Supremacy 1
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130 lines
by the the Pride of BRS
[ This is practical information about
[the mystery of love for all boys in
[every social position and age.
[ Warning: This should not be read by a
[female !
]1 - How do I pick up a girl
First of all you must get her
attention. When you meet her on a bar ,
then give a drink to the whole bar.
Champagne is the best. After that there
will surely be many girls who want to
know you better. When you have found
the right one , then invite her for a
ride in your Lamborgini. But of course
if your Lamborgini is at the workshop
to be repaired. So remember: It's not
legal to ride two on one bike !
But when you are invited to a private
party, where the competition is hard,
and the drinks are free, you can't play
the smart guy. So wear something
special. Green rubber boots or a Batman
costume. Then you will get in contact
with the females.
]2 - How do I know she is interested
Act secretly mystically. Then she
thinks that you are an important
person. Don't tell your name or address
or phone number. Then when you are
contacted by the CIA,KGB,Mossad,MI5 and
GIGN you will know that she is knocked
on you.
]3 - How do I get her to my place
Invite her to dinner. Or tell her that
your mum is very ill , and you can't
take care of her alone. Girls love when
you need them !
]4 - How do I get her into my bed
Tell her that you don't feel well. Ask
her to support you to the bed. Ask her
to lat beside you in the bed, hold your
hand, while you're dying.
]5 - What does a girl like best in the
] bed
To drink Champagne. And to get small
gifts like diamonds and minkcoats.
]6 - What is a foreplay
It's also called an ouverture. Bachs
concert for 2 violins is outstanding.
]7 - Shall I touch her breasts
No, do never that ! If you pull them
to much, you will strech the muscles in
the breasts, and they will begin to
hang. And that's not nice.
]8 - Shall I kiss her on her mouth
Only is she has just brushed her teeth.
]9 - How to find is she's the right one
You give her the vacuum cleaner and
tel l her that you haven't cleaned up
for over 4 months. Put all your laundry
in a big heap , and put it on the sofa.
Decorate the coffee table with a
bucket and a floor cloth. Then sit
down and tell her where the kitchen is.
That there are lotsa wares in the
fridge.That you favourite recipes is in
the upper drawer. If she then under-
stands what you mean , and starts right
away, she is the right one.
]10- Which type of girls is the best
] lover
Many men think that's the young and
beautifull girls with a sexy radiation,
big breats and kinky underwear. But
that's wrong. Those kind of girls are
wanted by many guys. They always get
offers from all sides. It makes them
self-satisfied. No, find the little one
with big glasses. The one who always
looked on the other one dancing on the
school parties. Those kind of girls
will do everything to satisfy your
smallest needs.
]11- She's pregnant - Am I the father
You will never know !!!
]12- Shall I use a condom the first time
Hey, be serious ! Do you go to bath
with your clothes on ? & the protection
is , and will always be , the girls
]13- Where can I invite her the 1st time
To a place that's free. The parks, the
museums and exiting buildings. Then she
will also think you are intellectual.