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- -- This file is part of SmallEiffel The GNU Eiffel Compiler.
- -- Copyright (C) 1994-98 LORIA - UHP - CRIN - INRIA - FRANCE
- -- Dominique COLNET and Suzanne COLLIN - colnet@loria.fr
- -- http://www.loria.fr/SmallEiffel
- -- SmallEiffel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- -- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- -- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
- -- version. SmallEiffel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but
- -- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
- -- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General
- -- Public License along with SmallEiffel; see the file COPYING. If not,
- -- write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
- -- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- --
- class GC_HANDLER
- --
- --
- inherit GLOBALS;
- creation make
- feature
- is_on: BOOLEAN;
- -- True when the Garbage Collector is produced.
- info_flag: BOOLEAN;
- -- True when the Garbage Collector Info need to be printed.
- feature {NONE}
- make is
- do
- end;
- feature
- enable is
- do
- is_on := true;
- end;
- set_info_flag is
- do
- is_on := true;
- info_flag := true;
- end;
- feature {SMALL_EIFFEL}
- define1 is
- require
- is_on
- local
- i, j: INTEGER;
- do
- cpp.swap_on_h;
- echo.put_string("Adding Garbage Collector.%N");
- cpp.put_string(
- "#define GCFLAG_UNMARKED 1%N%
- %#define GCFLAG_MARKED 2%N%
- %typedef union u_gcfsh gcfsh;%N%
- %union u_gcfsh {gcfsh*next;int flag;};%N%
- %typedef struct s_gcnah gcnah;%N%
- %struct s_gcnah{int size;%N%
- %void(*mfp)(gcnah*);%N%
- %union {gcnah*next;int flag;double padding;}header;%N%
- %};%N%
- %extern gcnah*nafl[];%N");
- cpp.put_extern5("void**gc_root_main",fz_null);
- cpp.put_extern5("void**gcmt_fs1",fz_null);
- cpp.put_extern5("void**gcmt_fs2",fz_null);
- cpp.put_extern5("void(**gcmt_fsf)(void*,void*)",fz_null);
- cpp.put_extern5("int gcmt_fs_max","1023");
- cpp.put_extern2("int gcmt_fs_used",'0');
- cpp.put_extern5("gcnah**gcmt_na",fz_null);
- cpp.put_extern5("int gcmt_na_max","1023");
- cpp.put_extern2("int gcmt_na_used",'0');
- cpp.swap_on_c;
- from
- cpp.put_string("gcnah*nafl[");
- cpp.put_integer(nafl_size);
- cpp.put_string("]={%NNULL,");
- i := nafl_size - 2;
- j := 7;
- until
- i = 0
- loop
- if j = 0 then
- cpp.put_character('%N');
- j := 7;
- else
- j := j - 1;
- end;
- cpp.put_string(fz_null);
- cpp.put_character(',');
- i := i - 1;
- end;
- cpp.put_string(fz_null);
- cpp.put_character('}');
- cpp.put_character(';');
- cpp.put_character('%N');
- cpp.swap_on_h;
- if info_flag then
- cpp.put_extern2("int gc_start_count",'0');
- end;
- end;
- define2 is
- require
- is_on
- local
- rc: RUN_CLASS;
- do
- rcd := small_eiffel.run_class_dictionary;
- cpp.put_c_function("void gc_mark_na(void*p)",
- "gcnah*n=((gcnah*)p-1);%N%
- %if(gcmt_na_used==0)return;%N%
- %if(n<*gcmt_na)return;%N%
- %if(gcmt_na[gcmt_na_used-1]<n)return;%N%
- %{int i1=0;%N%
- %int i2=gcmt_na_used-1;%N%
- %int m=i2>>1;%N%
- %for(;i1<i2;m=((i1+i2)>>1)){%N%
- %if(gcmt_na[m]<n)i1=m+1;%N%
- %else i2=m;}%N%
- %if(n==gcmt_na[i2])(*(n->mfp))(n);%N%
- %}");
- cpp.put_c_function("void gc_mark(void*p)",
- "if(p<=*gcmt_fs1){%N%
- %gc_mark_na(p);%Nreturn;%N}%N%
- %if(gcmt_fs2[gcmt_fs_used-1]<p){%N%
- %gc_mark_na(p);%Nreturn;%N}%N%
- %{int i1=0; int m;%N%
- %int i2=gcmt_fs_used-1;%N%
- %for(;i1<i2;){%N%
- %m=((i1+i2)>>1);%N%
- %if(gcmt_fs1[m]<=p)%Ni1=m+1;%Nelse%Ni2=m;%N}%N%
- %if(p<gcmt_fs1[i2])%Ni2--;%N%
- %if(gcmt_fs2[i2]<p){%N%
- %gc_mark_na(p);%Nreturn;%N}%N%
- %if(p==gcmt_fs1[i2])return;%N%
- %(*gcmt_fsf[i2])(p,gcmt_fs1[i2]);%N%
- %}");
- cpp.put_c_function("void gc_start(void)",
- "jmp_buf env;%N%
- %(void)setjmp(env);%N%
- %gc_start_aux(((void**)&env));");
- body.clear;
- body.append(
- "if(sp>gc_root_main){%N%
- %for(sp+=(sizeof(jmp_buf)/sizeof(void*));sp>=gc_root_main;sp--)%N%
- %gc_mark(*sp);}%N%
- %else {%N%
- %for(sp-=(sizeof(jmp_buf)/sizeof(void*));sp<=gc_root_main;sp++)%N%
- %gc_mark(*sp);}%N");
- if info_flag then
- body.append("gc_start_count++;%N");
- end;
- manifest_string_pool.gc_mark_in(body);
- once_routine_pool.gc_mark_in(body);
- call_gc_sweep(rcd);
- body.append(
- "{int h;%N%
- %gcnah**p=gcmt_na+gcmt_na_used-1;%N%
- %gcnah*n;%N%
- %for(;p>=gcmt_na;p--){%N%
- %n=*p;%N%
- %switch(n->header.flag){%N%
- %case GCFLAG_MARKED:n->header.flag=GCFLAG_UNMARKED;%N%
- %break;%N%
- %case GCFLAG_UNMARKED:h=n->size&");
- (nafl_size - 1).append_in(body);
- body.append(
- ";%N%
- %n->header.next=nafl[h];%N%
- %nafl[h]=n;%N%
- %break;%N%
- %}}}");
- cpp.put_c_function("void gc_start_aux(void**sp)",body);
- cpp.swap_on_h;
- from
- i := 1;
- until
- i > rcd.count
- loop
- rc := rcd.item(i);
- rc.gc_define1;
- i := i + 1;
- end;
- cpp.swap_on_c;
- from
- i := 1;
- until
- i > rcd.count
- loop
- rc := rcd.item(i);
- rc.gc_define2;
- i := i + 1;
- end;
- from
- i := run_class_list.upper;
- until
- i < 0
- loop
- switch_for(run_class_list.item(i));
- i := i - 1;
- end;
- if info_flag then
- define_gc_info(rcd);
- end;
- end;
- feature {TYPE}
- threshold_start(id: INTEGER): INTEGER is
- local
- nb: INTEGER;
- log2_nb: DOUBLE;
- do
- Result := 9;
- inspect
- id
- when 7,9 then
- nb := manifest_string_pool.count;
- if nb > 0 then
- log2_nb := nb.log / (2).log;
- nb := log2_nb.rounded + 2;
- if nb > Result then
- Result := nb;
- end;
- end;
- else
- end;
- end;
- nafl_size: INTEGER is 2048;
- feature {C_PRETTY_PRINTER}
- initialize is
- -- Initializing inside main function.
- require
- gc_handler.is_on
- local
- rc: RUN_CLASS;
- do
- body.copy(
- "gcmt_fs1=malloc((gcmt_fs_max+1)*sizeof(void*));%N%
- %gcmt_fs2=malloc((gcmt_fs_max+1)*sizeof(void*));%N%
- %gcmt_fsf=malloc((gcmt_fs_max+1)*sizeof(void*));%N%
- %gcmt_na=malloc((gcmt_na_max+1)*sizeof(void*));%N");
- cpp.put_string(body);
- rcd := small_eiffel.run_class_dictionary;
- from
- i := 1;
- until
- i > rcd.count
- loop
- rc := rcd.item(i);
- rc.gc_initialize;
- i := i + 1;
- end;
- end;
- put_new(rc: RUN_CLASS) is
- -- Basic allocation of in new temporary `n' local.
- require
- rc.at_run_time;
- rc.current_type.is_reference;
- cpp.on_c
- local
- ct: TYPE;
- id: INTEGER;
- do
- ct := rc.current_type;
- id := rc.id;
- body.clear;
- body.extend('T');
- id.append_in(body);
- body.extend('*');
- body.extend('n');
- body.extend('=');
- if is_on then
- body.append(fz_new);
- id.append_in(body);
- body.extend('(');
- body.extend(')');
- elseif ct.need_c_struct then
- body.append(us_malloc);
- body.extend('(');
- body.append(fz_sizeof);
- body.extend('(');
- body.extend('*');
- body.extend('n');
- body.extend(')');
- body.extend(')');
- body.append(fz_00);
- body.extend('*');
- body.extend('n');
- body.extend('=');
- body.extend('M');
- id.append_in(body);
- else
- -- Object has no attributes :
- body.append(us_malloc);
- body.extend('(');
- body.extend('1');
- body.extend(')');
- end;
- body.append(fz_00);
- cpp.put_string(body);
- end;
- feature {RUN_CLASS}
- call_gc_mark(str: STRING; rf2: RUN_FEATURE_2) is
- require
- str /= Void;
- rf2.result_type.run_class.at_run_time
- local
- rc: RUN_CLASS;
- ct: TYPE;
- field: STRING;
- do
- ct := rf2.result_type;
- if ct.need_gc_mark_function then
- field := rf2.name.to_string;
- if ct.is_expanded then
- if ct.is_user_expanded then
- str.append("RUN_CLASS : GARGGLLL");
- else
- str.append(fz_c_if_neq_null);
- str.append("(o->_");
- str.append(field);
- str.append(fz_13);
- ct.gc_mark_in(str);
- str.append("(((gcnah*)(o->_");
- str.append(field);
- str.append("))-1);%N");
- end;
- else
- rc := ct.run_class;
- r := rc.running;
- check
- r.count >= 1
- end;
- str.append("if(NULL!=(o->_");
- str.append(field);
- str.append("))");
- if r.count > 1 then
- if not run_class_list.fast_has(rc) then
- run_class_list.add_last(rc);
- end;
- str.extend('X');
- ct.gc_mark_in(str);
- else
- r.first.current_type.gc_mark_in(str);
- end;
- str.append("(((void*)(o->_");
- str.append(field);
- str.append(")));%N");
- end;
- end;
- end;
- native_array_mark(str: STRING; rc: RUN_CLASS) is
- local
- ct: TYPE;
- do
- ct := rc.current_type;
- if ct.is_reference then
- str.append("if(NULL!=o)")
- end;
- r := rc.running;
- check
- r.count >= 1;
- end;
- if r.count > 1 then
- if not run_class_list.fast_has(rc) then
- run_class_list.add_last(rc);
- end;
- str.extend('X');
- ct.gc_mark_in(str);
- else
- r.first.current_type.gc_mark_in(str);
- end;
- str.extend('(');
- if ct.is_expanded then
- str.extend('&');
- else
- str.append(fz_cast_void_star);
- end;
- str.extend('o');
- str.extend(')');
- str.append(fz_00);
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- run_class_list: FIXED_ARRAY[RUN_CLASS] is
- once
- !!Result.with_capacity(32);
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- switch_for(rc: RUN_CLASS) is
- local
- ct: TYPE;
- do
- header.clear;
- header.append(fz_void);
- header.extend(' ');
- header.extend('X');
- ct := rc.current_type;
- ct.gc_mark_in(header);
- header.extend('(');
- header.append(fz_t0_star);
- header.extend('o');
- header.extend(')');
- body.clear;
- r := rc.running;
- sort_running(r);
- body.append("{int i=o->id;%N");
- c_dicho(r,1,r.upper);
- body.extend('}');
- cpp.put_c_function(header,body);
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- c_dicho(r: ARRAY[RUN_CLASS]; bi, bs: INTEGER) is
- -- Produce dichotomic inspection code for Current id.
- require
- bi <= bs
- local
- rc: RUN_CLASS;
- do
- if bi = bs then
- rc := r.item(bi);
- rc.current_type.gc_mark_in(body);
- body.extend('(');
- body.extend('(');
- body.extend('T');
- rc.id.append_in(body);
- body.extend('*');
- body.extend(')');
- body.extend('o');
- body.extend(')');
- body.append(fz_00);
- else
- m := (bi + bs) // 2;
- rc := r.item(m);
- body.append("if (i <= ");
- rc.id.append_in(body);
- body.append(") {%N");
- c_dicho(r,bi,m);
- body.append("} else {%N");
- c_dicho(r,m + 1,bs);
- body.extend('}');
- end;
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- call_gc_sweep(rcd: DICTIONARY[RUN_CLASS,STRING]) is
- require
- is_on
- local
- rc: RUN_CLASS;
- do
- from
- i := 1;
- until
- i > rcd.count
- loop
- rc := rcd.item(i);
- rc.call_gc_sweep_in(body);
- i := i + 1;
- end;
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- define_gc_info(rcd: DICTIONARY[RUN_CLASS,STRING]) is
- local
- rc: RUN_CLASS;
- do
- header.clear;
- header.append(fz_void);
- header.extend(' ');
- header.append(fz_gc_info);
- header.append(fz_c_void_args);
- body.clear;
- from
- i := 1;
- until
- i > rcd.count
- loop
- rc := rcd.item(i);
- rc.gc_info_in(body);
- i := i + 1;
- end;
- body.append(
- "printf(%"gcmt_fs_used = %%d\n%",gcmt_fs_used);%N%
- %printf(%"gcmt_fs_max = %%d\n%",gcmt_fs_max);%N%
- %printf(%"gcmt_na_used = %%d\n%",gcmt_na_used);%N%
- %printf(%"gcmt_na_max = %%d\n%",gcmt_na_max);%N%
- %printf(%"GC called %%d time(s)\n%",gc_start_count);%N");
- cpp.put_c_function(header,body);
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- header: STRING is
- once
- !!Result.make(64);
- end;
- body: STRING is
- once
- !!Result.make(512);
- end;
- end -- GC_HANDLER