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- Private Idaho 2.8b3 (beta)
- 1/7/97
- copyright 1995, 1996, 1997 Joel McNamara (joelm@eskimo.com)
- What is it?
- -----------
- This is a new beta release of Private Idaho (a PGP, anonymous
- remailer, and nym server front-end for Windows). This document
- updates any information found in the help file.
- Private Idaho is unsupported freeware, licensed under the GNU
- General Public License. The licensing agreement is found in the
- license.txt file, distributed with this application. See:
- http://www.eskimo.com/~joelm/pi.html
- for information on obtaining the source code.
- 2.8b3 is a bug fix release. It replaces 2.8b2, released 9/26/96.
- No new features have been added.
- New 2.8b Features (9/26/96)
- ------------------
- Automatic encrypt/decrypt of PIDAHO.INI, NYMS.TXT, PUBKEYS.OUT
- Automatic encrypt/decrypt of SECRING.PGP and PUBRING.PGP
- nym.alias.net support
- Generate key pair command added
- Load passphrase at startup (in PGP Options)
- Submit key to MIT server command
- Get key from MIT server command (must have Net connection)
- Update remailer info command (must have Net connection)
- Support for private remailers
- Get remailer keys command (must have Net connection)
- X-headers command
- Remailer newsgroup header command
- Append on send command
- Delete nym command
- Attachment support
- Update PUBKEYS.OUT command
- Keys menu added
- Windows online help replaced by pihelp.htm
- Font changes
- New TCP/IP controls for enhanced Net performance
- Revised help
- Miscellaneous big fixes
- (see http://www.eskimo.com/~joelm/pihelp.html or the pihelp.htm
- distribution file for details on the above)
- NOTE: If you use the new auto encrypt/decrypt features. BACK YOUR
- Installation
- ------------
- PI28B3.EXE is a self-extracting .ZIP file. It uncompresses all of the
- required files to run Private Idaho. You can delete these files after
- you've installed Private Idaho.
- You can also choose to run PGP QuickStart from PI-SETUP. This utility
- will help you download and configure PGP.
- If you're updating a previous previous of Private Idaho, PI-SETUP will
- only replace older files. You'll be prompted to replace each
- existing file.
- If for some reason you have problems with the installation, you can
- manually copy the files.
- Distribution File List
- ----------------------
- cmdialog.vbx - common dialog VBX copied to c:\windows\system
- http20.vbx - TCP/IP VBX copied to c:\windows\system
- smtp20.vbx - TCP/IP VBX copied to c:\windows\system
- pop20.vbx - TCP/IP VBX copied to c:\windows\system
- netc20.vbx - compression VBX copied to c:\windows\system
- remailer.htm - remailer info file
- mixmaste.htm - mixmaster remailer info
- email.txt - email configuration info
- nymkeys.txt - nym server keys
- pcdezip.exe - unzip application for PGP QuickStart
- pgpquik.exe - PGP QuickStart application
- pidaho.exe - Private Idaho application
- pihelp.htm - Private Idaho help file - viewable with Web browser
- pipgp.pif - PIF file for shelling out to DOS PGP
- pipgpx.pif - PIF file for shelling out to DOS PGP
- qsreadme.txt - PGP QuickStart readme file
- readme.txt - this file
- rmkeys.txt - remailer public keys
- pi-setup.exe - install application for Private Idaho
- urls.txt - list of URLs for Web browsing
- usenet.txt - email/USENET gateway list
- license.txt - The GNU General Public License
- Mixmaster and Private Idaho
- ---------------------------
- Mixmaster (or Type II) remailers offer a high level of security
- (see http://www.obscura.com/~loki for complete details). Up until now,
- Mixmaster has only been available to UNIX users. Mixmaster's author,
- Lance Cottrell, has recently released a DOS client version of the
- application that works with Private Idaho 2.7b (and later).
- Since the Mixmaster client uses export-controlled cryptography, it is not
- included with Private Idaho. Refer to http://www.obscura.com/~loki for
- information on how to get a copy of MIXMASTE.ZIP (the compressed version
- of Mixmaster and its support files).
- Note: Although Lance and I have taken every reasonable precaution to assure
- that DOS Mixmaster was not exported, it appears that one or more persons
- unknown to us have exported the DOS version of Mixmaster (in violation of US
- law). We intend to continue to abide by the letter of US law in this matter,
- however we will list non-US ftp sites from which Mixmaster may be obtained as
- a public service:
- ftp://ftp.demon.co.uk/pub/dos/apps/mixmaster/mixmaste.zip
- To be able to send messages through Mixmaster remailers you need several
- files:
- MIXMASTE.EXE - the Mixmaster client
- MIXMASTE.CON - a support file
- PUBRING.MIX - the list of Mixmaster remailer keys
- TYPE2.LIS - the list of Mixmaster remailers
- MIXMSTR.TXT - statistics on Mixmaster remailers
- MIX.PIF - the PIF file for shelling to the DOS application
- These files are included in the MIXMASTE.ZIP file. Uncompress the files and
- move them to the directory containing Private Idaho.
- After you've installed these files, in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file add the
- following line:
- with the directory path specifying the Private Idaho directory. Reboot your
- computer and run Private Idaho.
- Using Mixmaster remailers with Private Idaho is no different than using
- Cypherpunk style remailers. Select Mixmaster from the Remailers menu,
- compose and address your message, select the remailer(s) from the drop-down
- list box to use, and choose Append info from the Message menu.
- Private Idaho will shell out to the DOS version of Mixmaster, and prepare
- the message for sending.
- You'll need to update information about Mixmaster remailers, just like
- Cypherpunk remailers. Specifically the PUBRING.MIX, TYPE2.LIS, and
- MIXMSTR.TXT files. You can do this over the Net with the new update
- remailer info command.
- Updated Mixmaster information can be found at:
- http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~raph/remailer-list.html
- and
- http://www.jpunix.com