Errno is 0. Domain error. Range error. The file mode parameter is not correct. The file name is "", a null pointer, or an invalid DDNAME. Temporary memory files cannot be reopened. The file sharing mode specified is not correct. The buffering mode specified is not correct. A previous error has occurred on the stream. The file is open. The file cannot be found. This operation must be done before any reads, writes, or repositions. The stream pointer is NULL. There is not enough memory available to complete the operation. The specified buffer size is too small. There is no message for this message number (EDC5015). The file already exists. A unique file name could not be generated. There is no message for this message number (EDC5018). The seek operation is not valid for this stream. The file position for the file is not valid. There is no message for this message number (EDC5021). Attempted to seek to an invalid file position. The file or directory specified cannot be found. The file or directory specified is read-only. Too many open files. A command processor could not be found. There is no message for this message number (EDC5027). A read operation cannot immediately follow a write operation. Attempted to read past end-of-file. The file is not open for reading. Too many consecutive calls to ungetc. Cannot put EOF back to the stream. Cannot put a character back to the stream immediately following a write operation on the stream. The process identifier specified for the child process is not valid. The child process ended abnormally. The action code specified is not correct. Cannot run the specified file. Cannot start another process. The stream specified is the wrong type for the operation. The file is not opened for writing. A write operation must not immediately follow a read operation. The specified buffer length is too large. The file handle is not valid. Cannot rename a file to a different device. There is no space left on the device. An unrecognized exception occurred in a math routine. The control word has probably been changed. The DLL specified cannot be found. There is no message for this message number (EDC5048). The value specified for blksize or lrecl is too large. Error in reading the C Locale Description (CLD) file. The value specified for blksize or lrecl conflicts with a previously set value. There is no message for this message number (EDC5052). There is no message for this message number (EDC5053). There is no message for this message number (EDC5054). There is no message for this message number (EDC5055). There is no message for this message number (EDC5056). There is no message for this message number (EDC5057). There is no message for this message number (EDC5058). There is no message for this message number (EDC5059). OS/2 returned error code %1. There is no message for this message number (EDC5061). There is no message for this message number (EDC5062). There is no message for this message number (EDC5063). There is no message for this message number (EDC5064). There is no message for this message number (EDC5065). There is no message for this message number (EDC5066). There is no message for this message number (EDC5067). There is no message for this message number (EDC5068). There is no message for this message number (EDC5069). Internal areas of free heap have been overwritten. Internal storage objects have been overwritten. Invalid memory block address %1 was used. End of allocated object %1 was overwritten at %2. Internal storage object was overwritten at %1. Invalid Heap argument %1 was used. Destroyed heap was used. Free heap was overwritten at %1. Free heap was overwritten at %1 or %2. Object %1 provided is either invalid or was overwritten at %2. Header information of object %1 was overwritten at %2. Memory error detected at line %1 of %2. Heap state was valid at line %1 of %2. There is no message for this message number (EDC5083). There is no message for this message number (EDC5084). There is no message for this message number (EDC5085). There is no message for this message number (EDC5086). There is no message for this message number (EDC5087). There is no message for this message number (EDC5088). There is no message for this message number (EDC5089). Complex: log: singularity: log((0,0)). Iostream: Error in form(): too many characters. There is no message for this message number (EDC5092). There is no message for this message number (EDC5093). There is no message for this message number (EDC5094). There is no message for this message number (EDC5095). There is no message for this message number (EDC5096). There is no message for this message number (EDC5097). The floating-point conversion code is not linked in. Internal library error in function: %1, line: %2. Not enough storage is available to complete initialization. Assertion failed: %1, file: %2, line: %3 Integer Division by Zero exception occurred at EIP = %1 on thread %2. Invalid Opcode exception occurred at EIP = %1 on thread %2. General Protection Fault exception occurred at EIP = %1 on thread %2. There is no message for this message number (EDC5105). Guard Page Allocation Failure exception occurred at EIP = %1 on thread %2. Process terminated by SIGBREAK. Process terminated by SIGINT. Process terminated by SIGTERM. Overflow exception occurred at EIP = %1 on thread %2. Bound exception occurred at EIP = %1 on thread %2. Exception number 0x%2 occurred at EIP = %1 on thread %2. Exception was marked as non-continuable. Exception occurred handling a prior exception. Process terminating. Register Dump at point of exception: EAX = %1 EBX = %2 ECX = %3 EDX = %4 EBP = %1 EDI = %2 ESI = %3 ESP = %4
CS = %1 CSLIM = %2 DS = %3 DSLIM = %4
ES = %1 ESLIM = %2 FS = %3 FSLIM = %4
GS = %1 GSLIM = %2 SS = %3 SSLIM = %4 Failed to register exception handler. Invalid buffer passed to longjmp(). NPX Environment: CW = %1 TW = %2 IP = %4:%3 SW = %1 OPCODE = %2 OP = %4:%3 NPX Stack: ST(%1): exponent = %3 significand = %2 %4 %5 Exception occurred in C Library routine called from EIP = %1. No valid stack entries. Privileged Opcode exception occurred at EIP = %1 on thread %2. Data Misalignment exception occurred at EIP = %1 on thread %2. Floating Point Denormal Operand exception occurred at EIP = %1 on thread %2. Floating Point Divide by Zero exception occurred at EIP = %1 on thread %2. Floating Point Precision exception occurred at EIP = %1 on thread %2. Floating Point Invalid Operation exception occurred at EIP = %1 on thread %2. Floating Point Overflow exception occurred at EIP = %1 on thread %2. Floating Point Stack Check exception occurred at EIP = %1 on thread %2. Floating Point Underflow exception occurred at EIP = %1 on thread %2. In Page exception occurred at EIP = %1 on thread %2. Attempt to continue unrecoverable exception occurred at EIP = %1 on thread %2. Invalid Disposition exception occurred at EIP = %1 on thread %2. Invalid Lock Sequence exception occurred at EIP = %1 on thread %2. Bad Stack exception occurred at EIP = %1 on thread %2. Invalid Unwind Target exception occurred at EIP = %1 on thread %2. Invalid attempt to access storage location %1. Exception = %1 occurred at EIP = %2. There is no message for this message number (EDC5148). There is no message for this message number (EDC5149). There is no message for this message number (EDC5150). The invalid memory block address %1 was detected in at line %3 of %2. There is no message for this message number (EDC5152). The file name and line number are not available. There is no message for this message number (EDC5154). There is no message for this message number (EDC5155). The first eight bytes of the memory block (in hex) are: %1. There is no message for this message number (EDC5157). There is no message for this message number (EDC5158). There is no message for this message number (EDC5159). There is no message for this message number (EDC5160). Could not register exception handler for memory access violations. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- START OF DUMP OF ALLOCATED MEMORY BLOCKS END OF DUMP OF ALLOCATED MEMORY BLOCKS Address: %1 Size: %2 (%3) This memory block was (re)allocated at line number %1 in %2. Memory contents: GPR0 = %1 GPR1 = %2 GPR2 = %3 GPR3 = %4 GPR0 = %1 GPR5 = %2 GPR6 = %3 GPR7 = %4 GPR8 = %1 GPR9 = %2 GPR10 = %3 GPR11 = %4 GPR12 = %1 GPR13 = %2 GPR14 = %3 GPR15 = %4 GPR16 = %1 GPR17 = %2 GPR18 = %3 GPR19 = %4 GPR20 = %1 GPR21 = %2 GPR22 = %3 GPR23 = %4 GPR24 = %1 GPR25 = %2 GPR26 = %3 GPR27 = %4 GPR28 = %1 GPR29 = %2 GPR30 = %3 GPR31 = %4 LR = %1 CR = %2 CTR = %3 XER = %4