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- One of the
- greatest figures
- in film history,
- Luis Bunuel's
- iconoclastic work
- was always
- shocking, but
- often amusingly
- so. His films have
- a remarkable
- consistency,
- despite a career
- lasting half a
- century
- #
- Bunuel was a
- fierce critic of the
- Church and
- bourgeois society
- from an early
- age. These
- antagonisms were
- to dominate his
- life and work,
- and he used the
- whole armoury of
- surrealism to
- attack them
- #
- From university
- in Madrid, Bunuel
- went to Paris,
- where he made
- two films with
- the surrealist
- artist Salvador
- Dali, Un Chien
- Andalou and
- L'Age d'Or.
- Their shocking
- images outraged
- respectable
- society, but the
- two films were
- to become
- landmarks in
- cinema history
- #
- Bunuel fled Spain
- for Mexico when
- the fascist regime
- of General Franco
- came to power.
- The first serious
- film Bunuel
- directed in
- Mexico, was
- Los Olvidados.
- It won the Grand
- Prix at the Cannes
- Film Festival in
- 1950, and re-
- established his
- reputation as a
- film-maker
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- After Los
- Olvidados,
- Bunuel made a
- further 11 films
- in Mexico, among
- them Robinson
- Crusoe, The
- Criminal Life of
- Archibaldo de la
- Cruz and
- Nazarin. The
- last, made in
- 1959, was the
- story of an
- idealistic priest
- who tries to live a
- truly Christian
- life. It proved a
- big success in
- Europe
- #
- General Franco's
- government
- invited Bunuel
- home to make
- Viridiana
- and, surprisingly,
- approved its
- script. Viridiana
- was acclaimed as
- a masterpiece -
- except in Spain,
- where Franco's
- censors soon
- realised that they
- had made a
- mistake,
- and banned it
- #
- In 1967 Bunuel
- had his greatest-
- ever popular
- success, with
- Belle de Jour.
- Again he
- explored beneath
- the surface of
- respectable
- society, telling
- the story of a
- happily-married
- bourgeois
- housewife who
- spends her
- afternoons
- working in a
- brothel
- #
- In 1973 Bunuel
- won the Oscar for
- the best foreign
- film for The
- Discreet Charm of
- the Bourgeoisie,
- in which his old
- hatreds - the
- rituals of class,
- the hypocrisy and
- the shallow
- veneer of polite
- society - are all
- examined
- mercilessly
- #
- Bunuel continued making films almost until the end of his life. The
- Phantom of Liberty was another attack on bourgeois hypocrisy,
- That Obscure Object of Desire a modern piece of surrealism in
- which the leading character is played by two different actresses
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- The Beatles split
- was blamed by
- many on Yoko
- Ono. John doted
- on her, and Paul
- was deeply
- distrustful of her,
- But the two
- songwriters'
- paths had already
- diverged, and the
- worst that can be
- said of Yoko is
- that she hastened
- the group's
- demise
- #
- The once happy
- and fruitful
- Beatles
- partnership slid
- after the break-
- up into personal
- sniping and legal
- bickering. Lennon
- released a very
- poor song, How
- Do You Sleep,
- which was a
- bitter and vicious
- attack on Paul
- #
- After the Beatles
- fell apart the
- members moved
- on to other
- projects. Lennon
- moved to New
- York, Ringo Starr
- got interested in
- film, Harrison
- made some
- respectable
- albums in Britain
- , and McCartney,
- after a period of
- peace and quiet,
- re-emerged with
- what he called a
- working skiffle
- band - Wings
- #
- John Lennon was
- killed outside his
- home in New
- York. He had
- done little in the
- previous five
- years, but had
- just re-emerged
- with a new
- album. His death
- put paid to the
- perennial
- rumours that the
- Beatles were
- about to get back
- together
- #
- If prophetic
- photographs are
- anything to go by,
- it seems Lennon
- knew he would
- be the first Beatle
- to die. Sales in
- Beatles records
- naturally
- rocketed after his
- death, and with
- his corpus of
- work now
- complete, the
- appraisal of his
- legacy, with the
- Beatles and
- without them,
- could begin
- #
- Paul McCartney's
- solo output has
- remained
- impressive, but
- as with Lennon,
- the quality
- varied. Though
- both men strived
- to create a
- separate musical
- identity for
- themselves after
- the Beatles,
- neither could
- quite ever escape
- the shadow of
- their youthful
- moptopped selves