 Detailed BiModem Installation
- BiModem comes with default settings that will satisfy the needs of
- most users. It comes set up to detect partially transmitted files
- and to resume transmission as effectively as possible. This,
- however, is not always the best installation settings for all
- users. Bulletin Boards are particularly notable exceptions. Most
- bulletin board sysops would prefer not to provide the ability to
- indicate replace on an existing file, and would, therefore, want to
- change the rename option to always rename. This does, of course,
- have the negative impact of preventing Auto File Recovery to
- restart aborted transmissions. However, it does provide for
- maximum security to as yet unplaced uploads. We strongly encourage
- you to read this detailed configuration section to insure maximum
- success using BiModem on your system. If you find the material
- somewhat confusing, as is natural with unfamiliar concepts, try the
- product as delivered, and adjust the parameters one at a time to
- see what the effects are.
- ╔══════════════[BiModem - (C) Copyright Erik Labs 1988]══════════════╗
- ║ v Receiving Directory ║
- ║ D:\Files\New ║
- ║ v Sending Directory ║
- ║ D:\Files\General ║
- ║ v Auto Mode Paths File ║
- ║ C:\Opus\BiModem\BiModem.Pth ║
- ║ v Statistics File Path Full - N Summary - N ║
- ║ C:\Opus\Log\BiModem.Log ║
- ╠════════════════════[Local Environment Defaults]════════════════════╣
- ║ Simple Names Only N Always Rename N Always Verify N ║
- ║ No Source Deletion N No Abort Deletion Y Original Date Y ║
- ║ No Directories N No Sub Directories N Remove Snow N ║
- ╠══════[Download Defaults]════════╦═════════[Upload Defaults]════════╣
- ║ Refresh N Replace N ║ Refresh N Replace Y ║
- ║ Verify N ║ Verify N ║
- ║ Del Source N Del Abort N ║ Del Source N Del Abort N ║
- ║ Directory Y Sub Directory Y ║ Directory Y Sub Directory Y ║
- ╠══════════════════════════════[Ports]═══════════════════════════════╣
- ║ Comm Port 1 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) ║
- ║ Base-IRQ 03F8-4 02F8-3 03E8-4 02E8-3 03F8-4 02F8-3 03E8-4 02E8-3 ║
- ╚══════════[Alt/X-Exit w/mods,Esc-Exit w/o,Tab,Btab,>,<,^,v]═════════╝
- Figure 3.1 BiModem's Configuration Screen (BIMODEM/I displays
- this)
- BiModem v1.00 BiModem Installation 8
- Installation of BiModem begins with the selection of a directory in
- which BiModem will reside. This directory can be on any disk, in
- any directory, as long as the software you execute it with is able
- to find it for execution. Since BiModem is a transfer utility and
- requires the use of additional software to establish a serial
- connection, the placement may vary depending on that software.
- Options within BiModem have been established to help provide
- optimal flexibility with regard to this matter. The following may
- help you to make this decision.
- In my personal environment, I run a Bulletin Board System. Since I
- would like to keep my BBS directory as clutter-free as possible, I
- placed BiModem as a subdirectory of my bbs directory. E.G.
- C:
- BiModem v1.00 BiModem Installation 9
- 3.1 Configuring BiModem
- I now have a separate directory for BiModem and all supporting
- files and programs. This is a personal preference with me. You may
- prefer to install BiModem in the same directory as your
- communications software. This choice is up to you, and will not
- affect BiModem's performance either way.
- Once a directory has been selected, and BiModem has been placed
- there, you are ready to run the installation to specify how BiModem
- will work for you.
- The installation screen in Figure 3.1 is presented for modification
- by entering the following command:
- BiModem's Installation Screen is comprised of 4 main parts. The
- first section describes the partial, or full paths to the four main
- control files used with BiModem.
- RECEIVING DIRECTORY - specifies where BiModem will place
- the files it downloads. This directory is the default
- directory when a request does not specify a path.
- SENDING DIRECTORY - specifies where BiModem is to get the
- files it uploads to others. As with the Receiving
- Directory, this directory is used as a default when the
- upload request does not specify a path. To avoid
- confusion, since BiModem both sends and receives and is
- used both by unattended Bulletin Board Systems and personal
- communications programs, we will use the terms "Receive"
- and "Send" to indicate the direction the file is traveling.
- AUTO MODE PATHS FILE - The name may be a bit misleading but
- there is a reason for it. This file points to the file
- which contains the file transmission requests. The format
- of this file will be discussed in the appendix. This file
- may be created using the support program: BiPath (See
- additional details in that section).
- STATISTICS FILE PATH - This specifies where to place the
- logging information kept by BiModem. This, of course, is
- only done when Full or Summary statistics are requested.
- Full specifies individual file transfer statistics should
- be placed in the file, and Summary specifies that the user
- connect and disconnect statistics should be placed in the
- file. You may specify one or both.
- BiModem v1.00 BiModem Installation 10
- The second section of the screen, 'Local Environment Defaults', is
- used to set major BiModem configuration parameters. These
- configuration options cannot be overridden by any means.
- SIMPLE NAMES ONLY - A "yes" for this option will strip all
- pathname specifications off the received file and place it
- in the Current Directory, or if specified above, in the
- Receiving Directory. A "no" will allow a path to be
- specified and place the file where specified. If no path
- is specified on the transfer, it will place the file in the
- same manner as though a Y were specified here.
- ALWAYS RENAME - This parameter allows you to specify what
- happens when a file which already exists in your directory
- gets sent to you. A "yes" for this option will change the
- last letter in the filename to the next letter in the
- alphabet. It will continue this action until the entire
- name becomes all z's. This, of course, would ordinarily
- happen only if an extremely large number of duplicate files
- were uploaded. If a "no" is specified for this option, a
- duplicate file condition would occur. For additional
- information on Duplicate File Handling, refer to the
- REPLACE and REFRESH options of the Upload/Download Default
- section, and the Automatic File Recovery System
- specifications at the end of that same section.
- ALWAYS VERIFY - This specifies that you would want
- verification to occur after every file transfer. This will
- recheck the file, after transfer, to ensure that it is 100%
- accurate. This is very fast, but does take additional time
- which is normally unnecessary. If, however, you transfer
- files over extremely noisy lines and the integrity of the
- data is of utmost importance, you may select this option.
- If the files match entirely, it will verify them at a rate
- of 1 megabyte per minute. The intention of the
- verification process was for use with the REFRESH options
- found in the DOWNLOAD/UPLOAD DEFAULTS sections below, but
- has been added because it was requested and was easy to
- add.
- NO SOURCE DELETION - This is a protection switch, as
- BiModem has the ability to request file deletion upon
- successful transfer. This option allows you to deny this
- ability for remote users. This option should normally be
- set to Yes. This will deny source deletion to all users
- always.
- NO ABORT DELETION - This option provides for a means of
- allowing crash recovery type of uploading. It will keep a
- file even if the line is dropped, or the user terminates
- the transfer. Subsequent transferance of the file may then
- take advantage of the File Recovery System, and or a
- REFRESH upload/download.
- BiModem v1.00 BiModem Installation 11
- ORIGINAL DATE - This option will maintain the file's
- original date when it builds the file on your system. It
- is also important for 'crash recovery' types of file
- handling. For example, when a file with the same name,
- date, and time as an existing file is sent, BiModem
- automatically detects this and continues the transfer at
- the point where it stopped. See the File Recovery System
- information for additional information.
- NO DIRECTORIES - This option prevents the downloading of
- entire directories by specifying either a *.* or a
- directory path. The star name conventions are allowed
- either way; just the *.* name is prevented.
- NO SUBDIRECTORIES - This option has no effect for version
- 1.00. However, for subsequent major release versions,
- this will prevent the inclusion of all subdirectories in
- the download request. Version 1.00 does not permit
- subdirectory downloads so the option is meaningless.
- REMOVE SNOW - This option is intended for use by original
- CGA Monitor types, which produce flicker, or 'snow' on the
- screen when direct screen writing programs are run. If you
- are unsure, simply switch this option to N and look at the
- screen. If it flickers, switch it back to Y. It is best to
- set this option to N if possible as this will help the
- program run a little faster because it will not wait for
- the hardware before displaying information on the screen.
- The third section, 'DOWNLOAD DEFAULTS & UPLOAD DEFAULTS', specifies
- default options for controlling general file transfer options. Each
- contains the same options, and the only difference is that they
- apply only to their respective transfer directions. The UPLOAD
- DEFAULTS apply only to files being sent to another system, and
- conversly, the DOWNLOAD DEFAULTS apply only to files being received
- on your system. These options are considered defaults because if
- you specify no parameters in your paths file list, these values
- will be used. You may, of course, override these options by
- specifying them for any file you are transferring.
- REFRESH - This option requests that a file transfer take
- place using the VERIFY method. It is, however, overridden
- by the REPLACE option which replaces the existing file in
- which case REFRESH has no real meaning. The REFRESH option
- does allow for the appending of information to existing
- files to be done very efficiently. You might use this in a
- situation where you have a file that you constantly add
- information to the end. It will verify the first part of
- the file and add the new data to the end. Daily
- transaction logs are good examples of files which would be
- very suitable for this method of file transfer.
- BiModem v1.00 BiModem Installation 12
- REPLACE - This option allows BiModem to ignore an existing
- file with the same name, and overlay it with this file.
- The "always rename" option of the ENVIRONMENT section
- overrides this parameter forcing the file to be renamed.
- VERIFY - This option requests a verification be done upon
- completion of the file transfer. This is normally not
- nessessary as BiModem utilizes a 32 bit error detection
- scheme for each block of data sent, and incorporates a 32
- bit error detection for the file as a whole. However, it
- may be useful for extremely noisy lines and extremely
- critical information.
- DEL SOURCE - specifies that BiModem requests the deletion
- of the source file upon successful completion of the file
- transfer. This option has no affect if the ENVIRONMENT
- option NO SOURCE DELETION on the Sending side contains a
- Yes. GREAT care should be exercised in specification of Y
- to this parameter as loss of data could result.
- DEL ABORT - specifies that partially transfered files
- should be deleted upon early termination of the file
- transfer. This option has no effect if the ENVIRONMENT
- option NO ABORT DELETION on the receiving side is Yes.
- DIRECTORY - specifies that if the path is a directory, all
- files within that directory should be sent. This also
- applies to the wildcard *.* name convention. Again, this
- option has no effect if the ENVIRONMENT option NO
- DIRECTORIES on the Sending side contains a Yes.
- SUB DIRECTORY - this option has no affect for version 1.00
- as there is no subdirectory support in this version.
- Subsequent major releases will allow this specification to
- request inclusion of all subdirectory files matching the
- file specification for the directory.
- An automatic feature which bears discussion is the transfer
- recovery system. This feature is enabled unless the
- Replace option is set, or the Always Rename option has been
- selected. What happens is this: BiModem detects a file
- with the same name on the destination system. It can do
- one of two things: If the file date and time match, but the
- size is smaller, it will resume transmission at the point
- where it left off. If the date or time differ, it will
- automatically select Refresh mode.
- The final section of the screen deals with Communications ports,
- and normally only the selection of the communications port to which
- your modem is attached is necessary. The allowable entries are 1
- through 8, and the port base address and interrupt request should
- only be changed if you have documentation for your specific serial
- port, and/or modem indicates a different value for one or both of
- these parameters.
- BiModem v1.00 BiModem Installation 13
- 3.2 Building the Paths File
- BiModem operation normally begins with the building of the Auto
- Mode Paths File (referred to simply as the Paths File from now on).
- The Paths file is a file containing a list of files that BiModem is
- to transfer. BiPath is a program included with BiModem which will
- help you to create and maintain this file. The command format for
- executing BiPath is as follows:
- BiPath [/?|[d:][path][file]
- ? - requests that BiPath display the command
- format.
- d - represents the drive, A-Z depending on your
- configuration
- path - represents the path to the file
- file - specifies the filename.
- If no file is specified, BiPath creates an empty file named
- BiModem.Pth in the current directory, and allows you to specify
- files you would like transferred. If however you elect to specify
- a filename (and optionally path) BiPath will read that file and
- allow you to maintain an existing list. This is extremely
- important in adding that one file you forgot. I have included a
- couple of simple batch files that should help you to use bipath to
- maintain your paths file.
- NewPath.Bat - Creates a new paths file
- ModPath.Bat - Modifies the existing paths file
- These are small batch files which make it easy to maintain your
- paths file for BiModem. The possibilities of modification to these
- files, and/or the creation of a library of files for use with
- specific connections are endless, and will not be covered here.
- These files are provided to give you an idea of what can be done in
- this area.
- BiModem v1.00 BiModem Installation 14
- ╔════════════════[BiPath (C) Copyright Erik Labs 1988]═══════════════╗
- ║ ║
- ║ ║
- ║ ║
- ║ ║
- ║ ║
- ║ ║
- ║ ║
- ║ ║
- ║ D \Files\DaveStuf\*.* ║
- ║ U D:\Files\Utility\ZipZap60.Arc ║
- ║ U BiOpus.Arc ║
- ║ U BiModem.Arc ║
- ╠════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╣
- ║ (U)pload/(D)ownload U ║
- ║ Source File>C:\Util\Calc.Com ║
- ║ Dest File > ║
- ║ Description>TSR Programmers Calculator ║
- ║ Refresh Include Sub Directories ║
- ║ Replace Delete SOURCE When Done ║
- ║ Verify When Done Delete Aborted Uploads ║
- ╚[Esc-Undo,Alt-X Exit,Ctrl-D Delete,PgUp,PgDn,C-PgUp,C-PgDn,>,<,^,v]═╝
- Figure 3.2 - BiPath Paths File Specification Panel (BIPATH
- [pathsfile] displays this)
- The following text describes the use of BiPath's modification
- screen which comes up immediately upon entering BiPath. See Figure
- 3.2 for an example of the screen.
- The top part to the screen is a scroll area which lists files
- already specified for transfer. The character on the left
- indicates D for Download (Receive), and U for Upload (Send). The
- file to be sent will appear to the right.
- The bottom of the screen is used to add, modify, or delete BiModem
- transfer requests. It contains the following information:
- (U)PLOAD/(D)OWNLOAD - this is a 1 character field which
- contains either a D for download (receive) or a U for
- upload (send).
- SOURCE FILE - this field specifies the file you wish to
- transfer. It may optionally contain full drive/path
- specification. Remember BiModem knows about your "SEND
- DIRECTORY" so if the file resides in that directory you
- simply need to specify the filename.
- DESTINATION - this field affords you the opportunity of
- redirecting the location, and even the name of the file.
- You may wish to rename the file, or place it in a directory
- other than that which was specified during BiModem
- Installation.
- BiModem v1.00 BiModem Installation 15
- DESCRIPTION - This field is used to pass the description of
- the file on Upload requests. Many Bulletin boards require
- this information, and this provides you a means to furnish
- this information.
- REFRESH - this option requests that the file be sent using
- the VERIFY file transfer method. It can be a real time
- saver when transferring a file which already exists on the
- destination system, and you have added information to the
- end of the file. This transfer method request may not be
- honored if the destination system has set BiModem to refuse
- these types of transfers. (The ALWAYS RENAME option of the
- ENVIRONMENT section of the receiver's BiModem).
- REPLACE - this option requests that the file transfer
- replace an existing file with the same name. (Again, the
- ALWAYS RENAME option in the ENVIRONMENT section of the
- receiver's BiModem will inhibit this capability).
- VERIFY WHEN DONE - requests that a verify be performed upon
- successful completion of the transfer. This will be
- routinely done if uncorrected transfer problems occur,
- reguardless of this setting. If you wish, you may force
- this to happen even with the extensive error detection
- built into BiModem. This verification process will proceed
- at a rate up to 1 megabyte per minute assuming a 2400 baud
- connection.
- INCLUDE SUB DIRECTORIES - this option has no meaning for
- version 1.00 of BiModem, but subsequent releases will allow
- the request to send all files matching the filename
- specification in all subdirectories in addition to those in
- the specified directory. Again, it may be overridden with
- the BiModem installation specification of the other system.
- DELETE SOURCE WHEN DONE - requests the deletion of the
- source file after successful transmission to the
- destination system. This has no influence if the Source
- system has specified "Yes" to the NO SOURCE DELETION option
- of the ENVIRONMENT section in BiModem's installation).
- DELETE ABORTED UPLOADS - "Yes" requests the file be deleted
- if the file transfer does not complete normally. With most
- special request commands, this may be overridden on the
- destination system's BiModem Installation screen.
- BiPath uses similiar keys to BiModem (See appendix F)
- BiModem v1.00 BiModem Installation 16
- 3.3 BiModem's Transfer Screen
- ╔══════════════════[BiModem - (C) Copyright Erik Labs 1988]══════════════════╗
- ║ - Beta Test Version ║
- ╠════════════════════════════════╦════════════════════════════════╦══════════╣
- ║ Sending BIMODEM.ARC ║ Receiving TLX310-1.ARC ║ ║
- ║ Bytes 71437 71437 ║ Bytes 223424 87596 ║ 159033 ║
- ║ Time 10:04 10:31 ║ Time 31:30 12:32 ║ 12:34 ║
- ║ Bytes/Sec 118.2 113.2 ║ Bytes/Sec 118.2 116.4 ║ 210.9 ║
- ║ Err Count _____ ║ Err Count _____ ║ _____ ║
- ║ Last Err ____________________ ║ Last Err ____________________ ║ ║
- ╠════════════════════════════════╩══[Text]════════════════════════╩══════════╣
- ║ Here is the new version of Telix. It is MUCH improved over the old ║
- ║ version. Some of its supporters have been a bit concerned over the ║
- ║ complexity of the Script language, however, I maintain that it is all for ║
- ║ the better. I tried BiModem out with a Beta Version my brother gave me, ║
- ║ and I must say I was Impressed. I can't wait to try the public release ║
- ║ version... Thank you for allowing me to download it. Let me know if you ║
- ╟────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╢
- ║ Please, let us know what you think of BiModem. It is our first Shareware ║
- ║ product, and we really would like to make it the BEST PROTOCOL AVAILABLE. ║
- ║ We feel that if a good percentage of people will call in with their ║
- ║ comments (Both good and bad), we will be able to reach this goal. Thanks ║
- ║ again for your interest in our product and keep in touch. ║
- ╚═════════════════════════════[Esc - Terminate]══════════════════════════════╝
- Figure 3.3 BiModem's Transfer Screen a 1200 baud transfer in
- progress currently only transferring in one direction.
- The following text describes the information displayed on BiModem's
- transfer screen. While you will probably find most of the
- information self explanatory, you might want to read through this
- section to be sure you understand it.
- First, the top of the screen informs you who is on the other end.
- This option is nice for sysops as they may not have been on their
- system when the transfer began.
- BiModem v1.00 BiModem Installation 17
- The second section provides information about the file transfer
- such as the names of files being transferred, their length, and the
- rate at which the data is being transferred (Bytes Per Second).
- The first thing you will likely notice is that the total Bytes Per
- Second (Located on the far right) doesn't seem to be equal to the
- sum of the bytes per second on the individual files. There are
- several reasons for this. Since the sending file finished 2 minutes
- ago, it's time stays constant but the combined rate reflects real
- time information. The reporting is designed to be as accurate as
- possible, and the total fields begin accumulation as soon as
- BiModem is started. If the other end waited several seconds
- to start up their end, it would severely reduce the overall
- throughput of the operation. It also includes the identification
- transfer which identifies the user at the other end which also
- reduces the overall transfer rate. The figures on each file
- represent the total time and actual rates for transferring the
- files which are sent. There are 2 columns for each file being
- transferred. The first column represents BiModem's prediction of
- how long the transfer will take. The second column represents the
- real time transfer results.
- The third and perhaps one of the most noticable features of BiModem
- is that you may converse with the person on the other end of the
- connection while transferring your files. Yes, it is just your
- normal chat window, but the nice part about it is that it has no
- effect if it is not used. It also has very little effect when very
- fast typists use the feature. We have tested some very fast
- typist, and find that even continuous chatting during the file
- transfer will effect the tranfer throughput only 3 to 10 BPS. Only
- when very fast key repeating utilities are used does the effect
- become noticeable. As a little bonus, we have allowed the ctrl-G
- keystroke to cause a beep at the other end.
- BiModem v1.00 BiModem Command Line Format 18
- BiModem has command switches which may be used to override some of
- the features specified in the intallation process. While they are
- not normally used, the are of great value when they are needed.
- Command Format:
- BiModem [/?/C/I/T/B/L/U/D/P/S]
- /? - Bring up this screen
- /C - Configuration file path follows
- /I - Install BiModem
- /T - Time out in minutes follows
- /B - Phone line baud rate follows
- /L - Comm line (1-8) follows
- /U - List of upload paths follows
- /D - List of download paths follows
- /P - Path of file containing U/D paths follows
- /S - Size limit in bytes follows
- /O - Composite Display
- Figure 4.1 Sample of the help display obtained by entering:
- Command line parameters allow for overriding some of the options
- specified in the configuration screen. Parameter values must be
- preceeded by at least one space. Such as:
- /C C:\BiModem\BiModem.CNF.
- The following are more detailed explainations of the command line
- switches and their respective parameters.
- /? Displays the command format and short summary shown in figure
- 4.1.
- /C Specifies alternative configuration filename. This may be used
- when running BiModem, or it can also be used when configuring
- BiModem to specify and alternative Configuration file name.
- Note if it is used during installation, it will have to be used
- when using BiModem or the options specified in the installation
- will not be used.
- /I Used to indicate installation is to take place, may be used in
- conjunction with /C to create an alternative configuration file.
- /T Maximum amount of time allowed for the transfer. This option
- allows sysops to control the amount of time spend on file
- transfers. It also allows users to insure that if a remote
- system were to malfunction in some way, that BiModem would
- terminate. Note this will not drop the connection, it will
- merely return control to the host program. This is handy if the
- host program can be set up to drop the connection upon
- completion of the transfer (I.E. a batch file that runs BiModem
- then a program which drops carrier.).
- BiModem v1.00 BiModem Command Line Format 19
- /B Allows for the specification of Modem Baud Rate, which may be
- quite different for the serial ports Baud Rate. functioning.
- Some people prefer to set their communications ports at very
- high speeds even though the modem is operating at a somewhat
- lower speed. Without this option, BiModem will consider the
- connection to be the higher speed and its time estimates can be
- quite far off.
- /L Permits specification of a different serial port than that
- specified in the configuration file created during installation.
- This is sometimes useful where the actual port varies depending
- upon the application, but the overall configuration remains the
- same. This is an alternative to setting up multiple
- configuration files for each application.
- /U Specifies a list of files to be sent to the remote location.
- These may be simple format which requires that the file be
- located in the 'current directory', or they may be full or
- partial paths. Due to the limited command line length this is
- basically a convinent way to send a very few file
- specifications. Note however that the wildcard specifications
- are permitted and that depending on the situation, many files
- may be transfered with this option.
- /D Similiar to the /U option except that this parameter specifies
- download requests. Again full or partial paths may be
- specified, and due to limited command line length is not
- practical for more than a few file specifications. Note however
- that wildcard names are permitted and that under certain
- circumstances many files may be tranfered with this
- specification.
- /P Specifes the path containing the lists of files to be
- transfered. This file must be in the format specified in
- Appendix A. This file is in relative file format records with
- no spacing or carraige returns between records.
- /S Provides a method of limiting the amount of files that can be
- transfered. If the size parameter is exceeded, the transfer
- will be terminated.
- /O Composite Display is used when the screen is difficult to read,
- it will switch the display to black and white mode.
- BiModem v1.00 Appendix A A1
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- Configuration File Format
- 1 - 4 Hex Max Time Hu:Se:Mn:Hr
- 5 - 8 Long Int Max Size hex Long Integer
- 9 - 10 Integer Baud rate of Modem Connection
- 11 - 11 Short Int Active Port Number
- 12 - 13 Integer Port Address 1
- 14 - 14 Short Int Interrupt Request Number 1
- 15 - 16 Integer Port Address 1
- 17 - 17 Short Int Interrupt Request Number 2
- 18 - 19 Integer Port Address 2
- 20 - 20 Short Int Interrupt Request Number 3
- 21 - 22 Integer Port Address 3
- 23 - 23 Short Int Interrupt Request Number 4
- 24 - 25 Integer Port Address 4
- 26 - 26 Short Int Interrupt Request Number 5
- 27 - 28 Integer Port Address 5
- 29 - 29 Short Int Interrupt Request Number 6
- 30 - 31 Integer Port Address 6
- 32 - 32 Short Int Interrupt Request Number 7
- 33 - 34 Integer Port Address 7
- 35 - 35 Short Int Interrupt Request Number 8
- 36 - 37 Integer Port Address 8
- 38 - 38 Bit Mapped 0-4 Reserved
- 5 - Maintain original date
- 6 - Summary Statistics
- 7 - Full Statistics
- 8 - Simple Names only
- 39 - 39 Bit Mapped 0 - Reserved
- 1 - Never allow sub directories
- 2 - Never allow directories
- 3 - Never delete abortions
- 4 - Never delete source
- 5 - Always rename collisions
- 6-7 Reserved
- 40 - 40 Bit Mapped 0-6 Default Download Options
- 41 - 41 Bit Mapped 0-6 Default Upload Options
- 42 - 121 Default Send Directory
- 122 - 201 Default Recv Directory
- 202 - 281 Default Log File Path
- 282 - 361 Default Paths File Path
- 362 - 362 Remove Snow
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- BiModem v1.00 Appendix A A2
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- Paths file layout
- 1 - 1 (U)pload or (D)ownload
- 2 - 2 (R)efresh
- 3 - 3 {Y| |N} Replace if existing overide
- 4 - 4 {Y| |N} Verify when done overide
- 5 - 5 {Y| |N} Delete source when done overide
- 6 - 6 {Y| |N} Delete destination on aborted download overide
- 7 - 7 {Y| |N} Allow full directory overide
- 8 - 8 {Y| |N} Include subdirectory overide
- 9 - 88 Source Path
- 89 - 168 Destination Path
- 169 - 248 Description (Only used on Uploads)
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- BiModem v1.00 Appendix B B1
- B.1 Sample Telix Script File
- Telix: (Included as BiModem.SLT)
- main()
- {
- dos("BiPath BiModem.Pth",0);
- cputs("B^M");
- dos("BiModem",0);
- }
- This script will of course have to be compiled prior to use with
- Telix. It is written for Telix 3.10, and so may differ with other
- releases of Telix. To compile the script type:
- from the DOS prompt. It is also suggested to assign this script to
- a macro key so that a single key input can be used to start up
- BiModem transfers. Refer to your Telix Manual for details on how
- this is done.
- B.2 Sample Procomm Plus Aspect File
- Procomm Plus: (Included as BiModem.ASP)
- DOS "BiPath.Com/BiModem.Pth"
- DOS "BiModem.Com"
- This script needs to be copied to your Procomm Plus directory. It
- is executed while connected to your remote site (Usually a BBS),
- by pressing alt F5 and entering BIMODEM in the window.
- These are admittedly very simple script files, however they are
- intended mostly as an aid to understanding what is required, and
- secondly for the novice programmer who may not know where to begin
- with a script file this may lend some assistance.
- BiModem v1.00 Appendix C C1
- Performance:
- We wanted a fair way to compare BiModem and other protocols... so
- what we did was we downloaded 6 files using each of 3 transfer
- protocols. We chose Telink which was about as close to XMODEM as
- we could get and still support wildcard downloads, Zmodem which is
- very popular these days, and BiModem. We timed the execution from
- the time we pressed enter to start the transfer until the system
- responded ready to enter more commands. The tests were conducted
- using a 1200 baud modem connection from an 8mhz XT compatible to a
- 10mhz AT compatible which was running the BBS software (OPUS
- v1.03b). The XT was using Telix version 3.10. Here are our
- results:
- Downloading 6 2136 byte files:
- Telink - 2 minutes 45 seconds
- Zmodem - 2 minutes 29 seconds
- BiModem- 2 minutes 07 seconds
- Downloading 6 2136 byte files and uploading 6 2136 byte files
- Telink - 5 minutes 30 seconds
- Zmodem - 4 minutes 58 seconds
- BiModem- 2 minutes 07 seconds
- Of course we new it would be much faster when uploading and
- downloading, but we didn't know it would be so much faster when
- there was no data to upload. While these are not very scientific
- test results, they are indicative of the kinds of performance
- boosts you can achieve with Bimodem. Results may vary depending on
- the particular software and hardware used, so we encourage you to
- run your own timing tests. The Transmission speeds reported by
- most transfer protocols can be pretty misleading, some to not
- account for buffering (Either hardware of software). We even
- underestimate our rates primarily so as not to sacrifice actual
- performance. So use your watch and time the actual difference.
- BiModem v1.00 Appendix D D1
- BiModem/BiPath Editing and Control Keys
- Insert - Toggles insert on and off.
- ESC - Resets the screen to its initial values (Undo)
- subsequent use of escape exits program.
- Ctrl-X - The normal signal to exit the program.
- Arrows - Left and Right move cursor by 1 character.
- Up and Down arrows for chaning fields.
- Ctrl Left and Right moves a word at a time.
- Ctrl-D - Deletes the current entry.
- End - Positions the cursor at the end of an entry.
- Home - Positions the cursor at the beginning of an entry.
- Ctrl-E - Erases the entry from the cursor through the end
- of the field.
- Alt-E - Erases the entire entry.
- Ctrl-I - Inserts one space.
- Specific to BiPath:
- PgUp - Scrolls the display 1 line back.
- C-PgUp - Scrolls the display 12 lines back.
- PgDown - Scrolls the display 1 line forward.
- C-PgDn - Scrolls the display 12 lines forward.
- Note: BiModem may not permit the use of all keys in all situations
- as it attempts to maximize performance the chat window uses only a
- small subset of these command keys.