Beijing Paradise BBS Backup
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SysOp statistics 1.10
Copyright (C) 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 by Martin Staael
All Rights Reserved
To the memories of Henning and Grethe Nielsen
-tk I still love and miss you
▀▀ SysOp statistics 1.10
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▀▀ Table of contents
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
How to configure Sys-Stat? . . . . . . . . . . 2
SYS-STAT, the main program . . . . . . . . . . 3
More about STATCFG . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Problems with Sys-Stat? . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Short history of the development and who I am . . . . 7
Credits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
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▀▀ 1 - Introduction
First of all I would like to say - Thanks for choosing Sys-Stat!
I hope you will not be disappointed.
I've worked very hard on this program to make it one of the best and highest
quality programs for use with RemoteAccess, however this taken some
considerable time and has incurred some costs which I hope to cover and so
Sys-Stat is shareware - but cheap!
A free evaluation period of 30 days is given, please do not abuse this.
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▀▀ 2 - How to configure Sys-Stat?
First of all, copy all the Sys-Stat files to their own directory.
(ie. \ra\sys-stat)
Next you need to set the RemoteAccess environment path. If you are using
either FrontDoor or InterMail as a mailer then you need to set these
environment paths too. To set a environment path you use the DOS command
'SET' - please refer to your DOS manual if you are unsure on how to use
this command.
When this has been set you need to run STATCFG.EXE. If you choose
auto-import STATCFG will try to auto-import most of the configuration itself.
If you choose auto-import and nothing happens then you must restart your
computer and turn auto-import off.
Please walk through the STATCFG program and enter as many of the details as
you can. It should be quite easy, and most of the time a help line will be
shown at the bottom of the screen. When finished choose "Exit setup" and
reply "Yes" to save the configuration prompt.
Please read the chapter "More about STATCFG" if you would like to now more
about how to configure Sys-Stat.
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▀▀ 3 - SYS-STAT, the main program
Once you have configured Sys-Stat with the STATCFG program you are ready to
run the main program - SYS-STAT.EXE.
It is a good idea when using Sys-Stat to run SYS-STAT.EXE each time a user
logs-off from the BBS, or at least one a day.
If Sys-Stat is executed without any parameters then it will use the
configured STATCFG options. It is also possible to run Sys-Stat with
parameters which is often preferred as it allows more flexibility in
choosing when to run each function.
SYS-STAT.EXE - Available commands:
Overall statistics /SYS-STAT /ST *
Today callers /SYS-CALL /TC * ■
Yesterday callers /SYS-YEST /YC *
User-list /USERLIST /UL *
Security levels /LIMITS /LI *
Age graph /AGEGRAPH /AG *
Flag report /FLAG /FL *
News generator /NEWS /NW *
Most Wanted! files /WANTED /MW *
Who did drop carrier /CARRIER /DC * ■
Lost carrier messages /CARRIERLIST /CL * ■
File area list /FILEAREA /FA *
File area groups /FILEGROUP /FG *
Total file area list /TOTALAREA /TA *
Message area list /MSGAREA /MA *
Message area groups /MESGGROUP /MG *
Total message area list /TOTALMSG /TM *
Top callers /TOPSTATS /TS *
Top downloaders (times) - - *
Top downloaders (kb) - - *
Top uploaders (times) - - *
Top uploaders (kb) - - *
Top message posters - - *
Mailer inbound/outbound /MAILHIST /MH *
Birthday messages /BIRTHDAY /BD *
Upcomming birthday list /BIRTHLIST /BL *
Optimisation of user-file /OPTIMIZE /OP *
User upgrade system /UPGRADE /UP * ■
Welcome messages /WELCOME /WC * ■
Site information changer /MAILER /MC *
Backup system /BACKUP /BK *
Filelist generator /FILELST /FIL
- /FILELST1..10 /FIL1..10
Weekly report - automaticly executed * ■
Node report - automaticly executed * ■
/DAILY - all marked with "*"
/AFTERUSER - all marked with "■"
Other command parameters
/LIST Will display a list of all the functions
/ABOUT Version information and release date
/NOFANCY Option to prevent SYS-STAT from using fancy screen effects
when running, which will speed up the process (but make the
the screen less interesting to look at).
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▀▀ 4 - More about STATCFG
Sys-Stats functions/options are briefly described here - but a few of
the more important ones are described in more detail.
If you want to toggle mono or the nofancy option then use the 'STATCFG /?'
to display a list of commands.
Cookie path...
If a filename is listed here then a cookie will be added to messages
sent with the send messages function of Sys-Stat (Often used to
welcome new-users and list the rules of the BBS system).
Lost carrier
Send a message to users who drop carrier, forgetting that this can cause
the system to lock up.
Birthday messages
Send a message to users when it is their birthday. It is nice to add that
personal touch and the users will feel much more welcome on your BBS.
Backup system
It is possible to create backups of important files on the system.
A good idea is to create backup of log files, user database files,
system files and configuration files.
News generator
Creates a good looking news screen that your users will see when they
log-in. Read the file news.txt for a list of colour codes and macros
to use.
Site information changer
If you are using a mailer such as FrontDoor or InterMail then you can
change the 'System name' and 'Location' between a number of set ones
in Sys-Stat - ie. So that those who use your mailer will see a different
message each time they connect to you.
User upgrade system
Use this function to upgrade and downgrade users on your system, if
they deserve it. It is a very good idea to use this function so that you
do not need to spend time upgrading your users - it will just happen
Filelist generator
Create your filelist so the users do not need to browse all your
areas online to find the file they need when they can do it offline.
Weekly report
Create a weekly report with information about this weeks activities.
ie. Calls this week, total number of files, new files this week,
number of new users this week, number of upgraded/downgraded
users, top statistics, login speeds, welcome messages,
lost carrier messages, total time used by users, files uploaded/
downloaded and messages written this week.
Weekly node report
Create a weekly node report to send to your downlinks/points with
information on how many times they have connected to your system
and how many kb they have received. Also a personal BBS record
is listed.
Will let the process while running SYS-STAT look more fancy with
more information. Can also be used to debug Sys-Stat for errors.
Overall statistics
An overall statistics of the BBS.
Today callers
A list of the Today Callers with flags to show what the users did
on-line. (Uses the file CALLERS.DAT to keep them in track)
Mailer Inbound/Outbound
List of mailer Inbound/Outbound history of the latest xx days
File area list
A total list of the file areas showing total Mb in each area and
how many files there are.
File area groups
A total list of the file area groups showing and how many sub areas
there is in each group.
Total file area list
A hierarchical list of all the groups with their sub areas.
Message area list
A total list of the message areas showing total messages in each area and
the active flags for the area.
Message area groups
A total list of the message area groups and how many sub areas
there are in each group.
Total message area list
A hierarchical list of all the groups with their sub areas.
Age graph
Age graph to show the average age based on all the active users.
Flag report
Flag report based on all the active users.
Total user-list of all active users showing the number of calls,
and the date of last call.
Security levels
A list of all the active security levels showing how many kb each is
permitted to download each day.
Most Wanted! files
A top xx list of the most downloaded files from your file base.
Top callers/downloaders(times)/downloaders(kb)/uploaders(kb)/msgs.posters
Lists that show the top xx users based on all the active users.
Very often such lists will encourage the users to participate more to
reach number one in the list.
Yesterday callers
Yesterday callers with flags (Uses the file YESTCALL.DAT)
Who did drop carrier
A list of all the users who dropped carrier (Uses the file CARRIER.DAT)
Upcomming birthdays
A list of upcoming birthdays of all the active users.
Colour setup
Create your colour scheme to be used in the screens to allow you to
individually suite them to your tastes and add a little variety!
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▀▀ 5 - Problems with Sys-Stat?
If you have any problems with Sys-Stat such as run-time errors or other
difficulties then please refer to Sys-Stat FAQ. (File - sys-stat.faq)
which explains how to solve some of the general problems. If your problem is
not listed there then please write a e-mail/netmail to myself or a support
site and I/they will look into your problem/questions.
But remember!
- To explain your problem and enclose screen grabs, log-files or text-screens
- If sent by netmail remember to poll after an few days as it is often not
possible to route them back and can work out quite expensive if we were
to crash each reply individually. The reply will normally be put on hold.
Support is not only available to registered users but also for users who are
currently evaluating Sys-Stat.
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▀▀ 6 - Warranty
SysOp statistics is provided as it is, without warranty of any kind expressed
or implied. The only guarantee is that Sys-Stat will occupy disk space.
SysOp statistics software and information are protected by applicable
copyright laws and international treaties.
In no event will Martin Staael be held responsible to you nor anyone else
for any damages or costs this software may cause, including but not limited
to: lost profits, lost savings, lost income, lost information, loss of the
right to use SysOp statistics, or other acidental damages caused by use or
misuse of SysOp statistics.
You may freely distribute and copy SysOp statistics provided no profit is
made and that the SysOp statistics archive contains no modified copies of
the original files as generated by Martin Staael. No part of SysOp
statistics may be modified, altered, sold or distributed in any form which
would involve any sort of profit without prior written permission from
Martin Staael.
All SysOp statistics and Martin Staael products are trademarks of SysOp
statistics or Martin Staael. Other brand and product names are trademarks
or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
I cannot guarantee that newer versions of SysOp statistics will be released,
but your registration of SysOp statistics will help towards further
development of SysOp statistics.
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▀▀ 7 - Short history of the development and who I am
The development of Sys-Stat started in October 1993. The program was just
another statistic program. It did not even create any files, but just
displayed a few statistics to the screen.
This has now changed. After nearly 4 years and a few major releases, Sys-Stat
has been improved a lot. Sys-Stat is not a full time job, but a program that
I write in my spare-time. Therefore I would like you to register to ensure
continued development of Sys-Stat.
I've spent many days and years programming Sys-Stat. The program is very
cheap. The money I receive is only for the expense of development.
A lot of people have through the years asked me of who I am... I am an
average person who has become interested in computers and programming. I live
in Denmark which is located in Europe. I was born at the end of the
seventies. A picture of me is available if you are smart enough to find it.
If you want to contact me by e-mail you can find my currently e-mail address
by looking up my name at http://www.whowhere.com where I will always update my
currently e-mail address.
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▀▀ 8 - Credits
The following programs and trademarks are mentioned in the Sys-Stat files:
FidoNet Tom Jennings and Fido Software
FrontDoor Joaquim Homrighausen
InterMail Further Development, Inc.
JAM(mbp) API Joaquim Homrighausen, Andrew Milner,
Mats Birch and Mats Wallin.
RemoteAccess, RA, RAMSG Andrew Milner
SysOp statistics, Sys-Stat Martin Staael
Turbo Pascal Borland International
Visual interface concept Joaquim Homrighausen
With thanks to the following people who have done something that should
be remembered - a special thanks to:
Arno Dijk Holland beta - where are you?
Bruno Olsen Denmark beta, distribution
Claudio H. Peracio Brazil distribution
Damien Guard England reg.site, beta, distribution, bug reports
Eric Staufer USA Questions & Answers for RA!
Erwin Gelden Holland beta, suggestions
Et-soft Denmark programming
Flemming Danielsen Denmark beta, suggestions, Sys-Stat faq.
George Carstensen Denmark programming
Gorm J¢rgensen Denmark ex. distribution, ex. reg.site, friend
Hub Dohmen Holland reg.site, distribution, programming
Jan Nielsen Denmark programming
Jean-Paul Horn Holland beta
Jens Vierkotten Germany reg.site, distribution
Kenneth J¢rgensen Denmark beta, distribution, suggestions, inet
Kim Bj¢rn Denmark beta
Lars Hansen Denmark beta, suggestions
Margaret Collins USA/Inet distribution
Mats Wallin Sweden programming
RA-Dist! USA/Inet distribution
RAFNet NL/Inet distribution
Raffaele Muzzillo Italy reg.site, distribution, inet
Rasmus Mortensen Denmark spelling, friend
Rupert Hawkes England bug reports
slagehs.dk DK/Inet for my free 64k8 internet account
Tine Krogh Denmark friend - thanks for 1996 (ily.)'
and not to mention all the registered users - thanks !!
I have done my best to remember all the names, but there is probably still
a lot of people who I have forgotten. Thanks for your help to whom I might
have forgotten.
11. September 1996'
gotcha run my birthday dinner is waiting...