Beijing Paradise BBS Backup
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03/10/94 Version 2.51
- Corrected the benefits screen so that it is only displayed on a non-
registered version.
- Corrected the display when purchasing a potion. Removed the "TIME
REMAINING" above the input line and corrected the problem with the
over writting of the 8th potion. Thanks to Buck Wheat of The GAMES
03/07/94 Version 2.50
- Removed the time delay upon leaving this door.
- Added a screen to display to the user the benefits of registering it.
- Added another distribution site: East Coast of USA.
- Added the ability to register this door on-line on Prime Base.
02/23/94 Version 2.42
- Added another registration site in CA. and 2 more distribution sites:
Canada and Europe.
01/13/94 Version 2.41
- The Pit and the Well now move again. (As they are designed too!)
- Added "Time Remaining:" to online display.
- After dying, character return to the merchant (Again, as it is
designed to do!)
* These changes require the replacement of:
11/21/93 Version 2.40
- Found and Corrected a problem when selling a +3 magical weapon.
11/14/93 Version 2.35
- Added a more indept explaination on how to upgrade in the Sysop.doc.
- Added a European Support BBS.
10/3/93 Version 2.34
- Thanks to John Hardesty of The Space Port Bbs, I found out that I
failed to include a file: SCORES.FIL This did not affect sysops
upgrading, but will prevent a totally new installation.
- Included a file: SCORES.MTR and changed the RESET.BAT.
9/15/93 Version 2.33
- Corrected a problem when repairing armor at a high experience level
the cost would actually add to a players credits instead of subtract-
- Corrected the display update when drinking more than 1 potion.
- Corrected what the merchant say's when a character is selling
a potion.
9/12/93 Version 2.32
- Corrected the Display of a Weapon when it breakes...part of the
flashing DAMAGED was still present.
- Corrected a problem with the amscore.exe.
- Added Error routine to Amscore.exe and mazeansi.exe.
9/3/93 Version 2.31
- Corrected the Display of a Weapon when it breaks and is replaced
with Hands.
- Removed the total log, now only today's log and yesterday's
are kept.
- Added a random Wizard that appears and neutralizes a magic
enhansed ability.
8/24/93 Version 2.30
- Now using the REGISTERED verson of DoorFrame for QB.
- Improved the speed of the purchase potion screens.
- Improved the speed of the drink potions screens.
- Added status messages while starting a new character after
having one killed.
- Created a new display when running from a monster.
- Added a log of events. Daily is online. Yesterday's and
total are kept, so that the sysop can display them if he/she
so wishes.
- Improved the speed of the score generating routine.
- Found and corrected a problem in the score genereating routine.
- When the DRAGON is found the picture was printed over top the
maze screen, the screen is now cleared first.
- Limited your options when running from a monster.
- Corrected the display after dying and resurecting the character.
- Now a player can only surrender once to a monster.
- Corrected some of the minor text not cleared.
- Changed the character & monster stats to same color.
- Corrected the problem with picking up & replaceing a non-magical
- Corrected the problem with a player pressing "A" for attack and
then "T" Till death and becoming locked in a endless loop.
- Corrected a problem when reseting the game, SCORE.FIL is deleted.
It was never recreated again, now it is.
- Corrected the description of each line of the .cfg examples.
- Corrected the displayed message when attempting to cast a spell
which exceeds the amount of spell units a character currently has.
- Corrected the problem when purchasing armor and trading old armor
in. If you answered "N" to trade, then it would upgrade armor
without selling old.
- Corrected the problem with the mazegen.exe creating a user.maz
file in the wrong format.
8/10/93 Version 2.20
- I've decided to only use the Quick Basic version even though
that version of DoorFrame is not registered yet. If the problems
with the Visual Basic DoorFrame are not solved soon, I will
register this version also.
- Corrected a problem with the score routine if a player finished
or died and quit.
- Added a new rountine: MAZEANSI.exe. This creates a ANSI score
- Corrected the character's weapon displayed after breakage, buying,
and selling.
- Have decided to switch to Quick Basic due to the fact that DOOR.SYS
will not work for a local sysop.
- Added a message to inform players when there exists a chance of
there weapon breaking.
- Corrected the pit and well so that they are in a different location
every day.
- Now every first letter of the character's name will be capatilized.
- Added a message informing users that have not played for a while
and their characters have been removed of this and that they are
starting over at 1st level.
8/3/93 Version 2.11
- Corrected a problem that when you picked up a better weapon, it
replaced your enchanted one leaving the enchantments. Now if you
have an enchanted weapon, the weapon picked up will only replace
- Increased the cost of both buying and repairing enchanted weapons.
- Corrected a problem with trading a large amount of treasure.
- Corrected a problem with "SPD" point being worth 5 instead of 2.5.
7/30/93 Version 2.10
- Added another ability to weapons: Spell Defense.
- Removed Option for # of Players in the .CFG files, default is now
- Corrected a problem with too many modifications to weapons.
- First Letter of the Character's Name is now capitalized.
While the rest is in lower case.
- Revised the Player.doc file.
7/27/93 Version 2.04
- Added the ability of Non-Ansi user to switch ANSI on without
having to exit the door.
- Fixed a problem with fighting a Demon.
7/24/93 Version 2.03 (Yes, 2 in one day!)
- Specifically for Wilcat Sysops! Found a way around the Non-working
local logon. Read WILDCAT.!
7/24/93 Version 2.02
- Correct the problem with an overflow error upon a character
reaching 11th level.
- Added a couple lines to the mazedata.fil.
- Added the message to Wildcat Sysops.
- Correct the input routine when repairing a weapon.
- Support for Chain.txt has been removed.
7/22/93 Version 2.01 (Minor Changes)
- Corrected the routine that limited the inputs from the keyboard.
- Corrected the message for the non-registered version.
- Added the ability to repair damage to a weapon.
- Lowered the cost for +1 Damage to a Weapon.
- Lowered the cost for +1 Attact Advantage to a Weapon.
- Lowered the cost for +1 Attact Defense to a Weapon.
- Added description of sysop keys to sysop.doc file.
7/19/93 Version 2.00 (Major Overhaul!)
- Converted to DoorFrame Communications Library
Non-Standard IRQ's & Comm Ports now work.
Supports Speeds past 57600.
Sysop Chat Works!
Viewing online Docs now works correctly!
Support Fossil Drivers!
- Changed the name of the Player.ins file to player.doc.
- Changed the format of the player files, so this makes this
version non-compatable with previous versions.
- Added the capability to Enchant Weapons.
Attack Advantage
Attack Defense
Additional Damage per hit
- Added the ability to display who sponsored the door.
- (Non-Registered) Merchant now closes up shop after a user has
played 10 days instead of 20.
- (Non-Registered) Character is restarted at beginning after 15
days of play instead of 30.
5/22/93 Version 1.60 (Maintance Release)
- New ANSI screens with new phone numbers for Prime Base.
- New Voice support phone number in Sysop Doc.
- Changed the File_id.diz file.
5/2/93 Version 1.52
- Corrected the Processing maintance print to screen.
- Corrected the spelling of expired.
- Added a routine to ensure a user enters a valid choose for
the race of his character.
- Added a routine to ensure a user enters a character name.
(Thanks to Wendell Meek of Swords of Bronze BBS)
4/8/93 Version 1.51
- Corrected the version # displayed at the bottom of the sysop's
screen. Thanks to Jens Neuman, Sysop of JENS in Germany!
- Fixed a bug to remove a character from the game after finishing
the maze. This allows a player to start another character to
play again.
4/1/93 Version 1.50
- Changed when the dragon will challange the character.
- Added an ansi screen for when the dragon appears.
- Corrected bug that took character experience from >9,999,999 to
3/31/93 Version 1.45
- Well after 2 months at sea, I returned to find that this version
didn't have any of the ansi screens! Thanks to Joe Wines,
Sysop of Joe's Place: 206-373-7051 (1200-19200)
- Now the animated arrow opening screen will no longer be displayed
to callers that are logged on at < 9600 Baud. Thanks to Dino Meurs,
Co-Sysop of San Diego's Know Ware BBS: 619-223-7111 (1200-38400)
- Somehow the ending ANSI Screen never made it out....so I included on
now! (Sorry).
1/31/93 Version 1.43
- Since I have not been able to locate the room 101 bug, I've
made it so that if this would happen, the character will go
to room 55 instead. (Asprin fix!)
- I think I've finally gotten rid of the dreaded lockup file not
found bug!
- Added an ANSI ending Screen.
1/25/93 Version 1.42
- Fixed a bug if a player selected to through an item of
treasure into the well and the character didn't have any,
the system would clear the section of the screen and the
system would only except a legal selection "B" or "D".
- Added to Sysop.doc instructions on how to use the character
1/23/93 Version 1.41
- Moved the option to read instructions to bottom line.
- Edited the player.ins for better viewing online.
- Removed Ansi logon screen #5. (The Scroll)
1/18/93 Version 1.40
- Fixed a problem with character's experience points going into
scientific notation. Limited characters to 9,999,999
experience points.
1/8/93 Version 1.30
- Fixed the problem with buying more points of protection for
armor than designed for.
- Fixed the problem with entering "Till Death" when unable to
- Added a Character Editor for REGISTERED Sysops.
- Added protection for attempting to buy a new weapon and sell
your old one without having enough credits.
- Lowered the amount of experience need to gain attribute points
at some of the high levels.
12/22/92 Version 1.23
- Fixed the problem so that when the 1st of the year comes, the
player's files will not be erased due to not having played for
over 300 days!
12/21/92 Version 1.22
- Version 1.21 didn't work...but I think this one does....
12/02/92 Version 1.21
- fixed the problem with the removing a player after the expired
number of days has passed. ("File not found in Module Maze2-6B
at address 1C70:FF04")
11/30/92 Version 1.20
- Added "Organize Equipment" routine.
- Fixed the problem with drinking a moster's weapon and being
transported to the merchant.
- Fixed the problem with pressing "N" or "P" when drinking a potion
when the option is not valid and being transported to the
merchant again.
- Modified the "Sell Potion routine to stay on the same set after
selling a potion.
- Modified the "Sell Monster's Weapon" routine to stay on the same
set after selling a weapon.
- Added routine to capitalize the first letter of the character's
name if the player forgets to.
- Corrected the problem with viewing the help files during the game.
- Added a routine to save the players progress upon falling into the
and trading at the merchant.
- added a routine to end the game when the player has 2 minutes
remaing. This ensures the the players progress is saved for that
11/27/92 Version 1.12
- (As requested by Chris Bowersmith from Purrrfect BBS) Added to
the maze.cfg the capability for the sysop to turn off the beeping.
(This, however, is only enabled in the registered version.)
The other option is to turn off your page bell during hours that
you would rather not hear that continuous BEEPING!
- (Another suggestion from a sysop, sorry I don't remember who...but
if you will remind me, I will gladly place your name here!)
Added the ability to change the number of movements per day.
This number must be between 15 and 45. (This, however, is only
enabled in the registered version.)
- Corrected the damage displayed when a monster casted a spell.
11/23/92 Version 1.11
- Modified the equipment line to erase the previous line.
11/17/92 Version 1.1
- Removed the V: View Rooms screen to lower the memory overhead.
- Added the "0" option when buying/selling potions and weapons.
This has always been the way to exit out of this, but during a
revision, it had been removed from printing to the screen.
- After recieving the following error:
"Illegal Function Call in Module DS3 at Address 2C37:0057"
Discovered that it was due to running this door on a 486/33
using Desqview. To correct this problem, change the advanced
Desqview setup to use your math Co-processor.
- Added colors to spells menu
- Colorized equipement for easier idetification.
- Added another opening screen
- Included in the documentation additional command line options.
- Included in the documentation the codes necessary to use Non-
Standard IRQ's.
- Included acknowlegement to my Beta Testing BBS's and individuals
that made contributions.