Falcon 030 Power 2
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; *************************************************************************
; ***** *****
; ***** Routine which draws a 4-planes shaded polygon. *****
; ***** By Alain BROBECKER. *****
; ***** Coded between 22nd and 23rd of june 1994. *****
; ***** Rewritten & Optimised on 25th of june 1994. *****
; ***** *****
; *************************************************************************
; Parameters: a0.l = ramvideo adress.
; a1.l = adress of brows coords and intensities.
; d0.w = nb of brows.
; The brows coords and intensities are organised like this:
; 1 word: x.
; 1 word: y.
; 1 word: intensity. (Integer part of it in the 4 most significant bits.)
; The brows must be placed anticlockwise. Also, the min intensity must be
; 2 and the max one must be 14 as there sometimes is an imprecision of
; one color during the interpolation.
; *************************************************************************
movem.l d0-a6,-(sp)
; *************************************************************************
; * First copy the brows once just after their first appearance in a1.l, so
; * the "tracking" of the min & max lines will be easier. At the same time
; * search ymin & ymax of the poly.
move.l a1,a2
move.l a2,a3
move.w d0,d1 ; 6 words per brow.
add.w d1,d1
add.w d0,d1
add.w d1,d1
add.w d1,a3 ; a3 points just after the brows.
move.w #800,d6 ; d6=ymin.
move.w #-600,d7 ; d7=ymax.
subq.w #$1,d0 ; Beware the dbra.
move.l (a2)+,d1 ; Load x and y in d1.
move.l d1,(a3)+ ; Copy them.
cmp.w d1,d6 ; This y lower than ymin?
blt.s .not_ymin
move.w d1,d6 ; Yes, then it's the new ymin.
cmp.w d1,d7 ; This y bigger than ymax?
bgt.s .not_ymax
move.w d1,d7 ; Yes, then it' s the new ymax.
move.w (a2)+,(a3)+ ; Copy intensity.
dbra d0,.copy_one_brow ; Next brow.
; *************************************************************************
; * When ymin and ymax are found, we can see if the poly is in the screen,
; * if it' s partly hidden (y_clipping only) or if it' s invisible.
cmp.w d6,d7 ; ymin=ymax?
beq.s .poly_invisible
tst.w d7 ; ymax=<0?
ble.s .poly_invisible
cmp.w #198,d6 ; ymin>=199?
ble.s .poly_clipping
.poly_invisible: ; Poly out of the screen, so...
movem.l (sp)+,d0-a6
.poly_clipping: ; The poly is (partly?) visible.
moveq.l #$0,d0 ; d0=nb h_lines to pass at the beginning.
move.w d7,d1
sub.w d6,d1 ; d1=ymax-ymin=nb h_lines to draw-1.
tst.w d6 ; ymin<0?
bge.s .no_clip_up
.clip_up: ; Yes, so cut the first -ymin h_lines.
move.w d6,d0 ; Pass -ymin h_lines at the beginning.
neg.w d0
move.w d7,d1 ; Nb lines to draw=ymax-0.
bra.s .no_clip_down ; I assume the poly is not that big.
cmp.w #199,d7 ; ymax>199.
ble.s .no_clip_down
move.w #199,d1 ; Yes, so reduce the nb of h_lines.
sub.w d6,d1
move.w d0,.nb_lines_2_pass
addq.w #$1,d1
move.w d1,.nb_lines_2_draw
; *************************************************************************
; * Not very hard or important, but we must do it, so....
move.l #.y_table,a2 ; The faster way to multiply by 160???
move.w d6,d5
add.w d0,d5 ; d5=first seen y.
add.w d5,d5 ; One word per y.
add.w (a2,d5.w),a0 ; a0 points on first line.
; *************************************************************************
; * Now, the first important part. We "track" the max_lines, which are on
; * the right of the poly and calculate xmax and intensity_max for each
; * y between ymin-ymax by using linear interpolations.
.xmax_tracking: ; First, search the upper right brow.
subq.w #$6,a3 ; Next point in clockwise cycle.
cmp.w $2(a3),d6 ; y=ymin?
bne.s .xmax_tracking
.xmax_ymin_found: ; If the next brow=ymin, then it' s more
cmp.w -$4(a3),d6 ; on the right...
bne.s .xmax_ymin_ok
subq.w #$6,a3 ; It is the upper right brow.
.xmax_ymin_ok: ; a3 points on the good brow.
move.l #.xmax_buffer,a2 ; Store int_maxs and xmaxs here.
move.l #.inverses,a4 ; Inverse table.
move.l #.xmax_ad,a5 ; The adresses for the jump.
.xmax_one_line: ; Interpolate on one line.
move.w (a3),d0 ; d0=x1.
move.w $2(a3),d1 ; d1=y1.
cmp.w d1,d7 ; y1=ymax?
beq .xmax_end ; Yes, then it' s finished.
move.w $4(a3),d2 ; d2=intensity1.
subq.l #$6,a3 ; Next brow.
move.w (a3),d3 ; d3=x2.
move.w $2(a3),d4 ; d4=y2.
move.w $4(a3),d5 ; d5=intensity2.
sub.w d1,d4 ; d4=y2-y1, always <>0.
add.w d4,d4 ; One word per inverse.
move.w (a4,d4.w),d1 ; d1=16384/(y2-y1).
add.w d4,d4 ; Two words per jump adress.
move.l (a5,d4.w),a6 ; a6=adress where to jump.
sub.w d2,d5 ; d5=int2-int1.
muls.w d1,d5
lsl.l #$2,d5 ; d5=65536*(int2-int1)/dy.
sub.w d0,d3 ; d3=x2-x1.
muls.w d1,d3
lsl.l #$2,d3 ; d3=65536*(dx/dy).
swap.w d3
move.w d3,d5 ; up(d5)=dint/dy ; low(d5)=int(dx/dy).
swap.w d3 ; low(d3)=reg(dx/dy).
swap.w d2
move.w d0,d2 ; up(d2)=intensity ; low(d2)=x.
moveq.l #$0,d0 ; d0=error.
jmp (a6)
rept 300
move.l d2,(a2)+ ; Save intensity and x.
add.w d3,d0 ; error=error+reg(dx/dy).
addx.l d5,d2 ; int=int+inc ; x=x+int(dy/dx)+eXtend.
subq.w #$4,a2 ; Erase last point.
bra .xmax_one_line
; *************************************************************************
; * Do the same with the min_lines, which are on the right of the poly
; * and calculate xmin and intensity_min for each y between ymin-ymax by
; * using linear interpolations.
subq.w #$6,a1
.xmin_tracking: ; First, search the upper left brow.
addq.w #$6,a1 ; Next point in anticlockwise cycle.
cmp.w $2(a1),d6 ; y=ymin?
bne.s .xmin_tracking
.xmin_ymin_found: ; If the next brow=ymin, then it' s more
cmp.w $a(a1),d6 ; on the left...
bne.s .xmin_ymin_ok
addq.w #$6,a3 ; It is the upper left brow.
.xmin_ymin_ok: ; a1 points on the good brow.
move.l #.xmin_buffer,a2 ; Store int_mins and xmins here.
move.l #.inverses,a4 ; Inverse table.
move.l #.xmin_ad,a5 ; The adresses for the jump.
.xmin_one_line: ; Interpolate on one line.
move.w (a1)+,d0 ; d0=x1.
move.w (a1)+,d1 ; d1=y1.
cmp.w d1,d7 ; y1=ymax?
beq .xmin_end ; Yes, then it' s finished.
move.w (a1)+,d2 ; d2=intensity1.
move.w (a1),d3 ; d3=x2.
move.w $2(a1),d4 ; d4=y2.
move.w $4(a1),d5 ; d5=intensity2.
sub.w d1,d4 ; d4=y2-y1, always <>0.
add.w d4,d4 ; One word per inverse.
move.w (a4,d4.w),d1 ; d1=16384/(y2-y1).
add.w d4,d4 ; Two words per jump adress.
move.l (a5,d4.w),a6 ; a6=adress where to jump.
sub.w d2,d5 ; d5=int2-int1.
muls.w d1,d5
lsl.l #$2,d5 ; d5=65536*(int2-int1)/dy.
sub.w d0,d3 ; d3=x2-x1.
muls.w d1,d3
lsl.l #$2,d3 ; d3=65536*(dx/dy).
swap.w d3
move.w d3,d5 ; up(d5)=dint/dy ; low(d5)=int(dx/dy).
swap.w d3 ; low(d3)=reg(dx/dy).
swap.w d2
move.w d0,d2 ; up(d2)=intensity ; low(d2)=x.
moveq.l #$0,d0 ; d0=error.
jmp (a6)
rept 300
move.l d2,(a2)+ ; Save intensity and x.
add.w d3,d0 ; error=error+reg(dx/dy).
addx.l d5,d2 ; int=int+inc ; x=x+int(dy/dx)+eXtend.
subq.w #$4,a2 ; Erase last point.
bra .xmin_one_line
; *************************************************************************
; * Ok, now we have all we want, it' s now time to draw the poly on the
; * screen. I proceed by drawing each h_line one after another, and as
; * intensity_min and intensity_max are different, I have to do an
; * interpolation between them.
move.l #.xmin_buffer,a1
move.w .nb_lines_2_pass,d0
add.w d0,d0 ; 4 bytes per int+x.
add.w d0,d0
add.w d0,a1 ; Pass the invisible lines.
move.l #.points_ad,-(sp) ; Store the table x->adress.
move.l #.endrouts_ad,-(sp) ; Table xmax mod(16)->endrout adress.
move.w .nb_lines_2_draw,d0 ; The counter.
subq.w #$1,d0 ; Beware dbra..
move.w d0,-(sp) ; Store the counter.
move.l #.inverses,a2
move.w d0,(sp) ; Store the counter.
move.w (a1)+,d5 ; d5=int_min.
move.w 1198(a1),d6 ; d6=int_max.
move.w (a1)+,d0 ; d0=xmin.
move.w 1198(a1),d1 ; d1=xmax.
move.w d1,d2
sub.w d0,d2 ; d2=xmax-xmin=dx.
ble.s .next_line ; Don' t draw if xmin>=xmax.
add.w d2,d2
move.w (a2,d2.w),d2 ; d2=16384/dx.
sub.w d5,d6 ; d6=int_max-int_min=dint.
add.w d5,d5 ; The intensity in the 4 Msbits...
muls.w d2,d6
lsl.l #$3,d6 ; d6=2*65536*(dint/dx). No more sign bit.
swap.w d6 ; In the lowerword please.
move.w d6,d7
add.w #$800,d6 ; d6=inc1=0.5+(dint/dx).
sub.w #$800,d7 ; d7=inc2=-0.5+(dint/dx).
move.l $2(sp),a4 ; a4=endrouts_ad table.
move.w d1,d2
moveq.l #$f,d3
and.w d3,d2 ; d2=xmax mod(16).
add.w d2,d2 ; One long per adress.
add.w d2,d2
move.l (a4,d2.w),a4 ; a4 points on the endrout to use.
move.l $6(sp),a5 ; points_ad table.
and.w d0,d3 ; d3=xmin mod(16).
sub.w d3,d0 ; d0=xmin-xmin mod(16).
add.w d3,d3
add.w d3,d3
move.l (a5,d3.w),a3 ; a3 points on first point.
sub.w d0,d1 ; d1=xmax-(xmin-xmin mod(16)).
add.w d1,d1
add.w d1,d1
move.l (a5,d1.w),a5 ; a5 points on last point-1.
move.w #$4ed4,(a5) ; Put the "jump (a4)".
lsr.w #$1,d0 ; d0=offset to xmin.
move.l a0,a6
add.w d0,a6 ; a6 points on first word.
add.w #$a0,a0 ; Next line.
moveq.l #$0,d1 ; Clear bitplanes.
moveq.l #$0,d2
moveq.l #$0,d3
moveq.l #$0,d4
jmp (a3) ; Go on first point.
move.w (sp),d0 ; Load the counter.
dbra d0,.draw_one_hline
add.w #$a,sp ; Fuck the stored tiddies.
movem.l (sp)+,d0-a6
move.w d0,(sp) ; Store the counter.
move.w (a1)+,d5 ; d5=int_min.
move.w 1198(a1),d6 ; d6=int_max.
move.w (a1)+,d0 ; d0=xmin.
move.w 1198(a1),d1 ; d1=xmax.
move.w d1,d2
sub.w d0,d2 ; d2=xmax-xmin=dx.
ble.s .next_line2 ; Don' t draw if xmin>=xmax.
add.w d2,d2
move.w (a2,d2.w),d2 ; d2=16384/dx.
sub.w d5,d6 ; d6=int_max-int_min=dint.
add.w d5,d5 ; The intensity in the 4 Msbits...
muls.w d2,d6
lsl.l #$3,d6 ; d6=2*65536*(dint/dx). No more sign bit.
swap.w d6 ; In the lowerword please.
move.w d6,d7
sub.w #$800,d6 ; d6=inc1=0.5+(dint/dx).
add.w #$800,d7 ; d7=inc2=-0.5+(dint/dx).
move.l $2(sp),a4 ; a4=endrouts_ad table.
move.w d1,d2
moveq.l #$f,d3
and.w d3,d2 ; d2=xmax mod(16).
add.w d2,d2 ; One long per adress.
add.w d2,d2
move.l 16*4(a4,d2.w),a4 ; a4 points on the endrout to use.
move.l $6(sp),a5 ; points_ad table.
and.w d0,d3 ; d3=xmin mod(16).
sub.w d3,d0 ; d0=xmin-xmin mod(16).
add.w d3,d3
add.w d3,d3
move.l (a5,d3.w),a3 ; a3 points on first point.
sub.w d0,d1 ; d1=xmax-(xmin-xmin mod(16)).
add.w d1,d1
add.w d1,d1
move.l (a5,d1.w),a5 ; a5 points on last point-1.
move.w #$4ed4,(a5) ; Put the "jump (a4)".
lsr.w #$1,d0 ; d0=offset to xmin.
move.l a0,a6
add.w d0,a6 ; a6 points on first word.
add.w #$a0,a0 ; Next line.
moveq.l #$0,d1 ; Clear bitplanes.
moveq.l #$0,d2
moveq.l #$0,d3
moveq.l #$0,d4
jmp (a3) ; Go on first point.
move.w (sp),d0 ; Load the counter.
dbra d0,.draw_one_hline
add.w #$a,sp ; Fuck the stored tiddies.
movem.l (sp)+,d0-a6
; *************************************************************************
; * We have to use different endroutines in order to gain speed, cos the
; * ending bitplanes must be rotated and they must be "or.w".
shademac1: MACRO
add.w d5,d5
addx.w d4,d4
add.w d5,d5
addx.w d3,d3
add.w d5,d5
addx.w d2,d2
add.w d5,d5
addx.w d1,d1
shademac2: MACRO
and.w d0,d1
and.w d0,d2
and.w d0,d3
and.w d0,d4
shademac3: MACRO
or.w d1,(a6)+
or.w d2,(a6)+
or.w d3,(a6)+
or.w d4,(a6)+
shademac4: MACRO
move.w #$3005,(a5) ; Restore initial code.
move.w (sp),d0 ; Load counter.
dbra d0,.draw_one_hline2
add.w #$a,sp ; Fuck the stored tiddies.
movem.l (sp)+,d0-a6 ; The end.
shademac1 ; Convert last point.
ror.w #$1,d1 ; Rotate the bitplanes.
ror.w #$1,d2
ror.w #$1,d3
ror.w #$1,d4
move.w #$8000,d0 ; For destroying unusefull bits.
shademac2 ; Fuck them.
shademac3 ; Print last word.
shademac1 ; Convert last point.
ror.w #$2,d1 ; Rotate the bitplanes.
ror.w #$2,d2
ror.w #$2,d3
ror.w #$2,d4
move.w #$c000,d0 ; For destroying unusefull bits.
shademac2 ; Fuck them.
shademac3 ; Print last word.
shademac1 ; Convert last point.
ror.w #$3,d1 ; Rotate the bitplanes.
ror.w #$3,d2
ror.w #$3,d3
ror.w #$3,d4
move.w #$e000,d0 ; For destroying unusefull bits.
shademac2 ; Fuck them.
shademac3 ; Print last word.
shademac1 ; Convert last point.
ror.w #$4,d1 ; Rotate the bitplanes.
ror.w #$4,d2
ror.w #$4,d3
ror.w #$4,d4
move.w #$f000,d0 ; For destroying unusefull bits.
shademac2 ; Fuck them.
shademac3 ; Print last word.
shademac1 ; Convert last point.
ror.w #$5,d1 ; Rotate the bitplanes.
ror.w #$5,d2
ror.w #$5,d3
ror.w #$5,d4
move.w #$f800,d0 ; For destroying unusefull bits.
shademac2 ; Fuck them.
shademac3 ; Print last word.
shademac1 ; Convert last point.
ror.w #$6,d1 ; Rotate the bitplanes.
ror.w #$6,d2
ror.w #$6,d3
ror.w #$6,d4
move.w #$fc00,d0 ; For destroying unusefull bits.
shademac2 ; Fuck them.
shademac3 ; Print last word.
shademac1 ; Convert last point.
ror.w #$7,d1 ; Rotate the bitplanes.
ror.w #$7,d2
ror.w #$7,d3
ror.w #$7,d4
move.w #$fe00,d0 ; For destroying unusefull bits.
shademac2 ; Fuck them.
shademac3 ; Print last word.
shademac1 ; Convert last point.
lsl.w #$8,d1 ; Rotate the bitplanes.
lsl.w #$8,d2
lsl.w #$8,d3
lsl.w #$8,d4
shademac3 ; Print last word.
shademac1 ; Convert last point.
lsl.w #$7,d1 ; Rotate the bitplanes.
lsl.w #$7,d2
lsl.w #$7,d3
lsl.w #$7,d4
shademac3 ; Print last word.
shademac1 ; Convert last point.
lsl.w #$6,d1 ; Rotate the bitplanes.
lsl.w #$6,d2
lsl.w #$6,d3
lsl.w #$6,d4
shademac3 ; Print last word.
shademac1 ; Convert last point.
lsl.w #$5,d1 ; Rotate the bitplanes.
lsl.w #$5,d2
lsl.w #$5,d3
lsl.w #$5,d4
shademac3 ; Print last word.
shademac1 ; Convert last point.
lsl.w #$4,d1 ; Rotate the bitplanes.
lsl.w #$4,d2
lsl.w #$4,d3
lsl.w #$4,d4
shademac3 ; Print last word.
shademac1 ; Convert last point.
lsl.w #$3,d1 ; Rotate the bitplanes.
lsl.w #$3,d2
lsl.w #$3,d3
lsl.w #$3,d4
shademac3 ; Print last word.
shademac1 ; Convert last point.
lsl.w #$2,d1 ; Rotate the bitplanes.
lsl.w #$2,d2
lsl.w #$2,d3
lsl.w #$2,d4
shademac3 ; Print last word.
shademac1 ; Convert last point.
add.w d1,d1 ; Rotate the bitplanes.
add.w d2,d2
add.w d3,d3
add.w d4,d4
shademac3 ; Print last word.
shademac1 ; Convert last point.
shademac42: MACRO
move.w #$3005,(a5) ; Restore initial code.
move.w (sp),d0 ; Load counter.
dbra d0,.draw_one_hline
add.w #$a,sp ; Fuck the stored tiddies.
movem.l (sp)+,d0-a6 ; The end.
shademac1 ; Convert last point.
ror.w #$1,d1 ; Rotate the bitplanes.
ror.w #$1,d2
ror.w #$1,d3
ror.w #$1,d4
move.w #$8000,d0 ; For destroying unusefull bits.
shademac2 ; Fuck them.
shademac3 ; Print last word.
shademac1 ; Convert last point.
ror.w #$2,d1 ; Rotate the bitplanes.
ror.w #$2,d2
ror.w #$2,d3
ror.w #$2,d4
move.w #$c000,d0 ; For destroying unusefull bits.
shademac2 ; Fuck them.
shademac3 ; Print last word.
shademac1 ; Convert last point.
ror.w #$3,d1 ; Rotate the bitplanes.
ror.w #$3,d2
ror.w #$3,d3
ror.w #$3,d4
move.w #$e000,d0 ; For destroying unusefull bits.
shademac2 ; Fuck them.
shademac3 ; Print last word.
shademac1 ; Convert last point.
ror.w #$4,d1 ; Rotate the bitplanes.
ror.w #$4,d2
ror.w #$4,d3
ror.w #$4,d4
move.w #$f000,d0 ; For destroying unusefull bits.
shademac2 ; Fuck them.
shademac3 ; Print last word.
shademac1 ; Convert last point.
ror.w #$5,d1 ; Rotate the bitplanes.
ror.w #$5,d2
ror.w #$5,d3
ror.w #$5,d4
move.w #$f800,d0 ; For destroying unusefull bits.
shademac2 ; Fuck them.
shademac3 ; Print last word.
shademac1 ; Convert last point.
ror.w #$6,d1 ; Rotate the bitplanes.
ror.w #$6,d2
ror.w #$6,d3
ror.w #$6,d4
move.w #$fc00,d0 ; For destroying unusefull bits.
shademac2 ; Fuck them.
shademac3 ; Print last word.
shademac1 ; Convert last point.
ror.w #$7,d1 ; Rotate the bitplanes.
ror.w #$7,d2
ror.w #$7,d3
ror.w #$7,d4
move.w #$fe00,d0 ; For destroying unusefull bits.
shademac2 ; Fuck them.
shademac3 ; Print last word.
shademac1 ; Convert last point.
lsl.w #$8,d1 ; Rotate the bitplanes.
lsl.w #$8,d2
lsl.w #$8,d3
lsl.w #$8,d4
shademac3 ; Print last word.
shademac1 ; Convert last point.
lsl.w #$7,d1 ; Rotate the bitplanes.
lsl.w #$7,d2
lsl.w #$7,d3
lsl.w #$7,d4
shademac3 ; Print last word.
shademac1 ; Convert last point.
lsl.w #$6,d1 ; Rotate the bitplanes.
lsl.w #$6,d2
lsl.w #$6,d3
lsl.w #$6,d4
shademac3 ; Print last word.
shademac1 ; Convert last point.
lsl.w #$5,d1 ; Rotate the bitplanes.
lsl.w #$5,d2
lsl.w #$5,d3
lsl.w #$5,d4
shademac3 ; Print last word.
shademac1 ; Convert last point.
lsl.w #$4,d1 ; Rotate the bitplanes.
lsl.w #$4,d2
lsl.w #$4,d3
lsl.w #$4,d4
shademac3 ; Print last word.
shademac1 ; Convert last point.
lsl.w #$3,d1 ; Rotate the bitplanes.
lsl.w #$3,d2
lsl.w #$3,d3
lsl.w #$3,d4
shademac3 ; Print last word.
shademac1 ; Convert last point.
lsl.w #$2,d1 ; Rotate the bitplanes.
lsl.w #$2,d2
lsl.w #$2,d3
lsl.w #$2,d4
shademac3 ; Print last word.
shademac1 ; Convert last point.
add.w d1,d1 ; Rotate the bitplanes.
add.w d2,d2
add.w d3,d3
add.w d4,d4
shademac3 ; Print last word.
shademac1 ; Convert last point.
; *************************************************************************
; * The core of the shading poly routine... Very repetitive, cos I don' t
; * like the dbra and I LOOOOooove Speed....
shademac5: MACRO
move.w d5,d0 ; Convert first point.
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d4,d4
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d3,d3
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d2,d2
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d1,d1
add.w d6,d5 ; intensity=intensity+increment1.
move.w d5,d0 ; Convert second point.
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d4,d4
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d3,d3
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d2,d2
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d1,d1
add.w d7,d5 ; intensity=intensity+increment2.
move.w d5,d0
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d4,d4
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d3,d3
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d2,d2
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d1,d1
add.w d6,d5 ; intensity=intensity+increment1.
move.w d5,d0
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d4,d4
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d3,d3
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d2,d2
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d1,d1
add.w d7,d5
move.w d5,d0
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d4,d4
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d3,d3
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d2,d2
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d1,d1
add.w d6,d5 ; intensity=intensity+increment1.
move.w d5,d0
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d4,d4
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d3,d3
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d2,d2
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d1,d1
add.w d7,d5 ; intensity=intensity+increment2.
move.w d5,d0
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d4,d4
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d3,d3
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d2,d2
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d1,d1
add.w d6,d5 ; intensity=intensity+increment1.
move.w d5,d0
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d4,d4
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d3,d3
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d2,d2
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d1,d1
add.w d7,d5 ; Intensity=intensity+increment2.
move.w d5,d0
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d4,d4
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d3,d3
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d2,d2
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d1,d1
add.w d6,d5 ; intensity=intensity+increment1.
move.w d5,d0
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d4,d4
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d3,d3
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d2,d2
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d1,d1
add.w d7,d5 ; intensity=intensity+increment2.
move.w d5,d0
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d4,d4
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d3,d3
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d2,d2
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d1,d1
add.w d6,d5 ; intensity=intensity+increment1.
move.w d5,d0
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d4,d4
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d3,d3
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d2,d2
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d1,d1
add.w d7,d5
move.w d5,d0
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d4,d4
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d3,d3
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d2,d2
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d1,d1
add.w d6,d5 ; intensity=intensity+increment1.
move.w d5,d0
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d4,d4
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d3,d3
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d2,d2
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d1,d1
add.w d7,d5 ; intensity=intensity+increment2.
move.w d5,d0
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d4,d4
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d3,d3
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d2,d2
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d1,d1
add.w d6,d5 ; intensity=intensity+increment1.
move.w d5,d0
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d4,d4
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d3,d3
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d2,d2
add.w d0,d0
addx.w d1,d1
add.w d7,d5 ; Intensity=intensity+increment2.
shademac5 ; 16 pixies.
or.w d1,(a6)+ ; Print first bitlanes.
or.w d2,(a6)+
or.w d3,(a6)+
or.w d4,(a6)+
shademac5 ; Do 16 pixies.
movem.w d1-d4,(a6) ; Store planes.
addq.w #$8,a6
movem.w d1-d4,(a6)
addq.w #$8,a6
movem.w d1-d4,(a6)
addq.w #$8,a6
movem.w d1-d4,(a6)
addq.w #$8,a6
movem.w d1-d4,(a6)
addq.w #$8,a6
movem.w d1-d4,(a6)
addq.w #$8,a6
movem.w d1-d4,(a6)
addq.w #$8,a6
movem.w d1-d4,(a6)
addq.w #$8,a6
movem.w d1-d4,(a6)
addq.w #$8,a6
movem.w d1-d4,(a6)
addq.w #$8,a6
movem.w d1-d4,(a6)
addq.w #$8,a6
movem.w d1-d4,(a6)
addq.w #$8,a6
movem.w d1-d4,(a6)
addq.w #$8,a6
movem.w d1-d4,(a6)
addq.w #$8,a6
movem.w d1-d4,(a6)
addq.w #$8,a6
; *************************************************************************
Section DATA
.y_table: ; Table for y->y*160 conversions.
N set 0
rept 200
dc.w N
N set N+160
.inverses: ; Table n->16384/n.
incbin 'a:\shading\inverses.xxx'
.xmax_ad: ; Table of adresses for the jump.
N set 6
rept 300
dc.l .xmax_line_end-N
N set N+6
.xmin_ad: ; The same for the xmin tracking.
N set 6
rept 300
dc.l .xmin_line_end-N
N set N+6
.points_ad: ; Convert x->adress in the "core".
N set 0 ; For the first 16 pixies.
rept 16
dc.l .core+N
N set N+20
N set 0 ; For the next ones.
rept 15 ; 240 points.
dc.l .core_2+000+N,.core_2+020+N
dc.l .core_2+040+N,.core_2+060+N
dc.l .core_2+080+N,.core_2+100+N
dc.l .core_2+120+N,.core_2+140+N
dc.l .core_2+160+N,.core_2+180+N
dc.l .core_2+200+N,.core_2+220+N
dc.l .core_2+240+N,.core_2+260+N
dc.l .core_2+280+N,.core_2+300+N
N set N+320+6
.endrouts_ad: ; Table for the endrouts adresses.
dc.l .endrout_0,.endrout_1,.endrout_2,.endrout_3
dc.l .endrout_4,.endrout_5,.endrout_6,.endrout_7
dc.l .endrout_8,.endrout_9,.endrout_a,.endrout_b
dc.l .endrout_c,.endrout_d,.endrout_e,.endrout_f
dc.l .endrout_10,.endrout_11,.endrout_12,.endrout_13
dc.l .endrout_14,.endrout_15,.endrout_16,.endrout_17
dc.l .endrout_18,.endrout_19,.endrout_1a,.endrout_1b
dc.l .endrout_1c,.endrout_1d,.endrout_1e,.endrout_1f
; *************************************************************************
Section BSS
.nb_lines_2_pass: ; This two vars are used for the clipping.
ds.w 1
ds.w 1
ds.l 300
ds.l 300