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VIRTUA FIGHTER FAQ v3.2 Table of Contents
December 1, 1994
Editor: dug@lugaru.com
Original FAQ by rez@cwis.unomaha.edu
Copyright c 1994. All rights reserved.Redistribution of this file, in whole
or in part, in both electronic and printed form is permitted provided that
it is not edited or modified in any form (without prior permission), no fee
is charged (other than direct costs), and that proper credit is given. If
you redistribute this file on another network, please contact the editor so
we can keep track of its distribution. Thanks.
First- How to win the match
Second- How to win a set
Third- Terminology
Fourth- The Buttons
Fifth- Jumping
Sixth- Running and all that jazz
Seventh-Crouching, Standing, and Throws
Eighth- Replays
As You're getting up
Kick 'em while you get up
Roll away as you get up
Other standard moves
10) Feints
11) Fake Out for a Boot to the Head
Survey #1 (3/25 - 4/1) 46 responses
1. Which Character are you using right now? (first choice)
2. Which Character do you think is the most powerful?
3. On the machine you play most often, how many rounds do you need to win to
Survey #2 (4/1 - 4/8) 44 responses
1. What is your favorite MOVE in the VF?
2. What is your favorite THROW in the VF?
3. What is your favorite COMBO in the VF?
Survey # 3 (4/8 - 4/15/94) 60 responses
1. If there was ONE thing you could add/change on VF, what would it be?
1. Please rank each character on a scale of ONE to EIGHT in your personal
opinion of who is the most powerful (with one being high).
What's New
This section of the FAQ is exactly what its name says. It's a summary of
some of the changes to this updated version of the FAQ in a quick reference
way so you to know what to look for as you peruse the guide.
Changes from 3.1:
Names of Fighting Styles added.
Playing as Dural.
Jeffry's Body Press corrected (Was Back, Back+Punch; Now Back+Punch only)
Two player games with the same colored characters.
Sarah's Knee & Rising Knee combo added.
Additions from 3.0:
A strategy section for kicking opponents in the back of the head
Short Hopping Jab and Karate Chops for all characters
Akira & Pai -- Repeated Ground Punches
Kage -- Hopping Jab/Sweep Combo
Color coding of Difficulty Settings
A rumor has also surfaced about VF2 being field tested in Japan. (Always
take rumors with a grain of salt, though....)
Additions from 2.7:
Jeffry -- Knee/Rushing Uppercuts Combo
Changes from 2.7:
Headers revised to be (hopefully) more readable
Additions from 2.6:
Jeffry -- Toe-Kick/Piledriver Combo
Lau/Pai -- 3 Punches & Mid kick combo
Punching/Throwing combination section
Changes from 2.6:
Character move ratings has been replaced by a hopefully more readable table
rated SOLELY by the power of the move. The rating is an approximate
percentage of damage done.
The character strategy guide has been edited and altered to reflect new
moves and info.
The Virtua Fighter complete guide is now the largest FAQ for a single video
game on the internet! Congratulations guys on all the
moves/strategies/things to talk about we've gotten started for this great
Enjoy the guide.
vir tu a (ver'chu a), slang for virtual
vir tu al (ver'chu al), adj. for all practical purposes, actual, real
fighter (fi'ter), n. 1) a person or thing that fights 2) a person who
participates in a violent struggle; combat or conflict; battle; contest.
vir tu a fight er (ver'chu a fi'ter),n. 1) a person who, for all practical
purposes is actually participating in a real battle or contest 2) One of the
baddest one on one fighting games to hit the streets whose breathtaking
polygon graphics and genuine martial arts moves are sure to captivate
players all across the globe.
Different is good.
Lately, gamers have been hit pretty hard by a barrage of fighting games
ranging from those whose only draw is blood and guts to those who resemble a
sick horse that should be humanely shot or at least taken to a hospital for
a few years....
With the release of their first ever fighting game, Sega has broken new
ground by designing the only current martial arts game whose draw isn't
violence or the ever popular 'magic' moves, but whose draw is realism,
fluidity of motion, and genuine martial art techniques.
The ability to so successfully meet these goals is due to Sega's System 1
polygon graphics engine which is much like the system used in their popular
Virtua Racer. This system can handle over 180,000 flat shaded polygons per
second, and since the fighters are three-dimensional figures made of
polygons instead of just flat images, be prepared to be dazzled by more than
just the backgrounds.
As for the game itself, Virtua Fighter plays like other recent fighting
games in some respects. There are 8 characters to choose from, and the
basic object of the game is to, through the use of punches, kicks, throws,
grabs, pounces, and a variety of other techniques, drain your opponent's
life meter. The problem is that at this point Virtua Fighter already shows
its differences from other fighting games because you can also win by
knocking your opponent out of the ring. Another difference is that Virtua
Fighter has many more special moves than any previous fighting game; there
are over 100 secret techniques to discover. Not to mention that it just
feels more like a real battle due to the fluid motion and realistic moves.
Needless to say, Virtua Fighter is destined to be remembered as both a great
one on one martial arts game and a spectacular fighting simulator. If you
haven't seen one yet, then go check it out at your local arcade.
Otherwise, check out the moves and strategies in this FAQ and then use them
to help you master this exciting game before someone else gets ahead of you.
Getting Started
FIRST - How to win the match
The winner is the first player to win 3 sets.
NOTE: Virtua Fighter can be adjusted so that the winner wins after winning
2, 3, 4, or 5 sets. On 2, the winner must win 2 out of 3 sets. On 3, he
must win 3 out of 5, and so on. Factory setting is two sets, but this goes
much too fast. Four or five is much too long. Three sets is where the game
plays best for the gamer and still earns well for the operator. If your
Virtua Fighter is not put on 3 sets, talk to your local arcade manager about
having him do so, for it only takes a few seconds to change over.
SECOND- How to win a set
1) By KO
2) By a 'Ring Out'
3) By a 'Time Out'
KO- so thoroughly pulverizing your opponent that you completely drain his
life meter.
Ring Out- somehow or other knocking your opponent out of the 'ring' that you
are fighting in.
Time Out- each round lasts only 30 seconds, so if you are ahead, it might be
to your advantage to just let the last few seconds tick away, and win by
THIRD- Terminology
Term Meaning As in
VF Virtua Fighter The game this FAQ is about
For Forward Moving the joystick towards your
Back Back Moving the joystick away from your
Down Down Moving the joystick down
Up Up Moving the joystick up
Def Defend The button that blocks (more
Punch Punch The button that punches (more below)
Kick Kick The button that Kicks (more below)
All Press all 3 buttons Press all 3 buttons
Attack A punch or a kick Either one is sufficient
+ And Down+Kick (tap Down & Kick as one)
Punch+Def (press Punch & Def as one)
Tap A quick tap Quickly tap the button; do not hold it.
Hold A long press Continue holding the button or joystick
/ Diagonal direction For/Up (a jump forward)
Jump A jumping direction Either Up/For, Up or Up/Back
[ ] Optional Will work fine w/o [ ] part, but there
IS more to the move you can do
{D} Can do Defending The move can be done while still holding
the defend button
{S} Hits standing foe This move will hit someone who is
blocking while standing
{C} Hits crouching foe This move will hit someone who is
blocking while crouching
* A new move A move new to this revision
FOURTH- The buttons
PUNCH - Steps forward with a punch
Repeat for multiple punches
KICK - A kick to the head
Not too powerful or effective
DEFEND- Blocks your opponent's STANDING and JUMPING attacks
You take no damage from such attacks.
Crouching attacks do damage.
You are still pushed backwards
Some special moves can be done while defending
PUNCH - Low punch; Hits standing defenders
Stays in one place; quite weak and ineffective
KICK - Low kick to the knee; very weak; Hits standing defenders
Longer reach than a crouching punch, but slower
DEFEND - Defends against all crouching attacks, and ducks under many
standing attacks; some standing attacks and most jumping
attacks will still hit.
All moves that can be done while holding the defend button are marked with a
All moves that will hit a standing defender are marked with an {S}.
All moves that will hit a crouching defender are marked with a {C}.
1) Long distance jump Hold jump {D}
Name Motion
Hopping Karate Chop Tap Jump and Punch {D}
Hopping Jab Tap Jump, Tap Up+Punch in air {D}
Overhead hammer Hold Jump, For+Pun {D}
Jumping kick Hold Jump+Kick {D}
Hop kick Tap Jump+Kick {D}
Drop Kick Forward Hold Jump,For+Kick {D}
Drop Kick Behind Hold Jump,Back+Kick {D}
Short jumping attacks work OK, but the punches & kicks come out in almost
slow motion, and you can easily be knocked down by any attack from your
Short jumping attacks are the only jumping attacks which can hit a crouching
Kage has two types of drop kicks, depending on distance.
Will usually just push both players away from each other, & neither one will
hit the other.
all jumping attacks can be done while holding defense
this can be especially helpful when doing an in close distance jumping kick
SIXTH- Running and all that Jazz
Name Motion
Step Forward Quickly For, Tap For
Step Backward Quickly Back, Back
Run Forward For, Hold For
Turning around Tap or hold towards opponent
Turn around punch or kick Attack
NOTE: defense doesn't work when you are facing backwards
SEVENTH- Crouching, Standing, and Throws
NOTE: There is a real difference between "," and "+" in this FAQ.
Especially when in conjunction with a downward movement. For example, "D+K"
must be done as a tap to the joystick down and simultaneously pressing the K
button. On the other hand, a "D, K" could be done by tapping the joystick
down and pressing K or also by holding the joystick down and then pressing
the K button.
This is only most notably important in the snap kicks, backflips, and
kickflips which require a tap of the joystick in conjunction with possibly
pressing the button.
All throws assume that you are standing next to your opponent. Some throws
require that you're opponent be crouching.
ALL throws can be done to an opponent who is defending
SOME throws can be done while you are defending
EIGHTH- Replays
At the end of every set, the computer will replay the last 3 seconds or so
of the fight, and then the winner will do his victory pose. This is a
really cool feature, but may soon get irritating.
Sega, realizing the positive/negative aspects of such a feature, was smart
enough to add a way to skip past the replay by simply hitting the START
button. This way, you can still watch the replays if you had an especially
exciting finish, or you can just hit start and immediately go on
to the next set.
Finally now, the moves...
Moves standard for all 8 characters
Name Motion
Heel Kick {C} Tap Kick; Head not toward opponent
Foot Sweep {S} Hold Down, Tap Kick
Rear Kick {C} Tap Kick, must have head towards opponent
Jacky and Sarah do a Double Footed kick
Roll Back Tap Back
Roll to the Side Tap Def repeatedly
Side roll & sweep {S} Tap Def, Tap Kick during the roll
Kippup Tap Up
Name Motion
Quick/Light Pounce Tap Up+Tap Punch (foe on ground)
Slower, Stronger Pounce Tap Up+Hold Punch (foe on ground)
Side Kick (not too close) {C} Down/For, Kick
Moves specific to each character
Name: Akira Yuki
Job:Kung-Fu Teacher
Blood Type:O
Outfit 1 Gray ghi,white headband & borders, red bracers and a 4th degree
black belt
Outfit 2 White ghi, white headband, gray bracers, and a 4th degree black
Fighting Style: Hakkyokuken
Name Motion
Elbow {C} For+Punch
Dashing Elbow {C}{D} For, For+Punch
Dashing Palm Down, For+Punch
Dashing Body Check Back, For, For+Punch+Kick
Punch on the Ground Down/For+Punch
Repeated Punches on Ground Down/For+Punch,Down/For,Repeat
Jumping Kick [Double] {C}{D} For, For+Kick,[Kick]
Knee (?)For,Hold For+Def+Kick,Release Kick/Tap Def
Akira's Throws
Trip {S}{D} Back+Punch
Pull in, throw out {S}{D} Down/Back, For+Punch (don't roll)
Backwards uppercut {S}{D} Back, For/Down+Punch+Kick (don't roll)
Akira's Combos
Punch and Roundhouse Punch,Kick
Double Punch Punch,Punch
2 Punches and a Straight Kick For, For+Punch+Kick,Punch, Kick
3 Punches[ and a Spin Kick] For, For+Punch+Kick, Punch, Punch,[Kick]
Name:Jacky Bryant
Job:Indy car racer
Blood Type:A
Outfit 1
Maroon jumpsuit, white taped hands and black belt & fistpads
Outfit 2
Gray jumpsuit, white taped hands and gray boots
Fighting Style: Jeet Kune Do
Name Motion
Elbow {C} For+Punch
Backfist [Double] Back,Punch,[Punch]
Backfist [Crescent] Back,Punch,[Kick]
Backfist [Sweep] {S} Back,Punch,[Down,Kick]
Low Backfist [Sweep] {S} Tap Down/Back+Punch,[Down,Kick]
Knee {C} For+Kick
Crescent Kick Def+Kick
Roundhouse & Heel Kick Kick,Kick
Punt Kick {C}{D} For, For+Kick
Snap Kick {C}{D} Tap Down+Kick
Side Kick {S} Down, Def+Kick
Backflip {D} Tap Back/Up
Kickflip {D} Tap Back/Up+Kick
Jacky's Throws
Brainbuster {S} Punch+Def
Jumping clothesline {S}{D} For, For+Punch
Backside Clothesline Punch+Def (from behind)
Jacky's Combos
Single Punch & Sidekick (close) Punch,Kick
Single Punch & Crescent (far) Punch,Kick
Single Punch & Sweep {S} Punch, Down+Kick
Double Punch & Straight Kick Punch,Punch,Kick
Double Punch & Backfist [&Sweep] Punch, Punch, Back+Punch,[Kick]
Running Punches (w/uppercut) Punch,[Punch,Punch]
Running Punches (w/elbow) [& Heel Kick] {C}
Hold For,Punch,Punch,Punch,[Kick]
Elbow & Heel Kick {C} For+Punch, Kick
Name:Jeffry McWild
Blood Type:A
Hobby:Reggae Music
Outfit 1
Gray pants, black belt, sandals, orange bracers, bare-chested
Outfit 2
Dark gray pants (ripped), olive tank-top & bracers, bare-footed
Fighting Style: Pankration
Name Motion
Lunging elbow & Hammer {C}{D} For, Back+Punch
Dashing low [uppercut] {C}{D} For, For+PUnch,[Punch]
Uppercut[s] {C} Down/For,Punch,[Punch]
Knee {C} For+Kick
Toe Kick [&Hammer] {C}{D} Tap Down+Kick, Punch
Jeffry's Throws
Fireman's Carry {S} Def+Punch
Power Slam {S}{D} For+Punch
Body Press {S}{D} Back+Punch
Crucifix Piledriver {S} Down/For,Down/For+Punch+Kick
Grab face (vs. crouching) {C}{D} Down,Punch
Powerbomb (vs. crouching) {C} Down/For+All
Knees to the head (vs crouching) {C} Down,For+Kick (don't roll)
Backbreaker (from behind) Def+Punch
Jeffry's Combos
Toe Kick O' Doom (C'fix P.D.) Down+Kick,Down,For/Down,For+ALL
Single Punch & Roundhouse Punch,Kick
Running Punches (w/uppercut) Punch,Punch,[Punch]
Knee & Dashing Uppercuts For+Kick,For,For+Punch,Punch
Blood Type:B
Outfit 1
Blue suit & mask w/ black highlites, red sash
Outfit 2
Black suit & mask w/ gray highlites, gold sash
Fighting Style: Jujutsu
Name Motion
Elbow {C} For+Punch
Double Footed Sweep {S}{D} For, For+KIck
Flying Kick {S} For, For+All
Roll Forwards [Sweep] {S} Back,Down,For,[Kick]
(Kick during the roll)
Roll Backwards [Sweep] {S} For,Down,Back,[Kick]
(Kick during the roll)
Heel Kick Down, Def+Kick
Hopping Knee Down, For+Kick
Backflip {D} Tap Back/Up
Forward Kickflip {D} Tap Back/Up+Kick
Backward flip with a kick {D} Back, Back+Kick
Kage's Throws
Hip throw (Flip over shoulder) {S} Punch+Def
Ten Foot Toss{S}{D} Back+Punch
Pull out feet {S} All
Reaping Throw {S}{D} Back, For+Punch
Torso take down (from behind) Punch+Def
Kage's Combos
Ten Foot Toss & Jump Kick Back+Punch, Up/For+Kick
Ten Foot Toss & Sweep Back+Punch, Back, For, For+Kick
Ten Foot Toss & Heel Kick Back+Punch, Down, Def+Kick
Ten Foot Toss & Flying Kick Back+Punch, Back, For,For, All
Roundhouse & Sweep Kick, For, For + Kick
Heel Kick & Sweep Down, Def+Kick, For, For+Kick
Single Punch & Roundhouse [&Sweep] Punch,Kick,[For, For+Kick]
Double Punch & Straight Kick [&Sweep] Punch,Punch,Kick [For,For+Kick]
Triple Punch & Spin Kick Punch,Punch,Punch,Kick
Triple Punch & Kickflip Punch, Punch, Punch,Up/Back+Kick
Running Punches Punch,Punch,[Punch]
Hopping Jab & Sweep Tap Jump, Tap Up+Punch, For,For+Kick
Name:Lau Chan
Blood Type:B
Hobby:Chinese Poetry
Outfit 1
Blue suit, red vest w/gold & green highlites/trim
Outfit 2
Black pants, gold vest & sleeves w/ green trim and red buttons
Fighting Style: Koenken
Name Motion
Elbow {C} For+Punch
Crescent Kick Def+Kick
Knife Hand {C} Down/For+Punch
Lifting Palm Down/For,Punch
Sweep {S} Down, Def+Kick
Heel Kick Down, Neutral+Kick
Backflip {D} Tap Back/Up
Kickflip {D} Tap Back/Up+Kick
Lau's Throws
Flip across shoulders {S} Def+Punch
Piggyback Drop {S}{D} Back+Punch
Face Slam {S}{D} Back, For+Punch
Lau's Combos
Single Punch & Heel Kick Punch, Kick
Double Punch & Heel Kick Punch,Punch,Kick
Triple Punch & Spinning Crescent Punch,Punch,Punch,Kick
Triple Punch & Sweep {S} Punch, Punch, Punch, Down+Kick
Triple Punch & Kickflip Punch, Punch, Punch,Up/Back+Kick
Triple Punch & Mid-Kick For,Hold For,Punch,Punch,Punch,Kick
Running Punches Punch,Punch,[Punch]
Knife, Punch & Straight Kick Down/For+Punch, Punch, Kick
Knife, 2 Punch & Crescent Kick Down/For+Punch, Punch, Punch,Kick
Punch&Kick Mania Punch,Kick,Punch,Punch,Punch,Kick
Hop Kick Flurry Tap U/F+Kick,3 or 4 Punches & Kick
(Note:3 Punches are more likely to hit than 4)
Country:Hong Kong
Job:Action Star
Blood Type:O
Outfit 1
Blue suit w/ gold trim, and red sash & ribbons
Outfit 2
Pink suit w/ gold trim, gray sash & red ribbons
Fighting Style: Enseiken
Name Motion
Punch on the ground Down/For+Punch
Repeated Ground Punches Down/For+Punch,Down/For,Repeat
Crescent Kick Def+Kick
Sweep {S} Down, Def+Kick
Heel Kick Down, Neutral+Kick
Backflip {D} Tap Back/Up
Kickflip {D} Tap Back/Up+Kick
Pai's Throws
Wrist Twist {S} Def+Punch
Pushover {S}{D} Back, For+Punch
Falling DDT {S}{D} For, Down+Punch
Reaping Throw -> Punch {S}{D} For, For+Punch+Kick
Grab an attack (vs High punch or kick) Back+Punch
Pai's Combos
Single Punch & Heel Kick Punch, Kick
Double Punch & Straight Kick Punch, Punch, Kick
Triple Punch & Sweep {S} Punch,Punch, Punch, Down+Kick
Triple Punch & Spinning Crescent Punch, Punch, Punch, Kick
Triple Punch & Kickflip Punch, Punch, Punch,Up/Back+Kick
Triple Punch & Mid-Kick For,Hold For,Punch,Punch,Punch,Kick
Running Punches Punch,Punch,[Punch]
Name:Sarah Bryant
Job:College Student
Blood Type:AB
Outfit 1
Black cat-suit
Outfit 2
Black bikini top, torn blue-jeans
Fighting Style: Jeet Kune Do
Name Motion
Elbow {C} For+Punch
Knee {C} For+Kick
Lunging Knee {C}{D} For, For+Kick
High Snap Kick {C}{D} Tap Down/For+Kick
Double [Triple] Kick {C} Hold Down/For, Kick, Kick,[Kick]
Crouching Side Kick {S} Down, Def+Kick
Backflip {D} Tap Back/Up
Kickflip {D} Tap Back/Up+Kick
Toe Kick [&Side Kick] {C} {D} Tap Down+Kick,[Kick]
Sarah's Throws
Suplex {S} Def+Punch
Jumping Clothesline {S}{D} For, For+Punch
Torso takedown (from behind) Def+Punch
Sarah's Combos
Kick & Punch Kick, Punch
Single Punch & Roundhouse Punch, Kick
Singel Punch & Side Kick Punch, Down+Kick
Double Punch & Straight Kick Punch, Punch, Kick
Double Punch & Low Roundhouse Punch, Punch, Down+Kick
Triple Punch & Knee Punch, Punch, Punch, Kick
Triple Punch & Kickflip Punch, Punch, Punch,Up/Back+Kick
Triple Punch & Hop Kick Punch, Punch, Punch,Up+Kick
Running Punches Punch,Punch,[Punch]
Elbow & Knee [&Elbow] {C} For+Punch, kick, [For+Punch]
Knee & Rising Knee For+Kick, Down/For+Kick
Name:Wolf Hawkfield
Blood Type:O
Outfit 1
Blue shorts w/ red & white trim, matching shoes, and bare chested
Outfit 2
Gray shorts w/ white trim, white top w/ gold stripe, gold "Wolf" on shorts
and boots
Fighting Style: Professional Wrestling
Name Motion
Running Clothesline {S}{D} For, For+Punch
Dashing Shoulder {D} Back, For+Punch
Knee {C} For+Kick
Uppercut {C} Down/For,Punch
Wolf's Throws
Backfall {S} Def+Punch
Body slam {S}{D} For+Punch
Crucifix Piledriver Down/For,Down/For+Punch+Kick
Twirl & hurl (2 1/2 turns) {S}{D} Back, Down, For+Punch
Double Arm Suplex (vs crouching) {C} Back/Down+All
German Suplex (from behind) Def+Punch
Wolf's Combos
Single Punch & Roundhouse Punch,Kick
Running Punches Punch,Punch,[Punch]
Knee & Uppercut For+Kick,Down/For+Punch
Character Moves' Ratings
This section rates and lists the best of each character's special moves,
throws, and combos. The rating in parentheses is an approximate percentage
of the life bar lost from the move.
Some of the combinations listed include Pouncing on the downed opponent. If
the Pounce is listed, it means that the Pounce is very likely to hit if done
Keep in mind that although the moves below are effective ways of demolishing
an opponent, you will need to learn to use the basic punches and kicks as
well to become a true champion. The best strategy in any fighting game is,
after all, a flexible one.
Below the name of the move is how to do it in abbreviated notation.
Character's Most powerful attacks
Moves Throw
Akira Dashing Body Check(50%) Trip&Punch on Ground
Pai Triple Punch,Crescent&Pounce(55%) Pushover & Pounce(50%)
Lau Hop Kick Flurry 3 & 2x Pounce(85%) Face Slam & 2x
Tap U/F+K,P,P,P,K,Hold U+P B,F+P,Hold U+P
Wolf Shoulder Ram & Pounce(55%)
B,F+P,U+P B,D,F+P,F,Hold F,U+P
Jeffry Toe Kick,Piledriver & Butt Bomb(100%!) See left (Toe kick o'
Tap D+K,D,D/F,F+ALL,Hold U+P (Automatic kill)
Kage Triple Punch & Mid Kick(45%) 10' Toss & Head Dive(45%)
P,P,P,K B+P,wait til thump,U+P
Sarah Triple Kick & Pounce (55%) Suplex(25%)
Hold D/F,K,K,K,U+P P+D
Jacky Double Punch, Elbow, Kick&Pounce(55%) Brain Buster(30%)
Hold For,P,P,P,K,U+P
General Fighting Techniques
This part of the guide will hopefully help you to get a head start on
learning some of the basic fighting techniques. It tells how each style
works, advantages & disadvantages, and sometimes a way to counter it if
someone is using it against you. They are listed in the order of their
complexity or importance. Don't use any one of these techniques too much,
because a mixed style is the best technique that you can possibly use.
First off, though, realize that VF is mainly a GROUND game. In its attempt
to be as close to real fighting as possible, Sega chose to make air attacks
fairly worthless. Some arts, like Tae Kwon Do, do deal with a certain
amount of air attacking, but generally speaking, most martial arts teach
solely ground techniques. You'll have a hard time trying to find a
tournament with as many people jumping around as you do in any of the SF2
Therefore, expect to keep a lot of your game on the ground, but by all
means, don't expect this fact to limit VF's game playing variety or fun in
any way. It only makes the game more realistic.
Now then, the techniques...
By simply tapping the punch button repeatedly, your character, whomever he
(or she) may be, will step forward and punch as they go. They will punch 2-
3 times and then pause for a second before they can begin to attack again.
Works good...
when your enemy has very little life left.
When your enemy is close to the edge of the ring (to get a 'ring out')
sometimes to start the round out with if they are in the air, you can
usually hit them with an attack, and follow that up with two or three
punches before they hit the ground Jeffry, Lau, and Wolf can tag on their
uppercut/knife hand to make a more deadly combo whenever they catch someone
in the air with a punch or a kick if you tag on the kick part of their
Works bad...
if you use it too much to start the round out too much with it since your
opponent can just start his round out with a jumping kick and hit you before
you can start punching.
Pretty much worthless against any decent opponent. OK if you can catch them
off guard, but they still don't do much damage. The jumping straight up
attacks seem to work the best since they let you jump above a sweep or low
punch, and then clobber the sucker on the head. Short jumping attacks,
though, are the only jumping attacks which are able to hit a crouching
Jumping and kicking immediately works well if they are really close to you.
You can catch them off guard if they are closing in with a fury of jabs.
This attack also hits a crouching defender. Therefore it is very valuable
to people who don't have many other attacks which can hit a crouching
opponent. For Pai, in particular, she only has the shuffle side kick and
this jumping kick.
If they aren't close, then you have three options.
Double footed kick:
Has deceptive range. Probably the best distance attack. You must hit the
kick button before you reach the peak of your jump. You can only be hit out
of it if your opponent does a close jumping kick before your kick comes
out... and that is a very hard move to time.
Pai will do some sort of foot stomp
Sarah will do a single legged kick
Kage will do a flip, turned into a kick
Mid air kick
If you hit the kick as you are coming down instead of hitting it early,
you'll get a weak sort of
kick with no range.
Overhead hammer:
You need to hit the punch button before you reach the peak of your jump.
Better than the mid air
kick, but not as good as the double footed kick.
Jumping attacks can sometimes connect, but they work best only as a
desperation move since you
are so vulnerable to being hit.
Knocking your opponent out of the ring is a perfectly legitimate way to win
a set. The simplest way to accomplish this is, when they are close to the
edge, to use a fury of jabs or a sweep since these attacks will push them
backwards even if they defend.
Note that Kage's flying kick pushes people back very far, and that Wolf's
spinning throw can throw the person out of the ring if you are lucky :) for
that, try to have your back to the edge since that is the direction that he
finally lets them fly.
One of the more successful defenses can be to simply just crouch and sit
below your opponents attacks until they pause in their attack. You can then
counter with one of the following.
A Power Move
Like Kage's heel kick, Wolf's Shoulder Ram or Akira's double motion snap
A Throw
Just perform the motion for the throw you would like to do. Characters are
easy targets for
throws while they recover from moves such as high kicks and missed pounces
and jumps.
A Combo
Like Jacky's elbow, heel kick combo or Sarah's elbow, knee combo
If your opponent knocks you down and then walks up next to you as you lay on
the ground, tap kick as you get up and you will immediately do a sweep, a
roundhouse, or a double feet first kick to the head region as you stand up,
hopefully catching them off guard. Any of these kicks will hit your
opponent if he's not defending, but each one also has a priority over
certain defend stances as well.
A sweep hits a standing person -- Hold Down,Tap Kick
A roundhouse hits a crouching or jumping person -- Tap Kick
The kick will appear differently depending on where the opponent is in
relation to your head on the ground. If the opponent is behind you, the
fighter will do a rear kick or double footed up-side down kick similar to
the roundhouse.
Or, if you don't want to try for a sweep you can roll backwards, and get
yourself away from the action by simply tapping Back before you stand up.
If you are close to the edge of the ring, or you have some other reason to
get to the side of your opponent, hit Defense and you will roll to the side
of your attacker. Tap defense quickly to get up faster. This may possibly
open you up for a good attack since your opponent will not be facing
straight on. You can also do a roll to the side with a sweep by hitting
Defend, Kick after you land. You need to wait a second after you hit, or it
may not come out right.
If you are playing someone who is fairly good, they will not usually stay
close to you after they knock you down, so don't expect to get too many
kicks in.
If you have knocked your opponent down, and are expecting him to try to kick
you as he gets up, there are some things you can do to counter his kicks if
you can outguess him. If you anticipate...
A sweep -- you do a short jump straight up with a punch or kick, and hit him
as you jump over his sweep. Beware of a sweep after the opponent rolls to
the side.... Elbows also hit.
A roundhouse -- you do a sweep
A rear kick -- defend, don't try anything
NEARLY every time you knock your opponent down you should try for a stomp...
To do a basic stomp, simply tap Up+Punch. To do a slower, but more damaging
stomp, tap Up and Hold Punch (NOTE: Akira has only the lighter stomp. Do
not hold punch with Akira).
The pounces in which you hold Up are all slower, but they do inflict more
damage. Make sure you have enough time to land on your opponent if you
choose to do a slower stomp.
Each character has their stomps described below with holding and tapping
Note that Akira can do his Jumping Punch only if he taps up, and that
Kage's three pounces vary with distance, not with holding or tapping.
Name Tap Up+Punch Hold Up+Punch
Akira Jumping Punch -None-
Jacky Low Jumping Hammer Higher Jumping Hammer
Jeffry Splash Butt Bomb
Kage Head Dive(close) same
Feet-First (medium) same
Knee Dive (far) same
Lau Single Stomp Double Stomp
Pai Low Knees Higher Knees
Sarah Low Jumping Hammer Higher Jumping Hammer
Wolf Low Jumping Elbow High Jumping Elbow
Akira and Pai can do their normal stomp, and they can also simply bend over
and punch their opponent repeatedly on the ground by alternately pressing
Down/For +Punch and Down/For. Timing is critical to obtain multiple hits on
the ground.
All the characters except for Akira, Jeffry, and Wolf can backflip. Those
who can backflip can do a type of attack called kickflipping, which is a
high backwards flip in which the legs can hit the opponent and do major
damage besides looking just totally cool.
To perform a kick flip with these characters, tap Back/Up+Kick.
Kage can perform a kickflip as well as a back handspring with double foot
Kage, Lau, Pai, and Sarah can do kickflip combos by going P,P,P,B/U+K.
Sarah can also do on with only two punches.
Some hints for future kickflippers --
Works best to wait for your opponent to walk towards you, totally unaware of
the disaster that awaits them, and then kickflip them at the last second
it also works well when your opponent is jumping in at you.
If your opponent jumps over you, or somehow get turned around, run at them
as soon as you can (if you have a known back side throw). As you are still
running, execute the move for your throw, and you'll grab them before they
even have a chance to turn around :)
Note, though, that you can not run at a person and grab them on the front as
easily as you can on the back side.
This can be a dangerous attack since your opponent can do a turn around
attack by simply pressing either punch or kick... but if you're quick
enough, you can get to them before they can do a turn around attack.
There are many type of feints in VF. Below are summarized a few that you
can use to take your opponent off guard.
Pulling back a kick
To pull back a kick, press the kick button, and then press the DEF button
before your kick has been raised above your knee. What you do after that is
up to you, but your opponent will probablly block. This will give you an
opportunity to strike w/ a {C} or {S} attack depending on how they defend.
Don't finish out a double/triple motion move
That is to say, do only a double kick for Sarah's triple kick, or only do
one Backfist for Jacky. If you've been doing a lot of double/triple motion
moves in prior rounds, this can be a very effective tactic. As they are
defending, expecting the next move, hit them w/ a {C} or {S} again.
Do a different combo/double motion move that looks simmilar Switch from
using Lau's 3 punch sweep to his crescent to his kickflip. Start doing
Sarah's triple kick instead of just a double kick.
Do Jacky's double roundhouse. The key is to keep mixing things up, and if a
move looks a lot like anothermove that you have, then mix those two up
Punch and Throw Techniques
If an opponent tends to try to close distance with you by move forward, try
punch and throwing him. Do a single punch, crouching or standing, followed
QUICKLY by the motion for the throw you want to do. If the punch connects,
there is a good chance they will still be in range for a throw. "Heavy"
fighters, such as Jeffry and Wolf, are particularly vulnerable, since the
punch will hardly move them at all.
The punch is fast enough to interrupt any attack the opponent may be
attempting, and the throw if done correctly will come out while they are
still reeling from the punch. Even if the opponent blocks, the throw will
connect so long as you are close enough.
Typical Punch & Throw techniques are Kage's Punch&Toss (P,B+P), Wolf's Punch
& Twirl (P,B,D,F+P) and Lau's Punch&Face Slam (P,B,F+P).
As a final note, try doing Jeffry's ultimate combo: the Toe Kick&Piledriver
combination (D+K,D,F/D,F+ALL). With a follow-up pounce it automatically
kills any opponent in three nasty moves.
Hit 'em in the air
Sometimes characters play a little hand-ball with their opponents by
repeatedly punching, uppercutting and otherwise bouncing them along in the
air. Lau is the true master of this technique, able to bounce opponents up
to eight times in a single combination of moves. But everyone can do it to
some degree.
If you manage to catch the opponent in the air, make them pay. Experiment
tacking on different moves after your favorite combos. Knees are
particularly good at knocking opponents skyward, and their exist many
pseudo-combinations involving a knee attack (For+Kick) followed immediately
by something else. Jeffry's Knee&Dashing Uppercut combo is a perfect
example. (For+Kick,For,For+Punch,Punch).
Fake Out for a Boot to the Head
One of the more artistic methods of beating computer opponents is to jump
over the computer's head and do a heavy kick to the head. There are two
sure-fire methods of doing this attack versus any computer opponent.
The first is to jump over the opponent's head. After you land, immediately
jump backwards back over the opponent. DO NOT TURN AROUND BEFORE JUMPING.
You should be flying backwards through the air. As you pass over the
opponent, press For+Kick. You will do a heavy kick into the back of the
opponent's head.
A second more mystifying method starts by jumping over the opponent's head.
After landing, press For and press and hold forward to begin running toward
the edge, away from the opponent. The computer will run after you. Just as
you are about to run off the edge, jump straight up into the air. The
computer will run underneath you, and skid to a halt on the edge. It's
momentum will take it underneath and in front of you. Press For+Kick, and
you will do a heavy kick to the head before the computer has a chance to
recover, kicking it out of the ring!! This will work on
every opponent, including Dural.
Here is a general character playing guide which will help you with some
strategies for specific players. Each character's guide is divided into 3
sections: Strengths, Weaknesses and Beating the Computer.
Jacky -- "Ballet of the Fighter"
Jacky's Strengths:
Jacky is a favorite among advanced players because of his wide variety of
attacks and combinations. Jacky is perhaps the most flexible of the
characters, able to easily attack standing opponents, crouching opponents,
jumping opponents, opponents behind him and opponents who just knocked him
down. Many of his combinations attack both high AND low, such as his
Punch&Foot sweep or his Double Punch, Elbow & Kick. His Punt Kick is deadly
versus crouching opponents, and opponents who are not cautious getting off
the ground. Finally, his pounce is quick and deadly.
Jacky's Weaknesses:
It's tough to find weaknesses in Jacky because of his flexible arsenal of
moves. But when compared to the other characters, his weakness is that he
is not the "best" in any one thing. He is good all around, but he does not
have the best range, best speed, best power, best throws, or best combos.
He is good all around, but if your playing style is geared to specializing
in a particular type of attack, other characters would be better. For
instance, if you love making throws, Jeffry or Wolf are better. If you are
good with quick, light attacks, Lau or Pai or Sarah are better. If you play
a positional game of hitting and running, Kage is better. Jacky is good at
all these things, but he is not a specialist.
Beating the computer Jacky:
It is extrememly difficult to lose to the computer Jacky. In fact, it is SO
hard to lose you may want to take the opportunity to practice some difficult
throws or moves on him while you have the chance. Show off for the crowd a
little, they'll appreciate it.
Jeffry -- "A Pillar of Strength"
Jeffry's Stregnths:
Power and throws are Jeffry's strengths. He and Wolf do the most damage
with basic punches and kick, and Jeffry has EIGHT (!!) throws to smash
opponents flat on the mat. If an opponent pauses or kicks over Jeffry's
head, a good Jeffry player can do a throw & Body Splash pounce for an easy
50% of their life bar. Scariest of all is Jeffry's Toe Kick o' Doom combo,
the most powerful combination in the game. This toe kick followed by a LONG
range Cruicifix Piledriver and a Butt Bomb will always, ALWAYS, KO the poor
opponent in three devastating moves. Jeffry's Backbreaker is also (not
surprisingly) greatly feared as one of the most damaging single moves in the
game. Finally, Jeffry's Uppercuts and Rushing Uppercuts have deceptively
long ranges and can hit crouching opponents or opponents knocked into the
air by another attack.
Jeffry's Weaknesses:
Jeffry is one of the slowest characters. His recovery from missed attacks
is relatively slow. Butt Bombs usually miss, although the Body Splash has a
good chance of hitting. However, missing either leaves Jeffry prone and
possibly vulnerable. Likewise, missing a jumping double kick leaves Jeffry
flat on his back.
Beating the Computer Jeffry:
Block his punches, then retaliate with a punch/kick combo or other quick
move. Punch & throw techniques work very well against Jeffry, since he is
usually charging right into them.
Sarah -- "Femme Fatale"
Sarah's Strengths:
Sarah has the flexible arsenal of Jacky, but is faster and lighter than her
brother. Her Light Pounce (Tap Up+Punch) almost always hits if the opponent
is knocked down, and her elbow and knee can keep crouching opponents honest.
Her back kick and quick attacks keep most opponents on their toes.
Sarah's Weaknesses:
Sarah's attacks are all somewhat weak, so she must connect more frequently
than stronger characters to get the KO. Also, the lack of a foot sweep
makes standing opponents more difficult to handle.
Beating the computer Sarah:
Play defensively. Block her punches or knees, then do a quick attack.
Punch & kick combos followed by pounces work particularly well. Avoid
crouching, since her elbow/kick combo and her rushing knee can hit you
Kage -- "Death from Above"
Kage's Strengths:
Kage has the greatest range and best movement of all the characters. He can
roll forward and backwards, doing a foot sweep with either. He can flip
backwards quite quickly, and can jump twice the height and distance of all
the other characters. His flying kick and Double Footed Sweep have
extremely long ranges, and he can do a kickflip backwards or forwards as the
situation warrants. He can even pounce on a character from any distance in
the ring, and his double-foot heavy jumping kicks roll out safely whether he
kicks forward or backward. If he misses a mid-range pounce, he lands on his
feet and can immediately do a throw, kickflip or other attack if the
opponent is nearby. Given all this, Kageis the best positional character in
the game, and is the best at jockying for better spots on the ring to both
get Ring Outs and avoid them.
Kage's Weaknesses:
Kage has trouble against crouching opponents. In addition, his long range
attacks (including his pounces) are all slow, and take a long time to
recover from if blocked. His head dive is virtually worthless, except after
the Ten Foot Toss, and missing a flying kick can put Kage in quite an
awkward position. When playing Kage it is crucial to not overly rely on his
slower attacks, using his Punch/Kick and Heel Kick/Sweep combos to keep
opponents off-balance for the occasional Flying Kick or jumping attack. The
element of surprise is essential with Kage.
Beating the computer Kage:
The computer Kage is a sucker for ducking his first kick in a round, and
getting thrown with Def+P (or B+P in Akira's case). If you get knocked
down, roll backwards. If Kage dives at you (which he often does), do your
most powerful single attack that hits CROUCHING opponents. Wolf's
Shoulder Ram, Akira's Body Check, Jeffry's Toe Kick/Punch Combo, Lau's Knife
hand/Double Punch/Crescent Kick, Pai's Foot Sweep, Jacky's Punt Kick,
Sarah's Elbow/Knee Combo, and Kage's Flying Kick are probably the best ways
to hit Kage after he misses a head dive. Be careful to block his heel
kicks, and block low if he starts to roll or slide toward you. If he misses
a foot sweep or flying kick, don't hesitate to make him pay.
Pai -- "Pulling the Strings"
Pai's Strengths:
Pai's greatest strength lies in her speed, and in one move: her Back+Punch
throw. This throw stops punching and kicking opponents dead in their
tracks, and completely negates much of the value of some special attacks as
well, such as Jeffry's Rushing Punches and Uppercuts, Akira's Rushing Palm
and Lau's Knife Hand. It can even grab Kage's Flying Kick, believe it or
not. This takes away a lot of options for opponents who fight Pai, and
force them torely on either crouching attacks, or attacks which are often
slower and harder to recover from. Pai's speed allows her to then strike
back, and her pounce is almost always a hit. In addition, her foot
sweep is useful if used judiciously, and her punch/kick combos are all
reasonably powerful.
Pai's weaknesses:
Pai has serious problems dealing with crouching opponents, since none of her
"special" attacks hit crouching defenders. Also, although she is fast, her
attack power is weak, so she has to connect that much more often to get a
Beating the computer Pai:
Wait for her to come at you with an attack. Block high. If she punches
you, duck after the last punch so that she will either kick over you or you
will block her low kick. If she does a low kick, just hit her. If she
kicks over your head, do a throw. Likewise, if she misses a pounce
be sure to throw her.
Wolf -- "Rage in the Ring"
Wolf's Strengths:
Wolf is as powerful as Jeffry with his basic attacks. Although Wolf does
not have as many throws as Jeffry, the throws he has are more than adequate
to do the job. If used wisely when opponents are vulnerable, his shoulder
ram & pounce is devastating. Essentially, Wolf is a powerhouse who can grab
or ram opponents for tremendous damage.
Wolf's Weaknesses:
Wolf's biggest weakness is his speed. His punches and uppercuts are
extrememly slow, and his recovery from attacks is snail-paced. His arsenal
is not nearly as flexible as other characters, and blocked shoulder rams
leave him wide open for retaliation. Wolf is best played with an eye for
intimidating opponents into making mistakes, leaving them open for a
shoulder ram or throw.
Beating the computer Wolf:
If Wolf starts punching, block it then punch back. Three punches, followed
by a crouching punch and low kick, work surprisingly often on him. One
tactic that almost always works for a quick hit is to start the round by
jumping straight up in the air. Wolf will usually do three punches
underneath you while you are in the air. As he does this, hold the joystick
back and press kick. You will do a backwards double footed kick into Wolf's
Lau -- "Furious Flurry of Fists and Feet"
Lau's Strengths:
Lau has the fastest punches and kicks in the game. His punches and kicks
are so fast, in fact, that if a kick knocks an opponent into the air, he can
follow it up with two or three more attacks before the opponent lands. This
ability to play "handball" with his opponents produces many ring outs, and
many KO's. Lau has an eight hit combination, for instance, which does
tremendous damage and pushes the opponent ridiculous distances across the
ring. His face slam does terrific damage, and his foot sweep and punch/heel
kick combo are both difficult attacks to avoid.
Lau's Weaknesses:
Although Lau can string together his punches and kicks quite quickly, he is
slow to recover after any combo or "heavy" move. Also, Lau has to be
careful about not getting thrown by opponents who duck underneath his
running punches.
Beating the computer Lau:
Beat the computer Lau exactly as you did Pai. Just be forewarned that Lau
mixes up his attacks more than Pai, and has much better timing than Pai.
Nonetheless, the same defensive strategy suggested for Pai works for Lau.
Akira -- "Invincible Motions"
Akira's Strengths:
Akira has the fastest special attacks in the game. His rushing palm, body
check and rushing elbow are all so fast that they can all connect on an
opponent who has missed anything other than a punch. These attacks are not
only lightning fast, but as powerful as dynamite. The body check can do as
much as 85% of the life bar on opponents who are close enough, and the
rushing palm can do upwards of 65% of the life bar on occasion. His rushing
elbow can hit crouching opponents, as can his Double Kick and Elbow. One VF
player put it best when they said that while Jacky instills the fear of the
unknown because of his wide variety of attacks, Akira instills the fear
of the known, because his opponents know EXACTLY what Akira will do but are
almost powerless to prevent it.
Akira's Weaknesses:
Although Akira's attacks are powerful and blindingly fast, he takes longer
to recover from these attacks than almost any other character recovering
from a special attack in the game. Any missed special attack leaves Akira
wide open for a combo or even a throw on occasion. And to compound this,
NONE of his special attacks hit standing defenders. This is a tremendous
hinderance, since Akira must resort to low kicks and punches to hit standing
Beating the computer Akira:
Keep in mind that Akira is vulnerable after any special attack. Keep him at
bay with single or double punches, and never crouch. Stand and block all
his attacks. If you block an elbow, kick, body check or rushing palm, do
your most powerful single move. If Akira knocks you down, roll backwards.
If he misses the pounce, quickly run forward (For,Hold For) and throw him.
Dural -- "Superhuman Cybernetics"
Dural's Strengths:
Dural, the final Bonus stage character, has some of the best moves from each
of the other eight characters. She has some of Wolf and Jeffry's throws,
Kage's flying Kick, Lau's punching ability, Wolf's Clothesline and Akira's
Single Kick. Dural is extremely quick, and difficult to
throw, and it is almost impossible to pounce on Dural if you knock her down.
Her attacks all do significant damage, and she throws opponents with eerie
Dural's Weaknesses:
Dural is susceptible to Uppercuts, Jumping Punches and Crouching Punches.
Her knee pounce (borrowed from Kage) is very slow, and it takes her a long
time to stand back up from it. If she tries it and misses, don't waste
time; beat her into the ground with the best attack or combination you can
Beating Dural:
Play off her weaknesses. Don't try to throw her, and be prepared to miss if
you pounce on her once you knock her down. If necessary, you can beat her
quite soundly by jumping straight in the air and doing a double-fisted punch
(Hold Up,For+Punch).
Sudden Death
If the final deciding set is a draw, the next round will be a sudden death
match on a ring about 1/16 the size of a normal ring. The winner of that
match wins by KO or knocking his opponent out of the tiny ring, and usually
one person is knocked out after the first or second hit connects.
This was a very brilliant and innovative idea for the extra draw round. It
is appropriate that a such an originally styled fighting game like VF would
had an equally original draw round.
If it is not the last set, a draw will award one win to both players. If
there is another draw in sudden death, the computer awards one of the two
with a win and therefore the game.
The Computer
As you fight the computer you will advance up through the ranks in the
following order:
Jacky, Jeffry, Sarah, Kage, Pai, Wolf, Lau, Akira, Dural
Dural is the final opponent that you will fight, and it is a metallic
looking female who has all the moves of every character. You will get ONE
chance to beat it, and the round will go to one more set than is normal. So
if your machine is set to 2 out of 3, you must defeat Dural 3 out of 4, and
so on. The tough part is that you will only get ONE chance to defeat Dural,
and if you lose, then it's Game Over for you, buddy. Have someone join in
to save you if you're losing. One nice touch is that after the game is over
(if your last battle was with Dural), the credits run by and the instant
replays of the final rounds that you played against all the computer
opponents to get up to the end are replayed. The last one is of Dural
KO'ing you, unless you beat Dural :)
The one shortcoming is that there appear to be no story-telling endings.
After beating it numerous times (even without continuing) it does seem safe
to say that Sega did not include a very important psychologically satisfying
feature in this game.
Game Adjustments
As mentioned at the beginning of this FAQ, VF can be adjusted so that the
player must win 2, 3, 4, or 5 sets to win a game. This is done from the
inside of the game through the test mode. It can be set one way for player
vs. player modes, or differently for player vs. computer. the factory
setting is two out of three for both the player vs. player and player vs.
computer modes.
difficulty can also be set. The different levels effect ring size and the
amount of health you start with.
Difficulty Ring Width Energy (1P) Time Bar Color
Easy 1500 198 158 Red
Normal 1400 180 144 Yellow
Hard 1300 162 129 Green
Hardest 1200 144 115 Blue
The Time Bar Color is the color of the thin line beneath your Time in the
bottom right hand corner of the screen. Note that the difficulty is self-
adjusting, becoming harder or easier as players win or lose.
Not too sure what the 1P is meant for, but I would guess that is has
something to do with when one player is playing the computer. Normal is the
default factory setting.
A word from our Sponsor
here's the latest from Sega:
They're beginning to plan a large marketing push for VF. This will include
promos for tournaments and the like. To do this, they'll be shipping VF T-
shirts, posters, banners, keychains, and even fortune cookies (with VF moves
in them) to help promote the game. Look for this stuff to start appearing
Everything in the demo is possible (ie Sarah's crescent). Every move that
the computer does is also possible.
There are storylines for each of the characters.
How about VF2? "Definitely, but that's privileged information for the time
being." Additionally, a rumor surfaced recently about VF2 being field
tested in Japan. (Always take such rumors with a grain of salt,
The Rumor Mill
This is the place where rumors are old rumors are dispelled and new ones
originate. if I'm missing anything, and I'm sure I am (contrary to popular
belief I am not perfect), feel free to e-mail me and let me know.
still only a rumor. I've never seen these done, but I've heard a lot of
people claim to have seen Jacky and Wolf in particular do this. supposedly
the attacker begins a throw, but then the defender counters it and sends
them on the floor. sort of like Pai's defensive grab. Some people have
said they think it is with the kick button and then back or down. Someone
saw Wolf grab his opponents kick, and then punch them in the face while
holding their leg.
Another person saw Pai begin a defensive throw on Jacky, but then Jacky
re-reversed it back on Pai.
It has been widely rumored that Jeffry can throw opponents half way across
the ring after his Ultimate Press (B,B+P), instead of just dropping them on
the ground at his feet. I can verify that this is possible, since I did it
myself at least once. In fact, Jeffry threw the hapless Jacky so far away,
that my followup pounce didn't reach him!!! Unfortunately, how I did it or
if it was a glitch of some sort remains a mystery....
Lately a lot of people have been discussing the suupposed glitch of when the
plyer's colors and body parts (arms and legs) are all screwed up and out of
order. Game play is still normal. Is there a pattern, or is it random?
You get them when you play same character/same character matchups, but can
you select them purposely? some people have claimed to have gotten them,
but no methods are yet confirmed.
Someone was playing Akira vs. Akira, and he was the second player. He chose
a gray Akira, somehow, and so he and his friend were playing an entire game
with 2 gray Akiras...
Here's one way to get the second colors (Player 2 only). When you start a
new game, have player 1 move his cursor over a character. Now have Player 2
move his cursor over that same character. Have player 2 choose that
character. Now the first player can choose whoever he wants, but the second
player will have the secondary color.
You can get the credits of the programmers to come up on the screen by
holding down a START button during the demo. When it comes to the standard
demo w/ Sarah kicking Kage, the credits will come up. Keep holding the
START button to keep the credits coming, or else they will freeze.
Also, you can get Kage to _roll_ while the demos are running. Just spin the
player one joystick, and he'll roll either backward or forward, it's up to
you. On the beginning of the computer intro, you can get Kage to roll off
the mat almost before Sarah even tries to kick him. After you finish a game
against the computer, thelast round which you lost will then be played
during the intro. If you got to Dural, the round where you beat Akira
will be shown. What a great way to rub in a loss, especially if the
computer had a real good comeback on you :)
It seems that after about 3,000 plays, the mask on Kage falls off instead of
just his headband. You can see his teeth and a scar on his cheek.
In order to play with both players having the same colors, have one player
select a character. The other player should now highlight, but not select,
the character to the LEFT of that character. For example, if you both want
to play Pai, then the second person should highlight Akira. (If you both
want to play Akira, highlight Jacky). Now press Right+All three buttons
simultaneously. When play begins, you will both be using Player 1's colors
(eg. both Pai's will have blue uniforms.)
It is possible to play as Dural, although the timing to do so is a bit
First, you must beat the computer Dural and have 2 games worth of credits
in the machine ready to go. After beating the game, have one player press
start and pick a character. As soon as that character finishes smiling, but
before the game actually starts, player 2 should press start to interrupt
the process. If your timing is perfect, and the stars are perfectly
aligned, and you've been a good boy or girl, player 2 may come in as Dural.
Should you be fortunate enough to get to play as Dural, here are Dural's
(known) special moves: Wolf's Suplex (Def+Punch), Wolf's Clothesline
(For,For+Punch), Jeffry's Body Press Throw (Back+Punch), Kage's Rolling Kick
(For,For+All), Kage's Knee Pounce (Up+Punch), Akira's Kick (For,For+Kick),
Pai's DDT (For, Down+Punch)
Good luck!
Public opinion isn't always right, but it does help us to get a feel for
what the average Joe is getting out of this game. Surveys are helpful to
new players and veteran fighters alike, for they help to open our eyes to
the world around us. In seeking to have more stuff in this guide that's not
just general facts or my own opinion, this chapter has been included to let
us all get an idea what the general Virtua Fighter's player is thinking.
This is open to any VF player who can get his/her response in to me (not
just internet people :) Please continue to respond, and Enjoy!
Survey #1 (3/25 - 4/1) 46 responses
1. Which Character are you using right now? (first choice)
Akira 6.5%
Lau 13.0%
Jacky (1) 28.2%
Pai (2) 21.7%
Jeffry 1.5%
Sarah (3) 15.2%
Kage 8.7%
Wolf 4.3%
2. Which Character do you think is the most powerful?
Akira (3) 13.0%
Lau 8.7%
Jacky (1) 23.9%
Pai 10.9%
Jeffry 4.3%
Sarah (2) 15.2%
Kage 0.0%
Wolf (3) 13.0%
3. On the machine you play most often, how many rounds do you need
to win to win?
2/3 69.6%
3/5 34.8%
4/7 4.3%
5/9 0.0%
Survey #2 (4/1 - 4/8) 44 responses
1. What is your favorite MOVE in the VF?
1) A Kick Flip
2) Kage's Flying Kick
3) Pai's Grab_Jacky's Double Roundhouse
2. What is your favorite THROW in the VF?
1st Wolf's Twirl & Hurl
2nd Lau's Face Slam
3rd Jeffry's Backbreaker
3. What is your favorite COMBO in the VF?
1st Pai's Triple Punch & Crescent
2nd A Kickflip Combo
3rd Sarah's Elbow-KneeLau's Knife, 2 Punches, Crescent
Survey # 3 (4/8 - 4/15/94) 60 responses
1. In your opinion, who is the WEAKEST character in VF.
Character Votes Percent
Pai 20.5 34.4%
Akira 14.0 23.3
Jeffry 11.5 19.2
Kage 9.0 15.00
Wolf 5.5 9.2
Sarah 4.0 6.7
Lau 1.5 2.5
Jacky 1.5 2.5
Undecided 3.3%
Survey #4 Question (4/5 - 4/13) 84 responses
1. If there was ONE thing you could add/change on VF, what would it
Jumping Speed 47.8%
More computer bosses 26.9%
Better use of 3D 22.4%
The button interface 15.9%
Ground Speed 3.0%
People also wanted things like: more energy, longer rounds, texture
mapping, a cage match w/ no ring outs and storylines.
Produced by
Doug Rosengard, dug@lugaru.com
Original FAQ by Chad E. Reznicek
Special Thanks
God keeping my head on straight
The Family Fun Center in Omaha, NE for Virtua Fighter
Sega info & for VF
Andrea Sega
Dave Sega
Andy Eddy vidgames@netcom.com
Shorty Family Fun Center
Michael Wang mmwang@mv.us.adobe.com
Jose Family Fun Center
Derrick Family Fun Center
Christopher R. Boggs gt93986@acme.gatech.edu
Harry Teasley III het3@crash.cts.com
Ryan Wolfe wolfe@cps.msu.edu
Jeremy Hinton hinton@cs.odu.edu
Steve Lamb sandman@netcom.com
R. 'Tom' Cruz Sogeuco rc_sogu@paro.concordia.ca
Alan Fasick fasick@ucsu.colorado.edu
Brian Tao taob@io.org
Graham Chubb chubb@ecf.toronto.edu
Eric eric@parcplace.com
Vax vax@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu
Kevin Miller miller@midget.towson, edu.
Marie E. Antoon Marie.E.Antoon@Students.Miami.edu
Koh Kawabe kawabee@is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp
World Book Dictionary definitions of virtual & fighter
Replay Magazine some info on VF
Iain Sinclair some info on VF
Getting this FAQ
Revisions will be released as needed to keep the information in this
guide complete and current. this FAQ will be posted as deemed necessary
to keep the masses informed. it can also be accessed by anonymous ftp
from ftp.netcom.com under pub/vi/vidgames/faqs (special thanks to Andy Eddy
of GamePro magazine).
All comments, suggestions or additions
E-Mail directly to : dug@lugaru.com