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***** DBAreafix V1.5c ***** ©1995 by Denis Bucher ***** Shareware *****
Includes :
- Change archiver
- User access to some areas or not
- Infinite AKAs : DBAreafix, Areafix, Mneurf... !
- FileManager : Handles with file-areas
- Complete log file
And all the common functions :-)
Simple configuration :
- Configuration editor in DLG or CLI (very simple)
- Can be added in the DLGMail process cycle
- No conflits with DLG command "Renumber"
- You just have to use the DLGMail "MYADDRESS domains!address"
and replace domain with the name of the following areas.
- Ready !
Free :
- Shareware NOT limited if unregistered
UpToDate :
- I'll take your suggestions, and one week
after, you'll have YOUR version
- For example, version 1.5a is at least
the 20th version !
.....General Features.................................7.....
.....Updates Installation...........................154.....
.....DLGMail.xxx files..............................294.....
.....The File Manager...............................347.....
.....To Do..........................................520.....
.....Bug Report.....................................543.....
.....Sos Author Contact.............................552.....
You have two ways for the installation of DBAreafix. The first with the
supplied AutoInstall Script. The second in following the instructions of
this documentation.
If you want to install DBAreafix with the AutoInstall script (this is
suggested), you'll just have to double click on it, or to type the follow-
ing command in a Shell (CLI) window :
c:Execute DBAreafix.autoinstall
But remember that if you installed DBAreafix with this AutoInstall
script, you won't have completely installed it : DBAreafix is suggested to
be included in the Sysop Menu in DLG Pro BB/OS. It isn't necessary, but is
proved to be sometimes useful, especially when you are already in the BBS.
Part I : Manual installation of AutoInstall stuff
Instead of reading this Part, you may prefer to execute AutoInstall or
to read the AutoInstall script itself. The following statements are the
conditions for DBAreafix to work.
a) The DBAreafix executable must be in Doors:DBAreafix/ and must be called
b) You should add DBAreafix in the DLGMail Process Cycle :
1. Close the netmail area access to avoid other programs' access
2. Execute DBAreafix
3. Reopen the netmail area to other programs
To do that, add the following to FIDO:Batch/PRE_NetScan.DMB :
DLG:CloseAreas -a "50" -k MultiDiapala -r DBAreafix -m -b
DLG:OpenAreas -a "50" -k MultiDiapala -m
Refer to your DIALOG manual if you want to understand the "CloseAreas"
and "OpenAreas" DLG commands.
Part II : Manual installation
Now that the main part is done, you just need to do facultative things.
a) Assigns : Just have these two devices assigned, or do it now : For
DBAreafix to work, you need LOGS: and DOORS: to be assigned. Add them to
your Startup-Sequence so that they will survive the next reboot, and
add them now, for example in a Shell window. How to do that :
assign LOGS: dh0:Logs/
assign DOORS: dh4:BBSConfig/
It's obvious that you don't need to use the same paths ;-)
b) Add DBAreafix in the DLG Sysop menu : Just go to "Configure Menus"
in your DLG BBS, and "Select" the SYSOP menu _for_ _example_. Then select
"Add menu" item and answers the questions the following way :
[ 1] Letter: X
* [ 2] Executable: (path/name) Doors:DBAreafix/DBAreafix CFG
[ 4] Description: Areafix
* [ 5] Type: Executable
[ 6] Help File: SYSOP/X
! [ 7] Lower level: 255
[ 8] Upper level: 255
[ 9] Hidden: NO
* [10] Load type: OVERLAY
[11] Ask user if sure: NO
* [12] Pend messages: YES
* [13] Cli mode: YES
[14] Pause on completion: NO
[15] Log value: None
[16] Activity string: Configuring Areafix
[17] Priority: DEFAULT
[18] Edit help file
The legend is :
* = DON'T CHANGE !!!
! = Beware : Users should NEVER have access to that !
Now, installation of DBAreafix is complete :-) I would suggest that you
read now the "Configuration" chapter.
Just execute the AutoInstall script ...
The way to configure DBAreafix can be summarized in one word, or rather
in a single command :
DBAreafix CFG
Now that you (maybe) configured a DLG menu to do that, you may also use
the menu item instead of a CLI command, but Doors:DBAreafix/DBAreafix CFG
is always valid.
When you enter the configuration menu, there is some choices going from
1 to 7. Just type number + RETURN to enter the sub-menu ...
We will now review each configuration sub-menu, one by one, but PLEASE
REMARK that this documentaion about "configuration" is absolutely *not* ne
cessary ... You could just enter the config and see yourself ...
FIRST TIME suggested order : 3, 4, 7, 5 !
0. Quit
Just type RETURN to exit. DBAreafix will there ask you whether you
would like to save or not. Default (return or any key) is YES.
1. Path
This is the path to your Netmail area. If you enter "1", you will be
able to change it ... just in case !
2. Last Message Parsed
This is the last message parsed, in your netmail area. It shouldn't
normally be changed, but if you want to re-answer to an Areafix message
which would be message 345 and this displays 350, just enter 344 :-)
3. BBS Name
This is the name displayed, for example in "Messages areas available
at #######", where ######## could be "The Home of the Programmer"
4. Edit People/Passwords
In this sub-menu, you will be able to edit the links you would like
to give an access to Areafix.
If you choosed this sub-menu, you will be given two choices :
a) List/Add/Edit
b) List/Add/Remove
It is very simple : both have the "list" and "add" functions, but
each has in addition a third function, "edit" or "remove".
Choose for example List/Add/Edit ... You'll see a *list* of your
links, with two columns : The first is their name, the second is their
Areafix password.
One of the listed item is called "NEW". If you choose "New", you'll
be able to *add* a new user to this list.
If you choose an user, you'll be able to change his name and his
password : This is the *edit* function.
Now, choose the second menu (List/Add/Remove). You'll have exactely
the same possibilities of *listing* and *adding*, but instead of *edit*
you'll be *deleting* the choosen user.
5. User Domains Access
It's obvious that your links cannot have access to any area. As an
simple example : The Sysops-reserved areas ... So each *type* of *area*
should be represented as an "DOMAIN".
Examples of Domains :
To define what domain an area belongs to, you just have to edit your
fido:DLGMail.are, that you should know very well. If you want to define
an other domain for all the _following_ areas, just add a MYADDRESS DLG
Mail command. For Example, to make
The Access is either '0' or '9'. 0 means no access and 9 means full
access. If you need some other levels, just ask me to add them in the
When entering this submenu, you'll see the list of your links with
their accesses. Just type the number of the link to edit him/she.
When editing a link, just type the number of the access to toggle
between "Access" and "No Access".
7. Edit Domains
Each domain must be known to DBAreafix by its name. This submenu has
only this aim : Edit the list of domains. Read point 7. to obtain more
information about domains.
The editing system (list/add/edit) is the same as in submenu 4.
6. Remplacement Names
Your links must normally write to Areafix or DBAreafix. If you want,
you may enable them to write to "The_nicest_areafix_never_seen" or to
árèàfîx (in some exotic language ;-))
The editing system (list/add/edit) is the same as in submenu 4.
DLGMail.xxx Files :
Two files may be corrected by DBAreafix. The first is DLGMail.are, the
file where all your messages areas are defined. The second is DLGMail.bun,
the configuration for the choosen packer of each of your users.
We'll start with an example of two point entries in your DLGMail.bun
configuration file :
A limitation of DBAreafix is that you must have "ARCHIVER", then one
*single* *space* (not 2, not a TAB), then the archiver, either XXX for
ZIP, LHA, ... either XXXX for NONE.
Use this configuration file exactely as said in DLG Manual. The only
thing you must add for DBAreafix to work is to define *domains*. See at
chapter "Configuration/5." to understand that. The usage is very simple
as you just need to put the domain in MYADDRESS commands. The domain is
then valid for all following areas, until the next MYADDRESS. Just read
our example :
MYADDRESS Local!2:301/317.0
AREA THOTP.C 950 (distribution list)
AREA THOTP.ASM 951 (distribution list)
AREA THOTP.CHAT 969 (distribution list)
AREA THOTP.TESTS 970 (distribution list)
MYADDRESS Fidonet!2:301/317.0
AREA HUB3_NEWS 972 (distribution list)
AREA PGMRS-PROTO.CHF 973 (distribution list)
AREA CAFEDUCOIN.CHF 974 (distribution list)
In the previous example, there is two domains. The first is called
"Local" and the second "Fidonet". If one of your links has the follwing
access : Fidonet and NOT Local, he will be able to link itself to these
The File Manager :
Part I : General
The first thing to understand is what you need for the message part to
work. The messages themself are processed by a tosser, for example
DLGMail and the *areas* are processed by DBAreafix. It is the same for
the files : The file areas are processed by DBFilemgr (included in
DBAreafix) where the *files* are processed by another program (available
in free shareware) called DBTicker.
How does the file areas work ? Each file is followed (or preceded ;-)
by another file, which has the format #?.TIC. This "TICK" file contains
all information about the main file : Password, sender, seen-by lines,
name of the main file, etc ... So when a .TIC file is found into your
inbound directory, DLGMail calls your ticker program (DBTicker) who will
process the file.
You don't need to know what DBTicker will do, and if you want please
refer to DBTicker.doc, to be found with DBTicker. You just need to know
that DBticker uses a file called fido:DBFile.ARE, which contains the file
areas configuration. DB*File*.ARE is to the file areas what DLG*Mail*.ARE
is to the messages areas.
The Structure of DBFile.ARE looks much like DLGMail.ARE : On a line,
you have the keyword FILEAREA, spaces/tabs, the name of the directory
where the files have to be kept, spaces/tabs, and the distribution list.
The name of the directories must be *4* *characters* long, dos convenient
(No "/" or ":" but letters and numbers). But all this should be explained
in DBTicker.doc ...
Part II : Your links
For your links, the use of the Filemgr part is very alike DBAreafix, as
it is the same program that does both works :-) They just need to write to
"DBFilemgr" or any other name you configurated in the CFG menu.
Part III : Configuration
The configuration of the Filemgr part is the same as for the Areafix
part ... Just type "DBAreafix CFG" and choose the right menu :-)
The configuration of the file areas is though an other problem, to be
solved with DBTicker.
1.0 | 5.6.94 First working version
1.1 | 94 Added different names for "Areafix" in CFG
1.1 b | Removed bugs
| 7.4.95 Added Domains/Access, disabled
| Understand %ARCH, but not implemented
1.1 c | 8.4.95 %ARCH IMPLEMENTED, user must be in dlgmail.bun
1.1 d | 13.4.95 Domains/Access enabled, beta-version for 1.2a
| 14.4.95 Config: Name of BBS / domains addable without bugs
| 20.4.95 BUG removed : no more fidoaddress in other domains !
1.1 e | 24.4.95 Finished amelioration of User name/pwd menu :
| An unique MENU, and possibility of deleting somebody
| AND : NOW 100% SECURE !!
| 25.4.95 No more stupid icon creation
| NEW! : DBAreafix.Log !
| - DBAreafix understand Spot points (FMPT may be after MSGID)
| - No more 2-5 times the same area displayed in lists
1.2 a | 30.4.95 BUG REMOVED : Understand "PID:..."
| 30.4.95 BUG REMOVED : Understand "CHRS:..."
| 2.5.95 Able to read its field in User.msg
| 2.5.95 Updated internet adress.
| 2.5.95 *Really* able to read User.msg !
| 3.5.95 Able to write a new User.msg. Just don't use it.
1.2 b | 3.5.95 NO MORE uses his own mark, but User.msg :-)
| DLG:Renumber is therefore useable, and
| DBAreafix 100% Secure on Netmail area Managing.
| 6.5.95 The list bug is now *completely* fixed :-)))
1.2 c | 8.5.95 Removed all french / Optimized text strings
| Archiver part secure.
| Some code procedure optimised, corrected.
| Autoinstall full working.
| NewPrefs creator corrected.
1.2 d | 11.5.95 Important feature added : Autoinstall in User.msg
| (It was maybe a bug, as it is *vital* ;-)
| 12.5.95 Provisory improvement : + 20k memory !
1.3 a | 14.5.95 Improved some routines
| Notify when an area is NOT in DLGMail.Are
| 14.5.95 Small bugs removed on notifying «Area not found»
1.3 b | 14.5.95 COMPLETELY reprogramed the Kludges procedure.
| - Only MSGID is now required
| - DBAreafix reads *all* Kludge without risks.
| Understands %LANG AND informs user that
| it isn't implemented.
| Bug hopefully removed : Area not found displays
| area name ;-)
| 14.5.95 Very HARD bug removed : After a FMPT Kludge,
| DBAreafix was missing following kludges and
| with this bugy >9 points weren't supported :-(
1.3 c | 15.5.95 Small bug : array(-1) !
| 15.5.95 No more "loss of EOL" bug in DLGMail.BUN
| 16.5.95 Removed a strange unawaited bug about 5D
| adresses : "You are 2:301/317.0@fidonet.org !"
| Added VERSION for Preferences :-)
| 19.5.95 REPLY Kludge added
1.3 d | 19.5.95 Beta-test removed : Now warns if *first* *area*
| was not found, too.
| Added "(none)" if user linked to >0< areas :-)
| Bug removed : %list or %liSt work. (Not %LIST-only !)
1.4 a | 26.5.95 Added a new kludge to DBAreafix replies : PID
| Changed PREFS version : Now accepts
| language preferences, and takes English for default.
| Replaced american date (05-26-95) with european (26.05.95)
| Bug removed : Date correct ;-))
| 27.7.95 Changed addresses
| Bug removed about registration/unregistred not displayed
| 28.5.95 Completely reviewed the internal struct of menus.
1.4 b | 29.5.95 Corrected menu displayed text
| Now replies with the MSGID: signature
| And uses the REPLY kludge :-)
| I discovered that your address wasn't 2:301/317 !
| Address generation more correct ...
1.5 a | 3.6.95 DBAreafix is also **DBFilemgr** ... We'll see if it works
| 9.6.95 Serious bug removed
| 15.6.95 Small bug removed
| 15.6.95 Added date of sent request in message
| 20.6.95 INTL Kludge was buggy : Now, no more buggy !
| 5.7.95 Very important bug removed : Sometimes, DLGMail.ARE was
| deleting itself. Error found and corrected :-)
| Some small improvements...
| 15.7.95 Corrections to the Filemgr part
1.5 b | 21.7.95 Now COMPLETE Filemgr support. Not completely documented,
| but working nice !
| Understand TID: Kludge
| Supports RFC Kludges (from internet)
| 21.7.95 New functions in menu : Filemgr AKAS and Languages
| 2.9.95 Understand DOMAIN kludge
| 8.10.95 More stack added (60kb instead of 40kb)
1.5 c | 14.10.95 Small log change
Implement :
Correct that limitation:
%arch : ARCHIVER (in DLGMail.BUN) must be followed
by *one* *space* (no tabs, no two spaces)
Documentation :
Add an index
Others :
Just suggest !
None known, except "those" here in "TO DO".
If you find a small bug, I garantee to fix it in three days !!!
If it is bigger ... let's say ... 1.5 week ?
SOS CONTACT : (if my addresses are no more valid)
1) Try Denis Bucher @ 2:301/317.0 (fidonet)
or denis.bucher@thotp.fn.alphanet.ch
or dbucher@alphanet.ch
2) Ask Michel Roch at 2:301/315 where you can join me.
3) Write to my postal address :-))
4) Ask anybody in 2:301/3xxx to find me (or him) in the nodelist.
5) Ask anybody in 2:301/3xxx to find Bertrand Schmitt in the nodelist.