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- At the end of
- the second world
- war Japan was
- occupied by US
- forces and Deming
- was sent to Tokyo
- to help re-order
- the economy. He
- found a country
- utterly devas-
- tated by war. It
- was, in effect,
- an industrial
- blank space
- where he could
- test his theories
- #
- By the early
- Fifties Japan was
- already showing
- signs of recovery.
- Democracy took
- root, and the
- industrious
- Japanese work
- ethic did lead to
- a boom in exports
- #
- Deming's
- emphasis on
- quality and
- equal treatment
- of workers helped
- create the culture
- of labor relations
- which transformed
- Japan into an
- economic super-
- power. By the
- mid-Seventies,
- Japanese working
- practises made
- European firms
- look inefficient
- and outdated
- #
- Deming's theories
- of breaking down
- labor hierarchies
- worked, especially
- where workers
- and their superiors
- shared an intense
- loyalty to their
- company, and
- where relation-
- ships within a
- firm were similar
- to those within
- a family
- #
- Deming believed
- there are few
- problems that
- could not be
- solved by right
- management. Every
- employee should
- be treated
- equally and made
- to feel part of
- the production
- process. Daily
- exercises are
- one simple way
- of showing con-
- cern and forging
- team spirit
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- Western firms
- realised that
- Deming's ideas
- could help them
- compete with
- the Japanese.
- They introduced
- consultation
- between workers
- and managers, and
- other innovations
- intended to break
- down the hier-
- archical barriers
- between white-
- collar and blue-
- collar employees
- #
- Deming's theories
- of total quality
- management
- even penetrated
- the traditionally
- conservative oil
- industry, which
- had hitherto
- scorned the idea
- of learning from
- foreign experience
- #
- Deming's ideas
- spread as Japan
- invested in
- Europe. Deming
- called for nothing
- short of a work-
- place revolution,
- and in many cases
- this was just
- what occurred:
- "Put everybody
- in the company
- to accomplish the
- transformation.
- It is everyone's
- job."
- #
- In 1987 President
- Ronald Reagan
- awarded Deming
- the national medal
- of technology,
- presented in the
- Rose Garden of
- the White House.
- It was an ironic
- vindication for a
- man whose ideas
- had caused the US
- to be toppled from
- its place as the
- world's leading
- industrial nation
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