"Each of us hath within us a latent magic power, which we calleth MANA." MANA "The mana art released by spoken words of POWER." POWER "The words art created by the transformation of many ARTIFACTS." ARTIFACTS "If thou bringeth me the proper artifacts, I canst convert them to the proper words of power. Thou wilst also proveth thy WORTH, also." WORTH "Some of the artifacts art hard to obtain, others art easy. The power of the SPELL dependeth upon the difficulty of the quest to obtain it." SPELL "Thou canst ask me of the SPELLS, the QUESTS, or if thee feel thee dost HAVE a spell item for me to transform into the word to cast the spell." SPELLS "Thou wilt YELL the word to cast the spell. I canst describe them for thee. Ask about SPELL ONE, SPELL TWO.....unto SPELL TWELVE." YELL "Yes! Y for yell. Thou must really shout the word to cast these spells! Thou wilt feel great power surge through thee! Of course, ye need a BOOK." BOOK Leomund pulls a small black book from one of his lab tables. QUESTS "To earn each spell, thou must go upon quests. These art tests, you see. Ask about QUEST ONE, QUEST TWO, etc., to learn what to do for each spell." HAVE "If thou thinketh thee hast a quest item needed for a spell, puteth it in thy pack, then tell me: HATH ONE, HATH TWO, etc., and I wilt confirm it, THEN..." THEN "I shalt write it in thy spellbook, and giveth thee the word. Remember the word!If thou forget, thou wilst need to repeat the quest to learn it again!" SPELL ONE "Hit point restore. It shalt restore thine strength at a cost of 5 spell points." SPELL TWO "Create Arrow: A cost of 5 spell points giveth thee 5 arrows." SPELL THREE "Skeleton Kill: 10sp will killeth all skeletons on a level!"