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- <text id=90TT1775>
- <title>
- July 09, 1990: The Oh So Good Life
- </title>
- <history>
- TIME--The Weekly Newsmagazine--1990
- July 09, 1990 Abortion's Most Wrenching Questions
- The Reunification of Germany
- </history>
- <article>
- <source>Time Magazine</source>
- <hdr>
- GERMANY, Page 80
- The Oh So Good Life
- </hdr>
- <body>
- <p>A society turns its restless energies to the cultivation of
- leisure
- </p>
- <p>By William Rademaekers/Munich
- </p>
- <p> An old German description of well-being is to live wie Gott
- in Frank--like God in France. Whatever the yardstick for the
- good life, at least some of it still seems to be outside
- Germany. In pursuit of that grail, some 800,000 West Germans
- have established second homes abroad--in Tuscany, along the
- Grande Corniche overlooking the Riviera, in the verdant valleys
- of South Tirol. They have also become the world's most traveled
- tourists: last year some 28 million West Germans took holidays
- abroad.
- </p>
- <p> East Germans have a great deal of catching up to do, but
- they are trying. Hardly was the Wall down when a trickle of
- East Berliners and Leipzigers and Dresdeners appeared on the
- Champs Elysees and the Via Veneto. Long confined to holidays
- within the socialist bloc--beaches on the Black Sea or the
- chilly waters of the Baltic--thousands of Easterners will no
- doubt soon set out for venues of the dolce vita, the requisite
- deutsche marks in their pockets.
- </p>
- <p> For West Germans, the annual migrations have had a profound
- impact on taste and spending habits. Looking at the shops in
- urban centers, a visitor might think himself in the wrong
- country. Here a Benetton, there a Chloe, a Chanel, farther
- along a Giorgio Armani, a Fendi, a Valentino. The name of every
- other restaurant seems to begin with le or la, and every other
- menu includes a dish or two from faraway places. Better off
- than ever before, West Germans are spending fortunes to keep
- up with the Schmidts; money appears to be no object in the
- pursuit of distinctive art or eye-catching design in clothes,
- cars, houses, even the simplest household objects. A society
- long praised--and sometimes derided--for an overgrown work
- ethic has turned its restless energies to the cultivation of
- leisure. Enveloped in superlatives, West Germany has emerged
- as one of the world's most affluent societies: the nation with
- the largest trade surplus; the greatest per capita
- concentration of high-performance automobiles; the best wages
- for the shortest work week; and the most rewarding all-round
- standard of living among major industrialized countries.
- </p>
- <p> "Never in our history have we lived so well," says former
- Economics Minister Count Otto Lambsdorff. Statistics bear him
- out. In the past three decades the supply of goods and services
- has quintupled and consumption quadrupled. The living standard
- since the '50s has improved at an annual rate of 4%. Net
- monthly income has expanded tenfold in that period, hourly
- wages almost eightfold. In the early '60s, the average family
- spent half its income on food and household goods; today the
- figure is slightly over 20%. Nearly as much--15%--is
- devoted to leisure activities and holidays.
- </p>
- <p> At least 400 families control fortunes in excess of $100
- million, but the real measure of wealth lies in its breadth and
- depth. More than 2 million people, many only in their 30s, are
- deutsche mark millionaires. This is the first German generation
- in this century to actually inherit wealth. "Earlier
- generations," says Edith Hartl, a self-made businesswoman in
- Munich, "were wiped out by Weimar inflation or war. Today's
- 30-year-olds are inheriting all the fruits of the economic
- miracle."
- </p>
- <p> They have no qualms about spending the inheritance. Sabena
- Knust, owner of a Munich art gallery, says lots of money is
- being poured into modern art: an original painting by a
- contemporary artist goes for $50,000, a print for $4,000.
- Regina Spelman, an editor at the German-language Harper's
- Bazaar, sees vast amounts being spent on apparel: "Germans use
- clothes to define their place in society and are willing to
- spend a lot to make a statement." Hamburg Designer Peter
- Schmidt notes that "people are willing to pay to surround
- themselves with well-designed things." Kurt Gustmann, an editor
- at the magazine Schoner Wohnen in Hamburg, points to a general
- pattern of cultivating leisure activities based on long
- weekends.
- </p>
- <p> Anna Golin, who owns Wunderhaus, a giant warehouse of modern
- furnishings in Unterfohring, says people are investing heavily
- in home decoration as well: a Rolf Sachs chair goes for $5,900,
- a chest of drawers by Shiro Kuramata for $8,900. The furniture
- fills high-priced housing. A no-frills single-family house in
- choice areas of Baden-Wurttemberg or Bavaria averages about
- $300,000, a one-bedroom apartment rarely less than $160,000.
- The most reasonably priced region is along the East-West
- border, but even there the market is tight.
- </p>
- <p> The key word in the great pursuit of pleasure is Luxus, or
- luxury. It is commonly used these days to describe ashtrays,
- bathrooms, cars, furnishings, graphics, holidays--just about
- anything used in everyday life that is well-designed or
- distinctive. Frequently it means something outrageously
- expensive. G&M, a mail-order house in Bavaria, caters
- specifically to such tastes, offering a catalog of 273
- "carefully selected luxury gifts," with a total value of $26.5
- million; among them are a Tabriz rug for $964,000 and a
- gold-plated record player for $75,000. Dieter Schiwietz, a
- Hamburg plastic surgeon, says women--and men--seem to be
- having no trouble finding money for face-lifts costing up to
- $70,000. Says Schiwietz: "Looking good is an important part of
- the good life."
- </p>
- <p> The outpouring of wealth has been accompanied by a
- remarkable transformation in the work ethic. According to a
- survey by the Allensbach Institute, modern Germany "has changed
- from a working society to a leisure society." The average
- person, it notes, devotes four hours a day to leisure
- activities, in contrast to about 1 1/2 hours 40 years ago. That
- comes as no surprise to anyone who has attempted to reach a
- government official in Bonn after 3 p.m. Much of the country,
- in fact, seems to operate on a distinctly non-Teutonic manana
- principle. Freizeit, or leisure time, is sacred, and work is,
- at best, a distraction.
- </p>
- <p> The Latinization of Germany can be seen in lingering lunch
- breaks, overflowing cafes, empty offices, on packed golf
- courses or deserted city streets on weekends. "The Germans,"
- complains one employer, "have more short breaks and holidays
- than anyone else." Adding it all up, the average West German
- has at least two months off a year.
- </p>
- <p> Yet, magically, although they work less, they manage to
- produce more and still maintain quality. That is due partly to
- their guest workers, who get their hands dirty running many of
- the production lines, partly to a genius for organization and
- supervision.
- </p>
- <p> The cornucopia of wealth and well-being has brought some
- strange insecurities, "Luxus is a way of trying to making
- yourself different from others," complains Munich socialite
- Heidi Schoeller, the wife of a banker. "Money doesn't mean very
- much in a society where everyone has it."
- </p>
- <p> There is a near manic devotion to Trendforschung, or trend
- research, to discover what is In or Out. The newest trend in
- holidays, for instance, is to avoid other Germans--even if
- that means spending a month in Patagonia. The drift in sports
- is to golf; tennis has become "too popular" since Boris Becker
- first took the Wimbledon crown in 1985. Although the waiting
- period in Germany for Mercedes-Benz's latest sports car, the
- $77,000 500SL, is four years, the trendy automobile is
- something like an Isdera Imperator, built by a small company in
- Stuttgart, which uses a Mercedes-Benz V-8 engine but certainly
- does not look like a Mercedes-Benz.
- </p>
- <p> No one has yet gauged the potential impact of the great
- disparity between ostentatious affluence in the West and
- relative poverty in the East, but that is a grating issue and
- not likely to disappear soon. Perhaps aware of this, along with
- the realization that life may have become too lavish, a few
- West Germans are tuning in to something called Neue
- Bescheidenheit, or new modesty--an effort to get back to the
- essentials of the good life. It has had only modest success.
- "This is like Jackie Kennedy's basic black and pearls," says one
- critic. "The pearls are genuine, the basic black is cashmere,
- and the accessories are Hermes or Vuitton."
- </p>
- <p> Other, equally ambitious--and more than likely passing--trends are on the horizon. "The newest form of chic," says
- Hartl, "is to learn things other people don't know--to
- actually read a book, for instance." That may also be
- short-lived because as good as it is, contemporary German life
- is hardly restful or contemplative. "We're still trying to
- define ourselves," says Schmidt. "Even in leisure we're not
- particularly at ease." God, in other words, has not moved to
- Germany. Not yet.
- </p>
- </body>
- </article>
- </text>