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- opt p+
- b
- dc.w song_table-b
- dc.w fxjump_table-b
- ;*****************************************
- select_tunes equ 0 ;for conditional assembly whilst testing
- ; zero to step tunes on mouse button
- ; can be deleted..not essential
- ; ALL EQUs
- a00 equ 508*2
- bb00 equ 480*2
- b00 equ 453*2
- c01 equ 428*2
- db01 equ 404*2
- d01 equ 381*2
- eb01 equ 360*2
- e01 equ 339*2
- f01 equ 320*2
- gb01 equ 302*2
- g01 equ 285*2
- ab01 equ 269*2
- a01 equ 508
- bb01 equ 480
- b01 equ 453
- c02 equ 428
- db02 equ 404
- d02 equ 381
- eb02 equ 360
- e02 equ 339
- f02 equ 320
- gb02 equ 302
- g02 equ 285
- ab02 equ 269
- a02 equ 254
- bb02 equ 240
- b02 equ 226
- c03 equ 214
- db03 equ 202
- d03 equ 190
- eb03 equ 180
- e03 equ 170
- f03 equ 160
- gb03 equ 151
- g03 equ 143
- ab03 equ 135
- a03 equ 127
- bb03 equ 480*2
- b03 equ 453*2
- c04 equ 428*2
- db04 equ 404*2
- d04 equ 381*2
- eb04 equ 360*2
- e04 equ 339*2
- f04 equ 320*2
- gb04 equ 302*2
- g04 equ 285*2
- ab04 equ 269*2
- a04 equ 508
- bb04 equ 480
- b04 equ 453
- c05 equ 428
- db05 equ 404
- d05 equ 381
- eb05 equ 360
- e05 equ 339
- f05 equ 320
- gb05 equ 302
- g05 equ 285
- ab05 equ 269
- a05 equ 254
- bb05 equ 240
- b05 equ 226
- c06 equ 214
- db06 equ 202
- d06 equ 190
- eb06 equ 180
- e06 equ 170
- f06 equ 160
- gb06 equ 151
- g06 equ 143
- ab06 equ 135
- a06 equ 127
- bb06 equ 480*2
- b06 equ 453*2
- c07 equ 428*2
- db07 equ 404*2
- d07 equ 381*2
- eb07 equ 360*2
- e07 equ 339*2
- f07 equ 320*2
- gb07 equ 302*2
- g07 equ 285*2
- ab07 equ 269*2
- a07 equ 508
- bb07 equ 480
- b07 equ 453
- c08 equ 428
- db08 equ 404
- d08 equ 381
- eb08 equ 360
- e08 equ 339
- f08 equ 320
- gb08 equ 302
- g08 equ 285
- ab08 equ 269
- a08 equ 254
- bb08 equ 240
- b08 equ 226
- v equ 0
- no_loop equ 0
- loop equ 0
- chann1reg equ $dff0a0
- chann2reg equ $dff0b0
- chann3reg equ $dff0c0
- chann4reg equ $dff0d0
- dmacon equ $dff096
- int_bf_int equ $dff01e
- int_bf_w equ $dff09a
- vhposr equ $dff006
- in_line equ 0
- new_snd equ 4
- end_song equ 1
- end_patt equ 8
- new_env equ 12
- pbend equ 16
- hi: equ 223
- lo: equ 446
- r22 equ 134
- r20 equ 179 ;correctum
- r19 equ 150
- r18 equ 178
- r17 equ 200
- r16: equ 227 ;correctum
- r15: equ 249
- r14 equ 280
- r13: equ 305
- r12: equ 333
- r11: equ 361
- r10: equ 389
- r9: equ 419
- r8: equ 446
- r7: equ 446+112
- r6: equ 446+223
- r5: equ 446+223+112
- r4: equ 446*2
- r3: equ 446*3
- r2: equ 446*4
- r1: equ 446*8
- filter: equ $bfe001
- filter_on equ 44
- filter_off equ 48
- modon equ 20
- pboff equ 24
- modoff equ 28
- rest equ 32
- end_fxp equ 36
- end_fx3 equ 36
- end_fx4 equ 40
- acc equ 52
- repeat equ 56
- down equ 1
- up equ 2
- fx equ 0
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
- ;"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
- ;;; DATA
- max_songs dc.l 2
- song_table:
- dc.l s1_d-b,s2_d-b,s3_d-b,s4_d-b ;death
- ;************************************************************
- ; THESE ARE THE FX PATTERNS................
- ; The interrupt counter in these patterns is dependent on the
- ; playback speed.The figure is calculated as follows
- ; (length/playback speed) *50
- ; the figure then needs rounding up to give a clear finish
- ; if you have the count longer than needed it will cut
- ; out the music on the relevent channel for longer than
- ; neccessary and make it sound jerky
- ; The fx table is below the patterns
- ;fight:
- ;dc.w new_env
- ;dc.l fight_env
- ;dc.w new_snd
- ;dc.l fightp
- ;dc.w r8,8 ;r8=8000 playback speed/8=int counter
- ;dc.w end_fxp
- ;fight_env: dc.w 0,64,64,64,255
- ;*************************
- fxjump_table:
- dc.l 0 ;fx number 1
- max_fx dc.l 30
- ;______________________________________________________________________
- sstart: dc.l 0,end_song
- pstart: dc.w end_patt
- ;----------------------------------
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Music Data ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- cr set 32
- q set cr/2
- sq set q/2
- dsq set sq/4
- tq1 set 7
- tq2 set 6
- tsq1 set 3
- tsq2 set 4
- ssilence:
- dc.l pr-b
- dc.l 0,end_song
- ;************************************************
- patterns:
- pr:
- dc.w rest,cr*4
- dc.w end_patt
- cp:
- pri
- dc.w rest,65000
- dc.w rest,65000
- dc.w rest,65000
- dc.w rest,65000
- dc.w rest,65000
- dc.w end_patt
- ;----------------
- cr set 32
- q set cr/2
- sq set q/2
- dsq set sq/4
- tcr1 set 0
- tq1 set 11
- tq2 set 10
- tsq1 set 5
- tsq2 set 6
- s1_d:
- dc.l flute_snd-b
- dc.l death_strings-b
- dc.l pri-b
- dc.l 0,end_song
- s2_d:
- dc.l trumpet_snd-b
- dc.l death_bass-b
- dc.l pri-b
- dc.l 0,end_song
- s3_d:
- dc.l trumpet_snd-b
- dc.l death_tune-b
- dc.l pri-b
- dc.l 0,end_song
- s4_d:
- dc.l abass_snd-b
- dc.l death_bass2-b
- dc.l pri-b
- dc.l 0,end_song
- ;--