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- ;"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
- ;;; DATA
- max_songs dc.l 2
- song_table:
- dc.l s1_d,s2_d,s3_d,s4_d ;death
- dc.l ssilence,ssilence,ssilence,ssilence
- ;************************************************************
- gvars:
- ch1vars
- dc.w 0
- dc.w 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- pattr1: dc.l 0
- songr1: dc.l 0
- wsong1: dc.l 0
- dc.w 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- ch2vars
- dc.w 0
- dc.w 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- pattr2: dc.l 0
- songr2: dc.l 0
- wsong2: dc.l 0
- dc.w 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- ch3vars
- dc.w 0
- dc.w 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- pattr3: dc.l 0
- songr3: dc.l 0
- wsong3: dc.l 0
- dc.w 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- ch4vars
- dc.w 0
- dc.w 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- pattr4: dc.l 0
- songr4: dc.l 0
- wsong4: dc.l 0
- dc.w 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- ch1fxvars
- dc.w 0
- fxintc1:
- dc.w 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- currfx1:
- dc.w 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- ch2fxvars
- dc.w 0
- fxintc2:
- dc.w 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- currfx2:
- dc.w 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- ch3fxvars
- dc.w 0
- fxintc3:
- dc.w 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- currfx3:
- dc.w 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- ch4fxvars
- dc.w 0
- fxintc4:
- dc.w 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- currfx4:
- dc.w 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- ;************************************************************
- dummy_reg dc.l 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- dc.l 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- dc.l 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- dc.l 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- ;************************************************************
- ; THESE ARE THE FX PATTERNS................
- ; The interrupt counter in these patterns is dependent on the
- ; playback speed.The figure is calculated as follows
- ; (length/playback speed) *50
- ; the figure then needs rounding up to give a clear finish
- ; if you have the count longer than needed it will cut
- ; out the music on the relevent channel for longer than
- ; neccessary and make it sound jerky
- ; The fx table is below the patterns
- ;fight:
- ;dc.w new_env
- ;dc.l fight_env
- ;dc.w new_snd
- ;dc.l fightp
- ;dc.w r8,8 ;r8=8000 playback speed/8=int counter
- ;dc.w end_fxp
- ;fight_env: dc.w 0,64,64,64,255
- ;*************************
- fxjump_table:
- dc.l 0 ;fx number 1
- max_fx dc.l 30
- ;______________________________________________________________________
- sstart: dc.l 0,end_song
- pstart: dc.w end_patt
- ;----------------------------------
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Music Data ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- cr set 32
- q set cr/2
- sq set q/2
- dsq set sq/4
- tq1 set 7
- tq2 set 6
- tsq1 set 3
- tsq2 set 4
- ssilence:
- dc.l pr
- dc.l 0,end_song
- ;************************************************
- patterns:
- pr:
- dc.w rest,cr*4
- dc.w end_patt
- cp:
- pri
- dc.w rest,65000
- dc.w rest,65000
- dc.w rest,65000
- dc.w rest,65000
- dc.w rest,65000
- dc.w end_patt
- ;----------------
- cr set 32
- q set cr/2
- sq set q/2
- dsq set sq/4
- tcr1 set 0
- tq1 set 11
- tq2 set 10
- tsq1 set 5
- tsq2 set 6
- s1_d:
- dc.l flute_snd
- dc.l death_strings
- dc.l pri
- dc.l 0,end_song
- s2_d:
- dc.l trumpet_snd
- dc.l death_bass
- dc.l pri
- dc.l 0,end_song
- s3_d:
- dc.l trumpet_snd
- dc.l death_tune
- dc.l pri
- dc.l 0,end_song
- s4_d:
- dc.l abass_snd
- dc.l death_bass2
- dc.l pri
- dc.l 0,end_song
- ;----------
- death_strings:
- dc.w c03,$0004,bb02,$0004,ab02,$0004,g02,$0004,f02,$0004
- dc.w eb02,$0004,d02,$0004,db02,$0004
- dc.w c02,cr
- dc.w d02,$0004
- dc.w eb02,$0004,f02,$0004,g02,$0004,a02,$0004,b02,$0004
- dc.w c03,$0004,bb02,$0004,ab02,$0004,g02,$0004,ab02,$0004
- dc.w g02,$0004,f02,$0004,eb02,$0004,f02,$0004,eb02,$0004
- dc.w d02,$0004
- dc.w eb02,$0004,f02,$0004,g02,$0004,a02,$0004,b02,$0004
- dc.w eb02,4,c03,4
- dc.w eb02,cr
- dc.w d02,$0004
- dc.w eb02,$0004,f02,$0004,g02,$0004,a02,$0004,b02,$0004
- dc.w c03,$0004,bb02,$0004,ab02,$0004,g02,$0004,ab02,$0004
- dc.w g02,$0004,f02,$0004,eb02,$0004,f02,$0004,eb02,$0004
- dc.w d02,$0004
- dc.w eb02,$0004,f02,$0004,g02,$0004,a02,$0004,b02,$0004
- dc.w eb02,4,c03,4
- dc.w f02,cr*2,g02,cr*2,eb03,cr*4
- dc.w end_patt
- death_bass:
- dc.w rest,cr,c01,$0080,ab01,$0080,f01,$0040,g01,$0040
- dc.w g02,cr*4
- dc.w end_patt
- death_tune:
- dc.w rest,cr
- dc.w c02,cr*3,c02,tq1,eb02,tq2,g02,tq1,c03,cr*3
- dc.w c02,tq1,eb02,tq2,g02,tq1,c03,cr,b02,tq1,c03,tq2,d03,tq1+dsq+cr
- dc.w eb03,cr,c03,cr*4
- dc.w end_patt
- death_bass2:
- dc.w rest,cr
- dc.w c02,cr,c02,cr,c02,cr,c02,cr
- dc.w c02,cr,c02,cr,c02,cr,c02,cr
- dc.w c02,cr,c02,cr,g02,cr*2
- dc.w new_env
- dc.l snare_env
- dc.w new_snd
- dc.l snarep
- dc.w 4000,cr*4
- dc.w end_patt
- ;-----------------
- sounds:
- flute_snd:
- dc.w new_env
- dc.l flute_env
- dc.w new_snd
- dc.l flutep
- dc.w end_patt
- flute_sndq:
- dc.w new_env
- dc.l flute_envq
- dc.w new_snd
- dc.l flutep
- dc.w end_patt
- flute_sndmq:
- dc.w new_env
- dc.l flute_envmq
- dc.w new_snd
- dc.l flutep
- dc.w end_patt
- aguitar_snd:
- dc.w new_env
- dc.l aguitar_env
- dc.w new_snd
- dc.l aguitp
- dc.w end_patt
- aguitar_sndq:
- aguitar_snd_quiet:
- dc.w new_env
- dc.l aguitar_env_quiet
- dc.w new_snd
- dc.l aguitp
- dc.w end_patt
- tamb_snd:
- dc.w new_env
- dc.l tamb_env
- dc.w new_snd
- dc.l tambp
- dc.w end_patt
- abass_snd:
- dc.w new_env
- dc.l abass_env
- dc.w new_snd
- dc.l abassp
- dc.w end_patt
- sitar_snd:
- dc.w new_env
- dc.l sitar_env
- dc.w new_snd
- dc.l sitarp
- dc.w end_patt
- bassoon_snd:
- dc.w new_env
- dc.l bassoon_env
- dc.w new_snd
- dc.l bassoonp
- dc.w end_patt
- bassoon_snd_short:
- dc.w new_env
- dc.l bassoon_env
- dc.w new_snd
- dc.l bassoonsp
- dc.w end_patt
- snare_snd:
- dc.w new_env
- dc.l snare_env
- dc.w new_snd
- dc.l snarep
- dc.w end_patt
- snare_sndq:
- dc.w new_env
- dc.l snare_envq
- dc.w new_snd
- dc.l snarep
- dc.w end_patt
- trumpet_snd:
- dc.w new_env
- dc.l trumpet_env
- dc.w new_snd
- dc.l trumpetp
- dc.w end_patt
- trumpet_sndq:
- dc.w new_env
- dc.l trumpet_envq
- dc.w new_snd
- dc.l trumpetp
- dc.w end_patt
- pizzo_snd:
- dc.w new_env
- dc.l pizzo_env
- dc.w new_snd
- dc.l pizzop
- dc.w end_patt
- pizzoh_snd:
- dc.w new_env
- dc.l pizzo_env
- dc.w new_snd
- dc.l pizzohp
- dc.w end_patt
- fhorn_snd:
- dc.w new_env
- dc.l fhorn_env
- dc.w new_snd
- dc.l fhornp
- dc.w end_patt
- fhorn_sndq:
- dc.w new_env
- dc.l fhorn_envq
- dc.w new_snd
- dc.l fhornp
- dc.w end_patt
- strings_snd:
- dc.w new_env
- dc.l strings_env
- dc.w new_snd
- dc.l stringsp
- dc.w end_patt
- tymp_snd:
- dc.w new_env
- dc.l tymp_env
- dc.w new_snd
- dc.l tympp
- dc.w end_patt
- taiko_snd:
- dc.w new_env
- dc.l taiko_env
- dc.w new_snd
- dc.l taikop
- dc.w end_patt
- monk_snd:
- dc.w new_env
- dc.l monk_env
- dc.w new_snd
- dc.l monkp
- dc.w end_patt
- wave_snd:
- dc.w new_env
- dc.l wave_envq
- dc.w new_snd
- dc.l wavep
- dc.w end_patt
- ;***********************************************
- parameters:
- iff equ 108
- ; sample parameters
- snarep
- dc.w 1
- dc.l snared
- dc.w 2240/2
- dc.l restd
- dc.w 16/2
- trumpetp
- dc.w 1
- dc.l synbras1d
- dc.w 3338/2
- dc.l synbras1d
- dc.w 3338/2
- abassp
- dc.w 1
- dc.l abassd+iff
- dc.w 8000/2
- dc.l restd
- dc.w 16/2
- flutep
- dc.w 1
- dc.l fluted+iff
- dc.w 7278/2
- dc.l fluted+4173+iff
- dc.w 3106/2
- tambp
- dc.w 1
- dc.l tambd
- dc.w 1457/2
- dc.l restd
- dc.w 16/2
- sitarp
- dc.w 1
- dc.l sitard
- dc.w 7708/2
- dc.l restd
- dc.w 16/2
- aguitp
- dc.w 1
- dc.l aguitd+iff
- dc.w 9576/2
- dc.l restd
- dc.w 16/2
- bassoonlp
- dc.w 1
- dc.l bassoond+iff
- dc.w 4788/2
- dc.l bassoond+iff+2033
- dc.w 2755/2
- bassoonp
- dc.w 1
- dc.l bassoond+iff
- dc.w 4788/2
- dc.l restd
- dc.w 16/2
- bassoonsp
- dc.w 1
- dc.l bassoond+iff
- dc.w 4788/2-1000
- dc.l restd
- dc.w 16/2
- pizzop:
- dc.w 1
- dc.l pizzod
- dc.w 5550/2
- dc.l restd
- dc.w 16/2
- pizzohp:
- dc.w 1
- dc.l pizzohd
- dc.w 3796/2
- dc.l restd
- dc.w 16/2
- fhornp:
- dc.w 1
- dc.l fhornd+iff
- dc.w (6684-iff)/2
- dc.l fhornd+iff
- dc.w (6684-iff)/2
- stringsp:
- dc.w 1
- dc.l stringsd
- dc.w (8668)/2
- dc.l restd
- dc.w 16/2
- tympp:
- dc.w 1
- dc.l tympd
- dc.w 7378/2
- dc.l restd
- dc.w 16/2
- taikop:
- dc.w 1
- dc.l taikod+iff
- dc.w (4118-iff)/2
- dc.l restd
- dc.w 16/2
- monkp:
- dc.w 1
- dc.l monkd+iff
- dc.w (6290-iff)/2
- dc.l restd
- dc.w 16/2
- wavep:
- dc.w 1
- dc.l waved+iff
- dc.w (9094-iff)/2
- dc.l restd
- dc.w 16/2
- envelopes:
- rest_env: dc.w 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,255
- flute_env: dc.w 0,32,255
- tymp_env: dc.w 0,48,255
- flute_envq: dc.w 0,8,255
- flute_envmq: dc.w 0,18,255
- tamb_env: dc.w 0,62,255
- aguitar_env: dc.w 0,45,255
- aguitar_env_quiet: dc.w 0,30,255
- sitar_env: dc.w 0,42,255
- abass_env: dc.w 0,54,255
- snare_env: dc.w 0,35,255
- snare_envq: dc.w 0,15,255
- trumpet_env: dc.w 0,35,255
- trumpet_envq: dc.w 0,25,255
- bassoon_env: dc.w 0,40,255
- pizzo_env: dc.w 0,35,255
- fhorn_env: dc.w 0,40,255
- fhorn_envq: dc.w 0,28,255
- strings_env: dc.w 0,48,255
- taiko_env: dc.w 0,38,255
- taiko_envq: dc.w 0,38,255
- bird2_env: dc.w 0,28,255
- bird_env: dc.w 0,18,255
- monk_env: dc.w 0,38,255
- wave_env: dc.w 0,38,255
- wave_envq: dc.w 0,18,255
- ;guit.sam 6191 rwed Today 01:27:11
- ;tamb.sam 1457 rwed Today 01:27:10
- ;flute.sam 8410 rwed Today 01:27:08
- ;sitar.sam 8993 rwed Today 01:27:07
- ;bass.sam 8583 rwed Today 01:27:05
- ;7 files - 207 blocks used
- ;**************************************************
- aguitd ;incbin c:instruments/aguit.sam
- tambd ;incbin c:instruments/tamb.sam
- fluted incbin c:instruments/flute.sam
- sitard ;incbin c:instruments/sitar.sam
- abassd incbin c:instruments/abass.sam
- snared incbin c:instruments/snare.sam
- synbras1d incbin c:instruments/hbrass3l.sam
- bassoond ;incbin c:instruments/bassoonl.sam
- pizzod ;incbin c:instruments/pizzo1.sam
- pizzohd ;incbin c:instruments/pizzo2.sam
- fhornd ;incbin c:instruments/fhorn.sam
- stringsd ;incbin c:instruments/strings2.sam
- tympd ;incbin c:instruments/tymp1.sam
- taikod ;incbin c:instruments/taiko.sam
- monkd ;incbin c:instruments/monk.sam
- waved ;incbin c:instruments/wave.sam
- ;********************************************
- ;;THE FX SAMPLES ARE PULLED IN HERE...THis section can be anywhere
- ;; in lower memory,and in any order
- ;***********************
- restd:
- rest_data:
- dc.w 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- dc.w 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- dc.w 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- dc.w 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- sined:
- sine_datad:
- dc.w 127,80,50,25,0,-25,-50,-100,-127
- dc.w -127,-100,-50,-35,0,35,50,80,127
- ;*************************************************