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Text File | 1998-01-16 | 22.8 KB | 1,035 lines |
- -- This file is part of SmallEiffel The GNU Eiffel Compiler.
- -- Copyright (C) 1994-98 LORIA - UHP - CRIN - INRIA - FRANCE
- -- Dominique COLNET and Suzanne COLLIN - colnet@loria.fr
- -- http://www.loria.fr/SmallEiffel
- -- SmallEiffel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- -- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- -- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
- -- version. SmallEiffel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but
- -- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
- -- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General
- -- Public License along with SmallEiffel; see the file COPYING. If not,
- -- write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
- -- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- --
- deferred class GLOBALS
- --
- -- Global Tools for the SmallEiffel system.
- --
- inherit
- feature {NONE} -- Unique Globals objects :
- frozen small_eiffel: SMALL_EIFFEL is
- -- The SmallEiffel system himself.
- once
- !!Result.make;
- end;
- frozen parser_buffer: PARSER_BUFFER is
- once
- !!Result.make;
- end;
- frozen eiffel_parser : EIFFEL_PARSER is
- -- The Eiffel Parser.
- once
- !!Result.make;
- end;
- frozen unique_string: UNIQUE_STRING is
- -- To share STRINGs.
- once
- !!Result.make;
- end;
- frozen id_provider: ID_PROVIDER is
- once
- !!Result.make;
- end;
- frozen manifest_string_pool: MANIFEST_STRING_POOL is
- once
- !!Result;
- end;
- frozen manifest_array_pool: MANIFEST_ARRAY_POOL is
- once
- !!Result;
- end;
- frozen once_routine_pool: ONCE_ROUTINE_POOL is
- once
- !!Result;
- end;
- frozen cecil_pool: CECIL_POOL is
- once
- !!Result;
- end;
- frozen fmt: FMT is
- -- For the command `pretty'.
- once
- !!Result.make;
- end;
- frozen short_print: SHORT_PRINT is
- once
- !!Result.make;
- end;
- frozen eh: ERROR_HANDLER is
- -- To report errors or warning in Eiffel code.
- once
- !!Result.make
- end;
- frozen echo: ECHO is
- -- To report errors during a process.
- once
- !!Result.make;
- end;
- frozen run_control: RUN_CONTROL is
- -- To set or to know run-time options.
- once
- !!Result.make;
- end;
- frozen switch_collection: SWITCH_COLLECTION is
- -- Handling of the switch collection.
- once
- end;
- frozen cpp: C_PRETTY_PRINTER is
- -- To print the C code.
- once
- !!Result.make;
- end;
- frozen gc_handler: GC_HANDLER is
- once
- !!Result.make;
- end;
- frozen jvm: JVM is
- -- To print the Java Virtual Machine code.
- once
- !!Result.make;
- end;
- frozen constant_pool: CONSTANT_POOL is
- -- To print the Java Virtual Machine code.
- once
- !!Result;
- end;
- frozen field_info: FIELD_INFO is
- -- To handle a JVM field_info.
- once
- !!Result;
- end;
- frozen code_attribute: CODE_ATTRIBUTE is
- -- To handle a JVM Code_attribute_info.
- once
- !!Result;
- end;
- frozen method_info: METHOD_INFO is
- -- To handle a JVM method_info.
- once
- !!Result;
- end;
- feature {NONE} ------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Warning/Error/Fatal Error handling.
- --
- nb_errors: INTEGER is
- do
- Result := eh.nb_errors;
- ensure
- Result >= 0
- end;
- nb_warnings: INTEGER is
- do
- Result := eh.nb_warnings;
- ensure
- Result >= 0
- end;
- warning(p: POSITION; msg: STRING) is
- -- Warning `msg' at position `p'.
- require
- not msg.empty
- do
- eh.add_position(p);
- eh.warning(msg);
- ensure
- nb_warnings = old nb_warnings + 1
- end;
- error(p: POSITION; msg: STRING) is
- -- When error `msg' occurs at position `p'.
- require
- not msg.empty
- do
- eh.add_position(p);
- eh.error(msg);
- ensure
- nb_errors = old nb_errors + 1
- end;
- fatal_error(msg: STRING) is
- -- Should not append but it is better to know :-)
- require
- not msg.empty
- do
- eh.fatal_error(msg);
- end;
- feature {NONE} -- Miscellaneous information :
- small_eiffel_directory: STRING is
- -- Compute the good one using the environment
- -- variable if any.
- local
- slash: CHARACTER;
- once
- Result := get_environment_variable(fz_se);
- if Result = Void then
- Result := fz_se.twin;
- Result.to_upper;
- Result := get_environment_variable(Result);
- if Result /= Void then
- fz_se.to_upper;
- end;
- end;
- if Result = Void then
- Result := "/usr/local/logiciel/SmallEiffel";
- end;
- from
- i := Result.count;
- until
- i < 0
- loop
- slash := Result.item(i);
- if slash.is_letter or else slash.is_digit then
- i := i - 1;
- else
- i := -1;
- end;
- end;
- if i = 0 then
- Result.extend('/');
- elseif not (Result.last = slash) then
- Result.extend(slash);
- end;
- ensure
- not Result.last.is_letter;
- not Result.last.is_digit;
- end;
- add_directory(path, dir: STRING) is
- require
- path.count > 0;
- dir.count > 0
- do
- if unix_system = system_name then
- path.set_last('/');
- path.append(dir);
- path.set_last('/');
- elseif windows_system = system_name then
- path.set_last('\');
- path.append(dir);
- path.set_last('\');
- elseif macintosh_system = system_name then
- path.set_last(':');
- path.append(dir);
- path.set_last(':');
- elseif dos_system = system_name then
- path.set_last('\');
- path.append(dir);
- path.set_last('\');
- elseif os2_system = system_name then
- path.set_last('\');
- path.append(dir);
- path.set_last('\');
- elseif amiga_system = system_name then
- path.set_last('/');
- path.append(dir);
- path.set_last('/');
- elseif vms_system = system_name then
- path.set_last(']');
- path.remove_last(1);
- path.set_last('.');
- path.append(dir);
- path.set_last(']');
- end;
- end;
- start_directory(path, dir: STRING) is
- -- Start a new path from scratch.
- require
- path /= Void;
- dir.count > 0
- do
- path.clear;
- if unix_system = system_name then
- path.append(dir);
- path.set_last('/');
- elseif windows_system = system_name then
- path.append(dir);
- path.set_last('\');
- elseif macintosh_system = system_name then
- path.append(dir);
- path.set_last(':');
- elseif dos_system = system_name then
- path.append(dir);
- path.set_last('\');
- elseif os2_system = system_name then
- path.append(dir);
- path.set_last('\');
- elseif amiga_system = system_name then
- path.append(dir);
- path.set_last('/');
- elseif vms_system = system_name then
- path.set_last('[');
- path.append(dir);
- path.set_last(']');
- end;
- end;
- feature {NONE} -- Common globals buffers :
- tmp_path: STRING is
- once
- !!Result.make(256);
- end;
- tmp_file_read: STD_FILE_READ is
- once
- !!Result.make;
- end;
- help_file_name: STRING is
- once
- !!Result.make(256);
- end;
- print_help(name: STRING) is
- do
- help_file_name.copy(small_eiffel_directory);
- add_directory(help_file_name,"man");
- help_file_name.append(name);
- if not help_file_name.has_suffix(help_suffix) then
- help_file_name.append(help_suffix);
- end;
- if not file_exists(help_file_name) then
- echo.w_put_string("Unable to find help file %"");
- echo.w_put_string(help_file_name);
- echo.w_put_string(fz_b0);
- die_with_code(exit_failure_code);
- end;
- std_output.append_file(help_file_name);
- end;
- more_help(cmd: STRING) is
- do
- echo.w_put_string("Type help file for :");
- echo.w_put_string(cmd);
- echo.w_put_string(" (y/n) ? ");
- std_input.read_character;
- inspect
- std_input.last_character
- when 'y','Y' then
- print_help(cmd);
- else
- end;
- end;
- feature {NONE} -- Globals implicits expressions :
- e_void: E_VOID is
- once
- !!implicit;
- end;
- class_with(str: STRING): BASE_CLASS is
- require
- not str.empty;
- do
- Result := small_eiffel.get_class(str);
- end;
- class_any: BASE_CLASS is
- once
- Result := class_with(us_any);
- end;
- class_general: BASE_CLASS is
- once
- Result := class_with(us_general);
- end;
- feature {NONE} -- Globals implicits types :
- type_boolean_ref: TYPE_CLASS is
- local
- boolean_ref: CLASS_NAME;
- once
- !!boolean_ref.make(us_boolean_ref,Void);
- !!Result.make(boolean_ref);
- end;
- type_character_ref: TYPE_CLASS is
- local
- character_ref: CLASS_NAME;
- once
- !!character_ref.make(us_character_ref,Void);
- !!Result.make(character_ref);
- end;
- type_integer_ref: TYPE_CLASS is
- local
- integer_ref: CLASS_NAME;
- once
- !!integer_ref.make(us_integer_ref,Void);
- !!Result.make(integer_ref);
- end;
- type_real_ref: TYPE_CLASS is
- local
- real_ref: CLASS_NAME;
- once
- !!real_ref.make(us_real_ref,Void);
- !!Result.make(real_ref);
- end;
- type_double_ref: TYPE_CLASS is
- local
- double_ref: CLASS_NAME;
- once
- !!double_ref.make(us_double_ref,Void);
- !!Result.make(double_ref);
- end;
- type_pointer_ref: TYPE_CLASS is
- local
- pointer_ref: CLASS_NAME;
- once
- !!pointer_ref.make(us_pointer_ref,Void);
- !!Result.make(pointer_ref);
- end;
- type_boolean: TYPE_BOOLEAN is
- once
- !!Result.make(Void);
- end;
- type_string: TYPE_STRING is
- once
- !!Result.make(Void);
- end;
- type_any: TYPE_ANY is
- once
- !!Result.make(Void);
- end;
- type_general: TYPE_CLASS is
- once
- !!Result.make(class_with(us_general).base_class_name);
- end;
- type_none: TYPE_NONE is
- once
- !!Result.make(Void);
- end;
- type_pointer: TYPE_POINTER is
- once
- !!Result.make(Void);
- end;
- feature {NONE} -- Globals procedures/functions :
- sort_running(run: ARRAY[RUN_CLASS]) is
- -- Sort `run' to put small `id' first.
- require
- run.lower = 1;
- run.upper >= 2;
- local
- min, max, buble: INTEGER;
- moved: BOOLEAN;
- do
- from
- max := run.upper;
- min := 1;
- moved := true;
- until
- not moved
- loop
- moved := false;
- if max - min > 0 then
- from
- buble := min + 1;
- until
- buble > max
- loop
- if run.item(buble - 1).id > run.item(buble).id then
- run.swap(buble - 1,buble);
- moved := true;
- end;
- buble := buble + 1;
- end;
- max := max - 1;
- end;
- if moved and then max - min > 0 then
- from
- moved := false;
- buble := max - 1;
- until
- buble < min
- loop
- if run.item(buble).id > run.item(buble + 1).id then
- run.swap(buble,buble + 1);
- moved := true;
- end;
- buble := buble - 1;
- end;
- min := min + 1;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- pos(line, column: INTEGER): POSITION is
- require
- line >= 1;
- column >= 1;
- do
- !!Result.make(line,column);
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- to_bcn(rc: STRING): STRING is
- -- Compute the root class name using command argument `rc'.
- require
- rc /= Void
- local
- do
- Result := rc.twin;
- if Result.has_suffix(eiffel_suffix) then
- Result.remove_last(2);
- end;
- from
- i := Result.count;
- until
- i = 0
- loop
- c := Result.item(i);
- if c.is_letter then
- i := i - 1;
- elseif c = '_' then
- i := i - 1;
- elseif c.is_digit then
- i := i - 1;
- else
- Result.remove_first(i);
- i := 0;
- end;
- end;
- Result.to_upper;
- ensure
- Result.count <= rc.count
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- no_errors: BOOLEAN is
- do
- Result := nb_errors = 0;
- end;
- code_require, code_ensure: INTEGER is unique;
- feature {NONE}
- character_coding(c: CHARACTER; str: STRING) is
- -- Append in `str' the Eiffel coding of the character (Table
- -- in chapter 25 of ETL, page 423).
- -- When letter notation exists, it is returned in priority :
- -- '%N' gives "%N", '%T' gives "%T", ...
- -- When letter notation does not exists (not in ETL table),
- -- numbered coding is used ("%/1/", "%/2/" etc).
- local
- special: CHARACTER
- do
- inspect
- c
- when '%A' then
- special := 'A';
- when '%B' then
- special := 'B';
- when '%C' then
- special := 'C';
- when '%D' then
- special := 'D';
- when '%F' then
- special := 'F';
- when '%H' then
- special := 'H';
- when '%L' then
- special := 'L';
- when '%N' then
- special := 'N';
- when '%Q' then
- special := 'Q';
- when '%R' then
- special := 'R';
- when '%S' then
- special := 'S';
- when '%T' then
- special := 'T';
- when '%U' then
- special := 'U';
- when '%V' then
- special := 'V';
- when '%%' then
- special := '%%';
- when '%'' then
- special := '%'';
- when '%"' then
- special := '"';
- when '%(' then
- special := '(';
- when '%)' then
- special := ')';
- when '%<' then
- special := '<';
- when '%>' then
- special := '>';
- else
- end;
- str.extend('%%');
- if special = '%U' then
- str.extend('/');
- c.code.append_in(str);
- str.extend('/');
- else
- str.extend(special);
- end;
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- runnable(collected: ARRAY[ASSERTION]; ct: TYPE;
- -- Produce a runnable `collected'.
- require
- collected.lower = 1;
- for /= Void implies ct = for.current_type;
- local
- do
- if not collected.empty then
- from
- Result := collected.twin;
- i := Result.upper;
- until
- i = 0
- loop
- small_eiffel.push(for);
- a := Result.item(i).to_runnable(ct);
- if a = Void then
- error(Result.item(i).start_position,fz_bad_assertion);
- else
- Result.put(a,i);
- end;
- small_eiffel.pop;
- i := i - 1;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- sfw_connect(sfw: STD_FILE_WRITE; path: STRING) is
- require
- not sfw.is_connected;
- path /= Void
- do
- sfw.connect_to(path);
- if sfw.is_connected then
- echo.put_string("Writing %"");
- echo.put_string(path);
- echo.put_string("%" file.%N");
- else
- echo.w_put_string("Cannot write file %"");
- echo.w_put_string(path);
- echo.w_put_string(fz_b0);
- die_with_code(exit_failure_code);
- end;
- ensure
- sfw.is_connected
- end;
- bfw_connect(bfw: BINARY_FILE_WRITE; path: STRING) is
- require
- not bfw.is_connected;
- path /= Void
- do
- bfw.connect_to(path);
- if bfw.is_connected then
- echo.put_string("Writing %"");
- echo.put_string(path);
- echo.put_string("%" file.%N");
- else
- echo.w_put_string("Cannot write file %"");
- echo.w_put_string(path);
- echo.w_put_string(fz_b0);
- die_with_code(exit_failure_code);
- end;
- ensure
- bfw.is_connected
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- fatal_error_vtec_2 is
- do
- fatal_error("Expanded class must have no creation procedure,%
- % or only one creation procedure with%
- % no arguments (VTEC.2).");
- end;
- feature {NONE} -- System List :
- amiga_system: STRING is "Amiga";
- dos_system: STRING is "DOS";
- macintosh_system: STRING is "Macintosh";
- os2_system: STRING is "OS2";
- unix_system: STRING is "UNIX";
- vms_system: STRING is "VMS";
- windows_system: STRING is "Windows";
- system_list: ARRAY[STRING] is
- once
- Result := <<amiga_system, dos_system, macintosh_system,
- os2_system, unix_system, vms_system,
- windows_system>>;
- end;
- system_name: STRING is
- local
- once
- tmp_path.copy(small_eiffel_directory);
- if tmp_path.has('/') then
- tmp_path.set_last('/');
- tmp_path.append(fz_sys);
- tmp_path.extend('/');
- tmp_path.append(fz_system_se);
- echo.sfr_connect(tmp_file_read,tmp_path);
- end;
- if not tmp_file_read.is_connected then
- tmp_path.copy(small_eiffel_directory);
- if tmp_path.has('\') then
- tmp_path.set_last('\');
- tmp_path.append(fz_sys);
- tmp_path.extend('\');
- tmp_path.append(fz_system_se);
- echo.sfr_connect(tmp_file_read,tmp_path);
- end;
- end;
- if not tmp_file_read.is_connected then
- tmp_path.copy(small_eiffel_directory);
- if tmp_path.has(':') then
- tmp_path.set_last(':');
- tmp_path.append(fz_sys);
- tmp_path.extend(':');
- tmp_path.append(fz_system_se);
- echo.sfr_connect(tmp_file_read,tmp_path);
- end;
- end;
- if not tmp_file_read.is_connected then
- tmp_path.copy(small_eiffel_directory);
- if tmp_path.has(']') then
- tmp_path.set_last(']');
- tmp_path.remove_last(1);
- tmp_path.extend('.');
- tmp_path.append(fz_sys);
- tmp_path.extend(']');
- tmp_path.append(fz_system_se);
- echo.sfr_connect(tmp_file_read,tmp_path);
- end;
- end;
- if not tmp_file_read.is_connected then
- tmp_path.copy(small_eiffel_directory);
- tmp_path.append(fz_system_se);
- echo.sfr_connect(tmp_file_read,tmp_path);
- end;
- if not tmp_file_read.is_connected then
- echo.w_put_string("Unable to find file%N%"");
- echo.w_put_string(fz_system_se);
- echo.w_put_string("%" using path %"");
- echo.w_put_string(small_eiffel_directory);
- echo.w_put_string(fz_b0);
- die_with_code(exit_failure_code);
- end;
- tmp_file_read.read_line;
- Result := tmp_file_read.last_string;
- i := system_list.index_of(Result);
- tmp_file_read.disconnect;
- if i > system_list.upper then
- echo.w_put_string("Unknown system name in file%N%"");
- echo.w_put_string(tmp_path);
- echo.w_put_string("%".%NCurrently handled system names :%N");
- from
- i := 1;
- until
- i > system_list.upper
- loop
- echo.w_put_string(system_list.item(i));
- echo.w_put_character('%N');
- i := i + 1;
- end;
- else
- Result := system_list.item(i);
- echo.put_string("System is %"");
- echo.put_string(Result);
- echo.put_string(fz_b0);
- end;
- end;
- feature {NONE} -- Handling of Files Suffix Names :
- eiffel_suffix: STRING is ".e";
- -- Eiffel Source file suffix.
- c_suffix: STRING is ".c";
- -- C files suffix.
- h_suffix: STRING is ".h";
- -- Heading C files suffix.
- o_suffix: STRING is
- -- Object File produced by the C Compiler.
- local
- sn: STRING;
- once
- sn := system_name;
- !!Result.make(4);
- tmp_path.copy(small_eiffel_directory);
- add_directory(tmp_path,fz_sys);
- tmp_path.append("o_suffix.");
- tmp_path.append(sn);
- echo.sfr_connect(tmp_file_read,tmp_path);
- tmp_file_read.read_line_in(Result);
- tmp_file_read.disconnect;
- end;
- x_suffix: STRING is
- -- Executable files suffix.
- once
- if dos_system = system_name or else
- vms_system = system_name
- then
- Result := ".EXE";
- elseif os2_system = system_name then
- Result := ".exe";
- elseif windows_system = system_name then
- Result := ".exe";
- else
- Result := "";
- end;
- end;
- make_suffix: STRING is
- -- Suffix for make file produced by `compile_to_c'.
- once
- if dos_system = system_name then
- Result := ".BAT";
- elseif windows_system = system_name then
- Result := ".bat";
- elseif vms_system = system_name then
- Result := ".COM";
- elseif os2_system = system_name then
- Result := ".CMD";
- else
- Result := ".make";
- end;
- end;
- backup_suffix: STRING is ".bak";
- -- Backup suffix for command `pretty'.
- help_suffix: STRING is ".txt";
- -- Suffix for SmallEiffel On-line Help Files.
- class_suffix: STRING is ".class";
- feature {NONE}
- echo_rename_file(path1, path2: STRING) is
- do
- if file_exists(path1) then
- echo.put_string("Renaming %"");
- echo.put_string(path1);
- echo.put_string("%" as %"");
- echo.put_string(path2);
- echo.put_string(fz_18);
- rename_file(path1,path2);
- end;
- end;
- empty_eh_check: BOOLEAN is
- do
- if eh.empty then
- Result := true;
- else
- eh.append(" Internal Warning : EH not empty.");
- eh.print_as_warning;
- Result := true;
- end;
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- dot_precedence: INTEGER is 12;
- -- The highest precedence value according to ETL.
- atomic_precedence: INTEGER is 13;
- -- Used for atomic elements.
- feature {NONE}
- jvm_root_class: STRING is
- -- Fully qualified name for the jvm SmallEiffel object's
- -- added root : "<Package>/<fz_jvm_root>".
- once
- !!Result.make(12);
- Result.copy(jvm.output_name);
- Result.extend('/');
- Result.append(fz_jvm_root);
- end;
- jvm_root_descriptor: STRING is
- -- Descriptor for `jvm_root_class': "L<jvm_root_class>;"
- once
- !!Result.make(12);
- Result.extend('L');
- Result.append(jvm_root_class);
- Result.extend(';');
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- append_u1(str: STRING; u1: INTEGER) is
- require
- 0 <= u1;
- u1 <= 255
- do
- str.extend(u1.to_character);
- end;
- append_u2(str: STRING; u2: INTEGER) is
- require
- 0 <= u2;
- u2 <= 65536
- do
- append_u1(str,u2 // 256);
- append_u1(str,u2 \\ 256);
- end;
- append_u4(str: STRING; u4: INTEGER) is
- require
- 0 <= u4;
- u4 <= ((2 ^ 31) - 1)
- do
- append_u2(str,u4 // 65536);
- append_u2(str,u4 \\ 65536);
- end;
- feature {NONE}
- jvm_standard_is_equal_aux(rc: RUN_CLASS; wa: ARRAY[RUN_FEATURE_2]) is
- require
- rc /= Void
- local
- ca: like code_attribute;
- rf2: RUN_FEATURE_2;
- point1, point2, idx, space, i: INTEGER;
- do
- ca := code_attribute;
- if wa = Void then
- if rc.current_type.is_expanded then
- ca.opcode_pop;
- ca.opcode_pop;
- ca.opcode_iconst_1;
- else
- ca.opcode_swap;
- ca.opcode_pop;
- idx := rc.fully_qualified_constant_pool_index;
- ca.opcode_instanceof(idx);
- end;
- else
- ca.branches.clear;
- ca.opcode_dup;
- idx := rc.fully_qualified_constant_pool_index;
- ca.opcode_instanceof(idx);
- ca.branches.add_last(ca.opcode_ifeq);
- from
- i := wa.upper;
- until
- i = 0
- loop
- rf2 := wa.item(i);
- idx := constant_pool.idx_fieldref(rf2);
- space := rf2.result_type.jvm_stack_space - 1;
- if i > 1 then
- ca.opcode_dup2;
- end;
- ca.opcode_getfield(idx,space);
- if space = 0 then
- ca.opcode_swap;
- else
- ca.opcode_dup2_x1;
- ca.opcode_pop2;
- end;
- ca.opcode_getfield(idx,space);
- if i > 1 then
- ca.branches.add_last(rf2.result_type.jvm_if_x_ne);
- else
- point1 := rf2.result_type.jvm_if_x_ne;
- end;
- i := i - 1;
- end;
- ca.opcode_iconst_1;
- point2 := ca.opcode_goto;
- ca.resolve_branches;
- ca.opcode_pop;
- ca.opcode_pop;
- ca.resolve_u2_branch(point1);
- ca.opcode_iconst_0;
- ca.resolve_u2_branch(point2);
- end;
- end;
- end -- GLOBALS