ST-Computer Leser-CD 1999 January
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3.0 CoMa Voice (Overview)
In this part of the handbook we will explain the capabilities of
CoMa Voice. With CoMa Voice and a voice modem your computer
becomes an integrated fax / answering machine and even a mini
CoMa also allows these functions to be personalised for friends,
businesses and other accessers by PIN. In CoMa Voice you have 7
messages for PIN recall, in CoMa Professional as much as you want.
CoMa also switches between voice/fax/data automatically.
For more details:
First Level Messages (MSN and time dependent messages)
The time announced messages. No more need for monotonous answering
texts, CoMa offers in the voice part seven different texts (First
Level), six of those can be associated to special times.
Second Level Messages (PIN recalled messages)
These messages are played if a special number (PIN) is recognized
by CoMa. The caller therfore uses the number buttons of the
telephone. The telephone has to send DTMF tones!
calling-MSN Messages
With CoMa Professional it is possible to create a message for a
spezial telephone number if this number has a download folder and you use a
ISDN modem.
Remote control of the answering machine
As is possible in many answering machines you can listen to your
messages remotely as well. CoMa offers much more functions as any other
answering machine.
3.1 Systems requirements
First of all the necessary hardware. Every ATARI WITH 68000 or
higher can be used. The modem has to be a voice-modem. You will
find a list of appliances tested by us at the end of the chapter.
Many of the mentioned modems are distributed under different brand
names. Make sure when buying your modem that it is compatible with
one of the tested appliances. If in doubt use our hotline and we
will advise and save you a lot of frustration.
Because of the extensive transport of data to the computer during
the recording of incoming calls a standardised data transfer rate
of 19200 Baud for fax transmission between modem and computer is
not sufficient. The minimal speed should be 38400 Baud otherwise
the recording of calls can only be made with low quality in the
lowest digital grade.
Modem supported by CoMa Voice
ZyXEL 1496 E(G)(+)
Elite 2864D (ISDN) Omni
ELSA Microlink 28.8TQV (TKR Tristar)
ELSA Microlink ISDN
Creatix LC144VF LC2834VF
USRobotics Sportster 14.4 VI Sportster 28.8 VI
Dr. Neuhaus Smarty 14.4 TI Smarty 19.2 TI Cybermod
Actual: 1.7.1997
More about these modem in chapter:
3.5 Characteristics of tested modems in voice operation
3.2 Upgrade Registration
The faxprogramme CoMa includes a limited shareware version of the
voice mode. You can configurate this part by CoMa and use all
other functions. Calls are limited to 7 seconds though. To lift
this limitation you have to receive a new registration code, this
key lifts the limitations.
If you have registered the fax programme already you need an
upgrade from CoMa and you only pay the difference between CoMa to
CoMa Voice (and the actual updatekey is free of charge as well).
Call up the menu point "CoMa" in first pull-down- menu to make the
registration. Click on the entry registration and select the area
of your distributor. Now the text editor of CoMa opens and and you
have to complete the relevant fields and print the form.
Fastest method to receive your upgrade key is to enclose a crossed
cheque with your application form. Bank transfers need some time.
Enter your name in the field NAME1 as you would like it to appear
in the stampline.
3.3 Parameter Voice
You have to make some adjustments in various dialogue boxes to be
able to use the computer operated answering machine.
Switch on answering machine option
First of all you have to switch on the answering machine function
in "MSNs/Messages" of parameter. This is done in "Connect" by
selecting the entry "Voice&Fax" or "Voice&Fax&Data". The answering
machine is switched on and can be switched off by selecting a
function without voice.
It is very important that you have got the right modem for the
voice operation. You find this option in the dialoque "General".
Now you have to adjust the parameter for the activation of the
modem as answering machine. This is made in the dialogue box
"Voice" in the pop-up-menu "parameter".The following dialogue
box will be displayed:
Depending on the Chipset you can adjust various recording
qualities here. The higher the recording quality the more space a
file needs on the hard disk.
Path for the answering machine
Enter the paths for the folders CoMa will use to store the calls
and answering texts into these rubrics. If you click on one of
these lines a file-selection-box appears and you can adjust the
The folder outgoing has been created for time activated answering
Sys Out
You should save all your systems announcements which are used for
remote calling in this folder.
2nd Level
All answering text accessible by PIN have to be saved in this
This folder is used for saving incoming calls.
max. record. time
This function is included as a safety feature should the silence
recognition feature of your modem fail,in wich case your modem
will not switch back to on hook and in a short time all space on
your harddisk will be used, also no more calls can be received.
Silence X Seconds
To make sure the recording does not stop during small silences
(brainmovements of callers) enter an acceptable time before
silence recognition and therefore the end of recording takes
place. According to our experience 5 seconds should be ok.
This pop-up-menu adjusts the sensitivity with which silence in the
telephone line is recognised. The adjustment "most sensitive" is
able to detect silence even at noisy connections and the recording
can stop after the caller has hung up.
redirekt message to...
If you want to redirect recorded messages to a different telephone
line you can activate the function here and enter the selected
telephone number.
Remote PIN
Enter the secret PIN for remote calls here. To limit errors in
recognising the PIN always has to start with an 8 unless you are
only using a single number as PIN (we do advise against this
though because it can lead to misuse). After that you can add up
to 6 numbers. For better recognition the same number should not
follow one another. If you have made a mistake type number 8 and
you can start again.
no time announces (during remote calls)
You can have the time the recording has been made announced during
remote calls. this function increases the telephone costs though.
If you do not want to use this function it can be switched off
with this button.
If message, answer X rings earlier as normal (Toll Saver)
The answering maschine goes x rings earlier off-hook if a message has been
recorded. You can spare telephone fees if you use the remote control.
Recording of system announcements
You have to record a systems announcement even if you do not want
to use the remote inquiry, or you want to use them without
answering texts (button "no time announces" activated)
CoMa searches at the end of a recording for the announcement that
indicates the end, unless the recording has not been interrupted
via the recognition of silence :END_MESS.??? If this text is
missing you will always have an error message in the main dialogue
box! Create a relevant file in the folder "Sys Out" therefore. A
possible text would be "thank you for your call".
Announcement texts for the remote inquiry (folder Sys Out)
You need the following announcement texts if you want to listen to
the answering machine via remote inquiry. CoMa will build the
announcement about number of calls and faxes from these building
blocks. Recommendations for texts appear in " ..." There should be
only these texts next to the numbers. You can save the texts in
their own folder. Define a folder in the path "Sys Out" in the
parameter box "Voice" in which you can save the announcements. If
you do not wish any announcements during remote inquiry switch off
the button "without announces" in the dialogue box "Voice". The
announcement texts listed below do not apply then:
NUM_00.ZX? Zero
NUM_01.ZX? one
NUM_02.ZX? two
- etc
NUM_24.ZX? oder NUM_24.RO? twentyfour and more
THEREARE.ZX? there are
IN_MESS.ZX? messages and
FAXES.ZX? faxes
DATA.ZX? Data calls
CLOCK.ZX? clock
ERROR.ZX? there has been a error
The third sign (?) of the extension indicates the quality and the
used chipset. The example show the extension of ZyXEL modem.
Quality [kB/s] ZyXEL Rockwell Smarty USRobotics
CELP 1,2 .ZX1 ./. ./. ./.
ADPCM2 1,8 .ZX2 .RO2 .SM2 .US2
ADPCM3 2,7 .ZX3 .RO3 .SM3 ./.
ADPCM4 3,6 .ZX4 .RO4 ./. ./.
mylog8 7,2 ./. ./. .SM8 ./.
The function "Play" replays announcement texts after recording.
The file selection box appears again from which you can select the
text you want to replay.
3.4 Converting of sound files
CoMa enables conversion of sound data from AIFF and WAVE format in the ZyXEL.
Rockwell (Elsa, Creatix) and Cybermod format. This gives you access to near
unlimited sounds, music and spoken texts to create your announcements. You
get the dialogue box everytime you want record or play a sound file. The
Pull-Down-Menue "File" encludes the function "Record/Play" wich opens this
box too.
This box contains all preadjustments necessary for recording and
playing a sound file.
Depending on the chosen chipset, differing variations to record
OGMs (Out Going Messages) are available. Entries not available are
displayed shaded and can not be selected. Further information in
the next chapter.
Again depending on the chipset differing play back possibilities
are available. see next chapter.
The buttons Record and Play make it possible to record and replay
directly from the preadjustment box. After starting the programme
you do not have to go with the mouse to the pull-down-menu "File"
every time you want to try a different possibility.
Conversion of a WAVE file
Click on the required output format and a file-selection-box
appears. Select the name and click on "OK" and CoMa converts the
file into the format according to the adjustments made in the
dialogue box "General" Enter the path destination and (if required)
new name into the second file-selection-box.
3.5 Characteristics of tested modems in voice operation
This chapter will give you advice about the tested types of
modems. We cannot give any guarantee for completeness or
correctness of these specifications. The producers of modems
change the firmware regularly which can result in new errors about
which we were not informed at time of testing.
Read this chapter carefully to find the most compatible modem. It
is even more important if you plan to buy a voice modem.
The ZyXEL Modem 1496 E(G)(+)
The quality of recording can be adjusted in several steps in the
pop-up-menu of the dialogue box "Voice". An increase in quality is
achieved by higher resolution of the scan value. Higher quality
means larger memory space for messages on the hard disk. The
adjustment ADPCM3 records with three Bit per scanning. This leads
to a need of space of 3600 bytes/sec! For smaller hard disks it
has to be considered that adjustment ADPCM2 might be sufficient.
This needs only 2400 Bytes per second. The quality is worst in the
adjustment CELP but uses the least amount of memory. It works with
only 1 bit per scanning and needs only 1200 Bytes per second
answering text. CELP exists only in ZyXEL-Plus-Models. From
firmware 6.13 ZyXEL offers also ADPCM4. This resolution can only
be used by ports of 57600 Baud.
Recording with Zyxel modem
Input handset
A telephone receiver can be connected directly to the line entry
of the ZyXEL for recording of answering texts. You have to speak
into the loudspeaker (!) though (adjustment: handset). The quality
is very bad.
Input line
The recording is better if you connect a telephone parallel to the
modem (input line) and speak into the mouth piece of the telephone
receiver. If you have a german TAE box you have to connect the
pins as shown below. We do not know exactly how to do this with
american western plugs or the english plugs. Try out! There is a solution!
Pin 5 to Pin 2
Pin 6 to Pin 1
Once you have done use the command "Record" in the pull-down-menue
"File". Recording starts when the LED with the marking RXD on the
ZyXEL flashes, or the recording bar is displayed on the monitor.
Either speak the text into the telephone or into the externally
connected microphone. You finish recording by pressing +"." key.
The file selection box opens and you can enter the name of the
Replaying the recorded calls.
The Zyxel can replay the recordings in three different ways:
The telephone receiver of a connected telephone will be used for
replay. You will need a modified telephone cable, so you can
listen to the calls without the disturbing dial tone. You can
overcome this by dialling a single number (i.e. 7), however this
is the least satisfactory method.
modem speaker
The ZyXEL has got an inbuilt mini-loudspeaker but the replay of
sound is not very good. It is better than the above method, but...
ATARI speaker
This is the best methode. If you connect your computer to a
amplifier the sound is very good.
Smarty 14.4 TI and19.2 TI (Dr. Neuhaus)
Recording with the Smarty Modem
You can choose two variations for input. We recommend to use the
microphone on the headset. Activate "Micro" in the pop-up-menu.
You find a matching connection at the back of the cover for the
Replay of recordings
The replay can be made as well via the headset. Use the adjustment
"Modem-speaker" of the pop-up-menu "Output".
Recognition of DTMF tones (tone dial method)
The recognition of tone dial is a problem in these appliances. The
modem can only recognise these signals in recording mode in the
actual firmware version. The remote polling of personalised
messages or the use of remote inquiry is not satisfactory.
These modems are not suitable for the functions Voice-on-demand
and Fax-on-demand of CoMa Professional in this way.
Cybermod by Dr Neuhaus
This modem was a real surprise, all functions worked at once. The
evaluation of the compression algorythm for data conversion was
without problems. Replay can be made with excellent quality via
the ATARI inbuilt speaker.
But one problem has to be mentioned: It works with the old fax
standard class 2! So the polling request is not used! Fax polling
is only lidded possible!
The Creatix LC144 VF (LC 288 VF)
These modems are a cheap alternative to the Zyxel. Recording and
replay are realised easily because a microphone and loudspeaker
are easily installed. The microphone and loudspeaker can be bought
cheaply if you do not allready have them.
Das Creatix bietet folgende Auflösungen an: Extension der Datei
ADPCM2 1,8 kByte/s (works with 19200 bps) (.RO2)
ADPCM3 2,7 kByte/s (works with 38400 bps) (.RO3)
ADPCM4 3,6 kByte/s (works with 38400 bps) (.RO4)
Recording with the Creatix modem
The creatix modems of the range LC....VF have got an inbuilt
microphone which lets you record easily. Use as input-adjustment
the entry "Micro".
Replay of recorded messages
Connect a mini loudspeaker to the modem and activate the menu
point "Modem-Speaker" in the pop-up-menu "Output".
Replay via the ATARI loudspeaker is possible. The quality is quite sufficient
with a walkman-loudspeaker, it is better in any case than ordinary
answering machines.
Silence recognition
All Creatix modems have got a problem with the silence recognition
unfortunately. The silence is not recognised in a quite clear
telephone line even in the setting "most sensitive" and the
recording is not stopped after the caller has hung up.
Make sure that you enter an acceptable time in the field "max.
record time". Something between 60 and 120 seconds should be ok.
If your telphone is digital the "busy-detect" will help you here.
The digital net sends an engaged tone (busy detect) 5 seconds
after a caller has hung up and this is recognised by the modem and
will make it return to "on hook".
ELSA microlink 28.8 TQV (TKR Tristar)
Modems at the best price/achievement relation are the appliances
of the Microlink TQV range. The modems are sold by the company
TKR under a different name but are equal. They achieve 28800 bps
in data mode, with compression they can make it to 57600 bps.
As in the Creatix modem the processor is by Rockwell. Three
appliances are on the market as in Creatix.
These modems have got an inbuilt microphone on the front part
which should be used for recording. Use the adjustment "Micro".
You have to find the right distance to the modem yourself. If you
are to close to the microphone the quality suffers.
Your choice should be replay via the inbuilt loudspeaker of the
modem, but the sound is not too bad due to the metalic cover.
Replay via ATARI loudspeaker is working too.
This is the same as Creatix with the silence recognition problem.
Shortly this will not be a problem for 100% of UK, due to the
engaged signal being transmitted at call end by the digital
networks. The advice given for Creatix silence recognition applies
USRobotics Sportster 14.4 VI (28.8 VI)
This modem has got only one recording mode which does not offer
good quality at all.
Two ways are possible. The easiest is via the inbuilt microphone
(on the front of the appliance). Adjust Input "Micro". You can
also use the telephone receiver of a telephone connected to the
same socket as the modem. Select "handset" in the pop-up-menu for
To record with the handset lift up the receiver and start
recording with the command "Record" from the pull-down-menue
"File". Speak after the free tone has finished.
For replay you can use the loudspeaker of the modem. Activate the
menu point "modem speaker" in the pop-up-menu "output".
You can also use the receiver of the telephone if it is connected
to the same socket. The adjustement would be "handset".
The modem cannot recognise data calling tone in the voice
operation, and therefore can only be used for fax and answering
machine. The mailbox cannot be operated. A further bug: the
firmware does not evaluate the number of ring tones correctly.
It also cuts out at the end of the recording if the DTE speed is
adjusted higher than 19200 bps. You can easily live with the low
data transfer rate because a data connect is not possible anyway.
And again: silence recognition does not work. Don't forget to
think of the "max. recording time".
This is a miracle of modern technology. This modem contains a
confusing large number of parameters which can bring tears to the
eyes of the uninitiated. Our programmer was near a nervous
breakdown and in tears more than once. Be not surprised if it does
not work at once! On the other hand the modem offers you a lot (if
you need that sort of thing).
You can choose all possibilities for recording. There is a problem
with recording via the handset if after 15 seconds the engaged
tone starts. We do not recommend this method. The best is a
microphone connected into the relevant socket.
You can choose all options again, even the inbuilt loadspeaker
offers an acceptable quality, but the external loudspeaker system
is recommendable as well.
The machine is complicated.
The modem passes the MSN after the first ring only.
There must be still a bug in the firmware. The MSN specific
announcement will only function if the computer is switched on at
the first ring tone.
Be aware that the firmware for the ISDN part in version 2.04 and
for the analog part in 1.13 still exist. In these versions the
modem works quite well.
This modem works analogue and digital (ISDN). The
price/performance relation is very good. There is no possibility
though to record via a microphone. As long as we have not
programmed a conversion into a ATARI readable file it is only
possible to record the required text into the answering machine.
Then rename and copy and use as OGM. Because most ISDN owners have
got an extension this is possible without higher charges. But one
would have thought that it would not be so expensive or difficult
to have built the damm thing with the microphone possibility in
the first place!!!!
3.6 Record and replay of messages
Use the menu point "Record" from the pull-down-menu "File" to
create announcements. Depending on which modem you own the
recording chanel will be opened according to the adjustment of
"Input" in the dialogue box "Convert Voice".
Start speaking when the recording bar is displayed on the monitor.
Finish recording by pressing Ctrl + "." simultaneously. The
dialogue box for entering path and name will appear after
finishing the recording.
Make sure the path is correct when saving. First-Level-Messages
belong in the folder "Outgoing", Second-Level-Messages into the
folder "2nd Level". Save the systems announcement for remote
inquiry in the folder "System Out".
Listen to your text after recording again. For this press command
"Record/Play" in the pull-down-menu "File". You will now find a file
selection box and the last file is already marked. Start replay
with the command "open".
3.7 Parameter "MSNs/Messages"
You have the possibility to record 9 announcements and determine a
time for every announcement text. These time dependent
announcements are called "First Level Messages" by us. The
adjustment of data and association is done in the dialogue box
parameter "MSNs/Messages".
Another feature of CoMa Professional is interesting for owners of ISDN. If
you have got an ISDN modem you can associate to every MSN (up to 10) time
dependent answering texts. The modem gives CoMa Professional the number
called and enables a telephone number specific announcement. Personalised
announcements accessible by PIN are not affected by this (Second Level
Messages). Regardless on which telephone line a PIN is sent, if it is valid
the stored text will be played.
Another feature for ISDN:For all entrys in the number list you can leave a
voice file. If the caller is identified by his calling telephone number
(calling-MSN), CoMa plays this voice file instead of the time announcements.
The ZyXEL Elite ISDN sends the receiver recognition only after the
first ring tone. If you switch on your computer with hardware
extension (i.e. WAKE_UP by our company) automatically this
function will not work anymore. The computer has to stay switched
on for this modem at all times to be able to process a MSN
specific announcement.
The First Level Messages (time dependent announcements)
Open the dialogue box "Messages" in the pull-down-menu
The first fields are available for the ISDN-option. The figure
behind MSN indicates the number of ring tones after which CoMa
should start.
You can chose here which connections the programme should create
depending on which version of CoMa you would like to use. If you
are in possession of the basic CoMa programme you can either use
the pure fax programme (only fax selected) or enable the receipt
of data as well (select fax+data). The same applies to the voice
option which you can only use if you are in possession of CoMa
voice and a voice modem. But even in CoMa (standard) you can try
out the voice option. Every option works, but you can record only
files for max. 7 seconds!
Answer at X rings
This field is used to select the number of rings after which the
modem should pick up if automatic receive is selected. (Automatic
receive is switched on/off using the relative button in the main
dialogue box) If a 0 is entered here the modem will pick up after
the first ring on automatic receive.
A bit further down you find the adjustment possibilities for the
First Level Messages. You can associate seven announcement texts
to specific times. The text in the slot "else" is always used if
no other slot is provided for the actual time.
To select a new file press the button right next to the time
input. You will receive the file selection box and be able to mark
a time.
The button next to this opens the dialoque box "Record/Play" where you can
start to record a message at once.
It may happen that you want to get away from the timed
announcements. In this case enter a text in the slot "always" and
activate it by a click on the button. Only this text will then be
used. Time-dependent announcements are sometimes not sensible, for
instance during permanent absence due to holiday, sickness etc.
and then this function is very useful.
Second Level Messages (PIN accessed announcements)
As already mentioned, CoMa contains a small voice-mailbox as well.
Messages for friends
Personal messages for friends can be recorded which can be
accessed via a PIN.
Professional Use
Second Level Messages can be made available generally as well. You
can use the communication manager to pass on information to
callers. If the caller presses key 1 he can be given an overview
about all the information available. Via key 2 he could be given
all the actual prices of your products etc. CoMa allows only 7
announcement texts of this type, using keys 1 to 7 for access.
This option has been greatly extended in CoMa Professional. Here
you can create any amount of folders with announcements. The
announcements in the folders can be mixed from 100 recorded files.
This way you are able to change your announcements slightly
without having to record the whole message again.
Furthermore, CoMa Professional offers the possibility to make fax
pages available in these folders (for First and Second Level).
This is called fax-on-demand.
The Personal Identification Number (PIN)
You can use single or multiple digit numbers for a PIN.
The single digit number PIN
Access with just on number is very easy. But this means also that
you only have got a maximum of 8 PINs. The number 9 is already
reserved for manual access to the mailbox, so it is out of bounds.
A single number is not sensible for remote calling because it does
not offer any security against misuse. But as access to Second
Level Messages it would be sensible because there are only 7
Second Level folders avaialble in CoMa anyway. For CoMa
Professional and use with many Second Level folders it will not be
The multiple digit number PIN
There are some rules to follow if you want to use multiple digit
* Every PIN has to start with number 8.
* You must not use the same number consecutively (i.e. 811). CoMa would ignore
the second number because the programme assumes that one key was held too
Installation of Second Level Messages
You record as before and open the folder provided for Second Level
Messages in the dialogue box (see parameter "Voice").
Create a folder here, the name of the folder must start with the
number you have allocated as a PIN. EXAMPLE: You have allocated
PIN 8172 for your best friend. The folder name must start 8172
followed by anything you like. The voice file/s for your friend
must be stored in this folder, the first file to be played must
start at 01 and then be numbered consecutively. The file name can
be what you like after this numbering, the extension will be
placed in automatically. Once activated via PIN the files will
be played in numerical sequence. Second Level folders can contain
up to 100 announcement texts.
The file with the ending .CNT in this folder indicates the number
of times the folder has been activated remotely.
List of Second Level Messages
You can open a window with the list of all Second Level Messages
in the pull-down-menu "Windows".
This overview is important in CoMa Professional because any number
of messages are possible and it enables you to keep things
Extensions of CoMa Professional
About the Voice-Mail-System
The Voice-Mail-System of CoMa Professional extends the functions
of the answering machine greatly. Any amount of Second Level
Messages can be defined now. Every announcement can be made up of
up to 100 voice files. First Level Messages can also be created
from up to 100 parts.
It is possible to change certain parts of the messages by using
different voice files without having to record the whole
announcement again!
The calling-MSN messages
The displaying of the telephone number of the caller is for all user of ISDN
telephones a well known function. So you know befor you go off hook who is
calling. A ISDN modem like the ones from Zyxel and Elsa get the calling MSN
as well, so CoMa is able to welcome the caller with a very personal message.
This message must be stored in the voice/outgoing folder. You create this
message if you go into the numberlist and activate the dialoque "edit number
entry". With the TAB button you open the dialogue to chose the desired
If CoMa recognizes a telephone number, the voice/outgoing folder is scanned
for a voice message, and if so, it is played. So surprise your
customer or friends with a very personal message on your answering
The message can have two or more voice files if you use CoMa professional.
You just have to count the files in the way they have to be played. You have
to use two digits in front of the filename. For example:
"01 message Jon Doe "
"02 message Jon Doe ". and so on!
Fax-on-demand system
You can create folders for First- and Second-Level-Messages which
contain fax files polled by the caller.
It is possible to have a message in these folders which will be
played to the caller first. At the end of the message the fax
transmission starts. This message can be a help announcement which
explains how to proceed further.
For example the following announcement could be made:
"Please prepare your fax machine for reception. Press the start key
when you here the tone".
In short, CoMa Professional eases the work with long texts in the voice part
and makes fax-on-demand available.
permanent poll-sender
You can use the First-Level-Messages to create a permanent poll-sender. Every
caller gets one or more fax pages. Put the pages into the First-Level-Message
folder and a short voice message. Activate the button always becuase it makes
no sense to have a time dependent poll-sender.
If you have ISDN you can have up to 10 different permanent poll-sender!
Structure of Second Level Messages
The principle of the 100 announcement texts is as follows:
The name of the folder for these texts must start with the PIN
which has been allocated or as a poll number for the fax. The
voice files are then stored within this folder. The file name must
start at 01, the remainder of the name is up to you. Subsequent
files within the same folder must be numbered consecutively.
You can use any number as a PIN. An announcement folder can be
polled with a single number for instance, but you have to make
sure that no other folder starts with the same number. CoMa would
start to play the messages as soon as a folder is found! If you
have called a folder 812 and another folder is given the name 8123
it would never be played because CoMa would find the folder 812
The PIN for remote access must not have the same route as any
other PIN.
In English, this means keep all PIN numbers different, as CoMa
cannot differentiate for different modes.
The following is an example for a small voice-on-demand system:
(it is what we have installed into our office system, try calling
us and listen to the result).
All Second Level announcement files have to be located in the
correct folder. Adjustment is made in the dialogue box parameter
"Voice". The following folders can be found there:
"1 Info about operation"
short information about the operation and
contents of the voice-mailbox (2 files in folder 1..)
"2 Prices"
price information about our products (11 files in
folder 2...)
"3 First Million Info"
informationa about FIRST_MILLION (5 files
in folder 3...)
"4 CoMa Info"
Information about CoMa (4 files in folder 4...)
It takes less effort to recognise the relevant DTMF tone if you
use only one number but it means that you can only define 8
announcement folders, 0 to 7 (the figure 9 cannot be used because
it is needed for manual access to the mailbox). If you need more
folders you have to use multiple digit numbers. You have to take
care that every PIN starts with 8 if you use multiple digit PIN.
Structure of announcement files in the folders
All First Level Messages had to be recorded as a complete file in
CoMa Voice. This was tiresome if one had to make large
announcements and ammendments due to a price change (for example)
were needed. The whole announcement had to be recorded again. We
have solved this problem by making it possible to mix
announcements from various voice files. The caller will hardly
notice this if the hard disk is reasonably fast. Within a folder
you can save up to 100 separate announcement texts in separate
The first part of the file name must be 2 digits followed by name
of your choice. The two digits, starting at 01, must be numbered
consecutively, and correctly, as this is the order they will be
played in. The file extension is applied automatically and there
is no need for you to do this.
We want to create a voice folder which informs the caller about
our prices. To keep the input short we want this folder to be
accessed by the key 2. This means that no other folder should have
the same number in "Second Level".
The following example shows you how such a folder with
announcement fragments should look: As a friendly dealer we would
like to greet our customers, the first text should therefore be:
"Hello, this is Softbear UK, the following is our price list..."
We call this file 01 greetings.R04 (the extension of Rockwell
chipset in high quality)) The 01 in the file name tells CoMa that
this text should be played first.
In a further text we inform the caller about the validity of our
prices (important for special offers).
" These prices are valid till ...."
The matching name would be 02 validity.R04
Then we have to record the date as voice-file
"24. December 1996"
The name would be for instance 03 date.R04
In a further voice file we record the description for our office
"FIRST_MILLION magnum, the ultimate office software"
This file we call 04 F_M Info.R04
The price will be a separate file to be able to change the text
quickly if a price changes.
"200 pounds"
So this file is now called 05 price F_M.R04
If you want to change the date of the validity you only have to
exchange the file 03date.R04.
If the price changes you have to re-record the relevant price
information again. The usage of the voice-mail-system is very easy
and user friendly.
Here some information about the extension .R04 : First of all, it
is automatically applied. It is determined by the sensitivity
level at which you record. e.g. ADPCM4 gives .R04, ADPCM2 would
give .R02. Simple innit?.
The file with the extension (ending) CNT shows you how many times
this folder has been accessed. If you delete this file the
counting starts again at 1.
Fax-on-demand integrated in CoMa Professional offers you the
capability to provide not only one fax page but up to 99 pages in
a folder for as many folders as you wish. The caller selects with
a number code a specific folder for transmission. The caller does
not have to have a fax machine with polling function. Such
appliances are still not the standard today.
There are two rules to be adhered to:
The caller has to be able to send DTMF tones (he has to be able to
do this for voice folders as well).
He has to be able to switch a fax machine to the telephone line.
The last condition will always be met if a combi fax or modem is
connected to the telephone line. These appliances can always be
switched via button from telephone to fax operation. Most fax
machines can be persuaded via the start button to take over the
The fax pages have to be located in a folder with numerical order
and be located in the folder "Second Level".
A voice file can be included as a special feature in this fax
folder. Perhaps to give some helpful tips on how to use this
function. A voice file will always be played first, after that
CoMa switches over to fax mode automatically.
A possible text could be:
"Please prepare your fax machine to receive. After you hear the
tone of the fax machine in your telephone press the start button
on your machine."
The fax files have to be available in compressed fax format and
carry a consecutive numerical extension.
In case you have got a file in a different format CoMa can be used
for conversion. From a IMG or ASCII file you can create a
compressed fax page. To do this:
Import the page into a CoMa preview-window and open the
pull-down-menu "File". You can save this page as fax file with the
command "Save as" (file type F??).
Enter the path and name into the file selection box in which the
fax page should be saved.
3.8 Replay of calls
After you have made all the adjustments your communication manager
can start to work. The first call will be recorded and you would
like to listen to the most important calls. The calls list is
responsible for this. You are familiar with this window from the
administration of incoming fax pages already. The calls are listed
here in the same way. You can enter the list via a click on the
button "Calls" in the main dialogue window.
You will find all calls (incoming fax, data, calls and transmitted
fax) here. You can detect the nature of the call (i.e. fax, data
or voice call) by the relevant entry in the list. CoMa identifies
incoming fax either with the sender ID or, if the senders name is
included in the numberlist, the name. You can see at once who sent
you a fax or do you have all the fax numbers of business partners,
friends or aquaintances in your head?
The ISDN net provides a very beautiful function for the answering
machine. If you receive a call from another ISDN telephone and the
number is known to the number administration you can see the name
of the caller immediately. This is assuming he does not want to
stay anonymous. All entries without a tick are new. You can find
the specific commands for the open calls window of the
Listening to the answering machine
To check incoming activities double click on the entry in the
calls list. If it is a message on the answering machine it will be
replayed according to the relevant adjustment (dialoque "Record/Play")
The key determination corresponds to the remote calling. The
following actions are possible via the number pad:
1 replay whole message
2 rewind 10 seconds
3 wind forward 10 seconds
* interrupt message
Fax pages are loaded and displayed in the preview window via a
double click.
The pop-up-menu "Calls"
Edit Entry (Tab)
If you want to add a note to this entry you have to mark the
relevant entry and select the command "Edit entry" from the
pull-down-menu. Now you can enter the text into the dialogue box.
Toggle Flag
Whenever you want to give an entry the status "already listend to"
you use the command "Toggle flag" after marking the entry and a
tick will appear between time and status.
Play new (shift+F8)
The command "Play new" will play all received messages one after
the other. After that they receive a tick.
Filter functions of the Calls window
The windowlist can be filtered according to the listed criteria
with the entries listed here. If you want to see only entries for
transmitted fax pages select the function "Show Fax out".
Delete entries in the calls list
Calls you do not want to save can be marked with a single click
and then deleted with the command "Delete" from the pull-down-menu
"Edit". You can delete as well by using the key "Del".
This removes the entry from the list and the file from the hard
3.9 Remote calling of the answering machine
As is possible in many answering machines you can listen to your
messages remotely as well. You will need for this either a tone
dialling telephone or a portable tone dialler. CoMa Voice offers
you the possibility to change your answering text remotely via
DMTF tones.
Call your telephone number and wait till the answering machine
starts with the text. Enter your PIN, press every key for approx 1
The answering machine will then start to play the number of
incoming voice calls and faxes and play the messages giving the
time of call. Times are only given in full hours (minutes are not
Omitting time announcements
If you do not want to listen to the time announcement (and
therefore expensive) messages activate the button "No time
announces" in the dialogue box parameter "Voice". Now you
only hear the recorded messages.
Make sure that the PIN starts with 8! No number is allowed to be
used twice consecutively.
Functions of remote calling
Taste Funktion
* interrupt message, jump to next call
1 back to the start of the message
2 rewind 10 seconds
3 wind forward 10 seconds
4 jump one call back
6 send fax
7 record new answering text
8 finish recording and play this new message
0 reset "always" button of dialogue box
Change text of answering machine via remote call
The answering text you record via a remote call will always be
saved with the name NEW_OGM.XXX (XXX stands for the extension that
indicates the file format) and put in the slot "Always". This text
will be used till you switch off the button "always" again. You
can do this remote as well (DTMF key 0).
After recording you can listen to the text again and check it by
pressing key 8. If you do not like the recording press key 7 to
get into recording mode again.