import "add_str.txt" # Addon: String additions should temporarily reside here. Strings should be moved from here to where they belong. This file should be gone by the time we CR.
import "civ_str.txt" # Civ City Ruler Names
import "dip_str.txt" # Diplomacy:
import "err_str.txt" # Error: None of these will be localized so it would be nice to have them out on their own
import "exp_str.txt" # Explanation: Reasons for City (Un)Happiness and Civ Points
import "gl_str.txt" # Great Library: Terms and Descriptions
import "help_str.txt" # UI Help:
import "info_str.txt" # Info Message: Includes Drop Down & Instant Action Messages. Trade could go here
import "junk_str.txt" # Junk: Trash can for obsolete strings that need to be there for the executable. Programmers should delete things from junk_str.txt
import "ldl_str.txt" # LDL strings: Migration from LDL
##import "test_str.txt" # Test: Like Addon, This should be gone at CR.