Falcon 030 Power 2
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; *************************************************************************
; **** ****
; **** Routine which rotate points around two axis. ****
; **** By Alain BROBECKER. ****
; **** 24th June 1994 ****
; **** ****
; *************************************************************************
; To gain speed, I have decided to make only two rotations.. The movements
; are then less various, but you can make nice moves anyway.. Another gain
; is done due to the organisation of the initial points. They are placed so
; that all the points with the same x coordinates are placed one after
; another... The exact definition for a set of point which have the same
; x coord is the following:
; 1 word n Number of points with the next x coord.
; 1 word x x coord of the n points.
; 2*n words y(n);z(n) y and z of all the points.
; For example a cube will be defined like this:
; 4 There are 4 brows with the next x.
; 40 x coord of next 4 brows.
; 40; 40 y & z coords of brow 1.
; -40; 40 y & z coords of brow 2.
; 40;-40 y & z coords of brow 3.
; -40;-40 y & z coords of brow 4.
; 4 There are 4 brows with the next x.
; - 40 x coord of next 4 brows.
; 40; 40 y & z coords of brow 5.
; -40; 40 y & z coords of brow 6.
; 40;-40 y & z coords of brow 7.
; -40;-40 y & z coords of brow 8.
; 0 No more brows.
; The points after the rotation are saved "normally". This mean each point
; has its x;y;z coords saved, one after another. The depth effect is not
; done because some tridi calculations (lightsourcing...) need to have
; tridi vectors.
; Another thing, again to gain some clockcycles is that all the coords must
; be premultiplicated by 256. So, in the example above, you should have
; 40*256 instead of 40.
; *************************************************************************
; The parameters for the routine are:
; a0.l = adress of the initial points.
; a1.l = adress where to save the rotated points.
; d0.w = angle around x=a. (0-255)
; d1.w = angle around y=b. (0-255)
movem.l d0-a6,-(sp)
; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
; Let' s begin with the calculation of all the matricial coefficients.
move.l #.sinus,a2 ; Sinus table.
move.l a2,a3
add.w #$80,a3 ; Cosinus table.
add.w d0,d0 ; One word per sinus.
add.w d1,d1
move.w (a3,d1.w),-(sp) ; Store A=cos(b).
move.w (a2,d1.w),-(sp) ; Store G=sin(b).
move.w (a3,d0.w),-(sp) ; Store E=cos(a).
move.w (a2,d0.w),-(sp) ; Store F=sin(a).
move.w #$1ff,d7 ; A mask for (a+-b mod(256))*2.
move.w d0,d2
add.w d1,d2 ; d2=a+b.
and.w d7,d2 ; Only 256 sinus.
move.w d0,d3
sub.w d1,d3 ; d3=a-b.
and.w d7,d3
sub.w d0,d1 ; d1=b-a.
and.w d7,d1
move.w (a3,d3.w),d0 ; d0=cos(a-b).
move.w (a3,d2.w),d4 ; d4=cos(a+b).
move.w (a2,d1.w),d1 ; d1=sin(b-a).
move.w (a2,d2.w),d2 ; d2=sin(a+b).
move.w (a2,d3.w),d3 ; d3=sin(a-b).
move.w d4,d5
sub.w d0,d5 ; d5=cos(a+b)-cos(a-b).
ext.l d5
lsr.l #$1,d5
move.w d5,-(sp) ; Store B=-0.5*(cos(a-b)-cos(a+b)).
add.w d2,d1 ; d1=sin(b-a)+sin(a+b)
ext.l d1
lsr.l #$1,d1
move.w d1,-(sp) ; Store C=0.5*(sin(a+b)+sin(b-a)).
move.w d2,d1
add.w d3,d1 ; d1=sin(a+b)+sin(a-b).
ext.l d1
lsr.l #$1,d1 ; d1=H=0.5*(sin(a+b)+sin(a-b)).
add.w d4,d0 ; d0=cos(a-b)+cos(a+b).
neg.w d0
ext.l d0
lsr.l #$1,d0 ; d0=I=-0.5*(cos(a+b)+cos(a-b)).
; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
; Let' s continue with the calculations of B*C;E*F;H*I.
move.w (sp),d2
muls.w d2,d5 ; d5=B*C.
swap.w d5
move.w d5,a2
move.w d1,d2
muls.w d0,d2 ; d2=H*I.
swap.w d2
move.w d2,a4
move.w $4(sp),d2 ; d2=F.
muls.w $6(sp),d2 ; d2=E*F.
swap.w d2
move.w d2,a3
; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
; So, here we have:
; a2.w = B*C a3.w = E*F a4.w = H*I
; d0.w = I d1.w = H (sp) = C
; 2(sp) = B 4(sp) = F 6(sp) = E
; 8(sp) = G a(sp) = A.
; Now let' s go for the calculations for each point.
.one_x_coord: ; A set of points with the same x coord.
move.w (a0)+,d7 ; d7=nb of points with this x.
subq.w #$1,d7 ; Beware the dbra.
bmi.s .the_end ; d7=0? No more points?
move.w (a0)+,d6 ; d6=x.
move.w $a(sp),d5 ; d5=A.
muls.w d6,d5
swap.w d5
move.w d5,a5 ; a5=A*x.
muls.w $8(sp),d6
swap.w d6
move.w d6,a6 ; a6=G*x.
move.w (a0)+,d5 ; d5=y.
move.w (a0)+,d6 ; d6=z.
move.w d6,d4
muls.w d5,d4 ; d4=y*z.
swap.w d4
move.w (sp),d2 ; d2=C.
move.w $2(sp),d3 ; d3=B.
add.w d5,d2 ; d2=C+y.
add.w d6,d3 ; d3=B+z.
muls.w d2,d3 ; d3=(B+z)*(C+y).
swap.w d3
sub.w d4,d3 ; d3=..-y*z.
sub.w a2,d3 ; d3=..-B*C.
add.w a5,d3 ; d3=..+A*x.
move.w d3,(a1)+ ; Save x=(B+z)*(C+y)-y*z-B*C+A*x.
move.w $4(sp),d2 ; d2=F.
move.w $6(sp),d3 ; d3=E.
add.w d5,d2 ; d2=F+y.
add.w d6,d3 ; d3=E+z.
muls.w d2,d3 ; d3=(E+z)*(F+y).
swap.w d3
sub.w d4,d3 ; d3=..-y*z.
sub.w a3,d3 ; d3=..-E*F.
move.w d3,(a1)+ ; Save y=(E+z)*(F+y)-y*z-E*F.
add.w d0,d5 ; d5=I+y.
add.w d1,d6 ; d6=H+z.
muls.w d5,d6 ; d6=(H+z)*(I+y).
swap.w d6
sub.w d4,d6 ; d6=..-y*z.
sub.w a4,d6 ; d6=..-H*I.
add.w a6,d6 ; d6=..+G*x.
neg.w d6
move.w d6,(a1)+ ; Save z=(H+z)*(I+y)-y*z-H*I+G*x.
dbra d7,.one_point ; Next point.
bra.s .one_x_coord ; Next x set.
; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
; Pfiuuuu... It's the end for now.
add.l #$c,sp ; Fuck what was stored.
movem.l (sp)+,d0-a6
; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Section DATA
incbin 'a:\shading\sinus.xxx'