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- Deng Xiaoping's
- political career
- spans six decades.
- He was a regional
- organiser under
- Mao Ze Dong
- during the civil
- war and, despite
- the perils of
- Chinese politics
- after Mao's death,
- he survived to
- become chairman
- of the Chinese
- Communist Party,
- a post he still
- held at 91
- #
- Deng (sometimes
- spelt 'Teng') came
- to prominence
- during Mao's "Great
- Leap Forward" of
- 1957-59, a
- campaign to
- harness ideology
- for increased
- productivity. By
- 1962 he was
- close to the
- centre of power.
- When he was
- appointed acting
- prime minister he
- was, at 58, the
- youngest of the
- Chinese leaders
- #
- Deng was an
- active political
- worker in the
- years after the
- communist victory.
- But he fell out of
- favour in the
- Sixties during the
- destructive wave
- of ideological
- fervour known as
- the 'cultural
- revolution'. Deng
- was accused of
- revolutionary
- impurity and sacked
- #
- Deng survived
- the cultural
- revolution,
- thanks to his
- "self-criticism",
- and was brought
- back to office as a
- vice-premier in
- 1973. Seen by
- Mao as a moderate
- balance to the
- ultra-leftism of
- the "Gang of Four"
- Deng was further
- promoted in 1975.
- But a campaign
- led by Mao's
- leftist wife,
- Chiang Ching
- brought Deng
- down again
- #
- In 1977, a year
- after his
- dismissal, Deng
- was back in
- favour. He
- became China's
- most powerful
- leader, and set
- the country on a
- path of economic
- reform, showing
- the kind of
- pragmatism for
- which the now
- discredited Gang
- of Four had
- attacked him
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- Political reform in
- China did not
- keep pace with
- economic reform.
- Inspired by the
- new political
- freedoms in
- eastern Europe,
- and by Soviet
- President
- Gorbachev's visit
- to Beijing in May
- 1989, millions of
- Chinese began
- demanding
- democracy
- #
- Students occupied
- Beijing's central
- Tiananmen Square
- to press their
- call for democracy.
- Despite government
- threats,they set
- up camp outside
- the gates of the
- Forbidden City.
- Eventually Deng
- lost patience:
- the crackdown,
- when it came,
- was more brutal
- than anyone
- had expected
- #
- This account of
- the Tiananmen
- Square massacre
- was given by a
- BBC journalist
- who witnessed
- the slaughter of
- hundreds of
- people that day
- #
- The bloody
- repression was
- witnessed by the
- world's media.
- The revulsion it
- caused brought to
- an end a period
- of improving
- relations between
- China and the
- rest of the world
- #
- One man made a
- personal stand
- on the day after
- the massacre.
- He defied a whole
- column of tanks
- single-handedly
- (according to
- later reports he
- was arrested and
- shot). Tiananmen
- revealed that
- millions of Chinese
- are sick of tyranny.
- It seems certain
- there will be more
- strife in the future
- #
- Deng was 90
- years old in 1994.
- Unrest seems
- inevitable when
- he dies, as two
- factions within
- the communist
- party (one of
- hard-liners, the
- other favouring
- greater political
- freedom) battle
- for control
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