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Blonde jokes...
Article written by M.M.M / HMD
Jokes supplied by GOONIE / HMD
Q: How do blonde braincells die ?
A: Alone
Q: How do you change a blonde's mind ?
A1: Blow in her ear
A2: Buy her another beer
Q: How do you get blonde to marry you ?
A: Tell her she's pregnant
Q: What will she ask you ?
A: "Is it mine ?"
Q: How does a blonde kill a fish ?
A: She drowns it
Q: How do you amuse blonde's for hours ?
A: write "please turn over" on both sides on a piece of paper
Q: How does Blonde hold her liquor ?
A: By the ears
Q: How does a blonde moonwalk ?
A: She pulls down her panties and slides her ass along the floor
Q: What do you call a blond mother-in-law ?
A: An air bag
Q: Why are blonde's coffins Y-shaped ?
A: Because as soon as they are on their backs,their legs open
Q: Why should you never take a blonde out for a coffie ?
A: It's too hard to re-train them
Q: What do blonde's do for foreplay ?
A: Remove their underwear
Q: How do you make a blonde laugh on Saturday ?
A: Tell her a joke on Wednsday
Q: What is the blonde doing when she holds her hands tightly over
her ears ?
A: Trying to hold on to a thought
Q: What is the difference between a blonde and broom closet ?
A: Only 2 man can fit into a broom closet at once
Q: What did the blonde say when she knocked over the priceless
Ming vase ?
A: "It's Ok daddy..I'm not hurt"
Q: How do you get a one armed blonde to get down from a tree ?
A: Wave to her
Q: How do you describe a blonde,surrounded by drooling idiots ?
A: Flattered
Q: What's the desease that can make a blonde paralized below her
waist ?
A: Marriage
Q: How can you tell if a blonde has a vibrator ?
A: By the chipped tooth
Q: How do you keep a blonde in suspense ?
A: (I'll tell you tomorrow!)
Q: How many blondes does it take to play hide and seek ?
A: One
Q: Why couldn't the blonde write the number ELEVEN ?
A: She wasn't sure what ONE came first
Q: Why don't blondes talk during sex ?
A1: Their mothers told them not to speak to strangers
A2: Their mothers told them not to speak with their mouth
Q: What does a blonde and a postage stamp have in common ?
A: You lick'em,stick'em and send'em on their way
Q: How did the blonde die while drinking milk ?
A: The cow fell on her
Q: How can you tell if a blonde works in an office ?
A: A bed in the stockroom and a huge smile on all the bosses
Q: What's the difference between a blonde and a toilet ?
A: A toilet won't follow you around after you've used it
Q: What's the difference between a blonde and a bowling ball ?
A1: You can only use 3 fingers in a bowling ball
A2: There's no difference.They're both round and have 3 holes
to poke
Q: What's the difference between a blonde and the Grand Old
Duke of York ?
A: The Grand Old Duke of York had only 10.000 men
Q: What does a blonde and a turtle have in common ?
A: They both get fucked when they're on their back
Q: Why does NASA hire peroxide blondes ?
A: They're doing research on black holes
Q: Why do blondes have little holes all over their faces ?
A: From eating with forks
Q: Why do blondes have 2 more braincells than a cow ?
A1: So when you pull their tits,they don't "MOO!!"
A2: So they wont shit everywere when you pull their tits
Q: Why do blondes have "T.G.I.F!" on their shoes ?
A: "Toes go in first!"
Q: Why do blondes wash their hair in the SINK!!(HI THERE!)
A: Cause THat's the place you wash Vegatables!!
Q: Why don't blondes call 911 after an emergency ?
A: They can't find the number 11 on the telephone
Q: Why don't blondes eat pickles ?
A: Because they can't fit their head in the jar
Q: How many blondes does it take to change a lightbulb ?
A: Two. One to hold the Diet Pepsi and One to call "Daaddy!"
Q: Santa Claus,The Tooth Fairy,a Dumb blone and a Smart blonde
are walking down the street when they spot a 10 dollar bill.
Who picks it up ?
A1: The dumb blonde,cause the 3 other persons do not exist.
A2: None of them. The 3 previous persons do not exist and the
dumb blonde thought it was a gum wrapper
Q: What does a blonde say if you ask her if her blinker is on ?
A: It's on..It's off..It's on..It's off.. It's on..It's off..
It's on..It's off.. It's on..It's off..It's on..It's off..
If you like these jokes then send us a letter
(either to ICELAND or FRANCE) and we will do another
As I'm not going to write those jokes for just few
M.M.M / HMD ' 93
Yours Sincerely
The Multi Marmalade Mixer of HEMOROIDS