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▀▀ SysOp statistics 1.10
▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
▀▀ History file
+ Added feature
- Removed feature
* Changed feature
! Bugfix
<+> NonCommercial/Registered version only
<P> Proffesional and Commercial version only
% Information
v1.10 11. September 1996
+ Filelist generator.
+ Char change option (does only work on ANSI/AVT screens).
+ Node report.
+ Added 'this week' information to Weekly report.
+ Backup system; A feature have been added where it is possible to
delete log-file(s) after backup.
+ Added the macro @age_days@ which is the age of the user in days.
+ Added the macro @age@ which is the users age.
+ Added the macro @date@ which is the today's date.
* The macro @lastcall_date@ and @birthdate@ did previous display the
the date in the format MM-DD-YY. The format will now be depending on
the users settings.
% Registration site in UK (Damien Guard).
% Closed registration sites: Gorm J¢rgensen (Denmark) and
Mario Charron (America).
% Note: Sys-Stat is very dependent that the date & time on the
computer where Sys-Stat is running is correct. If the date or
time is not correct then it can cause incorrect information.
! The title header in the screen files was one char to long to fit
the maximum length of 79 chars.
! Age graph; If a users age field is invalid Sys-Stat would still
count it as a valid age.
! If using handles when writing "Lost carrier messages"
the message would be send to a wrong person.
! A bug in STATCFG where "Colour Setup.Miscellaneous" always
turned blue.
! A problem did occour when Sys-Stat tried to write netmails on a
network system which caused the message not to be written.
! With a lot of other undocumented bug's have been fixed.
v1.09 Never released.
v1.08 17. May 1996
+ Registration sites in America and Germany.
+ Support sites in the USA and UK.
+ Total message area list.
+ Total file area list.
+ System information changer (FrontDoor/InterMail).
+ Yesterday callers.
+ Lost carrier messages.
+ RemoteAccess 2.5 compatibility.
+ Who did drop carrier.
+ Birthday list.
+ Birthday messages.
+ Weekly report.
<P> + Possible to press ESC when running SYS-STAT.EXE to quit.
+ Possible to change the screen filenames and add a screen-text.
+ Possible to design your own news file header.
+ Options: Fancy. News on one page. Created date. Push Enter.
+ New macros: @firstname@ and @cookie@.
+ Possible to define a file with cookies to be used in messages.
* Changed the age-graph design.
* The main SYS-STAT.EXE design have been changed - more well arranged.
% The directory \TEXT have been renamed to \TEMPLATE.
% SYSCFG have been renamed to STATCFG which comes with a lot of
major changes and new design.
% "SYS-STAT /ALL" have been splitted into two.
- /DAILY Which should only be used daily.
- /AFTERUSER Ought to be run each time a user log-off.
! Sys-Stat had problems with share support on Novell Netware
systems. Fixed. Now using real-time share support.
! Problem when upgrading if uploaded xx files. Fixed.
! System information changer had problem with InterMail. Fixed.
! The "Top Statistics" were unstabil when the system had a lot
of users. Fixed.
! Fixed some problems with the backup system.
! Top Downloaders (kb) had problem with users who did download
more than 40mb. Fixed.
% A lot of others bug's and new features have been included/fixed,
but a complete list of these would be to large in here.
v1.07 1. September 1995
% Registration site in Italy!
! At system with more than 7.000 files or so depending on the
memory available, the 'Most Wanted! files' ran out of memory.
This have know been fixed.
+ Possible to exclude zero send system in 'Mailer Inbound/Outbound'.
+ Full support for InterMail!
* The SYS-STAT.EXE parameter /FDCALLS have been changed to /MAILHIST.
! The flags in Today Callers should know be more exact if external
utils are written to the same log-file (RA.LOG).
+ If a user drops carrier will it be written in Today Callers.
* The SYS-STAT.EXE parameter /TOP10 have been changed to /TOPSTATS.
+ The program SYSUTIL.EXE have been added. Including a lot of
great tools.
* Expanded the 'Backup System'.
! Sys-Stat did not count the messages in JAM areas. Fixed.
* Changed the design in 'Message area list'.
* It's possible to exclude up to 20 file area + message areas +
user names and security levels.
* Changed the message file to *.MSG.
v1.06 1. August 1995
% Now registration sites in Holland, Belgium, Denmark and World wide.
+ Upgrade system!
+ News generator!
- Removed the avatar possibility from NEWS because of conflicts
with RA there couldn't read the avatar codes.
+ Welcome messages to new-users!
+ The welcome system writes its data to the file WELCOME.DAT.
+ Most Wanted! files, top XX of most downloaded files.
+ Hudson and JAM message support!
+ Backup system! Backups of the most important files.
+ Added faciility for FrontDoor v2.12 in FrontDoor callers.
+ Added the program REGISTER.EXE.
* When selecting colours in SYSCFG you will know get a overview.
! Corrected some errorlevels.
* Changed design in SYS-STAT.
! If 2 unique parameters was written when executing SYS-STAT
it would run the statistic twice. Fixed.
+ If no Today Callers, the program will write:
"No registered calls today."
+ The upgrade system data are saved in the file SYS-UPGR.CFG
and the other information are stored in SYS-STAT.CFG.
! Sys-Stat would not read the configuration file if it was
+ SysCfg will ask to create the directory if not exist.
* SysCfg: Improved the auto-import feature to import nearly all
the configuration.
! Sys-Stat had problems with reading total KBytes in "File area list".
! Sys-Stat will now create the RA FDB files if not exist, and
will information the SysOp in the log-file.
v1.05 10. April 1995
% Time for running ALL statistics: (486DX2-66)
DOS enviroment: 8.5 seconds.
Windows enviroment: 12 seconds.
% The name of this program has been changed to:
SysOp statistics, instead of: SysOp's statistics.
! Fixed Multi-node bug in Today callers.
% If you are running Sys-Stat under "Windows 95" there might
are some strange characters in the documentation files.
% Sys-Stat are tested under OS/2 and Windows 95.
v1.04 11. September 1994
+ Now support for AVATAR.
+ Flags in today callers list:
- Upload, Download, Wanted Chat, Chatted, Read mail, Post mail.
+ Configurable colours in ansi/avatar screens.
+ More options in SYSCFG.
% On a 486DX-33MHz it took in a test 19.17sec, to run Sys-Stat
with all statistics. It generated 310kb statistics. 54 files.
18 different statistics in ANSI/AVATAR/ASCII.
v1.03 4. June 1994
* Colour in ANSI-screens have got a new design.
! Sys-Stat now generates (INBOUND/OUTBOUND)
statistics for each node in FrontDoor.
+ Message areas overview, with more.
+ Age graph & statistics.
+ Flag report.
+ User-list view.
+ Optimization of the user-base.
<+> KEY-SYSTEM is changed, therefore all
registered users will be receive a new-key.
+ Support Ml. (multi line) in FrontDoor INBOUND/OUTBOUND
v1.02 5. May 1994
% Source code total rewritten.
% New design.
+ Much faster than Sys-Stat v1.01!
- Removed RA 1.11 and lower compatibility
+ FrontDoor InBound/OutBound statistics.
+ File areas overview, with total files,
kb, downloads.
* SYSCFG.EXE is now more configurable!
v1.01 7. January 1994
! A percent calculating bug fixed.
+ Some other features added.
% SysOp's statistics are now shareware, and should
be registered after a evaluation period of 10 days!
! Instead of just displaying a runtime error,
Sys-stat will display a error-message when breaking down.
+ Now Top xx statistics of callers, downloaders,
downloaders (kb), uploaders, uploaders (kb), messages posted.
v1.00 17. November 1993
% First official release after many beta-releases.