home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* $VER: vbcc (ic.c) V0.4 */
- #include "vbc.h"
- static char FILE_[]=__FILE__;
- int do_arith(np,struct IC *,np,struct obj *);
- void gen_test(struct obj *o,int t,int branch,int label)
- /* Generiert ein test o, branch label und passt auf, dass */
- /* kein TEST const generiert wird. */
- {
- struct IC *new;
- if(o->flags&KONST){
- eval_const(&o->val,t);
- if(zdeqto(vdouble,d2zd(0.0))&&zleqto(vlong,l2zl(0L))&&zuleqto(vulong,ul2zul(0UL))){
- if(branch==BEQ) branch=BRA; else branch=0;
- }else{
- if(branch==BNE) branch=BRA; else branch=0;
- }
- }else{
- new=mymalloc(ICS);
- new->code=TEST;
- new->q2.flags=new->z.flags=0;
- new->typf=t;
- new->q1=*o;
- add_IC(new);
- }
- if(branch){
- new=mymalloc(ICS);
- new->code=branch;
- new->typf=label;
- add_IC(new);
- }
- }
- void inline_memcpy(np z,np q,zlong size)
- /* fuegt ein ASSIGN-IC ein, das memcpy(z,q,size) entspricht */
- {
- struct IC *new=mymalloc(ICS);
- if((z->ntyp->flags&NQ)!=POINTER) ierror(0);
- if((q->ntyp->flags&NQ)!=POINTER) ierror(0);
- gen_IC(z,0,0);
- if(z->o.flags&DREFOBJ){
- struct IC *n2=mymalloc(ICS);
- n2->code=ASSIGN;
- n2->typf=q->ntyp->flags;
- n2->q1=z->o;
- get_scratch(&n2->z,z->ntyp->flags,z->ntyp->next->flags,z->ntyp);
- n2->q2.flags=0;
- n2->q2.val.vlong=sizetab[POINTER];
- new->z=n2->z;
- add_IC(n2);
- }else{
- new->z=z->o;
- }
- if(new->z.flags&VARADR) new->z.flags&=~VARADR; else new->z.flags|=DREFOBJ;
- gen_IC(q,0,0);
- if(q->o.flags&DREFOBJ){
- struct IC *n2=mymalloc(ICS);
- n2->code=ASSIGN;
- n2->typf=q->ntyp->flags;
- n2->q1=q->o;
- get_scratch(&n2->z,q->ntyp->flags,q->ntyp->next->flags,q->ntyp);
- n2->q2.flags=0;
- n2->q2.val.vlong=sizetab[POINTER];
- new->q1=n2->z;
- add_IC(n2);
- }else{
- new->q1=q->o;
- }
- if(new->q1.flags&VARADR) new->q1.flags&=~VARADR; else new->q1.flags|=DREFOBJ;
- new->code=ASSIGN;
- new->typf=UNSIGNED|CHAR;
- new->q2.flags=0;
- new->q2.val.vlong=size;
- add_IC(new);
- }
- void add_IC(struct IC *new)
- /* fuegt ein IC ein */
- {
- int code;
- if(!new) return;
- if(nocode) {free(new);return;}
- new->next=0;
- new->q1.am=new->q2.am=new->z.am=0;
- new->line=line; new->file=0;
- code=new->code;
- if(code>=BEQ&&code<=BRA) new->q1.flags=new->q2.flags=new->z.flags=0;
- if(code==ALLOCREG||code==FREEREG||code==SAVEREGS||code==RESTOREREGS) new->typf=0;
- if(DEBUG&64){ pric(stdout,first_ic);printf("new\n");pric2(stdout,new);printf("-\n");}
- if(new->q1.flags&VAR){
- if(!new->q1.v) ierror(0);
- new->q1.v->flags|=USEDASSOURCE;
- if(code==ADDRESS||(new->q1.flags&VARADR)) new->q1.v->flags|=USEDASADR;
- new->q1.v->priority+=currentpri;
- }
- if(new->q2.flags&VAR){
- if(!new->q2.v) ierror(0);
- new->q2.v->flags|=USEDASSOURCE;
- if(code==ADDRESS||(new->q2.flags&VARADR)) new->q2.v->flags|=USEDASADR;
- new->q2.v->priority+=currentpri;
- }
- if(new->z.flags&VAR){
- if(!new->z.v) ierror(0);
- if(new->z.flags&DREFOBJ) new->z.v->flags|=USEDASSOURCE; else new->z.v->flags|=USEDASDEST;
- new->z.v->priority+=currentpri;
- }
- if(/*(c_flags_val[0].l&2)&&*/code==LABEL){
- /* entfernt Spruenge zu direkt folgenden Labels */
- struct IC *p=last_ic;
- while(p){
- if(p->typf==new->typf&&p->code>=BEQ&&p->code<=BRA){
- struct IC *n;
- if(DEBUG&1) printf("%s l%d deleted\n",ename[p->code],p->typf);
- n=p->next;
- remove_IC(p);
- p=n;
- }else{
- if(p->code!=LABEL) break;
- p=p->prev;
- }
- }
- }
- if(last_ic){
- if(code==ASSIGN){
- if((last_ic->z.flags&(REG|SCRATCH|DREFOBJ))==(REG|SCRATCH)&&(new->q1.flags==last_ic->z.flags)&&last_ic->z.reg==new->q1.reg/*&&last_ic->code!=CALL*/){
- if(USEQ2ASZ||!(last_ic->q2.flags®)||!(new->z.flags®)||last_ic->q2.reg!=new->z.reg){
- if(USEQ2ASZ||!(last_ic->q2.flags&VAR)||!(new->z.flags&VAR)||last_ic->q2.v!=new->z.v){
- /* verbindet op a,b->reg,move reg->c zu op a,b->c */
- /* hier fehlt aber noch Registerfreigabe */
- last_ic->z=new->z;
- if(DEBUG&1) printf("move and op combined\n");
- if((new->q1.flags&SCRATCH)&&(new->q1.reg!=new->z.reg||!(new->z.flags®)))
- free_reg(new->q1.reg);
- free(new);
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- if((last_ic->z.flags&(VAR|SCRATCH|DREFOBJ))==(VAR|SCRATCH)&&(new->q1.flags==last_ic->z.flags)&&last_ic->z.v==new->q1.v/*&&last_ic->code!=CALL*/){
- if(USEQ2ASZ||!(last_ic->q2.flags®)||!(new->z.flags®)||last_ic->q2.reg!=new->z.reg){
- if(USEQ2ASZ||!(last_ic->q2.flags&VAR)||!(new->z.flags&VAR)||last_ic->q2.v!=new->z.v){
- /* verbindet op a,b->scratch,move scratch->c zu op a,b->c */
- /* hier fehlt aber noch Registerfreigabe */
- last_ic->z=new->z;
- if(DEBUG&1) printf("move and op combined(2)\n");
- /* if((new->q1.flags&SCRATCH)&&(new->q1.reg!=new->z.reg||!(new->z.flags®)))
- free_reg(new->q1.reg);*/
- free(new);
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(last_ic->code==BRA){
- if(code!=LABEL&&code!=ALLOCREG&&code!=FREEREG){
- /* loescht alles nach bra bis ein Label kommt */
- /* momentan noch nicht perfekt, da es bei alloc/freereg stoppt */
- free(new);
- if(DEBUG&1) printf("Unreachable Statement deleted\n");
- return;
- }
- if(last_ic->prev&&code==LABEL){
- /* ersetzt bcc l1;bra l2;l1 durch b!cc l2 */
- if(last_ic->prev->code>=BEQ&&last_ic->prev->code<=BGT&&new->typf==last_ic->prev->typf){
- if(DEBUG&1) printf("%s l%d;%s l%d; substituted\n",ename[last_ic->prev->code],last_ic->prev->typf,ename[last_ic->code],last_ic->typf);
- if(last_ic->prev->code&1) last_ic->prev->code--;
- else last_ic->prev->code++;
- last_ic->prev->typf=last_ic->typf;
- last_ic=last_ic->prev;
- free(last_ic->next);
- last_ic->next=new;new->prev=last_ic;
- last_ic=new;
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- /* }*/
- new->prev=last_ic;
- last_ic->next=new;
- last_ic=new;
- }else{
- last_ic=new;first_ic=new;new->prev=0;
- }
- ic_count++;
- /* Merken, on Fliesskomma benutzt wurde */
- if(code!=LABEL&&(code<BEQ||code>BRA)){
- if((new->typf&NQ)==FLOAT||(new->typf&NQ)==DOUBLE) float_used=1;
- if(code==CONVFLOAT||code==CONVDOUBLE) float_used=1;
- }
- if((new->q1.flags&SCRATCH)&&(new->q1.reg!=new->z.reg||!(new->z.flags®)))
- free_reg(new->q1.reg);
- if((new->q2.flags&SCRATCH)&&(new->q2.reg!=new->z.reg||!(new->z.flags®)))
- free_reg(new->q2.reg);
- }
- void gen_IC(np p,int ltrue,int lfalse)
- /* Erzeugt eine IC-Liste aus einer expression */
- {
- struct IC *new; struct regargs_list *rl;
- if(!p) return;
- if(p->flags==STRING){
- /* hier fehlt noch die Verwaltung der String-Inhalte */
- p->o.v=add_var(empty,clone_typ(p->ntyp),STATIC,p->cl);
- p->o.v->flags|=DEFINED;
- p->o.flags=VAR;
- p->o.reg=0;
- p->o.val=p->val;
- return;
- }
- if(p->flags==IDENTIFIER){
- /* p->o.v=find_var(p->identifier,0);*/
- p->o.flags=VAR;
- p->o.reg=0;
- p->o.val=p->val;
- return;
- }
- if(p->flags==CEXPR||p->flags==PCEXPR){
- if(p->left){
- if(p->left->flags==POSTINC) p->left->flags=PREINC;
- if(p->left->flags==POSTDEC) p->left->flags=PREDEC;
- gen_IC(p->left,0,0);
- if(p->left->o.flags&SCRATCH) free_reg(p->left->o.reg);
- }
- if(p->right){
- if(p->right->flags==POSTINC) p->right->flags=PREINC;
- if(p->right->flags==POSTDEC) p->right->flags=PREDEC;
- gen_IC(p->right,0,0);
- if(p->right->o.flags&SCRATCH) free_reg(p->right->o.reg);
- }
- p->o.flags=KONST;
- p->o.val=p->val;
- p->o.reg=0;
- return;
- }
- if(p->flags==KOMMA){
- if(p->left->sidefx){
- gen_IC(p->left,0,0);
- if(p->left->o.flags&SCRATCH) free_reg(p->left->o.reg);
- } else error(129);
- gen_IC(p->right,0,0);
- p->o=p->right->o;
- return;
- }
- if(p->flags==CAST){
- gen_IC(p->left,0,0);
- if((p->ntyp->flags&NQ)==VOID){
- if(p->left->o.flags&SCRATCH) free_reg(p->left->o.reg);
- p->o.flags=0;
- }else{
- convert(p->left,p->ntyp->flags&NU);
- p->o=p->left->o;
- }
- return;
- }
- if(p->flags==FIRSTELEMENT){
- gen_IC(p->left,0,0);
- p->o=p->left->o;
- return;
- }
- new=mymalloc(ICS);
- new->typf=p->ntyp->flags&NU;
- new->q1.reg=new->q2.reg=new->z.reg=0;
- new->q1.flags=new->q2.flags=new->z.flags=0;
- if((p->flags>=LSHIFT&&p->flags<=MOD)||(p->flags>=OR&&p->flags<=AND)||p->flags==PMULT){
- do_arith(p,new,0,0);
- return;
- }
- if(p->flags==CONTENT){
- gen_IC(p->left,0,0);
- if(p->left->o.flags&VARADR){
- free(new);
- p->o=p->left->o;
- p->o.flags&=~VARADR;
- return;
- }
- if(!(p->left->o.flags&DREFOBJ)){
- free(new);
- p->o=p->left->o;
- p->o.flags|=DREFOBJ;
- return;
- }
- if(p->left->o.flags&SCRATCH){
- new->z=p->left->o;
- new->z.flags&=~DREFOBJ;
- }else{
- /* hier muss man noch was aender, da das so nicht funktioniert */
- get_scratch(&new->z,p->left->ntyp->flags,p->ntyp->flags,p->left->ntyp);
- }
- new->code=ASSIGN;new->typf=POINTER;
- new->q1=p->left->o;
- new->q2.val.vlong=sizetab[POINTER];
- p->o=new->z;
- add_IC(new);
- p->o.flags|=DREFOBJ;
- return;
- }
- if(p->flags==ASSIGN){
- new->code=ASSIGN;
- gen_IC(p->right,0,0);
- gen_IC(p->left,0,0);
- convert(p->right,p->ntyp->flags&NU);
- new->q1=p->right->o;
- new->z=p->left->o;
- new->q2.val.vlong=szof(p->left->ntyp);
- p->o=new->z;
- add_IC(new);
- return;
- }
- if(p->flags==ASSIGNADD){
- /* das hier ist nicht besonders schoen */
- struct obj o;struct IC *n;int f;
- if(p->right->right==0){
- /* sowas wie a+=0 wurde wegoptimiert */
- free(new);
- p->o=p->left->o;
- return;
- }
- f=do_arith(p->right,new,p->left,&o);
- if(!f) {ierror(0);return;}
- if(f>1) {ierror(0);return;}
- if(!nocode&&(o.flags&(SCRATCH|REG))==(SCRATCH|REG)&&!regs[o.reg]){
- /* ueberfluessiges FREEREG entfernen */
- n=last_ic;
- while(n){
- if(n->code==FREEREG&&n->q1.reg==o.reg){
- remove_IC(n);if(!nocode) regs[o.reg]=1;
- break;
- }
- n=n->prev;
- }
- }
- convert(p->right,p->ntyp->flags&NU);
- new=mymalloc(ICS);
- new->typf=p->ntyp->flags&NU;
- new->q2.flags=0;
- new->code=ASSIGN;
- new->q1=p->right->o;
- new->z=o;
- new->q2.val.vlong=szof(p->left->ntyp);
- p->o=new->z;
- add_IC(new);
- return;
- }
- if(p->flags==MINUS||p->flags==KOMPLEMENT){
- new->code=p->flags;
- gen_IC(p->left,0,0);
- convert(p->left,p->ntyp->flags);
- if(regok(p->left->o.reg,p->ntyp->flags,0)&&(p->left->o.flags&SCRATCH)){
- new->z=p->left->o;
- new->z.flags&=~DREFOBJ;
- }else{
- get_scratch(&new->z,p->left->ntyp->flags,0,p->left->ntyp);
- }
- new->q1=p->left->o;
- p->o=new->z;
- add_IC(new);
- return;
- }
- if(p->flags==ADDRESS||p->flags==ADDRESSA||p->flags==ADDRESSS){
- new->code=ADDRESS;
- new->typf=p->left->ntyp->flags&NU;
- gen_IC(p->left,0,0);
- if(p->left->o.flags&VAR) p->left->o.v->flags|=USEDASSOURCE|USEDASDEST;
- if(p->left->o.flags&DREFOBJ){
- free(new);
- p->o=p->left->o;
- p->o.flags&=~DREFOBJ;
- return;
- }
- if((p->left->o.flags&VAR)&&!(p->left->o.flags&VARADR)
- &&(p->left->o.v->storage_class==EXTERN||p->left->o.v->storage_class==STATIC)){
- free(new);
- p->o=p->left->o;
- p->o.flags|=VARADR;
- return;
- }
- new->q1=p->left->o;
- get_scratch(&new->z,POINTER,p->ntyp->next->flags,0);
- p->o=new->z;
- add_IC(new);
- return;
- }
- if(p->flags==LAND||p->flags==LOR){
- int l1,l2,l3,l4;
- /* printf("%s true=%d false=%d\n",ename[p->flags],ltrue,lfalse);*/
- l1=++label;if(!ltrue) {l2=++label;l3=++label;l4=++label;}
- if(!ltrue){if(p->flags==LAND) gen_IC(p->left,l1,l3);
- else gen_IC(p->left,l3,l1);
- }else {if(p->flags==LAND) gen_IC(p->left,l1,lfalse);
- else gen_IC(p->left,ltrue,l1);
- }
- if(p->left->o.flags!=0){
- if(p->flags==LAND)
- gen_test(&p->left->o,p->left->ntyp->flags,BEQ,((!ltrue)?l3:lfalse));
- else
- gen_test(&p->left->o,p->left->ntyp->flags,BNE,((!ltrue)?l3:ltrue));
- }
- gen_label(l1);
- if(!ltrue){if(p->flags==LAND) gen_IC(p->right,l2,l3);
- else gen_IC(p->right,l3,l2);
- }else gen_IC(p->right,ltrue,lfalse);
- if(p->right->o.flags!=0){
- if(p->flags==LAND)
- gen_test(&p->right->o,p->right->ntyp->flags,BEQ,((!ltrue)?l3:lfalse));
- else
- gen_test(&p->right->o,p->right->ntyp->flags,BNE,((!ltrue)?l3:ltrue));
- }
- if(!ltrue){
- gen_label(l2);
- if(p->flags==LAND) gen_cond(&p->o,0,l3,l4); else gen_cond(&p->o,1,l3,l4);
- }else{
- new=mymalloc(ICS);
- new->code=BRA;
- if(p->flags==LAND) new->typf=ltrue; else new->typf=lfalse;
- add_IC(new);
- }
- if(ltrue) p->o.flags=0;
- return;
- }
- if(p->flags==NEGATION){
- int l1,l2,l3;
- if(!ltrue) {l1=++label;l2=++label;l3=++label;}
- if(ltrue) gen_IC(p->left,lfalse,ltrue); else gen_IC(p->left,l1,l3);
- if(!p->left->o.flags) {free(new);p->o.flags=0;
- }else{
- gen_test(&p->left->o,p->left->ntyp->flags,BNE,((!ltrue)?l1:lfalse));
- }
- if(ltrue){
- new=mymalloc(ICS);
- new->code=BRA;
- if(!ltrue) new->typf=l2; else new->typf=ltrue;
- add_IC(new);
- p->o.flags=0;
- }else{
- gen_label(l3);
- gen_cond(&p->o,0,l1,l2);
- }
- return;
- }
- if(p->flags>=EQUAL&&p->flags<=GREATEREQ){
- int l1,l2,l3,tl,tr,swapped;
- if(!ltrue) {l1=++label;l2=++label;l3=++label;}
- if(p->left->flags==CEXPR){
- /* Konstanten nach rechts */
- np merk;merk=p->left;p->left=p->right;p->right=merk;
- swapped=1;
- }else swapped=0;
- new->code=COMPARE;
- tl=p->left->ntyp->flags&NU;tr=p->right->ntyp->flags&NU;
- if(p->right->flags==CEXPR&&(tr&NQ)<FLOAT&&(tl&NQ)<FLOAT){
- int negativ;
- eval_constn(p->right);
- if(zlleq(vlong,0)) negativ=1; else negativ=0;
- if((tl&UNSIGNED)||(tr&UNSIGNED)) negativ=0;
- if((!negativ||zlleq(t_min[tl],vlong))&&(negativ||zulleq(vulong,t_max[tl]))){
- convert(p->right,tl);
- tr=tl;
- }
- }
- if(arith(tl&NQ)&&(tl!=tr||!shortcut(COMPARE,tl))){
- struct Typ *t;
- t=arith_typ(p->left->ntyp,p->right->ntyp);
- new->typf=t->flags&NU;
- freetyp(t);
- }else{
- new->typf=p->left->ntyp->flags&NU;
- }
- gen_IC(p->left,0,0);
- convert(p->left,new->typf);
- gen_IC(p->right,0,0);
- convert(p->right,new->typf);
- new->q1=p->left->o;
- new->q2=p->right->o;
- new->z.flags=0;
- add_IC(new);
- new=mymalloc(ICS);
- if(p->flags==EQUAL) new->code=BEQ;
- if(p->flags==INEQUAL) new->code=BNE;
- if(p->flags==LESS) {if(swapped) new->code =BGT; else new->code=BLT;}
- if(p->flags==LESSEQ){if(swapped) new->code=BGE; else new->code=BLE;}
- if(p->flags==GREATER){if(swapped) new->code=BLT; else new->code=BGT;}
- if(p->flags==GREATEREQ){if(swapped) new->code=BLE; else new->code=BGE;}
- if(ltrue) new->typf=ltrue; else new->typf=l1;
- add_IC(new);
- if(ltrue){
- new=mymalloc(ICS);
- new->code=BRA;
- new->typf=lfalse;
- add_IC(new);
- p->o.flags=0;
- }else{
- gen_label(l3);
- gen_cond(&p->o,1,l1,l2);
- }
- return;
- }
- if(p->flags==CALL){
- int r=0;struct obj *op,ret_obj;zlong sz;
- int mregs[MAXR+1];
- if(p->left->flags==ADDRESS&&p->left->left->flags==IDENTIFIER){
- struct Var *v;
- gen_IC(p->left,0,0); r=1;
- v=p->left->o.v;
- if(v->fi&&v->fi->first_ic&&(c_flags_val[0].l&4096)){
- /* function call inlining */
- struct argument_list *al;
- struct Var *vp,**argl1,**argl2;
- struct IC *ip;int lc;
- int arg_cnt=0,i;
- if(DEBUG&1024){
- printf("inlining call to <%s>\n",v->identifier);
- for(vp=v->fi->vars;vp;vp=vp->next)
- printf("%s(%ld)\n",vp->identifier,zl2l(vp->offset));
- }
- for(vp=v->fi->vars;vp;vp=vp->next){
- if((zleqto(vp->offset,l2zl(0L))||vp->reg)&&*vp->identifier&&(vp->storage_class==AUTO||vp->storage_class==REGISTER)) arg_cnt++;
- }
- /* Argumente in die ersten Parametervariablen kopieren */
- argl1=mymalloc(arg_cnt*sizeof(struct Var *));
- argl2=mymalloc(arg_cnt*sizeof(struct Var *));
- al=p->alist;vp=v->fi->vars;i=0;
- while(al){
- while(vp&&(!*vp->identifier||(!zleqto(vp->offset,l2zl(0L))&&!vp->reg)||(vp->storage_class!=REGISTER&&vp->storage_class!=AUTO))) vp=vp->next;
- if(!vp){ error(39); break; }
- if(i>=arg_cnt) ierror(0);
- if(DEBUG&1024) printf("arg: %s(%ld)\n",vp->identifier,zl2l(vp->offset));
- argl1[i]=vp;
- argl2[i]=add_var(empty,clone_typ(vp->vtyp),vp->storage_class,0);
- if(!al->arg) ierror(0);
- gen_IC(al->arg,0,0);
- convert(al->arg,vp->vtyp->flags);
- new=mymalloc(ICS);
- new->code=ASSIGN;
- new->q1=al->arg->o;
- new->q2.flags=0;
- new->q2.val.vlong=szof(vp->vtyp);
- new->z.flags=VAR;
- new->z.val.vlong=l2zl(0L);
- new->z.v=argl2[i];
- new->typf=vp->vtyp->flags;
- add_IC(new);
- i++;
- al=al->next;
- vp=vp->next;
- }
- if(i<arg_cnt){ error(83); arg_cnt=i;}
- /* Kopien der Variablen erzeugen */
- for(vp=v->fi->vars;vp;vp=vp->next){
- vp->inline_copy=0;
- }
- for(i=0;i<arg_cnt;i++){
- if(argl1[i]){
- if(!argl2[i]) ierror(0);
- argl1[i]->inline_copy=argl2[i];
- }
- }
- /* Rueckgabewert */
- if((p->ntyp->flags&NQ)!=VOID){
- p->o.flags=SCRATCH|VAR;
- p->o.reg=0;p->o.val.vlong=l2zl(0L);
- p->o.v=add_var(empty,clone_typ(p->ntyp),AUTO,0);
- }else{
- p->o.flags=0;
- }
- free(argl1);
- free(argl2);
- /* Code einfuegen und Labels umschreiben */
- ip=v->fi->first_ic;lc=0;
- while(ip){
- struct Var *iv;
- int c;
- new=mymalloc(ICS);
- memcpy(new,ip,ICS);
- c=ip->code;
- /* evtl. ist ein IC praktisch ein SETRETURN, falls das */
- /* Rueckgabeziel ueber Parameterzeiger angespr. wird */
- if(ip->z.flags&VAR){
- iv=ip->z.v;
- if(iv->storage_class==AUTO||iv->storage_class==REGISTER){
- if(!*iv->identifier&&zleqto(iv->offset,l2zl(0L))){
- new->z=p->o;
- }else{
- if(!iv->inline_copy){
- iv->inline_copy=add_var(empty,clone_typ(iv->vtyp),iv->storage_class,0);
- iv->inline_copy->reg=iv->reg;
- }
- new->z.v=iv->inline_copy;
- }/*else if(iv->inline_copy) ierror(0);*/
- }
- }
- /* Kopien aller auto/register Variablen erzeugen */
- if(ip->q1.flags&VAR){
- iv=ip->q1.v;
- if(iv->storage_class==AUTO||iv->storage_class==REGISTER){
- if(!iv->inline_copy){
- iv->inline_copy=add_var(empty,clone_typ(iv->vtyp),iv->storage_class,0);
- iv->inline_copy->reg=iv->reg;
- }
- new->q1.v=iv->inline_copy;
- }/*else if(iv->inline_copy) ierror(0);*/
- }
- if(ip->q2.flags&VAR){
- iv=ip->q2.v;
- if(iv->storage_class==AUTO||iv->storage_class==REGISTER){
- if(!iv->inline_copy){
- iv->inline_copy=add_var(empty,clone_typ(iv->vtyp),iv->storage_class,0);
- iv->inline_copy->reg=iv->reg;
- }
- new->q2.v=iv->inline_copy;
- }/*else if(iv->inline_copy) ierror(0);*/
- }
- if(c==CALL) function_calls+=currentpri;
- if(c==LABEL||(c>=BEQ&&c<=BRA)){
- if(new->typf>lc) lc=new->typf;
- new->typf+=label;
- }
- if(c==SETRETURN){
- new->code=ASSIGN;
- new->z=p->o;
- }
- add_IC(new);
- ip=ip->next;
- }
- label+=lc;
- return;
- }
- /* einige spezielle Inline-Funktionen; das setzt voraus, dass */
- /* diese in den Headerfiles passend deklariert werden */
- if(v->storage_class==EXTERN){
- if(!strcmp(v->identifier,"strlen")&&p->alist&&p->alist->arg){
- np n=p->alist->arg;
- if(n->flags==ADDRESSA&&n->left->flags==STRING){
- struct const_list *cl;zulong len=ul2zul(0UL);
- cl=n->left->cl;
- while(cl){
- if(zleqto(l2zl(0L),zc2zl(cl->other->val.vchar))) break;
- len=zuladd(len,ul2zul(1UL));
- cl=cl->next;
- }
- p->o.val.vulong=len;
- eval_const(&p->o.val,UNSIGNED|LONG);
- insert_const(p);
- insert_const2(&p->o.val,p->ntyp->flags);
- p->flags=CEXPR;
- p->o.flags=KONST;
- return;
- }
- }
- if(INLINEMEMCPY>0&&(optflags&2)){
- if(!strcmp(v->identifier,"strcpy")&&p->alist&&p->alist->next&&p->alist->next->arg){
- np n=p->alist->next->arg;
- if(n->flags==ADDRESSA&&n->left->flags==STRING){
- struct const_list *cl;zlong len=l2zl(0L);
- cl=n->left->cl;
- while(cl){
- len=zladd(len,l2zl(1L));
- if(zleqto(zc2zl(cl->other->val.vchar),l2zl(0L))) break;
- cl=cl->next;
- }
- if(zlleq(len,l2zl((long)INLINEMEMCPY))){
- inline_memcpy(p->alist->arg,n,len);
- p->o=p->alist->arg->o;
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- if(!strcmp(v->identifier,"memcpy")){
- if(p->alist&&p->alist->next&&p->alist->next->next
- &&p->alist->next->next->arg
- &&p->alist->next->next->arg->flags==CEXPR){
- eval_constn(p->alist->next->next->arg);
- if(zlleq(vlong,l2zl((long)INLINEMEMCPY))){
- inline_memcpy(p->alist->arg,p->alist->next->arg,vlong);
- p->o=p->alist->arg->o;
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- rl=0;
- if(!(optflags&2)){
- int r;
- for(r=1;r<=MAXR;r++){mregs[r]=regs[r];regs[r]&=~32;}
- }
- if(!freturn(p->ntyp)){
- struct IC *new2;
- new2=mymalloc(ICS);
- new2->code=ADDRESS;
- new2->typf=p->ntyp->flags&NU;
- new2->q1.flags=VAR;
- new2->q1.v=add_var(empty,clone_typ(p->ntyp),AUTO,0);
- new2->q1.val.vlong=l2zl(0L);
- op=&new2->q1;
- new2->q2.flags=0;
- get_scratch(&new2->z,POINTER,p->ntyp->flags&NU,0);
- ret_obj=new2->z;
- add_IC(new2);
- }
- {
- struct reg_handle reg_handle=empty_reg_handle;
- if(!freturn(p->ntyp)){
- static struct Typ ptyp={POINTER};
- int reg;
- ptyp.next=p->ntyp;
- reg=reg_parm(®_handle,&ptyp);
- if(!reg) ierror(0);
- sz=push_args(p->alist,p->left->ntyp->next->exact,0,&rl,®_handle,&ret_obj,reg);
- }else{
- sz=push_args(p->alist,p->left->ntyp->next->exact,0,&rl,®_handle,0,-1);
- }
- }
- #else
- sz=push_args(p->alist,p->left->ntyp->next->exact,0,&rl);
- #endif
- if(!r) gen_IC(p->left,0,0);
- if(!(p->left->o.flags&DREFOBJ)){
- free(new);
- p->o=p->left->o;
- if(p->o.flags&VARADR) p->o.flags&=~VARADR;
- else p->o.flags|=DREFOBJ;
- }else{
- if(p->left->o.flags&VARADR){
- free(new);
- p->o=p->left->o;
- p->o.flags&=~VARADR;
- }else{
- if(p->left->o.flags&SCRATCH){
- new->z=p->left->o;
- new->z.flags&=~DREFOBJ;
- }else{
- /* das hier funktioniert vermutlich auch nicht */
- get_scratch(&new->z,p->left->ntyp->flags,p->ntyp->flags,p->left->ntyp);
- }
- new->code=ASSIGN;new->typf=POINTER;
- new->q1=p->left->o;
- new->q2.val.vlong=sizetab[POINTER];
- new->q2.flags=0;
- p->o=new->z;
- add_IC(new);
- p->o.flags|=DREFOBJ;
- }
- }
- /* p->left->o.flags-=DREFOBJ|VARADR; Was sollte das?? */
- if(optflags&2){
- while(rl){
- struct regargs_list *m;
- new=mymalloc(ICS);
- new->code=NOP;
- new->q1.flags=VAR;
- new->q1.v=rl->v;
- new->q1.val.vlong=l2zl(0L);
- new->typf=0;
- new->q2.flags=new->z.flags=0;
- add_IC(new);
- m=rl->next;free(rl);rl=m;
- }
- }
- /* gegebenenfalls Adresse des Ziels auf den Stack */
- if(!freturn(p->ntyp)){
- ierror(0);
- #endif
- new=mymalloc(ICS);
- new->code=ADDRESS;
- new->typf=p->ntyp->flags&NU;
- new->q1.flags=VAR;
- new->q1.v=add_var(empty,clone_typ(p->ntyp),AUTO,0);
- new->q1.val.vlong=l2zl(0L);
- op=&new->q1;
- new->q2.flags=0;
- get_scratch(&new->z,POINTER,p->ntyp->flags&NU,0);
- ret_obj=new->z;
- add_IC(new);
- new=mymalloc(ICS);
- new->code=PUSH;
- new->typf=POINTER;
- new->q1=ret_obj;
- new->q2.flags=new->z.flags=0;
- new->q2.val.vlong=sizetab[POINTER];
- add_IC(new);
- sz=zladd(sz,sizetab[POINTER]);
- }
- #endif
- /* Scratchregister evtl. sichern */
- savescratch(MOVEFROMREG,last_ic,0);
- function_calls+=currentpri;
- new=mymalloc(ICS);
- new->code=CALL;
- new->typf=FUNKT;
- new->q1=p->o;
- new->q2.flags=new->z.flags=0;
- new->q2.val.vlong=sz; /* Groesse der Parameter auf dem Stack */
- add_IC(new);
- r=0;
- if((p->ntyp->flags&NQ)!=VOID){
- new=mymalloc(ICS);
- new->code=GETRETURN;
- new->q1.flags=new->q2.flags=0;
- new->q1.reg=freturn(p->ntyp);
- new->q2.val.vlong=szof(p->ntyp);
- new->typf=p->ntyp->flags;
- if(freturn(p->ntyp)){
- int t=p->ntyp->flags&NQ;
- if(t==STRUCT||t==UNION){
- new->z.v=add_var(empty,clone_typ(p->ntyp),AUTO,0);
- new->z.flags=VAR;
- new->z.val.vlong=l2zl(0L);
- }else get_scratch(&new->z,p->ntyp->flags&NU,0,p->ntyp);
- } else new->z=*op;
- if((new->z.flags&(REG|DREFOBJ))==REG) r=new->z.reg;
- p->o=new->z;
- add_IC(new);
- }else{
- p->o.flags=0;
- }
- /* Scratchregister evtl. wiederherstellen */
- savescratch(MOVETOREG,last_ic,r);
- if(!(optflags&2)){
- int r;
- for(r=1;r<=MAXR;r++){
- if(regs[r])
- regs[r]|=(mregs[r]&32);
- }
- }
- /* Evtl. gespeicherte Registerargumente wiederherstellen. */
- while(rl){
- struct regargs_list *m;
- if(rl->v){
- new=mymalloc(ICS);
- new->code=MOVETOREG;
- new->typf=0;
- new->q1.flags=VAR|DONTREGISTERIZE;
- new->q1.v=rl->v;
- new->q1.val.vlong=l2zl(0L);
- new->z.flags=REG;
- new->z.reg=rl->reg;
- new->q2.flags=0;
- new->q2.val.vlong=regsize[rl->reg];
- add_IC(new);
- }else{
- new=mymalloc(ICS);
- new->code=FREEREG;
- new->typf=0;
- new->q1.flags=REG;
- new->q2.flags=new->z.flags=0;
- new->q1.reg=rl->reg;
- add_IC(new);
- regs[rl->reg]=0;
- }
- m=rl->next;free(rl);rl=m;
- }
- return;
- }
- if(p->flags>=PREINC&&p->flags<=POSTDEC){
- struct obj o;
- gen_IC(p->left,0,0);
- if(p->flags==POSTINC||p->flags==POSTDEC){
- new=mymalloc(ICS);
- new->code=ASSIGN;
- new->typf=p->ntyp->flags&NU;
- new->q2.val.vlong=sizetab[p->ntyp->flags&NQ];
- new->q1=p->left->o;
- new->q1.flags&=~SCRATCH;
- get_scratch(&new->z,p->left->ntyp->flags&NU,0,p->left->ntyp);
- new->q2.flags=0;
- o=new->z;
- add_IC(new);
- new=mymalloc(ICS);
- }else o=p->left->o;
- if((p->left->ntyp->flags&NQ)==POINTER){
- if(p->flags==PREINC||p->flags==POSTINC) new->code=ADDI2P; else new->code=SUBIFP;
- vlong=szof(p->left->ntyp->next);
- new->q2.val.vint=zl2zi(vlong);
- new->typf=INT;
- new->q1=p->left->o;
- new->z=p->left->o;
- new->q2.flags=KONST;
- add_IC(new);
- }else{
- if(p->flags==PREINC||p->flags==POSTINC) new->code=ADD; else new->code=SUB;
- new->typf=p->ntyp->flags&NU;
- new->q1=p->left->o;
- new->z=p->left->o;
- new->q2.flags=KONST;
- vlong=l2zl(1L);vulong=zl2zul(vlong);vdouble=zl2zd(vlong);
- if(new->typf==CHAR) new->q2.val.vchar=zl2zc(vlong);
- if(new->typf==SHORT) new->q2.val.vshort=zl2zs(vlong);
- if(new->typf==INT) new->q2.val.vint=zl2zi(vlong);
- if(new->typf==LONG) new->q2.val.vlong=vlong;
- if(new->typf==(UNSIGNED|CHAR)) new->q2.val.vuchar=zul2zuc(vulong);
- if(new->typf==(UNSIGNED|SHORT)) new->q2.val.vushort=zul2zus(vulong);
- if(new->typf==(UNSIGNED|INT)) new->q2.val.vuint=zul2zui(vulong);
- if(new->typf==(UNSIGNED|LONG)) new->q2.val.vulong=vulong;
- if(new->typf==DOUBLE) new->q2.val.vdouble=vdouble;
- if(new->typf==FLOAT) new->q2.val.vfloat=zd2zf(vdouble);
- add_IC(new);
- }
- if(p->flags==POSTINC||p->flags==POSTDEC){
- if(p->left->o.flags&SCRATCH) free_reg(p->left->o.reg);
- }
- p->o=o;
- return;
- }
- if(p->flags==COND){
- int ltrue,lfalse,lout;
- ltrue=++label;lfalse=++label;lout=++label;
- gen_IC(p->left,ltrue,lfalse);
- if(!p->left->o.flags){
- free(new);
- }else{
- if(p->left->flags!=CEXPR){
- gen_test(&p->left->o,p->left->ntyp->flags,BEQ,lfalse);
- }else{
- eval_constn(p->left);
- if(zleqto(vlong,l2zl(0L))&&zuleqto(vulong,ul2zul(0UL))&&zdeqto(vdouble,d2zd(0.0))){
- gen_IC(p->right->right,0,0);
- p->o=p->right->right->o;
- }else{
- gen_IC(p->right->left,0,0);
- p->o=p->right->left->o;
- }
- return;
- }
- }
- gen_label(ltrue);
- gen_IC(p->right->left,0,0);
- if((p->ntyp->flags&NQ)!=VOID){
- convert(p->right->left,p->ntyp->flags&NU);
- if((p->right->left->o.flags&(SCRATCH|DREFOBJ))==SCRATCH){
- p->o=p->right->left->o;
- }else{
- get_scratch(&p->o,p->ntyp->flags&NU,0,p->ntyp);
- new=mymalloc(ICS);
- new->code=ASSIGN;
- new->q1=p->right->left->o;
- new->z=p->o;
- new->q2.flags=0;
- new->q2.val.vlong=szof(p->ntyp);
- new->typf=p->ntyp->flags&NU;
- p->o=new->z;
- add_IC(new);
- }
- }else p->o.flags=0;
- new=mymalloc(ICS);
- new->code=BRA;
- new->typf=lout;
- add_IC(new);
- gen_label(lfalse);
- gen_IC(p->right->right,0,0);
- if((p->ntyp->flags&NQ)!=VOID){
- convert(p->right->right,p->ntyp->flags&NU);
- new=mymalloc(ICS);
- new->code=ASSIGN;
- new->q1=p->right->right->o;
- new->z=p->o;
- new->q2.flags=0;
- new->q2.val.vlong=szof(p->ntyp);
- new->typf=p->ntyp->flags&NU;
- add_IC(new);
- }
- gen_label(lout);
- return;
- }
- printf("Operation: %d=%s\n",p->flags,ename[p->flags]);
- ierror(0);
- free(new);
- p->o.flags=0;
- }
- zlong push_args(struct argument_list *al,struct struct_declaration *sd,int n,struct regargs_list **rl,struct reg_handle *reg_handle,struct obj *radr,int rreg)
- #else
- zlong push_args(struct argument_list *al,struct struct_declaration *sd,int n,struct regargs_list **rl)
- #endif
- /* Legt die Argumente eines Funktionsaufrufs in umgekehrter Reihenfolge */
- /* auf den Stack. Es wird Integer-Erweiterung vorgenommen und float wird */
- /* nach double konvertiert, falls kein Prototype da ist. */
- {
- int t,reg;struct IC *new;struct regargs_list *nrl;zlong sz,of;struct obj *arg;
- int stdreg;
- if(!al&&!radr) return(0);
- if(radr){
- stdreg=rreg;
- }else{
- if(n<sd->count) stdreg=reg_parm(reg_handle,(*sd->sl)[n].styp);
- else stdreg=reg_parm(reg_handle,al->arg->ntyp);
- }
- reg=stdreg;
- #else
- if(!al) return(0);
- reg=0;
- #endif
- if(!radr){
- #endif
- if(!al->arg) ierror(0);
- if(!sd) ierror(0);
- if(n<sd->count){
- t=(*sd->sl)[n].styp->flags;sz=szof((*sd->sl)[n].styp);
- reg=(*sd->sl)[n].reg;
- }else{
- t=al->arg->ntyp->flags;sz=szof(al->arg->ntyp);
- }
- if((t&NQ)>=CHAR&&(t&NQ)<=LONG) {t=int_erw(t);sz=sizetab[t&NQ];}
- if((t&NQ)==FLOAT&&n>=sd->count) {t=DOUBLE;sz=sizetab[t];}
- }else{
- }
- #endif
- sz=zlmult(zldiv(zladd(sz,zlsub(maxalign,l2zl(1L))),maxalign),maxalign);
- if(reg==0){
- gen_IC(al->arg,0,0);
- convert(al->arg,t&NU);
- /* Parameteruebergabe ueber Stack. */
- new=mymalloc(ICS);
- new->code=PUSH;
- new->typf=t;
- new->q1=al->arg->o;
- new->q2.flags=new->z.flags=0;
- new->q2.val.vlong=sz;
- add_IC(new);
- if(!al->next) return sz;
- }
- #endif
- if(radr){
- if(al) of=push_args(al,sd,0,rl,reg_handle,0,0); else of=l2zl(0L);
- }else{
- if(al->next) of=push_args(al->next,sd,n+1,rl,reg_handle,0,0); else of=l2zl(0L);
- }
- #else
- if(al->next) of=push_args(al->next,sd,n+1,rl); else of=l2zl(0L);
- #endif
- if(reg==0) return zladd(of,sz);
- #endif
- if(radr){
- arg=radr;
- }else{
- gen_IC(al->arg,0,0);
- convert(al->arg,t&NU);
- arg=&al->arg->o;
- }
- #else
- gen_IC(al->arg,0,0);
- convert(al->arg,t&NU);
- arg=&al->arg->o;
- #endif
- if(reg==0){
- /* Parameteruebergabe ueber Stack. */
- new=mymalloc(ICS);
- new->code=PUSH;
- new->typf=t;
- new->q1=*arg;
- new->q2.flags=new->z.flags=0;
- new->q2.val.vlong=sz;
- add_IC(new);
- return(zladd(of,sz));
- }else{
- /* Parameteruebergabe in Register. */
- struct Var *v=0; struct Typ *t2;
- if(optflags&2){
- /* Version fuer Optimizer. */
- t2=mymalloc(TYPS);
- t2->flags=t;
- if((t&NQ)==POINTER){
- t2->next=mymalloc(TYPS);
- t2->next->flags=VOID;
- t2->next->next=0;
- }else t2->next=0;
- v=add_var(empty,t2,AUTO,0);
- new=mymalloc(ICS);
- new->code=ASSIGN;
- new->typf=t;
- new->q1=*arg;
- new->q2.flags=0;
- new->q2.val.vlong=sizetab[t&NQ];
- new->z.flags=VAR;
- new->z.v=v;
- new->z.val.vlong=l2zl(0L);
- add_IC(new);
- nrl=mymalloc(sizeof(*nrl));
- nrl->next=*rl;
- nrl->reg=reg;
- nrl->v=v;
- *rl=nrl;
- if(radr||rreg==-1)
- #else
- if(n==0)
- #endif
- {
- /* Letztes Argument; jetzt in Register laden. */
- for(;nrl;nrl=nrl->next){
- new=mymalloc(ICS);
- new->code=ASSIGN;
- new->typf=nrl->v->vtyp->flags|VOLATILE;
- new->q1.flags=VAR;
- new->q1.v=nrl->v;
- new->q1.val.vlong=l2zl(0L);
- new->q2.flags=0;
- new->q2.val.vlong=szof(nrl->v->vtyp);
- new->z.flags=VAR;
- new->z.val.vlong=l2zl(0L);
- new->z.v=add_var(empty,clone_typ(nrl->v->vtyp),AUTO,0);
- new->z.v->reg=nrl->reg;
- nrl->v=new->z.v;
- add_IC(new);
- }
- }
- return(of);
- }else{
- /* Nicht-optimierende Version. */
- if(!regs[reg]){
- new=mymalloc(ICS);
- new->code=ALLOCREG;
- new->typf=0;
- new->q1.flags=REG;
- new->q1.reg=reg;
- new->q2.flags=new->z.flags=0;
- add_IC(new);
- regs[reg]=33;regused[reg]++;
- }else{
- if(arg->flags!=(REG|SCRATCH)||arg->reg!=reg){
- t2=clone_typ(regtype[reg]);
- v=add_var(empty,t2,AUTO,0);
- v->flags|=USEDASADR;
- new=mymalloc(ICS);
- new->code=MOVEFROMREG;
- new->typf=0;
- new->q1.flags=REG;
- new->q1.reg=reg;
- new->q2.flags=0;
- new->q2.val.vlong=regsize[reg];
- new->z.v=v;
- new->z.val.vlong=l2zl(0L);
- add_IC(new);
- }else regs[reg]|=32;
- }
- new=mymalloc(ICS);
- new->code=ASSIGN;
- new->typf=t;
- new->q1=*arg;
- new->q2.flags=new->z.flags=0;
- new->q2.val.vlong=sizetab[t&NQ];
- new->z.flags=REG;
- new->z.reg=reg;
- add_IC(new);
- nrl=mymalloc(sizeof(*nrl));
- nrl->next=*rl;
- nrl->reg=reg;
- nrl->v=v;
- *rl=nrl;
- return(of);
- }
- }
- }
- void convert(np p,int f)
- /* konvertiert das Objekt in p->o in bestimmten Typ */
- {
- struct IC *new;
- if((f&NQ)==VOID||(p->ntyp->flags&NU)==f) return;
- if(p->flags==CEXPR||p->flags==PCEXPR){
- eval_constn(p);
- p->ntyp->flags=f;
- insert_const(p);
- p->o.val=p->val;
- return;
- }
- if(!must_convert(p,f)) return;
- new=mymalloc(ICS);
- new->q1=p->o;
- new->q2.flags=0;
- new->code=CONVCHAR+(p->ntyp->flags&NQ)-CHAR;
- if(p->ntyp->flags&UNSIGNED) new->code+=8;
- new->typf=f;
- if(!regok(p->o.reg,f,0)||!(p->o.flags&SCRATCH)){
- get_scratch(&new->z,f,0,0);
- p->o=new->z;
- add_IC(new);
- }else{
- new->z=p->o;new->z.flags&=~DREFOBJ;
- p->o=new->z;
- add_IC(new);
- }
- }
- int allocreg(int f,int mode)
- /* Fordert Register fuer Typ f an */
- /* evtl. maschinenabhaengig, aber hier fehlt noch viel */
- /* z.B. Eintragen eines IC */
- {
- int i;struct IC *new;
- if(nocode) return(1);
- for(i=1;i<=MAXR;i++){
- if(!regs[i]&®ok(i,f,mode)){
- if(DEBUG&16) printf("alocated %s\n",regnames[i]);
- regs[i]=1;regused[i]++;
- new=mymalloc(ICS);
- new->code=ALLOCREG;
- new->typf=0;
- new->q1.flags=REG;
- new->q1.reg=i;
- new->q2.flags=new->z.flags=0;
- add_IC(new);
- return(i);
- }
- }
- if(DEBUG&1) printf(">%sCouldn't allocate register for type %d\n",string,f);
- return(0);
- }
- void free_reg(int r)
- /* Gibt Register r frei */
- /* Eintrag eines IC fehlt noch */
- {
- struct IC *new;
- if(!r||nocode) return;
- if(regs[r]==0) {printf("Register %d(%s):\n",r,regnames[r]);ierror(0);}
- if(DEBUG&16) printf("freed %s\n",regnames[r]);
- new=mymalloc(ICS);
- new->code=FREEREG;
- new->typf=0;
- new->q1.flags=REG;
- new->q1.reg=r;
- new->q2.flags=new->z.flags=0;
- add_IC(new);
- regs[r]=0;
- }
- void gen_label(int l)
- /* Erzeugt ein Label */
- {
- struct IC *new;
- new=mymalloc(ICS);
- new->code=LABEL;
- new->typf=l;
- new->q1.flags=new->q2.flags=new->z.flags=0;
- add_IC(new);
- }
- void gen_cond(struct obj *p,int m,int l1,int l2)
- /* Generiert code, der 0 oder 1 in Register schreibt. Schreibt obj nach p. */
- {
- struct IC *new;
- struct obj omerk;
- new=mymalloc(ICS);
- new->code=ASSIGN;
- new->typf=INT;
- new->q1.flags=KONST;
- new->q2.flags=0;
- new->q2.val.vlong=sizetab[INT];
- if(!m) vlong=l2zl(1L); else vlong=l2zl(0L);
- new->q1.val.vint=zl2zi(vlong);
- get_scratch(&new->z,INT,0,0);
- omerk=new->z;
- add_IC(new);
- new=mymalloc(ICS);
- new->code=BRA;
- new->typf=l2;
- add_IC(new);
- gen_label(l1);
- new=mymalloc(ICS);
- new->code=ASSIGN;
- new->typf=INT;
- new->q1.flags=KONST;
- new->q2.flags=0;
- new->q2.val.vlong=sizetab[INT];
- if(!m) vlong=l2zl(0L); else vlong=l2zl(1L);
- new->q1.val.vint=zl2zi(vlong);
- new->z=omerk;
- /* new->z.reg=r;
- new->z.flags=SCRATCH|REG;*/
- add_IC(new);
- gen_label(l2);
- *p=omerk;
- }
- void scratch_var(struct obj *o,int t,struct Typ *typ)
- /* liefert eine temporaere Variable */
- /* nicht effizient, aber wer hat schon so wenig Register... */
- {
- struct Typ *nt;
- if((t&NQ)<CHAR||(t&NQ)>POINTER){
- if(!typ) ierror(0);
- nt=clone_typ(typ);
- }else{
- nt=mymalloc(TYPS);
- nt->flags=t&NU;
- if((t&NQ)==POINTER){
- nt->next=mymalloc(TYPS);
- nt->next->flags=VOID;
- nt->next->next=0;
- }else nt->next=0;
- }
- o->flags=SCRATCH|VAR;o->reg=0;
- o->v=add_var(empty,nt,AUTO,0);
- o->val.vlong=l2zl(0L);
- }
- void get_scratch(struct obj *o,int t1,int t2,struct Typ *typ)
- /* liefert ein Scratchregister oder eine Scratchvariable */
- {
- if(!(optflags&2)&&(o->reg=allocreg(t1,t2))){
- o->flags=SCRATCH|REG;
- }else{
- scratch_var(o,t1,typ);
- }
- }
- int do_arith(np p,struct IC *new,np dest,struct obj *o)
- /* erzeugt IC new fuer einen arithmetischen Knoten und speichert das */
- /* Resultat vom Unterknoten dest in o (fuer a op= b) */
- /* liefert 0, wenn dest nicht gefunden */
- {
- int f=0,mflags;
- new->code=p->flags;
- if(new->code==PMULT) new->code=MULT;
- gen_IC(p->left,0,0);
- if(dest&&p->left==dest) {*o=p->left->o;f++;}
- gen_IC(p->right,0,0);
- if(dest&&p->right==dest) {*o=p->right->o;f++;}
- if(dest){ mflags=dest->o.flags;dest->o.flags&=(~SCRATCH);}
- if((p->left->ntyp->flags&NQ)==POINTER&&(p->right->ntyp->flags&NQ)==POINTER){
- /* Subtrahieren zweier Pointer */
- if(p->flags!=SUB) ierror(0);
- new->typf=INT;
- new->code=SUBPFP;
- new->q1=p->left->o;
- new->q2=p->right->o;
- if(!dest&&(p->left->o.flags&SCRATCH)&®ok(p->left->o.reg,INT,0)){
- new->z=p->left->o;
- new->z.flags&=~DREFOBJ;
- }else{
- if(USEQ2ASZ&&(p->right->o.flags&SCRATCH)&®ok(p->right->o.reg,INT,0)){
- new->z=p->right->o;
- new->z.flags&=(~DREFOBJ);
- }else{
- get_scratch(&new->z,INT,0,0);
- }
- }
- p->o=new->z;
- add_IC(new);
- if(!zlleq(szof(p->left->ntyp->next),l2zl(1L))){
- new=mymalloc(ICS);
- new->code=DIV;
- new->q1=p->o;
- new->q2.flags=KONST;
- vlong=szof(p->left->ntyp->next);
- vint=zl2zi(vlong);
- new->q2.val.vint=vint;
- new->z=p->o;
- new->typf=INT;
- add_IC(new);
- }
- if(dest) dest->o.flags=mflags;
- return(f);
- }
- if((p->flags==ADD||p->flags==SUB)&&(p->ntyp->flags&NQ)==POINTER){
- /* Addieren und Subtrahieren eines Integers zu einem Pointer */
- if(p->flags==ADD) new->code=ADDI2P; else new->code=SUBIFP;
- new->typf=p->right->ntyp->flags&NU;
- new->q1=p->left->o;
- /* kleinere Typen als MINADDI2P erst in diesen wandeln */
- if((new->typf&NQ)<MINADDI2P){convert(p->right,/*UNSIGNED|*/MINADDI2P);new->typf=/*UNSIGNED|*/MINADDI2P;}
- new->q2=p->right->o;
- if(!dest&&(p->left->o.flags&SCRATCH)&®ok(new->q1.reg,POINTER,p->left->ntyp->next->flags&NU)){
- new->z=p->left->o;
- new->z.flags&=(~DREFOBJ);
- }else{
- get_scratch(&new->z,POINTER,p->left->ntyp->next->flags&NU,0);
- }
- p->o=new->z;
- add_IC(new);
- if(dest) dest->o.flags=mflags;
- return(f);
- }
- convert(p->left,p->ntyp->flags&NU);
- convert(p->right,p->ntyp->flags&NU);
- new->q1=p->left->o;
- new->q2=p->right->o;
- new->typf=p->ntyp->flags&NU;
- /* Bei dest!=0, d.h. ASSIGNADD, darf q1 nicht als Ziel benuzt werden! */
- if(!dest&&(new->q1.flags&SCRATCH)&®ok(new->q1.reg,p->ntyp->flags,0)){
- new->z=new->q1;
- new->z.flags&=~DREFOBJ;
- }else{
- if((new->q2.flags&SCRATCH)&®ok(new->q2.reg,p->ntyp->flags,0)){
- if((p->flags>=OR&&p->flags<=AND)||p->flags==ADD||p->flags==MULT||p->flags==PMULT){
- /* bei kommutativen Operatoren vertauschen */
- new->z=new->q2;
- new->q2=new->q1;
- new->q1=new->z;
- new->z.flags&=~DREFOBJ;
- }else{
- if(USEQ2ASZ){
- new->z=new->q2;
- new->z.flags&=~DREFOBJ;
- }else{
- get_scratch(&new->z,new->typf,0,0);
- }
- }
- }else{
- get_scratch(&new->z,new->typf,0,0);
- }
- }
- p->o=new->z;
- add_IC(new);
- if(dest) dest->o.flags=mflags;
- return(f);
- }
- void savescratch(int code,struct IC *p,int dontsave)
- /* speichert Scratchregister bzw. stellt sie wieder her (je nach code */
- /* entweder MOVEFROMREG oder MOVETOREG) */
- {
- int i,s,e,b;struct IC *new;
- if(code==MOVETOREG){ s=1;e=MAXR+1;b=1;} else {s=MAXR;e=0;b=-1;}
- for(i=s;i!=e;i+=b){
- if(regs[i]&&!(regs[i]&32)&®scratch[i]&&i!=dontsave){
- if(!regsbuf[i]){
- struct Typ *t;
- if(code!=MOVEFROMREG) continue;
- t=clone_typ(regtype[i]);
- regsbuf[i]=add_var(empty,t,AUTO,0);
- regsbuf[i]->flags|=USEDASADR;
- regbnesting[i]=nesting;
- }
- new=mymalloc(ICS);
- new->typf=new->q2.flags=0;
- new->line=0;new->file=0;
- new->code=code;
- if(code==MOVEFROMREG){
- new->q1.flags=REG;new->q1.reg=i;
- new->z.flags=VAR|DONTREGISTERIZE;new->z.v=regsbuf[i];
- new->z.val.vlong=l2zl(0L);
- }else{
- new->z.flags=REG;new->z.reg=i;
- new->q1.flags=VAR|DONTREGISTERIZE;new->q1.v=regsbuf[i];
- new->q1.val.vlong=l2zl(0L);
- }
- new->use_cnt=new->change_cnt=0;
- new->use_list=new->change_list=0;
- insert_IC(p,new);
- }
- }
- }