#define _AFLAGshieldon 0x200000 //shield currently active
#define _AFLAGresetfallalt 0x400000 //is used to prevent teleported characters from dying when they get to destination
#define _AFLAGpossesed 0x800000 //has other character inside
#define _AFLAGkillandremove 0x1000000 //signal to kill itself and remove itself from list
#define _AFLAGinitialize 0x2000000 //signal to the actor to do special init code in the scripts
#define _AFLAGnolinkup 0x4000000 //this actor should never do a linkup animation
#define _AFLAGcolfromabove 0x8000000 //the actors horizontal collision comes from above
#define _AFLAGSniperLongRange 0x10000000 //Vision is multiplied by five. Special case
#define _COLfalling 0 //I ran out of bits. Besides, all characters must be damaged by this. How much is set in the characters' script.
#define _COLfire 1
#define _COLsmallbullet 2
#define _COLbigbullet 4 //used for shotgun, if shot from point blank then sends player flying..ha!
#define _COLexplosion 8
#define _COLelectricity 16
#define _COLholy 32
#define _COLsingleattach 64
#define _COLsteam 128
#define _COLAll 255
#define _COLAllExceptFire 254
#define _COLAllExceptBullets 249
#define _COLAllExceptHoly 223
#define _COLsinglecol (_COLsmallbullet|_COLbigbullet|_COLsingleattach) //Bullet can only hit one actor
#define _COLOnlyOnce (_COLfire|_COLsteam|_COLsingleattach|_COLelectricity) //Actor can only be hit by one of these each frame (Not only for ActorCollision, not for BulletCollision)
#define _COLTwoDistances (_COLexplosion|_COLbigbullet) //Which types can set the _DIRCloseToCollision
#define _CANormal 0
#define _CADropWeapon 1
#define _CADropWeaponAndShells 2
#define _CASwapWeapon 3
#define _CADropBattery 4
#define _CADropActor 5
#define _SXAAalignmovingmaster 1 //flags for action attach
#define _SXAAalignmovingslave 2
#define _SXAAdisablecollision 4
#define _SXAAdisablerotation 8
#define _SXAAonlydeadpeople 16
#define _SXAAAlignTransToY 32
#define _ClassFX 0 //MISSING: Remove this
#define _ClassModel 8
#define _ClassWeapon 16
#define _ClassBullet 32
#define _ClassDontStickToWall 64 //Set if character is too solid