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Asymetrix ToolBook File  |  1992-02-07  |  18KB  |  199 lines

  1. NAUTILUS Subscription Form
  2. System
  3. enterBook
  4. enterBook
  5. Please start from your NAUTILUS Startup first.
  6. homeBook
  7. Please start from your NAUTILUS Startup first.
  8. homeBook
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  10. renewal
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  13. Offer#: 
  14. To subscribe, complete this form, then Link, mail, FAX or call for prompt attention: 
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  16. first
  17. title
  18. company
  19. address
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  21. leaveField
  22. leaveField
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  24. leaveField
  25. leaveField
  26. First Name:
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  38. phone1
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  40. nIssues
  41. buttonUp
  42. buttonUp
  43. 119.40
  44. setTotals
  45. clearTotals
  46. 119.40
  47. setTotals
  48. clearTotals
  49. 12 issues at $9.95/ea
  50. buttonUp
  51. buttonUp
  52. MasterCard
  53. buttonUp
  54. buttonUp
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  57. buttonUp
  58. buttonUp
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  60. tonUp
  61. setTotals
  62. Ohio Resident? *
  63. buttonUp
  64. buttonUp
  65. setTotals
  66. tonUp
  67. setTotals
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  70. buttonUp
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  72. tonUp
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  80. total
  81. 0.0027
  82. Total:ng:::
  83. Outbox
  84. Save to Outbox
  85. clear
  86. buttonUp
  87. buttonUp
  88. clearForm
  89. arForm
  90. Clear
  91. Print
  92. buttonUp
  93. buttonUp
  94. Print
  95. * Sales Tax
  96. ** Addtl $1/disc shipping
  97. return
  98. buttonup
  99. buttonup
  100. default
  101. homeBook
  102. tonup
  103. default
  104. homeBook
  105. Return
  106. setTax
  107. setShip
  108. clearTotals
  109. setTotals
  110. clearForm
  111. enterPage
  112. initFields
  113. mhInit
  114. verify
  115. enterPage
  116. sizeToPage
  117. initFields
  118. clearTotals
  119. total
  120. setTax
  121. setShip
  122. 30.00
  123. 18.00
  124. setTotals
  125. !setTax
  126. JsetShip
  127. total
  128. clearForm
  129. offer
  130. first
  131. title
  132. company
  133. address
  134. state
  135. country
  136. phone1
  137. phone2
  138. nIssues
  139. clearTotals
  140. initFields
  141. first
  142. userInfo
  143. first
  144. title
  145. company
  146. address
  147. state
  148. buttonUp
  149. buttonUp
  150. country
  151. phone1
  152. phone2
  153. MasterCard
  154. linkBook
  155. verify
  156. first
  157. First Name
  158. Last Name
  159. address
  160. Address
  161. state
  162. State
  163. Credit Card
  164. Expiration Date
  165. offer
  166. Offer Number (NAU # on the disc packaging)
  167. Where did you get this disc?
  168. offer
  169. mhInit
  170. clearForm
  171. gmhSaveAs
  172. buttonUp
  173. buttonUp
  174. verify
  175. Please include
  176. renewal
  177. RENEWAL
  178. total
  179. offer
  180. first
  181. first
  182. company
  183. address
  184. state
  185. country
  186. phone1
  187. phone2
  188. Master Card
  189. ***--- Subscribe
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  191. OutBoxFile
  192. #ErrorMessage
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  194. Message has been saved in your Outbox.  Please send via Link.
  195. default
  196. fName
  197. subOrder
  198. w/o/o/F