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- # The data of a particular octahedron
- # these coordinates are used since the game needs a face with
- # normal (0,0,1)
- # Zeye .. for perspective
- 10
- #points
- 36
- 0 0 1.
- 1.414213562 1.414213562 -1.
- 1.414213562 -1.414213562 1.
- -1.414213562 -1.414213562 -1.
- -1.414213562 1.414213562 1.
- 0 0 -1.
- .7071067810 2.121320343 1.
- 2.121320343 .7071067810 1.
- -.7071067810 -2.121320343 1.
- -2.121320343 -.7071067810 1.
- -.7071067810 2.121320343 -1.
- 2.121320343 -.7071067810 -1.
- .7071067810 -2.121320343 -1.
- -2.121320343 .7071067810 -1.
- -1.979898987 -.7071067810 1.
- .3535533905 1.626345596 1.
- 1.060660172 1.626345596 1.
- 1.626345596 1.060660172 1.
- 1.626345596 .3535533905 1.
- -.7071067810 -1.979898987 1.
- -1.272792206 -1.414213562 1.
- .4242640686 .2828427124 1.
- .7071067810 .7071067810 1.
- .2828427124 .4242640686 1.
- -1.414213562 -1.272792206 1.
- 1.979898987 -.7071067810 -1.
- -.3535533905 1.626345596 -1.
- -1.060660172 1.626345596 -1.
- -1.626345596 1.060660172 -1.
- -1.626345596 .3535533905 -1.
- .7071067810 -1.979898987 -1.
- 1.272792206 -1.414213562 -1.
- -.4242640686 .2828427124 -1.
- -.7071067810 .7071067810 -1.
- -.2828427124 .4242640686 -1.
- 1.414213562 -1.272792206 -1.
- #polys
- # poly 0 and 1 are extra blank polys to help draw blanks
- # their colour actually means the orientation! (job security code!)
- 10
- # number of points in poly, colour, points
- 5 0 6 7 8 9 6
- 5 10 6 7 8 9 6
- 5 0 6 7 8 9 6
- 5 1 6 7 11 10 6
- 5 0 8 7 11 12 8
- 5 1 9 8 12 13 9
- 5 0 9 6 10 13 9
- 5 1 10 11 12 13 10
- 12 1 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 14
- 12 0 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 25
- #faces
- 6
- # number of polys, polys
- 2 2 8
- 1 3
- 1 4
- 1 5
- 1 6
- 2 7 9
- # light vector -- where's the light is coming from
- 1 0 1