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- Much of Indira
- Gandhi's early
- appeal derived
- from the fact
- that she was the
- daughter of
- Jawaharal Nehru,
- the first prime
- minister of
- independent India.
- Indira worked at
- her father's side
- from 1947 until
- his death in 1964
- #
- Indira Gandhi
- became leader
- of the Congress
- party, and thus
- prime minister,
- in February 1966.
- It was the start
- of a turbulent
- career which made
- her one of the
- most revered,
- and at the same
- time the most
- hated politicians
- of her age
- #
- A split in the
- Congress party
- was precipitated
- by the death in
- 1969 of Dr Zakir
- Hussein, India's
- president. Two
- factions emerged,
- both claiming to
- be the real Congress.
- Indira Gandhi's
- candidate went
- on to win the
- presidency, the
- rival faction was
- weakened, and
- she triumphed in
- the general
- election of 1971
- #
- Parliamentary
- majorities could
- not insulate
- Mrs Gandhi from
- popular unrest.
- Droughts in 1972
- and 1974, stagnant
- industry, inflation
- and an increase
- in the price of oil
- in 1973 led to
- civil protest and
- political agitation.
- Worse still, Mrs
- Gandhi was con-
- victed of electoral
- malpractice. Her
- undemocratic
- response was to
- stifle opposition
- #
- The Emergency
- lasted for 19
- months. Strikes
- were made illegal
- and Mrs Gandhi's
- political opponents
- jailed. Censorship
- of the press and
- unpopular social
- measures, notably
- large-scale steril-
- isation as birth
- control, tainted
- India's reputation
- abroad - and Mrs
- Gandhi was
- defeated in the
- general election
- of 1977
- #
- Mrs Gandhi was
- not long in the
- wilderness. The
- Indian people
- forgave her the
- brutal excesses
- of the Emergency,
- and she was
- returned to power
- in 1980. This
- underlined the
- power of her
- political pedigree
- and her enduring
- charisma. Her
- dynasty seemed
- back on course
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- At the end of March
- 1971, the Pakistani
- army moved into
- what was then
- East Pakistan to
- suppress the
- Bengali indepen-
- dence movement.
- The ferocity of the
- army's attack sent
- Bengali refugees
- flooding into India,
- first in thousands,
- then in millions
- #
- Mrs Gandhi
- recognised
- Bangladesh, as
- the new state of
- East Pakistan
- called itself.
- India fought
- Pakistan in
- support of the
- Bangladeshis. In
- the wider world,
- Mrs Gandhi steered
- a skilful path
- between the two
- superpowers. A
- friendship treaty
- was signed with
- the USSR in 1971
- #
- India's cultural
- diversity has
- led to religious
- tensions and
- separatist move-
- ments. Mrs Gandhi
- always insisted
- that her primary
- concern was to
- ensure that India
- remained a united
- and governable
- country, but some
- of her policies
- proved to be
- divisive - in the
- end, fatally so
- #
- The period after
- Mrs Gandhi's return
- to power in 1980
- saw the rise of
- agitation by Sikhs
- demanding autonomy
- for the Punjab. Sikh
- extremists waged
- a terror campaign,
- conducted from
- a Sikh stronghold,
- the Golden Temple
- of Amritsar. This
- holy site had seen
- a famous British
- massacre in 1919
- #
- After a stand-off
- which lasted for
- months, Mrs Gandhi
- ordered the army
- to storm the Sikh
- terrorists in the
- Golden Temple.
- The battle went
- on for four days,
- and left at least
- 300 people dead.
- Sikhs in India and
- around the world
- were horrified by
- the violation of
- their most
- holy shrine
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- Mrs Gandhi was
- killed by her Sikh
- bodyguards three
- months after the
- Amritsar attack.
- The reins of power
- were handed to her
- son, Rajiv, in the
- hope that dynastic
- continuity might
- ensure stability.
- Thus he became the
- third generation of
- the family to
- govern India, the
- largest democracy
- in the world
- #
- Mrs Gandhi's death
- was followed by a
- period of terrible
- violence as Hindus
- exacted vengeance
- from the Sikh
- community. All over
- India Sikhs were
- attacked and killed .
- Curfews were
- enforced in over 80
- cities. Rajiv Gandhi
- pleaded for calm:
- "Communal madness
- will destroy
- everything India
- stands for", he said
- #
- Asia has a history
- of strong female
- leaders: Mrs Gandhi
- was just the most
- prominent. But it
- is ironic that the
- countries which
- produced these
- skilful women
- politicians have
- failed to place
- women's rights
- on the political
- agenda - perhaps
- because of even
- more pressing
- social problems
- #
- In May 1991
- Rajiv Gandhi was
- assassinated in
- his turn. For the
- first time in 47
- years the Congress
- party was without
- a leader from
- the Gandhi-Nehru
- dynasty. But Rajiv's
- wife, Sonia, has
- great influence, and
- many hope that a
- young member of
- the family will
- emerge to revive
- the party
- #
- India has a long
- tradition of Hindu
- secularism, which
- Nehru had sought
- to weave into the
- new political
- institutions born
- of Independence
- in 1947. But
- violence between
- militant Hindus
- and Muslims is
- a serious problem
- which a weak
- central government
- has made worse.
- India after Mrs
- Gandhi is still a
- very troubled land
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