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Digital Local Management Application
User's Guide
This guide describes the use of DEClma to manage the
DEC FDDIcontroller installed in specific operating-
system environments described herein.
Supersession/Update Information:This is a new manual.
Software Version: V1.0
December 1992
The information in this document is subject to change
without notice and should not be construed as a commitment
by Digital Equipment Corporation. Digital Equipment
Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that
may appear in this document.
Restricted Rights: Use, duplication or disclosure by the
U.S Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in
subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR
52.227-19, as applicable.
Copyright ゥ1992 by Digital Equipment Corporation
All Rights Reserved. Unpublished rights reserved
under the copyright laws of the United States.
The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment
DECbridge DECstation UNIBUS
DECconnect DECsystem UWS
AT, OS/2 and IBM are registered trademarks of International
Business Machines Corporation.
Microsoft, LAN Manager, and MS-DOS are registered
trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Novell and NetWare are registered trademarks of Novell,
SCO is a registered trademark of Santa Cruz Operations,
UNIX is a registered trademark of UNIX Systems
Laboratories, Incorporated.
This manual was produced by Telecommunications and Networks
This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT, Version 2.0.
Preface................................................... v
1 Product Overview
2 Before Running DEClma
2.1 Installation Requirements........................ 2-1
3 DEClma Commands
3.1 Initiating DEClma................................ 3-1
3.2 CLEAR COUNTERS................................... 3-2
3.3 EXIT............................................. 3-2
3.4 HELP [command]................................... 3-3
3.5 SELECT device_name............................... 3-5
3.5.1 SELECT device_name (SCO UNIX) ................. 3-5
3.5.2 SELECT device_name (Novell) ................... 3-7
3.5.3 SELECT device_name (DOS and OS/2) ............. 3-9
3.6 SET object_name [object_value]................... 3-10
3.7 SHOW ATTACHMENT.................................. 3-13
3.8 SHOW COUNTERS.................................... 3-14
3.9 SHOW ERRORLOG.................................... 3-15
3.10 SHOW EVENTS...................................... 3-17
3.11 SHOW FDX......................................... 3-18
3.12 SHOW INTERFACE................................... 3-19
3.13 SHOW MAC......................................... 3-20
3.14 SHOW PORT........................................ 3-22
3.15 SHOW SMT......................................... 3-23
3.16 SHOW VERSION..................................... 3-23
3.17 QUIT............................................. 3-23
4 Error Messages
3-1 CLEAR COUNTERS Command Syntax ................. 3-2
3-2 Output Generated by the HELP SHOW SMT
Command........................................ 3-3
3-3 Output Generated by the HELP Command .......... 3-4
3-4 Output Generated by the SELECT Command
(SCO UNIX)..................................... 3-6
3-5 Novell device_names (Device ID) ............... 3-7
3-6 Output Generated by the SELECT Command
(Novell)....................................... 3-8
3-7 Output Generated by the SELECT Command
(DOS and OS/2)................................. 3-9
3-8 Using the SET Command ......................... 3-12
3-9 Output Generated by the SHOW ATTACHMENT
Command........................................ 3-13
3-10 Output Generated by the SHOW COUNTERS
Command........................................ 3-14
3-11 Output Generated by the SHOW ERRORLOG
Command........................................ 3-15
3-12 Output Generated by the SHOW EVENTS Command ... 3-17
3-13 Output Generated by the SHOW FDX Command ...... 3-18
3-14 Output Generated by the SHOW INTERFACE
Command........................................ 3-19
3-15 Output Generated by the SHOW MAC Command ...... 3-20
3-16 Output Generated by the SHOW PORT Command ..... 3-22
3-17 Output Generated by the SHOW SMT Command ...... 3-23
3-1 Configurable SNMP Objects ..................... 3-12
This manual explains how to:
o Initiate DEClma
o Use the DEClma commands
o Interpret error messages
Intended Audience
This manual is for the network manager responsible for
configuring and assessing the status of DEC FDDIcontroller
The network manager should have a basic knowledge of the
IETF SNMP FDDI MIB, MIB-II and DEC Vendor MIB to interpret
DEClma status displays and status requests.
Product Related Documentation
The following documents provide additional applicable
o DEC FDDIcontroller/EISA Installation Manual Order No.
Describes the installation of the hardware, driver
software, board configuration, and troubleshooting.
o The following RFC documents are related Management
Information Base (MIB) specifications and standards
that you can obtain directly over the Internet from host
NIC.DDN.MIL by using the File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
to log in to the host with the user name anonymous as
requested. Next, change to the rfc subdirectory using
the commmand "cd rfc". Retrieve an RFC of interest with
a "get rfc" command.
For example, to obtain an ASCII text file of RFC 1285,
enter the command "get rfc1285"<Return>.
- RFC1285 defines the FDDI MIB.
- RFC1155 defines the SMI mechanisms for describing and
naming objects.
- RFC1156 defines the MIB-I core set of TCP/IP managed
- RFC1213 defines MIB-II (an evolution of MIB-I)
managed objects.
- RFC1157 defines the Simple Network Management
Protocol (SNMP).
Additionally, to receive a copy of Digital's MIB
extensions, check the appropriate box on the DEC
FDDIcontroller Registration Card supplied with the
controller, and mail the card to the DEC FDDI Product
Group, 550 King Street, LKG2-1/Z3, Littleton, MA
Conventions Used in This Guide
The following conventions apply to this manual:
Convention Meaning
<Return> Press the RETURN key.
UPPERCASE Uppercase letters in command lines
indicate keywords that must be entered.
You can enter them in either uppercase
or lowercase. You can abbreviate command
keywords to the first three characters
or the minimum unique abbreviation.
[] Square brackets in command syntax
statements indicate the enclosed value
is optional. Do not type the brackets.
Product Overview
DEClma is a standalone utility that allows you to manage
DEC FDDIcontroller interfaces. Using simple command lines,
you can access the FDDI (SMT, MAC, PORT, and ATTACHMENT)
and INTERFACE group objects, as described in the IETF SNMP
FDDI MIB, MIB-II and DEC Vendor MIB extensions.
You can manage objects contained in the above MIBs as
o Display objects in the following groups:
- INTERFACE (MIB-II and DEC MIB extensions)
- SMT (SNMP FDDI MIB and DEC MIB extensions)
- MAC (SNMP FDDI MIB and DEC MIB extensions)
- PORT (SNMP FDDI MIB and DEC MIB extensions)
- FDX (DEC MIB extensions)
o Display counter objects from all of the groups just
o Set configurable parameters where valid for an FDDI
o Display network events
o Display and/or dump the contents of the error logger to
a file.
DEClma is currently available for managing FDDI data links
with the following operating systems:
o Novell NetWare 386 (Server and Client)
o NDIS 2.01 (DOS and OS/2)
Product Overview 1-1
Before Running DEClma
This chapter describes the installation requirements and
considerations for running DEClma on a local FDDI-connected
PC host, workstation or fileserver.
2.1 Installation Requirements
Before you install and run DEClma, verify that the
FDDIcontroller and the appropriate driver for your
operating system environment are properly installed. Refer
to the DEC FDDIcontroller Installation manual for details.
The DEClma utility and this manual are located along with
the device driver in the platform-specific subdirectories
of the distribution diskettes as described in the
Installation manual. Each platform subdirectory also
contains instructions in its README.TXT file for installing
DEClma. These platform-specific procedures must be
completed before you can run DEClma.
Before Running DEClma 2-1
DEClma Commands
This chapter describes the DEClma commands and how to
initiate them. The commands are listed in alphabetical
DEClma displays appropriate messages for invalid commands
or completion of the command (refer to Chapter 4).
3.1 Initiating DEClma
Once you install DEClma, you can issue commands in two
ways. You can enter a single DEClma command from the
operating-system prompt as shown in the following examples:
# declma dfe0 show interface<Return>
This command displays the Interface Group objects for
device dfe0.
# declma dfe0 show counters<Return>
This command displays all of the SNMP counters for device
# declma dfe0 set treq 9<Return>
This command sets the MACTReq object to 9 ms for device
The keyword "declma" precedes each command, followed by the
FDDI device name and the DEClma command.
Alternately, you can enter commands interactively. If the
"declma" keyword is entered with no arguments
DEClma Commands 3-1
DEClma Commands
3.1 Initiating DEClma
# declma<Return>
DEClma returns the following prompt
You can then enter any DEClma command. Upon command
completion, DEClma returns to the DEClma prompt and waits
for another command. Exit the interactive session by
entering either of the exit commands (EXIT or QUIT).
This command simulates setting all the counter objects for
the selected device to zero for this interactive session
(DEClma> prompt). (This command is not functional from
the command line mode.) Since all of the SNMP counter
objects are read only, the CLEAR COUNTERS command does
not actually zero the values of the controller objects.
Instead, the function is a relative reset and the counter
values are incremented from zero (a delta value) each time
they are clocked. The SHOW COUNTERS command displays
the values of the counters relative to the last CLEAR
COUNTERS command. Example 3-1 shows the syntax for the
Example 3-1 CLEAR COUNTERS Command Syntax
DEClma> clear counters <Return>
3.3 EXIT
This command closes the communication channel (if one
is open) for the selected device and terminates the
3-2 DEClma Commands
DEClma Commands
3.4 HELP [command]
3.4 HELP [command]
This command displays information about a DEClma command.
Enter the keyword HELP followed by the DEClma command of
interest. Example 3-2 shows the output generated by a HELP
SHOW SMT command. To display a list of all DEClma commands,
enter HELP with no arguments as shown in Example 3-3.
Example 3-2 Output Generated by the HELP SHOW SMT Command
DEClma> help show smt
This command displays SNMP objects from the SMT group of the FDDI and
DEC Vendor MIBs. A device must be selected prior to issuing this
DEClma Commands 3-3
DEClma Commands
3.4 HELP [command]
Example 3-3 Output Generated by the HELP Command
DEClma> help
SELECT device - Opens a communication channel to selected device
device - System name assigned to identify device as a resource
SHOW INTERFACE - Displays objects from SNMP INTERFACE group
SHOW SMT - Displays objects from SNMP SMT group
SHOW MAC - Displays objects from SNMP MAC group
SHOW PORT - Displays objects from SNMP PORT group
SHOW ATTACHMENT - Displays objects from SNMP ATTACHMENT group
SHOW FDX - Displays objects from DEC Extended FDX group
SHOW COUNTERS - Displays all SNMP group counters
SHOW ERRORLOG - Displays driver-maintained error log
SHOW EVENTS - Displays prior eight (8) unsolicited events
SHOW VERSION - Displays this version of DEClma
SET object [value] - Sets writeable SNMP objects to new values
object - Name of SNMP object to be set or "ALL" to set default values
value - New value of object; not included with "SET ALL" command
CLEAR COUNTERS - Clears all SNMP group counters
HELP [command] - Displays HELP screens
command - When present, a HELP screen will appear for the given cmd
When not present, this HELP screen is displayed
EXIT - Closes selected communication channel and terminates application
QUIT - Same as EXIT
3-4 DEClma Commands
DEClma Commands
3.5 SELECT device_name
3.5 SELECT device_name
This command allows you to select the controller to be
managed. The SET, SHOW, and CLEAR commands require that you
open a device before issuing the command. Since DEClma
can access only one device at a time, commands issued
interactively (DEClma> prompt) always refer to the last
device selected. Notice that you do not have to specify
whether the device is of single attachment station (SAS) or
dual attachment station (DAS) type. DEClma determines the
controller type automatically.
The device_name specification is required to SELECT the
device. The device associated with this name is opened and
subsequent commands then apply to this controller. DEClma
displays an appropriate error message if the FDDI device
cannot be opened.
The device_name specification differs depending on your
operating-system environment. Section 3.5.1 describes the
controller device names for SCO UNIX users. For Novell
server and client users, refer to Section 3.5.2. DOS and
OS/2 users should refer to Section 3.5.3.
3.5.1 SELECT device_name (SCO UNIX)
There are three recognized device names. These devices
are dfe0, dfe1, and dfe2. If you select a recognized
device that is not configured in your system, DEClma
responds with the error message:
DEClma: Device could not be opened
Example 3-4 shows the output generated by this command.
DEClma Commands 3-5
DEClma Commands
3.5 SELECT device_name
Example 3-4. Output Generated by the SELECT Command (SCO UNIX)
DEClma> select dfe0 <Return>
DEClma: Device opened successfully
DEClma> select <Return>
DEClma: Device name missing
Recognized device names are:
dfe0, dfe1, dfe2
DEClma> select xyz0 <Return>
DEClma: Invalid device id; type SELECT for a list of valid device id's
3-6 DEClma Commands
DEClma Commands
3.5 SELECT device_name
3.5.2 SELECT device_name (Novell)
In the Novell environment, you specify a device_name
(Device ID) with a unique integer derived automatically
by the controller slot number, the short name, and the
frame type. To display a list of your valid devices, enter
select <Return>
The list is similar to the following:
Example 3-5 Novell device_names (Device ID)
Device Id Slot Short Name Frame Type
2 4 DEFEA FDDI_802.2
If you enter an invalid Device ID for a device_name, DEClma
responds with the error message:
DEClma: Invalid device id; type SELECT for a list of valid
device id's
Example 3-6 shows the output generated by this command.
DEClma Commands 3-7
DEClma Commands
3.5 SELECT device_name
Example 3-6 Output Generated by the SELECT Command (Novell)
DEClma> select 1 <Return>
DEClma: Device opened successfully
DEClma> select <Return>
DEClma: Device name missing
Available boards:
Device Id Slot Short Name Frame Type
2 4 DEFEA FDDI_802.2
DEClma> select 9 <Return>
DEClma: Invalid device id; type SELECT for a list of valid device id's
3-8 DEClma Commands
DEClma Commands
3.5 SELECT device_name
3.5.3 SELECT device_name (DOS and OS/2)
There is one recognized device name, DEFEA$. If you
select the device and it is not configured in your system,
DEClma will respond with the error message:
DEClma: Device could not be opened
Example 3-7 shows the output generated by this command.
Example 3-7 Output Generated by the SELECT Command (DOS and OS/2)
DEClma> select DEFEA$ <Return>
DEClma: Device opened successfully
DEClma> select <Return>
DEClma: Device name missing
Recognized device names are:
DEFEA$ - DEC FDDIcontroller/EISA
DEClma> select abc <Return>
DEClma: Invalid device id; type SELECT for a list of valid device id's
DEClma Commands 3-9
DEClma Commands
3.6 SET object_name [object_value]
3.6 SET object_name [object_value]
This command allows you to set configurable objects within
for the selected device. You specify the object name to be
set and an appropriate object value. In addition, DEClma
allows you to use the predefined default value for a
particular object or to set all objects to their default
values. The specification of the command and all arguments
must be correct or the command will be unsuccessful. DEClma
will neither prompt you for the object value, nor reprompt
you if the value is out of range or invalid. DEClma displays
a message if the command was successful or an appropriate
error message if the command fails. Table 3-1 lists the
configurable SNMP objects with their default values. This
table is also available on line. From within DEClma, enter
HELP SET <Return> to display the table. Additionally,
Example 3-8 shows some typical SET commands.
This required argument specifies the SNMP object name to
be set. DEClma verifies that the object name is valid,
unique, and is configurable as listed in Table 3-1, column
1 (Object Name). You can specify the special object_name
ALL to set all configurable objects to their default
values. If you specify ALL, then an object_value is not
entered (see Example 3-8). DEClma returns and displays an
appropriate error message if the object name is missing,
unknown, ambiguous, or not a configurable SNMP object.
This argument specifies a new value for the object. DEClma
verifies that the object_value is valid, unique, and within
the range specified in the MIBs. As stated in the previous
paragraph, the object_value is omitted when the SET ALL
command is entered. DEClma displays an appropriate error
message if the object value is missing, unknown, ambiguous,
extraneous, or out of the specified range.
3-10 DEClma Commands
DEClma Commands
3.6 SET object_name [object_value]
Value Type
This is the type of value entered at command line.
One argument value string (such as true, false)
One argument integer value.
One argument real number specified in milliseconds.
Real sets SNMP objects that are in terms of fdditime
(80-ns units).
Default Value
The default value for the SNMP object as specified in the
SNMP FDDI MIB, MIB-II, and DEC MIB extensions.
DEClma Commands 3-11
DEClma Commands
3.6 SET object_name [object_value]
Table_3-1 Configurable SNMP Objects
Object Name Value Type Default Value
----------- ---------- -------------
TReq Real 8.00000 ms
RingPurgerEnable String false
RestrictedTokenTimeout Real 1000.00000 ms
FDXEnable String false
MACLoopTime Real 200.00000 ms
LerCutoff Integer 8
LerAlarm Integer 8
Example 3-8 Using the SET Command
DEClma> set treq 10.0 <Return>
DEClma: Set object command successful
DEClma> set maclooptime default <Return>
DEClma: Set object command successful
DEClma> set leralarm <Return>
DEClma: Value is missing
Default: 8
Range: 4 <= LerAlarm <= 15
DEClma> set all <Return>
DEClma: Set object command successful
DEClma> set maclooptime 100.0 <Return>
DEClma: Value is out of range
Default: 200.00000 ms
Range: 200.00000 ms <= MACLoopTime <= 10000.00000 ms
3-12 DEClma Commands
DEClma Commands
This command displays the ATTACHMENT Group objects
contained within the SNMP FDDI MIB for the selected device.
Example 3-9 shows the output generated by this command.
Example 3-9 Output Generated by the SHOW ATTACHMENT Command
DEClma> show attachment
Class = single-attachment
OpticalBypassPresent = false
IMaxExpiration = 40.00000 ms
InsertedStatus = false
InsertPolicy = true
DEClma Commands 3-13
DEClma Commands
This command displays the counter objects contained in the
selected device. Example 3-10 shows the output generated by
this command.
Example 3-10 Output Generated by the SHOW COUNTERS Command
DEClma> show counters
InOctets = 762,033,187 InUcastPkts = 7,777,100
InNUcastPkts = 460,737 InDiscards = 0
InErrors = 0 InUnknownProtos = 1,178,525
OutOctets = 11,171,477 OutUcastPkts = 7,423,452
OutNUcastPkts = 7,488,784 OutDiscards = 248
OutErrors = 2 BadFramesReceived = 0
ReceiveOverrun = 0 OversizeFrames = 0
TransmitFramesError = 2 TracesReceived = 0
FrameCts = 2,833,001,394 RingInitializationsInitiated = 2
ErrorCts = 0 RingInitializationsReceived = 618
LostCts = 8 RingBeaconingInitiated = 2
RingPurgeErrors = 0 DuplicateAddressTestFailures = 0
FCIStripErrors = 0 DuplicateTokensDetected = 0
TracesInitiated = 0 FrameStatusErrors = 0
FrameAlignmentErrors = 0 TransmitUnderruns = 0
LCTFailCts = 0 LemRejectCts = 0
LemCts = 0 ConnectionsCompleted = 3
TNEExpRejects = 0 ElasticityBufferErrors = 0
3-14 DEClma Commands
DEClma Commands
This command formats and displays the error log located
within the controller's EEPROM, and optionally writes the
log to a user-specified file. This information can be used
by Digital service personnel to interpret controller errors.
Example 3-11 shows the output generated by this command.
Example 3-11 Output Generated by the SHOW ERRORLOG Command
DEClma> show errorlog
Enter the error log filename (Press RETURN if none) :
Error Log Event Header -
Event Status: Valid
Caller Id: Firmware
Firmware Event Information -
Timestamp: 42,085 seconds
Write Count: 1
Reserved Data:
00000000 00000001 00000002 00000003 00000004 00000005 00000006 00000007
00000008 00000009 0000000A 0000000B 0000000C 0000000D 0000000E 0000000F
00000010 00000011 00000012 00000013 00000014 00000015 00000016 00000017
00000018 00000019 0000001A 0000001B 0000001C 0000001D 0000001E 0000001F
00000020 00000021 00000022 00000023 00000024 00000025 00000026 00000027
00000028 00000029 0000002A 0000002B 0000002C 0000002D 0000002E 0000002F
00000030 00000031 00000032 00000033 00000034 00000035 00000036 00000037
00000038 00000039 0000003A 0000003B 0000003C 0000003D 0000003E 0000003F
00000040 00000041 00000042 00000043 00000044 00000045 00000046 00000047
00000048 00000049 0000004A 0000004B 0000004C 0000004D 0000004E 0000004F
00000050 00000051 00000052 00000053 00000054 00000055 00000056 00000057
00000058 00000059 0000005A 0000005B 0000005C 0000005D 0000005E 0000005F
00000060 00000061 00000062 00000063 00000064 00000065 00000066 00000067
00000068 00000069 0000006A 0000006B 0000006C 0000006D 0000006E
(continued on next page)
DEClma Commands 3-15
DEClma Commands
Example 3-11 (Cont.) Output Generated by the SHOW ERRORLOG Command
Error Log Event Header -
Event Status: Valid
Caller Id: Self-test Diagnostics
Diagnostics Event Information -
Timestamp: 56,091 seconds
Write Count: 1
FRU Imp Mask: 0
Test Id: 6
Reserved Data:
00000000 00000001 00000002 00000003 00000004 00000005
3-16 DEClma Commands
DEClma Commands
This command displays the latest network events detected
by the controller (up to 8). Example 3-12 shows the output
generated by this command.
Example 3-12 Output Generated by the SHOW EVENTS Command
DEClma> show events
Link Entity
Ring Initialization Initiated Event
Argument: Reason
RIReason: TRT Expired
Link Entity
Ring Initialization Received Event
DEClma Commands 3-17
DEClma Commands
This command displays the Full-Duplex (FDX) Group objects
contained within the DEC Vendor MIB for the selected
device. Example 3-13 shows the output generated by this
Example 3-13 Output Generated by the SHOW FDX Command
DEClma> show fdx
FDXEnable = false
FDXOp = false
FDXState = fdxIdle
3-18 DEClma Commands
DEClma Commands
This command displays the INTERFACE (if) Group objects
contained within the MIB-II and the DEC Vendor MIBs for the
selected device. Example 3-14 shows the output generated by
this command.
Example 3-14 Output Generated by the SHOW INTERFACE Command
DEClma> show interface
Descr = DEC FDDIcontroller/EISA V1.0
Module Rev: 0 Firmware Rev: 1.0
Type = fddi Mtu = 4,478 bytes
Speed = 100,000,000 bits/S PhysAddress = 08-00-2B-AA-BB-CC
AdminStatus = up OperStatus = up
LastChange = 90,061 seconds InOctets = 762,898,462
InUcastPkts = 7,785,494 InNUcastPkts = 461,294
InDiscards = 0 InErrors = 0
InUnknownProtos = 1,179,980 OutOctets = 11,223,811
OutUcastPkts = 7,431,397 OutNUcastPkts = 7,496,252
OutDiscards = 248 OutErrors = 2
OutQLen = 256 packets
Specific = fddi
BadFramesReceived = 0 ReceiveOverrun = 0
OversizeFrames = 0 TransmitFramesError = 2
DEClma Commands 3-19
DEClma Commands
This command displays the MAC Group objects contained
within the SNMP FDDI and DEC Vendor MIBs for the selected
device. Example 3-15 shows the output of two screens
generated by this command. Press <Return> to display the
second screen.
Example 3-15 Output Generated by the SHOW MAC Command
DEClma> show mac
FrameStatusCapabilities = FSC-Type0
TMaxGreatestLowerBound = 165.00000 ms
TVXGreatestLowerBound = 2.50000 ms
PathsAvailable = Primary
CurrentPath = primary UpstreamNbr = 08-00-2B-AA-BB-DD
OldUpstreamNb = 08-00-2B-AA-BB-EE DupAddrTest = pass
PathsRequested = Primary
DownstreamPORTType = s SMTAddress = 08-00-2B-AA-BB-CC
TReq = 7.98720 ms TNeg = 7.98720 ms
TMax = 167.77216 ms TvxValue = 2.62144 ms
TMin = 4.00000 ms
CurrentFrameStatus = FSC-Type0 FrameCts = 2,975,621,201
ErrorCts = 0 LostCts = 8
FrameErrorThreshold= 0 FrameErrorRatio = 0
RMTState = Ring_Op DaFlag = false
UnaDaFlag = false FrameCondition = false
ChipSet = 0 Action = other
LinkState = onRingRun RingPurgerState = purgerOff
RingPurgerEnable = false RingPurgeErrors = 0
FrameStripMode = bridgeStrip FCIStripErrors = 0
(continued on next page)
3-20 DEClma Commands
DEClma Commands
Example 3-15 (Cont.) Output Generated by the SHOW MAC Command
RingErrorReason = ringInitInitiated
RingInitializationsInitiated = 2
RingInitializationsReceived = 618
RingBeaconingInitiated = 2
DuplicateAddressTestFailures = 0
DuplicateTokensDetected = 0
UpstreamNbrDuplAddressFlag = false
TracesInitiated = 0
RestrictedTokenTimeout = 1000.00000 ms
FrameStatusErrors = 0
FrameAlignmentErrors = 0
TransmitUnderruns = 0
DEClma Commands 3-21
DEClma Commands
This command displays the PORT Group objects contained
within the SNMP FDDI and DEC Vendor MIBs for the selected
device. Example 3-16 shows the output generated by this
Example 3-16 Output Generated by the SHOW PORT Command
DEClma> show port
PCType = s
PCNeighbor = m
ConnectionPolicies = none
RemoteMACIndicated = false
CEState = Insert_P
PathsRequested = Primary
MACPlacement = 0
AvailablePaths = Primary
MACLoopTime = 200.00000 ms TBMax = 50.00000 ms
BSFlag = false LCTFailCts = 0
LerEstimate = 15 LemRejectCts = 0
LemCts = 0 LerCutoff = 8
LerAlarm = 8 ConnectState = active
PCMState = Active PCWithhold = none
LerCondition = false ChipSet = 0
Action = other
PMDType = pmdMM PHYState = inuse
RejectReason = noReason ConnectionsCompleted = 3
TNEExpRejects = 0 ElasticityBufferErrors = 0
3-22 DEClma Commands
DEClma Commands
This command displays the SMT Group objects contained
within the SNMP FDDI and Digital Vendor MIBs for the
selected device. Example 3-17 shows the output generated
by this command.
Example 3-17 Output Generated by the SHOW SMT Command
DEClma> show smt
StationId = 00-00-08-00-2B-AA-BB-CC OpVersionId = 2
HiVersionId = 2 LoVersionId = 2
MACCt = 1 MAC NonMasterCt = 1 port
MasterCt = 0 Mports
PathsAvailable = Primary
ConfigCapabilities = none
ConfigPolicy = none
ConnectionPolicy = Reject A-A, B-B, M-M
TNotify = 10 seconds StatusReporting = true
ECMState = In CFState = Wrap_S
HoldState = not-implemented RemoteDisconnectFlag = false
StationAction = other
StationType = sas TracesReceived = 0
This command displays the version of DEClma as follows:
Digital Local Management Application (DEClma) for SCO UNIX systems
Copyright, 1992 - Digital Equipment Corporation, Littleton, Mass.
Version 1.0 - December 1992
3.17 QUIT
This command, identical to the EXIT command, closes
the communication channel for the selected device and
terminates the application.
DEClma Commands 3-23
Error Messages
This chapter alphabetically lists the error messages
produced by DEClma. Each message has an explanation and
a user action.
- DEClma: Ambiguous command; type HELP for a list of valid
Explanation: The first argument of a command corresponds
to more than one valid command.
User Action: Reenter the command with more of the valid
command letters to make the command unique.
- DEClma: Ambiguous object; type HELP SET for a list of valid
Explanation: The object name argument specified within
a SET command corresponds to more than one valid object
User Action: Reenter the command with more of the valid
command letters to make the command unique.
- DEClma: Cannot create errorlog file
Explanation: DEClma could not open the file with the
file name specified.
User Action: Enter a valid file name.
Error Messages 4-1
Error Messages
- DEClma: Command failed; could not allocate dynamic memory
Explanation: DEClma attempted to allocate dynamic
memory, but was unsuccessful. This event normally
occurs when DEClma runs under DOS with insufficient
conventional memory.
User Action: Before running DEClma, make as much of the
conventional memory resources available as possible.
- DEClma: Command failed; internal error
Explanation: If DEClma discovers an internal error
while processing a valid command, a software error in
DEClma, the device driver, the controller firmware, or
the system resources is likely.
User Action: If the condition persists, contact your
Digital sales representative.
- DEClma: Device could not be opened
Explanation: A device name is recognized, but is not
configured in your system.
User Action: Verify that the device is configured
properly in your system and reenter the command.
- DEClma: Device is already open
Explanation: A SELECT command was entered for a device
that was already open.
User Action: None.
- DEClma: Device name missing
Explanation: A device_name must be specified in a SELECT
User Action: Reenter the SELECT command with the
appropriate device name.
4-2 Error Messages
Error Messages
- DEClma: Illegal object; type HELP SET for a list of valid
Explanation: An unknown object name was specified as an
argument in a SET command.
User Action: Reenter a valid SET command.
- DEClma: Invalid device id; type SELECT for a list of valid
device id's
Explanation: An unrecognized device id was entered.
User Action: Reenter the SELECT command with a valid
device id.
- DEClma: No open device; type "SELECT device_name" to open a
Explanation: A SHOW, CLEAR, or SET command was issued
before you selected a device.
User Action: Enter a SELECT command with a valid device
specification argument and then reenter the desired
SHOW, CLEAR, or SET command.
- DEClma: Object name missing; type HELP SET for a list of
valid objects
Explanation: A SET command was entered without an object
name argument.
User Action: Reenter a valid SET command.
Error Messages 4-3
Error Messages
- DEClma: Object not settable; type HELP SET for a list of
valid objects
Explanation: A read only SNMP object_name was specified
in a SET command.
User Action: Reenter the SET command with a valid
- DEClma: This object has no default value
Explanation: A SET object_name DEFAULT command was
entered and the object does not have a default value.
User Action: Reenter the SET command with appropriate
- DEClma: Too many parameters on command line
Explanation: An extraneous argument was entered for an
otherwise valid command.
User Action: Reenter the command with the appropriate
- DEClma: Unrecognized command; type HELP for a list of valid
Explanation: The first argument in the command was
unrecognized by the parser.
User Action: Reenter a valid command.
- DEClma: Value is ambiguous
Explanation: The object value argument specified in a
SET command corresponds to more than one valid object
value string.
User Action: Reenter the SET command with more of the
value object value string to make the string unique.
4-4 Error Messages
Error Messages
- DEClma: Value is illegal
Explanation: An unknown object value string was entered
within the SET command.
User Action: Reenter the SET command with a valid object
value string.
- DEClma: Value is missing
Explanation: A SET command was entered without an object
value argument.
User Action: Reenter the SET command with a valid object
value argument.
- DEClma: Value is out of range
Explanation: The object value argument is outside the
allowable range of values for the object specified.
User Action: Reenter the command with a valid value.
Error Messages 4-5
C______________________________ E______________________________
CLEAR COUNTERS command, 3-2 Error messages, 4-1
Command EXIT command, 3-2
clear counters, 3-2
exit, 3-2 H
help, 3-3 _______________________________
initiating DEClma, 3-1 HELP command, 3-3
interactive, 3-1
quit, 3-23 I______________________________
select, 3-5 Installation, 2-1
set, 3-10 Interactive session, 3-1
show attachment, 3-13
show counters, 3-14 M
show errorlog, 3-15 _______________________________
show events, 3-17 Messages, error, 4-1
show fdx, 3-18 MIB, v
show interface, 3-19
show mac, 3-20 O______________________________
show port, 3-22 Overview, product, 1-1
show smt, 3-23
show version, 3-23
D______________________________ Q______________________________
DEClma QUIT command, 3-23
commands, 3-1
S______________________________ EVENTS command, 3-17
SELECT command, 3-5 FDX command, 3-18
SET command, 3-10 INTERFACE command, 3-19
SHOW MAC command, 3-20
ATTACHMENT command, 3-13 PORT command, 3-22
COUNTERS command, 3-14 SMT command, 3-23
ERRORLOG command, 3-15 VERSION command, 3-23