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- The Official Duke Nukem 3D FAQ Version 0.8
- The author retains all rights to this FAQ. In addition, the author is not
- paid by 3D Realms and simply maintains this FAQ as a hobby.
- Disclaimer-
- I take no responsibility if anything bad happens to someone or something
- as a result of reading this FAQ. Read at your own risk. I do not
- guarantee that everything in this FAQ is correct.
- Please send all comments and correction to zeuxis@wwa.com
- 1. Introduction
- 1.1. A Note From The FAQ Maintainer
- 1.2. What Is Duke Nukem 3D?
- 1.3. What Is 3D Realms?
- 1.4. Major Contributers To This FAQ
- 2. What, When, And Where
- 2.1. What File(s) Do I Need To Obtain For The Shareware Version?
- 2.2. Where Can I Find The Shareware Version Of Duke Nukem 3D?
- 2.3. What Bugs Are Fixed In Shareware Version 1.1?
- 2.4. What Are The System Requirements?
- 2.5. What Kind Of Weapons Are There?
- 2.6. What Kinds Of Multiplayer Capabilities Are There?
- 2.7. When Is The Registered Version Going To Be Available?
- 3. The Build Engine
- 3.1. What Is The Build Engine?
- 3.2. What Makes The Build Engine Better?
- 3.3. What Games Use The Build Engine?
- 3.4. Can Weapons From Other Build Engine Games Be Used In Duke?
- 3.5. Will The Duke Nukem 3D Editor Be Able To Edit Other Build Games?
- 3.6. Who Programmed The Build Engine?
- 4. The People Behind Duke Nukem 3D
- 4.1. Programmers
- 4.2. Artists
- 4.3. Musicians
- 4.4. Level Designers
- 5. Cheats
- 5.1. Cheat Codes
- 5.2. Secrets
- 5.2.1. Episode 1 Level 1
- 5.2.2. Episode 1 Level 2
- 5.2.3. Episode 1 Level 3
- 5.2.4. Episode 1 Level 4
- 5.2.5. Episode 1 Level 5
- 5.3. Other Things To Try
- 6. References Found Within Episode 1
- 6.1. Movies/Songs
- 6.2. O.J. Simpson
- 6.3. Other Computer Games
- 7. Ways To Obtain This FAQ
- 7.1. E-Mail
- 7.2. Newsgroups
- 7.3. Finger
- 7.4. World Wide Web
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1. Introduction
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1.1. A Note From The FAQ Maintainer
- Well, the FAQ is coming along. Things I'm still missing are the secrets in
- level 6, the hidden level. I've got a listing of them I just haven't had
- time to go through to verify and describe them all. Also I'm probably
- missing a couple other registered and unregistered secrets in the regular
- levels. So, if you know some that I'm missing please let me know. Thanks,
- to everyone that has helped with the FAQ by sending me advice, additions,
- corrections, etc. I can't list everyone who has helped because the list
- would be to long. However, I do greatly appreciate it. From the people who
- wrote to me about how to get on the palm tree in level one without using a
- jetpack to the people who sent me complete lists of secrets of levels, I
- thank you all. Enjoy the FAQ and the game.
- 1.2. What Is Duke Nukem 3D?
- Duke Nukem 3D is the third installment in the popular Duke Nukem action game
- series. It began in 1991 when Apogee released Duke Nukem I and continued in
- 1993 when Duke Nukem II was released.
- This is an excerpt from the Internet Finger Info from Apogee & 3D Realms
- Entertainment that describes some more about Duke Nukem 3D.
- * Duke Nukem 3D -- Picks up where Duke II left off, where Duke heads back to
- Earth only to find it has been captured. Duke lands on a space station in
- the first episode, then proceeds to Los Angeles. Cool effects include being
- able to blow up buildings with the most powerful weapons, fly in a jetpack,
- or board a subway system.
- The FILE_ID.DIZ for Duke Nukem 3D also provides a summary of the game. Here
- is an excerpt from the FILE_ID.DIZ: "Duke blows away everything you know
- about 3D action games. Blow thru walls, jetpack over buildings, fight
- underwater--all in a truly interactive game like you have *never* seen."
- 1.3. What Is 3D Realms?
- 3D Realms is the label Apogee uses to release their 3D games. They are
- creating Duke Nukem 3D. So far 3D Realms has released one other game,
- Terminal Velocity. For more information about 3D Realms read the 3D Realms
- FAQ found at ftp.ump.edu in the directory /msdos/Games/3drealms/faq; the
- filename is 3drealms.faq.
- 1.4. Major Contributers To This FAQ
- In no praticular order....
- Hank Leukart ap641@cleveland.freenet.com
- George Broussard (Pres. of 3D Realms) george.broussard@swcbbs.com
- Kenneth J. Silverman (Programmer of the Build Engine) kjs@lems.brown.edu
- Joe Siegler (3D Realms Online Support Manager) apogee@metronet.com
- Samuel Stoddard (Maintainer of Apogee and 3D Realms FAQ) ss1@christa.unh.edu
- Steve Lamphiere ozzy@ids.net
- Ori Weitz tosca@netvision.net.il
- David Moisan dmoisan@shore.net
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 2. Information On The Various Version Of Duke Nukem 3D
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 2.1. What File(s) Do I Need To Obtain For The Shareware Version?
- The following chart from 3D Realms that I've updated should assist you in
- deciding which files you need to obtain:
- Filename | What it is | File Size
- ============================================================================
- 3DDUKE .ZIP | Duke Nukem 3D v1.0 Shareware Episode - Full File | 5,465,091
- 3DDUKE-A.ZIP | Duke Nukem 3D v1.0 Shareware Episode - Split #1/4 | 1,096,899
- 3DDUKE-B.ZIP | Duke Nukem 3D v1.0 Shareware Episode - Split #2/4 | 1,458,240
- 3DDUKE-C.ZIP | Duke Nukem 3D v1.0 Shareware Episode - Split #3/4 | 1,458,016
- 3DDUKE-D.ZIP | Duke Nukem 3D v1.0 Shareware Episode - Split #4/4 | 1,455,139
- 3DDUKE11.ZIP | Duke Nukem 3D v1.1 Shareware Episode - Full File |
- 3DDN11-A.ZIP | Duke Nukem 3D v1.1 Shareware Episode - Split #1/4 |
- 3DDN11-B.ZIP | Duke Nukem 3D v1.1 Shareware Episode - Split #2/4 |
- 3DDN11-C.ZIP | Duke Nukem 3D v1.1 Shareware Episode - Split #3/4 |
- 3DDN11-D.ZIP | Duke Nukem 3D v1.1 Shareware Episode - Split #4/4 |
- DN3D11PT.ZIP | Duke Nukem 3D v1.1 Shareware Episode - Patch |
- 2.2. Where Can I Find The Shareware Version Of Duke Nukem 3D?
- There are several places you can find a copy of the shareware version of
- Duke Nukem 3D. Below are only a few different places. If you have web
- access you can connect to http://www.3drealms.com/duke3d.html for a bigger,
- more up to date listing of where to find the shareware version. Also, the
- sites listed in duke3d.html are preferred over 3D Realms Web BBS.
- World Wide Web: http://www.3drealms.com (3D Realms' World Wide BBS)
- http://www.swcbbs.com (Apogee's Home BBS: The Software
- Creations BBS)
- BBS: The Software Creations BBS
- (508) 365-4035 28.8k v.34
- (508) 368-7036 9600-14.4k v.32bis
- (508) 365-2359 2400 baud
- Anonymous FTP: ftp.uwp.edu in /pub/games/msdos/3drealms
- CompuServe: go realms to get to the 3D Realms Forum
- America Online: keyword 3d realms to reach Apogee's Forum
- 2.3. What Bugs Are Fixed With Shareware Version 1.1?
- * Restore bug fixed.
- * ATI Mach 64 & SVGA bug fixed.
- * AWE32 doesn't need E620 in the SET BLASTER parameters anymore.
- * Added optional Terminator FS type mouse aiming by popular demand.
- * Added optional crosshair toggle by popular demand.
- * GamePad now works 100%. Can Run etc.
- * Added FlightStick/Sidewinder/Any joystick/throttle support.
- * Added HAT support for joysticks.
- * Duke screams in DukeMatch now when he dies.
- * Can detonate Pipe Bombs while looking in monitors.
- * Can back out of monitors with up/down movements.
- * Removed much more bad language from Parental lock. Now safe for kids,
- and overly sensitive adults. :)
- * Mouse strafing speed improved.
- * Left/right mouse movements the same now. No difference.
- * More variable range for pipe bombs, plus can duck and place one in
- specific place.
- * Better map/follow mode.
- * Fixed crashing upon level exits. Was due to low memory. If you only have
- 8 megs, BOOT CLEAN!
- * Cannot use altered CON files in DukeMatch.
- * Can be shrunk in GOD mode now. Far less annoying.
- * Can redefine "D" or "N" key and STILL activate cheats. :)
- * Steroids key added to hot keys list.
- * Longer demos allowed. No real limit now.
- * Duke doesn't disappear off the map now when zooming far away.
- * Lowering a weapon, getting a new one bug fixed.
- * NexGen motherboards can be fixed with software they provide.
- * Some other minor things.
- * We might add some more enhancements to v1.2, but we wanted to get the
- patch out asap, with as much as possible.
- 2.4. What Are The System Requirements?
- The minimum system requirements are a 486DX2/66, 8 megs of RAM, and a
- CD-ROM (registerd version). In addition, local bus is recommended. Basically
- as far as other system specification go, the answer is what you are happy
- with.
- 2.5. What Kind Of Weapons Are There?
- There are nine weapons in Duke's arsenal, but only six of them can be used
- in the shareware version. Those seven are described here. More information
- about the other three will become available when the registered version is
- released.
- Duke's Foot: This weapon is as weak as they come. Only the seasoned
- veterans will be able to beat up on enemies using only Duke's Foot. It is
- there if you run out of all other kinds of ammo, but I would not recommend
- counting on Duke's Foot.
- Pistol: You start the game with this weapon, but you just as soon not. It
- is extremely weak and ineffective. It will take you several shots to kill
- even the easiest of enemies. Futhermore, it has to reload every 12 shots.
- The reload is automatically, but you will experience some delay when
- reloading. Thus, during reload you can't fire back at an enemy.
- Gun starts: 48 rounds
- Ammo packs: 12 rounds
- Maximum ammo: 200 rounds
- Shotgun: Probably the choice weapon for most gamers. It can do a hell of
- a lot more damage then the pistol, but is still restricted in that regard.
- It can't do nearly as much damage as the RPG or pipe bombs. Also, reloading
- of the shotgun can take some time, but is automatic. Most of the easier
- enemies go down from one round of the shotgun.
- Gun starts: 10 rounds
- Ammo packs: 10 rounds
- Maximum ammo: 50 rounds
- Chaingun Cannon: The choice weapon when dispensing of several enemies at
- once simply because it has incredible speed and power. Due to this guns
- rapid speed you'll run out of ammo for it quite quickly. Also, this gun has
- no reloading delay so you can keep right on firing.
- Gun starts: 50 rounds
- Ammo packs: 50 rounds
- Maximum ammo: 200 rounds
- RPG (Rocket Propelled Gernade): The RPG is an extremely powerful weapon.
- Use it with care because if you shoot something close by chances are the
- power from the explosion will also affect you. Just about any enemy can be
- taking out with one hit by this gun except end bosses. Also, anything close
- to an enemy when you take one out with the RPG will most likely also
- explode.
- Gun starts: 5
- Ammo packs: 5
- Maximum ammo: 50
- Pipe Bombs: By far the pipe bombs are the most fun to fool around with.
- They work like this: Once you throw a pipe bomb your weapon changes to the
- pipe bomb trigger. At that point you can detonate the pipe bomb by pressing
- the fire button or throw another without detonating the first. In order to
- throw another simply press the key you've designated for pipe bombs
- (probably the the number six). This will change from the trigger, back to
- pipe bombs. At this point you can throw another pipe bomb. They will then
- both be denoated by a single use of the trigger. You can throw as many pipe
- bombs as you like before denoating them.
- Ammo packs: 5
- Maximum ammo: 50
- 2.6. What Kinds Of Multiplayer Capabilities Are There?
- There are three types of multiplayer capabilites. First, there is the usual
- modem and serial link play. Modem play will require a 9600 baud modem.
- Also, network play will also be available. Network play can include up to
- eight players. However, in the shareware version network play is limited to
- only four players.
- 2.7. When Is The Registered Version Going To Be Available?
- Most likely around the middle of April '96. Could be before then, could be
- after then. No exact release date has been set. 3D Realms says, "It will
- be out when it is ready."
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 3. The Build Engine
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 3.1. What Is The Build Engine?
- The Build Engine, which is produced by 3D Realms, is the engine used for
- Duke Nukem 3D and some other games. The Build Engine is much like the
- engine used in Doom, but with advancements. The Internet Finger Info
- from Apogee & 3D Realms Entertainment claims these advancements "include
- looking up & down, reflective floors, mirrors, true rooms above rooms,
- multi-colored lighting (DOOM only had white lights), moving vehicles,
- translucent sprites (for ghosts, explosions, windows, etc.), rotating
- sprites, high-res mode for Pentiums, user-modifiable parameters,
- underwater swimming, and much more."
- 3.2. What Makes The Build Engine Better?
- Quite a few things make the Build Engine better. First of all, the
- sectors that make up a map can move during gameplay. This allows, for
- example, doors to swing open and staircases to move. Secondly, the
- editor is in full 3D mode. With this feature one can play the game as
- they add and change levels. Next, the frame rate is not limited to 35
- frames per second. Also the game can run in unusal chained modes like
- 360*240. Furthermore, it can run in any VESA mode up to 1600 x 1200, but
- system requirements will be demanding for a VESA mode of 1600 x 1200.
- Because the system requirements are so demanding for these VESA modes it
- is not yet decided if Duke Nukem 3D will include this option or not.
- Another great feature will be the 2D map mode can run in two different
- ways. It can run with either lines for the wall boundaries or it can display
- a texturized mode which actually shows floor tiles. Finally, the game
- supports different glasses. Red-blue glasses will be supported for a
- pseudo 3D effect and the Crystal Eyes virtual reality glasses for a real
- virtual reality system.
- 3.3. What Games Use The Build Engine?
- Duke Nukem 3D (Apogee/3D Realms)
- Shadow Warrior(Apogee/3D Realms)
- Blood (Apogee/3D Realms)
- Witchaven (Capstone/Intracorp)
- Tekwar (Capstone/Intracorp)
- Powerslave (Lobotomy Software)
- 3.4. Can Weapons From Other Build Engine Games Be Used In Duke?
- Unfortunately you can not import weapons from other build engine games into
- Duke Nukem 3D. The registered version will come with utilities to import
- graphics and sounds, but importing a weapon would require coding.
- 3.5. Will The Duke Nukem 3D Editor Be Able To Edit Other Build Games?
- Yes, but you won't be able to do much at all. The different games have
- different sector tags and ways of defining what the different sectors do.
- Thus, you could do some very basic editing, but nothing interesting.
- 3.6. Who Programmed The Build Engine?
- The Build Engine was programmed by Ken Silverman. It is owned by 3D
- Realms. They have agreed to license it to Capstone/Intracorp for games
- such as Witchaven and Tekwar. In addition, it as also been licensed to
- Lobotomy Software for Powerslave. Powerslave was originally a project that
- was going to be done by 3D Realms with the name Ruins: Return of the Gods,
- but they dropped it.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 4. The People Behind Duke Nukem 3D
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 4.1. Programmers
- Name Other Apogee/3D Realms Game(s)
- ----------------------- ---------------------------------------------------
- Todd J Replogle The Thor Trilogy, Monuments Of Mars, Dark Ages,
- Duke Nukem I, Cosmo's Adventure, Duke Nukem II
- 4.2. Artists
- Name Other Apogee/3D Realms Game(s)
- ---------------------- ---------------------------------------------------
- Stephen A Hornback Major Stryker, Cosmo's Adventure, Duke Nukem II,
- Rise Of The Triad
- Chuck Jones Rise Of The Triad
- James Storey Rise Of The Triad
- Dirk Jones Rise Of The Triad
- 4.3. Musicians
- Name
- ---------------------- ---------------------------------------------------
- Lee Jackson Rise Of The Triad
- Bobby Prince
- 4.4. Level Designers
- Name
- ---------------------- ---------------------------------------------------
- Richard Gray Blood
- Allen Blum III Duke Nukem I, Duke Nukem II, Major Stryker,
- Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 5. Cheats
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 5.1. Cheat Codes
- Most of the games Apogee/3D Realms puts out have secret codes that create
- various effects. Duke Nukem 3D is no exception. I'm quite sure the list
- that follows is not a complete listing of all the secret codes included with
- Duke Nukem 3D, but they are all I am aware of. Please, if you know of any
- that aren't on this list let me know as soon as possible. Also, it is a
- good idea to press the esc key (pauses the game) before typing in the code.
- You'll avoid having the game recognize the code as being something else that
- way.
- dncornholio Toggles god mode on and off
- dnkroz Also toggles god mode on and off
- dnstuff Gives all the weapons, maximum ammo on all the weapons, and
- all three keys
- dnitems Gives maximum armor and all three keys
- dnhyper Gives Duke unlimited steroids
- dnscotty## Warps to a level (the first # is for the episode, the second
- # is for the level)
- dncashman When the space bar is pressed money is dropped
- dnview Allows you to view behind duke (same as pressing F7)
- dnrate Displays the frame rate in the upper left hand corner
- dnskill# Changes the skill level to whatever you put in for #
- dnbeta Displays the message "PIRATES SUCK"
- dncosmo Displays the message "REGISTER COSMO"
- dnallen Displays the message "BUY MAJOR STRYKER"
- 5.2. Secrets
- This is a listing (obvious incomplete) of the secrets from each level.
- The * before a hint indicates that secret is counted as one of secrets at
- the end of the level. If you have any additions to these list please let me
- know as soon as possible.
- 5.2.1. Episode 1 Level 1
- * Underneath the Innocent sign (located outside) is an RPG. To get the RPG,
- however, you need to do quite a bit of jumping. First, jump onto the brown
- crate. Secondly, from upon the brown crate jump to the inclined roof (when
- facing the Innocent sign it is on your left). Finally, jump to the ledge
- just underneath the Innocent sign. Take note, the secret isn't the RPG, but
- instead the ledge underneath the Innocent sign. Thus, it is possible to
- trigger the secret and not obtain the RPG. Why exactly you'd want to do
- that is beyond me.
- * There is a hidden apartment near the Innocent sign. To reach it you must
- jump on top of the brown crate located below the Innocent sign. From there
- jump to the inclined ledge. Finally jump into the middle window to find the
- hidden apartment which contains a box of ammo for the RPG. Be aware, you
- are not credited with finding the secret apartment unless you move close to
- the couch inside the apartment. That is what triggers the secret. Another
- way to enter is jump on top of the parking sign located near the dumpster.
- From there jump onto the ledge below the windows. The final step is simply
- to jump into one of the two windows.
- * Inside the hidden apartment there is a door that is being covered by a
- poster. All you have to do is open that door by standing in front of the
- "Attack Of Bleached Blonde Biker Bimbos" sign. Inside you'll find steroids.
- * There is a hidden room inside the projection room that contains an RPG.
- All you have to do in order to find the hidden room is jump on top of the
- projector and the secret door will automatically open. Inside you'll find
- an RPG. Beware though because also hiding inside that door is an enemy.
- * There is a hidden door in the Projection room. To open it stand close the
- fire extinguisher, but face the wall to the left of it. Inside you'll not
- only find a box of shotgun shells, but also another entrance to the
- venilation shaft. The other entrance is found in the bathroom. Thus, the
- secret room that links the projection room with the venilation shaft can
- also be found when you enter the venilation shaft through the bathroom.
- * For two boxes of shotgun ammo and the all important jetpack it is worth it
- to blow up movie screen even if there is a dancer. Turn on the movie
- projector from the projection room and then go down to by the movie screen.
- Use either a pipe bomb or RPG at the lower middle portion of the screen to
- reveal this secret. The window on the left wall overlooks the back entrance
- to the movie theater. Blow it away if you want a quick way out.
- * It is a bit tricky to reach this secret room, but the chain gun, RPG,
- shotgun, and box of pipebombs that are found there are well worth trying.
- From the beginning of the exit bridge you'll want to fall off to the right.
- You must stay very close to the wall because you are trying to fall onto the
- small ledge that lines the wall. Follow the ledge all the way around the
- building until you reach the front of the movie theather by the marqee.
- From there proceed to jump to the top of the palm tree. Then, face the
- building and try to jump through the windows that are just above the top of
- the palm tree. You'll have to jump a little to the left or a little to the
- right to be able to go through the windows because there's a divider
- straight ahead. If you just can't seem to make it along the ledge to the
- palm tree or jump through the windows and into the secret room, the other
- alternative is to use a jetpack.
- * To reach a full armor and a heal you can use the lift in the main lobby.
- If it were only that easy though. First you'll need to push a button on the
- cash register located in the main lobby. That will open the hidden door.
- Next, you'll need to find the hidden lift which is located directly below
- the door you just opened. Thus, the hidden lift is just to the right of the
- "Attack Of Bleached Blonde Biker Bimbos" poster. You won't see the lift,
- you just stand on the floor and try to activate it.
- A holoduke can be obtained inside the venilation shaft by blowing away the
- wall. The wall you'll want to blow away is the inside wall of the right
- angle the venilation shaft forms. It is difficult to difficult to do this
- without losing health because obviously using high powered equipment in
- a venilation shaft is not a safe situation. Pipe bombs are the best way to
- go if want to avoid losing much health.
- By playing the Duke Nukem arcade game in the arcade you open a secret door.
- Simply walk up to the game and try using it. Duke will say "Hmmm.. don't
- have time to play with myself" which lets you know the door opened. It is
- located behind the Duke arcade machine, but a little bit to the right.
- Then proceed to walk up to the open door and take the holoduke. There is no
- need to jump into the small niche containing the holoduke. However, if you
- do and while your inside the door close, there is a toggle switch in there
- that will open the door from the inside.
- For quick access to the front of the movie theater you can blow away the
- right wall of the ticket booth. You'll want to aim the RPG or a pipebomb
- through the ticket booth's window at the right wall inside. This is best
- done with a pipebomb so you can avoid loosing any health, but it also can
- be done with the RPG and you won't lose any health if it is done properly.
- If you try pushing the trashcan located in the main lobby next to the arcade
- lift you'll open a door. However, in order to reach the door you need to do
- two things. First, jump onto the trashcan you just pushed. Secondly, while
- on top of the trashcan and facing the wall, jump. You'll see an open door
- with a small medkit, box of pipebombs, and a pair of night vision goggles.
- Simply move onto the ledge while you are in midair to and then collect the
- items. The intended way for this to be done is pushing the wall when you
- are on top of the trashcan to reveal the door. However, pushing the
- trashcan is probably easier. Neither was is too difficult though.
- While you are on the exit bridge turn on your jetpack and ascend as high as
- you can. Once you reach the top you'll see two wall mounted guns shooting
- at you. Blow them away as they do count in the enemy count at the end of
- the level. Also you should notice a niche (behind you when facing in the
- direction of the exit below) which contains two boxes of shotgun shells and
- a jetpack.
- 5.2.2. Episode 1 Level 2
- * Inside the Forbidden Videos & Books there is a hidden holoduke and healing
- atom. To reach this holoduke go to the back left corner of the bookstore,
- behind the counter. From there jump on top of the bookshelf. Reveal the
- hidden door by pushing against the wall in the corner. Inside you'll find
- the holoduke and a healing atom.
- * Lining the right wall of Forbidden Videos & Books are several book cases.
- One of them is really a secret door. Behind the door is a RPG and armor.
- The book shelf that moves is the third from the left when facing the
- shelves.
- * When you begin to reach the end of the dark hallway past the locked door
- in Forbidden Videos & Books turn to the right as soon as you can. Proceed
- to walk forward until you hit a wall. At that point turn to your left and
- go straight until you enter a lighted area. There you will find a healing
- atom. This secret is best done when using the night goggles. Otherwise, it
- will probably take you a few tries.
- * There are two ways to access a hidden area which contains steroids and a
- holoduke. The first, and probably more difficult way, is to go through the
- sewer. In order to do this blow open the man hole cover which is found on
- the demolished building. It is easiest to open the man hole cover with a
- pipe bomb. Now, fall through the man hole and follow the sewage until the
- end. At the end if you look to your left you'll see a dry area. The dry
- area is ramp which leads upwards to the bathroom in the strip club. Along
- the way up the ramp you'll see the holoduke and steroids. Unfortunately,
- you cannot enter the strip club from the sewer because the door is locked.
- Thus, the alternative way to do this secret is enter the only stall in the
- strip club's bathroom. The back wall of the stall is a locked door which
- can only be unlocked from inside. Once you open the door you'll be at the
- top of the secret ramp which leads into the sewer.
- * Near the back left corner of the dance area is a couch. By standing on
- this couch you'll open a door on the right wall behind the dancers. The
- door only stays open for a very limited amount of time so you'll have to
- hurry to make it before the door closes. Inside you'll find a chaingun and
- a box of ammo for the chaingun. Also, there is a toggle switch which opens
- the door in case it closes while you are inside.
- * There is a venilation shaft on the right wall in the dance area. It isn't
- that the venilation shaft is hidden behind a door or anything it is just
- hard to spot. You'll have to jump to reach it, but once blown away you can
- get backstage. Backstage is were you'll find the exit. As you travel
- through the shaft you will be able to pick up a healing atom and a box of
- pipebombs.
- * A pair of night goggles can be found backstage on the raised platform next
- to the lever that opens and closes the curtains. To get there up there
- you'll need to use a jetpack. I'm quite sure this secret can be done
- without a jetpack, but as of yet I don't know how.
- * Backstage you'll see a raised platform the leads to two wodden crates.
- Look at the wall behind these wooden crates. It is lit in only one small
- area. That part of the wall is actually a door. Swing open the door to
- reveal a box of RPG ammo.
- In the back of Forbidden Videos & Books are two signs. One reads "No One
- Under 18 Permitted". Follow the direction of that sign, left, until you
- reach a somewhat long hallway lined with a blue curtain. Each section of
- that curtain is actually a door to peepshow. Each of these contain an item
- of some sort. The item is either revealed when a garbage can is shot at
- or it is found in place of the peepshow monitor.
- When you are inside the bathroom at Forbidden Videos & Books use the dryer.
- This will cause a door to open in the middle of the bathroom revealing a
- pair of night goggles.
- You'll find the red keycard in the bar, but it is not out in the open. In
- order to find it simply open the cabinet underneath the shelf with all the
- wine bottles on it.
- 5.2.3. Episode 1 Level 3
- * 1. Enter the booth which lies to your right when you start the level.
- 2. Press the left hand switch inside the booth next to the window.
- 3. Notice that caused the elextric chair to lower. You can go below, where
- the electric chair is now, by walking while you duck. You can collect a
- shotgun and box of shotgun ammo.
- * 1. Push on the face in the chapel. it is on the dais. It should've
- caused the cross to turn upside-down. Also a door should've opened behind
- the stained glass window on your left.
- 2. Before entering the door kill the octabrain by shooting him through the
- cross. Hell of a lot easier than facing him in the tunnel.
- 3. Enter the door which leads you through a tunnel behind the cross. At
- the end you'll pick up a chaingun and see a "DOOMED space marine."
- 1. Shoot the hanging monk in the chapel. He's hangi