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- Were it not for
- the fact that his
- line of work is
- illegal throughout
- the world, Escobar
- would be recog-
- nised as the best
- businessman ever.
- His product is one
- that people are
- desperate to
- have, he cornered
- a huge slice of the
- market, and he
- made millions of
- dollars for himself
- #
- The coca shrub,
- native to South
- America, has
- been used for
- centuries as a
- stimulant by the
- peoples of Bolivia,
- Peru and Colombia.
- They discovered
- that chewing the
- leaves enabled
- them to continue
- working for many
- hours without
- food or sleep
- #
- Consumer demand
- from the USA and
- Europe has had a
- major impact on
- the economies of
- cocaine-producing
- countries in South
- America. Although
- the trade is a
- criminal conspiracy,
- coca has become a
- cash crop which
- provides a large
- slice of the gross
- national product
- for countries such
- as Colombia
- #
- Cocaine production
- has placed the
- governments of
- cocaine-producing
- countries in a
- tough situation:
- there arose an
- entire class of
- immensely rich
- drug producers and
- traffickers, men
- like Escobar. They
- are ruthless in
- defence of their
- business interests,
- and have the power
- to make their
- countries almost
- ungovernable
- #
- Cocaine has proved
- a very durable
- recreational drug,
- partly because
- its quality has
- remained high.
- The cocaine
- business is as
- buoyant as ever,
- but now it is
- simply run by
- less flamboyant
- characters than
- Pablo Escobar
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- Though capable
- of directing the
- most extreme
- violence against
- their enemies,
- one surprising
- feature of Escobar
- and his mafia
- associates was
- their willingness
- to join forces
- where their
- common interest
- was served. The
- Medellin cartel
- had the power to
- plunge Colombia
- into civil war
- #
- Escobar employed
- left-wing guer-
- rillas to protect
- his jungle fact-
- ories, and right-
- wing extremists
- to dispose of
- troublesome
- politicians and
- journalists. The
- destabilisation
- of the country was
- useful to him since
- a weak government
- was less likely to
- interference in
- his trafficking
- #
- Like all drug
- barons, Escobar
- was terrified of
- capture and
- extradition to the
- USA. He knew
- that in America
- he would receive
- no mercy from
- the American
- courts, and that a
- long jail sentence
- awaited him
- #
- Having secured in
- 1991 assurances
- from the govern-
- ment that he would
- not be extradited,
- Pablo Escobar
- surrendered to
- the authorities.
- This bizarre
- arrangement
- worked to his
- advantage: the
- luxurious prison
- cell where he
- lived provided a
- safe base from
- which to conduct
- his business
- #
- Escobar staged a
- daring prison
- break when the
- government tried
- to rein in his
- life of luxury
- behind bars. Now
- the government
- was doubly
- embarrassed, and
- they pursued him
- to his death
- 16 months later
- #
- Escobar died in
- the violent and
- bloody manner
- he had so often
- meted out to
- others. In the end
- Colombia, which
- Escobar had once
- all but owned,
- was not a safe
- haven for the
- drug baron
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