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Text File
3,644 lines
Version 0.1 (Beta)
Written by Paul A. Schifferer
Copyright © 1995 Gandalf's Middle-Earth Software Wizardry Labs
All rights reserved.
You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the programs' executable code
and documentation as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspic-
uosly and appropriately publish only the original, unmodified programs, with
all copyright notices and disclaimers of warranty intact and including all the
accompanying documentation, example files and anything else that came with the
You may not copy and/or distribute these programs without the accompanying
documentation and other additional files that came with the original. You
may not copy and/or distribute modified versions of these programs.
You may not disassemble, decompile, re-source or otherwise reverse engineer
the programs.
You may charge a fee to recover distribution costs. The fee for diskette
distribution may not be more than the cost to obtain a public domain diskette
from Fred Fish.
Disclaimer of Warranty
I got to writing Luminus as a request from my wife, who enjoys designing ANSI
pictures and animations, and after using TheDraw on her MS-DOS machine, found
no suitable alternative for the Amiga. The few programs we ran across were
sorely lacking in features and/or friendly operating interfaces. As I have
recently learned, there are actually quite a few available, but alas, none
that suit her particular tastes. And so was born Luminus.
Luminus' features include:
- Operates in any display environment (supports any screen display available
in the display database).
- Amiga User Interface Style Guide compliant.
- On-line help (requires AmigaGuide).
- Built-in ARexxTM and Workbench App support.
- Supports all ANSI BBS codes.
- Ability to load and save IFF and ASCII files.
System requirements
Luminus requires version 2.04 or higher of the Amiga OS. It is designed to
take advantage of some features available in higher versions, if they are
available.. As yet, Luminus does not have Locale support.
Luminus also requires a stack size of at least 16,000 bytes. See the chapter
Using Luminus below on how you may change the stack size from either the Shell
or the Workbench.
Luminus is technically
. (I hate all the different -ware terms.) I
don't believe or subscribe to the current shareware philosophy. If I wanted
(read: demanded) money for my work, I would release it as a commercial
product. I've written and released this program in this form because I
believe the Amiga is an awesome computer, and I want to lend my support to its
(hopefully) long and glorious life. I want to make your use of the Amiga
productive, efficient, and most of all enjoyable. All I want is a 'thank you'
or 'great job'. (Of course, I don't object to receiving money :) (see below),
but I'm not going to get nasty about it, like some other authors.)
But enough blithering; here's the bottom line: This program is NOT crippled
in any way, shape or form, thus no fee is required to make it fully
functional. You have it in all its splendor and glory. Use it, enjoy it. If
you like it, send me a postcard, or a program you've written, or something to
say thanks.
If you want to, you can send me $5US, which will get you the next release sent
right to you. The money's only to cover disk and mailer costs (and a teeny
profit). Another $5US will get you a nicely typeset, printed manual, done in
The address to which you can send me money, postcards, a spare Amiga, or any-
thing else is:
Paul A. Schifferer
515 11th Street
Edwards AFB, CA 93523
I can also be contacted via Internet at:
Undocumented Features
Some people call these things 'bugs'. If you happen to notice one of these
little critters, let me know, please! I've done my best to make sure all the
bugs were discovered and removed, but I can't find them all. If finances are
favorable, I may send you the next release at my cost. (See Beta-Testers'
Note below.)
Beta-Testers' Note
This release is in general distribution as a beta version. If you wish to be
a beta-tester for future versions of this program, or for any other program I
may release, drop me a postcard or e-mail. I will put you on the list of
beta-testers, for which you will receive test-releases via Snail mail, FidoNet
or the most cost-effective means for me to get the program to you.
I'd like to thank the following people:
My wife, Michelle, who gave me the idea for this program, provided construct-
ive critique during its development and pre-release testing and encouragement
to continue when things got frustrating or bleak. Thanks, hon. I love you.
The authors of the Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manual: Libraries. This was one
of the most useful books I've ever picked up, and taught me a lot about pro-
gramming the Amiga.
Stephen Provencher and Andrew Toth, who provided a lot of insight into pro-
gramming in C, and always had another point of view.
Using Luminus
This chapter will discuss the general usage of Luminus, both from Workbench
and the Shell, what command line options/ToolTypes are available, and Luminus'
general behavior.
Luminus requires a stack size of at least 16,000 bytes to run. You can check
that the icon's stack size is set properly by clicking once on the icon, then
selecting Information from the Workbench's Icon menu. In the upper left cor-
ner of the Information window is an integer gadget marked "Stack:". If the
value in this gadget is less than 16,000, click in it, change it to 16000,
press Return, and click the button marked Save. Now you may run Luminus.
To start Luminus from the Workbench environment, simply double-click on its
icon. Luminus' behavior can be modified by using ToolTypes. The following
ToolTypes are supported:
SETTINGS=file Lets you specify a particular settings file to use. You
can supply the complete pathname here, or Luminus will use
its current directory to find the file. If this file can-
not be found or loaded, Luminus will resort to its stored
internal defaults. The default file is Luminus.prefs.
NOTE: Any of the following ToolTypes will override the corresponding default
loaded from the settings file.
CUSTOMSCREEN=name This ToolType will signal Luminus to open on a custom
screen (the default behavior). You must provide a screen
name when using this ToolType. The custom screen opened
will be a public screen, for use by other programs and
identified by the name given. The default name is LUMINUS.
NOSHANGHAI Specifying this ToolType tells Luminus not to set the
global public screen SHANGHAI flag. The default behavior
is to set it, which causes the current default public
screen to try to make windows open on its screen. This
ToolType is ignored if Luminus is not opened on a custom
NOPOPPUB Specifying this ToolType tells Luminus not to set the
global public screen POPPUBSCREEN flag. The default
behavior is to set it, which causes the current default
public screen to pop to the front of the display when a
window is opened on it. This ToolType is ignored if
Luminus is not opened on a custom screen.
PUBSCREEN=name Use this ToolType when you want to open Luminus on another
program's existing public screen. The name you supply is
the name of the screen on which to open. This ToolType may
be specified in a project icon, and will be effective only
for that document.
PORTNAME=name Lets you specify an alternate basename for Luminus' ARexx
port. Each document that you open in this invocation of
Luminus will use this basename plus a numeric suffix, i.e.,
the first document opened will be called 'LUMINUS.0'. The
default name is 'LUMINUS'. This ToolType, if specified in
a project icon, will completely override the naming conven-
tion, and will be effective only for that document.
UNIT=number This will specify the default Clipboard unit to use for
cut, copy and paste operations. All documents opened will
use this unit. The default unit is 0. This ToolType may
be specified in a project icon, and will be effective only
for that document.
IOBUFFER=size This ToolType sets the size (in Kilobytes) of Luminus'
internal input/output buffer. This buffer speeds access to
and from disk. Setting this to 0 will disable the buffer.
The default size is 16.
STARTUP=script Specifying this ToolType tells Luminus to attempt to start
execution of the specified ARexx script following its
initialization. By default, no script will be started.
The Shell
Before you start Luminus, you must make sure your Shell's stack size is at
least 16,000 bytes or greater. You can check this by entering
at the prompt. This will tell you the size of your Shell's stack. If it's
less than 16,000, then enter
stack 16000.
This will change the stack size so it's large enough for Luminus to run.
To start Luminus from the Shell, simply enter its name at the command line,
and the program will begin execution. The following options are available
from the Shell:
files Anything typed on the command line that does not correspond
to a supported command line option will be taken to be a
file to be loaded. You may enter as many as you like that
will fit into memory.
SETTINGS file This option allows you to specify the settings file to use
for this invocation of Luminus. You may enter a complete
path specification with the filename.
CUSTOMSCREEN name Lets you set the name of the custom screen which Luminus is
to open. When using this option, you must specify a name
for the screen.
PUBSCREEN name Use this option when you want to open Luminus on another
program's existing public screen. The name you supply is
the name of the screen on which to open.
PORTNAME name Lets you specify an alternate basename for Luminus' ARexx
port. Each document that you open in this invocation of
Luminus will use this basename plus a numeric suffix, i.e.,
the first document opened will be called 'LUMINUS.0'. The
default name is 'LUMINUS'.
STARTUP script Specifying this option tells Luminus to attempt to start
execution of the specified ARexx script following its
initialization. By default, no script will be started.
NOPOPPUB Specifying this option tells Luminus not to set the global
public screen POPPUBSCREEN flag. The default behavior is
to set it, which causes the current default public screen
to pop to the front of the display when a window is opened
on it. This option is ignored if Luminus is not opened on
a custom screen.
NOSHANGHAI Specifying this option tells Luminus not to set the global
public screen SHANGHAI flag. The default behavior is to
set it, which causes the current default public screen to
try to make windows open on its screen. This option is
ignored if Luminus is not opened on a custom screen.
UNIT number This will specify the default Clipboard unit to use for
cut, copy and paste operations. All documents opened will
use this unit. The default unit is 0.
IOBUFFER size This option sets the size (in Kilobytes) of Luminus' inter-
nal input/output buffer. This buffer speeds access to and
from disk. Setting this to 0 will disable the buffer. The
default size is 16.
NOGUI Specify this option if you want Luminus to start without
opening up its interface, i.e., no screens or windows.
This option is useful if you are running an ARexx script
that starts Luminus, modifies one or more documents, and
exits without user intervention.
QUIET Using this option tells Luminus not to present its initial
copyright banner. This option would most likely be used in
conjunction with NOGUI.
This chapter deals with various aspects of Luminus, like its modes of oper-
ation, basic editing information and general behavior of the software.
Editing Modes
Currently, there are two editing modes available in Luminus. The modes are
fairly versatile, and allow switching between them "on-the-fly." Their
attributes and details are discussed below.
Page Mode
Page Mode is an editing mode that is used for editing static ANSI images of
one or more pages. Subsequent pages in the document are generally images in
a later stage, much like a flipped-page cartoon is made up of a series of
static images that when moved through rapidly simulate animation. This allows
page mode to have a crude, page-sized animation.
Cels edited on the page are directly overwritten, replacing the old cel on
that page.
You can have as many pages as can fit in memory in your documents.
When Page mode documents are saved, the cels are saved in displayed-order.
Animation Mode
Animation Mode is an editing mode that allows you to create fine-tuned anim-
ations using ANSI escape sequences for cursor positioning and screen control.
When you type characters in, or insert cels, everything is saved in the se-
quence in which it is entered.
There are no pages in this mode. Overwritten cels are not replaced in the
document, but are remembered and simply hidden behind the newer cels. A way
exists to edit existing cels, though, so if you do make a mistake, it is
possible to correct it without having to waste additional cels to "hide" it.
Drawing Modes
While Editing Modes affect the way cels are stored in the document and later
saved to disk files, Drawing Modes affect how they are created and placed into
the document. There are two Drawing Modes available at this time. (I have
two more under development right now.) These are discussed below.
Text Mode
This mode is pretty much the "standard" drawing mode. Typed text is placed
into the document (according to the Editing Mode), and cursor movements are
simply that. You can change the colors and text attributes and all that
during your editing.
Attribute Mode
This mode acts basically the same as Text Drawing Mode as far as typing in
text is concerned. Where this one differs is in the way cursor movement is
handled. The cursor keys still move the cursor around the same as normal,
except that the cel at the destination position of the cursor is changed. A
set of Attribute Mode Flags are available that determine how the cel is
changed. Currently, there are three flags:
Change foreground?
- this flag, if set, means that the foreground color
of the affected cel is changed to the current foreground color.
Change background?
- this flag, if set, means that the background color
of the affected cel is changed to the current background color.
Change attributes?
- this flag, if set, means that the text attributes of
the affected cel are changed to the current text attributes.
If in Animation Editing Mode, the cel isn't actually changed, but a copy is
made with the new colors and/or attributes and placed in that position.
Line Types
Luminus supports the use of several line types that assume an IBM-style font
is being used. The line types are known as Single, Double, Single-Double
and Double-Single. (Pretty descriptive, eh?) The Single line type is a col-
lection of line pieces that are single width lines both horizontally and
vertically. The Double line type is the same except that the line pieces are
double parallel lines. The Single-Double and Double-Single line types use
combined single and double-parallel lines. The first part of the their name
is the type of vertical line, the second part is the type of horizontal line.
Two additional line types are available that can be used with just about any
font. They are Custom and Select. The Custom line pieces are defined in the
Box & Line Settings panel. This allows you to define the pieces used in all
parts of line drawing. (See the Box & Line Settings panel for more infor-
mation on defining custom line pieces.) The Select line type is a single
character that is used to draw all parts of a line, whether horizontal,
vertical, intersecting or whatever. Generally, when the line should be drawn,
a requester is presented asking for the character to use for the line. There
are some exceptions to this, such as ARexx commands for line or box drawing.
Cursor Directioning
This is an interesting little feature, I think. Most text editors and word
processors (or just about any kind of editor) process input text from left to
right (or right to left, if the font is designed that way). But since Luminus
is basically a ANSI text-based drawing program, it can come in handy to have
the cursor move in other directions during a drawing function or whatever.
So Luminus supports flexible cursor directions. You can specify (separately)
the desired vertical and horizontal directions of the cursor. The available
directions for movement are:
Vertical dir. Result
None The cursor doesn't move vertically.
Up The cursor moves upwards one character position.
Down The cursor moves downwards one character position.
Horizontal dir. Result
None The cursor doesn't move horizontally.
Left The cursor move to the left one character position.
Right The cursor moves to the right one character position.
Vertical and horizontal directions can be combined to make angled cursor move-
ment. And it's actually even possible to specify both as None and have the
cursor not move at all!
AppIcon, AppMenuItem & AppWindows
Luminus supports all three of Workbench library's App features. Each
feature's implementation in Luminus will be discussed here.
By default, Luminus will display an AppIcon on the Workbench window upon
start-up. This behavior can be changed via menu item or through the
Operations Settings panel and saved in the settings file. Luminus' AppIcon
has two behaviors.
Should you double-click on it, Luminus' screen will be brought to the front,
and the current document's window will be brought to the front and activated.
You may also drop icons onto the AppIcon. Luminus will attempt to open a new
document for each icon and load it. These are usually icons for documents,
but Luminus will take anything and try to make sense of it.
This App feature places an item on the Tools menu in the Workbench's menu
structure. Selecting this menu item will cause Luminus' screen to pop to the
front, and the current document's window to be brought to the front and acti-
Each document that Luminus opens up, it will attempt to attach an AppWindow.
The AppWindow enables you to drop icons into the document's window (only while
it is opened on the Workbench screen), which will tell Luminus to overlay the
files to the document. Note that if multiple icons are dropped in one window,
Luminus will attempt to overlay all of them onto the document on which they
were dropped.
General Editing
This section covers the miscellaneous editing commands and keystrokes, such as
cursor keys with qualifiers, the Help key and the numeric keypad.
The numeric keypad
Just about all the programs I've used on the Amiga, if they've made use of the
numeric keypad, have used it in one mode only. (The only exception to this
has been WordPerfectTM for the Amiga.) It's either used just for numbers
(its default behavior), or for cursor movement (like SAS/C's editor), but
never for both. Luminus doesn't suffer from this oversight. The status line
of each document my reflect the current state of the numeric keypad. If it is
in "number mode", 'Num' shows in the status line. If it's in "cursor mode",
nothing shows. You can switch between these modes by pressing they NumL key
(marked on the front of the '(' key on the numeric keypad) in combination with
either Shift key.
Number mode
In this mode, the keys act as they are labelled on the top, i.e., numbers, the
symbols '(', ')', '/', '*', '-', '+', '.', and the Enter key.
Cursor mode
In this mode, the keys act as key are labelled on their fronts, while the
Enter key works as in "number mode." See the section below, Cursor keys, for
information on the behavior of the cursor keys. The key marked 'Ins' (keypad
0) toggles Insert mode on and off. The key marked 'Del' (keypad .) acts like
the Delete key (next to Help). The '+' and '-' keys act normally. The keys
marked '5', 'NumL' (execpt when Shifted), 'ScrL', and 'PrtSc' do nothing.
Help key
The Help key is active in Luminus. Pressing it tells Luminus to execute the
AmigaGuide on-line help system. Luminus' help system is context-sensitive, so
pressing the Help key within a subwindow will bring up the help file at the
appropriate place.
There is one exception: pressing the Help key in the menu gives a brief
description of that menu item.
Cursor keys
The arrow keys (and their counterparts on the numeric keypad, when not
NumLocked), when unqualified, do normal cursor movement, i.e., left, right,
up, down. When Shifted, the keys still behave as normal, but will extend an
existing block in the appropriate direction. Following is a chart on the
behavior of the keys with and without qualifiers.
Keystroke What it does
Up arrow Moves up one line
Down arrow Moves down one line
Left arrow Moves left one column
Right arrow Moves right one column
Home Move to the beginning of the line
End Move to the end of the line
PgUp Move up one windowful
PgDn Move down one windowful
Control + Up arrow Moves to the top of the document
Control + Down arrow Moves to the bottom of the document
Control + Left arrow Move to the absolute beginning of line
Control + Right arrow Move to the absolute end of the line
Control + Home Move to the top-left corner of the document
Control + End Move to the bottom-right corner of the document
Control + PgUp Move to the top line of the document
Control + PgDn Move to the bottom line of the document
Alt + Up arrow Delete the current line, move all lower lines up
Alt + Down arrow Insert a blank line
Alt + Left arrow Delete the current column, move all right
columns over
Alt + Right arrow Insert a blank column
Alt + Home Move to the top of the window
Alt + End Move to the bottom of the window
Alt + PgUp Move up one windowful, cursor doesn't move
Alt + PgDn Move down one windowful, cursor doesn't move
Error Codes
Standard AmigaDOS defines a set of general error codes that are normally
returned from a called task or process that indicate the state under which the
program exited. The are normally 0 (normal exit, no errors), 5 (warning),
10 (error) and 20 (failure). Luminus defines a set of specific error codes
that may be reeturned from the program itself to a Shell process, or from
ARexx commands to the ARexx script in the variable rc.
Following is Luminus' error code listing. Several codes are referred to in
some chapters by a name. This name is given in parentheses after the error
code's meaning.
NOTE Luminus defines failure codes beginning at 50. Code 0 indicates
everything is okay and codes 1 through 49 are informational codes
which are used internally; you will never see them.
Code Meaning
0 Okay
50 General (undefined) failure
51 Unable to open file
52 Unable to save file
53 IFF error
54 Unable to open clipboard
55 Insufficient memory
56 Unable to lock public screen
59 Unable open window
60 Unable to lock directory
61 Unable to create port
62 Unable to create AppWindow
65 Wrong library version
68 Unable to create icon
69 Not enough screens
70 Unable to switch screens
71 Document in limbo
74 Unable to find cel
75 Invalid screen pointer
77 Invalid box dimensions
79 Invalid margins
80 No text
81 Out of dimension
82 Unable to open screen
83 Unable to open font
84 No such command
85 Invalid parameter (INVALID_PARAMETER)
87 Unable to open document
88 Command not available (COMMAND_NOT_AVAILABLE)
89 Unable to execute command
90 Unable to load settings
This chapter deals with Luminus' menu structure and operation.
Project Menu
Selecting this menu item causes Luminus to open a new document, complete with
its own window.
Holding down either Shift key while selecting this item tells Luminus that you
want to specify the screen on which the new document is opened. Please refer
to Select Public Screen under Requesters in the Control Panels & Windows
This menu item lets you open up an existing document for editing. The ASL
file requester is opened for you to select a file or files to open. Multi-
selection is enabled in the file requester, so you can choose as many files
as you like to open, provided there is enough available memory for them all!
Holding down either Shift key while selecting this item tells Luminus that you
want to specify the screen on which the document(s) is (are) opened. Please
refer to Select Public Screen under Requesters in the Control Panels & Windows
This menu item allows you to choose a file or files to overlay onto the exist-
ing document using the ASL file requester. Multi-selection is enabled in the
requester, and all files selected will be appended to the current document.
This item is only available in Animation Editing Mode.
This menu item allows you to save the current document to disk. If there is
no current filename of the filename is "Untitled", you will be prompted for
one via the ASL file requester. Otherwise, the document is just saved.
Holding down either Shift key will bring up the Save Panel, so you may alter
the save parameters before saving the file. You can have the Save Panel come
up automatically for every save attempt by enabling the Save Prompt gadget in
the File Settings Panel.
This item is ghosted if no changes have been made since the last save.
Save as...
This menu item allows you to save the current document to disk under a differ-
ent name than its current one. An ASL file requester is presented for you to
choose the directory and filename.
Holding down either Shift key will bring up the Save Panel, so you may alter
the save parameters before saving the file. You can have the Save Panel come
up automatically for every save attempt by enabling the Save Prompt gadget in
the File Settings Panel.
Selecting this item causes the current document to close, shutting down its
window and freeing all memory associated with it. If the document was
modified since its last save, you will prompted for verification to close the
If the last document open is closed, Luminus will shut down as if you had
selected Quit.
This menu item brings up an informational window, giving you the low-down on
Luminus. It also informs you of the ARexx port name of the current document.
Selecting this item tells Luminus to activate its on-line-help feature. In
order for on-line-help to work, the AmigaGuide file (a file of the same name
as the program ending with the extension '.guide') must be in either the same
directory as the program, or the logical directory HELP:. Pressing the Help
key on the keyboard has the same effect.
You want to completely shut down Luminus. This item causes that to happen, no
matter how many documents are open. Holding either Shift key while selecting
this item will suppress the 'are you sure?' requester.
Luminus will normally inform you if any opened documents have been modified
since their last save, and give you a chance to save them. Holding either Alt
key will suppress this requester.
Edit Menu
Cut grabs from the currently blocked area of the document, removing its cels
to the clipboard you have specified for the document. Luminus will store the
data to the clipboard in IFF format, according to the type you specify, either
FTXT CHRS, which can usually be read by text editors and the console device,
and ANSI CEL, a compact proprietary format that Luminus uses.
The blocked data is removed from the document in the same manner as Erase.
This item is only enabled when a block is selected in the document.
Copy grabs from the currently blocked area of the document, duplicating its
cels to the clipboard you have specified for the document. Luminus will store
the data to the clipboard in IFF format, according to the type you specify,
either FTXT CHRS, which can usually be read by text editors and the console
device, and ANSI CEL, a compact proprietary format that Luminus uses.
The blocked data is left in the document and the block is deselected when the
copy is complete.
This item is only enabled when a block is selected in the document.
Choosing this item will cause Luminus to grab whatever is in the specified
clipboard for the current document (each document may specify a different
clipboard unit number), and paste it at the cursor position. Luminus under-
stands IFF clips of type FTXT CHRS and ANSI CEL. No other types are
Selecting Erase will removed all blocked cels from the document without
pushing them onto the clipboard. The rest of the document is left intact (see
Delete below).
This item is only enabled when a block is selected in the document.
Delete does somewhat the same as Erase, removing all blocked cels from the
document without pushing them onto the clipboard. The difference is that
anything to the right of the deleted block is moved over to fill in the space
vacated by the removed cels. Erase simply leaves the area blank, Delete
attempts to fill it in.
This item is only enabled when a block is selected in the document.
This sub-menu allows you to do global clears in the document.
Current page
This sub-item will remove all cels from the current page, rendering it
blank. You will be asked to verify your choice.
This item is ghosted in Animation Editing Mode.
This sub-item removes every cel from the entire document. You must
verify your choice.
This sub-menu provides you with items for manipulating columns, i.e.,
inserting and deleting.
This sub-item causes Luminus to insert a blank column at the current
cursor position for the entire height of the document. All columns to
the right are moved over.
Note that any columns that are moved beyond the boundaries of the docu-
ment are not lost, but may not be saved with the file, and are not
displayed until they are moved back into the document's boundaries.
This sub-item causes the column at the cursor to be irretrievably removed
from the document, and all columns to the right are moved over to fill
its space.
This sub-menu provides you with items for manipulating lines, i.e., inserting
and deleting.
This sub-item causes Luminus to insert a blank line at the current cursor
position for the entire width of the document. All lines below are moved
Note that any lines that are moved beyond the boundaries of the document
are not lost, but may not be saved with the file, and are not displayed
until they are moved back into the document's boundaries.
This sub-item causes the column at the cursor to be irretrievably removed
from the document, and all columns to the right are moved over to fill
its space.
Document Menu
Use border?
This is a toggle item that determines if the current document's window will be
drawn with the standard Intuition border (and all appropriate gadgets,
including scroll bars). When the state of this item is changed, the
document's window is closed and reopened accordingly.
Show status line?
This is another toggle item, which determines whether the document's status
line will be rendered. If so, it is placed at the top or bottom according to
the Status line at top? option in the Document Settings panel.
This sub-menu controls the ruler and its display aspects.
When this item is checked, two lines, one vertical, one horizontal, are
displayed, intersecting at the current mouse position. The ruler is
automatically and temporarily disabled when the mouse pointer is outside
the boundaries of the drawing area of the active document window.
Hash marks?
With this item checked, the ruler is displayed with vertical or horizon-
tal hash marks along each of its beams, placed at character intervals so
they would intersect the midpoint of each character row or column. If
the ruler Display? item is not checked, this item will be ghosted.
With this item checked, the ruler is displayed with position numbers
drawn at a user-specified interval (which can be set in the Document
Settings Panel). Each number is drawn either above or to the left of its
respective hash mark. Should the ruler come close to the left or top
drawing boundaries of the window, numbers may not be displayed that won't
fit into the display wholly. If the ruler Display? and Hash marks? items
are not checked, this item will be ghosted.
Edit mode
This sub-menu's items are the available editing modes in Luminus. Each mode
is discussed below. For details on Luminus' editing modes, see the Operations
This sub-item causes Luminus to revert to Page Editing Mode. (See Page
under Editing Modes in the Operations chapter.) Since an existing anim-
ation can get severely damaged, i.e., certain portions of the animation
may be lost, by switching to this mode, your choice is verified before
any real action is taken.
This sub-item causes Luminus to revert to Animation Editing Mode. (See
Page under Editing Modes in the Operations chapter.) Since switching to
this mode makes no changes to the document's contents, as switching to
Page Mode might do, no verification is necessary.
Draw mode
This sub-menu's items are the available drawing modes in Luminus. Each mode
is discussed below. For details on Luminus' drawing modes, see the Operations
This is the normal drawing mode. Text is rendered normally and cursor
movements are treated as only that.
This mode is a unique drawing mode. Text can entered as in Text Drawing
Mode, but cursor movements are handled in an entirely different manner.
Depending on the attribute mode flags set, moving the cursor over cels
can change their colors or attributes.
Line type
This sub-menu contains the various line types with which Luminus may render
boxes and lines. Each line type is briefly discusses below. For details on
the line types, see the Operations chapter.
This line type is a single vertical or horizontal line, including corners
and intersecting pieces. This type assumes an IBM-style font.
This line type is a double vertical or horizontal line, including corners
and intersecting pieces. This type assumes an IBM-style font.
This line type is rendered using single vertical and double horizontal
lines. Corners and intersecting pieces are drawn with respect to these
types. This type assumes an IBM-style font.
This line type is rendered using double vertical and single horizontal
lines. Corners and intersecting pieces are drawn with respect to these
types. This type assumes an IBM-style font.
This line type's pieces are rendered according the ASCII codes set up in
the Box & Line settings panel. This type assumes no particular font, but
may be set up according to any font.
This line type's pieces are rendered using a single ASCII code, which is
specified at the time of the line drawing. This type assumes no part-
icular font.
Attribute mode flags
This sub-menus contains some toggle-items that control how Attribute Drawing
Mode will affect existing character during cursor movement. (See the
Attribute Mode under Drawing Modes in the Operations chapter for more infor-
Change foreground?
If this item is checked, Attribute Drawing Mode will affect the fore-
ground color of all cels the cursor passes over during cursor movement.
Change background?
If this item is checked, Attribute Drawing Mode will affect the back-
ground color of all cels the cursor passes over during cursor movement.
Change attribute?
If this item is checked, Attribute Drawing Mode will affect the character
attribute of all cels the cursor passes over during cursor movement.
Vertical movement
This sub-menu controls the vertical movement of the cursor during text entry.
This movement is in conjunction with the horizontal movement (above), thus
allowing such really cool effects as angled cursor movement.
When this item is enabled, the cursor makes no vertical movement during
text entry. This is the default behavior.
This item causes the cursor to move upward after each character is
This item causes the cursor to move down after each character is entered.
Horizontal movement
This sub-menu controls the horizontal movement of the cursor during text
entry. This movement is in conjunction with the vertical movement (above),
thus allowing such neat-o dog effects as angled cursor movement.
With this item checked, the cursor makes no horizontal movement after
text entry.
This item cause the cursor to move to the left after each character
This item causes the cursor to move to the right after each character
entered. This is the default behavior.
Text/Graphics Menu
This sub-menu affects the current drawing colors and attributes.
Foreground color...
Background color...
Selecting one of these two menu items brings up a requester that prompts
for the desired color to which to change. See Choose Color under
Requesters in the Control Panels & Windows chapter for more information
about the requester.
These items toggle the various text attributes on and off, with the
exception of Plain, which clears all other attributes. A checked item is
At cursor
This menu item grabs the colors and attributes of the cel underneath the
cursor and makes them the current values.
Cycle colors
Color cycling is the ability for Luminus to change foreground and/or back-
ground colors 'on-the-fly', as you are entering text, making for some very
interesting (and psychedelic) effects. Luminus cycles forward through the
available colors, looping around to the first color when it reaches the end of
the list.
This item toggles the state of foreground color cycling. A checked item
indicates that cycling is enabled. Luminus will affect the Bold
attribute during color cycling, in order to take advantage of the full
range of ANSI colors, shutting the attribute off or turning it on as
This item toggles the state of background color cycling. A checked item
indicates that cycling is enabled. Background color cycling only cycles
through the first eight background colors, keeping within the ANSI
Selecting this menu item brings up the Text panel, which allows you to enter
multiple lines of text, which may be left-, center- or right-justified accord-
ing to any specified dimensions, and may optionally have a box or bevel box
rendered around it. See the discussion of the Text Panel under Control Panels
in the Control Panels & Windows chapter.
Draw box
This item causes a box to be drawn using the currently selected block as its
dimensions. The box is drawn using the current colors (including color
cycling) and attributes.
This item is ghosted if a block is not selected.
Draw bevel box
This sub-menu causes a bevelled box to be drawn using the currently selected
block as its dimensions. The box is drawn using the current background color
(including color cycling) and attributes. Its foreground color is rendered to
give it a raised or recessed appearance, according to the sub-item chosen.
This sub-item specifies that the bevel box should have a raised
This sub-item specifies that the bevel box should have a recessed
This sub-menu allows you to insert ANSI codes into the document that are not
possible directly from the keyboard.
Custom ANSI code...
This sub-item brings up a string requester (see the Control Panels &
Windows chapter) that allows you to enter the guts of an ANSI code. As
the requester indicates, do not type in the escape character and opening
bracket ([), as these are assumed and added for you when the file is
saved. Custom codes are ignored during normal display.
Clear screen...
This sub-item presents a color requester (see the Control Panels &
Windows chapter) from which you pick a background color with which to
clear the screen.
Page Menu
This menu and its items are only available in Page Editing Mode.
New page
This sub-menu lets you add pages to your document, thus allowing a static
image multiple pages. There is no limit (other than available memory) to the
number of pages you can add to the document.
Selecting this item causes Luminus to create a new empty page at the end
of the document.
This menu item inserts a new empty page at the current page, moving all
subsequent pages back.
Delete page
This item allows you to delete an entire page of an image. This data will be
irretrievably lost, so Luminus will verify your desire to delete the page. If
there is only one page in the document, this item will be ghosted, as you
cannot delete the last remaining page (you may as well close the document!).
Previous page
This item moves to the previous page in the document. If there is no previous
page, this item will be ghosted.
Next page
This menu item moves to the next page in the document. If there is no next
page, this item will be ghosted.
Animation Menu
This menu and its items are only available in Animation Editing Mode.
Selecting this menu item tells Luminus to re-display the current animation
sequence from the first entered cel to the last. You will be prompted for a
delay time. Delay values are in 100ths of a second, i.e., a value of 100 is
1 second delay between each cel displayed.
Any input events (such as keystrokes, mouse-clicks, etc.) encountered during
the animation display are considered interruptions, and cause the animation to
stop its sequential display. The finished image is then calculated and drawn
on the screen. This is useful for interrupting long animation sequences, or
inadvertently long delay times.
Insert pause
This sub-menu allows you to insert a pause into the animation sequence (so
that you can stop and admire your work). Two different types of pauses are
This flavor of pause waits for a keystroke or mouse-click before
continuing with the animation sequence. If the document's window is
bordered, even clicking on the close gadget counts toward it. Note that
only one input event is consumed when this pause executes, and any events
before or after are considered interruption events (as discussed above
under the Display... menu item).
This pause, when executed, wait for a specified length of time before
continuing with the animation sequence. You are prompted for a delay
time Delay times are in 100ths of a second, i.e., 100 is a 1 second
Edit cel...
This item brings up the Edit Cel panel. From this panel you may edit
individual aspects of existing cels in the animation sequence. See the
Control Panels & Windows chapter for details on the operation of the Edit Cel
Windows Menu
Selecting this menu item tells Luminus to open up the Attributes interactive
support window. (See the Control Panels & Windows chapter for details on this
type of window.) If the window is already opened, but is partially or wholly
covered by other windows, it will be moved to the front. If the window is
opened on another screen, it will be closed and reopened on the screen on
which the summoning window is opened.
This window provides a convenient method by which you may edit the current
colors and text attributes of your documents. This window always reflects the
current settings of the currently active document.
Selecting this menu item tells Luminus to open up the Switches interactive
support window. (See the Control Panels & Windows chapter for details on this
type of window.) If the window is already opened, but is partially or wholly
covered by other windows, it will be moved to the front. If the window is
opened on another screen, it will be closed and reopened on the screen on
which the summoning window is opened.
This window provides a convenient method by which you may edit the modes and
miscellaneous attributes of your documents. This window always reflects the
current settings of the currently active document.
Character set
Selecting this menu item tells Luminus to open up the Character Set interact-
ive support window. (See the Control Panels & Windows chapter for details on
this type of window.) If the window is already opened, but is partially or
wholly covered by other windows, it will be moved to the front. If the window
is opened on another screen, it will be closed and reopened on the screen on
which the summoning window is opened.
This window provides a convenient method by which you may enter character not
directly available from the keyboard, or characters for which you may not
remember the keystrokes, into your documents.
This menu item causes Luminus to do a total refresh of the currently active
window. Its border, gadgets, status line and other miscellaneous items, as
well as the actual display, are completely redrawn. This item can come in
handy if one of your windows is graphically damaged, and the Amiga's display
refresh routines or Luminus' internal refresh routines don't catch it.
Jump screen...
This menu item brings up a scrolling list requester with all the available,
open public screens. From this list you may select a public screen on which
you wish the current window to be reopened. If you click the 'Move all
windows' checkbox so it is checked, then all windows, no matter what screen,
will be reopened on the desired screen.
Selecting this item while holding either Shift key will cause the current
window to reopen on the next screen in the public screen list, whichever that
may be. No requester is presented.
To front
This item will move the current window in front of all other windows on the
screen. It is available for when the document's window doesn't have a depth
gadget (which is the default) or it is obscured.
To back
This item will move the current window behind all other windows on the screen,
except backdrop windows (see your AmigaDOS manual for information on backdrop
windows). It is available for when the document's window doesn't have a depth
gadget (which is the default) or it is obscured.
Zoom window
Selecting this menu item causes the window to behave as if its zoom gadget had
been selected, switching between its zoomed size and position and its regular
size and position. It is available for when the document's window doesn't
have a zoom gadget (as when the window is rendered borderless) or it is
Settings Menu
Create icons?
This item's state determines whether document's will be saved with icons or
not. It is a global flag and affects all documents opened in this invocation
of Luminus.
Use AppIcon?
This item's state determines whether Luminus' AppIcon will be presented on the
Workbench window or not. It is a global flag and affects all documents opened
in this invocation of Luminus. See the Operations chapter form more infor-
mation on the behavior of Luminus's AppIcon.
Use preset color
This sub-menu allows you to choose from predefined color sets. These color
sets are only available if you are using a custom screen in Luminus, and will
only affect that screen. This entire sub-menu is disabled if no custom screen
is being used.
Selecting this sub-item changes the custom screen colors to a color set
optimized for the A2024 monitor. This color set assumes an 8-color
screen. A screen of fewer colors will not look right, and a screen of
more colors will only have the first 16 changed.
Selecting this sub-item changes the custom screen colors to the standard
Amiga-style colors. This color set assumes an 8-color screen. A screen
of fewer colors will not look right, and a screen of more colors will
only have the first 16 changed.
Selecting this sub-item changes the custom screen colors to the standard
ANSI colors. This color set assumes a 16-color screen. A screen of
fewer colors will not look right, and a screen of more colors will only
have the first 16 changed.
Selecting this sub-item changes the custom screen colors to the standard
EGA colors. This color set assumes a 16-color screen. A screen of fewer
colors will not look right, and a screen of more colors will only have
the first 16 changed.
From Workbench
Selecting this sub-item grabs the current colors from the Workbench
screen and plugs them into the custom screen.
Selecting this menu item brings up the Display Settings panel, from which you
can edit aspects of Luminus regarding the display, such as screen mode, dim-
ensions, depth, and other things. See the Display Settings Panel under
Control Panels in the Control Panels & Windows chapter.
If the screen mode, dimensions, depth, or font are changed in the panel,
Luminus will attempt to close and re-open its custom screen. Any document
windows on this screen are temporarily closed, and after the screen is re-
opened, Luminus will attempt to re-open those windows. Make sure any visitor
windows are closed.
Selecting this menu item brings up the Operations Settings panel, from which
you can edit the operational settings of the program. See the Operations
Settings Panel under Control Panels in the Control Panels & Windows chapter.
Selecting this menu item brings up the File Settings panel, from which you can
edit the file settings of the program. See the File Settings Panel under
Control Panels in the Control Panels & Windows chapter.
Selecting this menu item brings up the Document Settings panel, from which you
can edit the document settings of the program. See the Document Settings
Panel under Control Panels in the Control Panels & Windows chapter.
Boxes & lines...
Selecting this menu item brings up the Box & Line Settings panel, from which
you can edit the box and line settings of the program. See the Box & Line
Settings Panel under Control Panels in the Control Panels & Windows chapter.
Restore defaults
This menu item tells Luminus to disregard the currently loaded settings and
revert to its internal defaults. These are the same defaults used if no
settings file is located upon program start-up.
Save settings
Selecting this menu item saves the current settings to disk. The settings
file will be saved in the directory from which it was loaded. If the file
wasn't loaded, it will be saved into the program's directory. If the file
can't be saved there, it will saved in the ENVARC: and ENV: directories.
Save settings as...
This menu item prompts for a path and file name for the settings file, and
saves the current settings to disk.
Load settings...
This menu item brings up an ASL requester for you to select a settings file to
be loaded.
Tools Menu
Shell window...
Selecting this menu item causes Luminus to attempt to bring up a shell window,
using the Console Specification. The Console Specification may be changed in
the Operations Settings Panel.
Execute script...
This menu item brings up a string requester in which you input the name of the
AmigaDOS script to be executed. If no path is entered, the S: directory is
ARexx script...
This menu item brings up a string requester in which you input the name of the
ARexx script to be executed. If no path is entered, the REXX: directory is
Control Panels & Windows
The purpose of this chapter is to explain the operation of various windows
that may pop up during certain activities in Luminus. The general purpose of
these windows is examined, followed by a description of each window's gadgets
and their purpose. There are three different types of windows in Luminus, not
counting document windows.
The first kind are called
interactive support windows
. What this means is
that, unlike other windows, this window does not block input into the document
window from which it was summoned, but remains open in conjunction with all
document windows, and reflects the current settings of the active document.
As the active document is changed, usually by clicking in its window, all
interactive support windows are updated to reflect the settings of that newly
active document. Interactive support windows' positions are saved in the
settings file.
The second type of window is the
control panel
. These are windows that open
up, usually with several gadgets, that allow you to change, control, and in
some cases, 'fine-tune' the action that you have chosen. Input to the
document window that summoned the control panel is blocked until the window is
closed and action is taken or cancelled.
The final type of window is the
, of which there are two sub-types.
The first is the standard informational/query requester. These are basically
the same as standard Intuition requesters. They provide you with some
(essential) information or prompt you for a response, and have one or more
button gadgets at the bottom of the window to respond to the query. The
second sub-type are specialized, each kind asking for information that cannot
be gathered using a few sentences and some buttons. These are discussed in
detail below.
Interactive support windows
Attributes Window
The Attributes window allows you to control current drawing colors and
attributes as an alternative to using the menu system. The following gadgets
are available in the Attributes window:
This palette gadget reflects the current foreground color of the active
document. Clicking on a color will change the active foreground color of that
document to the color chosen. This gadget only allows access to the first
eight colors of the screen palette. This is due the way ANSI foreground
colors are displayed. To access the bright equivalents, simply click the Bold
gadget so it is checked.
This palette gadget reflects the current background color of the active
document. Clicking on a color will change the active background color of that
document to the color chosen. This gadget only allows access to the first
eight colors of the screen palette. This is due to the fact that the ANSI
specification only supports the eight dark colors for background display.
A checkbox gadget labelled 'Cycle?' is located beneath each palette gadget.
Each corresponds to the color cycling facility of the fore/background colors.
If the box is checked, color cycling is enabled. Enabling color cycling
causes Luminus to move through the available spectrum of colors, circling back
around to the beginning when the end is reached. Colors are cycled during
text-entry, whether interactive or ARexx-induced, during attribute drawing,
and is respected by the box and line drawing routines.
Pressing this button causes the currently set attributes to be cleared. It is
basically provided as a convenience to having to deselect each attribute.
These checkboxes control the various attributes available in the ANSI
specification for text display. A checked box indicates an active attribute.
NOTE Some attributes may not be displayable on some computers. For
instance, the ANSI blinking attribute cannot be displayed on the
Amiga, while underline and italics are normally not displayed on
MS-DOS machine standard text displays.
Switches window
The Switches window allows you to control current editing and drawing modes,
line types and cursor movement as an alternative to using the menu system.
The following gadgets are available in the Switches window:
Edit mode
This cycle gadget allows you to choose from the available editing modes, which
are currently Page and Animation. Switching from Animation mode to Page mode
can ruin a perfectly good animation, so your choice is verified before any
real action is taken. Please see the discussion of Editing Modes in the Operations chapter.
Draw mode
This cycle gadget allows you to choose from the available drawing modes, which
are currently Text and Attribute. Please see the discussion of Drawing Modes
in the Operations chapter.
Line type
This cycle gadget allows you to choose from the available line types. Please
see the discussion of Line Types in the Operations chapter.
This cycle gadget selects the vertical direction the cursor will move during
text entry. Please see the discussion of Cursor Directioning in the
Operations chapter.
This cycle gadget selects the horizontal direction the cursor will move during
text entry. Please see the discussion of Cursor Directioning in the
Operations chapter.
Change fgnd.
This checkbox gadget's state determines whether foreground colors will be
affected during Attribute mode drawing. Please see the discussion of
Attribute Mode under Editing Modes in the Operations chapter.
Change bgnd.
This checkbox gadget's state determines whether background colors will be
affected during Attribute mode drawing. Please see the discussion of
Attribute Mode under Editing Modes in the Operations chapter.
Change attr.
This checkbox gadget's state determines whether character attributes will be
affected during Attribute mode drawing. Please see the discussion of
Attribute Mode under Editing Modes in the Operations chapter.
Character Set window
The Character Set window allows you to view and access the entire character
set for the font you have chosen for text editing. This font is distinctly
difference from the screen font. Program-related stuff is displayed in the
screen font, while the actual document text is displayed in the text font,
which is shown here.
Since many of the characters in a font are not accessible from the keyboard,
this window allows you to simply click on one of those characters and insert
it in the document at the cursor position. A scroll bar is located at the far
right of the window, allowing you to peruse the available characters.
At the far left, there is a gap between the window's edge and the first column
of characters. This space is provided for the current row marker. This
marker is a dark red (in the ANSI color set) box positioned on the current
row. Note that the current row is an absolute position, and may not be
visible if the scroll bar is used to scroll through the character set.
Clicking the mouse in the area to the left of a row of characters will cause
that to become the current row.
From any active document window, the eight characters in the current row may
be accessed by pressing any of the functions keys, F1 through F8. Pressing
function keys F9 or F10 will decrement or increment, respectively, the current
Control Panels
Save Panel
This panel allows you to specify the save parameters of a file before actually
saving it.
Save type
This cycle gadget allows you to change the type of file that will be saved.
The choices available are ANSI, IFF, and ASCII. Note that the ASCII type is
not available when saving a file in Animation Editing Mode.
The ANSI type indicates that Luminus will save the file in standard ASCII
format with embedded ANSI codes for color, cursor movement, etc., as appro-
The IFF type indicates that the file will be saved in IFF format, as specified
by (the late) Commodore and Electronic Arts. There are two different IFF
formats that Luminus understands. See the 'IFF type' gadget below for more
The ASCII type indicates that the file will be saved in standard ASCII format.
ANSI codes will not be saved with the file. Again, this type is not available
in Animation Editing Mode.
IFF type
This cycle gadget allows you to choose from the IFF formats that Luminus
understands. The IFF formats currently supported are FTXT CHRS and ANSI CEL.
See the Miscellaneous chapter for a further discussion of the IFF formats.
Line length
Specifies the maximum line length of a single line. Luminus will not exceed
this value when saving to the file. Some BBS software only allow a message's
lines to be a certain length, and since each character of an ANSI code
generally counts toward this, Luminus will start a new line if the ANSI code
would extend beyond this value. This prevents ANSI codes from being obliter-
ated by a BBS's display routines. This gadget is ghosted (not available) in
IFF save mode.
Video preparation
You may want the screen cleared before your animation in drawn, or the cursor
to be placed at the top-left corner of the screen. This gadget allows you to
pick from certain types of codes that may be saved with your file before the
actual animation.
The video prep 'None' indicates that no codes should be saved first. The v.p.
'Home' will place a code that positions the cursor at the top-left corner
('home' position). The v.p. 'Clear screen' places a clear screen code before
the animation.
End-of-line type
Since Amigas, DOS machines, Macintoshes and UN*X machines handle newlines
differently, you can indicate that type of newline that will be saved in the
file. The available types are 'CR only', 'CR + LF', and 'LF only'.
Use alt. escape?
This checkbox indicates whether you would like ANSI codes, which begin with
an escape character (ASCII code 27), saved with an alternate escape character,
which some BBS software use instead of the escape character. The string
gadget next to the checkbox is where you indicate the alternate escape char-
acter. These gadgets are only available in ANSI save mode.
Filter solid spaces?
This checkbox tells Luminus whether or not to treat solid spaces (ASCII code
160) as normal spaces or leave them as they are.
This button tells Luminus that you are satisfied with the current settings and
want to proceed with the save operation.
This button tells Luminus that you've changed your mind and don't want to save
the file after all. Clicking on the window's close gadget is equivalent to
clicking the Cancel button.
Edit Cel Panel
This panel allows you to edit individual aspects of a cel. It provides finer
control and the ability to edit existing cels in an animation sequence. Note
that when this window is first summoned, the cel being editing is the topmost
available cel in the animation sequence at that cursor position. There may be
cels hidden beneath it. See the description below of the Prev and Next
buttons for information on how to get to those cels.
This panel is only available in Animation Editing Mode.
This string gadget shows the character at the current position. This gadget's
character is shown in the screen font, as opposed to the text font, so the
character may look different. Next to the string gadget is a display box that
shows the actual character, given colors and attributes in the text font.
These two palette gadgets allow you to change the foreground and background
colors of the cel.
The Plain button and all the attribute checkboxes here are the same func-
tionally as the corresponding gadgets in the Attributes interactive support
window. (See that window's description above for more details.)
When you edit the colors and attributes of the cel in this window, you are
only affecting a copy of the cel contents. Clicking on this button makes the
changes take effect.
Clicking on one of these two buttons causes Luminus to search further through
the animation sequence for underlying cels at the cursor position. Next moves
deeper into the layer, Prev shallower.
Clicking on this button tells Luminus that you are done editing cels. The
window will close, and any changes made to the animation will take effect.
Text Panel
This panel window comes up when you select 'Text...' from the Text/Graphics
menu. It allows you to input one or more lines of text that may be justified
in some manner and/or outlined. The following sections provide detail on the
Text panel's gadgets.
This scrolling list gadget allows you to enter the text that you wish to have
displayed. Click on any line of text to edit it. When the panel is first
opened, there will be no text in this list. You can enter new text by click-
ing on the 'Add' gadget (see below).
The string input gadget at the bottom of the list is where you actually enter
the text. Press Enter when you are finished with that line, and the text will
be placed in the list.
Clicking on this button creates a new blank line at the bottom of the list of
text and activates the string gadget.
Clicking this button causes the currently selected line of text to be deleted
from the list. Once deleted, the test is irretrievably gone. If this list is
empty, this button will be ghosted.
Clicking on this button will clear the entire list of text. You will be asked
to confirm this, since once the text is gone, you can't get it back (except by
retyping all of it!).
Line type
This cycle gadget allows you to select the type of line that you would like to
have surrounding your text. See Line Types in the Operations chapter for more
detail on the available line types. If you don't want a line, click this
gadget 'til it reads 'None'.
If you would like the line around your text to have a bevelled appearance, use
this cycle gadget to select the bevel type. The two types available are
'Raised' and 'Recessed'. If you want a normal line, select a bevel type of
'None'. This gadget is ghosted if the line type is set to 'None'.
If you would like your text justified in the document, use this cycle gadget
to specify the type of justification. The available types are 'None', 'Left',
'Center', and 'Right'. All the justification types obey the margin values on
the Left and Right Margin gadgets (discussed below), except for 'None', which
places the text at the current cursor position.
Left margin
Right margin
These two integer gadgets let you specify the margin values to use when using
justification. They default to the left and right edges of the document, but
you can change them to have text placed according to different settings. The
margin values are bounds-checked against the document, and the left margin
cannot exceed the right margin value.
For example, you have an ANSI image that takes up the left side of an
80-column wide document. If you want your text centered on the right hand
side, you would set the justification to 'Center' and the margins to 41 for
the left, and 80 for the right.
These gadgets are ghosted if the justification is set to 'None'.
When you click this button, Luminus will first check to see that the text you
specified, taking into account line type, justification and margin values,
will fit into the visible portion of the document. (The 'visible portion' is
the total document size, not the part that is only displayed in the window.
Luminus preserves cels that extend beyond the boundaries of the document's
specified width and height.) If your specified text would go beyond the
boundaries, you have the option of returning to the Text panel to make changes
or to just tell Luminus to put it in the document anyway. This button is
ghosted if the text list is empty.
Clicking this button will abort the Text panel and return you to your document
with no changes made.
Display Settings Panel
This panel deals with the basic Intuition display aspects of Luminus, such as
screenmode, colors, etc. Each of the gadgets used in this panel are discussed
Screenmode list
This scrolling list gadget presents the available screenmodes with which you
may open a custom screen. Simply click on the desired mode for the custom
screen. The standard dimensions for that mode will be plugged into the Width,
Height and Depth gadgets (discussed below). The selected screenmode is only
valid if the Custom Screen? checkbox is checked.
Custom screen?
This checkbox determines whether or not Luminus will attempt to open a custom
screen of type PUBLICSCREEN upon start-up. All documents, unless otherwise
specified, will open on this screen. This is the default behavior.
These two integer gadgets and slider gadget control the width, height and
depth of the custom screen. The width and height are bounds-checked with the
dimensions in the display database. These gadgets are ghosted if Custom
screen? is not checked.
Shanghai windows?
Pop public screen?
These two checkboxes apply to the public screen attributes of the custom
screen. They control the global public screen flags in Intuition. Shanghai
windows?, if checked, tells Intuition that the default public screen will grab
any windows that don't have a specific screen destination and have them open
on itself. Pop public screen?, if checked, tells Intuition that if any window
opens up on the default public screen, that it should move itself to the front
of the display. These gadgets are ghosted if Custom screen? is not checked.
This string gadget specifies the name of the custom public screen which
Luminus will attempt to open. This name is used as identification for other
windows, possibly from other programs, so they may open on it. This gadget is
ghosted if Custom screen? is not checked.
Text font
This display gadget shows the currently selected text display font, which is
used in all of Luminus' document windows. The accompanying button, when
clicked, will bring up the ASL font requester, from which you may choose a new
font. This font must be a monospaced font. The font type is checked upon
return from the font requester, and if a proportional font is selected, it
will be ignored, and the old font will remain in place.
Screen font
This display gadget shows the currently selected screen font, which will be
used on the custom screen which Luminus will attempt to open, if specified.
The accompanying button, when clicked, will bring up the ASL font requester,
from which you may choose a new font. This setting is ignored if Custom
screen? is not checked.
Public screen
This string gadget lets you specify the name of the public screen on which
Luminus will attempt to open its documents. This can be overridden (see New
and Open in the Menus chapter).
This set of gadgets affects the color settings of the custom screen as well as
the pens that will be used when drawing certain things, such as the cursor,
blocked text and the status line.
The first gadget is a cycle gadget. This tells what item will be affected by
any color changes. The first item, 'None', indicates that no item will be
changed, and using the accompanying palette gadget and red, green and blue
slider will only affect the palette. The subsequent items are 'Status line
foreground', 'Status line background', 'Block foreground' and 'Block back-
ground'. Clicking to one of these items changes the palette gadget and
sliders to reflect that setting's current pen.
Selecting a color from the palette gadget makes that color available for
editing with the sliders. If the cycle gadget indicates anything other than
'None', the color selected becomes the current pen for that setting as well.
The sliders allow you to change the red, green and blue content of a color.
Changes made are immediately apparent, but don't take effect unless the 'Use'
button is selected.
When you click this button, Luminus checks to see if the screenmode, width,
height, depth or screen font have changed. If any of them differ from the
current setting, Luminus will close its custom screen (if opened), and attempt
to reopen it (if set). Should the text font differ from the current setting,
all document windows will be immediately refreshed to reflect the new font.
Clicking this button will tell Luminus to ignore any and all changes made to
the display settings in the Display Settings panel, and will exit out of the
Operations Settings Panel
This panel lets you set the options regarding the general operations of
ARexx port base name
This string gadget allows you to enter the base name that will be used to name
the ARexx port of a document. This name is suffixed with a numeric value to
give a unique derived port name The default base name is 'LUMINUS'.
Status line format
This gadget contains a string with printf()-style formatting codes which
control how the status line is displayed. Using these codes, you can custom-
ize the status line to look whichever way that floats your boat. The follow-
ing codes are supported.
Code Meaning
%B Block mode indicator ('Block' or nothing)
%c Column number
%C Caps Lock indicator ('Caps' or nothing)
%D Drawing mode indicator (verbose text; this code also reflects
the current colors and text style)
%E Editing mode indicator (verbose text)
%f Filename of document
%F Complete path and filename of document
%H Horizontal direction indicator (verbose text)
%I Insert mode indicator ('Ins' or nothing)
%l Current line
%L Total number of cels in document
%m modified flag ('*' (asterisk) or ' ' (space) for modified or
not, respectively)
%n Current cel or page number (this code's value depends on the
current editing mode of the document)
%N Num Lock indicator ('Num' or nothing; see the Operations
chapter for information on the NumLock key)
%P ARexx port name of document
%V Vertical direction indicator (verbose text)
%Y Line type indicator (verbose text)
These codes can be combined with regular text for a completely custom-made
status line.
Clipboard unit
This is the clipboard unit number that each document will use by default when
accessing the Clipboard.
Console specification
This string gadget allows you to specify the attributes of any console window
that might be opened up, such as selecting Shell window from the Tools menu.
Please refer to your AmigaDOS manual for more information on the console.
Use AppIcon?
Having this checkbox checked tells Luminus to place its AppIcon on the
Workbench screen. You can use the AppIcon to easily load documents or return
to Luminus without having to flip through screens. Please see AppIcon,
AppWindows & AppMenuItem in the Operations chapter.
Show status line?
This checkbox determines whether Luminus' documents will display a status line
in their windows by default. This behavior can be controlled in each indivi-
dual document as well.
Status line at top?
This checkbox determines whether the status line (if displayed) will be at the
top or bottom of the window. This is a global flag and applies to all
document windows.
Open attributes window?
Open switches window?
Open character set window?
These three checkboxes tell Luminus whether or not to open the respective
interactive support windows upon start-up. See Interactive Support Windows
Beep on error?
This checkbox tells Luminus to execute a DisplayBeep() (an Intuition function
that flashes the screen and sounds a (pitiful) tone) when an error occurs.
Ask before quitting?
This checkbox tells Luminus whether or not to confirm a quit action. This
flags only applies when quitting using the Quit menu item. If a document is
closed using the Close item, and it's the last document, Luminus will shut
down automagically without confirmation.
Clicking this button puts the current display settings into effect.
Clicking this button, on the other hand, exits this panel and puts all changed
settings into the bit-bucket (it ignores them).
Document Settings Panel
This control panel lets you control the settings that apply to Luminus'
These two integer gadgets let you specify the maximum displayable dimensions
of your documents. These settings only affect what Luminus will display in
the document's window. Cels that extend beyond these boundaries are
This is the default number of pages a document will support upon initial open.
The actual number of pages can be changed from the Page menu. This setting
only applies in Page Editing Mode, since animation sequences do not have
The cycle gadget of this group of gadgets controls which (foreground or back-
ground) will be affected by the palette gadget and Cycle? checkbox. Choose a
color from the palette gadget to make that color current for the setting shown
in the cycle gadget. Click on the checkbox to set or unset default color
cycling for the appropriate setting.
Edit mode
This cycle gadget sets the default editing mode of each document upon initial
open. The currently available modes are 'Page' and 'Animation'. The default
is 'Animation'.
Draw mode
This cycle gadget sets the default drawing mode of each document upon initial
open. The currently available modes are 'Text' and 'Attribute'. The default
is 'Text'.
Vertical direction
Horizontal direction
These two cycle gadgets set the default vertical and horizontal cursor
movement upon initial open. You can choose from 'None', 'Up' and 'Down' for
vertical, and 'None', 'Left' and 'Right' for horizontal. The defaults are
'None' for vertical and 'Right' for horizontal.
This checkbox determines whether Luminus' document windows will be opened with
a standard Intuition window border, complete with close gadget; title/drag
bar; zoom, depth and sizing gadgets; and vertical and horizontal scrollers.
The default is a borderless window.
Destructive backspace?
This setting determines whether the backspace key, when pressed, will delete
the cel onto which it moves. See the Operation chapter for information on the
behavior of 'editing keys'.
Show ruler?
This setting determines whether the Ruler will be displayed by default in the
documents' windows. The ruler is a pair of lines that intersect at the mouse
pointer. By default, the ruler is not shown.
Show ruler hashes?
This setting determines whether the Ruler (if displayed) will have hash marks
drawn perpendicular to its edges at character width/height intervals. The
hash marks are centered on the character position. By default, hash marks are
not shown in the 68000/010 version, and are shown in the 68020+ versions.
Show ruler numbers?
This setting determines whether the Ruler (if displayed with hash marks on)
will have position numbers displayed adjacent to the hash marks. The numbers
are displayed either to the left or above the hash marks, as appropriate. By
default, numbers are not shown in the 68000/010 version, and are shown in the
68020+ versions.
This setting controls the interval at which the Ruler's numbers (if shown) are
drawn. The numbers will start at this number, and are displayed in this inc-
rement. For example, a setting of 10 will display every tenth ruler number
starting at 10. The default value is 5.
Clicking this button enacts the settings.
Clicking this button ignores any changed settings in this panel and returns
you to the document.
File Settings Panel
This control panel affects the settings concerning how Luminus saves and loads
its files.
Save type
This cycle gadget allows you to set the type of file which will be saved when
you select Save or Save as from the Project menu. The currently available
types are 'ANSI' and 'IFF'. The default is 'ANSI'.
IFF type
If you elect to save file as type IFF, this cycle gadget lets you determine
which IFF format will be used. The available formats are ANSI CEL, which is a
proprietary IFF format Luminus uses, or FTXT CHRS, which most IFF-compliant
word processors, as well as the Amiga's standard clipboard, understand.
Line length
This integer gadget determines the maximum length of a saved line before a
CR(/LF) is appended. This allows Luminus to save documents so that lines will
not extend beyond some BBS software's maximum line lengths.
Video preparation
This cycle gadget lets you choose the type of video preparation that will
precede your file when it is saved. The available types are 'None', 'Home
cursor', and 'Clear screen'. 'None' will not put anything before your data,
obviously. 'Home' will put an ANSI code to place the cursor at the top left
corner of the screen. 'Clear' will place in ANSI code that will clear the
screen before the file is drawn.
End-of-line type
This cycle gadget allows you to choose the type of EOL that will be saved with
your documents. The avail able types are 'CR only', 'LF only', and 'CR + LF'.
The default is 'CR + LF'.
Use alt. escape?
Some BBS software, instead of using the standard escape character (ASCII code
27), use an alternate character, such as '@' or '`', for their ANSI escape
sequences. Checking this box tells Luminus to use an alternate character when
saving files. The string gadget next to it is where you input the character
to use.
Filter solid spaces?
Checking this checkbox tells Luminus to convert incoming or outgoing solid,
or "hard", spaces (ASCII code 160) to normal spaces.
Prompt on save?
Checking this gadget sets the flag that causes the Save panel (see above) to
pop up before a file is saved. This allows you to change the save attributes
for each file without having to change the defaults.
Filter stray escapes?
ANSI codes, by definition, always begin with the character sequence "esc[",
where 'esc' stands for the ASCII escape character, code 27. If Luminus should
encounter an "stray" escape character, i.e., one not belonging to a valid ANSI
sequence, this flag determines how it handles them. If the flag is on, these
escapes will be filtered out of the file. If it is off, they will remain as
part of the file, but will never be displayed.
I/O Buffer size
This integer gadget allows you to set the size of the buffer Luminus will use
for input and output. This buffer speeds disk access and generally makes
loading and saving files quicker. As a rule of thumb, the larger the buffer,
the quicker the file access; but you must be careful not to make the buffer
too large.
Note that this value is in kilobytes (KB), not bytes.
Timed backups
These two gadgets affect whether Luminus will execute a timed backup during
your editing sessions. The checkbox turns the feature on, and the integer
gadget sets the amount of time (in minutes) that must pass before Luminus does
an automatic backup.
This is the directory in which Luminus will saved your backed up files. This
directory applies to timed backups (above) as well as file backups (below).
If this is blank, the file's current directory is assumed.
This is the extension that will be appended to any files that Luminus backs
up, either via timed backup or through the Save original? flag (below). You
do not have to add a period at the beginning of the extension; this will be
done for you. If this is blank, no extension is added.
For example, Luminus backs up the file 'Logon.ansi', which you are editing.
You have the backup extension set at "backup". The file will be saved into
the backup directory as 'Logon.ansi.backup'.
NOTE Luminus will attempt to handle backups intelligently. If the backup
directory AND extension are both blank, the resulting path and
filename would overwrite the original file, which defeats the
purpose of the backup. So if this case is detected, Luminus will
add just the '.' (period) to the end of the filename to create a
(possibly) unique filename, preventing an overwrite. This is not
possible with a filename that is the maximum length AmigaDOS allows.
Save original?
Setting this flags tells Luminus to preserve the original file when doing a
normal Save (Save as is not affected, since it allows you to explicitly
overwrite a file). The file will be backed up into the specified directory,
using the specified extension.
Click this button to make the changes you've made in this panel take effect.
Clicking on this button aborts the panel and ignores any changes made therein.
Box & Line Settings Panel
This panel controls the settings concerning boxes and lines used in Luminus.
Line type
This cycle gadget allows you to set the default line type that will be used by
each document.
Box codes
These are the unlabeled boxes that take up most of the panel's real estate.
Each box corresponds to a part of a whole box, like so:
+-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+
| 1 | | 2 | | 3 | | 4 |
+-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+
+-----+ +-----+ +-----+
| 5 | | 6 | | 7 |
+-----+ +-----+ +-----+
+-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+
| 8 | | 9 | | 10 | | 11 |
+-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+
+-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+
| 12 | | 13 | | 14 | | 15 |
+-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+
These gadgets allow you to enter the specific characters to use for each of
the box parts when drawing a box using the Custom line type. The box numbers
are as follows:
Number Box part type
1 Upper-left corner
2 Upper cross-beam
3 Upper intersection
4 Upper-right corner
5 Left cross-beam
6 Middle vertical cross-beam
7 Right cross-beam
8 Left intersection
9 Middle horizontal cross-beam
10 Middle intersection
11 Right intersection
12 Lower-left corner
13 Lower cross-beam
14 Lower intersection
15 Lower-right corner
Clicking on this button makes any changes made in this panel take effect.
Click this button to abort the panel and ignore any changes made in it.
Select Public Screen
This requester presents you with a scrolling list of all the currently opened
public screens. From this list you may select a screen name and click the Use
button, or double-click the desired screen name. Selecting Cancel or the
window's close gadget backs out of the requester with no action being taken.
If the Select Public Screen requester is called as a result of a screen jump
request, an additional gadget is available. This is the Move all windows
gadget. If this checkbox is checked when a public screen is chosen, then all
windows, not just the initiating window, will be affected. This gadget is not
available if the requester is called from a New or Open Document request.
Choose Color
This requester presents you with a palette gadget from which to choose the
desired color, such as changing the foreground or background color. Click
Use to make the change take effect, Cancel to back out.
String/Integer Input
This requester presents a string or integer gadget, with appropriate prompt-
ing, for user input. Clicking the Use button or pressing carriage return from
the gadget effect the change, which clicking the close gadget or the Cancel
button back out with no action taken.
This chapter discusses the ARexxTM commands available to you via Luminus'
ARexx interface.
Each document in Luminus has its own ARexx port, and may receive any command,
including commands that affect global settings. The port name for any
document can be found by selecting the About item in the Project menu.
Some commands return results in the ARexx variable result, so you must be sure
to set OPTIONS RESULTS in your scripts. If you do not, you will get an
OPTIONS_RESULTS_NOT_SET returned in rc, and you don't want that, now do you?
Some command are also only available in certain editing or drawing modes, or
when a block is selected, so please be sure to read the command's description.
Commands used while not in a certain mode usually return
Command Conventions
The following convention is used for each ARexx command discussed in this
Synopsis Arguments and options for the command. The command name is shown
first, followed by any required and/or optional parameters.
Parameters in all lower-case, such as
SaveSettings file
are substituted with something, like a filename. Some parameters
can be supplied multiple times, such as filenames in the Open
command. These parameters are followed by ellipses, like so:
Open file...
If the parameter has square brackets around it, like this
Save [file]
then it is optional. Parameter with no brackets, like the first
two above, are required, and must be supplied for the command to
work as documented. Keywords, which must be supplied as typed
(except for case), are shown in all capitals, like this:
Ruler ON|OFF
Also, the vertical bar that separates ON and OFF in the above
command means that you can choose from any of the items there for
that parameter. So the above command could be Ruler ON, or Ruler
OFF. Simple, eh?
Purpose A brief description of the command.
Description A detailed explanation of the command and its options, with
examples as necessary. If a command is usable in a certain mode,
this is discussed here as well. Some commands return results in
result; the format is also described here.
See Also One or more references to other ARexx commands or sections in
the manual for further explanation.
ARexx Commands
Luminus' supported ARexx commands are discussed below.
Synopsis ActivateWindow
Purpose Make this document's window active.
Description This command causes the window associated with the document from
whose ARexx port this command is received to become the input
focus, or active window.
See Also None
Synopsis AtCursor
Purpose Grab the attributes at the current cursor position.
Description AtCursor grabs the foreground and background colors and character
attributes at the cursor position. This command obeys the
current Attribute Mode flags, so if a particular flag is not set,
such as foreground color, that attribute will be ignored. This
way you can grab only the attributes you want.
See Also AttrMode
Purpose Inquire about or change the current attributes.
Description Specify any of the parameters to toggle that state of that
attribute. The PLAIN parameter is a switch (as opposed to the
others, which are toggles). Using plain in combination with the
other parameters allows you to completely reset the attributes
without having to check on their current state and toggle the
appropriate ones on or off. For example, the current attributes
are BOLD and UNDERLINE. You want to change them to ITALICS.
Simply issue the following command:
This will turn off all the attributes, and then turn on italics.
Issuing this command without any of the parameters specified
returns the currently set attributes as a text string in result.
For example, if Italics and underlining were active, Attribute
(with no parameters) would return:
See Also None
Purpose Change the attribute mode flags.
Description This command sets the Attribute mode flags. These flags affect
what attributes of cels are affected during Attribute Mode
Drawing, as well as filtering which attributes are taken upon
execution of the AtCursor command.
Specifying any of the parameters prefixed with NO shuts that
attribute off. Otherwise, it is turned on.
AttrMode returns the current Attribute mode flags in result as
"foregnd-flag backgnd-flag attr-flag"
where each -flag is either ON or OFF.
See Also DrawMode, AtCursor
Synopsis BackgroundPen [pen] [[NO]CYCLE]
Purpose Change the background drawing pen.
Description This command changes the background color used for text and
drawing. The pen parameter accepts a color register number as
its argument, starting at pen 0 to the maximum pen usable on the
screen. If the CYCLE keyword is supplied, the background color
cycling flag is turned on. NOCYCLE turns it off.
BackgroundPen returns the current background pen and cycle flag
in result as follows:
"pen-number cycle-flag"
where pen-number is the numeric color register, and cycle-flag
is either CYCLE or NOCYCLE.
See Also TextPen
Synopsis BevelBox left top width height bevel [line-type [character]]
Purpose Draw a box with a beveled appearance.
Description The first five parameters are required, and specify the dim-
ensions of the box to be drawn, and the bevel type. Valid bevel
types are RAISED and RECESSED. The line-type parameter is the
line type with which to draw the box. Valid line types are
If the SELECT line type is used, you must specify the character
to use in character.
See Also Box, TextBox
Synopsis Border [ON|OFF]
Purpose Turn on or off the document window's border.
Description This command tells Luminus to open the document's window with or
without a standard Intuition window border, complete with close
gadget, title/drag bar, zoom, depth and sizing gadgets, and
vertical and horizontal scrollers. If the current state of the
window differs from the desired one, the window will be closed
and reopened in the requested state. The parameters are quite
obvious, I hope.
Border returns the current state (ON or OFF) in result.
See Also None
Synopsis Box left top width height [line-type [character]]
Purpose Draw a box.
Description The first four parameters are required, and specify the dim-
ensions of the box to be drawn. The line-type parameter is the
line type with which to draw the box. Valid line types are
If the SELECT line type is used, you must specify the character
to use in character.
See Also BevelBox, TextBox
Synopsis BoxLineSettings
Purpose Bring up the Box & Line Settings panel.
Description Issuing this command brings up the Box & Line Settings panel.
See Also DisplaySettings, OpsSettings, FileSettings, DocumentSettings
Synopsis ChangeWindow left top width height
Purpose Change the current window's size and position.
Description This command's parameters any value of zero or greater for left
or top, and any positive value greater than or equal to 100 for
width, and 75 for height. The window, if its ultimate size and
position would extend beyond the screen's boundaries, will first
be moved and then resized to fit into the screen.
See Also ZoomWindow, UnZoomWindow, MoveWindow, SizeWindow
Purpose Clear part or all of the current document.
Description This command will clear larger portions of the document than are
normally handles by Cut, Erase and their ilk. The first para-
meter can be either PAGE or DOCUMENT. Specifying PAGE (which is
only available in Page Editing mode), clears the current page.
If this parameter is used in any other mode, INVALID_PARAMETER is
returned in rc. If DOCUMENT is specified, the entire document is
cleared. The second parameter, FORCE, suppressed the 'are you
sure?' requester that normally comes up.
See Also None
Synopsis Close [FORCE]
Purpose Close the current document.
Description This command tells Luminus to shut the current document's window
and free all associated memory for that document. The FORCE
parameter tells Luminus to suppress the requester that would
appear if you had made changes to the document since its last
See Also None
Synopsis CloseAttributes
Purpose Close the Attributes interactive support window.
Description This command closes the Attributes interactive support window if
it is open. If it isn't, nothing happens.
See Also OpenAttributes, OpenCharSet, CloseCharSet, OpenSwitches,
Synopsis CloseCharSet
Purpose Close the Character Set interactive support window.
Description This command closes the Character Set interactive support window
if it is open. If it isn't, nothing happens.
See Also OpenAttributes, CloseAttributes, OpenCharSet, OpenSwitches,
Synopsis CloseSwitches
Purpose Close the Switches interactive support window.
Description This command closes the Switches interactive support window if it
is open. If it isn't, nothing happens.
See Also OpenAttributes, CloseAttributes, OpenCharSet, CloseCharSet,
Synopsis CmdShell [console-specification] [STARTUP[=]startup-file]
Purpose Start an AmigaDOS shell process.
Description This command starts a new AmigaDOS shell process. If the
console-specification is provided, that will be used, otherwise
the console specification in the Operations Settings panel is
used. You can specify a start-up file using the STARTUP para-
meter. If this is not provided, 's:Shell-Startup' is assumed.
See Also None
Synopsis Column INSERT|DELETE
Purpose Insert or delete columns.
Description Using the INSERT switch, you can insert a blank column at the
cursor position, moving all columns on the right over to the
right to accommodate the new column. Columns that get moved
outside the bounds of the document are not lost.
The DELETE switch eliminates the column under the cursor and
moves everything to the right over to fill its space.
See Also Line
Synopsis Copy
Purpose Copy blocked text to the clipboard.
Description Copy, as opposed to Cut, grabs the currently blocked text and
puts it in the clipboard, but does not remove it from the
document. The block is deselected upon completion of the copy.
The selected clipboard unit for the current document is used.
COMMAND_NOT_AVAILABLE is returned in rc if this command is used
when no block is active.
See Also Cut, Paste, Erase, Delete
Synopsis CreateIcons [ON|OFF]
Purpose Inquire about or alter the CreateIcons flag.
Description If you specify either the ON or OFF parameter with this command,
the CreateIcons flag will be changed to that state.
This command returns the current state in result.
See Also None
Synopsis Cursor UP|DOWN|LEFT|RIGHT [amount] [SHIFT] [ALT] [CONTROL]
Purpose Move the cursor around.
Description The first parameter specifies the direction in which to move the
cursor. If the amount parameter is specified, the cursor will be
moved that many positions in the specified direction. Any of the
switches, SHIFT, ALT or CONTROL, alter the effects of the cursor
key just as if you had the appropriate key pressed. See the
Operations chapter on the effects of qualifier keys on cursor
See Also Position
Synopsis Cut
Purpose Remove blocked text to the clipboard.
Description This command grabs the currently blocked text (cels), puts them
in the clipboard, and removes them from the document. The
selected clipboard unit for the current document is used.
COMMAND_NOT_AVAILABLE is returned in rc if this command is used
when no block is active.
See Also Copy, Paste, Erase, Delete
Synopsis Delete
Purpose Deletes a block from the current document.
Description This command acts like Cut, removing blocked text from the
document, except that it does not copy anything to the clipboard;
the text is just removed. Note that this command differs from
Erase only in that it creates a "vacuum" that pulls anything to
the right of the block in to fill the vacated space, whereas
Erase leaves empty space where the removed text was previously.
COMMAND_NOT_AVAILABLE is returned in rc if this command is used
when no block is active.
See Also Cut, Erase
Synopsis DeletePage [FORCE]
Purpose Remove a page from the document.
Description This command completely removes the current page from the
document. You will be prompted for confirmation of this. Using
the FORCE parameter suppresses this requester.
This command is only available in Page Editing Mode. Issuing it
in any other mode results in a COMMAND_NOT_AVAILABLE error being
returned in rc.
See Also NewPage
Synopsis DisplaySettings
Purpose Bring up the Display Settings panel.
Description Issuing this command brings up the Display Settings panel.
See Also OpsSettings, FileSettings, DocumentSettings, BoxLineSettings
Synopsis DocumentSettings
Purpose Bring up the Document Settings panel.
Description Issuing this command brings up the Document Settings panel.
See Also DisplaySettings, OpsSettings, FileSettings, BoxLineSettings
Synopsis DrawMode [TEXT|ATTR]
Purpose Change the current Drawing Mode.
Description This command changes to the desired Drawing Mode. Currently,
TEXT and ATTR modes are the only ones available. Future versions
of Luminus may support additional modes. See the Operations
chapter for details on each of the Drawing Modes.
DrawMode returns the current Drawing Mode in result.
See Also EditMode
Synopsis EditCel [CHAR[ACTER][=]c] [ASCII[=]num] [FORE[GROUND][=]pen]
Purpose Change the parts of a cel.
Description Using this command, you can change the attributes of the cel over
which the cursor is lying. Underlying cels are not affected.
The CHARACTER parameter lets you specify a new character to place
in the cel. This is a single character. If you wish to specify
the character using its ASCII code, use the ASCII parameter
The FOREGROUND and BACKGROUND parameters accept color register
values as their arguments. This is the color register to which
you wish to change the foreground or background color.
The rest of the parameters affect the text attributes of the
cel's character. The PLAIN parameter is a switch. Specifying it
resets all of the text attributes. The others are toggles. So
for example, if Bold is on in the current cel, and you enter
EditCel BOLD
the Bold attribute will be toggled to off. Using PLAIN in
combination with the others allows you to set all new attributes
without having to worry which ones to toggle on or off to get the
desired settings.
EditCel returns the attributes of the cel in result as follows:
"character foregnd backgnd attributes..."
where character is the character in the cel, foregnd is the
foreground pen value, backgnd is the background pen value, and
attributes... are the text names of whichever attributes are set.
This command is only available in Animation Editing Mode. Its
use in any other mode causes a COMMAND_NOT_AVAILABLE to be
returned in rc.
See Also None
Synopsis EditMode [PAGE|ANIM] [FORCE]
Purpose Change the current Editing Mode.
Description This command changes to the desired Editing Mode. Currently,
PAGE and ANIM modes are the only ones available. Future versions
of Luminus may support additional modes. See the Operations
chapter for details on each of the Editing Modes.
When switching from ANIM mode to PAGE, you may lose some cels,
potentially ruining your image. You are presented with a
requester that allows you to abort. Using the FORCE parameter
suppresses this requester.
EditMode returns the current Editing Mode in result.
See Also DrawMode
Synopsis Erase
Purpose Erase a block from the current document.
Description This command acts like Cut, removing blocked text from the
document, except that it does not copy anything to the clipboard;
the text is just removed. Note that this command differs from
Delete only in that it leaves empty space where the removed text
was previously, whereas Delete creates a "vacuum" that pulls
anything to the right of the block in to fill the vacated space.
COMMAND_NOT_AVAILABLE is returned in rc if this command is used
when no block is active.
See Also Cut, Delete
Synopsis ExecuteScript AmigaDOS-script
Purpose Execute an AmigaDOS script.
Description This command allows you to asynchronously execute an AmigaDOS
See Also Rx
Synopsis FileSettings
Purpose Bring up the File Settings panel.
Description Issuing this command brings up the File Settings panel.
See Also DisplaySettings, OpsSettings, DocumentSettings, BoxLineSettings
Synopsis Font [fontname size]
Purpose Change the display's font and point-size.
Description This command only changes the font used for the images; it does
not change the screen's font. The fontname parameter is the
filename of the font. You must include the '.font' extension.
The size parameter is the desired point size (height) of the font
that you want.
This command returns the font name and size in result.
See Also None
Synopsis GetCel
Purpose Get the attributes of the cel under the cursor.
Description GetCel returns the attributes of the cel located directly under-
neath the cursor in result as follows:
"character foregnd backgnd attributes..."
where character is the character in the cel, foregnd is the
foreground pen value, backgnd is the background pen value, and
attributes... are the text names of whichever attributes are set.
This command returns the same result as EditCel, but is included
since EditCel is only available in Animation Editing Mode.
See Also GetLine
Synopsis GetColumn
Purpose Get the current column.
Description This command returns the current cursor column in the ARexx
variable result.
See Also GetLine
Synopsis GetLine
Purpose Get the current line.
Description This command returns the current cursor line in the ARexx
variable result.
See Also GetColumn
Synopsis GotoColumn column
Purpose Move to a specific column.
Description The column parameter specifies the absolute column number to
which Luminus should move the cursor.
See Also GotoLine
Synopsis GotoLine line
Purpose Move to a specific line.
Description The line parameter specifies the absolute line number to which
Luminus should move the cursor.
See Also GotoColumn
Synopsis HorizDir [NONE|LEFT|RIGHT]
Purpose Change the horizontal cursor direction.
Description This command allows you to set the horizontal direction of the
cursor. HorizDir returns the current horizontal direction in
See Also VertDir
Synopsis Insert CODE[=]code|CLEARSCREEN [COLOR[=]num]
Purpose Insert a code into the animation.
Description Use this command to insert non-typeable codes into your anim-
ation. If it is a custom ANSI code, use the CODE parameter. Do
not enter the escape character and opening bracket ([) for the
code. This is automatically done, since all ANSI codes begin
with them. If you want a clear screen code, use CLEARSCREEN. If
you don't specify a color, via COLOR, the current background
color is used. The num parameter is the color register number.
This command is only available in Animation Editing Mode. If it
is issued in any other editing mode, a COMMAND_NOT_AVAILABLE
error is returned in rc.
See Also None
Synopsis JumpScreen [screen-name|NEXT] [ALL]
Purpose Jump the current window to a new screen.
Description The JumpScreen command allows you to move an existing document's
window to another screen. The first parameter is either a
screen-name or the keyword NEXT. The screen-name must match an
existing public screen's name exactly, and the destination screen
must be a public screen. Using NEXT will move to the next screen
in Intuition's public screen list.
The keyword ALL indicates that all document windows should be
moved to the desired screen.
If there are no public screens available, or the screen-name
specified doesn't exist or can't be locked, the command drops
result. Otherwise, the screen on which the window is opened is
See Also None
Purpose Insert or delete lines.
Description Using the INSERT switch, you can insert a blank line at the
cursor position, moving all lines below down to accommodate the
new line. Lines that get moved outside the bounds of the
document are not lost.
The DELETE switch eliminates the line under the cursor and moves
everything below up to fill its space.
See Also Column
Purpose Change the current line type.
Description This command changes to the desired line type. The first four
line types assumed an IBM-style font. The line type CUSTOM
allows for any font that may have complex box parts. See the
Operations chapter for details on each of the line types.
LineType returns the current line type in result.
See Also None
Synopsis LoadSettings file
Purpose Load a file of saved settings.
Description The file parameter specifies the settings file to load. You can
specify a path with the filename.
See Also SaveSettings
Synopsis LockGUI
Purpose Locks the user interface, disabling display updates.
Description Issue this command when you want to keep Luminus from updating
its displays. All window redrawing (with the exception of
Intuition-mandated refreshes) is disabled, as well as menu
updates. You may still access the menus, but checkmarked items,
for instance, may not reflect their proper state. This is useful
if you are going to issue a lot of display-intensive commands and
don't want the system bogged down doing refreshes. Updates do
not get queued during a LockGUI.
See Also UnlockGUI
Synopsis MoveWindow left top
Purpose Move the current window to a new position.
Description This command's parameters accept any zero or positive coordinate
values to which to move the current window. This command does
not affect the window's size, and will always keep the window
within the screen's borders.
See Also ZoomWindow, UnZoomWindow, SizeWindow, ChangeWindow
Synopsis New [PORTNAME[=]ARexx-port] [SCREEN[=]public-screen]
Purpose Open a new, blank document.
Description This command opens a new empty document and its accompanying
window. If the PORTNAME parameter is specified, the document's
ARexx port will have the name given, instead of using the
standard naming convention, which is to use the base name
specified in the Operations Settings panel plus a unique numeric
identifier. For example, If the base name is 'LUMINUS', and you
have two documents opened, with ARexx ports called 'LUMINUS.0'
and 'LUMINUS.1', the next document will be called 'LUMINUS.2'.
Using PORTNAME, you can say:
which will open the new document with an ARexx port named
'MYDOC'. If the portname specified cannot be opened, the
document will open without an ARexx port. The portname used will
be returned in result, or if no port was opened, 'Untitled' will
be returned.
Using the SCREEN parameter, you can specify the public screen on
which to open the document. If the public screen specified is
not available, or no public screen is specified, the name
specified in the Public Screen setting in the Display Settings
panel will be used. If that doesn't work, the default public
screen will be used.
If New cannot open a new document, result will be dropped; other-
wise, the name of the ARexx port is returned.
See Also Open
Synopsis NewPage APPEND|INSERT
Purpose Add a new page to the document.
Description NewPage adds a new, blank page to the document. If you specify
APPEND, the new page is placed at the end of the document, after
all existing pages. If INSERT is used, the new page is inserted
at the current page, moving all subsequent pages back one to
This command may only be issued in Page Editing Mode. If it is
used in any other mode, a COMMAND_NOT_AVAILABLE error is returned
in rc.
See Also DeletePage
Synopsis NextPage
Purpose Move to the next page in the document.
Description Issuing this command moves to the next page in the document, if
there is one. If there isn't, nothing happens.
See Also PreviousPage
Synopsis Open file... [PORTNAME[=]ARexx-port] [SCREEN[=]public-screen]
Purpose Open one or more files.
Description The parameter file... specifies the file (with optional path) to
open. You can specify more than one file to open. Standard
AmigaDOS pattern-matching can be used for filenames. For
Open Work:Pictures/ANSI/#?.ans
will open all files ending in '.ans' in the directory
Each file will be opened in a separate document and window. Open
will return in result the names of each file (and path) opened,
separated by a vertical bar ('|').
See the description of New for details on the parameters PORTNAME
This command returns the ARexx port names in result.
See Also New
Synopsis OpenAttributes
Purpose Open the Attributes interactive support window.
Description Issuing this command tells Luminus to open the Attributes
interactive support window on the screen of the current document.
If the window is already open on that screen, it is moved to the
front. If it open on another screen, it will close and reopen on
the appropriate screen.
See Also CloseAttributes, OpenCharSet, CloseCharSet, OpenSwitches,
Synopsis OpenCharSet
Purpose Open the Character Set interactive support window.
Description Issuing this command tells Luminus to open the Character Set
interactive support window on the screen of the current document.
If the window is already open on that screen, it is moved to the
front. If it open on another screen, it will close and reopen on
the appropriate screen.
See Also OpenAttributes, CloseAttributes, CloseCharSet, OpenSwitches,
Synopsis OpenSwitches
Purpose Open the Switches interactive support window.
Description Issuing this command tells Luminus to open the Switches inter-
active support window on the screen of the current document. If
the window is already open on that screen, it is moved to the
front. If it open on another screen, it will close and reopen on
the appropriate screen.
See Also OpenAttributes, CloseAttributes, OpenCharSet, CloseCharSet,
Synopsis OpsSettings
Purpose Bring up the Operations Settings panel.
Description Issuing this command brings up the Operations Settings panel.
See Also DisplaySettings, FileSettings, DocumentSettings, BoxLineSettings
Synopsis Overlay file...
Purpose Append one or more files onto the current document.
Description This command attempts to append the contents of file... onto the
current document. The file... parameter accepts multiple
filenames. AmigaDOS pattern-matching can also be used. For
Overlay Work:Pictures/ANSI/#?.ans
will overlay all files ending in '.ans' in the directory
"Work:Pictures/ANSI" onto the current document.
All files that were overlaid, completely or partially, are
returned in result.
See Also Open
Synopsis Paste
Purpose Paste text from the clipboard into the current document.
Description This command grabs any text available from the clipboard and
places it in the current document, using the current cursor
position as its anchor point (top-left corner). The selected
clipboard unit for the current document is used.
Paste will only grab chunks of types FTXT CHRS or ANSI CEL from
the clipboard; no other IFF form is supported.
COMMAND_NOT_AVAILABLE is returned in rc if this command is used
when no block is active.
See Also Cut, Copy, Erase, Delete
Synopsis Pause KEY|TIMED[=]val
Purpose Insert a pause in the animation.
Description This command allows you to insert a pause into the current
animation. The type of pause is specified by this command's
parameters. If a key-released pause is desired, use KEY. If you
want to use a pause that only stops for a length of time, use
TIMED with the number of clock-ticks in val (there are 50
clock-ticks per second).
See Also Insert
Synopsis Position SOD|EOD|SOV|EOV
Purpose Position the cursor at a predetermined point in the document.
Description Using the Position command, you can place the cursor at any of
the "framing points" of the document, namely the start or end of
the document or view. The parameters SOD or EOD move the cursor
to the start or end of the document, respectively. The para-
meters SOV or EOV move the cursor to the start or end of the
"view" (the portion of the document currently visible in the
document's window), respectively.
See Also Cursor
Synopsis PresetColor A2024|AMIGA|ANSI|EGA|FROMWB
Purpose Load a predefined color set in the custom screen's color
Description Specify one of the parameters above to load that color set into
the custom screen registers. This command only affects Luminus'
own custom screen. If this command is issued without Luminus
having opened its own screen, a COMMAND_NOT_AVAILABLE error is
See Also None
Synopsis PreviousPage
Purpose Move to a previous page in the document.
Description This command moves to the previous page in the document, if there
is one. If there isn't, nothing happens.
This command is only available in Page Editing Mode. A
COMMAND_NOT_AVAILABLE is returned in rc if used in any other
See Also NextPage
Synopsis Quit [FORCE]
Purpose Shutdown Luminus.
Description This command tells Luminus to close all open documents and
shutdown, including closing its custom screen, if opened. The
FORCE parameter tells Luminus to suppress the requester that
would appear if you had made changes to any documents since their
last save. Otherwise, a requester will appear for each document
that has modifications.
See Also None
Synopsis RedoDisplay
Purpose Tell Luminus to do an entire refresh of the display.
Description This command causes Luminus to do an entire forced refresh of the
current document window. Some document information is recom-
piled, the animation is redrawn, and Intuition is requested to
update the window's imagery.
See Also None
Synopsis Redraw speed
Purpose Redraw the current ANSI animation.
Description This command causes the current animation to be redrawn from the
first cel to the last as input into the document. The speed
parameter is the delay factor used in drawing the animation.
This value is how long Luminus waits between each cel. The
higher the value, the longer the delay between cels, the slower
the animation is drawn. A value of 50 is equal to a 1 second
See Also None
Synopsis RestoreDefaults
Purpose Reset settings to internal defaults.
Description This command will discard the current settings and return Luminus
to its internally stored settings.
See Also None
Synopsis Ruler [ON|OFF] [[NO]HASHES] [[NO]NUMBERS] [INTERVAL[=]num]
Purpose Change the attributes of the Ruler.
Description This command's various parameters affect the state and attributes
of the Ruler. The Ruler is normally a pair of lines, one
vertical, one horizontal, that intersect in the document's window
at the mouse pointer. The parameter ON|OFF lets you turn on or
off the Ruler. The second parameter, HASHES, turns on the hash
marks that indicate character positions along the ruler's edges.
NOHASHES shuts them off. NUMBERS turns on hash numbering, which
places a position number at intervals next to hash marks. The
interval can be controlled using the INTERVAL parameter.
NONUMBERS turns numbering off. Ruler returns the current state
of the ruler in result as follows:
"state hash-state number-state interval"
where state is either ON or OFF, hash-state is HASHES or
NOHASHES, number-state is NUMBERS or NONUMBERS and interval is
the current interval value.
See Also None
Synopsis Rx ARexx-script
Purpose Start an ARexx script.
Description This command allows you to asynchronously start another ARexx
See Also ExecuteScript
Synopsis Save [file] [MODE[=]mode] [LINE[=]num] [VIDEO[=]prep] [EOL[=]eol]
Purpose Save the current document to disk.
Description This command saves the current document's contents to a file.
The file parameter is the filename under which you wish to save
it, with optional pathname. If you want to change the way the
file is saved without resetting your File Settings, some
additional parameters are available.
MODE lets you change the file format by which your file will be
saved. The available modes are ASCII (only in Page Editing
mode), ANSI, and IFF.
The LINE parameter lets you set the maximum line length that will
be saved before a newline is placed. This parameter is ignore if
saving in IFF mode.
The VIDEO parameter lets you specify the type of preparation code
that will be prepended to the file during its save. Available
preps are NONE, HOME, CLEAR.
The EOL parameter lets you set the type of newline that will be
used. Available types are CR (carriage-return only), LF (line-
feed only), and CRLF (carriage-return and linefeed).
The ALTESC parameter tells Luminus to use an alternate escape
character instead of ASCII code 27. The character to be used is
specified after ALTESC.
See Also None
Synopsis SaveSettings [file]
Purpose Save the current settings.
Description If the file parameter is specified, the current settings will be
saved to that file. A path can be specified with the filename.
If the file parameter is omitted, the settings will be saved
using the last known filename. If no filename is used,
'Luminus.prefs' will be used.
See Also LoadSettings
Synopsis SizeWindow width height
Purpose Change the current window's size
Description This command's parameters accept any positive value greater than
or equal to 100 for width, and 75 for height. This command does
not affect the window's position and will not size the window
larger than would fit on the current screen.
See Also ZoomWindow, UnZoomWindow, MoveWindow, ChangeWindow
Synopsis StatusLine [ON|OFF] [TOP|BOTTOM]
Purpose Change the state and/or position of the status line.
Description This command tells Luminus how and whether or not to display the
status lines in the documents' windows. The parameter ON or OFF
turns on or off the status line in the current document only.
The parameter TOP (or BOTTOM) sets the global flags in Luminus
for where the status line should be displayed in all document
StatusLine return the current state of the status line in result
as follows:
"state position"
where state is either ON or OFF, and position is either TOP or
See Also None
Synopsis Text text
Purpose Place text into the document.
Description The text parameter can be any ASCII characters starting at the
first non-whitespace character after the command until the end of
the line. Strings which contain spaces do not have to be sur-
rounded by quotes, and quotes are treated as literal text as
well. The Text command obeys the current directional settings.
See Also None
Synopsis TextBox text [LINETYPE[=]type] [SELECT[=]character]
[BEVEL[=]bevel] [JUST[IFICATION][=]justification]
[LEFT[MARGIN][=]num] [RIGHT[MARGIN][=]num]
Purpose Place outlined/justified text in the document.
Description The first parameter, text, is a quoted text string to place. It
may contain multiple lines, which should be separated by ASCII
code 10 (hex 0x0A, a linefeed). Be default, the text is left-
justified using the current cursor position as the origin. This
behavior can be modified (see below).
The LINETYPE parameter lets you specify the type of line that
should be used for a box drawn around the text. The line-types
CUSTOM, and SELECT. If you use the SELECT type, specify the
character to be used by using the SELECT parameter.
If you want the box to have a bevelled appearance, use the BEVEL
parameter. Valid bevel values are NONE, RAISED and RECESSED.
If the text should be justified, use JUSTIFICATION. Valid
justification values are NONE, LEFT, CENTER and RIGHT. If you
use justification, you should specify left and right margin
values, using LEFTMARGIN and RIGHTMARGIN. If either of these
parameters is missing, defaults values are used: 1 for the left
margin, the maximum document width for the right margin. Note
that when justification is used, the current column position is
ignored and not used, while the line position is.
See Also Box, BevelBox
Synopsis TextPen [pen] [[NO]CYCLE]
Purpose Change the text drawing pen.
Description This command changes the foreground color used for text and
drawing. The pen parameter accepts a color register number as
its argument, starting at pen 0 to the maximum pen usable on the
screen. If the CYCLE keyword is supplied, the background color
cycling flag is turned on. NOCYCLE turns it off.
TextPen returns the current foreground pen and cycle flag in
result as follows:
"pen-number cycle-flag"
where pen-number is the numeric color register, and cycle-flag is
either CYCLE or NOCYCLE.
See Also BackgroundPen
Synopsis UnlockGUI
Purpose Unlocks the user interface, (re)enabling display updates
Description This command is the counterpart to the LockGUI command. It
clears the display-locking flag, allowing Luminus to update its
displays when called-for. When the UnlockGUI command is issued,
display will not immediately be refreshed and updated. To get
the displays up-to-date, issue a RedoDisplay command immediately
after issuing the UnlockGUI.
See Also LockGUI
Synopsis UnZoomWindow
Purpose Restore a window to its original size and position.
Description This will cause the current window to return to its original size
and position, becoming "unzoomed." If the window is already
unzoomed, nothing will happen.
See Also ZoomWindow
Synopsis UseAppIcon [ON|OFF]
Purpose Inquire about or alter the state of Luminus' AppIcon.
Description If you specify either the ON or OFF parameter with this command,
the AppIcon flag will be changed to that state.
This command returns the current state in result.
See Also None
Synopsis VertDir [NONE|UP|DOWN]
Purpose Change the vertical cursor direction.
Description This command allows you to set the vertical direction of the
cursor. VertDir returns the current vertical direction in
See Also HorizDir
Synopsis WindowToBack
Purpose Move the current window to the back.
Description This command moves the currently active document's window behind
all other windows on its screen (except for backdrop windows).
See Also WindowToFront, ZoomWindow, UnZoomWindow
Synopsis WindowToFront
Purpose Move the current window to the front.
Description This command moves the currently active document's window to the
front of whatever screen it's on, and pops the screen to the
front of the display.
See Also WindowToBack, ZoomWindow, UnZoomWindow
Synopsis ZoomWindow
Purpose Resize a window to its "zoomed" size and position.
Description Every Intuition window has two different sets of the position and
size values. When a window opens initially, it's said to be in
its "unzoomed" state. Clicking its zoom gadget causes it to
revert to its "zoomed" state, which is generally smaller and off
to the side somewhere. Luminus's document windows default to a
"zoomed" size of about 100 x 75 pixels in the upper-left corner
of the screen.
Issuing this command will cause the window to revert to its
"zoomed" state. If the window is already zoomed, nothing will
See Also UnZoomWindow
Command Summary
This sections provides a sort of quick-reference of all of Luminus' ARexx
BackgroundPen [pen] [[NO]CYCLE]
Border [ON|OFF]
Box left top width height [line-type [ascii-code]]
ChangeWindow left top width height
Close [FORCE]
CmdShell [console-specification] [STARTUP[=]startup-file]
CreateIcons ON|OFF
DeletePage [FORCE]
DrawMode [TEXT|ATTR]
EditCel [CHAR[ACTER][=]c] [ASCII[=]num] [FORE[GROUND][=]pen]
ExecuteScript AmigaDOS-script
Font [fontname size]
GotoColumn column
GotoLine line
Insert CODE[=]code|CLEARSCREEN [COLOR=num]
JumpScreen screen-name|NEXT [ALL]
LoadSettings file
MoveWindow left top
New [PORTNAME[=]ARexx-port] [SCREEN[=]public-screen]
Open file... [PORTNAME[=]ARexx-port] [SCREEN[=]public-screen]
Overlay file...
Pause KEY|TIMED[=]val
Quit [FORCE]
Redraw speed
Rx ARexx-script
Save [file] [MODE[=]mode] [LINE[=]num] [VIDEO[=]prep] [EOL[=]eol]
SaveSettings [file]
SizeWindow width height
StatusLine [ON|OFF] [TOP|BOTTOM]
Text text
TextBox text [LINETYPE[=]type] [SELECT[=]character] [BEVEL[=]bevel]
[JUST[IFICATION][=]justification] [LEFT[MARGIN][=]num]
TextPen [pen] [[NO]CYCLE]
UseAppIcon [ON|OFF]
This chapter basically covers, well, miscellaneous things that usually can't
be place anywhere else, plus just some tidbits of information.
The Amiga supports multiple menu selections during one menu event. If you are
not familiar with this, what it does is allow you to click with the left mouse
button on several menu items without having to re-access the menu with the
right mouse button. Luminus is designed to respond to these "chained" menu
events. Certain menu items allow you to close and re-open windows, such as
screen jumping and changing the screen mode of the custom screen. When the
window that generated the menu events is closed, its menu structure is temp-
orarily "lost", and any chained menu selections with it. So beware when
multi-selecting an item that may close your window.
The Future
The following items are on my to-do list for future versions of Luminus. If
you think of an item that is not in this list, please feel free to drop me an
e-mail or postcard.
- Scan modules. These would be mini-scripts that could instruct Luminus on
how to "redesign" an animation.
- Line drawing mode.
- Fonts. Possibly an internal-format font set for large lettering, and sup-
port for drawing Amiga bitmapped fonts.
- Undo and Redo.