home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* $VER: vbcc (loop.c) V0.4 */
- /* schleifenorientierte Optimierungen */
- #include "opt.h"
- static char FILE_[]=__FILE__;
- #define MOVE_IC 1
- #define MOVE_COMP 2
- /* Liste, in die ICs eingetragen werden, die aus Schleifen */
- /* gezogen werden sollen. */
- struct movlist{
- struct movlist *next;
- struct IC *IC;
- struct flowgraph *target_fg;
- int flags;
- };
- struct movlist *first_mov,*last_mov;
- int report_weird_code,report_suspicious_loops;
- /* Bitvektoren fuer schleifeninvariante ICs */
- unsigned char *invariant,*inloop,*moved,*moved_completely;
- unsigned char *fg_tmp;
- unsigned char *not_movable;
- size_t bsize;
- /* Liste, in die ICs fuer strength-reduction eingetragen */
- /* werden. */
- struct srlist{
- struct srlist *next;
- struct IC *ind_var;
- struct IC *IC;
- struct flowgraph *target_fg;
- /* Hilfsvariable, falls eine aequivalente Operation schon reduziert */
- /* wurde. */
- struct Var *hv;
- };
- struct srlist *first_sr,*last_sr;
- /* Liste, in die Daten fuer loop-unrolling eingetragen werden. */
- struct urlist{
- int flags;
- long total,unroll;
- struct IC *cmp,*branch,*ind;
- struct flowgraph *start,*head;
- struct urlist *next;
- } *first_ur;
- #define UNROLL_MODULO 2
- /* Hier werden Induktionsvariablen vermerkt */
- struct IC **ind_vars;
- static struct flowgraph *first_fg;
- int loops(struct flowgraph *fg,int footers)
- /* kennzeichnet Schleifen im Flussgraph; wenn footers!=0 werden darf eine */
- /* Schleife nur einen gemeinsamen Austrittspunkt haben */
- {
- int i,start,end,c=0;struct flowlist *lp;struct flowgraph *g,*loopend;
- if(DEBUG&1024) printf("searching loops\n");
- g=fg;
- while(g){
- start=g->index;
- end=-1;
- for(lp=g->in;lp;lp=lp->next){
- if(!lp->graph) continue;
- if(lp->graph->branchout==g||!lp->graph->end||lp->graph->end->code!=BRA){
- i=lp->graph->index;
- if(i>=start&&i>end){ end=i;loopend=lp->graph; }
- }
- }
- if(end>=0){
- /* Schleife oder etwas aehnliches */
- struct flowgraph *p=g;
- if(DEBUG&1024) printf("found possible loop from blocks %d to %d\n",start,end);
- if(1/*goto_used*/){
- if(DEBUG&1024) printf("have to check...\n");
- do{
- if(!p||p->index>end) break;
- /* testen, ob aus der Schleife gesprungen wird */
- if(p->branchout&&footers){
- i=p->branchout->index;
- if(i<start){
- end=-1;
- break;
- }
- if(i>end&&(DEBUG&1024)){
- puts("jump out of loop");
- if(p->branchout!=loopend->normalout){
- puts("no break");
- if(p->branchout->start->typf!=return_label) puts("no return");
- }
- }
- if(i>end&&p->branchout!=loopend->normalout&&p->branchout->start->typf!=return_label){
- /* Sprung zu anderem als dem normalen Austritt oder return */
- end=-1;
- break;
- }
- }
- /* testen, ob in die Schleife gesprungen wird */
- if(p!=g){
- for(lp=p->in;lp;lp=lp->next){
- if(!lp->graph) continue;
- if(lp->graph->branchout==p){
- i=lp->graph->index;
- if(i<start){
- if(report_weird_code){error(175);report_weird_code=0;}
- end=-1;
- break;
- }
- if(i>end){
- end=-1;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(p->index==end) break;
- p=p->normalout;
- }while(end>=0);
- }else{
- if(DEBUG&1024) printf("must be a loop, because there was no goto\n");
- }
- }
- if(end>=0){
- if(DEBUG&1024) printf("confirmed that it is a loop\n");
- g->loopend=loopend;
- c++;
- }
- g=g->normalout;
- }
- return(c);
- }
- struct flowgraph *create_loop_headers(struct flowgraph *fg,int av)
- /* Fuegt vor jede Schleife einen Kopf-Block ein, wenn noetig. */
- /* Wenn av!=0 werden aktive Variablen korrekt uebertragen und */
- /* diverse Registerlisten uebernommen und index=-1 gesetzt. */
- /* Kann einen Block mehrmals in der ->in Liste eintragen */
- {
- struct flowgraph *g,*last,*new,*rg=fg;
- struct IC *lic,*lastic;
- if(DEBUG&1024) printf("creating loop-headers\n");
- g=fg;last=0;lastic=0;
- while(g){
- new=0;
- if(g->loopend){
- if(!last){
- struct flowlist *lp;
- new=mymalloc(sizeof(struct flowgraph));
- rg=new;
- new->in=0;
- new->start=new->end=0;
- lp=mymalloc(sizeof(struct flowlist));
- lp->graph=new;
- lp->next=g->in;
- g->in=lp;
- }else{
- struct flowlist *lp,*nl,**ls;
- new=mymalloc(sizeof(struct flowgraph));
- last->normalout=new;
- lic=mymalloc(ICS);
- lic->line=0;
- lic->file=0;
- new->start=new->end=lic;
- lic->code=LABEL;
- lic->typf=++label;
- lic->q1.flags=lic->q2.flags=lic->z.flags=0;
- lic->q1.am=lic->q2.am=lic->z.am=0;
- lic->use_cnt=lic->change_cnt=0;
- lic->use_list=lic->change_list=0;
- if(lastic) lastic->next=lic;
- else first_ic=lic;
- lic->prev=lastic;
- g->start->prev=lic;
- lic->next=g->start;
- lp=g->in;ls=&new->in;
- while(lp){
- if(lp->graph&&lp->graph->index<g->index){
- /* Eintritt von oben soll in den Kopf */
- nl=mymalloc(sizeof(struct flowlist));
- nl->graph=lp->graph;
- nl->next=0;
- (*ls)=nl;
- ls=&nl->next;
- if(lp->graph->branchout==g){
- struct IC *p=lp->graph->end;
- if(DEBUG&1024) printf("changing branch\n");
- while(p&&p->code==FREEREG) p=p->prev;
- if(!p||p->code<BEQ||p->code>BRA) ierror(0);
- p->typf=lic->typf;
- lp->graph->branchout=new;
- }
- lp->graph=new;
- }
- lp=lp->next;
- }
- if(!new->in) ierror(0);
- }
- if(new){
- if(DEBUG&1024) printf("must insert loop-header before block %d\n",g->index);
- basic_blocks++;
- new->branchout=0;
- new->loopend=0;
- if(av)
- new->index=-1;
- else
- new->index=basic_blocks;
- new->normalout=g;
- new->calls=0;
- new->loop_calls=0;
- new->rd_in=new->rd_out=new->rd_kill=new->rd_gen=0;
- new->ae_in=new->ae_out=new->ae_kill=new->ae_gen=0;
- new->cp_in=new->cp_out=new->cp_kill=new->cp_gen=0;
- if(!av){
- new->av_in=new->av_out=new->av_kill=new->av_gen=0;
- }else{
- new->av_in=mymalloc(vsize);
- new->av_out=mymalloc(vsize);
- new->av_gen=mymalloc(vsize);
- new->av_kill=mymalloc(vsize);
- memset(new->av_gen,0,vsize);
- memset(new->av_kill,0,vsize);
- memcpy(new->av_out,g->av_in,vsize);
- memcpy(new->av_in,g->av_in,vsize);
- memcpy(&new->regv,&g->regv,sizeof(new->regv));
- memcpy(&new->regused,&g->regused,sizeof(new->regused));
- }
- }
- }
- last=g;if(last->end) lastic=last->end;
- g=g->normalout;
- }
- return(rg);
- }
- struct flowgraph *create_loop_footers(struct flowgraph *fg,int av)
- /* Fuegt hinter jede Schleife einen Fuss-Block ein, wenn noetig. */
- /* Wenn av!=0 werden aktive Variablen korrekt uebertragen und */
- /* diverse Registerlisten uebernommen und index auf -2 gesetzt. */
- {
- struct flowgraph *g,*loopend,*out,*new;
- struct IC *lic;
- if(DEBUG&1024) printf("creating loop-footers\n");
- g=fg;
- while(g){
- new=0;
- loopend=g->loopend;
- if(loopend){
- struct flowlist *lp,*nl,**ls;
- out=loopend->normalout;
- new=mymalloc(sizeof(struct flowgraph));
- new->normalout=out;
- loopend->normalout=new;
- lic=mymalloc(ICS);
- lic->line=0;
- lic->file=0;
- new->start=new->end=lic;
- lic->code=LABEL;
- lic->typf=++label;
- lic->q1.flags=lic->q2.flags=lic->z.flags=0;
- lic->q1.am=lic->q2.am=lic->z.am=0;
- lic->use_cnt=lic->change_cnt=0;
- lic->use_list=lic->change_list=0;
- if(out) lp=out->in; else {lp=0;new->in=0;}
- ls=&new->in;
- while(lp){
- if(lp->graph&&lp->graph->index<=loopend->index&&lp->graph->index>=g->index){
- /* Austritt aus Schleife soll in den Fuss */
- nl=mymalloc(sizeof(struct flowlist));
- nl->graph=lp->graph;
- nl->next=0;
- (*ls)=nl;
- ls=&nl->next;
- if(lp->graph->branchout==out){
- struct IC *p=lp->graph->end;
- if(DEBUG&1024) printf("changing branch\n");
- while(p&&p->code==FREEREG) p=p->prev;
- if(!p||p->code<BEQ||p->code>BRA) ierror(0);
- p->typf=lic->typf;
- lp->graph->branchout=new;
- }
- lp->graph=new;
- }
- lp=lp->next;
- }
- if(out&&!new->in) ierror(0);
- if(DEBUG&1024) printf("must insert loop-footer after block %d\n",loopend->index);
- basic_blocks++;
- new->branchout=0;
- new->loopend=0;
- if(av)
- new->index=-2;
- else
- new->index=basic_blocks;
- new->normalout=out;
- new->calls=0;
- new->loop_calls=0;
- new->rd_in=new->rd_out=new->rd_kill=new->rd_gen=0;
- new->ae_in=new->ae_out=new->ae_kill=new->ae_gen=0;
- new->cp_in=new->cp_out=new->cp_kill=new->cp_gen=0;
- if(!av){
- new->av_in=new->av_out=new->av_kill=new->av_gen=0;
- }else{
- new->av_in=mymalloc(vsize);
- new->av_out=mymalloc(vsize);
- new->av_kill=mymalloc(vsize);
- new->av_gen=mymalloc(vsize);
- memset(new->av_gen,0,vsize);
- memset(new->av_kill,0,vsize);
- if(out){
- memcpy(new->av_out,out->av_in,vsize);
- memcpy(new->av_in,out->av_in,vsize);
- }else{
- memset(new->av_in,0,vsize);
- memset(new->av_out,0,vsize);
- }
- memcpy(&new->regv,&g->regv,sizeof(new->regv));
- memcpy(&new->regused,&g->regused,sizeof(new->regused));
- }
- insert_IC_fg(new,loopend->end,lic);
- }
- g=g->normalout;
- }
- return(fg);
- }
- void add_movable(struct IC *p,struct flowgraph *fg,int flags)
- /* Fuegt IC p, das aus der Schleife in Block fg mit Flags flags */
- /* verschoben werden darf in eine Liste. */
- {
- struct movlist *new=mymalloc(sizeof(*new));
- new->IC=p;
- new->target_fg=fg;
- new->flags=flags;
- new->next=0;
- if(last_mov){
- last_mov->next=new;
- last_mov=new;
- }else{
- first_mov=last_mov=new;
- }
- BSET(moved,p->defindex);
- if(flags==MOVE_IC) BSET(moved_completely,p->defindex);
- }
- int move_to_head(void)
- /* Geht die Liste mit verschiebbaren ICs durch und schiebt die ICs */
- /* in den Vorkopf der Schleife. Ausserdem wird die Liste */
- /* freigegeben. */
- /* Der Rueckgabewert hat Bit 1 gesetzt, wenn ICs ganz verschoben */
- /* wurden und Bit 2, falls eine Berechnung mit Hilfsvariable vor */
- /* die Schleife gezogen wurde. */
- {
- struct IC **fglist; /* Letztes IC vor jedem Block */
- struct flowgraph *g;struct IC *p;struct movlist *m;
- int changed=0;
- if(!first_mov) return(0);
- if(DEBUG&1024) printf("moving the ICs out of the loop\n");
- fglist=mymalloc((basic_blocks+1)*sizeof(*fglist));
- p=0;
- for(g=first_fg;g;g=g->normalout){
- if(g->index>basic_blocks) ierror(0);
- if(g->end) p=g->end;
- fglist[g->index]=p;
- }
- while(first_mov){
- p=first_mov->IC;
- g=first_mov->target_fg;
- if(first_mov->flags==MOVE_IC){
- if(DEBUG&1024) {printf("moving IC out of loop:\n");pric2(stdout,p);}
- if(!p->prev||!p->next) ierror(0);
- p->next->prev=p->prev;
- p->prev->next=p->next;
- insert_IC_fg(g,fglist[g->index],p);
- fglist[g->index]=p;
- changed|=1;
- }else if(1){
- struct Typ *t=mymalloc(TYPS);
- struct IC *new=mymalloc(ICS);
- struct Var *v;
- if(DEBUG&1024) {printf("moving computation out of loop:\n");pric2(stdout,p);}
- if(p->code==ADDRESS||p->code==ADDI2P||p->code==SUBIFP) t->flags=POINTER;
- else t->flags=p->typf;
- if(p->code==COMPARE||p->code==TEST) t->flags=0;
- if((t->flags&NQ)==POINTER){
- t->next=mymalloc(TYPS);
- t->next->flags=VOID;
- t->next->next=0;
- }else t->next=0;
- v=add_tmp_var(t);
- *new=*p;
- new->z.flags=VAR;
- new->z.v=v;
- new->z.val.vlong=l2zl(0L);
- /* Die neue Operation benutzt maximal, was die andere benutzte */
- /* und aendert nur die Hilfsvariable. */
- if(have_alias){
- new->use_cnt=p->use_cnt;
- new->use_list=mymalloc(new->use_cnt*VLS);
- memcpy(new->use_list,p->use_list,new->use_cnt*VLS);
- new->change_cnt=1;
- new->change_list=mymalloc(VLS);
- new->change_list[0].v=v;
- new->change_list[0].flags=0;
- }
- insert_IC_fg(g,fglist[g->index],new);
- fglist[g->index]=new;
- p->code=ASSIGN;
- p->typf=t->flags;
- p->q1.flags=VAR;
- p->q1.v=v;
- p->q1.val.vlong=l2zl(0L);
- p->q2.flags=0;
- p->q2.val.vlong=szof(t);
- /* Die Operation in der Schleife benutzt nun zusaetzlich */
- /* noch die Hilfsvariable. */
- if(have_alias){
- void *m=p->use_list;
- p->use_cnt++;
- p->use_list=mymalloc(p->use_cnt*VLS);
- memcpy(&p->use_list[1],m,(p->use_cnt-1)*VLS);
- free(m);
- p->use_list[0].v=v;
- p->use_list[0].flags=0;
- }
- changed|=2;
- }
- m=first_mov->next;
- free(first_mov);
- first_mov=m;
- }
- if(DEBUG&1024) print_flowgraph(first_fg);
- free(fglist);
- return(changed);
- }
- void calc_movable(struct flowgraph *start,struct flowgraph *end)
- /* Berechnet, welche Definitionen nicht aus der Schleife start-end */
- /* verschoben werden duerfen. Eine Def. p von z darf nur verschoben */
- /* werden, wenn keine andere Def. von p existiert und alle */
- /* Verwendungen von z nur von p erreicht werden. */
- /* Benutzt rd_defs, rd_tmp, rd_vars. */
- {
- struct flowgraph *g;struct IC *p;
- int i,j,k,d;
- unsigned char *changed_vars;
- if(DEBUG&1024) printf("calculating not_movable for blocks %d to %d\n",start->index,end->index);
- if(!(optflags&1024)){
- memset(not_movable,UCHAR_MAX,dsize);
- return;
- }
- memset(not_movable,0,dsize);
- changed_vars=mymalloc(vsize);
- memset(changed_vars,0,vsize);
- for(g=start;g;g=g->normalout){
- if(!g->rd_in) ierror(0);
- memcpy(rd_defs,g->rd_in,dsize);
- for(p=g->start;p;p=p->next){
- for(j=0;j<p->change_cnt;j++){
- i=p->change_list[j].v->index;
- if(p->change_list[j].flags&DREFOBJ) i+=vcount-rcount;
- if(i>=vcount) continue;
- if(BTST(changed_vars,i)){
- bvunite(not_movable,defs[i],dsize);
- }else{
- BSET(changed_vars,i);
- }
- }
- for(k=0;k<p->use_cnt;k++){
- i=p->use_list[k].v->index;
- if(p->use_list[k].flags&DREFOBJ) i+=vcount-rcount;
- if(i>=vcount) continue;
- if(BTST(rd_defs,i+dcount+1)){ /* undefined->i ? */
- bvunite(not_movable,defs[i],dsize);
- }else{
- memcpy(rd_tmp,rd_defs,dsize);
- bvdiff(rd_tmp,defs[i],dsize);
- for(d=-1,j=0;j<=dcount;j++){
- if(BTST(rd_defs,j)){
- if(d>=0){ /* mehr als eine Def. */
- bvunite(not_movable,defs[i],dsize);
- d=-1;break;
- }else d=j;
- }
- }
- if(d>=0){
- memcpy(rd_tmp,defs[i],dsize);
- BCLR(rd_tmp,j);
- bvunite(not_movable,rd_tmp,dsize);
- }
- }
- }
- /* Das hier, um rd_defs zu aktualisieren. */
- rd_change(p);
- if(p==g->end) break;
- }
- if(g==end) break;
- }
- free(changed_vars);
- }
- int used_in_loop_only(struct flowgraph *start,struct flowgraph *end,struct obj *o)
- /* Testet, ob Variable nur in der Schleife benutzt wird. */
- /* Z.Z. wird nur auf Hilfsvariablen getestet. */
- /* Unbedingt aendern! */
- {
- struct Var *v;struct flowgraph *g;struct IC *p;
- if((o->flags&(VAR|DREFOBJ))!=VAR) return(0);
- v=o->v;
- if((v->flags&USEDASADR)||v->nesting==0||v->storage_class==EXTERN||v->storage_class==STATIC)
- return(0);
- for(g=first_fg;g;g=g->normalout){
- if(g==start) g=end->normalout;
- if(!g) break;
- for(p=g->start;p;p=p->next){
- if((p->q1.flags&VAR)&&p->q1.v==v) return(0);
- if((p->q2.flags&VAR)&&p->q2.v==v) return(0);
- if((p->z.flags&VAR)&&p->z.v==v) return(0);
- if(p==g->end) break;
- }
- if(g==end) break;
- }
- return(1);
- }
- int always_reached(struct flowgraph *start,struct flowgraph *end,struct flowgraph *fg,struct IC *z,int ignorecall)
- /* Testet, ob z immer ausgefuehrt wird, falls start in fg ausgefuehrt */
- /* wird. fg_tmp ist ein Bitvektor, um zu merken, welche Bloecke sicher */
- /* zu z fuehren. Das ganze fuer die Schleife start-end. */
- /* Wenn ignorecall!=0 ist, wird angenommen, dass jeder CALL */
- /* zurueckkehrt (das ist nuetzlich fuer loop-unrolling). */
- {
- unsigned char *bmk=fg_tmp;
- struct IC *p;struct flowgraph *g;
- int changed;
- for(p=z;p;p=p->prev){
- if(!ignorecall&&p->code==CALL) return(0);
- if(p==fg->start) break;
- }
- if(fg==start) return(1);
- memset(bmk,0,bsize);
- BSET(bmk,fg->index);
- do{
- changed=0;
- for(g=start;g;g=g->normalout){
- if(!BTST(bmk,g->index)){
- struct flowgraph *n=g->normalout;
- struct flowgraph *b=g->branchout;
- if(n||b){
- if((!b||BTST(bmk,b->index))&&
- (!n||(g->end&&g->end->code==BRA)||BTST(bmk,n->index))){
- for(p=g->end;p;p=p->prev){
- if(!ignorecall&&p->code==CALL) break;
- if(p==g->start){
- if(g==start) return(1);
- changed=1; BSET(bmk,g->index);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(g==end) break;
- }
- }while(changed);
- return(0);
- }
- int def_invariant(int vindex,int ignore)
- /* Ermittelt, ob Variable vindex schleifeninvariant unter den Bedingungen */
- /* rd_defs, inloop und invariant ist. */
- /* Definition ignore wird nicht beachtet. Wenn ignore auf eine gueltige */
- /* Definition gesetzt wird, kann man somit auf Induktionsvariablen testen */
- /* (das Ergebnis sagt dann, ob das die einzige Definition in der Schleife */
- /* ist). */
- {
- int i,k,j,d=0;
- /* printf("def_inv(%d)=%s(%ld)\n",vindex,vilist[vindex]->identifier,zl2l(vilist[vindex]->offset));*/
- if(!BTST(rd_defs,vindex+dcount+1)){
- memcpy(rd_tmp,rd_defs,dsize);
- bvintersect(rd_tmp,defs[vindex],dsize);
- for(j=1;j<=dcount;j++){
- if(j!=ignore&&BTST(rd_tmp,j)&&BTST(inloop,j)){
- /* Mehr als eine moegliche Def. innerhalb der Schleife oder */
- /* eine invariante Def. in der Schleife => nicht invariant. */
- if(d) return(0);
- if(!BTST(moved_completely,j)) return(0);
- d=1;
- }
- }
- }else{
- for(j=1;j<=dcount;j++){
- if(j!=ignore&&BTST(rd_defs,j)&&BTST(inloop,j)){
- struct IC *p=dlist[j];
- for(k=0;k<p->change_cnt;k++){
- i=p->change_list[k].v->index;
- if(p->change_list[k].flags&DREFOBJ) i+=vcount-rcount;
- /* printf("modifies %d\n",i);*/
- if(i==vindex) break;
- }
- if(k>=p->change_cnt) continue;
- /* Mehr als eine moegliche Def. innerhalb der Schleife oder */
- /* eine invariante Def. in der Schleife => nicht invariant. */
- if(d) return(0);
- if(!BTST(moved_completely,j)) return(0);
- d=1;
- }
- }
- }
- return(1);
- }
- void frequency_reduction(struct flowgraph *start,struct flowgraph *end,struct flowgraph *head)
- /* Schleifeninvariante ICs finden und in eine Liste eintragen, falls */
- /* sie vor die Schleife gezogen werden koennen. */
- {
- struct IC *p;struct flowgraph *g;
- int i,changed;
- if(head&&start->loopend){
- end=start->loopend;
- if(DEBUG&1024){
- printf("searching for loop-invariant code in loop from block %d to %d\n",start->index,end->index);
- printf("head_fg=%d\n",head->index);
- }
- calc_movable(start,end);
- /* erstmal kein IC invariant */
- memset(invariant,0,dsize);
- /* kennzeichnen, welche ICs in der Schleife liegen */
- memset(inloop,0,dsize);
- for(g=start;g;g=g->normalout){
- for(p=g->start;p;p=p->next){
- if(p->defindex) BSET(inloop,p->defindex);
- if(p==g->end) break;
- }
- if(g==end) break;
- }
- do{
- changed=0;
- if(DEBUG&1024) printf("loop-invariant pass\n");
- /* Schleifeninvariante ICs suchen */
- for(g=start;g;g=g->normalout){
- memcpy(rd_defs,g->rd_in,dsize);
- for(p=g->start;p;p=p->next){
- int k1,k2;
- /* testen, ob IC neu als invariant markiert werden kann */
- if(p->defindex&&p->code!=CALL&&p->code!=GETRETURN&&!BTST(invariant,p->defindex)){
- if(!BTST(inloop,p->defindex)) ierror(0);
- if(p->code==ADDRESS||!p->q1.flags||(p->q1.flags&KONST)||(p->q1.flags&VARADR)){
- k1=1;
- }else{
- if(!(p->q1.flags&VAR)) ierror(0);
- i=p->q1.v->index;
- if(p->q1.flags&DREFOBJ) i+=vcount-rcount;
- k1=def_invariant(i,-1);
- }
- if(k1){
- if(!p->q2.flags||(p->q2.flags&KONST)||(p->q2.flags&VARADR)){
- k2=1;
- }else{
- if(!(p->q2.flags&VAR)) ierror(0);
- i=p->q2.v->index;
- if(p->q2.flags&DREFOBJ) i+=vcount-rcount;
- k2=def_invariant(i,-1);
- }
- }
- if(k1&&k2){
- /* if(DEBUG&1024){ printf("found loop-invariant IC:\n");pric2(stdout,p);}*/
- if(!BTST(moved,p->defindex)&&(always_reached(start,end,g,p,0)||(!dangerous_IC(p)&&used_in_loop_only(start,end,&p->z)))){
- if(p->z.flags&DREFOBJ)
- k1=def_invariant(p->z.v->index,-1);
- else
- k1=1;
- /* if(DEBUG&1024) printf("always reached or used only in loop\n");*/
- if(k1&&!BTST(not_movable,p->defindex)){
- /* if(DEBUG&1024) printf("movable\n");*/
- add_movable(p,head,MOVE_IC);
- }else{
- if(p->code==ADDRESS||((p->typf&NQ)<=POINTER&&(p->q2.flags||(p->q1.flags&DREFOBJ)))){
- /* if(DEBUG&1024) printf("move computation out of loop\n");*/
- add_movable(p,head,MOVE_COMP);
- }
- }
- }else{
- /* Wenn IC immer erreicht wird oder ungefaehrlich */
- /* ist, kann man zumindest die Operation */
- /* rausziehen, falls das lohnt. */
- if(!BTST(moved,p->defindex)&&(!dangerous_IC(p)&&(p->typf&NQ)<=POINTER&&(p->q2.flags||(p->q1.flags&DREFOBJ)||p->code==ADDRESS))){
- /* if(DEBUG&1024) printf("move computation out of loop\n");*/
- add_movable(p,head,MOVE_COMP);
- }
- }
- BSET(invariant,p->defindex);
- changed=1;
- }
- }
- /* Das hier, um rd_defs zu aktualisieren. */
- rd_change(p);
- if(p==g->end) break;
- }
- if(g==end) break;
- }
- }while(changed);
- }
- return;
- }
- void add_sr(struct IC *p,struct flowgraph *fg,int i_var)
- /* Fuegt IC p, das aus der Schleife in Block fg lineare Fkt. der */
- /* Induktionsvariable i_var ist, in Liste ein. */
- /* Funktioniert als Stack. Da mit aeusseren Schleifen angefangen */
- /* wird, werden ICs zuerst in inneren Schleifen reduziert. Da ein */
- /* IC nur einmal reduziert wird, sollte dadurch das Problem eines */
- /* ICs, das potentiell in mehreren Schleifen reduziert werden */
- /* koennte, geloest werden. */
- {
- struct srlist *new=mymalloc(sizeof(*new));
- if(DEBUG&1024) printf("all:%p\n",(void*)new);
- new->IC=p;
- new->target_fg=fg;
- new->ind_var=ind_vars[i_var];
- new->next=first_sr;
- new->hv=0;
- first_sr=new;
- #if 0
- if(last_sr){
- last_sr->next=new;
- last_sr=new;
- }else{
- first_sr=last_sr=new;
- }
- #endif
- }
- int do_sr(void)
- /* Durchlaufe die Liste aller strength-reduction-Kandidaten und */
- /* ersetze sie durch neue Induktionsvariablen. Dabei aufpassen, */
- /* falls ein IC schon von frequency-reduction bearbeitet wurde. */
- /* Ausserdem wird die Liste freigegeben. */
- {
- struct IC **fglist; /* Letztes IC vor jedem Block */
- struct IC *p;
- struct flowgraph *g;
- struct srlist *mf;
- int changed=0;
- if(!first_sr) return(0);
- if(DEBUG&1024) printf("performing strength-reductions\n");
- fglist=mymalloc((basic_blocks+1)*sizeof(*fglist));
- p=0;
- for(g=first_fg;g;g=g->normalout){
- if(g->index>basic_blocks) ierror(0);
- if(g->end) p=g->end;
- fglist[g->index]=p;
- }
- while(first_sr){
- struct Var *niv,*nstep;
- struct Typ *t1,*t2;
- struct IC *iv_ic,*new,*m;
- int i,c;
- p=first_sr->IC;
- i=p->defindex;
- /* Falls IC noch nicht verschoben und noch nicht reduziert wurde. */
- if(!BTST(moved,i)&&p->code!=ASSIGN){
- if(first_sr->hv){
- /* Es wurde schon eine aequivalente Operation reduziert, wir */
- /* koennen also dieselbe Hilfsvariable benutzen. */
- p->code=ASSIGN;
- p->q1.flags=VAR;
- p->q1.v=first_sr->hv;
- p->q1.val.vlong=l2zl(0L);
- p->q2.flags=0;
- p->q2.val.vlong=szof(p->z.v->vtyp);
- /* Hilfsvariable wird jetzt auch benutzt. */
- if(have_alias){
- void *m=p->use_list;
- p->use_cnt++;
- p->use_list=mymalloc(p->use_cnt*VLS);
- memcpy(&p->use_list[1],m,(p->use_cnt-1)*VLS);
- free(m);
- p->use_list[0].v=first_sr->hv;
- p->use_list[0].flags=0;
- }
- }else{
- int minus=0;
- if(DEBUG&1024){ printf("performing strength-reduction on IC:\n");pric2(stdout,p);}
- c=p->code;
- g=first_sr->target_fg;
- iv_ic=first_sr->ind_var;
- /* Merken, wenn IC von der Form SUB x,ind_var->z */
- if(c==SUB&&!compare_objs(&p->q2,&iv_ic->z,iv_ic->typf))
- minus=1;
- if(DEBUG&1024) puts("1");
- t1=mymalloc(TYPS);
- t1->flags=p->typf;
- if(c==ADDI2P||c==SUBIFP){
- t1->flags=POINTER;
- t1->next=mymalloc(TYPS);
- t1->next->flags=VOID;
- t1->next->next=0;
- }else t1->next=0;
- niv=add_tmp_var(t1);
- if(DEBUG&1024) puts("2");
- /* Suchen, ob es noch aequivalente Operationen gibt. */
- /* Noch sehr ineffizient... */
- for(mf=first_sr->next;mf;mf=mf->next){
- if(mf->target_fg==g&&mf->ind_var==iv_ic){
- m=mf->IC;
- if(c==m->code&&p->typf==m->typf&&
- !compare_objs(&p->q1,&m->q1,p->typf)&&
- !compare_objs(&p->q2,&m->q2,p->typf)){
- if(mf->hv) ierror(0);
- mf->hv=niv;
- if(DEBUG&1024){ printf("equivalent operation\n");pric2(stdout,m);}
- }
- }
- }
- if(DEBUG&1024) puts("3");
- /* Initialisierung der Hilfsinduktionsvariablen */
- new=mymalloc(ICS);
- *new=*p;
- new->z.flags=VAR;
- new->z.v=niv;
- new->z.val.vlong=l2zl(0L);
- /* IC benutzt dasselbe wie p und aendert nur niv. */
- if(DEBUG&1024) puts("4");
- if(have_alias){
- new->change_cnt=1;
- new->change_list=mymalloc(VLS);
- new->change_list[0].v=niv;
- new->change_list[0].flags=0;
- new->use_cnt=p->use_cnt;
- new->use_list=mymalloc(new->use_cnt*VLS);
- memcpy(new->use_list,p->use_list,new->use_cnt*VLS);
- }
- if(DEBUG&1024) puts("5");
- insert_IC_fg(g,fglist[g->index],new);
- fglist[g->index]=m=new;
- if(DEBUG&1024) puts("6");
- /* Ersetzen der Operation durch die Hilfsvariable */
- p->code=ASSIGN;
- p->typf=t1->flags;
- p->q1=m->z;
- p->q2.flags=0;
- p->q2.val.vlong=szof(t1);
- /* Benutzt jetzt auch Hilfsvariable. */
- if(DEBUG&1024) puts("7");
- if(have_alias){
- void *mr=p->use_list;
- p->use_cnt++;
- p->use_list=mymalloc(p->use_cnt*VLS);
- memcpy(&p->use_list[1],mr,(p->use_cnt-1)*VLS);
- free(mr);
- p->use_list[0].v=niv;
- p->use_list[0].flags=0;
- }
- if(DEBUG&1024) puts("8");
- /* Berechnen der Schrittweite fuer Hilfsvariable */
- if(c==MULT){
- t2=mymalloc(TYPS);
- t2->flags=iv_ic->typf;
- t2->next=0;
- nstep=add_tmp_var(t2);
- new=mymalloc(ICS);
- new->line=iv_ic->line;
- new->file=iv_ic->file;
- new->code=MULT;
- new->typf=p->typf;
- new->z.flags=VAR;
- new->z.v=nstep;
- new->z.val.vlong=l2zl(0L);
- if(!compare_objs(&m->q1,&iv_ic->z,iv_ic->typf)) new->q1=m->q2;
- else new->q1=m->q1;
- if(!compare_objs(&iv_ic->q1,&iv_ic->z,iv_ic->typf)) new->q2=iv_ic->q2;
- else new->q2=iv_ic->q1;
- /* Benutzt dasselbe wie iv_ic und m. */
- if(have_alias){
- new->use_cnt=iv_ic->use_cnt+m->use_cnt;
- new->use_list=mymalloc(new->use_cnt*VLS);
- memcpy(new->use_list,iv_ic->use_list,iv_ic->use_cnt*VLS);
- memcpy(&new->use_list[iv_ic->use_cnt],m->use_list,m->use_cnt*VLS);
- new->change_cnt=1;
- new->change_list=mymalloc(VLS);
- new->change_list[0].v=nstep;
- new->change_list[0].flags=0;
- }
- insert_IC_fg(g,fglist[g->index],new);
- fglist[g->index]=m=new;
- }
- if(DEBUG&1024) puts("9");
- /* Erhoehen der Hilfsvariable um Schrittweite */
- new=mymalloc(ICS);
- new->line=iv_ic->line;
- new->file=iv_ic->file;
- new->code=iv_ic->code;
- if(DEBUG&1024) puts("10");
- if(minus){
- switch(new->code){
- case ADD: new->code=SUB; break;
- case SUB: new->code=ADD; break;
- case ADDI2P: new->code=SUBIFP; break;
- case SUBIFP: new->code=ADDI2P; break;
- }
- }
- if(DEBUG&1024) puts("11");
- if(t1->flags==POINTER){
- if(new->code==ADD) new->code=ADDI2P;
- if(new->code==SUB) new->code=SUBIFP;
- }
- if(DEBUG&1024) puts("12");
- new->typf=iv_ic->typf;
- new->q1.flags=VAR;
- new->q1.v=niv;
- new->q1.val.vlong=l2zl(0L);
- new->z=new->q1;
- if(c==MULT){
- new->q2=m->z;
- }else{
- if(!compare_objs(&iv_ic->q1,&iv_ic->z,iv_ic->typf)) new->q2=iv_ic->q2;
- else new->q2=iv_ic->q1;
- }
- if(DEBUG&1024) puts("13");
- if(have_alias){
- new->use_cnt=iv_ic->use_cnt+m->use_cnt;
- new->use_list=mymalloc(new->use_cnt*VLS);
- memcpy(new->use_list,iv_ic->use_list,iv_ic->use_cnt*VLS);
- memcpy(&new->use_list[iv_ic->use_cnt],m->use_list,m->use_cnt*VLS);
- new->change_cnt=1;
- new->change_list=mymalloc(VLS);
- new->change_list[0].v=niv;
- new->change_list[0].flags=0;
- }
- if(DEBUG&1024) puts("14");
- /* Flussgraph muss nur bei den Schleifenkoepfen ok sein. */
- insert_IC(iv_ic,new);
- if(DEBUG&1024) puts("15");
- changed|=2;
- }
- }
- if(DEBUG&1024) puts("16");
- mf=first_sr->next;
- if(DEBUG&1024) puts("16a");
- if(DEBUG&1024) printf("fr:%p\n",(void*)first_sr);
- free(first_sr);
- if(DEBUG&1024) puts("16b");
- first_sr=mf;
- if(DEBUG&1024) puts("17");
- }
- free(fglist);
- return(changed);
- }
- void strength_reduction(struct flowgraph *start,struct flowgraph *end,struct flowgraph *head)
- /* Ersetzen von Operationen mit einer Induktionsvariablen und einem */
- /* schleifeninvarianten Operanden durch eine zusaetzliche */
- /* Hilfsinduktionsvariable. */
- {
- struct flowgraph *g;struct IC *p;
- int i;
- if(DEBUG&1024) printf("performing strength_reduction on blocks %d to %d\n",start->index,end->index);
- for(i=0;i<vcount;i++) ind_vars[i]=0;
- /* Nach Induktionsvariablen suchen. */
- for(g=start;g;g=g->normalout){
- memcpy(rd_defs,g->rd_in,dsize);
- for(p=g->start;p;p=p->next){
- int c=p->code;
- if(c==ADD||c==ADDI2P||c==SUB||c==SUBIFP){
- if(!compare_objs(&p->q1,&p->z,p->typf)){
- /* if(DEBUG&1024){printf("possible induction:\n");pric2(stdout,p);}*/
- if(p->q2.flags&VAR){
- i=p->q2.v->index;
- if(p->q2.flags&DREFOBJ) i+=vcount-rcount;
- }
- if((p->q2.flags&(VAR|VARADR))!=VAR||def_invariant(i,-1)){
- i=p->z.v->index;
- if(p->z.flags&DREFOBJ) i+=vcount-rcount;
- if(def_invariant(i,p->defindex)){
- /* if(DEBUG&1024) {printf("found basic induction var:\n");pric2(stdout,p);}*/
- ind_vars[i]=p;
- }
- }
- }
- if(USEQ2ASZ&&c!=SUB&&c!=SUBIFP&&!compare_objs(&p->q2,&p->z,p->typf)){
- /* if(DEBUG&1024){printf("possible induction:\n");pric2(stdout,p);}*/
- if(p->q1.flags&VAR){
- i=p->q1.v->index;
- if(p->q1.flags&DREFOBJ) i+=vcount-rcount;
- }
- if((p->q1.flags&(VAR|VARADR))!=VAR||def_invariant(i,-1)){
- i=p->z.v->index;
- if(p->z.flags&DREFOBJ) i+=vcount-rcount;
- if(def_invariant(i,p->defindex)){
- /* if(DEBUG&1024) {printf("found basic induction var:\n");pric2(stdout,p);}*/
- ind_vars[i]=p;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* Das hier, um rd_defs zu aktualisieren. */
- rd_change(p);
- if(p==g->end) break;
- }
- if(g==end) break;
- }
- /* Nach reduzierbaren Operationen suchen */
- for(g=start;g;g=g->normalout){
- memcpy(rd_defs,g->rd_in,dsize);
- for(p=g->start;p;p=p->next){
- if((p->code==MULT||p->code==ADD||p->code==SUB||p->code==ADDI2P||p->code==SUBIFP)&&
- (((p->typf&NQ)!=FLOAT&&(p->typf&NQ)!=DOUBLE)||fp_assoc) ){
- int k1,k2,iv;
- if((p->q1.flags&(VAR|VARADR))==VAR){
- i=p->q1.v->index;
- if(p->q1.flags&DREFOBJ) i+=vcount-rcount;
- if(ind_vars[i]) {k1=1;iv=i;}
- else if(def_invariant(i,-1)) k1=2;
- else k1=0;
- }else k1=2;
- if((p->q2.flags&(VAR|VARADR))==VAR){
- i=p->q2.v->index;
- if(p->q2.flags&DREFOBJ) i+=vcount-rcount;
- if(ind_vars[i]) {k2=1;iv=i;}
- else if(def_invariant(i,-1)) k2=2;
- else k2=0;
- }else k2=2;
- if(p->z.flags&VAR){
- /* Aufpassen, dass eine Induktion nicht selbst reduziert */
- /* wird. */
- i=p->z.v->index;
- if(p->z.flags&DREFOBJ) i+=vcount-rcount;
- if(ind_vars[i]) k1=0;
- }
- if(k1+k2==3){
- /* if(DEBUG&1024) {printf("could perform strength-reduction on:\n");pric2(stdout,p);}*/
- add_sr(p,head,iv);
- }
- }
- /* Das hier, um rd_defs zu aktualisieren. */
- rd_change(p);
- if(p==g->end) break;
- }
- if(g==end) break;
- }
- }
- void copy_code(struct IC *start,struct IC *end,struct IC *dest,int n)
- /* Kopiert Code von start bis end n-mal hinter dest. Generiert */
- /* entsprechend neue Labels. Allerdings wird der Flussgraph und */
- /* aliasing-info nicht angepasst und muss danach neu generiert werden. */
- {
- int firstl=0,lastl=0,*larray,i,j;
- struct IC *p,*new;
- if(DEBUG&1024) printf("copy_code %d times\n",n);
- /* Feststellen, welche Labels in der Schleife definiert werden. */
- for(p=start;p;p=p->next){
- if(p->code==LABEL){
- if(firstl==0||firstl>p->typf) firstl=p->typf;
- if(lastl ==0|| lastl<p->typf) lastl =p->typf;
- }
- if(p==end) break;
- }
- if(DEBUG&1024) printf("firstl=%d, lastl=%d\n",firstl,lastl);
- larray=mymalloc((lastl-firstl+1)*sizeof(*larray));
- for(i=0;i<=lastl-firstl;i++) larray[i]=0;
- for(p=start;p;p=p->next){
- if(p->code==LABEL) larray[p->typf-firstl]=1;
- if(p==end) break;
- }
- /* Hauptschleife. */
- for(i=0;i<n;i++){
- /* Neue Labels erzeugen. */
- for(j=0;j<=lastl-firstl;j++)
- if(larray[j]) larray[j]=++label;
- /* Code kopieren (rueckwaerts). */
- for(p=end;p;p=p->prev){
- new=mymalloc(ICS);
- *new=*p;
- /* Fuer free_alias. */
- new->change_cnt=new->use_cnt=0;
- /* Evtl. Label anpassen. */
- if(p->code>=LABEL&&p->code<=BRA){
- if(p->typf>=firstl&&p->typf<=lastl&&larray[p->typf-firstl])
- new->typf=larray[p->typf-firstl];
- }
- insert_IC(dest,new);
- if(p==start) break;
- }
- }
- free(larray);
- }
- void add_ur(int flags,long total,long unroll,struct flowgraph *start,struct flowgraph *head,struct IC *cmp,struct IC *branch,struct IC *ind)
- /* Fuegt Daten fuer loop-unrolling in Stack ein. */
- {
- struct urlist *new=mymalloc(sizeof(struct urlist));
- if(DEBUG&1024) printf("add_ur, flags=%d\n",flags);
- new->flags=flags;
- new->total=total;
- new->unroll=unroll;
- new->start=start;
- new->head=head;
- new->cmp=cmp;
- new->branch=branch;
- new->ind=ind;
- new->next=first_ur;
- first_ur=new;
- }
- int do_unroll(int donothing)
- /* Fuehrt loop-unrolling durch. Wenn donothing!=0, wird die Liste nur */
- /* freigegeben. */
- {
- int changed=0; struct urlist *m;
- while(m=first_ur){
- int flags=m->flags;
- long total=m->total,unroll=m->unroll;
- struct flowgraph *start=m->start,*head=m->head;
- struct IC *cmp=m->cmp,*branch=m->branch,*ind=m->ind;
- if(donothing) flags=0;
- /* Schleife komplett ausrollen. */
- if(DEBUG&1024) printf("unroll loop completely\n");
- copy_code(start->start->next,cmp->prev,start->start,total-1);
- if(DEBUG&1024) printf("removing loop branch\n");
- remove_IC(branch);
- if(!cmp->z.flags){
- remove_IC(cmp);
- if(DEBUG&1024) printf("removing loop compare\n");
- }
- changed|=1;
- }
- if(flags==UNROLL_MODULO){
- /* Schleife teilweise ausrollen. */
- if(DEBUG&1024) printf("unroll loop partially, n=%ld,r=%ld\n",unroll,total%unroll);
- if(unroll>1){
- copy_code(start->start->next,cmp->prev,head->start,total%unroll);
- copy_code(start->start->next,cmp->prev,start->start,unroll-1);
- changed|=1;
- }
- }
- if(flags==UNROLL_INVARIANT){
- struct IC *new,*mc; struct Var *v; int out=++label,code;
- long i; struct Typ *t;
- if(DEBUG&1024) printf("unrolling non-constant loop\n");
- if(cmp->q1.flags&VAR) t=cmp->q1.v->vtyp; else t=cmp->q2.v->vtyp;
- v=add_tmp_var(clone_typ(t));
- /* branch dient hier teilweise als leere Schablone. */
- /* Label an Schleifenausgang setzen. */
- new=mymalloc(ICS); *new=*branch;
- new->change_cnt=new->use_cnt=0;
- new->code=LABEL;
- new->typf=out;
- insert_IC(branch,new);
- /* Test vor die unroll-Variante. */
- new=mymalloc(ICS); *new=*branch;
- new->change_cnt=new->use_cnt=0;
- if(branch->code==BLT) new->code=BGE;
- if(branch->code==BLE) new->code=BGT;
- if(branch->code==BGT) new->code=BLE;
- if(branch->code==BGE) new->code=BLT;
- if(branch->code==BEQ) ierror(0);
- if(branch->code==BNE) ierror(0);
- code=branch->code;
- mc=new;
- new->typf=out;
- insert_IC(head->start,new);
- new=mymalloc(ICS); *new=*cmp;
- new->change_cnt=new->use_cnt=0;
- insert_IC(head->start,new);
- /* Einsprungpunkte fuer die Modulos. */
- for(i=1;i<unroll;i++){
- copy_code(start->start->next,cmp->prev,head->start,1);
- new=mymalloc(ICS); *new=*branch;
- new->change_cnt=new->use_cnt=0;
- new->code=LABEL;
- new->typf=label+i+1;
- insert_IC(head->start,new);
- }
- /* Testen, welches Modulo. */
- for(i=unroll-2;i>=0;i--){
- new=mymalloc(ICS); *new=*branch;
- new->change_cnt=new->use_cnt=0;
- new->code=BEQ;
- if(i>0) new->typf=label+i+1;
- else new->typf=start->start->typf;
- insert_IC(head->start,new);
- new=mymalloc(ICS); *new=*branch;
- new->change_cnt=new->use_cnt=0;
- if(SWITCHSUBS) new->q1.val.vlong=l2zl(1L);
- else new->q1.val.vlong=l2zl(i);
- eval_const(&new->q1.val,LONG);
- new->q1.flags=VAR;
- new->q1.v=v;
- new->q1.val.vlong=l2zl(0L);
- new->typf=t->flags;
- if(SWITCHSUBS||i==0){
- new->code=TEST;
- insert_IC(head->start,new);
- if(i>0){
- new=mymalloc(ICS);
- *new=*head->start->next;
- new->change_cnt=new->use_cnt=0;
- new->code=SUB;
- new->z=new->q1;
- new->q2.flags=KONST;
- insert_const2(&new->q2.val,new->typf&NU);
- insert_IC(head->start,new);
- }
- }else{
- new->code=COMPARE;
- new->q2.flags=KONST;
- insert_const2(&new->q2.val,new->typf&NU);
- insert_IC(head->start,new);
- }
- }
- /* Durchlaeufe modulo unroll berechnen. */
- new=mymalloc(ICS); *new=*branch;
- new->change_cnt=new->use_cnt=0;
- new->code=AND;
- new->typf=t->flags;
- new->q1.flags=VAR;
- new->q1.v=v;
- new->q1.val.vlong=l2zl(0L);
- new->z=new->q1;
- new->q2.flags=KONST;
- new->q2.val.vlong=l2zl(unroll-1);
- eval_const(&new->q2.val,LONG);
- insert_const2(&new->q2.val,new->typf);
- insert_IC(head->start,new);
- new=mymalloc(ICS);
- *new=*ind;
- new->change_cnt=new->use_cnt=0;
- new->code=DIV;
- new->q1=head->start->next->z;
- new->z=new->q1;
- insert_IC(head->start,new);
- new=mymalloc(ICS);
- *new=*head->start->next;
- new->code=ADD;
- insert_IC(head->start,new);
- if(code==BLT||code==BGT){
- new=mymalloc(ICS);
- *new=*head->start->next;
- new->code=SUB;
- new->q2.val.vlong=l2zl(1L);
- eval_const(&new->q2.val,LONG);
- insert_const2(&new->q2.val,new->typf);
- insert_IC(head->start,new);
- }
- new=mymalloc(ICS);
- *new=*head->start->next;
- new->change_cnt=new->use_cnt=0;
- new->code=SUB;
- if(!compare_objs(&ind->z,&cmp->q1,new->typf)){
- if(code==BLT||code==BLE){new->q1=cmp->q2;new->q2=ind->z;}
- else {new->q2=cmp->q2;new->q1=ind->z;}
- }else{
- if(code==BLT||code==BLE){new->q1=cmp->q1;new->q2=ind->z;}
- else {new->q2=cmp->q1;new->q1=ind->z;}
- }
- if(ind->code==SUB){
- struct obj o;
- o=new->q1;new->q1=new->q2;new->q2=o;
- }
- insert_IC(head->start,new);
- new=mymalloc(ICS);
- *new=*mc;
- new->typf=label+2;
- insert_IC(head->start,new);
- new=mymalloc(ICS);
- *new=*cmp; new->change_cnt=new->use_cnt=0;
- insert_IC(head->start,new);
- copy_code(start->start->next,cmp->prev,start->start,unroll-1);
- label+=unroll;
- changed|=2;
- }
- first_ur=m->next;
- free(m);
- }
- return(changed);
- }
- void unroll(struct flowgraph *start,struct flowgraph *head)
- /* Versucht loop-unrolling. */
- {
- struct flowlist *lp;struct flowgraph *end,*g;struct IC *p,*m,*branch,*cmp;
- struct obj *o,*e,*cc; union atyps init_val,end_val,step_val;
- unsigned char *tmp;
- long dist,step,ic_cnt,n;
- int bflag=0,t=0,i,flags=0; /* 1: sub, 2: init_val gefunden */
- end=start->loopend;
- if(DEBUG&1024) printf("checking for possible unrolling from %d to %d\n",start->index,end->index);
- for(lp=start->in;lp;lp=lp->next)
- if(lp->graph->index>start->index&&lp->graph->index<=end->index&&lp->graph!=end) return;
- if(DEBUG&1024) printf("only one backward-branch\n");
- e=0; p=end->end;
- do{
- if(p->code>=BEQ&&p->code<BRA){ branch=p;bflag=p->code;cc=&p->q1; }
- if(p->code==TEST){
- if(compare_objs(cc,&p->z,p->typf)) return;
- o=&p->q1;t=p->typf;cmp=p;
- end_val.vlong=l2zl(0L); eval_const(&end_val,LONG);
- insert_const2(&end_val,t);
- break;
- }
- if(p->code==COMPARE){
- if(compare_objs(cc,&p->z,p->typf)) return;
- cmp=p;
- if(p->q1.flags&VAR){
- if(ind_vars[p->q1.v->index]){
- o=&p->q1;t=p->typf;
- e=&p->q2;
- break;
- }
- }
- if(p->q2.flags&VAR){
- if(ind_vars[p->q2.v->index]){
- o=&p->q2;t=p->typf;
- e=&p->q1;
- if(bflag==BLT) bflag=BGT;
- if(bflag==BLE) bflag=BGE;
- if(bflag==BGT) bflag=BLT;
- if(bflag==BGE) bflag=BLE;
- break;
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- if(p==end->start) return;
- p=p->prev;
- }while(p);
- if(!e||(e->flags&KONST)){
- if(e) end_val=e->val;
- if(DEBUG&1024) printf("end condition is constant\n");
- }else{
- if(!(e->flags&VAR)) return;
- i=e->v->index;
- if(e->flags&DREFOBJ) i+=vcount-rcount;
- if(DEBUG&1024) printf("testing end-condition\n");
- memcpy(rd_defs,end->rd_in,dsize);
- for(m=end->start;m;m=m->next){
- if(m==cmp){
- if(DEBUG&1024) pric2(stdout,m);
- if(!def_invariant(i,-1)) return;
- if(DEBUG&1024) printf("end condition loop-invariant\n");
- break;
- }
- rd_change(m);
- if(m==end->end) ierror(0);
- }
- }
- p=ind_vars[o->v->index];
- if(!p) return;
- if(compare_objs(o,&p->z,t)) return;
- if(DEBUG&1024) printf("loop condition only dependant on induction var\n");
- if(!(p->q2.flags&KONST)) return;
- if(DEBUG&1024) printf("induction is constant\n");
- for(ic_cnt=0,g=start;g;g=g->normalout){
- for(m=g->start;m;m=m->next){
- if(m==p&&!always_reached(start,end,g,p,1)) return;
- ic_cnt++;
- if(m==g->end) break;
- }
- if(g==end) break;
- }
- ic_cnt-=2; /* Branch und Test */
- if(DEBUG&1024) printf("induction always reached\n");
- if(DEBUG&1024) printf("ICs in loop: %ld\n",ic_cnt);
- step_val=p->q2.val;
- if(p->code==SUB) flags|=1;
- if(e&&!(e->flags&KONST)){
- /* Anzahl der Schleifendurchlaeufe kann beim Eintritt in die */
- /* Schleife zur Laufzeit berechnet werden. */
- if((p->q2.flags&KONST)&&bflag!=BEQ&&bflag!=BNE){
- if(unroll_size>=8*ic_cnt+8)
- add_ur(UNROLL_INVARIANT,0,8,start,head,cmp,branch,p);
- else if(unroll_size>=4*ic_cnt+4)
- add_ur(UNROLL_INVARIANT,0,4,start,head,cmp,branch,p);
- else if(unroll_size>=4*ic_cnt+2)
- add_ur(UNROLL_INVARIANT,0,2,start,head,cmp,branch,p);
- return;
- }
- }
- i=p->z.v->index;
- if(p->z.flags&DREFOBJ) i+=vcount-rcount;
- tmp=mymalloc(dsize);
- memcpy(tmp,head->rd_out,dsize);
- if(BTST(tmp,i+dcount+1)) return; /* keine eind. Def. */
- bvintersect(tmp,defs[i],dsize);
- for(i=1;i<=dcount;i++){
- if(BTST(tmp,i)){
- if(DEBUG&1024){ printf("possible init:\n");pric2(stdout,dlist[i]);}
- if((flags&2)||dlist[i]->code!=ASSIGN||!(dlist[i]->q1.flags&KONST)){
- free(tmp);return;
- }
- init_val=dlist[i]->q1.val;
- flags|=2;
- }
- }
- free(tmp);
- if(!(flags&2)) return;
- if(DEBUG&1024){
- printf("loop number determinable\n");
- printf("init_val: ");printval(stdout,&init_val,t,1);
- printf("\nend_val: ");printval(stdout,&end_val,t,1);
- printf("\nstep_val: ");printval(stdout,&step_val,t,1);
- printf("\nflags=%d bflag=%d\n",flags,bflag);
- }
- /* Nur integers als Induktionsvariablen. */
- if((t&NQ)>LONG) return;
- /* Distanz und Step werden als long behandelt, deshalb pruefen, ob */
- /* alles im Bereich des garantierten Mindestwerte fuer long. */
- /* Wenn man hier die Arithmetik der Zielmaschine benutzen wuerde, */
- /* koennte man theoretisch mehr Faelle erkennen, aber das waere */
- /* recht popelig und man muss sehr aufpassen. */
- if(t&UNSIGNED){
- eval_const(&end_val,t);
- if(!zulleq(vulong,l2zl(2147483647))) return;
- dist=zul2ul(vulong);
- eval_const(&init_val,t);
- if(!zulleq(vulong,l2zl(2147483647))) return;
- dist-=zul2ul(vulong);
- eval_const(&step_val,t);
- if(!zulleq(vulong,l2zl(2147483647))) return;
- step=zul2ul(vulong);
- }else{
- eval_const(&end_val,t);
- if(!zlleq(vlong,l2zl(2147483647/2))) return;
- if(zlleq(vlong,l2zl(-2147483647/2))) return; /* eins weniger als moeglich waere */
- dist=zl2l(vlong);
- eval_const(&init_val,t);
- if(!zlleq(vlong,l2zl(2147483647/2))) return;
- if(zlleq(vlong,l2zl(-2147483647/2))) return; /* eins weniger als moeglich waere */
- dist-=zl2l(vlong);
- eval_const(&step_val,t);
- if(!zlleq(vlong,l2zl(2147483647))) return;
- if(zlleq(vlong,l2zl(-2147483647))) return; /* eins weniger als moeglich waere */
- step=zl2l(vlong);
- }
- if(flags&1) step=-step;
- if(DEBUG&1024) printf("dist=%ld, step=%ld\n",dist,step);
- if(step==0) ierror(0);
- /* Die Faelle kann man noch genauer untersuchen, ob die Schleife */
- /* evtl. nur einmal durchlaufen wird o.ae. */
- if(step<0&&dist>=0){
- if(report_suspicious_loops){ error(208);report_suspicious_loops=0;}
- return;
- }
- if(step>0&&dist<=0){
- if(report_suspicious_loops){ error(208);report_suspicious_loops=0;}
- return;
- }
- if(bflag==BEQ){
- if(report_suspicious_loops){ error(208);report_suspicious_loops=0;}
- return;
- }
- /* Aufpassen, ob das Schleifenende bei BNE auch getroffen wird. */
- if(bflag==BNE){
- if(dist%step){
- if(report_suspicious_loops){ error(208);report_suspicious_loops=0;}
- return;
- }
- }
- if(bflag==BLT||bflag==BGT||bflag==BNE){
- if(step>0) dist--; else dist++;
- }
- if(dist/step<0) ierror(0);
- if(DEBUG&1024) printf("loop is executed %ld times\n",dist/step+1);
- if(start->start->code!=LABEL) ierror(0);
- if(ic_cnt*(dist/step+1)<=unroll_size){
- /* Schleife komplett ausrollen. */
- add_ur(UNROLL_COMPLETELY,dist/step+1,dist/step+1,start,head,cmp,branch,p);
- }else{
- /* Schleife teilweise ausrollen. */
- n=(unroll_size-ic_cnt-2)/(2*ic_cnt);
- add_ur(UNROLL_MODULO,dist/step+1,n,start,head,cmp,branch,p);
- }
- }
- int loop_optimizations(struct flowgraph *fg)
- /* steuert Optimierungen in Schleifen */
- {
- int changed=0,i;
- struct flowgraph *g,*last;
- if(DEBUG&1024) print_flowgraph(fg);
- if(loops(fg,0)==0) return(0);
- if(DEBUG&1024) print_flowgraph(fg);
- first_fg=fg=create_loop_headers(fg,0);
- if(DEBUG&1024) print_flowgraph(fg);
- num_defs();
- bsize=(basic_blocks+CHAR_BIT)/CHAR_BIT;
- fg_tmp=mymalloc(bsize);
- ind_vars=mymalloc(vcount*sizeof(*ind_vars));
- invariant=mymalloc(dsize);
- inloop=mymalloc(dsize);
- rd_defs=mymalloc(dsize);
- rd_tmp=mymalloc(dsize);
- rd_mode=1;
- reaching_definitions(fg);
- if(DEBUG&1024) print_flowgraph(fg);
- moved=mymalloc(dsize);
- memset(moved,0,dsize);
- moved_completely=mymalloc(dsize);
- memset(moved_completely,0,dsize);
- not_movable=mymalloc(dsize);
- first_mov=last_mov=0;
- first_sr=last_sr=0;
- for(last=0,g=fg;g;g=g->normalout){
- if(g->loopend){
- frequency_reduction(g,g->loopend,last);
- strength_reduction(g,g->loopend,last);
- if(optflags&2048) unroll(g,last);
- }
- last=g;
- }
- for(i=0;i<vcount;i++) free(defs[i]);
- free(defs);
- free(dlist);
- free(rd_globals);
- free(rd_statics);
- free(rd_address);
- free(rd_drefs);
- free(rd_parms);
- free(rd_defs);
- free(rd_tmp);
- free(rd_vars);
- free(invariant);
- free(inloop);
- changed|=move_to_head();
- if(DEBUG&1024) puts("done");
- changed|=do_sr();
- if(DEBUG&1024) puts("done");
- changed|=do_unroll(changed);
- if(DEBUG&1024) puts("done");
- free(moved);
- free(not_movable);
- free(moved_completely);
- if(DEBUG&1024) puts("4");
- if(changed&2){
- if(DEBUG&1024) printf("must repeat num_vars\n");
- free(vilist);
- free(av_globals);free(av_statics);
- free(av_drefs);free(av_address);
- num_vars();
- }
- free(ind_vars);
- free(fg_tmp);
- return(changed);
- }