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725 lines
| SLEARN (SALT learn utility) v1.00 |
| |
| A SALT script creator for Telix |
| |
| Copyright (c) 1990 by Paul Roub |
| All Rights Reserved |
| |
| January 17, 1990 |
SLEARN v1.00 Introduction
Hopefully, this documentation will tell you all you need to know about
using SLEARN. But if necessary, please direct further questions to me
through the following means:
Compuserve EasyPlex E-Mail to 71131,157
Messages to Paul Roub in the FidoNet TELIX echo
Fido NetMail to Paul Roub at 1:135/47
Local BBS messages to Paul Roub on:
MOBS (305-895-1666)
US Mail to:
Paul Roub
P.O. Box 141583
Coral Gables, FL 33114-1583
When reporting a bug, please be specific as to the nature of the prob-
lem (i.e. what led up to it, what error message -- if any -- ensued,
can you repeat it, etc.).
The author makes no claims as to the suitability of this product for
any application. In the event of malfunction, the author's liability
shall be limited to a replacement or refund.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: I wish to express my gratitude to Andrew Adler,
Lloyd Burt, Craig Merwitzer and Bruce Wilson for testing and assistance
above and beyond the call of duty. Thanks also to Nick Anis and John
Dvorak. And as always, particularly special thanks to Maria for exist-
You may distribute SLEARN freely (in fact, I would appreciate your
doing so), provided that you distribute only the full, unmodified ar-
chive (SLRN_100.ARC), with its full name intact, containing the follow-
ing files:
READTHIS.NOW (Can be deleted after January 31, 1990)
If you downloaded SLEARN from Compuserve, please rename SL100.ARC to
SLRN_100.ARC before distribution. Feel free to distribute SLEARN in
SLEARN Documentation page 1
SLEARN v1.00 Introduction
other archive formats (such as ZIP, LHARC, ZOO, etc.) -- but again, you
must retain the full name, as in SLRN_100.LZH or SLRN_100.ZIP.
If you're not sure whether you have the latest version of SLEARN, the
following systems are always kept up to date:
MOBS (1:135/47) 305-895-1666
Floridays Deluxe 305-235-2227
The C Workshop (1:135/1) 305-226-3310
Telix Support BBS 416-439-8293
Compuserve IBMCOM Forum
If, after trying out SLEARN, you wish to continue using it, you must
fill out and send in the registration form at the end of this document.
You'll be supporting shareware, making possible future improved ver-
sions of this and other programs; you can also get the latest version
of SLEARN on disk. Note that SLEARN may NOT be used in a business or
commercial environment without registration. For further details, see
the Registration section at the end of this document.
Is there something you don't like about SLEARN? Something you think is
missing? A screw-up in the documentation, etc... let me know! We aim
to please!
SLEARN Documentation page 2
SLEARN v1.00 Why use SLEARN?
What's the problem?
I've said it before -- Telix is the best communications program you'll
find. However, not even Telix is perfect. Two common complaints go
hand in hand: that Telix's script language (SALT) can be hard to learn
for non-programmers, and that Telix lacks a "learn" mode which can
automatically create SALT scripts for you.
For example: assume you wanted to log on to QuickBBS system, such as
the Telix Support BBS. You would call up, wait until you saw the
Enter Your Name:
then type your name followed by a carriage return. The system would
then prompt you for your
which you would also type, followed by another carriage return.
Of course, you don't want to have to go through this every time you log
onto that board -- the process will never change, and will get quite
boring (just the type of thing you would expect your computer to spare
you from). If you know Telix's SALT language, you could write a SALT
script to log on for you, such as:
waitfor("Your Name:", 30); // wait for name prompt
cputs("Paul Roub^M"); // if you're me, this works!
waitfor("Password:", 30); // wait for password prompt
cputs(_entry_pass); // send the password stored in
// this entry in the dialing
// directory
You would then compile this script, insert it in your dialing directory
as the "linked script" for this system, and off you'd go. From now on,
whenever you call this system, Telix will automatically run this script
to log on for you.
While this is nice, there are two drawbacks: It gets tedious when you
want to script more than a few prompts and responses, and some people
find SALT difficult to get the hang of. It would be nice if Telix had
a "learn" mode. A learn mode is a nice feature, found in some commu-
nications programs, which "watches" you as you perform some task. It
notes what text is sent by the system you're connected to, and what
your responses are. Using this information, it writes a script which
SLEARN Documentation page 3
SLEARN v1.00 Why use SLEARN?
will wait for the same prompts and send the same responses. You would
invoke this learn mode, log onto the BBS, and the program would write
the script FOR you!
What's the solution?
Now, Telix DOES have a learn mode. It's called SLEARN, the SALT learn
utility. SLEARN will write your SALT scripts for you -- it can even
compile the scripts and include them in your dialing directory, all
SLEARN Documentation page 4
SLEARN v1.00 Setup and Installation
Setup and Installation
This manual assumes a basic understanding of .SLT (SALT script) versus
.SLC (compiled SALT) files, as well as an understanding of terms such
as "Logon Script" and "Dialing Directory". If these terms are unfamil-
iar to you, consult your Telix manual. If you have any problems using
SLEARN, and can't solve them with your DOS, SLEARN or Telix manuals,
feel free to contact me through the means listed at the end of this
There are four important files involved in using SLEARN. These are:
slearn.slt - SALT script to run SLEARN from Telix
slearn.slc - Compiled version of slearn.slt
slearn.exe - The main SLEARN program
set_scr.exe - used by slearn.slt
SLEARN.SLT and SLEARN.SLC should be kept in the directory you have
defined as your Telix script directory. If you haven't defined a
script directory, this will simply be your main Telix directory.
SLEARN.EXE and SET_SCR.EXE should both be in a directory listed in your
DOS PATH environment variable (consult your DOS manual form more infor-
mation about environment variables and the PATH). If you do not have a
PATH statement, SLEARN.EXE should be in the same directory as
SLEARN.SLT and SLEARN.SLC; SET_SCR.EXE should be in your main Telix
NOTE: If you are using Telix SE, you will not find SLEARN
very useful, as Telix SE does not come with the program
CS.EXE, needed to compile the SALT scripts created by SLEARN.
In this case, you will need to register your copy of Telix
(see the Telix coupon in the Dvorak book for details), or
find a BBS which has the Telix archives available (and use
Telix SE to download them) to get the full version of Telix.
There are a few changes you may want to make to SLEARN.SLT, to config-
ure it to your personal needs. By default, SLEARN.SLT runs
SET_SCR.EXE, which will modify your dialing directory, TELIX.FON. If,
however, you will be using more than one dialing directory, you won't
want to do this -- SLEARN always modifies TELIX.FON, whether or not it
is the current dialing directory. If you want to change this behavior,
change this line (in SLEARN.SLT)
int UseSetScr = 1;
int UseSetScr = 0;
Another change you may want to make is to change
int anonymous = 0;
SLEARN Documentation page 5
SLEARN v1.00 Setup and Installation
int anonymous = 1;
By default, scripts generated by SLEARN display the name of the system
to which you are connected. The above change disables this. Finally,
you can change
int UseEntryPass = 1;
int UseEntryPass = 0;
If you make this change, SLEARN will not recognize the password of the
system you are creating a script for. More on this later.
If you have made any of these changes, you will need to re-compile
SLEARN.SLT for them to be effective. To do this, enter the command:
CS slearn
at the DOS prompt. This will create a new version of SLEARN.SLC, the
compiled version of SLEARN.SLT.
SLEARN Documentation page 6
The easiest, most automatic way to use SLEARN is through the SLEARN.SLT
script. Just use Telix's Alt-G (run script) command to run SLEARN. If
you are creating a logon script for a specific system, use TFE or Telix
to include 'slearn' as the Script field for that system's dialing dir-
ectory. Then, just dial the entry from Telix. When Telix connects to
the other system, it will automatically run SLEARN.
Once SLEARN is running, simply go through the actions you wish to auto-
mate, just as if you were using Telix. That is, when (for example) the
system asks for your name or password, just enter them as usual. "Wri-
ting" the SALT script is as easy as that! As a bonus, if you run
SLEARN by making it the connect script for a dialing directory entry,
and you have a password defined for that entry, you can just hit the F1
key to send your password for you (the SLEARN.SLC script will automat-
ically tell SLEARN what your password is, unless you tell it not to, as
explained above).
NOTE: Keep in mind that SLEARN is not Telix. You can re-
ceive and send text while using SLEARN, but you can not ac-
cess the Telix dialing directory, file transfers, or any
other telix features. This also means that none of these
functions may be "learned". As an alternative, try "learn-
ing" a process up to the last step before, for example, a
file transfer. Afterwards, you can either add the transfer
command to the script yourself, or perform the transfer man-
ually when the script is run. Either way, SLEARN gives you a
head start on automating the process.
When you are done with the steps you wish to automate, hit Alt-X to
tell SLEARN to finish writing the SALT script for what you have just
done, and return to Telix.
At this point, the SLEARN script will ask you whether you want to save
the script you have just created. If you answer "no", the script will
be deleted. Otherwise, SLEARN will ask you what name to use for the
new script -- or you may hit ENTER alone to choose the default name.
SLEARN will then run CS.EXE to compile the script (it is important that
CS.EXE be present either in your Telix script directory, or in a direc-
tory listed in your DOS PATH -- otherwise, SLEARN will not be able to
locate and run the program). And if you have not set "UseSetScr = 0"
as explained above, SLEARN will ask if you want to run SET_SCR.EXE to
install the name of the new script as the logon script for this entry.
If you answer yes, SET_SCR will do so -- replacing the 'slearn' you had
entered with the name of the new script.
WARNING: it is important that you have a dummy FON file named
ZZZ.FON in your Telix directory. If you do not have such a file,
the SLEARN script will create one for you by copying TELIX.FON to
SLEARN Documentation page 7
ZZZ.FON. This file is loaded when TELIX.FON is being modified, to
avoid modifying a file which Telix is currently using.
SLEARN Documentation page 8
SLEARN v1.00 Advanced Usage
Advanced Usage
There may be times when you wish to use the SLEARN program itself,
outside of Telix or without the use of the SLEARN.SLT script. The
SLEARN program takes the following parameters (all parameters in brack-
ets are optional):
slearn [-g] [-n <s>] [-p<n>] [-b<n>] [-s<s>] [-a] [-w <s>] filename
The parameters have the following effects:
-g Sounds control-G's (bells) when SLEARN is run. This is nor-
mally used when SLEARN is run from a dialing directory entry,
so that you'll know a connection has been made. The reason I
haven't just included an alarm() command in the SLEARN.SLT
script is that during the time that the alarm is sounding,
some characters may be received by Telix from the remote.
SLEARN will not see any of these characters, which may make
creating a logon script for that board impossible. Basical-
ly, the object is to get SLEARN itself running as soon as
possible after a connection has been made, so that ALL
prompts you may need can be processed by SLEARN. This option
probably won't be too useful from the DOS command line.
-n <s> Sets entry name to <s>. This option is used by SLEARN.SLT so
that SLEARN can correctly note what board it is learning a
script for. This name is included near the top of the
learned script file. If the string is blank, no "Automatic
logon script for..." line is included in the learned script.
-p<n> Sets communications port to COM<n>. This tells SLEARN what
communications port to use. The default is COM1.
-b<n> Sets bps rate to <n>. This tells SLEARN what speed your
modem will use. The default is 2400 bps.
-s<s> Sets parity, data, stop to <s>. This option sets the parity,
data bits, and stop bits parameters SLEARN will use when
communicating. This should be a three-character string, the
first character being "N", "E", or "O" to represent No par-
ity, Even parity, or Odd parity; the next character will be
7 or 8, depending on the number of data bits; and the final
character should be 1 or 2 to set the number of stop bits to
use. Common settings are "E71" and "N81" -- the default is
-a Anonymous (don't include showname() function). SLEARN nor-
mally includes in the learned script a call to a function
called showname(), which displays the name of the system to
which you are connected. Actually, only the first 14 charac-
SLEARN Documentation page 9
SLEARN v1.00 Advanced Usage
ters are displayed. This name overwrites Telix's "Alt-z for
help" message -- I consider the extra information to be worth
the sacrifice, but if it bothers you, use the -a switch.
-w <s> Sets the password for this script. This is useful for two
reasons. First of all, when running SLEARN you can send your
password (followed by a carriage return) simply by pressing
F1. Second, whenever you send your password (by typing it or
by F1), SLEARN recognizes it, and instead of including the
literal password in the script, it uses Telix's _entry_pass
variable, which is always set to the name of the system you
are connected to (as stored in the dialing directory). This
has two benefits: (1) you can let other people have copies
of the script without giving away your password; and (2) if
you call more than one system with the same logon sequence,
but a different password, you can use the same script for all
of them -- the script will send the appropriate password for
each system.
filename Name of the SALT file to create. This is the only parameter
REQUIRED by SLEARN. This is the filename of the script
SLEARN will be learning. If you specify a name without an
extension, the extension .SLT will be supplied for you.
SLEARN Documentation page 10
SLEARN v1.00 Registering SLEARN
NOTE: SLEARN may NOT be used in a business or commercial
environment without registration.
SLEARN is distributed as shareware. The advantage of this is that you
get to try out the full, working program and see whether or not it
suits your needs. If you find SLEARN useful, you must register the
program. Just to prod your good will along, registration has a few
perks: you will receive the latest version of SLEARN on disk, along
with inexpensive on-disk updates to future versions. Comments, sugges-
tions, and requests from registered users will of course have a higher
priority. Without registrations, there will soon cease to BE future
versions of SLEARN, simply because I've got to make a living, and I
have no choice but to devote the bulk of my time to projects that will
help me pay my bills.
To register SLEARN, just fill out the registration form below; be sure
to include your check or money order (in US Dollars), and mail it to
the address below. Basic registration is ten dollars, including ship-
ping, handling, and the cost of a floppy disk (5 1/4", MS-DOS DS/DD,
with the latest version of SLEARN). Registered users of previous
SLEARN versions can upgrade to the latest version for five dollars. Of
course, once you've registered one version of SLEARN, you've registered
all future versions as well -- so you can simply download the latest
version from a BBS. I provide the upgrade service for those who can't
find the latest version elsewhere.
For a special price of only $15, you can register both SLEARN and TFE
(TelixFonEd), receiving both on disk, along with a collection of Telix
scripts, tips and utilities.
Thank you for registering SLEARN.
The registration form follows.
SLEARN Documentation page 11
SLEARN v1.00 Registering SLEARN
SLEARN registration form
I would like to register SLEARN in the following manner (check one):
__ Regular registration (with the latest version on disk) $10.00
__ Register SLEARN and TFE, plus bonus scripts and utilities $15.00
I am enclosing a check or money order for the appropriate amount of US
Name: ___________________________________________________
Street Address: ___________________________________________________
City, ST: ___________________________________________________
Zip: _____________
Home phone number (optional): (_____)-______________
Work phone number (optional): (_____)-______________
Where did you find SLEARN? ___________________________________________
Comments and/or Suggestions: _________________________________________
Please send this form, along with your check or money order, to:
Paul Roub
P.O. Box 141583
Coral Gables, FL 33114-1583
SLEARN Documentation page 12