for 15sp." SPELL SIX "Magic Map: Shows all the roads in a dungeon for only 3sp." SPELL SEVEN "Time Freeze: Wilt halt all monsters for a few seconds, allowing thee to escape a battle. Remember! Time stops only for a few seconds! Cost is 15sp." SPELL EIGHT "Mass Weaken: Reduces the strength of all the monsters on any level by 1/2. The cost is 20sp." SPELL NINE "Create Gold: 5sp gives you 5gp!" SPELL TEN "Locate Monster: shows the sextant location of all monsters. Very useful for people, too, as the number shown always matches the same name! NOTE!" NOTE "It art vital to seek this spell soon! Else, thou wilt be running around the dungeons blindly looking for people thou seek, or hitting MONSTERS." MONSTERS "Yes, with the locate spell and a sextant, thou canst avoid them! So this spell dost have a double use. It only taketh 5sp to casteth." SPELL ELEVEN "Great Strength: For 30sp thou canst triple thy strength until it art used up, or the next day dost arrive. An excellent spell." SPELL TWELVE "Ah! Leomund's Secret Chest!! It art a wish spell that giveth thee what thou dost most need. Cost 40 spell points to casteth. My personal favorite." QUEST ONE "Thou must bringeth a nightshade mushroom." QUEST TWO "Thou must bringeth a bunch of light blue berries." QUEST THREE "Thou must obtain yellow berries." QUEST FOUR "Thou must aquire some strands of gosomar silk. Ask Milda about it." QUEST FIVE "I shalt need one elven sword."