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Info V39.6
© 1997 by Stephan Rupprecht
All rights reserved.
This version of Info is copyrighted 1997 by Stephan Rupprecht.
All rights reserved. This program is freeware, so no financial
donations required. Redistribution allowed if the package is
left unchanged except for addition of new language catalogs.
The author is not responsible for any damage caused by the
use or misuse of this documentation and/or the program(s) it
Any Amiga® (compatible) computer with AmigaOS® 2.x or higher.
Info is a replacement for the original AmigaDOS® 'info' command.
In opposite to other info commands, this version does not cause
any deadlocks. You can select if you want only information about
disks or volumes or even selected devices (they are printed in
alphabetical order). Another advantage is that the columns 'size'
and 'used' are printed no longer in blocks, but in KBytes, MBytes
or even in GBytes, so you don't have to know how long a block
actually is on a specific device. For volumes the creation date
is printed additionally. Info uses 64bit math-functions, so you
won`t get wrong results about the size of a drive, if you have a
big hd of 2GBytes or more. Another feature is that info outputs
the disktype of each volume:
Output File system
OFS Old File System (DOS\0)
FFS Fast File System (DOS\1)
INT-OFS Old File System, internal. mode
INT-FFS Fast File System, internal. mode
DC-OFS Old File System, fast dirs
DC-FFS Fast File System, fast dirs
MSDOS CrossDos/MSDos disk
NO DOS unknown system
If you use any other filesystem, Info will show you the
4 byte filesystem identifier. Eg.: users of AmiFileSystem
will get a PFS or AFS as disktype.
To install Info simply doubleclick the Install icon in this
directory. You can start Info only from shell, since it a DOS
command (except for the possibility to start it from Workbench
through the menu item 'Execute Command...'). The format is
»Info DISKS/S,VOLS=VOLUMES/S,DEVICES«. Each parameter is optional.
If you don't give any parameter, you'll get full information. If
you provide a device name (eg. df0:) or a pattern string (eg. dh?:)
you will get only information for the device(s) matching the given
string. If you invoke Info with the keywords VOLUMES or DISKS,
you'll only get information from these ones. The keyword VOLS is
only an abbreviation for VOLUMES.
Some examples for the DEVICES option:
Info (df0:|dh0:) Info only shows information about df0: and dh0:
Info d#? Info shows all devices, which names begin with a 'd'
For more about patterns, take a look at the AmigaDOS manual (ch. 1-11).
Starting with version 39.6 of Info, you can now specify your own
date-time template for the creation date of a volume. This is done
by setting the env variable 'info_datetime'.
The variable must contain a template describing the desired format for
the date and/or the time. This is constructed just like C-language printf()
statements, except that different formatting codes are used. Just like in C,
formatting codes start with a % followed by the formatting command.
The following commands are accepted by this function:
(Description is taken from the autodocs, (C) Amiga International)
%a - abbreviated weekday name
%A - weekday name
%b - abbreviated month name
%B - month name
%c - same as "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y"
%C - same as "%a %b %e %T %Z %Y"
%d - day number with leading 0s
%D - same as "%m/%d/%y"
%e - day number with leading spaces
%h - abbreviated month name
%H - hour using 24-hour style with leading 0s
%I - hour using 12-hour style with leading 0s
%j - julian date
%m - month number with leading 0s
%M - the number of minutes with leading 0s
%p - AM or PM strings
%q - hour using 24-hour style
%Q - hour using 12-hour style
%r - same as "%I:%M:%S %p"
%R - same as "%H:%M"
%S - number of seconds with leadings 0s
%t - insert a tab character
%T - same as "%H:%M:%S"
%U - week number, taking Sunday as first day of week
%w - weekday number
%W - week number, taking Monday as first day of week
%x - same as "%m/%d/%y"
%X - same as "%H:%M:%S"
%y - year using two digits with leading 0s
%Y - year using four digits with leading 0s
SetEnv info_datetime "created %x"
Info outputs a date formated like this 'created 05/01/97'
SetEnv info_datetime ""
Info does not print a creation date/time
NOTE: This feature is only available under OS2.1 and higher!
After you have found your favorite template, you should
SetENV ENVARC:info_datetime "you fav template"
it, so that it does not get lost after a reboot! If you don`t
specify a template, Info uses the standard DOS template.
If you translate Info to your native language, please send me the
catalog translation file (.ct) via eMail, so that I can include it
into the archive.
You can find the catalog descriptor file in the subdir Catalogs/ !
39.1 first public release
39.2 added pattern-matching, removed DEVICES/M option for this
fixed a bug, which causes info to continue its job even
when a memory allocation failed.
39.3 devices and volumes are printed in alphabetical order now
39.4 recompiled with MaxonDEVELOP, some optimiziations
39.5 Info does no longer shorten the device designation to 5 characters.
New catalog file (french).
39.6 customizeable date-time template, new catalogs
Gunther Nikl for reporting me that the german catalog file
was missing the last time (39.1).
Jussi T Lindgren for his suggestions.
Didier Giron for the french translation.
Dirk Mueller for his suggestions.
Kristoffer Larsson (swedisch cat.)
Kim Roar Utsi (norwegian cat.)
Dimitris Panokostas (greek cat.)
and to all others, who send me an eMail and aren't mentioned here!
Assign support
Please send bug reports and ideas to:
Stephan Rupprecht
Apfeldweg 1
D44359 Dortmund
Send emails to (it`s my brothers address!)