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- * Embellish - READ.ME
- ------------------------
- Welcome to Embellish by dadaware.
- Win95 users read the install/uninstall section!!!
- This file contains information you need to install Embellish,
- and additional information not included in the product documentation
- and updates to the printed manual.
- This README file is divided into the following categories:
- - Before You Install Embellish
- -Software Requirements
- -Hardware Requirements
- - Getting Help
- - Installing Embellish
- - Un-Installing Embellish
- - Late-Breaking News
- - Trademarks
- - Your Satisfaction
- Before You Install Embellish
- ---------------------------------
- Software Requirements
- ---------------------
- * Windows 95:
- Optional TWAIN drivers and/or pressure sensitive
- digitizers.
- * OS/2:
- Version 2.0 or greater. Optional TWAIN complient
- drivers and TWAIN type dll from third party sources in
- order to support scanning. Optionally PEN for OS/2
- to support pressure sensative digitizers.
- For this version of Embellish, only TWAIN support from
- CFM in Germany is working (http://www.cfm.de)
- At a future date, we expect support for drivers from
- Solution Technology, Inc. If you are trying to use
- drivers from STI, be sure they are the more recent
- version 1.6 complient drivers.
- Hardware Requirements
- ---------------------
- 33 Mhz 486 with 8 megabytes is minimum.
- 100 Mhz 486 with 16 megabytes is suggested.
- Video must support at least 256 colors,
- 16 bit or 24 bit video card is strongly recommended.
- Most computers have 16 bit capable video cards, but
- many users don't have the machine set to use this
- mode. Check your computer's setup to see if your
- video is set optimally.
- Getting Help
- ------------
- Documentation:
- Contact the dadaware web site at www.dadaware.com
- for updates and helpful hints, FAQs, etc.
- Service and Technical Support:
- e-mail is strongly encouraged as the primary support method,
- use support@dadaware.com. It avoids waiting and allows us
- to research your problem more thoroughly and provides
- a written record which you can refer to at your convenience.
- Phone support is available
- 9am-4pm PST. (510) 655-7898.
- Defect Reporting:
- email - support@dadaware.com
- Be sure to describe the problem in as much detail as possible,
- what events led up to the problem, if it is repeatable.
- Installing Embellish
- -------------------------
- OS/2: If installing from CD-ROM, go to the OS2 directory
- and run install.
- Win95: If installing from CD-ROM, go to the WIN95 directory
- and run setup.
- Because of the way Windows handles file associations
- (the .bmp like extension of file names), the installation
- for Embellish is broken into 2 parts. The first is
- accomplished by the setup.exe command. After running
- this, Embellish can be run and is fully functional.
- However Embellish will not be associated with any of
- the graphics files it can read.
- When a program is associated with a file extension, the
- program's icon will be shown when you view the file's
- icon and the program will be launched when the user
- double clicks on the file's icon.
- We do this 2 part install because you may want to keep
- files associated with an image viewer, a web browser or
- whatever. If you decide that you do want the file's
- associated with Embellish, run the program regsetup.exe
- after installing Embellish (it will be in the same
- directory as Embellish). Read the instructions it
- provides and be sure to not to destroy the backup file
- it creates. This file is needed if you ever want to
- uninstall Embellish.
- If the files are downloaded or from floppy disks, run the commands
- listed above but do not change to the specified directory first.
- Un-Installing Embellish
- -------------------------
- OS/2: Run INSTALL.EXE (which is included on the first disk or CDROM) to
- uninstall Embellish. When running install, choose 'Delete and
- reinstall'. Select the Embellish component to delete. After the deletion
- has occured, the install program will prompt you about
- re-installing. At this point exit the install procedure and
- Embellish will have been removed.
- Win95: Double-Click on the 'My Computer' icon. In the folder that is displayed,
- find 'Control Panel' and Double-Click. Choose 'Add/Remove Programs'
- and Double-Click. Look for the Embellish entry in the listbox, select it
- and choose remove. If you did the file association (regsetup)
- mentioned in the install section, you will need to run it again
- before you perform the normal un-install.
- Late-Breaking News
- ------------------
- Please check the dadaware web site
- www.dadaware.com for updates and new information. It is
- important for you to register in order to receive timely information
- about updates.
- --- Manual Updates ---
- 1. The manual section on use of the Clone tool is incorrect, refer to
- the online documentation instead.
- 2. The manual description on the use of the Color paint implies that
- intensity and saturation change will be linked to pressure. This is
- untrue, they are not pressure related. See the online documentation
- for more information.
- 3. The manual refers to Shear - Random, it should be Random Shear.
- --- Users of Previous Versions---
- It is important that users of Embellish 2.0 and 2.01 remove all traces
- those versions.
- OS/2 users:
- Run the inifile.cmd utility to reset your ini file.
- Win95 users:
- Open a Dos window.
- Type "regedit"
- Click on the + button next to HKEY_CURRENT_USER
- Click on the + button next to Software
- Click on the + button next to dadaware
- Highlight (select) "Embellish"
- Click the right mouse button, and choose delete.
- Highlight (select) "Album"
- Click the right mouse button, and choose delete.
- This will delete any of the old entries.
- Trademarks
- ----------
- The following terms are trademarks of dadaware in
- the United States or other countries:
- Embellish
- The following terms are trademarks of other companies:
- OS/2 IBM Corporation
- Windows 95 Microsoft Corporation
- Your Satisfaction
- -----------------
- Your satisfaction with Embellish is important to us. If you are not totally
- satisfied with this product, please contact us at support@dadaware.com.
- Tell us what is not meeting your expectations and why you are
- dissatisfied. Provide your name, your organizations's name, and
- your telephone number so that we can contact you. We will work with
- you to resolve your concerns.
- To contact us, use any of these:
- o Telephone in the USA: (510) 655-7898
- o Internet: support@dadaware.com