Beijing Paradise BBS Backup
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█ v1.1 █
by Phillip Klien
Dec. 13, 1994
┌────────────┐ ─ ── ──┐
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For REMOTE ACCESS 2.xx only!
When I first started a BBS, I got really disappointed
because my users would simply call for the files, and until
today I love messages.
With this program you can control your users and the files.
You can now force a user to write a certain number of
messages for every certain amount of KBYTES downloaded,
creating a harmony of files and messages.
┌────────────┐ ─ ── ──┐
└────────────┘ ── ─ ─ ── ─┘
This program has been tested and re-tested and is totally
harmless. Nevertheless, the author cannot be held
responsible for any undesired action created by it. Use
it at your own risk.
This is program is spread under the FREEWARE ideal. You
may use it and spread it as far and as much as possible as
you wish. But only in its un-altered form and with the
CyBMKB.DOC included.
However, it would be very nice to receive a postcard for my
effort. The address is at the bottom of this text file.
┌────────────┐ ─ ── ──┐
└────────────┘ ─ ─ ── ─┘
To begin, we must first configure the program.
After de-compressing the program in a directory, edit the
MSGRATIO.CTL file, and text editor will do.
Here you will have many baud speeds, a FLAG option, and a
MAXSECURITY option. On each of the individual baud speeds,
you can establish an amount, that means, for every x-amount
[x=the amount you placed by the baud] of KBYTES the user
downloads he/she has to write 1 message. In other words,
if you placed 200 for 14400BPS, then when a user connects
at 14.4k and he goes through the program, he will have to
have written 1 message for every 200 KB's he has
downloaded, if he does pass this ratio, he is free to go to
the files section. However, if he fails, and is some
messages short, a flag of his will be cut, and will not
allow him to go to the files section.
When configuring the MSGRATIO.CTL, please make sure all the
baud options have a number.
Next in the MSGRATIO.CTL comes the 'FLAG' option. This is
a variable where you should state the flag that you want
the program to SET or RESET according the user's ratio.
The number must be A1 thru D8. If the user has
successfully passed the test, the flag will be set, and if
he/she does not have the necessary number of messages,
he/she will have that flag RESETTED and will not be admitted
in the files section.
The last option is MAXSECURITY, where you may state the
security that which a user is exempt from the ratio. Any
security of the user above this setting is free from the
ratio, and will have his/her flag set every time they enter
the door.
Now we will go to RACONFIG, and the RA settings for this
First you will have to edit your TOP menu, I placed CyBMKB
as the before-last option, before the GOTO MAIN MENU
option. The menu type you should choose is 7, and the
execution line should be:
──────────────────── ──
path and .exe name memory swapping
Then menu option should look like this:
╒══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ Edit Menu Item ╕
│ │
│ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 │
│ 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345 │
│ ; │
│ │
│ │
│ Action Execute sub-program (Type 7) │
│ Display │
│ OptData │
│ HotKey **** │
│ AutoExec Yes │
│ Colour Colour example │
│ │
│ MinSec 0 TimeUsed 0 FlatCost 0 │
│ MaxSec 0 TimeLeft 0 TimeCost 0 │
│ A flags -------- Age 0 Terminal Any │
│ B flags -------- MinSpeed 0 Nodes │
│ C flags -------- MaxSpeed 0 Groups │
│ D flags -------- Credit 0 DayTimes │
Where the 'Autoexec' function should be set to YES.
This will force the user to pass through this menu every
time he/she logs on.
Next we will have to edit your FILES menu. In your MAIN
menu, on the HOTKEY where the user is sent to the FILES
menu, you will have to make a change.
│ MinSec 0 TimeUsed 0 FlatCost 0 │
│ MaxSec 0 TimeLeft 0 TimeCost 0 │
│ A flags X------- Age 0 Terminal Any │
│ B flags -------- MinSpeed 0 Nodes │
│ C flags -------- MaxSpeed 0 Groups │
│ D flags -------- Credit 0 DayTimes │
On the flag you configured on MSGRATIO.CTL, you will have
to add a X on this menu option. I chose Flag A1 in
MSGRATIO.CTL, therefore, on flag A1 on the key which sends
me the file menu, I placed a 'X'.
This way, only the users that passed the message test have
access to the files.
**** EXTRA
If you wish, you may place another menu option under the
MAIN menu, one which the same hotkey but change the chosen
flag and place a O on it, and you can make this option
show a ANSi screen explaining more about the MESSAGE RATIO,
for the people who didn't pass the test.
You should also add a menu option on the MAIN or DOOR menu,
where the user can go back to CyBMKB after they have posted
some messages, so they can then have access to the files
┌────────────┐ ── ──┐
│ ■ CyBMKB ■ │ BUG FIX │
└────────────┘ ─ ── ─┘
Some bugs were fixed in version 1.1:
■ If a user had 0 messages posted the program would
crash! Now its working!
■ If a Sysop or his board's name was long, it would
ruin the ANSi screen, FIXED!
┌────────────┐ ── ──┐
│ ■ CyBMKB ■ │ SUPPORT │
└────────────┘ ─ ── ─┘
For the latest version of CyBMKB or any technical assistance
or support, you may contact the author, Phillip Klien,
through netmail through the following NETS:
Please, PLEASE! If you notice any bugs, or would like any
new improvements (or a personalized version) of CyBMKB,
please contact the author, even if through simple NETMAIL
FIDONET 4:802/48
WORLDNET 63:553/30
RBT 12:1221/14
Or called directly through his CBBS:
Toca da Raposa BBS
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, BRAZIL
Node I +55-21-322-0701 [28.8]
Node II +55-21-322-0572 [28.8]
Or by regular mail at:
Caixa Postal 37243
22622-970 Rio de Janeiro, RJ
We have other products under CyBiC PRODUCTiONS here also.
We are looking for ßETA sites for our creations. If you
are interested, please contact the author for more
OTHER ßeta/distro sites:
·■ Headbanger ßßs
SysOp: Marcelo Machado Oliveira
FIDONET Address: 4:805/9
Porto Alegre, RS, BRAZIL
Node I +55-51-223-0286 [28.8k] [HALF]
·■ The Fanatic BBS
SysOp: Ireneusz Lapinski
FIDONET Address: 2:480/43
Warsaw, POLAND
Node I +48-22-261983 [28.8k] [HALF]
·■ Willow BBS
SysOp: Carlos Eduardo
Vitório, ES, BRAZIL
Node I +55-27-325-0451 [28.8k]
Node II +55-27-325-1561 [28.8k]
Special thanks to Thiago Figueiro for helping me solve bug