Thank you for trying End of Time. I hope you find it useful. If you received this program in a file called, then you should also have the following 12 files:
config.txt ASCII text file of information on configuring End of Time.
config.wri Windows Write format of config.txt.
endtime.exe The End of Time executable.
etconfig.exe The Configuration program.
install.exe The Installation program.
install.txt ASCII text file of information on installing End of Time.
install.wri Windows Write format of install.txt.
order.txt ASCII text file of order/registration form.
order.wri Windows Write format of order.txt.
readme.1st This file.
readme.txt ASCII text file of general information on End of Time.
readme.wri Windows Write format of readme.wri.
Please read the install file to properly set up End of Time, rather than trying to copy files.