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- William Franklin
- (Billy) Graham
- came from a
- Southern dairy-
- farming family and
- was raised a
- Baptist. At 18 he
- went to Bible
- School, then
- took a degree in
- anthropology. His
- was, at first, a
- conventional
- pastorate, but he
- was to be no small-
- town preacher: the
- whole world was to
- be his congregation
- #
- On his "crusades"
- to Britain in the
- Fifties, Billy
- Graham drew
- vast crowds to his
- meetings, never
- failing to impress
- with his rich
- baritone and the
- passionate sincerity
- of his message
- #
- Graham filled
- entire sports
- stadiums. Whether
- the crowds came
- to hear the word
- of God or for an
- entertaining night
- out is open to
- question. Beyond
- doubt is the fact
- that Graham could
- in a few nights
- preach to more
- people than Jesus
- did in his entire
- ministry
- #
- Graham was always
- an indefatigable
- traveller. He took
- Jesus' last words
- very literally; "Go
- ye into all the
- world, and preach
- the gospel to every
- creature." Graham
- travelled to the
- Soviet Union -
- years before the
- end of the com-
- munist regime
- - and held
- services there
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- Billy Graham
- expressed deep
- concern for the
- state of the world.
- He tended to the
- right wing and
- condemned com-
- munism as "a
- conspiracy of
- Satan", but was
- a powerful advo-
- cate of world
- peace and of
- social reform.
- He spoke up for
- racial integration
- and an end
- to poverty
- #
- Graham mellowed
- with the years.
- The rallies grew
- less theatrical,
- there was less of
- the fire and brim-
- stone. But he
- remained just as
- persuasive, and
- never a shadow of
- self-doubt showed
- in his features
- #
- Graham was the
- first evangelist
- to realise the
- potential of the
- mass-media. He
- also understood
- the role of
- religion in
- American politics.
- Richard Nixon,
- George Bush,
- Ronald Reagan and
- Jesse Jackson
- were among his
- friends and
- acquaintances,
- and he influenced a
- succession of US
- administrations
- #
- Billy Graham was
- brought up in the
- revivalist tradition,
- he set great store
- by the personal
- salvation of
- individuals. But he
- was able to cross
- barriers, to appeal
- to all denomi-
- nations, to Roman
- Catholics, to
- Anglicans, to
- Nonconformists
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