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Not specified on package (1983/4?)
Monopoly is a computerised version of the classic board game.
CAPS-5 and CAPS-8 (arrow keys): move cursor
A: assets
C: credits
D: roll dice
H: houses
M: mortgage
N: no more properties (trading)
O: owners
P: show properties
Q: quit transaction
R: rent
T: trade
CAPS-SPACE: end game
The following is the complete documentation which accompanies the
Registered Trade Mark of Waddingtons Games Ltd.
Can you make more money than the computer? Dare you enter the
world of high finance and property speculation? Will the return
on your investments in houses and hotels pay off - or will you
be caught by high rents and be squeezed out of the market?
All your skill, nerve and luck are pushed to their limits as you
and your friends play the Computer Edition of WADDINGTONS
Enjoy hours of challenging, stimulating entertainment while
braving the surprises of CHANCE and COMMUNITY CHEST - making or
losing a fortune on the roll of the dice!
The Computer Edition of:
Registered Trade Mark at Waddingtons Games Ltd
A Introduction and Rules for playing MONOPOLY
B LOADing Instructions
C Playing MONOPOLY on your computer
LEISURE GENIUS is a registered trade mark of Winchester Holdings
A Introduction and Rules tor playing MONOPOLY
Registered Trade Mark of Waddingtons Games Ltd
The idea of the game is to buy and rent or sell properties so
profitably that players increase their wealth - the wealthiest
becoming the eventual winnen. Starting from "GO", move the tokens
around the board according to the throw of the dice. When a
player's token lands on a space not already owned, he may buy it
from the Bank: otherwise it is auctioned off to the highest
bidder. The object of owning properly is to collect rents from
opponents stopping there. Rentals are greatly increased by the
erection of Houses and Hotels, so it is wise to build them on
some of your Building Sites. To raise more money, Building Sites
may be mortgaged to the Bank. Community Chest and Chance cards
give instructions that must be followed. Sometimes players land
in Jail. The game is one of shrewd and amusing trading and
Monopoly Real Estate Trading Game Equipment consists of the board
on the screen with spaces indicating Building Sites, Railway
Stations, Utilities, rewards and penalties over which the
players' pieces are moved. There are two dice, and 6 tokens of
various designs for playing pieces. Thirty-two green Houses,
twelve red Hotels and two sets of cards for Chance and Community
Chest spaces. There are Title Deeds for every property.
Each player chooses one token to represent him on his travels
around the board. Each player is allocated 1,500. All other
equipment goes to the Bank.
Each player is given 1,500 from the Bank.
Each player in turn throws the dice. The player with highest
total starts the play. His token is placed on the corner marked
"GO", he throws the dice and moves his token in the direction of
the Arrow the number of spaces indicated by the dice. After he
has completed his play, the turn to play goes in the order in
which names have been entered. The tokens remain on the spaces
occupied and proceed from that point on the player's next turn.
One or more tokens may rest on the same space at the same time.
According to the space which his token reaches, a player may be
entitled to buy Building Sites or other properties - or be
obliged to pay rent (if another owns the property), pay taxes,
draw a Chance or a Community Chest card, "Go to Jail", etc.
If a player throws doubles his token is moved as usual, the sum
of the two dice and the space thus reached is effective (i.e. the
player is subject to any privileges or penalties pertaining to
that space). Retaining control of the dice, he throws again and
moves his token as before, and again, the space thus reached is
effective. It, however, he throws three doubles in succession,
he does not move his token on his third throw but immediately
"goes to jail" and his turn ends. (See Jail.)
Every time that a player's token either lands on or passes over
"Go", while going in the direction of the Arrow, the Banker pays
him 200 "Salary".
When a player lands on an unowned properly (i.e. on a Building
Site for which no other player holds the Title Deed) whether by
a throw at the dice or by a move forced by the draw at a Chance
or Community Chest card, the player has the option at buying that
property from the Bank at its displayed price. If a player elects
to buy, he pays the Bank for that properly and receives the Title
Deed card. If the player declines his option, the Banker must
immediately offer this propety for sale by auction and must sell
it to the highest bidder, accepting money in payment and give the
buyer the proper Title Deed card as evidence of ownership. Any
player, including the one who declined the option of buying at
the displayed price, may bid. Bidding may start at any price.
When a player lands on owned property either by throw of dice,
or by a move forced by a Chance or Community Chest card, the
owner collects rent from him in accordance with the list printed
on the Title Deed card applying to it.
Note: If the Site contains a House or Houses, the rent is larger
than it would be for an unimproved Site. If the Site is
mortgaged, no rent can be collected. Double rent cannot be
collected from a Colour-Group if one Site is mortgaged. A player
holding four Stations, but with one mortgaged, may only collect
rent from the other three - i.e. he would collect 100 - not 200.
Note: If the owner fails to ask for his rent before the next
throw of the dice no rent may be collected.
It is an advantage to hold Title Deeds for all Sites of a
complete Colour-Group (for example: Mayfair and Park Lane - or
Pentonville Road, Euston Road and The Angel Islington) because
the owner may then charge double rent for unimproved Sites of
that property. Houses can only be built on Sites of a complete
Colour-Group owned (see Houses). The advantage of owning Houses
and Hotels rather than unimproved property is that rentals are
very much higher than for unimproved Sites and profit the owner
A player is allocated the next card from the pack indicated and
follows the instructions. The "Get out of Jail free" card,
however, is retained until used. After being used, it is
"returned" to the pack.
All tax is collected by the Bank.
When, in the ordinary course at play, a player's token reaches
this space, the player receives no benefit nor incurs any
penalty, and moves ahead in the usual manner on his next turn.
The computer will always act as the Banker.
The Bank holds, besides the Bank's money, the Title Deed cards
and Houses and Hotels prior to purchase and use by the players.
The Bank pays salaries and bonuses, sells properties to the
players and delivers the property Title Deeds, auctions Sites,
sells Houses and Hotels to the players, loans money when required
on mortgages of properly at the mortgage value which is one-half
of the Site value printed on the board. The Bank will at any time
buy back Houses and Hotels from Building Sites at half-price. The
Bank will account for all properties you buy from it, taxes,
tines, money penalties, loans and interest.
A player lands in Jail - (1) If his token lands on the space
marked "GO TO JAIL". (2) If he is allocated a card marked "GO TO
JAIL". (3) If he throws doubles three times in succession.
Note: When a player is sent to Jail his turn ends there. He
cannot collect 200 Salary in that move since, regardless of where
his token is or of the path of the board he must move his token
directly into Jail.
Visiting Jail: If a player is not "sent to Jail" but in the
ordinary course at play reaches that space, he is "just
visiting", incurs no penalty, and moves ahead in the usual manner
on his next turn.
A player gets out of Jail - (1) By throwing doubles on any of his
next three turns after landing in Jail. If he succeeds in doing
this he immediately moves forward the number of spaces shown by
his doubles throw; he also has another throw of the dice. (2)
Using a "Get out at Jail free" card having on a previous turn
drawn it from a Chance or Community Chest. (3) By paying a 50
fine before he throws the dice for either his next or succeeding
turn to play. (4) A player must not remain in Jail after his
third turn (i.e. not longer than having three turns to play after
being sent to Jail). Immediately after throwing the dice for his
third turn he must pay a 50 fine unless he throws doubles. He
then comes out and immediately moves forward from Jail the number
of spaces shown by his throw.
A player may buy and erect a House, sell or buy property, and
collect rentals, even though he is in jail.
Houses can be bought only from the Bank and can only be erected
on Sites of a complete Colour-Group which the player owns
(Example: If one player succeeds in owning Pentonville Road,
Euston Road and The Angel Islington, i.e. a complete
Colour-Group, he may at any period of his ownership buy a House
or Houses from the Bank to erect thereon). If he buys one House,
he may put it on any one of these three Sites. The next House he
buys and erects must be put on one of the unoccupied Sites of
this or of any other complete Colour-Group he may own. The price
he must pay the Bank for each House is shown on his Title Deed
of the Site. (On the unimproved Sites of his complete
Colour-Group he continues collecting double rental from an
opponent landing thereon.)
A player may buy and erect in accordance with the above rules,
at any time, in his turn, as many Houses as his judgment and
financial standing will allow, but he must build evenly. He
cannot erect more than one House on any one Site of any
Colour-Group until he has built one House on every Site of that
Group. He may then begin on the second row of Houses and so on
up to a limit of four Houses to a Site. He cannot build, for
example, three Houses on one Site if he has only one House on
another Site of that Group. Similarly, Sites must be maintained
evenly, i.e. if Houses have to be sold they must be removed
equally from Sites of a Colour-Group. Houses may not be built on
Sites if one of the same Colour-Group is mortgaged.
A player must have four Houses on each Site of a complete
Colour-Group before he can buy an Hotel. He may then by an Hotel
from the Bank to be erected on any Site of that ColourGroup,
delivering to the Bank in payment, the four Houses already on the
Site plus the additional cost of the Hotel (200 for an Hotel on
Park Lane or Mayfair) shown on the Title Deed. (It is very
desirable to erect Hotels on account of the very large rental
which may be charged. Only one Hotel may be erected on any one
When the Bank has no Houses to sell, players wishing to build
must wait for some player to return or to sell his Houses to the
Bank before they can build. If there are a limited number of
Houses and Hotels available, and two or more players wish to buy
more than the Bank has, the Houses or Hotels must be sold by
auction to the highest bidder.
Undeveloped Sites, Railway Stations and Utilities (but not
buildings thereon) may be sold to any player as a private
transaction for any amount that the owner can get. No Site,
however, can be sold to another player if buidings are standing
on any Sites of that Colour-Group. Any buildings so situated must
be sold back to the Bank before the owner can sell any Site at
that Colour-Group. Mortgaged property cannot be sold to the Bank
- only to other players.
Houses and Hotels may be resold by players to the Bank only, but
this may be done at any time and the Bank will pay one half of
the price paid for them. In the case at Hotels, the Bank will pay
half the cash price at the Hotel plus half the price of the four
Houses which were given in the purchase of the Hotel.
Mortgaging properties can be done through the Bank only. The
mortgage value is shown on each Title Deed. The rate of interest
is 10 per cent, payable when the mortgage is lifted. If any
property is transferred which is mortgaged, the new owner may
lift the mortgage at once it he wishes, but he must pay 10 per
cent interest. If he fails to lift the mortgage, he still pays
10 per cent interest and if he lifts the mortgage later he pays
an additional 10 per cent interest as well as the principal.
Houses or Hotels cannot be mortgaged. All buildings on the Site
must be sold back to the Bank before any property can be
mortgaged. The Bank will pay one half of what was paid for them.
In order to rebuild a House on mortgaged property the owner must
pay the Bank the amount of the mortgage, plus the 10 per cent
interest charge and buy the House back from the Bank at its full
A player who is bankrupt, that is, one who owes more than he can
pay, must turn over to his creditor all that he has of value, and
retire from the game. In making this settlement, however, if he
owns Houses or Hotels, these are returned to the Bank in exchange
for money, to the extent of half their cost as shown on the Title
Deeds, and this cash is given to the creditor. If a bankrupt
player turns over to his creditor property that has been
mortgaged, the new owner must at once pay the Bank the 10 per
cent interest on the loan. At the same time he may at his option
lift the mortgage by paying the principal.
In case a player is unable to raise money enough to pay his taxes
or penalties, even by selling his buildings and mortgaging his
property, the Bank will take over all his assets and sell by
auction to the highest bidder everything so taken excepting the
buildings. The player must then remove his token. The last player
left in the game wins.
If a player owes more rent than he can pay in cash he may pay his
creditor part in cash and part in property. In this case, the
creditor will often accept certain property (even if it is
mortgaged) at a value far in excess of the printed one so as to
obtain additional properly for buildings or to block another
player from obtaining control of that property.
Property owners must watch out for rents due. Do not help other
players to watch their properties. The Bank loans money only on
mortgage security. Players may not borrow money or property from
each other.
Before commencing the players stipulate the time at which the
game shall end. At the end at the game the richest player is the
At the start of the game the Banker shuttles the Title Deed cards
and, after having cut them, he deals two cards to each player.
The players immediately pay the Bank the price at the property
thus dealt to them.
The game then proceeds in the usual manner until the agreed
finishing time is reached. No futher dealings must take place,
but if a player is in actual play when the finish is announced,
he is allowed to complete his move, and any transactions in
connection with it. Each player then totals up the values of his
possessions. (1) Cash in hand. (2) Building Sites, Utilities or
Railway Stations owned by him, at the price printed on the board.
(3) Mortgaged property at half the price on the board. (4) Houses
owned valued at their respective cost prices. (5) Hotels, valued
at the cost of five Houses. The player with the highest total is
the winner.
B LOADing Instructions
1. Type the command LOAD"" and press the ENTER key.
2. Once the program is loaded the program titles display and the
game starts. When the first prompt appears, press the STOP key
on the cassette unit. Remove the cassette and keep it safe for
next time.
C Playing MONOPOLY on your computer
After the program titles have been displayed a starting menu
appears showing the playing pieces. Allocate these to the
participating players by keying the appropriate number. The
computer will ask if you wish this player to be a computer player
or not. Press Y (Yes) or N (No) depending on your wishes. Then
type in the player's name followed by ENTER. 2-6 players can
participate, and all or any of them may be designated as computer
players. When all the participants have been entered press the
ENTER key.
This is shown at the top of the screen. The initial letter of
every entry when pressed will initiate the function.
Mortgage Houses Rent
Owners Trade Dice
Each player in turn "throws" the dice by pressing D. A computer
player will throw the dice on its turn automatically. The player
with the highest total starts. (If two or more players get the
highest, then they throw again.) Thereafter play is in the same
order in which the players' names have been entered.
The computer will display the current player's name, number and
playing piece. If the current player wishes to see his credit or
assets he should press the key C or A. To throw the dice press
D. The player's piece will be moved accordingly. A short pause
occurs before the computer moves on to the next player. If rent
is due, the owner's token will appear on the screen during the
short pause. If you land on an unowned property you may buy it.
If you do not buy, the Bank will automatically auction the
On pressing O all properties are listed below the screen board.
The player who owns a particular property will have his number
displayed on the right-hand side at the property name.
If a property is mortgaged, it is displayed with white characters
on a red background.
Pressing the SPACE key will list the properties and pressing the
P key shows the title deed. Press ENTER to leave the portfolio
and owner list.
If player requires to see his individual portfolio he must then
enter his number.
When a player lands on your property at the end of a move you may
claim the appropriate rent. To do this press R. Rent will then
automatically be paid to you. The computer checks for property
sets and mortgaged properties. Where the player has insufficient
funds, the computer will initiate house selling or mortgage
Houses and Hotels may be bought and sold at any time. The
computer asks if the transaction is a buying or selling one, as
well as the number of Houses you wish to buy. Selling Houses is
done one property at a time. All the players have an opportunity
to enter their requirements prior to the final transaction taking
place. If there are insufficient Houses available, an auction
will be held. Each player in turn develops Sites on the screen
board, one property at a time. This is done by positioning the
cursor on the board, over any property in the set and then
pressing the SPACE key. Pressing the Q key will quit the
transaction. Property details for that set will appear in the
lower portion of the screen. Other properties can be chosen and
viewed in this manner. If you wish to develop a displayed
property, position the cursor over the Site and press the ENTER
key. The computer will automatically validate and place a
House/Hotel on the property.
Selling is achieved in a similar manner - move the cursor to the
property set on the screen board, press the SPACE key to display
the property details and the ENTER key to select the property.
To mortgage or unmortgage a property press M. A cursor appears
on the screen board. The cursor should be moved to the
appropriate property. Press the SPACE key and the property
information will appear on the bottom of the screen. Other
properties can be chosen and viewed in this manner. If you wish
to mortgage or unmortgage the displayed property press ENTER. The
computer will check the status of the property and take the
appropriate action.
A player wishing to buy, sell or exchange property with another
player should press T. The program will ask who is trading and
the player must enter a number. Trading is always between ONE
property and either another property or properties with the
option of a cash balance.
The single properly to be traded is selected first by moving the
cursor to the required Site and pressing the SPACE key to display
the details. Pressing ENTER will select the property for trading.
The computer will ask you to enter each property to be traded,
selected as above. When no more properties are required for the
transaction, press the N key. The computer then asks if a cash
adjustment is required, and, if so, to which player it goes and
the amount. When the transaction is agreed the computer effects
the transfer.
After the piece selection, you will be offered the option of a
short game. If you enter Y, you must then specify how long the
game will last in hours and minutes. During the game, the time
is continually displayed on the screen and updated every minute.
When the specified time has lapsed the program will immediately
calculate the value at all players' holdings and announce the
Auctions are determined by the Bank, and will occur when a player
lands on a property which he does not wish to buy, when the Bank
receives property from a player as payment or when two or more
players wish to buy Houses when there is a shortage of Houses.
The auction is conducted by the Bank; players are asked to enter
their bids - to enter a bid the player must enter his player
number, followed by the bid. If a player bids beyond the value
of his assets the auction is voided.
The cursor is used in Houses, Trade and Mortgage. At the start
of each activity it appears in the GO square and may be moved
clockwise using CAPS SHIFT and the cursor left key and
anti-clockwise using CAPS SHIFT and the cursor right key.
Pressing the CAPS SHIFT and SPACE keys simultaneously will bring
the game to an end. The computer will calculate the value of all
the players' holdings - and then announce the winner.