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Text File
659 lines
# File: template.ldl
# Last Access: Wed May 20 15:50:49 1998
## Templates ##
template nswindow {
int widthpix 640
int heightpix 480
string tile "SBackgnd.TGA"
template nsscreen {
int widthpix 640
int heightpix 480
string tile "SBackgnd.TGA"
template nsstatictext:FONT_12:MULTICOLOR {
string just "left"
template nsstatictext1:FONT_10:MULTICOLOR {
string just "left"
template nsstatictext2:FONT_8:MULTICOLOR {
string just "left"
template nstitlestatictext:FONT_8:MULTICOLOR {
int xpix 398
int ypix 50
int widthpix 150
int heightpix 15
string just "left"
template nsbutton2:FONT_8:MULTICOLOR {
int widthpix 42
int heightpix 17
string image0 "SBTN014U.TGA"
string activeimage0 "SBTN014M.TGA"
# string disabledimage0 "SBTN014X.TGA"
string image1 "SBTN014D.TGA"
template nsclosebutton:BUTTON_FONT:MULTICOLOR {
### Why have this option? ####
int xpix 159
int ypix 429
int widthpix 108
int heightpix 32
string text "QUIT GAME"
string image0 "SBTN002U.TGA"
string activeimage0 "SBTN002M.TGA"
string disabledimage0 "SBTN002X.TGA"
string image1 "SBTN002D.TGA"
template nsprevbutton:BUTTON_FONT:MULTICOLOR {
int xpix 51
int ypix 429
int widthpix 104
int heightpix 32
string text "BACK"
string image0 "SBTN002U.TGA"
string activeimage0 "SBTN002M.TGA"
string disabledimage0 "SBTN002X.TGA"
string image1 "SBTN002D.TGA"
template nshelpbutton {
int xpix 267
int ypix 429
int widthpix 108
int heightpix 32
string text "HELP"
string image0 "SBTN002U.TGA"
string activeimage0 "SBTN002M.TGA"
string disabledimage0 "SBTN002X.TGA"
string image1 "SBTN002D.TGA"
string helpfile "shell\\help\\readme.hlp"
int contextid 1
template nsnextbutton:BUTTON_FONT:MULTICOLOR {
int xpix 483
int ypix 429
int widthpix 108
int heightpix 32
string text "NEXT"
string image0 "SBTN002U.TGA"
string activeimage0 "SBTN002M.TGA"
string disabledimage0 "SBTN002X.TGA"
string image1 "SBTN002D.TGA"
####### This is temporary until completely phased out #######
template nsheaderswitch:FONT_9:MULTICOLOR {
string image0 "SBTN013U.TGA"
string activeimage0 "SBTN013M.TGA"
# string disabledimage0 "SBTN013X.TGA"
string image1 "SBTN013D.TGA"
template nslongheaderswitch:FONT_8:MULTICOLOR {
string image0 "SBTN013U.TGA"
string activeimage0 "SBTN013M.TGA"
# string disabledimage0 "SBTN013X.TGA"
string image1 "SBTN013D.TGA"
template nsmediumheaderswitch:FONT_8:MULTICOLOR {
string image0 "SBTN016U.TGA"
string activeimage0 "SBTN016M.TGA"
# string disabledimage0 "SBTN016X.TGA"
string image1 "SBTN016D.TGA"
template nsshortheaderswitch:FONT_8:MULTICOLOR {
string image0 "SBTN014U.TGA"
string activeimage0 "SBTN014M.TGA"
# string disabledimage0 "SBTN014X.TGA"
string image1 "SBTN014D.TGA"
template nsbuttonswitch:FONT_8:MULTICOLOR {
string image0 "SBTN017U.TGA"
string activeimage0 "SBTN017M.TGA"
# string disabledimage0 "SBTN017X.TGA"
string image1 "SBTN017D.TGA"
template nsbutton:FONT_8:MULTICOLOR {
###### USE TXTBTN16 INSTEAD ######
string image0 "SBTN016U.TGA"
string activeimage0 "SBTN016M.TGA"
string image1 "SBTN016D.TGA"
int deflatetextrectx 10
string just "left"
template nsdropdownbutton {
string image0 "SBTN027U.TGA"
string activeimage0 "SBTN027M.TGA"
string image1 "SBTN027D.TGA"
# int deflatetextrectx 5
# string just "left"
template nsscrollbar {
string image0 "SFRA009X.TGA"
# string imageblttype "stretch"
template nstextstyle {
int fontcolorred 138
int fontcolorgreen 218
int fontcolorblue 255
int fontshadowcolorred 0
int fontshadowcolorgreen 0
int fontshadowcolorblue 0
string text ""
int maxlength 1
bool boldfont false
bool italicfont false
bool underlinefont false
bool shadowfont false
int fontsize 20
string fontname "s017016d.ttf"
# Horizontal and vertical scroll bars for
# general use
rangery {
int widthpix 12
bool quantizedrag true
bool rigidthumb true
bool windowblend true
bool resizablethumb FALSE
string orientation "vertical"
string type "scroller"
string image0 "SSBR001X.TGA"
string imageblttype "tile"
decy:UP_ARROW {
thumb:VERT_THUMB {
int heightpix 12
bool quantizedrag true
bool rigidthumb true
bool windowblend true
bool resizablethumb FALSE
string orientation "horizontal"
string type "scroller"
string image0 "SSBR006X.TGA"
string imageblttype "tile"
template nsitem:FONT_7:MULTICOLOR {
### These are the listbox items themselves ###
int widthpct 100
int heightpix 20
string just "center"
# The following is an example of a standard
# listbox lead block. This code is not called
# anywhere, but is included here for comparison
# purposes since each listbox is unique usually.
samplelistbox {
int xpix 187
int ypix 165
int widthpix 261
int heightpix 142
int itemoffsetx 4
int itemoffsety 30
int itemwidth 254
int itemheight 20
int headeroffsety -4
bool alwaysranger TRUE
string image0 "sfra007x.tga"
string selectimage "sbtn008d.TGA"
string executesound "general.wav"
string activatesound "mouseover.wav"
item:nsitem {
# This is the standard chat box
# for multiplayer screens.
int xpix 373
int ypix 65
int widthpix 194
int itemwidth 180
int itemheight 13
int heightpix 290
int maxlength 25600
string image0 "SFRA002X.TGA"
systemmessage:BLOCK_TEXT:system_color {
int widthpix 180
int widthpix 180
whispermessage:BLOCK_TEXT:whisper_color {
int widthpix 180
int xpix 4
int ypix 298
bool wordwrap TRUE
int textfieldlength 95
template nslistbox:VERTSCROLLBAR {
int itemoffsetx 4
int itemoffsety 27
int itemheight 15
int headeroffsety -4
item:nsitem {
template nslistbox1:VERTSCROLLBAR {
int widthpix 112
int heightpix 96
int itemoffsetx 2
int itemoffsety 0
int rangeryoffsetx 0
# string selectimage "SBTN003D.TGA"
string imageblttype "stretch"
string image0 "SDBx004x.TGA"
string activeimage0 "SDBx004x.TGA"
string image1 "SDBx004x.TGA"
int widthpix 112
int heightpix 16
string just "center"
template nslistbox2:VERTSCROLLBAR {
int widthpix 172
int heightpix 96
int itemoffsetx 2
int itemoffsety 0
int rangeryoffsetx 0
# string selectimage "SBTN003D.TGA"
string imageblttype "stretch"
string image0 "SDBx004x.TGA"
string activeimage0 "SDBx004x.TGA"
string image1 "SDBx004x.TGA"
int widthpix 112
int heightpix 16
string just "center"
template nslistbox3:dark_blue:VERTSCROLLBAR {
int widthpix 112
int heightpix 96
int itemoffsetx 0
int itemoffsety 0
int rangeryoffsetx 2
# string selectimage "SBTN003D.TGA"
string imageblttype "stretch"
string image0 "SDBx004z.TGA"
string activeimage0 "SDBx004z.TGA"
string image1 "SDBx004z.TGA"
item:FONT_7:dark_blue {
int widthpix 112
int heightpix 16
string just "center"
template nsdropdown {
int widthpix 124
int heightpix 16
string image0 "SBTN023U.TGA"
string activeimage0 "SBTN023U.TGA"
string image1 "SBTN023U.TGA"
int widthpix 124
int heightpix 16
bool vertcenter TRUE
string just "center"
button {
window {
int heightpix 70
listbox:nslistbox1 {
template nsdropdown2 {
int widthpix 172
int heightpix 26
string image0 "SBTN044U.TGA"
string activeimage0 "SBTN044M.TGA"
string image1 "SBTN044D.TGA"
string activatesound "mouseover.wav"
string executesound "general.wav"
int widthpix 172
int heightpix 26
bool vertcenter TRUE
string just "center"
button {
window {
int heightpix 70
listbox:nslistbox2 {
template nsdropdown3 {
int widthpix 124
int heightpix 16
string image0 "SBTN023U.TGA"
string activeimage0 "SBTN023U.TGA"
string image1 "SBTN023U.TGA"
item:FONT_7:dark_blue {
int widthpix 124
int heightpix 16
bool vertcenter TRUE
string just "center"
button {
window {
int heightpix 70
listbox:nslistbox3 {
connectdialogboxwindow {
string xanchor "center"
string yanchor "center"
int widthpix 198
int heightpix 100
string tile "sloadngx.tga"
titlestatictext:FONT_8:MULTICOLOR:loadbar.connect {
int xpix 25
int ypix 22
int widthpix 150
int heightpix 15
string just "left"
descriptionstatictext:nsstatictext {
# int xpct 5
# int ypct 15
# int widthpct 90
# int heightpct 65
# string text ""
progressbar {
string xanchor "center"
int ypix 42
int widthpix 180
int heightpix 49
string image0 "sloadngu.tga"
string barimage "sloadngd.tga"
string type "backandforth"
int valuespersecond 100
# string xanchor "right"
# int ypix 65
# string just "center"
# string text "OK"
# string executesound "accept.wav"
button1:FONT_7:MULTICOLOR2:loadbar.cancel {
int xpix 137
int ypix 23
int widthpix 34
int heightpix 14
string just "center"
button2:FONT_7:MULTICOLOR2 {
# string xanchor "right"
# int ypct 75
# string text "Help"
joinlobbydialogboxwindow {
string xanchor "center"
string yanchor "center"
int widthpix 198
int heightpix 100
string tile "sloadngx.tga"
titlestatictext:FONT_8:MULTICOLOR:loadbar.joinlob {
int xpix 25
int ypix 22
int widthpix 150
int heightpix 15
string just "left"
descriptionstatictext:FONT_8:MULTICOLOR {
# int xpct 5
# int ypct 15
# int widthpct 90
# int heightpct 65
# string text ""
progressbar {
string xanchor "center"
int ypix 42
int widthpix 180
int heightpix 49
string image0 "sloadngu.tga"
string barimage "sloadngd.tga"
string type "backandforth"
int valuespersecond 100
button0:FONT_7:MULTICOLOR2:loadbar.cancel {
int xpix 137
int ypix 23
int widthpix 34
int heightpix 14
string just "center"
findserverdialogboxwindow {
string xanchor "center"
string yanchor "center"
int widthpix 198
int heightpix 100
string tile "sloadngx.tga"
titlestatictext:FONT_8:MULTICOLOR:loadbar.find {
int xpix 25
int ypix 22
int widthpix 150
int heightpix 15
string just "left"
descriptionstatictext:nsstatictext {
# int xpct 5
# int ypct 15
# int widthpct 90
# int heightpct 65
# string text ""
progressbar {
string xanchor "center"
int ypix 42
int widthpix 180
int heightpix 49
string image0 "sloadngu.tga"
string barimage "sloadngd.tga"
string type "backandforth"
int valuespersecond 100
leavelobbydialogboxwindow {
string xanchor "center"
string yanchor "center"
int widthpix 198
int heightpix 100
string tile "sloadngx.tga"
titlestatictext:FONT_8:MULTICOLOR:loadbar.leave {
int xpix 25
int ypix 22
int widthpix 150
int heightpix 15
string just "left"
descriptionstatictext:nsstatictext {
# int xpct 5
# int ypct 15
# int widthpct 90
# int heightpct 65
# string text ""
progressbar {
string xanchor "center"
int ypix 42
int widthpix 180
int heightpix 49
string image0 "sloadngu.tga"
string barimage "sloadngd.tga"
string type "backandforth"
int valuespersecond 100
joindialogboxwindow {
string xanchor "center"
string yanchor "center"
int widthpix 198
int heightpix 100
string tile "sloadngx.tga"
titlestatictext:FONT_8:MULTICOLOR:loadbar.join {
int xpix 25
int ypix 22
int widthpix 150
int heightpix 15
string just "left"
descriptionstatictext:nsstatictext {
# int xpct 5
# int ypct 15
# int widthpct 90
# int heightpct 65
# string text ""
progressbar {
string xanchor "center"
int ypix 42
int widthpix 180
int heightpix 49
string image0 "sloadngu.tga"
string barimage "sloadngd.tga"
string type "backandforth"
int valuespersecond 100
button0:FONT_7:MULTICOLOR2:loadbar.cancel {
int xpix 137
int ypix 23
int widthpix 34
int heightpix 14
string just "center"
createdialogboxwindow {
string xanchor "center"
string yanchor "center"
int widthpix 198
int heightpix 100
string tile "sloadngx.tga"
titlestatictext:FONT_8:MULTICOLOR:loadbar.create {
int xpix 25
int ypix 22
int widthpix 150
int heightpix 15
string just "left"
descriptionstatictext:nsstatictext {
# int xpct 5
# int ypct 15
# int widthpct 90
# int heightpct 65
# string text ""
progressbar {
string xanchor "center"
int ypix 42
int widthpix 180
int heightpix 49
string image0 "sloadngu.tga"
string barimage "sloadngd.tga"
string type "backandforth"
int valuespersecond 100
button0:FONT_7:MULTICOLOR2:loadbar.cancel {
int xpix 137
int ypix 23
int widthpix 34
int heightpix 14
string just "center"
mouseblock {
string cursor0 "Scursor1.tga"