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- From the point of
- view of cognitive
- development,
- children are
- practically a
- separate species
- from adults. The
- way they perceive
- and interpret
- events around
- them is very
- different from
- their parents'.
- Piaget provided a
- systematic map
- of this strange
- world, which each
- of us has inhabited,
- but few of
- us can recall
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- Piaget's theories
- have influenced
- what should be
- taught in schools
- and at what
- stage. There is no
- point, he believed,
- in teaching
- children in what
- amounts to a
- foreign language:
- the language of
- adulthood
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- Not all
- psychologists
- have taken
- Piaget's theories
- to heart, and
- some have gone
- so far as to
- suggest that
- Piaget's children
- were merely
- dim-witted. But
- Piaget's influence
- persists: he
- reminded us
- what it is like to
- be a newcomer to
- the planet
- #
- Piaget believed
- that there were
- clearly definable
- stages in a child's
- development and
- that by examining
- children's behavior
- through the years,
- these could be
- documented
- and explained
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- Piaget divided
- child develop-
- ment into five
- stages. First
- came the
- "sensory motor
- stage" (years 0-
- 2): mostly to do
- with physical
- reflexes, the
- imagination of
- hidden objects
- and the child's
- sense of itself as
- a discrete being
- #
- In the "pre-
- operations stage"
- (2 to 7): the
- child first learns
- to control its
- environment, and
- then to imagine
- things from a
- different point
- of view than its
- own. Piaget
- called this
- "decentring".
- What can the doll
- see? he would
- ask children.
- During this stage,
- comes the
- ability to think in
- ideas, and use
- words and symbols
- #
- Third is the
- "concrete
- operations stage"
- (7 to 11), in
- which the child
- begins to
- recognise the
- similarities and
- differences of
- objects, for
- example, the
- difference in
- volume between
- a fixed weight of
- lead and of
- feathers. and
- begins to grasp
- the concepts of
- time and number
- #
- In this final
- "formal
- operations stage"
- (years 11 to 16)
- the child learns to
- think in an
- orderly yet
- flexible way,
- using logic,
- abstract and
- moral concepts
- for more
- complicated
- mental operations
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