home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- //Global Variables
- var gSelectedRadioItem; // Remembers the chosen screenname if the user hits the back button.
- var gCurPage; // Remembers the current page you are on, so finish knows what setup panel to get the screenname from.
- var whichPath = ""; // Keeps track of which of the three choices the user has made at the beginning of the wizard
- //*************************//
- // Panel One JS //
- //*************************//
- /*
- * Function: page1onLoad
- *
- * Arguments: None
- *
- * Return: None
- *
- * Description: Calls the function to setup what radio button options the
- * user will see in the wizard when it loads.
- */
- function page1onLoad()
- {
- setInitialPanel();
- gCurPage = 1;
- }
- function page1Advanced(){
- if(whichPath == "downstreamActivation"){
- /* --- MERC SL Feb 9, 2005 */
- /* --- Kill the legacy registration process and spawn
- --- the AIM registration URL in the browser.
- */
- var mBypassLegacyReg = true; // set true to use browser reg. instead
- if (mBypassLegacyReg) {
- window.close(); // close the dialog window
- window.opener.parent.addOneOrMoreURIs("https://my.screenname.aol.com/_cqr/registration/initRegistration.psp?sitedomain=my.screenname.aol.com&authLev=1&siteState=&lang=en&locale=us&createSn=1");
- return false;
- /* --- */
- }
- if (gAcctTypeOnPageHandlerKicked){
- return true;
- }
- setEntryPoint("downstreamActivation");
- setNewAccountGlobals();
- pingForTransactionUrls();
- return false;
- }
- else{
- if(whichPath == "setUseMyScreenName")
- {
- dump ("---> setUseMyScreenName\n");
- if (gAcctTypeOnPageHandlerKicked){
- return true;
- }
- setEntryPoint("downstreamActivation");
- //set gExistingAccount = true and gNewAccount = false;
- setExistingAccountGlobals();
- // MERC: SL Feb 12 /05
- //pingForTransactionUrls();
- // MERC: SL Feb 12/05 - jump directly to signon sidebar
- window.close(); // close the dialog window
- finishWizard();
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Function: setInitialPanel()
- *
- * Arguments: None
- *
- * Return: None
- *
- * Description: Determines if the user activated or not. If so, gives them the option to use the ID they activated for aim. If not,
- * hides that functionality from them.
- *
- */
- function setInitialPanel()
- {
- var firstScreen = aimPrefsManager().GetCharPref("aim.session.screenname", null, true);
- //we need to make sure we set the correct radio button depending on whether the
- //user is coming back to this panel, or if it is the first time.
- //document.getElementById("wizchoices").selectedItem = null;
- switch(whichPath)
- {
- case "useActivatedName":
- document.getElementById('netcenter').setAttribute('selected','true');
- //document.getElementById('migration').setAttribute('selected','false');
- //document.getElementById('setupname').setAttribute('selected','false');
- setUseActivatedName();
- break;
- case "setUseMyScreenName":
- //document.getElementById('netcenter').setAttribute('selected','false');
- document.getElementById('migration').setAttribute('selected','true');
- //document.getElementById('setupname').setAttribute('selected','false');
- setUseMyScreenName();
- break;
- case "downstreamActivation":
- //document.getElementById('netcenter').setAttribute('selected','false');
- //document.getElementById('migration').setAttribute('selected','false');
- document.getElementById('setupname').setAttribute('selected','true');
- dump("in migration.js - downstreamActivation\n");
- setUseNewScreenName();
- break;
- default:
- //determine starting wizard panel
- if (firstScreen && firstScreen != '')
- {
- var aimBundle = document.getElementById('bundle_aim'); // Lets us access the AIM String Bundle.
- var text1 = aimBundle.getString("migwiz.text1");
- var text2 = aimBundle.getString("migwiz.text2");
- var newRadio = document.createElement("radio");
- //new code to fix strange wrapping bug
- newRadio.setAttribute("label", text1 + firstScreen + text2);
- document.getElementById('wizchoices').replaceChild(newRadio, document.getElementById('netcenter'));
- newRadio.setAttribute('id','netcenter');
- newRadio.setAttribute('selected','true');
- newRadio.setAttribute('oncommand','setUseActivatedName();');
- //document.getElementById('migration').setAttribute('selected','false');
- //document.getElementById('setupname').setAttribute('selected','false');
- setUseActivatedName();
- }
- else
- {
- //document.getElementById('netcenter').setAttribute('selected','false');
- document.getElementById('netcenter').setAttribute('hidden','true');
- document.getElementById('migration').setAttribute('selected','true');
- //document.getElementById('setupname').setAttribute('selected','false');
- setUseMyScreenName();
- }
- break;
- }
- //determine ending wizard panel
- gEndPageId = "pdone";
- }
- /*
- * Function: setUseActivatedName
- *
- * Arguments: none
- *
- * Return: none
- *
- * Description: Sets the next page to be the Netcenter activation explaination page.
- */
- function setUseActivatedName()
- {
- document.getElementById('p1').next='p2';
- whichPath = "useActivatedName";
- }
- /*
- * Function: setUseMyScreenName
- *
- * Arguments: none
- *
- * Return: none
- *
- * Description: Sets the next page depending on a. platform, and b. if the 'MigrateDiscover()'
- * function finds any existing screennames on your computer.
- */
- function setUseMyScreenName()
- {
- whichPath = "setUseMyScreenName";
- // if (navigator.platform != 'MacPPC')
- // {
- // var ret = MigrateDiscover();
- // if ( MigrateDiscover() == false )
- // document.getElementById('p1').next='p3';
- // else
- // document.getElementById('p1').next='p4';
- // }
- // else
- // we need to go through the activation screens
- // to detemine if the screen name has NetscapeNetwork
- // flag set
- document.getElementById('p1').next='ispPage3';
- setNextPage("ispPage3", "ispPage5");
- setNextPage("ispPage5","pdone");
- dump ("---) setUseMyScreenName\n");
- }
- /*
- * Function: setUseNewScreenName
- *
- * Arguments: none
- *
- * Return: none
- *
- * Description: Sets the next page to be the New Screen Name explaination page.
- */
- function setUseNewScreenName()
- {
- whichPath = "downstreamActivation";
- document.getElementById('p1').next='ispPage4';
- setNextPage("ispPage4","ispPage5");
- setNextPage("ispPage5","ispPage6");
- setNextPage("ispPage6","pdone");
- }
- //*************************//
- // Panel Two JS //
- //*************************//
- /*
- * Function: page2onLoad
- *
- * Arguments: None
- *
- * Return: None
- *
- * Description: Fires when the 3rd page is loaded. Sets focus on the relevant widget.
- */
- function page2onLoad()
- {
- gCurPage = 2;
- dump("in migration.js page2onLoad()\n");
- }
- //*************************//
- // Panel Three JS //
- //*************************//
- /*
- * Function: page3onLoad
- *
- * Arguments: None
- *
- * Return: None
- *
- * Description: Fires when the 3rd page is loaded. Sets focus on the relevant widget.
- */
- function page3onLoad()
- {
- document.getElementById('p3inputscreenname').focus();
- gCurPage = 3;
- }
- //*************************//
- // Panel Four JS //
- //*************************//
- /*
- * Function: page4onLoad
- *
- * Arguments: None
- *
- * Return: None
- *
- * Description: Fires when the 4th page is loaded. Sets focus on the relevant widget.
- */
- function page4onLoad()
- {
- document.getElementById('p4inputscreenname').focus();
- setFields('p4inputscreenname', parent.migrationScreenName);
- setFields('p4inputpassword', parent.migrationPassword);
- gCurPage = 4;
- }
- /*
- * Function: setMigratedPanelFields
- *
- * Arguments: none
- *
- * Return: none
- *
- * Description: Fill the menupopup with found AIM screennames.
- */
- function setFields(element,set)
- {
- element = document.getElementById(element);
- if ( !element || element == null || element == undefined )
- return;
- if (element.id == "p4inputscreenname")
- {
- ClearMenuList( element );
- if (parent.migrationScreenName)
- AppendStringToMenulist( element, parent.migrationScreenName );
- for ( var i = 0; i < parent.migrationScreenNameVecSize.value; i++ )
- AppendStringToMenulist( element, parent.migrationScreenNameVec[ i ] );
- }
- if (element.id == "p4inputpassword")
- element.value = set;
- }
- //*************************//
- // Panel Five JS //
- //*************************//
- /*
- * Function: page5onLoad
- *
- * Arguments: none
- *
- * Return: none
- *
- * Description: Fires when the 5th page is loaded. Sets focus on the relevant widget,
- * and sets the proper next page.
- */
- function page5onLoad()
- {
- gCurPage = 5;
- dump("in migration.js page5onLoad\n");
- }
- //*************************//
- // Panel Six JS //
- //*************************//
- /*
- * Function: page6onLoad
- *
- * Arguments: none
- *
- * Return: none
- *
- * Description: Fires when the 6th page is loaded. Sets focus on the relevant widget,
- * and sets up the call to open the brower with the reg page open.
- */
- function page6onLoad()
- {
- document.getElementById('p6inputscreenname').focus();
- newRegBrowser(aimRegionString('register.site'))
- gCurPage = 6;
- }
- //*************************//
- // Panel Done JS //
- //*************************//
- /*
- * Function: pdoneonLoad
- *
- * Arguments: none
- *
- * Return: none
- *
- * Description: Fires when the 6th page is loaded. Sets focus on the relevant widget,
- * and sets up the call to open the brower with the reg page open.
- */
- function pdoneonLoad()
- {
- sname=gScreenName;
- var snDom = document.getElementById("newScreenName")
- snDom.setAttribute("value", sname);
- gCurPage = 99;
- }
- /*
- * Function: newRegBrowser
- *
- * Arguments: theUrl
- *
- * Return: none
- *
- * Description: Opens a browser window with the AIM new screen name registration page displayed.
- */
- function newRegBrowser(theUrl)
- {
- aimCmdNewBrowser(theUrl);
- }
- //*************************//
- // Finish/Cancel JS //
- //*************************//
- /*
- * Function: wizardSetPrefs()
- *
- * Arguments: panelName,ns,pw
- *
- * Return: None
- *
- * Description: called when the user has hit the finish button. Sets the relevant prefs
- * for their choice of screen name, and also registers the name somehow.
- *
- */
- /*
- function wizardSetPrefs(sn,pw)
- {
- aimPrefsManager().SetCharPref("aim.session.screenname", sn, null, true);
- if(pw != "")
- {
- aimSessionSavePassword(pw);
- aimPrefsManager().SetBoolPref("aim.session.storepassword", true, null, false);
- }
- aimPrefsManager().SetBoolPref("aim.session.autologin", false, null, false);
- wizardRegister(sn);
- }
- */
- /*
- * Function: wizardRegister()
- *
- * Arguments: screenName
- *
- * Return: None
- *
- * Description: Registers the screenname? (Please comment.)
- */
- /*
- function wizardRegister(screenName)
- {
- if(aimSessionObject())
- aimSessionObject().RegisterScreenName(screenName);
- }
- */
- /*
- * Function: cancelWizard()
- *
- * Arguments: none
- *
- * Return: None
- *
- * Description: Cancels the use of the wizard, and throws you out to the setup panel.
- */
- function cancelWizard()
- {
- if (document.documentElement.currentPage.id == "ispPage12") {
- gCreditPageCancelled =true;
- document.documentElement.advance("ispPage13");
- return false;
- }
- var aimBundle = document.getElementById('bundle_aim'); // Lets us access the AIM String Bundle.
- var promptService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/prompt-service;1"].getService();
- promptService = promptService.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIPromptService);
- var title = aimBundle.getString("migwiz.cancel.title");
- var message = aimBundle.getString("migwiz.cancel.text");
- var result = {value:0};
- result = promptService.confirmEx(window, title, message, null, null, null, null, null, result);
- if (result == 1){
- return false;
- }else{
- return true;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Function: finishWizard()
- *
- * Arguments: none
- *
- * Return: None
- *
- * Description: Finishes the use of the wizard, and throws you out to the Sign On panel with whatever screen name you picked.
- */
- function finishWizard()
- {
- var sname = "";
- var pword = "";
- var existingScreenName = aimPrefsManager().GetCharPref("aim.session.screenname", null, true);
- var firstTimeUsingAim = aimPrefsManager().GetBoolPref("aim.session.firsttime", null, true);
- var overrideExistingScreenName = false;
- dump("---> in finishWizard gCurPage is " + gCurPage + "\n");
- switch(gCurPage)
- {
- case 2:
- sname = existingScreenName
- pword = "";
- break;
- case 3:
- sname = document.getElementById("p3inputscreenname").value;
- pword = document.getElementById("p3inputpassword").value;
- overrideExistingScreenName = true;
- break;
- case 4:
- sname = document.getElementById("p4inputscreenname").value;
- pword = document.getElementById("p4inputpassword").value;
- overrideExistingScreenName = true;
- break;
- case 6:
- sname = document.getElementById("p6inputscreenname").value;
- pword = document.getElementById("p6inputpassword").value;
- break;
- case 99:
- // downstream activation
- sname=gScreenName;
- pword=gPassword;
- overrideExistingScreenName = true;
- break;
- }
- if( !(existingScreenName && existingScreenName !="") || ((overrideExistingScreenName == true)&&(aimRDFDataSource().GetTarget(aimRDFSession(), aimRDFSessionState(), true) == aimRDF().GetLiteral("Offline"))))
- {
- //we dont have a screen name set so set one --- or --- we want to override the existing screen name and we are offline.
- aimSessionRegister(sname);
- if(pword != "")
- {
- dump("\n in saving password option \n")
- aimSessionSavePassword(pword);
- aimPrefsManager().SetBoolPref("aim.session.storepassword", true, null, false);
- /*update sidebar sign on fields */
- var migrationParentWindow = top.opener;//get the parent window of this wizard
- var sideBarFrame = migrationParentWindow.getsidebarframe();//get the sidebar panel
- var sideBarFramePassWordField = sideBarFrame.document.getElementById("fldPassword");
- sideBarFramePassWordField.value = pword;
- //enable the inputs like sign on and save password checkbox
- sideBarFrame.EnableInputs();
- }
- aimPrefsManager().SetBoolPref("aim.session.finishedwizard",true, null, true);
- aimPrefsManager().SetCharPref("aim.session.screenname", sname, null, true);
- aimPrefsManager().SetCharPref("aim.session.latestaimscreenname",sname, null,true);
- aimPrefsManager().SetBoolPref("aim.session.autologin", false, null, false);
- var checkbox = document.getElementById("p4migrateScreenNameCheck");
- if ( checkbox && checkbox.checked == false )
- {
- aimPrefsManager().SetCharPref("aim.session.migrateBuddyList",sname, null, true);
- }
- }
- dump("finished finish wizard\n");
- //closeWizard();
- }
- function closeWizard()
- {
- dump("calling close wizard\n");
- top.window.close();
- window.close();
- top.close();
- }
- /**** set next page
- *
- */
- function setNextPage(currentPageId, nextPageId) {
- var currentPage = document.getElementById(currentPageId);
- currentPage.next = nextPageId;
- }