home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*==========================================================================
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * File: rm.cpp
- *
- ***************************************************************************/
- // Includes....
- #include "rm.h"
- #include "directx.h"
- #include "mmsystem.h"
- #include "stdio.h"
- #include "control.h"
- // Globals....
- LPDIRECT3DRMFRAME g_lpScene = NULL; // Scene frame
- LPDIRECT3DRMFRAME g_lpCamera = NULL; // Camera frame
- LPDIRECT3DRMFRAME g_lpArena = NULL; // Arena frame
- LPDIRECT3DRMFRAME g_lpBackground = NULL; // Background frame
- LPDIRECT3DRMFRAME g_lpPlayers = NULL; // Encapsulating frame
- LPDIRECT3DRMFRAME g_lpPlayer1 = NULL; // Human player
- LPDIRECT3DRMFRAME g_lpPlayer1HeadFrame = NULL;// Human player head frame
- LPDIRECT3DRMANIMATIONSET g_lpPlayer1AnimSet = NULL;// Human player animation set
- LPDIRECT3DRMFRAME g_lpPlayer2 = NULL; // Computer player
- LPDIRECT3DRMFRAME g_lpPlayer2HeadFrame = NULL;// Computer player head frame
- LPDIRECT3DRMANIMATIONSET g_lpPlayer2AnimSet = NULL;// Computer player animation set
- LPDIRECT3DRMFRAME g_lpTmp = NULL; // Temporary frame
- LPDIRECT3DRMLIGHT g_lpDir; // Global light frame
- LPDIRECT3DRMMESHBUILDER g_lpRedDebris = NULL; // Red debris model
- LPDIRECT3DRMMESHBUILDER g_lpBlueDebris = NULL; // Blue debris model
- Debris g_debris[NUM_DEBRIS]; // Debris
- LPDIRECT3DRMANIMATION g_lpAnim = NULL; // Intro anim
- // Timing stuff
- D3DVALUE g_timingDelta = D3DVAL(0.0f);
- // Frame rate stuff
- DWORD g_dwLastTime = 0;
- DWORD g_dwCurTime = 0;
- DWORD g_dwFpsTime = 0;
- DWORD g_dwDeltaTime = 0;
- DWORD g_dwFramesRendered = 0;
- DWORD g_dwFps = 0;
- // Externals....
- extern BOOL g_bShowStats; // Defined in WINMAIN.CPP
- extern BOOL g_bHardware3D; // Defined in DIRECTX.CPP
- extern LPDIRECT3DRM g_lpD3DRM; // Defined in DIRECTX.CPP
- extern LPDIRECT3DRMVIEWPORT g_lpD3DRMViewport; // Defined in DIRECTX.CPP
- extern LPDIRECT3DRMDEVICE g_lpD3DRMDevice; // Defined in DIRECTX.CPP
- extern LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE g_lpPrimary; // Defined in DIRECTX.CPP
- extern LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE g_lpBackBuffer; // Defined in DIRECTX.CPP
- extern LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE g_lpZBuffer; // Defined in DIRECTX.CPP
- extern DWORD g_vidModeX; // Defined in DIRECTX.CPP
- extern DWORD g_vidModeY; // Defined in DIRECTX.CPP
- extern DWORD g_vidModeBIT; // Defined in DIRECTX.CPP
- extern DWORD g_dwFontHeight; // Defined in DIRECTX.CPP
- extern DWORD g_dwAveCharWidth; // Defined in DIRECTX.CPP
- extern DWORD g_player1health; // Defined in CONTROL.CPP
- extern DWORD g_player2health; // Defined in CONTROL.CPP
- extern DWORD g_lbar1; // Defined in DIRECTX.CPP
- extern DWORD g_wbar1; // Defined in DIRECTX.CPP
- extern DWORD g_lbar2; // Defined in DIRECTX.CPP
- extern DWORD g_wbar2; // Defined in DIRECTX.CPP
- extern DWORD g_hbar1; // Defined in DIRECTX.CPP
- extern DWORD g_hbar2; // Defined in DIRECTX.CPP
- extern AnimArgs g_player1AnimArgs;
- extern AnimArgs g_player2AnimArgs;
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Function : InitScene
- //
- // Purpose : Initialises Direct3D RM objects and loads scene for demo
- //
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL InitScene()
- {
- // Create the scene (parent) frame
- TRY_D3DRM(g_lpD3DRM->CreateFrame(NULL, &g_lpScene))
- // Create the camera (child of g_lpScene)
- TRY_D3DRM(g_lpD3DRM->CreateFrame(g_lpScene, &g_lpCamera))
- // Create the arena frame
- TRY_D3DRM(g_lpD3DRM->CreateFrame(g_lpScene, &g_lpArena))
- // Create the frame that encapsulates both players
- TRY_D3DRM(g_lpD3DRM->CreateFrame(g_lpScene, &g_lpPlayers))
- // Create player frames
- TRY_D3DRM(g_lpD3DRM->CreateFrame(g_lpPlayers, &g_lpPlayer1))
- TRY_D3DRM(g_lpD3DRM->CreateFrame(g_lpPlayers, &g_lpPlayer2))
- // Create temporary frame
- TRY_D3DRM(g_lpD3DRM->CreateFrame(g_lpScene, &g_lpTmp))
- // Create lights and position in world
- TRY_D3DRM(g_lpD3DRM->CreateLightRGB(D3DRMLIGHT_AMBIENT, D3DVAL(0.2), D3DVAL(0.2), D3DVAL(0.2), &pAmb))
- TRY_D3DRM(g_lpD3DRM->CreateLightRGB(D3DRMLIGHT_DIRECTIONAL, D3DVAL(0.7), D3DVAL(0.7), D3DVAL(0.7), &g_lpDir))
- // Create ambient light frame
- TRY_D3DRM(g_lpD3DRM->CreateFrame(g_lpScene, &pLight))
- // Add the light to the frame
- TRY_D3DRM(pLight->AddLight(pAmb))
- // Release the light frame
- pLight->Release();
- // Create directional light frame
- TRY_D3DRM(g_lpD3DRM->CreateFrame(g_lpScene, &pLight))
- // Set position and orientation of directional light
- pLight->SetPosition(g_lpScene, D3DVAL(1000), D3DVAL(1000), D3DVAL(1000));
- pLight->SetOrientation(g_lpScene, D3DVAL(-1.0), D3DVAL(-1.0), D3DVAL(1.0), D3DVAL(0.0), D3DVAL(1.0), D3DVAL(0.0));
- // Add the light to the frame
- TRY_D3DRM(pLight->AddLight(g_lpDir))
- // Enable lights only for any object that is a child of g_lpPlayers
- TRY_D3DRM(g_lpDir->SetEnableFrame(g_lpPlayers))
- // Release the light frame
- pLight->Release();
- // Create mesh builder for arena
- TRY_D3DRM(g_lpD3DRM->CreateMeshBuilder(&pMeshBuilder))
- // Load the arena
- TRY_D3DRM(pMeshBuilder->Load("ARENA.X", NULL, D3DRMLOAD_FROMFILE, LoadTextures, NULL))
- // Make sure we use perspective correct!
- pMeshBuilder->SetPerspective(TRUE);
- // Add the mesh to the scene
- TRY_D3DRM(g_lpArena->AddVisual(pMeshBuilder))
- g_lpArena->SetZbufferMode(D3DRMZBUFFER_DISABLE);
- // Release the mesh builder
- pMeshBuilder->Release();
- // Load player 1's model
- TRY_D3DRM(g_lpD3DRM->CreateAnimationSet(&g_lpPlayer1AnimSet))
- // Load the model and animation
- TRY_D3DRM(g_lpPlayer1AnimSet->Load("SKMECH.X", NULL, D3DRMLOAD_FROMFILE, LoadTextures, NULL, g_lpPlayer1))
- // Add animation callback for player 1
- g_player1AnimArgs.lpAnimSet = g_lpPlayer1AnimSet;
- g_player1AnimArgs.time = D3DVAL(0);
- TRY_D3DRM(g_lpPlayer1->AddMoveCallback(Player1AnimationCallback, NULL))
- // Setup the initial position of player 1
- g_lpPlayer1->SetPosition(g_lpScene, D3DVAL(0), D3DVAL(0), D3DVAL(-200));
- // Load player 2's model
- TRY_D3DRM(g_lpD3DRM->CreateAnimationSet(&g_lpPlayer2AnimSet))
- // Load the model and animation
- TRY_D3DRM(g_lpPlayer2AnimSet->Load("DEMECH.X", NULL, D3DRMLOAD_FROMFILE, LoadTextures, NULL, g_lpPlayer2))
- // Add animation callback for player 2
- g_player2AnimArgs.lpAnimSet = g_lpPlayer2AnimSet;
- g_player2AnimArgs.time = D3DVAL(0);
- TRY_D3DRM(g_lpPlayer2->AddMoveCallback(Player2AnimationCallback, NULL))
- for (int i = 0; i < NUM_DEBRIS; i ++)
- {
- TRY_D3DRM(g_lpD3DRM->CreateFrame(g_lpPlayers, &g_debris[i].m_pFrame))
- g_debris[i].m_bInUse = FALSE;
- }
- // Load the red debris
- TRY_D3DRM(g_lpD3DRM->CreateMeshBuilder(&g_lpRedDebris))
- TRY_D3DRM(g_lpRedDebris->Load("debris_r.x", NULL, D3DRMLOAD_FROMFILE, NULL, NULL))
- // Load the blue debris
- TRY_D3DRM(g_lpD3DRM->CreateMeshBuilder(&g_lpBlueDebris))
- TRY_D3DRM(g_lpBlueDebris->Load("debris_b.x", NULL, D3DRMLOAD_FROMFILE, NULL, NULL))
- // Setup the initial position of player 2
- g_lpPlayer2->SetPosition(g_lpScene, D3DVAL(0), D3DVAL(0), D3DVAL(200));
- // Create the intro path
- TRY_D3DRM(g_lpD3DRM->CreateAnimation(&g_lpAnim))
- // Setup the animation options
- g_lpAnim->SetOptions(D3DRMANIMATION_OPEN |
- // Add the starting position (as a keyframe)
- g_lpAnim->AddPositionKey(D3DVAL(0), D3DVAL(200), D3DVAL(2000), D3DVAL(0));
- // Add the ending position (as a keyframe)
- g_lpAnim->AddPositionKey(D3DVAL(1), D3DVAL(700), D3DVAL(100), D3DVAL(0));
- // Make the camera follow this animation
- g_lpAnim->SetFrame(g_lpCamera);
- // Retrieve player 1 and player 2's head frames
- TRY_D3DRM(g_lpD3DRM->GetNamedObject("x3ds_Head", &tmp))
- g_lpPlayer1HeadFrame = (LPDIRECT3DRMFRAME)tmp;
- TRY_D3DRM(g_lpD3DRM->GetNamedObject("x3ds_xHead", &tmp))
- g_lpPlayer2HeadFrame = (LPDIRECT3DRMFRAME)tmp;
- // Yahoo!
- return TRUE;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Function : TermScene
- //
- // Purpose : Destroys scene
- //
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- void TermScene()
- {
- // Destroy the scene frame
- if (g_lpScene)
- {
- g_lpScene->Release();
- g_lpScene = NULL;
- }
- // Destroy the animation sets
- if (g_lpPlayer1AnimSet)
- {
- g_lpPlayer1AnimSet->Release();
- g_lpPlayer1AnimSet = NULL;
- }
- if (g_lpPlayer2AnimSet)
- {
- g_lpPlayer2AnimSet->Release();
- g_lpPlayer2AnimSet = NULL;
- }
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Function : RenderScene
- //
- // Purpose : Renders scene
- //
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL RenderScene()
- {
- static BOOL b = FALSE;
- // Verify both surfaces
- if (!g_lpPrimary) return FALSE;
- if (!g_lpZBuffer) return FALSE;
- // Perform some timing stuff
- g_dwCurTime = timeGetTime();
- g_dwDeltaTime = g_dwCurTime - g_dwLastTime;
- g_dwLastTime = g_dwCurTime;
- g_dwFpsTime += g_dwDeltaTime;
- // Move the scene
- g_lpScene->Move(D3DVAL(g_dwDeltaTime));
- if (b) {
- b = FALSE;
- TRY_D3DRM(g_lpD3DRMViewport->ForceUpdate(0, 0, g_vidModeX, g_vidModeY))
- }
- // Restore the primary surface if it has been lost
- if (g_lpPrimary->IsLost())
- {
- HRESULT rval = g_lpPrimary->Restore();
- if (rval != DD_OK) return TRUE;
- TRY_D3DRM(g_lpD3DRMViewport->ForceUpdate(0, 0, g_vidModeX, g_vidModeY))
- b = TRUE;
- }
- // Restore the ZBuffer if it has been lost
- if (g_lpZBuffer->IsLost())
- {
- HRESULT rval = g_lpZBuffer->Restore();
- if (rval != DD_OK) return TRUE;
- TRY_D3DRM(g_lpD3DRMViewport->ForceUpdate(0, 0, g_vidModeX, g_vidModeY))
- }
- // Clear the viewport ready for rendering
- TRY_D3DRM(g_lpD3DRMViewport->Clear())
- // Render the scene
- TRY_D3DRM(g_lpD3DRMViewport->Render(g_lpScene))
- g_dwFramesRendered ++;
- // Show stats if necessary
- if (g_bShowStats)
- {
- // String to hold stats
- char sStats[256];
- // If 2 seconds have elapsed, calculate the frame rate
- if (g_dwFpsTime > 2000)
- {
- g_dwFps = g_dwFramesRendered / 2;
- g_dwFramesRendered = 0;
- g_dwFpsTime = 0;
- }
- // Copy info into stat string
- sprintf(sStats, "SX:%d, SY:%d, SBD:%d FPS:%d, %s", g_vidModeX, g_vidModeY, g_vidModeBIT, g_dwFps, g_bHardware3D ? "(H)" : "(S)");
- // Get a DC to the backbuffer (very useful!)
- HDC hDC;
- g_lpBackBuffer->GetDC(&hDC);
- if (!hDC) return FALSE;
- // Use TextOut to draw the text onto the surface
- DWORD dwStringPixelWidth = strlen(sStats) * g_dwAveCharWidth;
- SetBkMode( hDC, TRANSPARENT );
- SetTextColor( hDC, RGB(255,255,255) );
- TextOut(hDC, (g_vidModeX >> 1) - (dwStringPixelWidth >> 1), g_vidModeY - g_dwFontHeight, sStats, strlen(sStats));
- // Must release DC before calling Flip()
- g_lpBackBuffer->ReleaseDC(hDC);
- }
- // Draw the power bars
- DDBLTFX ddBltFx;
- memset(&ddBltFx, 0, sizeof(DDBLTFX));
- ddBltFx.dwSize = sizeof(DDBLTFX);
- RECT rcBar1 = { g_lbar1, g_hbar1, g_lbar1 + g_wbar1, g_hbar1 + g_hbar2 };
- RECT rcBar2 = { g_lbar2, g_hbar1, g_lbar2 + g_wbar2, g_hbar1 + g_hbar2 };
- switch (g_vidModeBIT)
- {
- case 8 : ddBltFx.dwFillColor = 253; break;
- case 16 : ddBltFx.dwFillColor = 1 << 4; break;
- case 24 : ddBltFx.dwFillColor = 1 << 7; break;
- }
- if (g_player1health > 0) {
- TRY_DD(g_lpBackBuffer->Blt(&rcBar1, NULL, NULL, DDBLT_COLORFILL | DDBLT_WAIT, &ddBltFx))
- TRY_D3DRM(g_lpD3DRMViewport->ForceUpdate(rcBar1.left, rcBar1.top, rcBar1.right, rcBar1.bottom))
- }
- switch (g_vidModeBIT)
- {
- case 8 : ddBltFx.dwFillColor = 254; break;
- case 16 : ddBltFx.dwFillColor = 1 << 5 << 5 << 4; break;
- case 24 : ddBltFx.dwFillColor = 1 << 8 << 8 << 7; break;
- }
- if (g_player2health > 0) {
- TRY_DD(g_lpBackBuffer->Blt(&rcBar2, NULL, NULL, DDBLT_COLORFILL | DDBLT_WAIT, &ddBltFx))
- TRY_D3DRM(g_lpD3DRMViewport->ForceUpdate(rcBar2.left, rcBar2.top, rcBar2.right, rcBar2.bottom))
- }
- // And update the device
- TRY_D3DRM(g_lpD3DRMDevice->Update())
- // Finally, flip the back buffer onto the primary surface, displaying
- // the last rendered frame
- TRY_DD(g_lpPrimary->Flip(NULL, DDFLIP_WAIT))
- // Yahoo!
- return TRUE;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Function : LoadTextures
- //
- // Purpose : Loads an individual texture
- //
- // NOTE : Textures must have a size divisible by 2 (e.g. 128x64, 256x256)
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT LoadTextures(char *sName, void *pArg, LPDIRECT3DRMTEXTURE *hTexture)
- {
- char *sTmpName = sName;
- // Find the extension
- while(sTmpName[0] != '.') sTmpName ++;
- // Add .ppm to the picture file used by 3D Studio (.TGA, .GIF, .CEL etc)
- strcpy(sTmpName, ".ppm");
- // Load the texture
- if (FAILED(g_lpD3DRM->LoadTexture(sName, hTexture))) return -1;
- if (!strcmp(sName, "gdk_fill.ppm"))
- {
- (*hTexture)->SetShades(1);
- }
- return 0;
- }