home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- var migrationScreenName = "";
- var migrationPassword = "";
- var migrationSource = "";
- var migrationScreenNameVec = "";
- var migrationScreenNameVecSize = 0;
- var selectedRadioItem;
- // Navigation Set for pages contained in wizard
- var wizardMap =
- {
- migWiz0_0_0: { previous: null, next: "migWiz1_0_0", finish: false },
- migWiz1_0_0: { previous: "migWiz0_0_0", next: null, finish: true },
- migWiz2_0_0: { previous: "migWiz0_0_0", next: null, finish: true },
- migWiz2_1_0: { previous: "migWiz3_0_0", next: null, finish: true },
- migWiz3_0_0: { previous: "migWiz0_0_0", next: "migWiz2_1_0", finish: false },
- migWiz4_0_0: { previous: "migWiz0_0_0", next: null, finish: true },
- }
- // page specific variables
- var profName = "";
- var profDir = "";
- var wizardManager = null;
- // startup procedure
- function Startup( startPage, frame_id )
- {
- if(frame_id == "")
- return false;
- // instantiate the Wizard Manager
- wizardManager = new WizardManager( frame_id, null, null, wizardMap );
- wizardManager.URL_PagePrefix = "chrome://aim/content/";
- wizardManager.URL_PagePostfix = ".xul";
- // set the button handler functions
- wizardManager.SetHandlers( null, null, onFinish, onCancel, null, null );
- // load the start page
- wizardManager.LoadPage(startPage, false);
- // move to center of screen if no opener, otherwise, to center of opener
- if( window.opener )
- moveToAlertPosition();
- else
- centerWindowOnScreen();
- }
- /*
- * Function: setSelectedRadioItem()
- *
- * Arguments: defaultRadioItem
- *
- * Return: None
- *
- * Description: Determines if the user has previously selected a radio button in this instance of the wizard, and sets
- * that button to be checked when stepping back to the first panel. If not takes the defaultRadioItem
- * and sets that to be checked.
- */
- function setSelectedRadioItem(defaultRadioItem)
- {
- var item;
- var iframe = document.getElementById('content').docShell.contentViewer.DOMDocument;
- var radiogroup = iframe.getElementById("migwiz000radiogroup1");
- if (selectedRadioItem)
- item = iframe.getElementById(selectedRadioItem);
- else
- item = iframe.getElementById(defaultRadioItem);
- radiogroup.selectedItem = item;
- }
- /*
- * Function: onCancel()
- *
- * Arguments: None
- *
- * Return: None
- *
- * Description: Run when the user cancels out of the wizard using the cancel button.
- */
- function onCancel()
- {
- if( top.window.opener )
- window.close();
- else
- {
- try
- {
- profile.forgetCurrentProfile();
- }
- catch (ex)
- {
- dump("failed to forget current profile.\n");
- }
- ExitApp();
- }
- }
- /*
- * Function: onFinish()
- *
- * Arguments: None
- *
- * Return: None
- *
- * Description: Run when the user finishes the wizard. Takes the Screenname/Password the user chose, and sets the prefs
- * to remember it, and also prefills the sign on panel.
- */
- function onFinish()
- {
- var iframe = document.getElementById('content').docShell.contentViewer.DOMDocument;
- var curPage = wizardManager.currentPageTag;
- var sname = "";
- var pword = "";
- if (curPage != "migWiz1_0_0")
- {
- pword = iframe.getElementById("inputpassword").value;
- if (curPage == "migWiz4_0_0")
- sname = iframe.getElementById("inputscreenname").label;
- else
- sname = iframe.getElementById("inputscreenname").value;
- }
- else
- sname = aimPrefsManager().GetCharPref("aim.session.screenname", null, true);
- cmdRegisterRemoteScreenNameWiz(curPage,sname,pword);
- aimPrefsManager().SetBoolPref("aim.session.finishedwizard",true, null, true);
- var checkbox = top.frames[0].document.getElementById("migrateScreenNameCheck");
- if ( checkbox && checkbox.checked == false )
- aimPrefsManager().SetCharPref("aim.session.migrateBuddyList",sname, null, true);
- window.close();
- }
- function ExitApp()
- {
- // Need to call this to stop the event loop
- var appShell = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/appshell/appShellService;1'].getService();
- appShell = appShell.QueryInterface( Components.interfaces.nsIAppShellService);
- appShell.Quit();
- }
- //set up login screen
- function cmdRegisterRemoteScreenNameWiz(panelName,sn,pw)
- {
- aimPrefsManager().SetCharPref("aim.session.screenname", sn, null, true);
- if(pw != "")
- {
- aimSessionSavePassword(pw);
- aimPrefsManager().SetBoolPref("aim.session.storepassword", true, null, false);
- }
- aimPrefsManager().SetBoolPref("aim.session.autologin", false, null, false);
- wizard_AimSession_Register(sn);
- top.close();
- }
- function wizard_AimSession_Register(screenName)
- {
- if(aimSession())
- aimSession().RegisterScreenName(screenName);
- }