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- : ____________________________________________________________________________
- :| |
- :| B I M O D E M I N S T A L L A T I O N |
- :| |
- :| This Batch file requires No Arguments. You simply run the Batch file and |
- :| it will ask you to supply relevent information. It assumes that you have |
- :| one of the following extraction programs: ARC, ARCE, or PKXARC. In order |
- :| to run this install, you should have this Batch file and BIMODEM.ARC in a |
- :| a temporary directory by themselves. It will leave a number of files in |
- :| this work directory so that BiModem may be installed to run with several |
- :| different communications programs, then the entire contents of this |
- :| work directory may be deleted when finished. This will leave your disk as |
- :| clean as possible, and will retain only the files necessary for your |
- :| environment. It was designed to be easy, not necessarily impressive... |
- :|____________________________________________________________________________|
- Echo off
- if %1x==x goto NoArgs
- if %2x==x goto NoArgs
- if %3x==x goto NoArgs
- if %4x==x goto NoArgs
- if %1x==5x goto BBS
- if %4x==1x goto Com1
- if %4x==2x goto Com2
- if %4x==3x goto Com3
- if %4x==4x goto Com4
- if %4x==5x goto Com5
- if %4x==6x goto Com6
- if %4x==7x goto Com7
- if %4x==8x goto Com8
- Echo Try running this batch file with no parameters and it will get them from you!
- goto End
- :Com1
- Echo Installing BiModem for use with Com1
- Echo ...
- Copy BiMod.Cf1 BiModem.Cfg
- goto PortSel
- :Com2
- Echo Installing BiModem for use with Com2
- Echo ...
- Copy BiMod.Cf2 BiModem.Cfg
- goto PortSel
- :Com3
- Echo Installing BiModem for use with Com3
- Echo ...
- Copy BiMod.Cf3 BiModem.Cfg
- goto PortSel
- :Com4
- Echo Installing BiModem for use with Com4
- Echo ...
- Copy BiMod.Cf4 BiModem.Cfg
- goto PortSel
- :Com5
- Echo Installing BiModem for use with Com5
- Echo ...
- Copy BiMod.Cf5 BiModem.Cfg
- goto PortSel
- :Com6
- Echo Installing BiModem for use with Com6
- Echo ...
- Copy BiMod.Cf6 BiModem.Cfg
- goto PortSel
- :Com7
- Echo Installing BiModem for use with Com7
- Echo ...
- Copy BiMod.Cf7 BiModem.Cfg
- goto PortSel
- :Com8
- Echo Installing BiModem for use with Com8
- Echo ...
- Copy BiMod.Cf8 BiModem.Cfg
- :PortSel
- if %1x==1x goto Telix
- if %1x==2x goto Qmodem
- if %1x==3x goto Procomm
- if %1x==4x goto Other
- :Telix
- if not exist %2:%3\CS.Exe goto TlxError
- Copy BiModem.Com %2:%3
- Copy BiPath.Com %2:%3
- Copy BiModem.Cfg %2:%3
- Copy BiMod.Bat %2:%3
- Copy BiBat.Com %2:%3
- Copy BiMod.Slt %2:%3\BiModem.Slt
- %2:
- CD %3
- CS BiModem.Slt
- Cls
- Echo BiModem installation Complete.
- Echo - You should probably modify a macro key within Telix to execute the BiModem
- Echo Script. When in Telix, press Alt-K to set a macro Key. Select a key you like
- Echo and specify:
- Echo @BiModem
- Echo Be sure to save the macro key file.
- Echo - Get familiar with how to select bimodem on your favorite board. It may
- Echo not be through normal Download/Upload options...
- Echo - Press the hot key you defined above and you will be able to specify
- Echo the files you would like to transfer. (See documentation for details on
- Echo the use of BiPath).
- Echo - After exiting Bipath you will be asked to start bimodem on the Host (BBS)
- Echo system. Enter the command(s) necessary to get bimodem started on the Host.
- Echo - The script will detect when BiModem is running and execute it automatically
- Echo on your system.
- goto end
- :TlxError
- Echo Telix CS.EXE Not found in the Telix Directory you specified. Please Correct
- Echo the directory specification and re-run. If you keep your script files in a
- Echo separate directory you should specify the Telix Directory and move the BiModem
- Echo Script file yourself for proper installation.
- goto end
- :Qmodem
- if not exist %2:%3\Qmodem.* goto QmError
- Copy BiModem.Com %2:%3
- Copy BiPath.Com %2:%3
- Copy BiModem.Cfg %2:%3
- Copy BiMod.Scr %2:%3\BiModem.Scr
- Copy BiMod.Bat %2:%3
- Copy BiBat.Com %2:%3
- Cls
- %2:
- CD %3
- Echo BiModem installation Complete.
- Echo - You should probably modify a macro key within Qmodem to execute the BiModem
- Echo Script. Consult your Qmodem documentation on how to setup hot keys to execute
- Echo script files. You may also specify the BiMod.Bat file to be executed. In
- Echo place of the script file provided.
- Echo - Get familiar with how to select bimodem on your favorite board. It may
- Echo not be through normal Download/Upload options...
- Echo - Press the hot key you defined above and you will be able to specify
- Echo the files you would like to transfer. (See documentation for details on
- Echo the use of BiPath).
- Echo - After exiting Bipath you will be asked to start bimodem on the Host (BBS)
- Echo system. Enter the command(s) necessary to get bimodem started on the Host
- Echo - The script will detect when BiModem is running and execute it automatically
- Echo on your system.
- goto end
- :QmError
- Echo Qmodem.Exe Not found in the Qmodem Directory you specified. Please Correct
- Echo The directory specification and re-run. If you keep your script files in a
- Echo separate directory you should specify the Qmodem Directory and move the BiModem
- Echo Script file yourself for proper installation.
- goto end
- :Procomm
- if exist %2:%3\PCPlus*.* goto PcPlusOk
- :PcPlusOk
- Copy BiModem.Com %2:%3
- Copy BiPath.Com %2:%3
- Copy BiModem.Cfg %2:%3
- Copy BiMod.Bat %2:%3
- Copy BiBat.Com %2:%3
- Copy BiMod.Asp %2:%3\BiModem.Asp
- %2:
- CD %3
- Cls
- Echo BiModem installation Complete.
- Echo - You will have to set up a method for executing BiModem from Procomm. 2 ways
- Echo of doing this are:
- Echo 1. Set up one of your hot keys to execute the BiMod.Bat file.
- Echo 2. Execute the Aspect File BiModem by pressing Alt-F5
- Echo - Get familiar with how to select bimodem on your favorite board. It may
- Echo not be through normal Download/Upload options...
- Echo - Select BiModem using one of the methods you selected above, to specify
- Echo the files you would like to transfer. (See documentation for details on
- Echo the use of BiPath).
- Echo - After exiting Bipath you will be asked to start bimodem on the Host (BBS)
- Echo system. Enter the command(s) necessary to get bimodem started on the Host
- Echo - The aspect will detect when BiModem is running and execute it
- Echo automatically on your system.
- goto end
- :PCError
- Echo PCPlus.Exe not found in the Procomm Directory you specified. Please Correct
- Echo the directory specification and re-run. If you keep your aspect files in a
- Echo separate directory you should specify the Procomm Directory and move the BiModem
- Echo Aspect file yourself for proper installation.
- goto end
- :Other
- Copy BiModem.Com %2:%3
- Copy BiPath.Com %2:%3
- Copy BiModem.Cfg %2:%3
- Copy BiMod.Bat %2:%3
- Copy BiBat.Com %2:%3
- %2:
- CD %3
- Cls
- Echo BiModem installation Complete.
- Echo - You will probably want to specify some method of running BiMod.Bat from
- Echo your communications program. This will allow you to specify file transfers,
- Echo let you start up bimodem on the BBS, and then automatically start BiModem on
- Echo you system when it detects BiModem is running on the Host.
- Echo - Get familiar with how to select bimodem on your favorite board. It may
- Echo not be through normal Download/Upload options...
- Echo - Execute BiMod.Bat from your communications program, and then specify
- Echo the files you would like to transfer. (See documentation for details on
- Echo the use of BiPath).
- Echo - After exiting Bipath you will be asked to start bimodem on the Host (BBS)
- Echo system. Enter the command(s) necessary to get bimodem started on the Host
- Echo - The batch file will detect when BiModem is running and run it automatically
- Echo on your system.
- goto end
- :OError
- Echo Other CS.EXE Not found in the Other Directory you specified. Please Correct
- Echo The directory specification and re-run. If you keep your script files in a
- Echo separate directory you should specify the Other Directory and move the BiModem
- Echo Script file yourself for proper installation.
- goto end
- :BBS
- Copy BiModem.Cf1 %2:%3\BiModem.Cfg
- Copy BiModem.Cf1 %2:%3
- Copy BiModem.Com %2:%3
- Copy BiPath.Com %2:%3
- Cls
- Echo If you specified something other than com1 you will definitly need to execute:
- Echo BiModem /I
- Echo to change the com port setting... as you will want to review your setup anyway
- Echo the com port setup was omitted for BBS's.
- Echo .
- Echo BiModem has been copied to your BBS directory. It will require additional
- Echo work on your part to set up as an external Protocol. Opus Boards should
- Echo Download BiOpus??.Arc from the Valley of the Sun BBS at (602)979-5720.
- Echo Other BBS's will require their own customization. You may inquire at the
- Echo Board listed above to see if additional details are available. There is
- Echo a file area dedicated to BiModem on this board where users can upload
- Echo their own script files and utilities for using BiModem.
- Echo Be sure to read the documentation thoroughly, as there are many options
- Echo you will want to set for your particular BBS. The ones in your BiModem.Cfg
- Echo File are set up for my BBS, but may not be the best ones for your BBS.
- Echo Good Luck, and let me know how this works out for you.
- goto end
- :noargs
- Cls
- %Binst%
- Echo ┌──────────────────────────────┐
- Echo │ │
- Echo │ BiModem Installation Program │
- Echo │──────────────────────────────│
- Echo │ │
- Echo │ This installation provides │
- Echo │ a basic setup for several │
- Echo │ popular communications │
- Echo │ programs. You will probably │
- Echo │ want to change your setup │
- Echo │ after using it for a while. │
- Echo │ We recommend a thorough │
- Echo │ reading of the documentation │
- Echo │ prior to making changes to │
- Echo │ this setup. │
- Echo │ BBS sysops will want to │
- Echo │ read the documentation prior │
- Echo │ to setting up bimodem as an │
- Echo │ external protocol. Good │
- Echo │ luck and happy modeming. │
- Echo └──────────────────────────────┘
- Pause
- :Setup
- Set Binst=GoTo SetError
- bisetup
- Set Binst=
- if %1%2%3%4x==x goto end
- echo BiModem is now setup for you...
- Echo ...
- Echo Be sure to print the documentation and review it prior to using BiModem
- Echo Use the PrintDoc.Bat file included in the archive.
- goto end
- :SetError
- Echo You must specify all fields on the screen please try again
- Pause
- goto Setup
- :end