;********* Translated by Radoslaw Krzyzan ***********
;********* krzyzan@polbox.com ***********
ErrorMsg=Unknown error
OKMsgReboot=Changed, but Windows should be restarted to apply changes
NoChangeMsg=Nothing to change...
NoNT=Sorry. You cannot use this option with Windows NT .
No98=Sorry. You cannot use this option with Windows 98 .
No95=Sorry. You cannot use this option with Windows 95 .
IfStartButtonErrorMSG1=WARNING ! If the system doesnt start, just run file : < C:\Adm_Help.Bat > .
IfStartButtonErrorMSG2=If everything OK just delete files <C:\Adm_Help.Bat> and <C:\Explorer.!!!> .
IfStartButtonErrorMSG3=START button renamed but you will see the changes after Windows restart.
EmptyValue=Insert value.
;Common words
;Menu bar desciptions
Menu2_Caption=Menu Start
;Effects bar
MinMaxAnimate=Windows animation
Scroll=Smooth scrolling
;Menu Start bar
MenuDelay=Display speed of Start menu items
ClearRunBuffer=Clear <run> buffer
StartButtonCaption=Caption of START button
UserName=User, serial number
RemoveStart=Hide taskbar
;System bar
StartLogo=Start logo
WinBootDelay=Windows loading delay
InstallPath=Path to install files
NoRespondTime=Time to kill application
StartWindowsMessage=Windows startup dialog
;Network bar
NumberOfRings=Number of rings
PrinterNotification=Print notification
LogonWindow=Logon dialog
AntyNuke=Anti Nuke
;Explorer bar
BmpAsContents=Show bitmaps as their own contents
NewContextMenuItem=New position in context menu
Shortcut=Remove "Shortcut to..." prefix
ShortcutArrow=Remove shortcut arrow
Tildes=Disable tildes
ExploreAsDefault=Explore as default
AddSendToItem=Add new position to "Send to..." menu
ClearDocMenuContents=Clear document menu items
;Other bar
AutoPlayAudioCD=Autorun audio CD
AutoRunDataCD=Autorun data CD
HiddenRun=Hidden AutoStart
;About bar
Author=About author
Freeware=Freeware status
;Bonus bar
;Options bar
; P A G E S
Memphis_Description=Memphis effects : Gradient caption bar, smooth menu displaying and other. Choose:
Memphis_Option1=Make my Windows Cool !!! Install Memphis effects.
Memphis_Option2=I don't like it. Remove Memphis effects from my Windows.
Memphis_Warning=Note:This effect may work not correctly with your Windows version.Be careful using this option ! Make backup files : \Windows\System - user.exe and user32.dll. Memphis effect may not work correctly with some DirectX drivers .
MinMaxAnimate_Description=Do you want to improve the speed of your Windows ? Try disabling the flying windows animation while minimizing or maximizing.
MinMaxAnimate_Option1=My Windows runs slowly ... Disable animation.
MinMaxAnimate_Option2=Back to standard Windows settings.
Scroll_Description=While scrolling the contents of explorer windows you can see the smooth scroll effect. You can disable this effect.
Scroll_Option1=I want to disable smooth scroll effect.
Scroll_Option2=I want to return to default Windows settings.
Scroll_Warning=Note: To use this option you have to install Microsoft ⌐ Plus .
MenuDelay_Description=If you want to control delay of displaying menus from Start Menu. Choose once of options below.
MenuDelay_Option1=I'll set delay myself ms
MenuDelay_Option2=Set the standard Windows Settings
ClearRunBuffer_Description=Do you want to remove old commands from Start->Run ?
ClearRunBuffer_Option1=I want to remove all commands from Run buffer.
StartButtonCaption_Description=Cool ! Now you can replace standard "START" caption on Start Menu button with your own.
StartButtonCaption_Option1=I want to change Caption to :
StartButtonCaption_Option2=I want to return to default Windows settings.
StartButtonCaption_Warning=Warning ! This operation can take some minutes !
UserName_Description=Get and change user name and serial number . It's so simple ...
UserName_Option1=User name
UserName_Option3=Serial number
RemoveStart_Option1=Hide START button
RemoveStart_Option2=Show START button
RemoveTaskBar_Option1=Hide Task Bar
RemoveTaskBar_Option2=Show Task Bar
RemoveDesktop_Option1=Hide desktop
RemoveDesktop_Option2=Show desktop
StartLogo_Description=This page allows you to disable standard startup logo before Windows launch. Choose below:
StartLogo_Option1=I hate Windows logo. Remove it NOW !
StartLogo_Option2=Well ...Maybe Windows logo is not so interesting but I want to see it while system loading...
Scandisk_Description=Do you want to disable, autorun or ask before starting Scandisk after hard reboot ?
Scandisk_Option1=I want to disable scandisk.
Scandisk_Option2=I want to be asked before checking drive for errors.
Scandisk_Option3=I want to launch scandisk without confirmation.
WinBootDelay_Description=If you want to disable a few-seconds delay or change delay before loading Windows just select the time :
WinBootDelay_Option1=I will set delay myself: sec
WinBootDelay_Option2=I want to disable delay.
GUI_Description=This page allows you to disable loading GUI on system startup. Select :
GUI_Option1=I want to disable loading Graphic User Interface. I will load Windows myself by "win" command.
GUI_Option2=Do not disable this function. I want to load the GUI on startup.
InstallPath_Description=If you are making any changes to your Windows settings you'll be asked for Install Disk. If your install drive letter has been changed since last Windows installation or you just want to change this path you can do this below.
InstallPath_Option1=Set the path to your Windows install files
NoRespondTime_Description=When the application is not responding you will get "Application XXX not responding..." dialog . If you choose <End Task> button the task will be killed after 20000 ms . You can change these settings...
NoRespondTime_Option1=I want to set delay to: ms
NoRespondTime_Option2=Restore default settings.
StartWindowsMessage_Description=This page allows to create custom message dialog displayed on Windows startup.
StartWindowsMessage_Option1=Window caption:
StartWindowsMessage_Option3=Disable dialog
NumberOfRings_Description=Are you using remote access ? Now you can set the delay before your modem will take a call.
NumberOfRings_Option1=I'll set delay to :
NumberOfRings_Option2=Do not wait . Take a call after only one ring .
PrinterNotification_Description=If you are using network printer after print you can see the message dialog with information about print progress (start, finish) . Now you can disable this dialog .
PrinterNotification_Option1=I want to disable printer notification.
PrinterNotification_Option2=No. I want to send messages to network users.
PrinterNotification_Warning=Note. This options should be enabled on print server.
LogonWindow_Description=If you are sure you want to use AutoLogon at Windows startup just disable logon window.
LogonWindow_Option1=Log me on automatically.Password:
LogonWindow_Option2=I don't want to logon automaticaly.
LogonWindow_Warning=Warning ! This option doesn't work without a Windows password.
AntyNuke_Description=If you are connected to Internet somebody can make your screen blue and stop your computer responding. Now you can use this security option.
AntyNuke_Option1=Enable security.
AntyNuke_Option2=Disable security.
BmpAsContents_Description=Do you want to see the icons of *.bmp files as their contents ? Just choose one of following options:
BmpAsContents_Option1=I want to see the icons of *.bmp as their own contents.
BmpAsContents_Option2=I want to return to default Windows settings.
NewContextMenuItem_Description=Open files with your favourite viewer. Add new command to file popup menu.
NewContextMenuItem_Option3=I want to delete all the comands I have added.
Shortcut_Description=While you are dragging your favourite application's exe file Windows automaticaly adds " Shortcut to..." prefix. You can remove it.
Shortcut_Option1=I want to remove "Shortcut to..." from new created links.
Shortcut_Option2=I want to return to default Windows settings.
ShortcutArrow_Description=This option allows to disable shortcuts arrow.
ShortcutArrow_Option1=Remove arrow
ShortcutArrow_Option2=Show arrow
ExploreAsDefault_Description=After you click on <My Computer> Explorer is launched as a one-pane view by default. You can enable Explorer to run as two-panel view.
ExploreAsDefault_Option1=I want to lauch explorer in two-panel mode.
ExploreAsDefault_Option2=I don't want to run two-panel explorer.
AddSendToItem_Description=This page allows you to customize "Send to..." menu.
ClearDocMenuContents_Description=This page allows you to clear Documents history menu.
ClearDocMenuContents_Delete=DELETE SELECTED
Tildes_Description=When you create the file using LongFileName (i.e. This is my document.doc) Windows automaticaly creates DOS -style name - Thisis~1.doc (8+3 format) . You can disable tildes ( ~ ) to make the DOS name longer.
Tildes_Option1=I want to disable tildes.
Tildes_Option2=I don't want to use this option.
AutoPlayAudioCD_Description=If you don't want to autostart Audio CD's with your CDPlayer you can disable autorun below.
AutoPlayAudioCD_Option1=I want to disable AutoRun option.
AutoPlayAudioCD_Option2=I want to enable AutoRun option.
AutoRunDataCD_Description=If you don't want to autostart your data CD's just disable this function.
AutoRunDataCD_Option1=I want to disable AutoRun option.
AutoRunDataCD_Option2=I want to enable AutoRun option.
HiddenRun_Description=The files listed below are launched on Windows startup.
Author_Text1=1. Please send me comments about this application. Address below.
Author_Text2=2. If you know any interesting hints send me them please.
TroubleShooting_A1=Two files \Windows\System - user.exe and user32.dll are derived from newest version of Windows - Windows 98 . Just replace that files with original - usually user.org and user32.org . If you cannot find that files in your Windows\System folder just copy them from your friend PC. The files could not be copied under Windows... just shut down Windows in MS-DOS mode .
TroubleShooting_Q2=Some games doesn't start or works uncorrectly after using Memphis Effects. What's up ?
TroubleShooting_A2=Look at prior anwser.... Yes. There is side efects of using Memphis effects. You should disable this effect.
TroubleShooting_Q3=I'm trying to delete my custom caption of Menu Start button but I can't . What is the solution ?
TroubleShooting_A3=The file in your Windows folder has been changed - Explorer.Exe. Find the backup of this file named Explorer.org and rename to Explorer.Exe under real DOS !
Freeware_Description=This program is free. However, if you think it is worth spending a little bit of money, please send it to one of the bank accounts listed below. Those accounts belong to charities that take care of hungry children, without homes and/or without parents. Those children need your help. If you send any money to one of those charities, please notify me of it immediately. I promise I will, in exchange, send you all the updates, new version releases and provide you with all the help I can with solving problems related with this software. Thank you very much.
Chess_NewGame=New game
Chess_MoveBackward=Move backward
Chess_MoveForward=Move forward
Skins_Description=Program allows you to define your own skin. Choose bitmap file you like. As default you'll find the skins in \Skins folder.