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Text File | 1997-12-07 | 81.8 KB | 1,827 lines |
- Display File Systems; version 2.52 07-12-97 (c) 1994-1997; Jan van Wijk
- ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
- --------
- Introduction, purpose of the program 1
- Status of the program and change history 2
- Terminology used 3
- Summary of commands 5
- Command reference, general DFS commands 6
- Command reference, FAT specific commands 22
- Command reference, NTFS specific commands 23
- Command reference, HPFS specific commands 24
- Diagram of an example HPFS structure 30
- Examples of DFS usage 31
- Known limitations 33
- Considered improvements 34
- Introduction, purpose of the program
- ------------------------------------
- The DFS program is a disk and filesystem browser with an emphasis on the
- HPFS filesystem and disk partitioning.
- It will support different file-systems besides HPFS sometime in the future.
- The program has been built while studying the HPFS filesystem.
- It's main purpose is getting to understand the file-system as it resides
- on the disk itself, in the data-structures laid down in disk-sectors.
- Over time, additional logic was implemented to allow analysis of all
- sorts of disk problems on HPFS volumes.
- The tool has been used a few times over the past years to analyse some
- real-life disk problems in a large systems-integration project.
- Also it has proven very usefull in teaching others the internals of HPFS
- Most of my knowledge of the file-system is based on the excellent lectures
- "HPFS Internals" at the 1994, 95 and 96 ColoradOS/2 conferences by
- Doug Azzarito and on peeking arround on a lot of HPFS volumes using DFS.
- Further improvements will probably be in more advanced recovery commands
- and other filesystems like FAT and NTFS.
- Also a port to NT itself is finished and under test right now.
- Availability
- ------------
- 1) IBM internal: REQUEST DFS FROM NLX0093 at EAMSVM1
- 2) Compuserve: GO OS2BVEN, open Filemanagers library section; DFS.ZIP
- 3) HOBBES (WWW): ftp://hobbes.nmsu.edu/pub/os2/util/diskutil/DFSxxxS.ZIP
- or shadow: ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/os2/util/diskutil/DFSxxxS.ZIP
- On special (e-mail) request a 16-bit OS/2, tracing/debug versions and
- the (beta) Win NT version are also available.
- Status of the program
- ---------------------
- This version of the program is free for anyone to use, it was written
- in my own time using my own equipment. However, I would very much
- appreciate any feedback by e-mail or a simple postcard to:
- ┌───────────────────┐
- │ Jan van Wijk │
- │ Blekerstraat 83 │
- │ 1315 AC Almere │
- │ Netherlands │
- └───────────────────┘
- If you supply an e-mail address you will be put on the DFS mailing-list.
- Further development depends on my own needs and feedback I receive from
- other users, al work has to be done on spare time...
- Improved versions of the program might be in the form of SHAREWARE.
- Suggestions and other comments regarding DFS and filesystems are welcome.
- You can reach me at my userid at CompuServe: 100603,2437 or jvwijk
- or through the Internet: janvw@ibm.net
- or: jan.van.wijk@cmg.nl
- or: jvwijk@compuserve.com
- Change History
- --------------
- 1.00 27-11-94 DHPFS initial version, hex dump super+spare blocks
- 1.39 20-07-95 32-bit port; Sector Lookup table; bug-fixes
- 1.52 13-09-95 new '/' cmd shortcut; First released version! <== BBS
- 1.56 26-09-95 RUN cmd runs REXX dhpfs macro's
- 1.62 13-10-95 Added Free-space and inconsistency reporting
- 1.64 16-10-95 Cleanup for delivery on ColoradOS/2 CDROM
- 1.70 20-12-96 Update ColoradOS/2, DASD limits; REQUESTABLE (OS2FISYS forum)
- 1.84 14-01-97 DFS first distributed version to include partitioning info
- 1.87 19-01-97 Fixed MBR/EBR walk; multiple cmds using #, BM-labels in part
- 1.91 21-01-97 New fixroot, fixcp and saveto commands for recovery actions
- 1.96 27-01-97 Dynamic loading of REXX support
- 2.00 03-02-97 Removable media (NEWDASD); (part) D: cmd; invisible primary
- 2.01 06-02-97 CopyOutput command for REXX
- 2.06 16-03-97 Updated ACL support on HPFS386; Scan badsectors
- 2.08 25-03-97 Added cluster/bytes-per-sector knowledge for partitions
- 2.12 06-04-97 Added logical volume support using "DASD" type access
- 2.20 19-05-97 Win NT beta version; Search speedup; prio command; cleanup
- 2.22 28-05-97 Final preparation for other file-system support; cleanup
- 2.24 10-06-97 Added Img and Sim commands; date/time on dirblocks;
- 2.25 15-06-97 Added Wrim command; Improved lock implementation (nested)
- 2.27 19-06-97 Base cmd; Fixed bug in HPFS "saveto" cmd
- 2.28 21-06-97 Added autobase command for HPFS (find HPFS partition start)
- 2.29 29-06-97 Fixed Bootmgr clustersize; added Deleted Fnode/Alloc support
- 2.30 06-07-97 Improved 'find' syntax and functionality; Undelete support
- 2.31 13-07-97 Fixed case-insensitive find, '+' option; fix dirmap % error
- 2.32 20-07-97 Reporting & ALBLK fixes to saveto; new "ca" cmd CheckAlloc
- 2.33 27-07-97 Fnode & Alloc display update; minor fixes
- 2.35 18-08-97 Path info in Fnode display and "list" output; MEM cmd
- 2.37 24-08-97 Path display on find Fnode; Wildcard select on list +f
- 2.40 06-09-97 import/export of LSN lists; getbs/fixbs badsector mgmt
- 2.41 12-10-97 Multiple file UNDELETE with delfind/delshow/delsave cmds
- 2.42 18-10-97 Support for EA's in "saveto" and delsave cmds
- 2.43 28-10-97 Support for undelete of directories including EA's
- 2.47 11-11-97 Updated SLT error display; new check cmd (chkdsk); +/- cmd
- 2.49 16-11-97 No limit on nr of bad-sectors; sort cmd; sep cmd
- 2.50 24-11-97 HPFS checksum management; cs, edit and write cmd
- 2.51 30-11-97 More... help; fix checksum super; fix freespace reporting
- 2.52 07-12-97 check spare/super; BPB display; Specific FAT & NTFS commands
- Terminology used
- ----------------
- Sector 512 bytes of data (although other sizes exist!)
- This is the smallest amount of data manipulated by the
- disk subsystems and is also the basic allocation-unit
- for the HPFS file-system
- CHS Cylinder Head Sector (addressing)
- This is the classical way of addressing physical sectors
- on a disk. It is used in the PC's BIOS, in partition tables
- and in low-level disk-IO API's (IOCTL, INT-13).
- In most implementations the addressing ranges are limitted
- causing all sorts of problems with large disks/partitions.
- Example: maximum cylinder=1024 limit for BIOS/INT-13
- PSN Physical Sector Number
- This is the zero-based, unsigned-LONG, number for a
- sector on a physical disk. Addressing on a disk using
- PSN's id often refered to as Relative Block Addressing
- (RBA) or Logical Block Addressing (LBA)
- LSN Logical Sector Number
- This is the zero-based, unsigned-LONG, number for a
- sector on a logical partition. The partition can be seen
- as a linear sequence of sectors.
- LSN-list An internal list of LSN's maintained by DFS for search-results,
- Directory-contents, Bad-sectors and generic LSN 'memory'.
- SLT Sector/Cluster Lookup Table
- An array of information about sectors or groups of sectors,
- containing the type of the sector(s) and the LSN of a
- directly related sector (usualy an Fnode).
- It is currently implemented for HPFS only.
- Cluster A (small) group of adjecent sectors that are handled by the
- operating system as one allocation-unit.
- It is used on FAT filesystems to allow large partitions at
- the cost of more wasted "slack" space, and on NTFS to balance
- performance, slack-space etc.
- HPFS does not use sector-clustering (or a cluster-size of 1!)
- DFS will try to account for clustering where needed, for
- example in size calculations and where sector/cluster pointers
- are used in the file-system internal structures.
- Partition An area on a physical disk that holds a single logical
- file-system like FAT, HPFS, Boot-manager, NTFS etc.
- There is an index to find partitions in the form of a
- set of partition-tables in the MBR/EBR chain.
- MBR Master Boot Record
- The first sector on the physical disk, located at PSN 0 =
- Cylinder 0, Head 0, Sector 1
- It contains the initial boot code called from the BIOS and
- the main partition table that holds the primary partitions
- and the start of the chain of extended boot records (EBR).
- EBR Extended Boot Record
- It contains no boot code but only a partition table that
- holds the location of a single logical partitions.
- It usualy is located on the cylinder just before the actual
- logical partition itself, at Head 0, Sector 1.
- Each EBR will also point to the next EBR if more logical
- partitions exist on the same disk.
- Volume A logical volume as seen by the active operating system,
- with a logical drive-letter associated to it.
- It can be either a hard-disk partition with a filesystem
- recognized and mounted by the operating system, or some
- other storage-medium like floppy disk or CD-Rom.
- Note: Network drives or other "virtual" file-systems can also
- be refered to as volumes. However, DFS will not be able
- to access them because such devices usualy cannot be
- accessed using "open volume" (DASD) methods.
- Shortname The leading part of a filename, as contained in an HPFS fnode
- and usefull for undelete. The maximum length is 15 characters
- Summary of commands
- -------------------
- DFS takes commands from the keyboard and displays the results to the screen,
- scrolling text upward. It can also be copied to a file for later analysis.
- The commands are single words or (hexadecimal) numbers.
- Most commands have one or more parameters of wich some are optional.
- DFS keeps track of the current- and some other usefull SN's so they
- can be referenced faster, without having to type them in. They are:
- Name Cmd Description
- ---- --- -----------
- up 'u' up in hierarchy
- down Enter down in hierarchy
- this 't' this (current)
- xtra 'x' Extra, alternative
- You can display and analyse either a physical disk, a partition or a volume.
- A physical disk can be opened using the 'disk' command.
- A logical-partition or volume needs to be opened first with the 'part' or
- 'vol' commands respectively. The following prompt will show some status info.
- After opening an HPFS partition, using 'Enter' a few times will take you
- to the superblock, root-directory, possible sub-directories upto some file.
- Multiple commands can be chained if separated with a special character,
- the default is '#' but this can be changed with the 'sep' command.
- An overview of the available commands is given below, it can also be
- referenced from within the program using the '?' command.
- xx = Analyse & display sector, SN xx using logical sector-number
- .NNN [id] = Display numbered FS-entity marked .NNN from a sector list
- <Enter>, u, x = Show next with <Enter>, up with 'u' or extra LSN with 'x'
- ? [*] = Show list of generic commands with short description
- ?? [*] = Show active filesystem name, commands and help info
- ??? = Show all recognized sector-types for current filesystem
- base [sn [sl]] = Set base limits start and end values, defining partition
- cd [path] = Change current directory an current drive
- check [dr/nr] = Report all detected file-system errors using SLT info
- chs c h s = Analyse & display sector, using CHS (cylinder head sector)
- disk [disknr] = Select a physical disk and show the master boot record
- export [id][fn] = Export LSN's in sector list [id], to file [fn]
- f[op] [t] [str]] = Find [options] sectors of [t]ypes containing [str]
- options are : * = repeat; - = backward; $ = Ign-case; @[pos] = position
- fs fsys-name = Force analysis mode for filesystem 'fsys-name'
- help [*] = Show list of generic commands with short description
- h,H xx [size] = Hex-dump sector or half-sector, SN xx, s sectors or bytes
- id [xx] = Identify current or specified sector, using the SLT
- im img = Open a file with a FS-image (.img) for display & analysis
- import [id][fn] = Import LSN's to sector list [id], from file [fn]
- list [id+op] [w] = Display LSN's in sector list [id], using options/wildcard
- lock = Lock physical disk or logical partition to avoid conflicts
- log [file] = Log (append) to 'file' (.log); (No file => stop logging)
- mem [c|lsn] [#] = Store LSN in MEMory list at loc #, or limit mem list-size
- part [dr/nr][No] = Show partitions, or select one using nr or drive-letter
- prio [lvl] = Set relative priority of the DFS main thread
- psn xx = Analyse & display sector, SN xx using physical sector-nr
- scan [wr [NoId]] = Scan bad-sectors; use read/Write verify; No automatic id
- screen [on|off] = Switch output to the screen on or off
- sim img [f [s]] = Save to FS-image, starting from LSN [f], size [s] sectors
- slt [type i ln] = Display SLT for sectors of 'type' at index i, ln lines
- sort [-][unique] = Sort LSN list; [-] = descending [unique] removes duplicates
- t a|h [size] = This SN, display in Ascii/Hexadecimal, s sectors or bytes
- unlock = Unlock physical disk or logical partition
- vol [drive][No] = Show all volumes, or select one using drive-letter
- walk [disknr] = Select a physical disk and walk the MBR/EBR chain
- wrim img [f [s]] = Write FS-image to disk-sectors start at LSN [f], size [s]
- run macro = Run a DFS macro in a REXX file
- copyoutput [stem]= Copy output from last-command to REXX stem-var
- q = Quit FS display; 2.52 07-12-97 (c) 1994-1997; Jan van Wijk
- EXTERNALS Any command not recognized as a valid DFS internal command
- will be passed to the default command-processor (COMSPEC).
- Usefull commands: CHKDSK, CD, DIR, ...
- Note: FDISK, SETBOOT etc will not work if a physical disk
- is currently opened by DFS itself.
- Command reference, general DFS commands
- ---------------------------------------
- disk [nr] = Select specified physical disk for physical addressing
- Purpose: Select a physical disk
- Parameters: nr optional Physical disk number, default is 1
- Output: Disk Geometry and default display of sector 0 (usualy MBR)
- The returncode (rc) will be zero for a valid disk number
- or equal to the number of disks otherwise.
- This can be usefull from REXX scripts.
- walk [nr] = Walk the MBR/EBR chain of partition-tables for specified disk
- Purpose: Show all partitioning information for the specified disk
- Parameters: nr optional Physical disk number, default is 1
- Output: Disk Geometry, MBR and all linked EBR's in partition format
- lock [ign] = Lock physical disk, to allow writing to it
- Purpose: Lock a physical disk
- Parameters: ign optional Ignore lock failure, do not prompt
- interactively for write permission
- Output: none
- unlock = Unlock physical disk, after writing to it
- Purpose: Unlock a physical disk
- Parameters: none
- Output: none
- part [i][ns] = Select specified partition, or show the list of partitions
- Purpose: Select a disk partition for analysis
- Parameters: i optional Number specifying the partition as shown
- by the 'disks' or 'part' commands
- or d: Drive-letter for a partition (part C:)
- or + To get a verbose list
- or ! To force a new scan of physical disks
- If no parameter is specified the list of
- partitions will be displayed.
- ns optional Do not start SLT thread automaticaly (HPFS)
- When specified, the SLT will be build later
- when the 'SLT' cmd is issued to display it.
- Output: Either the list of partitions or the default display for the
- first sector of the partition (usualy a boot-sector).
- Remarks: The command "d:" where d is any existing drive-letter will
- be interpreted as a "part d:" command. This means that the
- C: partition can be opened just by typing "C:"
- The returncode (rc) will be zero for a valid partition id or
- the number of partitions otherwise (usefull in REXX scripts).
- An example of the list ouput in table form (default) is:
- Opened phys. disk : 1 Cyl: 327 H: 64 S:32 Size: 327.0 Mb
- Number of physical disks found: 1
- ┌──┬──┬──┬─────────────────┬────────┬────────┬───────────┬────────┬─────────┐
- │id│PD│Dr│Type, description│Format │Creator │Label Info │BM-Name │ Size Mb │
- ├──┼──┼──┼─────────────────┼────────┼────────┼───────────┼────────┼─────────┤
- │01│ 1│--│Prim 0a Boot Mgr │FAT │ │«OS/2 » │ │ 1.0 │
- │02│ 1│C:│Prim 07 Inst. FS │HPFS │OS2 20.0│OS2 │OS/2 │ 170.0 │
- │03│ 1│D:│Log 07 Inst. FS │HPFS │OS2 20.0│OS2 │STARTUP │ 5.0 │
- │04│ 1│E:│Log 07 Inst. FS │HPFS │OS2 20.0│OS2 │ │ 145.0 │
- │05│ 1│--│Hide fe PS/2 syst│FAT16 │IBM 5.y│6M OPEN 525│ │ 6.0 │
- └──┴──┴──┴─────────────────┴────────┴────────┴───────────┴────────┴─────────┘
- Number of physical disks = The number of disks reported by the system
- Opened phys disk ... = opened disk with Cylinder, Head, Sector and Size
- Part nn WARNING: ... = Any informal, strange or alarming conditions
- Where: id = The selection-id used by DFS for this partition
- PD = Physical drive number; 1..max
- Dr = Drive letter, a capital plus a semicolon (C:),
- or a lowercase drive-letter for hidden partitions
- Type, description = Type-info and hex value of the type, type-info:
- Prim = Primary (active, accessible)
- Hide = Hidden (primary or special)
- Log = Logical volume in an extended partition
- Format = The filesystem format string found in the
- bootrecord for this partition or --none--
- Creator = The OEM identification string from the bootrec
- of "fdisk" if no valid bootrecord is found
- Label Info = The volumelabel as found in the bootrecord, or
- the «BM-label» of the current Bootmgr selection
- Note: The FAT volume-label will not be shown here
- BM-Name = The name for this partition as registered in
- the OS/2 boot-manager information area's
- Size Mb = The gross size of the partition in megabytes
- An example of a list fragment for verbose form is:
- DFS partition Id : 1
- Physical disk nr : 1 (Fixed), Partition-table 0 (MBR), entry: 0
- System Indicator : 0a
- Type description : Boot Mgr
- FileSyst. format : BMGR
- Partition type : Primary
- Part. visibility : Visible
- Creator OEM-name : fdisk
- Boot Mgr default : «Merlin »
- Boot capability : Bootable directly by BIOS and MBR-code
- Partition start : Cyl: 0 Hd: 1 Sec: 1
- Partition end : Cyl: 0 Hd: 254 Sec: 63
- Bootsect. offset : 0000003F = 63 Dec
- Partition size : 00003E82 = 8001 Kb
- Cluster size : 00000001 = 512 Bytes, in 1 sector(s) of 512 bytes
- Bootsector PSN : 0000003F
- Free space drive : -- Drive not ready, or unknown file-system: -
- .
- .
- .
- DFS partition Id : 7
- Physical disk nr : 1 (Fixed), Partition-table 4 (EBR), entry: 0
- System Indicator : 07
- Type description : Inst. FS
- FileSyst. format : HPFS
- Partition type : Logical
- Part. visibility : Visible
- Creator OEM-name : OS2 20.0
- Partition Label : OS2_BOOT_3
- Boot capability : Bootable by OS/2 boot-manager as: Merlin
- Partition start : Cyl: 83 Hd: 1 Sec: 1
- Partition end : Cyl: 131 Hd: 254 Sec: 63
- Bootsect. offset : 0000003F = 63 Dec
- Partition size : 000C02B2 = 384 Mb
- Cluster size : 00000001 = 512 Bytes, in 1 sector(s) of 512 bytes
- Bootsector PSN : 001458D2
- Free space drive : G: 92.3 Mb of 384.3 Mb on file-system: HPFS
- DFS partition Id : 8
- Physical disk nr : 1 (Fixed), Partition-table 5 (EBR), entry: 0
- System Indicator : 07
- Type description : Inst. FS
- FileSyst. format : HPFS
- Partition type : Logical
- Part. visibility : Visible
- Creator OEM-name : OS2 20.0
- Partition Label : OS2_DATA_1
- Boot capability : Not bootable by BIOS and MBR-code or OS/2 boot-manager
- Partition start : Cyl: 132 Hd: 1 Sec: 1
- Partition end : Cyl: 262 Hd: 254 Sec: 63
- Bootsect. offset : 0000003F = 63 Dec
- Partition size : 00201C84 = 1028 Mb
- Cluster size : 00000001 = 512 Bytes, in 1 sector(s) of 512 bytes
- Bootsector PSN : 00205BC3
- Free space drive : H: 193.3 Mb of 1027.6 Mb on file-system: HPFS
- vol [letter] = Select specified logical volume, or show the list of volumes
- Purpose: Work with logical volumes including floppies and CD-rom
- Parameters: Drive-letter for the volume
- Output: Either the list of volumes or the default display for the
- first sector of the volume (usualy a boot-sector).
- Remarks: Network or other "virtual" file-systems are not supported.
- check [dr/nr] = Report all detected file-system errors using SLT info
- Purpose: Check file-system integrity using SLT info (chkdsk function)
- Parameters: drive-letter or partition-nr to check, default opened partition
- Output: Verbose list of all SLT entries that have an error flagged
- This will include path+filename when available and textual
- explanation of the error(s)
- Remarks: The reported arrors are the same as listed with the SLT command
- 'check' is an alias for "SLT * 0 * +fffd"
- The SLT will be rebuild on each invocation of the "check" cmd.
- im img = Open a file with a FS-image (.img) for analysis
- Purpose: Work with a saved binary image
- Parameters: img Filename for the image, default extention is '.img'
- Output: The default display for the first sector of the image
- Remarks: File-system type is derived from first (boot) sector
- sim img [f [s]] = Save FS-image (.img) start from LSN [f], size [s] sectors
- Purpose: Save specified sectors as a binary image for use with 'IM'
- Parameters: img Filename for the image, default extention is '.img'
- f Start LSN for save, default is 0
- s Size of the saved image in sectors, default is 256
- '$' can be used to save all sectors of the disk/volume
- Output: none
- Remarks: When '.' is specified for s, sector 'f' upto 'this' is saved
- When '.' is specified for f, the start-sector is 'this'
- When '.' is specified for both, only the 'this' sector is saved
- wrim img [f [s]] = Write FS-image to disk-sectors start at LSN [f], size [s]
- Purpose: Write sectors back from an image to opened partition or volume
- Parameters: img Filename for the image, default extention is '.img'
- f Start LSN for write, default is 0
- s Size of the written sector area, default size of image
- Output: none
- Remarks: '.' can be specified for the f and s parameters, see 'sim' cmd
- fs fs-name [No] = Force analysis using specified file-system knowledge
- Purpose: Use specific FS knowledge if the default is not correct
- Parameters: fs-name File-system name, like FAT or HPFS
- No Do not try to build SLT automatically
- Output: none
- Remarks: Only HPFS is realy supported at the moment, and depending on
- disk or image contents DFS might behave strangely or even trap
- export [id][fn] = Export LSN's in sector list [id], to file [fn]
- Purpose: Save an LSN-list in a file for modification or later use
- Parameters: id optional Id for the list, f, b, d or m
- see "list" cmd; default is last list used
- fn Destination filename, default is dfslistX.lsn
- Output: none
- Remarks: The file has one LSN per line, editable with a text-editor.
- import [id][fn] = Import LSN's to sector list [id], from file [fn]
- Purpose: Read an LSN-list from a file, exported and/or modified
- Parameters: id optional Id for the list, f, b, d or m
- see "list" cmd; default is the "find-result" list
- fn Source filename, default is dfslistX.lsn
- Output: none
- Remarks: The file needs one LSN per line, editable with a text-editor.
- It can be the result of an export, derived from a log-file
- or created completely by hand.
- The verbose format resulting from a "list f+" or "list f+f"
- and the "delshow" is also valid. (use "log" cmd to capture)
- This is often more convenient than bare LSN lists because
- the verbose format contains info like path/filename.
- base [sn [sl]] = Set base limits start and end values, defining partition
- Purpose: Force a different partition start sector-nr
- Parameters: sn Sector-number to use as start for partition ==> LSN 0
- sl Sector-number to use as end for partition (optional)
- Output: none
- Remarks: Can be used if start of partition / partition-tables are bad
- Try to find the PSN for the first sector of the partition
- and use the "base" cmd followed by an "FS xxxx" command
- PSN xx = Analyse & display sector using PSN xx
- Purpose: Display sector using Physical Sector Number addressing
- Parameters: xx = 1 to 8 hexadecimals
- Output: Sector display, format selected based on sector-contents
- Remarks: The SN is specified in hexadecimal format, however the first
- digit needs to be decimal to avoid misinterpretation.
- Prefixing the SN with '0' will avoid any conflicts.
- Output that scrolls of the screen can be repeated using
- the 't' command. (display 'this' sector)
- CHS c h s = Analyse & display sector using CHS specication
- Purpose: Display sector using Cylinder, Head and Sector addressing
- Parameters: c mandatory The zero-based decimal Cylinder number
- Range 1 to disk-specific maximum and
- usualy below 1024.
- h mandatory The zero-based decimal Head number
- Range 0 to disk-specific maximum but
- never more than 255
- s mandatory The one-based decimal Sector number
- Range 1 to disk-specific maximum but
- never more than 63
- Output: Sector display, format selected based on sector-contents
- Remarks: Output that scrolls of the screen can be repeated using
- the 't' command. (display 'this' sector)
- xx = Analyse & display sector, SN xx; xx = 1 to 8 hexadecimals
- Purpose: Display a sector in the most usefull format
- Parameters: none
- Output: Sector display, format selected based on sector-contents
- Remarks: The SN is specified in hexadecimal format, however the first
- digit needs to be decimal to avoid misinterpretation.
- Prefixing the SN with '0' will avoid any conflicts.
- Logical addressing (LSN) is actualy used, however when a
- physical disk is selected the offset for logical addressing
- is set to 0. The result is that LSN's equal PSN's.
- Output that scrolls of the screen can be repeated using
- the 't' command. (display 'this' sector)
- H,h [xx [s]] = Hex-dump sector or half-sector, LSN xx, s sectors/bytes
- Purpose: Display current or specified sector in hex-dump format
- Parameters: xx optional LSN of sector to dump
- s optional size to dump: 1..63 specifies sectors
- 64..xxx specifies bytes
- Default is 512 bytes for the 'H' command
- and 256 bytes for the 'h' command
- Output: Hex-dump of the sector
- On every line 16 bytes of data will be displayed, each line
- containing:
- - the relative offset in the record (4 hex digits)
- - 16 bytes in hexadecimal; separator after 8 bytes
- - the same 16 bytes represented as ASCII
- Remarks: The ASCII representation is filtered, non-printable
- characters are represented with a PERIOD character
- t a|h [s] = This LSN, display in Ascii or Hex; s sectors/bytes
- Purpose: Display current sector in ASCII, EA, HEX or default format
- Parameters: a|h optional Specifies display format as:
- a = ASCII
- h = HEX
- none = default (based on sector-contents)
- s optional size to dump: 1..63 specifies sectors
- 64..xxx specifies bytes
- Output: Sector display in requested format
- Remarks:
- f[op] [t] [str]] = Find [options] sectors of [t]ypes containing [str]
- Purpose: Perform a sector search starting from the current LSN
- until a sector of the specified type and optionaly
- containing a specified ASCII/HEX string is found.
- Parameters: op optional Search options, default is '+'
- * = automatic repeat (find all ...)
- + = verbose output even when repeating
- - = search towards lower sector numbers
- ! = force LSN/PSN display, no file-paths
- $ = Use case-insensitive string compare
- @[pos] = compare at one sector position [pos]
- (with type dependant defaults)
- Note: Use no spaces betwee 'f' and options!
- t optional Types of sector wanted, default is any KNOWN
- specify multiple types in a single string
- DFS generic sector types
- '*' = any sector
- 'r' = Master Boot Rec 'e' = Extended Boot Rec
- 'b' = Fsys boot sector 'R' = Fsys reserved sec
- '!' = any known type 'u' = Unidentified data
- '$' = Free space '.' = <Past-partition!>
- HPFS specific sector types
- 'I' = File data 'E' = EA data
- 'A' = ACL data 'B' = Boot area
- 's' = HPFS superblock 'p' = HPFS spareblock
- 'H' = Hotfix table 'h' = Hotfix data
- 'x' = Bad sector-list 'X' = Bad sector
- 'S' = Spare dirblocks
- 'D' = Directory Fnode 'y' = Deleted Dir Fnode
- 'f' = File Fnode 'z' = Deleted FileFnode
- 'a' = Allocation block 'Z' = Deleted All-block
- 'd' = Directory block 'P' = Dir-band (free)
- 'Q' = Dir-band bitmap 'c' = Codepage info
- 't' = Codepage data 'i' = HPFS386 User-id
- 'm' = Bitmap Tables 'M' = Bitmap data
- For an up-to-date list, use the '???" command
- str optional A string of bytes that have to be present
- in the wanted sector.
- When the '$' string option is not given, it
- can be specified as a mix of ASCII and HEX.
- The starting mode is ASCII, switching to
- HEX and back is done with the ' character.
- Leading whitespace is skipped, in HEX mode
- spaces can be used to improve readability.
- Example 1: last'0d0a'first
- This will search for the word "last"
- followed by a carriage-return line-feed
- combination and the word first
- Example 2: 'e9bd13 0d4023 49 42 4d 3a38 2e'
- This will search for a byte sequence,
- in this case the start of COMMAND.COM
- Output: Sector display, format selected based on sector-contents,
- or a single line with position and type info when repeating
- Remarks: This command is also very usefull to find a specific fragment
- of disassembled code anywhere on the disk, to resolve the
- name of an EXE, DLL or device driver causing traps or hangs.
- Backward search can be usefull on HPFS to find the preceding
- fnode when looking at some random file-data.
- Note: the 'id' command will do this more reliably but depends
- on the sector-lookup-table to be filled.
- edit pos str = Update the current sector at 'pos' to the value of 'str'
- Purpose: Make (small) modifications to sector contents
- Parameters pos mandatory Hexadecimal offset, start of edit-area
- str mandatory A string to be placed at the specified
- position in the current sector.
- The syntax for this string is exactly the
- same as for the find ('f") command.
- So ASCII and binary specifications are
- possible.
- Output: Hex-dump BEFORE and AFTER for the changed sector area
- Remarks: The edit command itself does NOT write the new contents
- back to disk. Use the 'write' command to do that.
- The 'show' command can be used to view the sector before
- writing back or making more changes. It is simular to the
- 'H' and 'h' command, but it does not read from the disk,
- it just displays the current sector buffer contents.
- show [s] = Hex-dump current sector (or half-sector), s sectors/bytes
- Purpose: Display current (last read, edited) sector in hex-dump format
- Parameters: s optional size to dump: 1..63 specifies sectors
- 64..xxx specifies bytes
- Default is 512 bytes for the 'SHOW' command
- and 256 bytes for the 'show' command
- Output: Hex-dump of the sector, see the 'h' and 'H' commands
- Remarks: The main difference with 'h' and 'H' are that the current
- contents of the sector-buffer (possibly changed by an 'edit')
- are shown. 'h' and 'H' will first read a sector from disk.
- write xx = Write back the sector-buffer using current or specified LSN
- Purpose: Update a sector on the disk, possible after editing it
- Parameters: xx mandatory sector-number specification (LSN)
- '.' is the current sector ('This')
- Output: none
- Remarks: Only one sector (512 bytes) will be written.
- Writing back changed data to the disk can cause BIG TROUBLE
- when you don't know EXACTLY what you are doing.
- Use it with extreme care (and maintain backups if possible :-)
- list [id+op] [w] = Display LSN's in sector list [id], using options/wildcard
- Purpose: Display one of the sector-number lists maintained by DFS
- Parameters id optional Identifier for LSN list, valid values are:
- d = Dir, result or dir-block display
- b = Bad, result of 'scan' command
- f = Find, result of 'f' command
- m = Mem, result of 'mem' commands
- op optional + = Use verbose output, one line per LSN
- f = Incluse PATH info on Fnode LSN's on
- verbose output (requires + too)
- w optional Wildcard select-string, only valid with "+f"
- multiple wildcards '*' and '?' can be used.
- Very useful on a (large) list of deleted fnodes!
- Output: List of sector numbers in compact or verbose format
- Remarks: There should be NO space between [id] and the options!
- The default list-identifier will be set to a specific list
- each-time one of the lists is modified or listed.
- List also available for REXX in the dfs_sn. stem variable
- mem [c|lsn] [#] = Store LSN in MEMory list at loc #, or limit mem list-size
- Purpose: Add an LSN to the LSN memory list for later use with .NNN
- Parameters: c optional Clear command, limit list-size to # entries
- lsn optional LSN to add to the list, special values are:
- x, u, d, t for Xtra, Up, Down and This
- # optional memory location to store lsn, or limit
- Output: none
- Remarks: The LSN memory can be listed using "list" [+f]
- sort [+|-][u] = Sort the LSN list using specified options
- Purpose: Sort the list ascending/descending, remove duplicates
- Parameters: +|- optional Sort ascending (+) or descending (-)
- default is ascending
- u optional Make list unique by removing all duplicates
- Output: none
- .NNN [id] = Display numbered FS-entity marked .NNN from a sector list
- Purpose: Display one of the entries from the list last shown
- It can be applied on Directory- as well as Allocation-lists
- The number (NNN) to use is displayed to the left of the list
- Parameters: NNN The zero-based decimal entry number to show
- id optional Identifier for LSN list (see list command)
- Output: Sector display, format selected based on sector-contents
- Enter = down in hierachy (Enter = down)
- Purpose: Display the next, most likely wanted, sector
- Parameters: none
- Output: Sector display, format selected based on sector-contents
- u = up in hierachy
- Purpose: Display the sector that is higher in the hierarchy (parent)
- Parameters: none
- Output: Sector display, format selected based on sector-contents
- x = Extra LSN
- Purpose: Display the sector marked as eXtra
- Parameters: none
- Output: Sector display, format selected based on sector-contents
- SLT [t i s m] = Show SLT for 'type', at index i, size s, error-mask m
- Purpose: Display (selection of) the Sector Lookup Table
- Parameters: t optional Sector-types to include in the displayed
- list. Default is all types ('*')
- Types are same as specified for 'f' cmd
- i optional Start index in the SLT to display,
- '+' and '-' show next/previous screenfull
- 'a' will show entire SLT
- s optional Number of entries to display, default will
- result in one screenfull; '*' = rest of SLT
- m optional Error filtering mask, * = all errors
- 4-digit Hexadecimal value, each set bit
- will include a specific error value.
- When prefixed with a '+' sign, the ouput
- will be verbose (error-text & path+filename)
- Output: One line for each entry in the SLT, containing:
- LSN Start LSN for a range of sectors
- size Number of sectors in the range
- ref Other sector refering to this range (fnode)
- type Type of the sectors in the range
- error 4-digit Hexadecimal error value:
- 0x00000001 Linked to some structure, but not in bitmap
- 0x00000002 Allocated in bitmap, but no known link
- 0x00000004 HPFS shortname does not match DIR name
- 0x00000008 Fnode is a directory but DirFlag is not set
- 0x00000010 Fnode datalength greater than Dir-entry size
- 0x00000020 Fnode datalength smaller than Dir-entry size
- 0x00000040 Fnode datalength greater than allocated size
- 0x00000080 Fnode datalength smaller than allocated size
- 0x00000100 Checksum value is incorrect
- 0x00001000 LSN does not point to valid dirblock
- 0x00002000 LSN does not point to valid Fnode
- 0x00004000 LSN does not point to valid Allocation sector
- 0x00008000 LSN is too large for this volume
- Remarks: Sector ranges might overlap, the smallest matching range will
- hold the best identification for a specific sector.
- The start-index will default to the position of the sector
- last searched using the 'i' cmd.
- If needed the SLT will be built in a background thread.
- id [xx] = Identify, using sector lookup table
- Purpose: Display the type for a specific sector and one major reference
- Parameters: xx optional LSN of sector to identify, default is
- the current sector
- Output: One line specifying corresponding SLT entry, followed by
- a line specifying the type of the sector itself and a
- sector display of the 'ref' sector, in a format based
- on sector-contents
- Remarks: This function is extremely usefull to relate file-data sectors
- from fragmented files to the Fnode for the file.
- It will tell you exactly to wich file a certain sector belongs.
- log [file] = Log (append) to 'file' (.log); (No file => stop logging)
- Purpose: Close current LOG, open new and capture DFS output in it
- Parameters: File specification
- If no parameter is specified, logging is stopped.
- Output: Concatenated output of DFS commands given after the
- 'log' command, upto next 'log' or 'q' command.
- ANSI control characters for colors and cursor-positioning
- are not written to the logfile.
- Remarks: There is no check on available space on the destination
- drive, file may end up empty if disk(ette) is full.
- The same logfile specification can be used more than once,
- output will be concatenated.
- On each 'log' command the current logfile will be closed.
- trace [lvl] = Set trace level for DFS internal functions
- Purpose: Investigate unexpected behaviour and debug DFS
- Parameters: lvl optional Trace level; 0 = no trace
- Output: The resulting trace-level, after this the output will be
- normal output mixed with extra trace information showing
- API return-codes and DFS internal variables
- Remarks: Only available in the special DFSTRACE.EXE version
- prio [lvl] = Set relative priority of the DFS main thread
- Purpose: Increase (search) speed with +, or decrease system impact
- Parameters: lvl optional Prority level; + and ++ = high(est),
- - and -- = low(est)
- Output: The resulting prio-level
- Remarks: When running on low(est) priority in the background, DFS
- will almost come to a halt.
- q = Quit FS display; 2.52 07-12-97 (c) 1994-1997; Jan van Wijk
- Purpose: Exit DFS program
- Remarks: Opened physical disk and logfile will be closed on exit
- Asynchronious running threads will be aborted.
- cd [path] = Change current Directory
- Purpose: Change both the current directory and the current drive
- Parameters: path optional Absolute or relative path specification
- Output: The resulting current drive and directory
- Remarks: '.' and '..' can be used in the relative path specification
- run mf [arg] = Run a REXX macro from DFS
- Purpose: Execute a REXX script using the 'DFS' environment
- Parameters: mf mandatory Macro file specification
- arg optional Arguments to the REXX macro
- Output: Any output from the REXX macro including (OS/2) commands
- executed from the macro.
- Remarks: DFS commands can be issued from within the macro, this
- is the default environment (Address DFS).
- Commands for CMD.EXE must be addressed using 'Address Cmd'
- The following REXX variables will be available after
- each executed DFS command from a macro:
- rc The returncode from the DFS command
- dfs_disknr Physical disk number currently open
- dfs_partid Partition-id for selection with "part"
- dfs_drive The opened drive letter, including a colon.
- dfs_afsys The attached filesystem, like "HPFS" or "FAT"
- dfs_sect The last retrieved sector(s), binary buffer
- dfs_type Type of last retrieved sector, this is a string
- starting with the type-character (see 'F' cmd)
- followed by a textual description.
- dfs_this SN of the last retrieved sector
- dfs_down SN of most likely sector to retrieve now
- dfs_up SN of sector up in hierarchy
- dfs_next SN of next in sequence
- dfs_prev SN of previous in sequence
- dfs_down SN of up in hierarchy
- dfs_number The number of disks or partitions resolved,
- from the commands "disk 0" and "part 0" or
- "part" respectively.
- dfs_sn.0 Number of sector-numbers in the SN stem variable
- dfs_sn.n nth sector-number in the SN stem variable, coming
- from DFS output for directories and allocation.
- They correspond to the '.NNN' command
- Note: SN's are in an 8-digit Hexadecimal format
- REXX is dynamically loaded, when the run-command is exectuted
- It requires REXX.DLL and REXXAPI.DLL in the libpath.
- copyoutput [stem-name] Copy output from last-command to REXX stem-var
- Purpose: Allow output to be captured and processed from REXX
- Parameters: stem optional name of stem variable, ending in a '.'
- default: "dfs_output."
- Output: none
- Remarks: The <stem>.0 will hold the number of lines
- <stem>.1 through <stem>.n the actual cmd-output
- scan [wr [NoId]] = Scan bad-sectors; use read/Write verify; No automatic id
- Purpose: Identify bad sectors on a physical disk or logical volume
- Parameters: write optional 'w' to use full read/write/verify sequence
- NoId optional 'n' to disable automatic SLT lookup
- Output: Progress indication based on sector-numbers, and one line for
- each bad-sector found, plus an SLT display of a related sector
- like the fnode, if automatic SLT display is enabled.
- Remarks: For REXX, the dfs_sn.0 stem variable will hold the number of
- bad-sectors found and dfs_sn.1 through dfs_sn.n the actual
- bad sector numbers (can be shown with the 'list' command)
- Without the write option, only a single 'read' will be done
- for each sector, this can be executed on a running system
- with open files on the disk/volume to be checked.
- With the write option a "read/write-inverse/read/write-normal"
- sequence is done for each sector with contents checking.
- The contents of each sector will stay the same, so the function
- can be safely executed on formatted disks with live data.
- This sequence takes at least 4 times more time to complete
- and also, for safety, the disk will be locked. This means that
- the write option can only be used when the complete physical
- disk is not being used.
- Remarks: Also available for REXX in the dfs_sn. stem variable
- screen [arg] = Switch output to the screen on or off
- Purpose: Allow output to logfile only
- Parameters: arg optional 'on' or 'off' to switch mode
- Output: none
- Remarks: The returncode (rc from REXX) will indicate the setting for
- screen output: 0 indicates screen switched on
- 1 indicates screen switched off
- sep separ = Specify a different separator character for multiple commands
- Purpose: Allow use of the current separator-character in commands,
- while still allowing multiple commands to be specified in
- a single commandline.
- Parameters: separ mandatory One character being the new separator
- Output: none
- Remarks: If part of a multi-command itself, the 'sep; command needs
- to be terminated with the current (old) separator.
- The rest of the multi-command uses the new value.
- Example: dfs sep ~#log inifiles~part d~fos2.###~q
- Command reference, FAT specific commands
- ----------------------------------------
- Active filesystem : FAT, specific commands are:
- cl = Translate and display 'this' LSN as a cluster nr
- cl clust [cmd] = Translate specified cluster-nr to LSN, display using 'cmd'
- fatread [fat] = Read fat from disk into memory, fat = 1 or 2; default is 1
- fatwrite [fat] = Write-back fat memory to disk, fat = 1 or 2; default is 1
- fatshow = Display contents of the FAT from memory
- For an up-to-date list of commands, use the '??' command
- cl = Translate and display 'this' LSN as a cluster nr
- Purpose: Find out what cluster-nr corresponds to current LSN
- Parameters: none
- Output: The cluster number, or an error message when invalid
- Remarks: none
- cl clust [cmd] = Translate specified cluster-nr to LSN, display using 'cmd'
- Purpose: Display data using a cluster-nr instead of an LSN
- Parameters: clust mandatory The cluster-nr of interest
- cmd optional DFS generic command to execute with clust
- as its first and only parameter (like 'H')
- Output: The output for the cmd, when no explicit cmd is specified this
- will be the DFS default for the corresponding LSN, usualy a
- display of that sector(s) in an appropriate format.
- Remarks: none
- fatread [fat] = Read fat from disk into memory, fat = 1 or 2; default is 1
- Purpose: Update the in-memory FAT from the disk-FAT
- Parameters: fat optional Number of the disk-FAT, either 1 or 2
- Output: none
- Remarks: FAT12, FAT16 and FAT32 formats are supported, the in-memory
- FAT allways has the same layout (32-bit based)
- fatwrite [fat] = Write-back fat memory to disk, fat = 1 or 2; default is 1
- Purpose: Update the on-disk FAT with the possibly changed in-memory FAT
- Parameters: fat optional Number of the disk-FAT, either 1 or 2
- Output: Message indicating success or failure
- Remarks: This is a potentialy dangerous operation, also usualy both
- FATs on the disk need to be in-sync. So 2 writes are needed.
- fatshow = Display contents of the FAT from memory
- Purpose: List all FAT-entries separately for analysis
- Parameters: none
- Output: A list of FAT-entries with 8 values in each line, <free>
- <bad> and <eof> values are shown as such.
- Remarks: none.
- Command reference, NTFS specific commands
- -----------------------------------------
- Active filesystem : NTFS, specific commands are:
- none (yet :-)
- Command reference, HPFS specific commands
- -----------------------------------------
- Active filesystem : HPFS, specific commands are:
- \path-spec = find and show file/directory relative to root
- alloc [+] = Show data-band allocation bitmaps, compact or [+] verbose
- albit a [lsn s] = Set/reset allocation bit in bitmap for lsn-range
- autobase [t][l] = find the start of an HPFS partition by searching sectors
- of types [t], default 'spad'; [l] is last valid sector
- bitmap [xx,s,D] = Show bitmap at LSN xx, size s, in alloc or [D]ir format
- ca [lsn][opt] = Check Allocation integrity for (current) fnode lsn
- check [drive] = Check filesystem integrity for drive-letter (CHKDSK)
- cs = Calculate HPFS checksum for current sector
- delfind [short] = Find deleted files, with name starting with [short]
- delsave d [w;p] = Undelete files from the delfind list, to dir [d], and
- with optional wildcard [w] and minimum percentage [p]
- delshow [w;p] = Show delfind list, optional wildcard, minimum percentage
- dirmap = Show directory band allocation and usage map
- find path-spec = Find and show file/directory specified by path-spec,
- relative to current dir, or root if starting with '\'
- findroot [n] = find the Root directory without using the superblock
- starting the search at LSN [n]
- fixbs [clear] = Update bad-sector table with LSN's from DFS badsec-list
- fixcp = Update superblock with found LSN for codepage info
- fixcs = Calculate checksums and write super- and spare-block
- fixroot = Update superblock with found LSN for root-directory
- getbs = Read HPFS bad-sector table into DFS badsec-list
- path [n] = Show all path-components for current fnode, upto root
- saveto [dir][l] = Save filedata connected to (current) fnode to a file
- For an up-to-date list of commands, use the '??' command
- autobase [t][l] = find the start of an HPFS partition by searching sectors
- Purpose: Force a different partition start sector-nr for HPFS partition
- Parameters: t One or more sector-types to use in the search
- default is "spad", Super, Spare, Alloc and Dirblock
- f for fnode can also be used but is less reliable
- sl Sector-number to use as end for partition (optional)
- Output: Search progress and finel result when HPFS partition found
- Remarks: Can be used if start of partition / partition-tables are bad
- Use the "fs hpfs" command first!
- alloc [+] = Show data-band allocation bitmaps, compact or [+] verbose
- Purpose: Show usage and the distribution of data over the volume.
- Parameters: none
- Output: A single bitmap-graphic for the entire volume or for each
- allocation-band when verbose format is selected
- Remarks: System-reserved and Directory-band are indicated with 'S'
- and 'R' respectively. Other area's are filled in according
- to the degree of usage (allocation)
- dirmap = Show directory band allocation and usage map
- Purpose: Show usage of the pre-allocated directory-band
- Parameters: none
- Output: A single bitmap-graphic showing the allocation of the
- pre-allocated directory band.
- Remarks: If 100% is allocated more directory information will be
- allocated elsewhere on the volume.
- bitmap [xx s D] = Show bitmap at LSN xx, size s, in alloc or [D]ir format
- Purpose: Show a bitmape located at specified LSN, alloc or DIR format
- Parameters: xx mandatory LSN of a bitmap sector
- s optional size to dump: 1..63 specifies sectors
- 64..xxx specifies bytes
- Default is 4 sectors (default bitmap size)
- D optional Directory-format flag
- Output: One bitmap-graphic for the specified bitmap LSN.
- Remarks: Specifying an LSN that is not a bitmap-LSN will result in
- a garbage bitmap display.
- albit a lsn s = Set/reset allocation bit in bitmap for lsn-range
- Purpose: Manualy set or reset allocation bits in the bitmap
- Parameters: a mandatory 's', 'a' or '1' will set to "allocated",
- others will set to "free" state.
- lsn optional Start LSN for the range, default is 'this'
- s optional size for the LSN-range, default is 1
- Output: none
- Remarks: This is a potentialy dangerous operation.
- \path-spec = find and show file/directory specified by path-spec
- Purpose: Locate the fnode for a known file- or directory
- Parameters: path-spec full path specification with no intervening
- space after the '\' command character
- or absolute- or relative path specification
- with an intervening space. If the path
- does not start with a '\' it is relative
- to the current directory (see CD cmd).
- Output: Searchlist starting at the ROOT directory upto the requested
- file or directory. It is either followed by an error message
- if the path-spec was not found or by the display of the
- corresponding fnode information.
- Remarks: The search algorithm depends on the ROOT fnode being known.
- When the superblock is corrupt this fnode can be resolved
- using the 'findroot' command.
- path [n] = Show all path-components for current fnode, upto root
- Purpose: Show the directory-branch that contains current file/dir
- Parameters: n optional Start LSN for the search
- Output: One line for each found 'parent' directory, upto the root
- Remarks:
- ca [lsn][opt] = Check Allocation for (current) fnode lsn
- Purpose: Check allocation integrity for current fnode
- Parameters: lsn optional LSN of the fnode
- opt optional Options: v = Verbose, show progress
- Output: Σ Start of an allocation-sector (heavily fragmented)
- » Start of one file-extent (fragmented file)
- · One sector, green small dot is allocation OK
- ■ One sector, red big dot is allocation error
- Also a summary is given with the number of (failed) sectors
- Remarks: Fnode maybe for a regular file (sectors must be ALLOCATED)
- or for a deleted file (sectors must be FREE)
- findroot [n] = find the Root directory without using the superblock
- Purpose: Find the fnode for the ROOT directory, even if parts of
- the volume, including the superblock, are damaged.
- Parameters: n optional Start LSN for the search
- Output: Search-list starting at the first fnode encountered upto
- the fnode for the ROOT directory when found.
- Remarks: Specifying a startlsn might be needed if reading at the
- start of the volume results in device errors, or if some
- fnodes in the sequence are corrupted.
- fixroot = Write the root-LSN found with the 'findroot' command back
- Purpose: Fix bad Root-LSN pointer, after CHKDSK bugs or other corruption
- Parameters: none
- Output: none
- Remarks: It is better to lock the physical disk before writing to it
- fixcp = Write the CodePage-LSN found with the '0#f c' command back
- Purpose: Fix bad CodePage-LSN pointer
- Parameters: none
- Output: none
- Remarks: It is better to lock the physical disk before writing to it
- fixbs [clear] = Update bad-sector table with LSN's from DFS badsec-list
- Purpose: Replace the internal HPFS bad-sector list with the DFS
- bad-sector list, or clear the liste completely.
- Parameters: clear optional Make internal and DFS bad-sector list empty
- Output: none
- Remarks: The list can be the result of the "scan", "getbs", "mem" or
- "import" cmd, allowing modification off-line with an editor.
- The OS/2 chkdsk command will give erronous results on
- "reserved for system use" until the next reboot.
- It is better to lock the physical disk before writing to it
- See 'lock' and 'unlock' commands
- getbs = Read HPFS bad-sector table into DFS badsec-list
- Purpose: Replace the DFS bad-sector list with the internal HPFS one
- Parameters: none
- Output: none
- Remarks: none
- cs = Calculate HPFS style checksum on last-read sector
- Purpose: Show / check checksum on HPFS sector (super/spare)
- Parameters: none
- Output: Checksum value
- Remarks: Only meaningfull for superblock (10) and spareblock (11)
- These checksums are also stored by HPFS in the spareblock.
- fixcs = Calcualte checksums and write super- and spare-block
- Purpose: (re)calculate the checksum for superblock and spareblock
- and write them both back to the disk
- Parameters: none
- Output: none
- Remarks: none
- saveto [dir][l] = Save filedata connected to (current) fnode to a file
- Purpose: Recover a file if the fnode can still be found, by making
- a low-level sector-by-sector copy of its data to a new file.
- (basic functionality to be used for undelete operations)
- Parameters: dir optional Path to save the file copy
- l optional LSN of the fnode of the file to recover
- default is the current LSN (This)
- Output: Progress is reported with output like the "ca" command,
- error messages will be given as appropriate
- Remarks: Only the file contents is recovered, date&time and attributes
- are lost. (EA's will be recovered as of version 2.42)
- If no directory is specified it will default to the last
- directory given, or "A:" when it is the first time
- If the directory does not exist it will be created
- Make sure that this is on a DIFFERENT drive, otherwise it
- might overwrite the data you are recovering or still need
- to recover later.
- delfind [short] = Find deleted files, with name starting with [short]
- Purpose: Find deleted files, with name starting at current LSN
- Parameters: short optional shortname, first part of filename
- Output: Find-result list (as "f* z") on screen and in memory
- Remarks: List can be manipulated as usual, best viewed with "delshow"
- delshow [w;p] = Show delfind list, optional wildcard, minimum percentage
- Purpose: Display a list of deleted Fnodes
- Parameters: w optional wildcard selection for display
- p optional Minimum allocation-OK percentage
- Output: LSN list in fnode format (as "list f+f *;1" command)
- Remarks: Default wildcard is '*', default percentage is 1
- Wildcards are real (UNIX style) wildcards using '*' and '?'
- Wildcards can appear at multiple places in the path string.
- delsave d [w;p] = Undelete files from the delfind list, to dir [d], and
- with optional wildcard [w] and minimum percentage [p]
- Purpose: Undelete multiple files using (a selection from) a list
- Parameters: d optional Path to save the file copy
- w optional wildcard selection for display
- p optional Minimum allocation-OK percentage
- Output: Progress is reported with output like the "ca" command,
- error messages will be given as appropriate
- All files are recovered one by one using the "saveto"
- command automatically on each selected LSN from the list.
- Remarks: See "saveto" command
- LSN list is the find-result list as shown with "delshow",
- it can be edited using export or "log" + "delshow".
- If a path for the deleted file can be resolved, it will
- also be included in the saved copy. If the directories
- do not exist they will be created.
- This means a whole directory-tree can be undeleted in
- one operation, while retaining the structure.
- Diagram of an example HPFS structure
- Basic HPFS data-structure for Root-directory with AUTOEXEC.BAT, README file,
- an OS2 subdirectory and lots of other files. The README file has it's data
- allocated in 2 alloc-chunks.
- ╔═════════╗ ╔══════════════════╗ ╔═══════╗
- ║SUPER ║ ┌──>║ DIR block ║ ┌──>║ FNODE ║
- ║ ║ │ ║ ║ │ ║ ║
- ║ ║ ╔═══════╗ │ ║┌────────────────┐║ │ ║ ║ ╔══════════
- ║Root LSN ────>║ FNODE ║ │ ║│*Special**Start*│║ │ ║ ALLOC ──>║ DIR block
- ╚═════════╝ ║ ║ │ ║│entry FNODE LSN│║ │ ╚═══════╝ ║
- ║ ║ │ ║│BtreeDownPtr LSN│║ │ ║┌─────────
- ║ ALLOC ──┘ ║└────────────────┘║ │ ║│8514.RC
- ╚═══════╝ ║┌────────────────┐║ │ ║│entry FNO
- ║│OS2 (subdir) │║ │ ║│BtreeDown
- ║│entry FNODE LSN├────┘ ║└─────────
- ┌─────────────────────────────┤BtreeDownPtr LSN│║ ║┌─────────
- │ ║└────────────────┘║ ║│ANSI.EXE
- │ ║┌────────────────┐║
- │ ║│Special-end │║
- │ ╔══════════════════╗ ║│entry FNODE LSN│║ ╔══════════════════╗
- └─>║ DIR block ║ ║│BtreeDownPtr LSN├───────>║ DIR block ║
- ║┌────────────────┐║ ║└────────────────┘║ ║┌────────────────┐║
- ║│*Special**Start*│║ ╚══════════════════╝ ║│*Special**Start*│║
- ║│entry FNODE LSN│║ ║│entry FNODE LSN│║
- ║│BtreeDownPtr LSN│║ ╔═══════╗ ║│BtreeDownPtr LSN│║
- ║└────────────────┘║ ┌─>║ FNODE ║ ║└────────────────┘║
- ║┌────────────────┐║ │ ║ ║ ║┌────────────────┐║
- ║│AUTOEXEC.BAT │║ │ ║ ║ ╔═══════════ ║│PP... filename │║
- ║│entry FNODE LSN├───┘ ║ ALLOC ──>║┌────────── ║│entry FNODE LSN│║
- ║│BtreeDownPtr LSN│║ ╚═══════╝ ║│ 1st data- ║│BtreeDownPtr LSN│║
- ║└────────────────┘║ ║└────────── ║└────────────────┘║
- ║┌────────────────┐║ ║┌────────────────┐║
- ║│OS1.. filename │║ ║│README filename │║
- ║│entry FNODE LSN│║ ┌───────────────────────────┤entry FNODE LSN│║
- ║│BtreeDownPtr LSN│║ │ ║│BtreeDownPtr LSN│║
- ║└────────────────┘║ │ ║└────────────────┘║
- ║┌────────────────┐║ │ ║┌────────────────┐║
- ║│**Special**End**│║ │ ║│XXX... filename │║
- ║│entry FNODE LSN│║ │ ║│entry FNODE LSN│║
- ║│BtreeDownPtr LSN│║ │ ║│BtreeDownPtr LSN│║
- ║└────────────────┘║ │ ║└────────────────┘║
- ╚══════════════════╝ │ ║┌────────────────┐║
- │ ║│**Special**End**│║
- │ ║│entry FNODE LSN│║
- │ ║│BtreeDownPtr LSN│║
- │ ║└────────────────┘║
- │ ╚══════════════════╝
- │
- │ ╔════════════════════════╗
- │ ┌───>║┌──────────────────────┐║
- │ │ ║│ 1st data-sector │║
- │ │ ║└──────────────────────┘║
- │ │ ║┌──────────────────────┐║
- │ ╔═══════╗ │ ║│ 2nd data-sector │║
- └─>║ FNODE ║ │ ║└──────────────────────┘║
- ║ ║ │ ╚════════════════════════╝
- ║ ─────┘
- ║ ALLOC ║ ╔════════════════════════╗
- ║ ─────────>║┌──────────────────────┐║
- ╚═══════╝ ║│ 3rd data-sector │║
- ║└──────────────────────┘║
- (c) 1995 ║┌──────────────────────┐║
- J. v. Wijk ║│ 4th data-
- Examples of DFS usage
- ---------------------
- 1) Resolve original name of FILExxxx.CHK files (created by CHKDSK)
- When CHKDSK recovers files it will place in a FOUND.xxx directory in
- the root-directory. This directory contains one or more recovered files
- with names like FILE0001.CHK
- The original name of the file is still in the Fnode, it can be shown
- using the following dhpfs commands (assuming drive c:) :
- Command Explanation
- DFS disks Start DFS and scan physical disks
- part id Select partition 'id' (must be HPFS)
- \found.000\file0001.chk Search and display Fnode for .CHK
- Now 15 characters of the original name are shown as "Fnode Name String"
- 2) Show freespace area's (HPFS)
- "slt $"
- 3) Undelete a file; Find the fnode using:
- "f z" find the next deleted fnode
- "f z shortname" next deleted named shortname (case-sensitive)
- "f$@ z shortname" next deleted named shortname (case-insensitive)
- Add a '*' to the find command to do a repeated search (see 'f' command)
- Then use the "saveto path" command to copy the data for the deleted
- file to a directory.
- Notes: - It's best to use a different drive to avoid overwriting
- 4) Save and restore (parts of) a disk
- The "sim" command can be used to save a complete disk, including partition
- information to one (very large!) file on a different (network) drive.
- The save the entire unit (opened disk/partition or volume) use:
- "sim img-name 0 $"
- It can be restored using the "wrim" command, if and only if the destination
- disk has exactly the same geometry as the source disk (heads, sectors cyl).
- This could be used to clone one workstation to multiple machines.
- 5) List all "undeletable" files
- Find the FNODES for possibly deleted files using
- "f* z" or for specific files: "f*$@ z shortname"
- Now list them, including PATH and recovery reliability using:
- "list f+f"
- Or list just a subset using any combination of wildcards:
- "list f+f *\testdir\data?.txt
- Use the .NNN command to select a file to undelete, and then use the
- "saveto [destination-path]" command to actualy undelete it.
- ==> new in 2.41: use the "delfind", "delshow" and "delsave" to do the
- same for multiple files, and with less typing!
- 6) Update the bad-sector list with the results of a DFS-scan
- Find all sectors that are unreadable:
- "scan"
- Optionaly: list, export/modify/import the resulting bad-sector list
- "list +f" (list, including PATH if sector is Fnode)
- "export b badguys" (Place in an ASCII file badguys.lsn)
- Now edit it off-line, save as 'modified.lsn'
- "import b modified"
- Now replace the internal bad-sector list with the new modified one:
- "fixbs"
- 7) Save a list of currently deleted files on an HPFS volume:
- Find deleted files (could take quite a while!):
- "f* z"
- Save the deleted-Fnode LSN's in a file:
- "export deleted"
- - Note that the list-id is not specified, only a filename is given.
- The id will default to "f" for find-result because that was the
- last LSN-list used.
- The explicit command would have been: "export f deleted.lsn"
- Optionaly, also save PATH info and recovery chances using a logfile:
- "log deleted"
- "list f+f"
- "log"
- - This will result in a (possibly large!) deleted.log with one line
- per deleted file with size, recovery percentage and PATH+filename
- 8) Show the list of free diskspace area's for HPFS volumes
- "slt $ a"
- 9) Show all detected anomalies in the SLT (like allocation errors)
- "slt * * * +"
- 10) Display the FAT for a diskette in drive A:
- "dfs vol a"
- "fatshow"
- 11) Display the FAT Root-directory for partition C:
- "dfs part C"
- "x"
- Note: this is limited to a Hex-dump display of the start of the directory
- Known limitations and bugs
- --------------------------
- - There is only minimal support for FAT and only recognition for NTFS
- - Writing to a volume opened with "vol" (and locked) does not seem to work
- - Allocation integrity checks do not check the allocation for EA's
- Considered improvements
- -----------------------
- Rewrite of this documentaion in a description, command-reference and
- technical info on filesystems (possibly in HTML)
- More automatic detection of inconsistencies (like CHKDSK, FST, HVA, CHKPART)
- This will show HPFS problems like CHKDSK does, but in more detail and
- maybe some more types of inconsistencies.
- Note: Basic HPFS functionality implemented in version 1.62
- Some partitioning errors implemented in version 1.82
- SLT error reporting improved (HPFS) in version 2.46 (check cmd)
- CHECK command and improved reporting in version 2.50
- Real coverage of other file-systems besides HPFS like FAT, LINUX, NTFS ...
- The code has been prepared for other file-systems in version 2.21
- NTFS open FS and some FAT functionality has been added in ver 2.52
- Graphical User Interface, very low priority item
- This could make the program easier to use, however it also makes
- the program requirements less attractive becaus it uses PM/WPS
- or WINxx and makes porting more difficult.
- A command-line version will allways be available to allow operation
- from a minimal (diskette) system.
- Generic edit and write capability,
- This will allow recovery operations without using other (third-party)
- utilities. The user interface needs to support screen-editing for this.
- Note: Some write enabled commands have been implemented starting with 1.90
- Improved volume/disk locking implemented in version 2.25
- Basic edit and write capability added in version 2.50
- Recovery for missing/damaged HPFS bootsector resulting in FDISK
- display of "unformatted".
- Recovery for a 'quick format' on HPFS (unformat)
- Recovery for repartitioning (un-fdisk)