; You are about to read\nthe length of each song of the CD\nand store it in the current record.\nThis will overwrite any former contents!\nAre you sure you want to continue?
CDP_NoSupport_msg (144//300)
; Your CD-ROM drive seems\nnot to support this feature!
CDP_NoTOC_msg (145//300)
; Can't read table of contents!
; *** Find & Select ***
SF_WTitle_msg (160//50)
; Find...
SEL_WTitle_msg (161//50)
; Select...
SF_tabPatterns_msg (162//20)
; Patterns
SF_tabFiles_msg (163//20)
; Files
SF_Range_msg (164//13)
; Ran_ge:
SF_B2E_msg (165//27)
; Beginning-End
SF_B2C_msg (166//27)
; Beginning-current Position
SF_C2E_msg (167//27)
; Current Position-End
SF_Dir_msg (168//13)
; _Direction:
SF_Forward_msg (169//27)
; Forward
SF_Backward_msg (170//27)
; Backward
SF_This_msg (171//27)
; _This file
SF_All_msg (172//27)
; _All files
SF_Some_msg (173//27)
; _Selected files
SF_FileSelect_msg (174//30)
; _File selection
SF_Artist_msg (175//20)
; Art_ist:
SF_Title_msg (176//20)
; _Title:
SF_Song_msg (177//20)
; _Song:
SF_Length_msg (178//20)
; _Length:
SF_Type_msg (179//20)
; T_ype:
SF_Free_msg (180//20)
; _Free Time:
SF_Note_msg (181//20)
; _Note:
SF_Released_msg (182//20)
; _Released:
SF_Special_msg (183//20)
; S_pecial:
SF_LentTo_msg (184//20)
; L_ent to:
SF_Comparing_msg (185//50)
; Comparing records...
SF_RecFoundWT_msg (186//50)
; Record found!\nDo you want to...
SF_RFGadgets_msg (187//50)
; Find _next match|_Stop
SF_NoMoreRecs_msg (188//50)
; No more records found!
SF_NoRecFound_msg (189//50)
; No records found!
SF_RecsFound_msg (190//50)
; %d records found!
SF_SaveSelect_msg (191//30)
; Save selection as...
; *** Print ***
PR_WTitle_msg (210//50)
; Printing...
PR_tabSettings_msg (211//20)
; Settings
PR_tabSelection_msg (212//20)
; Selection
PR_tabSort_msg (213//20)
; Sort
PR_tabListLayout_msg (214//20)
; List layout
PR_tabFiles_msg (215//20)
; Files
PR_tabHeadFoot_msg (216//20)
; Head- & Footline
PR_Mode_msg (217//16)
; _Mode:
PR_Record_msg (218//11)
; Record
PR_List_msg (219//11)
; List
PR_Output_msg (220//30)
; Print to _file?
PR_Filename_msg (221//16)
; File_name:
PR_This_msg (222//30)
; Curren_t record
PR_All_msg (223//30)
; _All records
PR_Some_msg (224//30)
; _Selected records
PR_Range_msg (225//28)
; Ran_ge:
PR_Set_msg (226//24)
; Pr_eferences...
PR_OutputFileWT_msg (227//30)
; File for output...
PR_Fields_msg (228//30)
; Fields
PR_Sequence_msg (229//30)
; Sequence
PR_fArtistA_msg (230//30)
; Artist (A side)
PR_fArtistB_msg (231//30)
; Artist (B side)
PR_fTitleA_msg (232//30)
; Title (A side)
PR_fTitleB_msg (233//30)
; Title (B side)
PR_fTypeA_msg (234//30)
; Type (A side)
PR_fTypeB_msg (235//30)
; Type (B side)
PR_fReleasedA_msg (236//30)
; Released (A side)
PR_fReleasedB_msg (237//30)
; Released (B side)
PR_lNumber_msg (238//30)
; Number
PR_lArtist_msg (239//30)
; Artist
PR_lTitle_msg (240//30)
; Title
PR_lType_msg (241//30)
; Type
PR_lReleased_msg (242//30)
; Released
PR_SameHead_msg (243//40)
; _Same on all pages
PR_DiffHead_msg (244//40)
; _Different on eval pages
PR_Headline_msg (245//30)
; Headline
PR_HeadUnder_msg (246//30)
; _Underline?
PR_Footline_msg (247//30)
; Footline
PR_FootAbove_msg (248//30)
; Line _above?
PR_Startline_msg (249//30)
; Startline
PR_StartUnder_msg (250//30)
; U_nderline?
PR_Endline_msg (251//30)
; Endline
PR_EndAbove_msg (252//30)
; Line a_bove?
PR_Printing_msg (253//30)
; Printing Records...
PR_No_msg (254//37)
; No.:
PR_Artist_msg (255//13)
; Artist
PR_SideA_msg (256//37)
; A Side
PR_SideB_msg (257//37)
; B Side
PR_LpTitle_msg (258//13)
; LP-Title:
PR_CDTitle_msg (259//13)
; CD-Title:
PR_Dolby_msg (260//5)
; Dolby
PR_Recorded_msg (261//8)
; Recorded
PR_Released_msg (262//8)
; Released
PR_Source_msg (263//6)
; Source
PR_PlayTime_msg (264//12)
; Playing time
PR_min_msg (265//3)
; min
PR_Tape_msg (266//4)
; Tape
PR_No2_msg (267//3)
; No.
; *** LineEd ***
LE_IWTitle_msg (290//50)
; Please select artist...
LE_AWTitle_msg (291//50)
; Please select type...
LE_FWTitle_msg (292//50)
; F-Keys
LE_NoQual_msg (293//21)
; None
LE_rAmiga_msg (294//21)
; right Amiga
LE_Qual_msg (295//13)
; _Qualifier:
; *** Change File ***
CF_WTitle_msg (310//50)
; Change file and mode...
CF_Lp_msg (311//9)
; _LP
CF_MC_msg (312//9)
; _MC
CF_CD_msg (313//9)
; C_D
CF_Single_msg (314//9)
; _Single
CF_Files_msg (315//31)
; _Files
; *** Note ***
NT_WTitle_msg (330//50)
; Note...
NT_New_msg (331//15)
; _New
NT_Del_msg (332//15)
; Delete
NT_DelNote_msg (333//15)
; Delete Note
; *** Song Control ***
SN_WTitle_msg (350//50)
; Song...
SN_Mark_msg (351//14)
; _Mark
SN_Append_msg (352//14)
; _Append
SN_Insert_msg (353//14)
; _Insert
SN_Del_msg (354//14)
; Delete
SN_Up_msg (355//14)
; _Up
SN_Down_msg (356//14)
; _Down
SN_Record_msg (357//14)
; _Record
; *** Show List ***
LI_WTitle_msg (380//50)
; MusicManIII List-Viewer
; *** List Menu ***
LM_Project_msg (391//30)
; Project
LM_Info_msg (392//30)
; I\0Information...
LM_Quit_msg (393//30)
; Q\0Quit
; *** Settings ***
P_WTitle_msg (410//50)
; Settings...
P_Program_msg (411//15)
; Program
P_Printer_msg (412//15)
; Printer
P_FKeys_msg (413//15)
; F-Keys
P_Screens_msg (414//15)
; Screens
P_Others_msg (415//15)
; Mixed
P_Others2_msg (416//15)
; Mixed2
P_Save_msg (417//13)
; _Save
P_Use_msg (418//13)
; _Use
P_Cancel_msg (419//13)
; _Cancel
PO_Startup_msg (420//12)
; S_tartup:
PO_LFirst_msg (421//15)
; Load first
PO_LLast_msg (422//15)
; Load last
PO_List_msg (423//15)
; Show list
PO_Append_msg (424//15)
; Append
PO_InpLength_msg (425//26)
; Input song _length?
PO_InpBPM_msg (426//26)
; Input _BPM?
PO_InpSpecial_msg (427//26)
; Input special _fields?
PO_UndoLevel_msg (428//20)
; Undo le_vel:
PO_LengthCntr_msg (429//44)
; Input l_ength/counter?
PO_Length_msg (430//13)
; Length
PO_Counter_msg (431//13)
; Counter
PO_UseInt_msg (432//44)
; Use MusicManIII._Int?
PO_UseArt_msg (433//44)
; Use MusicManIII._Art?
PO_AutoLoad_msg (434//44)
; Auto-load _records?
PI_Quality_msg (435//17)
; _Quality:
PI_Draft_msg (436//22)
; Draft
PI_NLQ_msg (437//22)
; (N)LQ
PI_RecNo_msg (438//40)
; Print _record numbers?
PI_ListNo_msg (439//40)
; Print _list numbers?
PI_Cond_msg (440//40)
; _80 char per line? (Default=69)
PI_Perf_msg (441//40)
; Skip _perforation?
PI_Center_msg (442//40)
; _Center printing?
PI_PageDimension_msg (443//30)
; Page dimension
PI_CharsPerLine_msg (444//20)
; C_hars per line:
PI_LinesPerPage_msg (445//20)
; L_ines per page:
PI_EscCodeT_msg (446//55)
; ESC codes
PI_CondCode_msg (447//21)
; C_ondensed:
PF_PrintF_msg (448//36)
; Print _F-Keys...
ReallyPrintFWT_msg (449//100)
; Do you really want to print the F-Keys?
PM_NewEntry_msg (450//12)
; New
PM_Source_msg (451//23)
; Sources
PM_SNew_msg (452//6)
; New
PM_SDel_msg (453//6)
; Del
PM_Dolby_msg (454//23)
; Dolby
PM_DNew_msg (455//6)
; New
PM_DDel_msg (456//6)
; Del
PM_PlayTime_msg (457//23)
; Playing times
PM_PNew_msg (458//6)
; New
PM_PDel_msg (459//6)
; Del
PM_CassTypes_msg (460//23)
; Cassette types
PM_CNew_msg (461//6)
; New
PM_CDel_msg (462//6)
; Del
PM_RecM_msg (463//23)
; Recording methods
PM_RNew_msg (464//6)
; New
PM_RDel_msg (465//6)
; Del
PS_MainScr_msg (466//30)
; M_ain screen
PS_ListScr_msg (467//30)
; _List screen
PS_PrefsScr_msg (468//30)
; _Settings screen
PS_ScrMode_msg (469//30)
; Screen_mode...
PS_Font_msg (470//30)
; _Font...
PS_Colors_msg (471//30)
; C_olours...
PS_OnMain_msg (472//35)
; Open on ma_in screen?
PS_PubScr_msg (473//35)
; Pu_blic Screen?
PS_CloneWB_msg (474//35)
; Clone _Workbench?
PS_AvailSModesWT_msg (475//50)
; Available screenmodes...
PS_AvailFontsWT_msg (476//50)
; Available fonts...
PS_ChangeColorWT_msg (477//50)
; Change colors...
PP_Paths_msg (478//20)
; Paths
PP_Default_msg (479//15)
; _Files:
PP_Macro_msg (480//15)
; _Macros:
PP_CDPlayer_msg (481//20)
; CD-Player
PP_Device_msg (482//20)
; _Device:
PP_Unit_msg (483//20)
; U_nit:
PP_DefPathWT_msg (484//50)
; Please choose default path...
PP_MacroPathWT_msg (485//50)
; Please choose macro path...
; *** Settings-Menu ***
PM_Project_msg (510//30)
; Project
PM_Open_msg (511//30)
; O\0Open...
PM_Save_msg (512//30)
; S\0Save
PM_SaveAs_msg (513//30)
; A\0Save as...
PM_Quit_msg (514//30)
; Q\0Quit
PM_Edit_msg (515//30)
; Edit
PM_Default_msg (516//30)
; Default
PM_LastSaved_msg (517//30)
; Last saved
PM_UndoAll_msg (518//30)
; Undo all
PM_Undo_msg (519//30)
; Undo
PM_Options_msg (520//30)
; Options
PM_CreateIcons_msg (521//30)
; Create icons?
; *** Record Control Window ***
REC_WTitle_msg (530//50)
; Records...
REC_Load_msg (531//14)
; _Load...
REC_Add_msg (532//14)
; Cre_ate
REC_Del_msg (533//14)
; Delete...
REC_Clear_msg (534//14)
; _Clear
REC_Enter_msg (535//14)
; _Enter
REC_Save_msg (536//14)
; _Save
REC_Undo_msg (537//14)
; _Undo
REC_Lend_msg (538//14)
; Lend _to...
REC_Note_msg (539//14)
; _Note...
REC_Copy_msg (540//14)
; Copy...
REC_AddSR_msg (541//14)
; Create S_R
; *** File-Manager ***
FM_WTitle_msg (560//50)
; File-Manager...
FM_Files_msg (561//31)
; _Files
FM_Add_msg (562//23)
; _Add...
FM_Append_msg (563//23)
; A_ppend...
FM_ReOrg_msg (564//23)
; Re-Organize...
FM_Del_msg (565//23)
; Delete...
FM_Check_msg (566//23)
; C_heck...
FM_DelAll_msg (567//23)
; Delete all...
FM_Backup_msg (568//23)
; _Backup...
FM_Filename_msg (569//13)
; File_name:
FM_Open_msg (570//13)
; _Open
FM_Set_msg (571//21)
; _Settings...
FM_GoBack_msg (572//13)
; Go ba_ck
FM_OutOfDate_msg (573//200)
; Index-file seems to be older\nthan the data-file!\nUpdating Index...
FM_IdxMiss_msg (574//100)
; Index-file missing!\nCreating...
FM_UpToDate_msg (575//100)
; Your Index-file seems to be up-to-date!
FM_ReallyDelAll_msg (576//200)
; You are about to DELETE\nall your MusicManIII-files of the current mode!\nAre you sure you want to continue?
FM_Crunching_msg (577//30)
; Crunching...
FM_Copying_msg (578//30)
; Copying...
FM_NoBackupPath_msg (579//100)
; Backup-path does not exist!
FM_CheckingFile_msg (580//50)
; Checking file...
FM_ReorgingFile_msg (581//50)
; Re-organizing file...
FM_Restore_msg (582//23)
; Restore...
FM_DeCrunching_msg (583//30)
; Decrunching...
; *** File-Manager Settings ***
FMS_WTitle_msg (600//50)
; File-Manager Settings...
FMS_Backup_msg (601//15)
; _Backup-Path:
FMS_CrunchT_msg (602//46)
; Crunch
FMS_Crunch_msg (603//15)
; Cr_unch?
FMS_Eff_msg (604//23)
; _Efficiency:
FMS_xpk_msg (605//11)
; _xpk
FMS_Name_msg (606//20)
; Name:
FMS_Descr_msg (607//50)
; Description:
FMS_CrMode_msg (608//50)
; Packing Mode:
FMS_Ratio_msg (609//50)
; Compression Factor:
FMS_CrSpeed_msg (610//50)
; Packing Speed:
FMS_UnCrSpeed_msg (611//50)
; Unpackung Speed:
FMS_NeedPasswd_msg (612//50)
; Password needed!
FMS_SpeedOnA3k_msg (613//50)
; (Values measured on A3000/25MHz)
FMS_PackerInfo_msg (614//25)
; About packer...
; *** Create MC ***
CMC_WTitle_msg (630//30)
; Create MC...
CMC_Move_msg (631//25)
; _Move to other side
CMC_Del_msg (632//15)
; Delete
CMC_Keep_msg (633//30)
; _Keep for next MC
CMC_Time_msg (634//29)
; Time _between songs:
CMC_SongLenHeader_msg (635//30)
; \033cSongs\t033cLength
CMC_CurPlayTime_msg (636//30)
; Current playing time:
CMC_len_msg (637//20)
; MC _length:
CMC_Calc_msg (638//13)
; C_alculate
CMC_DelList_msg (639//200)
; You are about to DELETE all songs\nof your recorded list!\nAre you sure you want to continue?
CMC_PleaseMC_msg (640//200)
; This feature is only available in MC mode!\nPlease change to MC mode\nand load the file where you want to create a MC!